#plz dont kill eddie
ghostcombustion · 2 years
Alone Again
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Eddie Munson x Gn!MayfieldReader
It's not confirmed Eddie's gonna die, but like I'm 99% sure he won't make it, so before anything is confirmed, I thought it would be fun to write a little Eddie Oneshot ;) btw this is uneditted
Summary : After the events of season 4, Y/n is lost. Based on the song Alone Again by Gilbert O'Sullivan
Mentions : popular x loner trope, angst, slight sexual content
Word Counts : 896 words
Things were off. Maybe it was the outside world, or perhaps it was just you.
After all the shit went down, you and Steve left for a good while. There was no real plan, but you both needed to get out. So you did. You two left without telling anyone.
Most nights ended with the two of you crying into each other arms. The guilt was building up and slowly overfilling. A majority of the time, you guys stayed in a multitude of hotels and just cuddled with the tv playing in the background.
The two of you understood each other's feelings. Both of you had lost someone who meant the world to you guys.
Max Mayfield was an extraordinary young lady who had such a bright future ahead of her. More importantly, she was your baby. Since the day she was born, you knew you were blessed to have such a lovely younger sister.
After the death of Billy, things started to change. Both of you tried to avoid the topic and tried to be happy. But it was just too hard.
Vecna had gotten both of you. First, it was Max, but thankfully you at least remember her favorite song. Then it was you when you and the other teens were trapped in the upside-down. You were so close to getting out too. Eddie managed to save you though. There was no music player so instead, he started singing your favorite song.
God, you loved him.
Everything that happened before total hell broke loose seemed like a blur to you. Then Vecna got a hold of Max, and everything went wrong. What was worse is you were with her when it happened. You tried your best to put up a fight against Vecna, but he merely used his vines to trap you. All you could do was shout hopelessly as he clawed his fingers in her gorgeous blue eyes. The ones you had always been jealous of.
Then everyone started to drop one by one. Nancy, Argyle, Mrs. Wheeler, Robin, and Mike. After all of that death, you stupidly believed it would be over.
And then Vecna tried to get you again, but once again, Eddie pulled you out of your trance.
Eddie the Freak Munson, the one man you loved with all your heart. And you would tell anyone that. Of course, when the school found out, your popularity went down, but you didn't care. You loved him. You loved him so fucking much it hurt.
His chapped lips pressed against your own was something you fantasized about constantly. You thought about how his veiny hands would slide across your chest, and every time you would shiver when his cold metal rings would touch your bare skin. Especially how he could make your body lose complete control with a single touch. He knew all your sweet spots and used his skills to try and make you feel like you were in heaven. And he did. No other man could do that to you.
Eddie was different from everyone else in Hawkins. He understood you better than anyone else in the universe could. You didn't feel like you had to put a mask around him. Growing up with the other kids, you felt alone. You felt nothing you did was good enough and would never be. You didn't feel special. Then Eddie raondomly showed up at a party and the two of you hit it off.
Maybe it was the drunk sex you two had that night, but after that party, you were inseparable. You practically forced Steve to become his friend.
You couldn't fully remember what led up to it. All you knew was Steve held onto your body tightly. You punched, clawed, and did everything in the book to make him let go, but he didn't budge. Even Steve had tears falling down the side of his face as the bats swarmed around him, around the both of them.
They both put up a good fight and as much as the two of you wanted to assist them in it, it was too late. Steve could hardly stand because of how much blood he had lost and his body was so worn down it would only cause trouble. How well could you fight with a dislocated arm?
So the two of you tried to hop over to them. Maybe you guys could act as a distraction. But you guys were too weak to make it.
You recalled shouting his name at the top of your lungs as the bat took a large bite from his neck. His blood continued to soak his shirt, but he kept trying to play until they swarmed him.
And then it just had to get worse. Once Eddie's body had been left to bits, they turned to the curly-haired brunette. His death was swift though.
You and Steve stayed there for a while. Both of you cried out until nothing would come out. Then you made your way out of that horrid place.
It was crazy to think that just a few weeks prior, you were cheerful and excited for the future. Now you were a total mess. Just a random person wandering around. The only noticeable features were the greasy hair and large bags under your eyes.
And even with Steve there, you felt alone again.
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kittywriites · 2 years
tell me how the bats don’t kill shirtless steve but they supposedly devour battle ready eddie 
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just-a-queer-crow · 2 months
Buck, Bothered and Bewildered live reaction:
Not the bachelor 😭😭😭 this reminds me of the bitchlor from Drag Race AS3
Girl,,, not the stalker,,, this is literally Milk from AS3
Josh u r everything to me
So is maddie shes perfect
The fact that this call was supposed to happen next episode makes sm sense
Bobby ‘sassy king’ Nash im obsessed with u
Chim having his bisexual realization rn
I didnt realize wed have TWO bisexual confirmations in this episode /j
:000 hi Tommy‼️‼️‼️
Tommy is hardcore flirting :3
Tommy’s so sweet
‘Keeping my options fluid’ 🕶️🤏🤨
Jealous Buck is so silly
HARRY‼️‼️‼️‼️ i missed him last season‼️‼️‼️
Bobby what r u thinking im scared
Eddie and Tommy were literally on a date
No becuz Tommy is so similar go Eddie girllll
Oh Buck i love u
BUCK u r so enamored with this man
Lmao Chris
Hehehehehe nerd buck star wars lover :3
‘Is it circled with a heart around it?’ I LOVE U MADDIE
The perfect woman
Harry??? Girl what???
Also in my heart Chim had a crush on Tommy when he was at the 118 after Tommy grew and learned and stuff
Chim and Hen Begins have cemented that for me
I love Hen’s glasses this season
Chim my belovedddddd!!! Fav character actually
Hen and Chim’s friendship is the best thing
OH NOOOOO poor lady killed her son :(((
Hen ur hand in marriage plz!!!! I dont wanna be a homewrecker but u mightve left no choice!!!!
Harry’s acting has gotten sm better
Oh my god buck
Im getting second hand embarassment
Hes so desparate
Also girlllll he was trying to get eddie’s attention so bad
Not the Prime ad LMAO
Im not the biggest Buddie shipper but they r so gay
Fruit central with them
Oh god
Im gonna get so much second embarrassment from this
Chim i love u so much
Oh my god
U idiot
Hehe tommy drove him
Also Buck looks so good there
:(( i feel so bad for harry
Athena just wants to protect him tho
Such a complicated situation
Harry was so justified for punching tbat man tho
I dont like the copaganda of it all but im not expecting the most from network television
Buck reverting back to his teenage ways
He hurt himself for attention then and hurt eddie for attention (accidentally) now
Need more of them being siblings
I love that theyre putting Athena in civilian clothes more
how did tommy get buck’s address ???
I love how he calls Buck Evan its so sweet
AW CHRIS‼️‼️‼️ chris loves buck sm
Them getting closer together hehehehe
buck having a bisexual crisis
Just got his whole world rocked
Tommy Kinard the man that u r
The amount of rizz he has is insane
Cant believe im caught up
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thaliasthunder · 5 years
Me: first the "what, to like a woman?, then "let's take our shirts off and kiss", later the precious "R+..." and now the "I know your dirty little secret". We really going steady reddies.
Also me: don't u remember that Eddie dies anyways?
Me: [with a gun] sorry, what did u fucking say?
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natsuneages · 6 years
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I really love Heejung’s dress.
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1990jeevas · 3 years
Wanna infodunp bout sumthin? Plz do (respind whenever you wanna dont even worrg bout time here)
this has been sitting in my ask box for like a week now and im so sorry about that but also the last time i posted an info dump (which, for me, means bitching my ever loving heart out about the subject, because i genuinely find it incredibly difficult to speak fondly of things i enjoy without just going "yeah i think its neat!" essentially and then forgetting all the reasons why i like it) somebody came into my replies to break the dni i made in that post, invalidate my trauma and then say i was gaslighting them for stating my own opinion so um. yeah ive been a bit hesitant to say the least, considering hot takes are basically how i show my love for things :)
but, i have now decided to just post my least inflammatory take on one of my hyperfixations in response to this and then just. leave bc i dont wanna get into drama over my dumb little opinions again.
anyways, quick dni: dont even fucking touch this post if you're going to be aggressive with me, you don't use tone tags when making corrections or criticisms or you wanna just trash my opinion. ultimately people can do whatever they want, im just expressing my own annoyances as someone who has been in the IT fandom for awhile and has some complaints as a result (as im sure most other fans do lol)
moving on...rant time:
stan uris and richie tozier are canonically best friends in IT and the erasure of their friendship in favor of appealing to reddie fans is fucking gross and weird, especially bc stan is then chalked up to just some mean jewish kid who likes birds and is annoyed by richie 25/8 instead of having an actual fucking personality in every reddie fic just bc fans want so badly to make reddie best friends to lovers and its just?? yall can make reddie best friends to lovers WITHOUT erasing stan's canonical personality. yall can make them best friends to lovers while still acknowledging that stan and richie are canonically best friends and that stan canonically was an incredibly important person to richie.
this also goes for bill and eddie btw!! its just significantly worse with stan which reads Very Wrong when you take into consideration that fic writers always write bill denbrough as a sweet little white boy who everyone's at least a little bit in love with but then write stan as this rude jewish boy who's always mean and critical of richie for just being himself (and a lot of those "annoying" traits i see people make stan give richie shit about are adhd traits, which also rubs me wrong?? like why are so many NT fic writers so comfortable with calling my ND traits annoying) which isnt even canon?? like. canonically they poke fun at each other, they call each other names and say stupid shit but not to the extent of actually hurting each other because they are best friends and they know each other to the point where they know what boundaries the other has, they arent just making passive aggressive comments at the other and then going "it's a joke bro!" when/if the other gets upset.
also?? the trend of making "fix it" fics for IT chapter 2 where eddie is revived/doesn't die but stan does and is then only brought up in passing? not fucking cute. dont call it a "fix it fic" if the only "fix it" is you reviving a character for your fucking ship, especially when the other dead character is the BEST FRIEND of 1/2 of the ship? like. what. do yall just think richie getting married would somehow fix the fact that he lost the person that he was closest to? because, news flash, the person he was closest to was not eddie. they were very close friends, richie fucking loved the dude /p and /r, but stan was canonically his best friend and was canonically the person richie was closest to like?? what is not clicking omgggg
stanley uris is an incredibly fucking important character in IT and he is especially fucking important to richie goddamn tozier. you dont just get to ignore richie's best friend and write him into this mean jewish man box because his actual personality doesnt serve your ship like for the love of fucking god stan does not need to be there to create angst for your fics, he doesnt need to be there to make your hurt/comfort piece where you make stan borderline abelist just so richie can run and cry into eddie's scrawny little arms like im begging you to just write something where the hurt/comfort doesnt come from stan being a douchebag because canonically he was not one. he was a good fucking friend, he fucking loved richie and they got each others weird asses like nobody else did.
like. idk. ultimately yall can do what you want with ur fics i guess but also it's just fucking weird if you ask me?? and maybe that's just because im a dumbass richie kinnie who absolutely adores stan, but as somebody who loves reddie and reads reddie fics regularly, it is so goddamn annoying to only see my other favorite character written in to be mean, create angst or just be fucking dead time and time again when eddie is revived and then not even written accurately half the time bc he's not a fucking fragile dude who needs help all the time either, he's a shouty little cunt who know's he can be fucking dangerous if he wants to be and he doesn't hesitate to dish out some nasty ass comments if given the chance. just please for the love of god stop writing these characters ooc its killing me fr-
(btw i know most of this shit is just done by accident and its mostly done by movie stans who havent read the book, it's just still annoying to me, ya know? and this whole post is /nm, i just talk like this bc it's what comes naturally to me!! this is how i complain about literally everything, regardless of how big the issue is so dont take this too seriously pls)
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willgayers · 7 years
Woooo congrats for 500!!!!
thank you!!! 💕 ahhh my poor baby richie dont yELL AT HIM HE IS _SOFT_ i love angsty children too 
so u wanted the rate for @rheddie am i right?? 
URL: nice! | NICE | SUPER-NICE | WOWSIE | its mine now
ICON: nice! | NICE | SUPER-NICE | WOWSIE | also mine now
POSTS:  nice! | NICE | SUPER-NICE | WOWSIE | im gonna grinch them all
(mobile) THEME: nice! | NICE | SUPER-NICE | WOWSIE | sos????(desktop) THEME: nice! | NICE | SUPER-NICE | WOWSIE | sos????
OVERALL: nice! | NICE | SUPER-NICE | WOWSIE | i adore
FOLLOWING?: i am not but keep up the good work! | WELL I AM NOW | u bet ur ass | FOREVERcomment; your blog is so aesthetic seriously oh my gosh and i would KILL for your url wtf i am now tumblr-crushing on you congrats
want a blograte?
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twocoinarchive-blog · 6 years
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a .  age :  20 and just about ready to collapse tbh b .  birthplace :   denmark c .  current  time :   8 . 18pm  . d .  drink  you  had  last :  plain ol’ water  . e .  easiest  person(s)  to  talk  to :   edi and wander f .  favorite  song(s) :   whatever catches my fancy djvndfjvndj currently it’s ‘ run run blood ’ by phan.togram h .  horror  yes  or  horror  no :   im gAY for everything horror !! i .  in  love ? :   if i were i’d talk about nothing but my significant other dvsjnjvdjhnvd so nah j .  jealous  of  people :  it happens, k .  killed  someone :  i’d rather not ruin my blossoming career this early l .  love  at  first  sight  or  should  i  walk  by  again ? :   i... idk m.  middle  name(s) :   my middle name is Dead n .  number  of  siblings :  2, used to be 3 but then one of them died. im the 2nd kiddo and i have 2 younger siblings o .  one  wish :   sweet release  q .  question  you’re  always  asked :   ' are u sure u dont want to join us ’  im sorry plz leave my asocial ass to brood alone r .  reason(s)  to  smile :   getting 2 talk to my fave ppl every day :’’) s .  song  you  sang  last :   ‘ two shots ’ by cross my heart and ho.pe to die t .  top  3  fictional  characters :   harvey de.nt / tw.o - face, eddie glu.skin, mich.ael my.ers u .  underwear  &  color :   black v .  vacation :   buy me a ticket to the u.s or to japan xoxo w .  when’s  your  birthday :   apr. 21st x .  x - rays :   when i broke my arm / elbow and had to be operated twice afterwards bc of it rip y .  your  favorite  food :   listen don’t ask me this.................... any dish w/ seafood in it........ z .  zodiac  sign :   living on that aries / taurus cusp !
tagged by:      @fastiell  thank u for @’ing me, blows u a kiss tags:    @ whoever hasn’t done this consider urself Tagged by urs truly
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