#plz hate her in a more creative way. thank u for ur time <3
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bangtanger · 2 years
7, 8 and 9 for the ask game :)
thank uuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
7 Who are your top 3 gif makers
okay only three u say........................ its a challenge and ok i accept okay no may i name four take a shot every time i say okay
i choose these four cuz they never miss with colouring and overall their content and im a colouring simp and im proud to be one bc their colourings r mind blowing
@jimimn @loverjimin @joenns @kkulmoon tbh i would really want to include every gif maker that i follow not from this blog but from my main cuz i wouldnt follow if i didnt like their stuff i really decided to challenge myself here plz dont throw stones at me yall always see my tags and know how much i appreciate ur stuff i wish i could place you all here llike ALLLLL hng T_T like dude ok look at @jung-koook @rainycle @yoongi-bts @hobibestboy @jiminslight @thatredwine @taeyungie @v-hobi my fellow @jinv that is hiding her talent at this moment @chaylani @hopekidoki @yoonqiful @namgination @honsool and many many more who i want to include :(((((((((((( they r so amazing like look how different the colourings may be but how all of them r gorgeous in their own way
8 What gif trend do you hate
oh i kinda............... dont know gif trends.......... at all everything i get tagged on is very cool
9 What/who inspired you to start making gifs
funny how i still remember this feeling so i started making them in 2018 and i did this because,, oh btw one of the docu series started back then burn the stage ig? and there were many moments that i wanted to have on my blog but no one giffed them so i thought why the fUCK and decided that i should make myself gifs that i want to see on my blog also funny how irl i barely do things like this things like "if no one does it i will" lol and im very glad that tumblr fandom exists and its a place where i can use my creativity or idk to just create and feel apreciated
send me a gif making related questions
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multi-fandom-trash · 4 years
hey, idk if ur still taking requests so i apologize if i’m sending this and ur not not but how would the ikevamp boys (comte, leo, jean, napoleon, theo, dazai, issac sebas) if that’s too many then u can forget about the last 3 i don’t wanna overwhelm you react to an mc who makes tik toks? like funny/ironic ones maybe occasional dance ones idk how they would find out maybe like they just stumble across her phone and she has a really good data plan lol feel free to mess around with this one tysm!
Hey so i just wanna thank you for what you had said to me. That alone gave me some will power to finish this hc. But disclaimer, i may or may not have ignored Leo, Jean, and Napoleon, but its not that i hate or dislike them, its more of me not knowing what to do for them. But hey i still hope you like it and thank you again for what you had said in my last post.
You and Comte had a nice relationship. He’ll spoil you like hell, sure you might have felt bad bc you can never give him anything in return but he would say ur happiness is enough for him. You guys also promised to be honest with each other, so you both can stay happy. 
But like some relationships like that, one of them always hides a secret. Some harsher than others, some more silly and makes you wonder why did they keep that a secret. You had one of these secrets. Not a harsh one, more kinda silly, but you don't know how to tell him, or what his reaction would be, so you kept your phone hidden. 
Also you made some cringy tik toks (srry but who doesn't) and didn't want him to know. 
Sometimes when you aren't busy with work around the house, instead of seeing him like you used to always do, you’ll go to your room to make some tik toks.  But you would go see him occasionally. 
He eventually caught on and was worried about you. So one day when you had finished cleaning and was on your break, you went to your room to upload a tik tok that you’ve been planning on doing while you were cleaning. 
You were 1 quarter through dancing say so by a doja cat, when he softly knocked. You couldn't hear the knock through, because of the music and you were so focused on the dance. So he came in but stood there in shock staring at you. 
You stopped half way through and looked at him kinda worried.  He then chuckled now realizing that why you won't see him burning every break. Also that you kept a phone hidden. The only reason he knew it was a phone was because of sebas. He promised to keep it a secret as long as he spends more time with him than the phone. You agree of course. 
One day Dazai was looking for you to tell you that sedas was looking for you. The first place he looked was ur room, but insead of finding you he found a small black rectangle thing on your nightstand. You forgot to put it inside your nightstand because you were in a rush that morning. 
He walked up to it with a look of interest. And then it turned on with a small ‘buzz’ and a notification from tiktok. He was intrigued. So he picked it up and for some stupid reason, you dont have a password on your phone, so he got into the app. He was really fond of the arts and dances and creativity that went into it. 
Then you walked into your room to see a smiling and impressed Dazai, holding your phone. You were frozen in fear for what he would say. The he turned to say and asked if you can do one of the challenges with him. 
You were a little confused but then agreed and asked what challenge he wanted to do. 
He then showed you the flip the switch challenge. So you guys did that. After you did more stuff like dances, challenges, reactions. He soon became very famous, which was no surprise to you. 
The two of you had fun, but you told him to promise you that he won't tell anyone about it. And he swore he wouldn't. 
One day, Sebastian was looking for you. First search the kitchen to see if you are there. Nothing. Then the dining room. Nope. Then your bedroom. You were in the garden at the time hanging laundry. 
Because that morning you were in a rush because you had a lot to do and you wanted to do them quickly but right so you don't need to redo them, so you can go to your phone. 
While Sebastian was looking in your room, he noticed a phone on your bed.(p.s, idk what time period he was from but just go with it.) You forgot to hide it because you were in a rush. 
Then he saw a notification, from an app called tik tok. He was curious because he never heard of the app. Before he can see anything further, you happen to walk in your room exhausted. 
You saw him looking at your phone for a bit then looked at you. 
"How'd you get this?" He asked, sounding really interested. "It was in my pocket when i first came here. "Ahh, and what is 'tik tok"?" He asked, still interested. So you showed him what it was and he was mesmerized by it. 
Also you guys may or may not have done a few together while on break.
He was on his way looking for you because he wanted to give you a gift. But little did he know you were doing a dance on tik tok. But the dance itself was a problem for the little guy. By that i mean a lot of body movement (idk any dance that would sound like that so witch ever one u want if there is any) 
You were almost halfway through the dance before he opened the door, yet for some reason, you didn't see him. 
He was left face a bright red because of how flustered he was. U finally noticed him almost done with the dance, a bit embarrassed.
"I-i ummm…how long were you standing there?" U studered a bit still embarrassed. 
"A-about 15 s-seconds" he said, still flustered. Then he asked what was the thing you were on. You answered a phone and an app called tik tok showing him. 
You guys would sometimes post videos with each other, just being an absolute cute couple.
You guys even got the title 'the cutest couple' from some of ur fans. U even had more fans but u thought it was bc of isaac. But you both loved it, even if Isaac gets embarrassed from some of the videos you guys make, but he'll get you back for posting them, that was a promise. 
He has been stressed because of work. He was on the clock, 24/7. Of course he would see his hondje at dinner, but after dinner he would go back to work. 
This was kinda ok for you, yes you did miss him, but you also had time to yourself to which you used that time with your phone. So most breaks you had, you would go to your room and be there for the whole time you had.
Arthur took notice of this, like always, so he made a plan. Because you would just stay in your room most of the time he thought you were sad and wanted more theo. He also thought his dear friend needed a break from work. So when he got the time to talk to Theo, he used it to his advantage. 
He told theo something he knew that would make him wanna, *ahem* punish you. (Plz dont ask what i took forever planning that out and i still have nothing)
So as true to form, he cleared his night, so he could do what he planned. 
Because it was night, you had a lot more time to do a dance. So you were half way through a dance before theo barged in the room angry. 
"Hondje!" He said with a scowl. The suddenness of it made you somehow trip and end up falling on the floor with a small 'ow'. 
Theo did a small scoff, looking at you, then he noticed a phone on your desk. His attention was now fully on the device. So he asked about it. 
You told him what it was and the app you were on. He was confused and found your time kinda weird but before you can make a snarky remark, he remembered why he had come there in the first place. 
"Oh, hondje, you deserve a punishment." He said with a smirk, you were confused as to why you needed one. 
"Punishment? Punishment for wh-" before you can finish that question, your lips were caught in a rough kiss. 
Y'all had an amazing night but the next morning you asked theo why you needed a punishment. He came clean and told you what Arthur told him. You told him you never did that. 
Later Theo saw Arthur with a huge grin on his face when he saw theo. Knowing his plan was a success. 
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cheapcookiez · 7 years
ah hm..okay it’s a recurrent question . i will tell u exactly how i did and from now, everytime i will get this question, i will give them this huge honest answer °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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i found it while assembling a lot of things i saw during my life.my art style is like a mr potato. waitin’ to see their holes filled out with new ideas.  
i think i can show you some of my researchs.my sketchbooks and even tell u how works mah mind .
 If u want to find an art style, please learn how to understand yourself  before. your art represents yourself. if you’re not clear in your mind. you won’t be clear on the paper.
(⌒▽⌒)☆ So let’s begin
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 
It’s very a big  answer so be ready to click on “keep reading”: 
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( ´ ▽ ` )ノ when i’ve started to draw 4 or well almost 5 years ago. everything was confused in mah mind. The most difficult was to begin. so i started with drawing in a manga style…i drew a lot AND a lot.i was copying entire pages of Tales of symphonia. (my favorite manga and video game).that’s where the passion for fan art started. a good beginning full of passion!
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Since that i’ve been moar receptive to some kind of manga. chibi round style was my favorite. magical doremi took a big place in mah kokoro.
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The next drawing you’ll see was the beginning of my new art style. and i deeply knew it in mah bones. i was not expecting to draw this.i think it was only luck.
that was …a strange feel. like i was enjoyin’ it so much that i could draw it every.single.day. 
That was not exceptionnal. but i felt like nobody could draw like that. except me.(there is the over confidence part of a art newbie. follow this feel like it was your last chance.u need to not give up.u did the most difficult part so far! follow your intuition ! this little rainbow in your mind ! )
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i kept drawing. again. and again. for months and  freakin’ months. 
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i was certainly inspired of tim burton for the chibis and the headshots, if my memory doesn’t say shit,the artist is reapersun.
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I was at a point i knew i had to take risks. It’s when, i accepted requests from ppl on deviantart . I couldn’t work alone. so i accepted everything. 
 Even miku hatsune dancing the gangnam style. 」( ̄▽ ̄」)
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i was also on a french forum, and ppl were giving meh a lot of reviews. that was helpful and that’s when i understood i needed a community for progressin’. compliments,opinions,reviews. YOU NEED THAT. accept them and shut your mouth. they’re right. put your pride somewhere else. and accept to see ppl better than you at something.〔´∇`〕
At some points, i was also giving reviews. that was huge. like 3 or 4 open office pages for a small drawing.it took me hours but it’s important to kno’ how to give a review to somewahn bc that makes u think about their art and yours as well. training ur eyes to spot the mistakes.
i was drawing a lot of fan arts of their characters. They were only potato/egg-characters. that helped me to find a digital color style when i bought my first tablet.
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btw,i waited 1 year and half before buying mah smol wacom. I prefered to keep practicing on paper. if you can’t draw properly on paper. digital won’t help u. it’s not a magic trick that makes ppl talented. ≡(*′▽`)っ
i have way moar respect for traditionnal artists. sooo much respect.u don’t even kno’.
(then…at this point, i was drawing for almost 2 years i thiiink.)
that’s when i started to extrapolate EVERYTHING. Colors, anatomy,expressions .( Everythin’ i ‘m drawing during this kind of practice period is wrong. extremely wrong and full of mistakes. But i have to do this bc i put so much energy into mah artworks that i can’t think properly until i’m mentally exhausted. (it’s completely personal,but i need to be broken af for understanding how pitiful i am and finaaally letting myself learning something new. ) )
so,when i’m completely exhausted(it’s a very heartful moment,like a huge art block),i leave my artworks in a corner,i don’t touch it for hours,days,weeks or sometimes months.nobody can touch it .except me and i analyze and re analyze them until i completely hate what i do bc i found all the mistakes. 
At this moment, i’m ready for experimenting again, learn from my mistakes and move on.
Sometimes we need to take risks and get out of our comfort zone !!! just.fuckin. DO IT. it’s toxic to stay in our comfort zone for too long . 8;A;8
An exemple of extrapolated drawing: Too much colors, too big arms / legs, too shiny,too weird and unlogical.We can’t understand. but whatever. it’s the beginning of something new! 
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as smol addition to what i’ve said before, this is at this moment i can figure out my real problems .it’s only when i’m emotionallynot attached to mah art anymoar that i can finally produce something new .
However, i don’t personally give a fuck to tutorials,i’m too lazy for that. i have to discover everythin’ by mahself. (but this. it’s misplaced pride. so don’t do that .plz.learn from the others ,you won’t lose time like meh.)
Also.if u want to find ur art style , u need to not forget ur art references.  ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
 create your own influence map !
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i worship mainly  two gorgeous artists :
Ephyse and C2ndyAc1d:
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NEVER FORGET WHERE U COME FROM. NEVER DENY IT .it’s your past. it’s as important as your future.it’s a part of your artistic identity. OAO
no joke, it’s absolutely essential. thanks them for their hard work. it’s thanks to them if you’ve discovered your own art as well.
O(≧∇≦)O and now ,if i show u mah art, can u spot the references? : 
anatomy ,candy’ :
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colors,ephyse  :
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After that. if u think you’re done…. u r eeextremely wrong. It’s where ppl usually stop.don’t do that. i kno’ so many artists who stopped right there. It’s bad bc they have SO MUCH potential.
“ What ppl see is not what i really do”.it’s a very personal phrase i keep in my heart. when i show somethin’ ‘’new’’ on internet or to my friends,in fact, it’s old for me. i’m already workin’ on something else in my corner. Bc do u remember waht i said before? that takes sometimes months to let ppl see my real art.
the practice NEVER ends. like neveh.  ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
put your pride somewhere else,it’s time to get back on the practice train.
here is asumiko nakamiro,one of my favorite artists as well. i love the anatomy of her characters. such lovely art style.
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well, it’s awful,but it’s time to get inspired again.
//cries// Now u see how shitty u can be HmmMMm. a new challenge accepted.
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And i have A TON of sketchbooks full of awful sketches that i will never show to anyone.
Not everythin’ is on my table,i have waaaay more sketchbooks and it’s only traditional but there is certainly 2 years of practice in front of you. Don’t need to tell u but everythin’ is full ofc .i also finished a new wahn this week. plz remind meh to buy another one.
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I also have THE HUGE CHANCE to have comic student artists as friends and they sometimes lend to me comic books(O3O ~LAST MAN. MAH LIL FAVORITE URG. ). I wish i had more place,but i read a lot of books ! i love goin’ to the library and read everythin’ i can ‘til my head hurts haha. (and LOOK ,”astemio”the book on the right ! i participated to this fanzine. oh boi.i’m so proud even if mah art in there is so shitty )
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In short.
i’m constantly drawing and experimenting. that’s how i found mah art style. (=´∇`=)
and actually, for ppl who still read. i’m about to take a break from tumblr and the youtube community bc i can’t experiment as i would like . i want to draw my ocs, create stuff and i’m stuck with youtubers fan art. i need a creative break.
If you need moar informations on mah art style or anythin’ else, feel free to ask meh. i tried mah best to explain even if it’s really personal.
Never give up,find ur own way of thinking and practicin’. goddamit plz, trust ur intuition.trust your art taste and don’t draw what ppl would like to see. 
If i was doing that, i would draw some semi realistic post apo’ stuff. And even if i rly appreciate that drawn by mah friends. it’s clearly not my thing. 
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That’s it.  hope that was helpful !cool cool ! g-good luck!
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