#plz.... pplz
debleb · 8 months
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i made a discord server for satuf :3 plz join plz plz join
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xxn00bpwn3rxx · 9 months
HEY00 ★
th1z iz a perz0nal bl0g (zide bl0g, i cant foll0w bac.. if ur foll0w3d by teh uz3r "heyitsdamiien" it m1gh7 b me!!) zo i c4n rebl0g artz n ztuff i like, m4ybe p0zt mah art az w3ll! w1ll be m0ztly regret3vat0r ztuff, w1th teh occazi0nal oth3r f4nd0mz! x3
i g0 by Kazper (Kasper) m4inly, but u c4n alz0 call me Pix or Infected!! i g0 by a l0t of ne0z but my m4in prnz r he/nya/pix (+)
yez i am a f1ct1ve, fr0m teh amb3reign zyz! HAIII 1f u kn0 me fr0m 0ur tw1tter lulz o/ . . . m0re 1nf0 ab0ut meh f0und h3r3!!
azkz r alw4yz op3n! i juzt azk u d0nt be we1rd or pry ab0ut 0ur p3rzonal l1fe tyyy <3 alz0 d0nt t4ke anyth1ng i zay az can0n plz >_< im n0t a d3v 0r anyth1ng!! juzt a z1lly guy
any fandom artz i m4ke iz f2u W1TH CR3D1T!!!1!!! idm, juzt d0nt cl4im th3m az ur 0wn, plz
BAZ1C DNI (pr0zh1p/p3d0z/etc - i alz0 azk th4t nzfw pplz go aw4y! [Content Deleted] U WE1RDOZ)
eazier 2 read intro ^^
thiz iz a perzonal blog (zide blog, i cant follow bac.. if ur followed by the uzer "heyitsdamiien" it might b me!!) zo i can reblog art n ztuff i like, maybe pozt my art az well! will be moztly regretevator ztuff, with the occazional other fandomz!
i go by Kazper (Kasper) mainly, but u can alzo call me Pix or Infected!! i go by a lot of neoz but my main prnz r he/nya/pix +
yez i am a fictive, from the ambereign zyz! HAIII if u know me from our twitter lulz
azkz r alwayz open! i juzt azk u dont be weird or pry about our perzonal life tyyy alzo dont take anything i zay az canon plz ... im not a dev or anything!! juzt a zilly guy
any fandom art i make iz f2u WITH CREDIT!!!!!!! idm, juzt dont claim them az ur own, plz
BAZIC DNI (prozhip/pedoz/etc - i alzo azk that nzfw pplz go away! FUCK U WEIRDOZ)
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ethanizemo · 2 years
heyo :> im ethan! thiz will be a zcene/emo blog! mainly for younger pplz so if ur 21+ plz leave! <3 i go by he/they/xe prns and im gay, tranz, azexual, and polyam! i turn 13 on feb 7 so don't report me plz! i make a lot of kandi! i hope you enjoy my blog :3
spacehey: spacehey.com/xxleefizweirdxx
discord: leef#4240
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jellybeanbullet · 5 years
Quick question! Wanted to ask instead of assume. If we credit you, may we make art the Mane 6 redesigns that you did? :D
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doodle-scrapyard · 5 years
Why’d you make the convex, thicc?
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if u had to wait 4 me to draw booty shortz crop top boyz to be convinced to like concorp then ur not a tru concorp apologist
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shonenjump94 · 3 years
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls: Mayonaka -Episode 7- wil premeierng inn 18 hoeur at 6am JST ^_^ Watashi is wondre, is tis good teim 4 minnasan??? Plz leteing watashi kno if anata can maeking itt & watashi wil tryeing adjust if not..
& also, watashi haz haveing cre8 chanel on the “Bitchute” 4 pplz in country th@ loseing acess 2 teh youtubez. If anata caneot acessing YouTube, plz watsheing NNSG Mayonaka on https://www.bitchute.com/shonenjump94/ ^_^ watashi iz uplood all teh Mayoinaka espiods ther & wil uplood Espiod 7, 8 & 9 4 access too =3
Airgato 4 sepport. Plz also watsheing SoapOPera46-sama nuew vid too >W< iz so inspeire.... desu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4NH7rKKdmE 
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moonlightchn · 3 years
Hello this is (not) JYPe and guess who's feeling soft again? this mf 💞 heh I just thought hey it's been a while and I kinda am seeing how a lot of us are falling back on activity and posting less and stuff and I kinda feel like the general activity of the community has come DOWN a lot which I mean it's OK!!!! because we all have lives!!!! right? but also I do kinda WORRY LIKE WHERE YALL AT i guess I just kinda wanna make sure we're all doing good? yall holding on? taking care? sleeping and stuff? I've seen also many bots pop up again recently (STARES AT THAT ONE ADMIN THAT MADE LIKE 3 BOTS IN 2 MONTHS WITH LIKE 10 PPLZ EACH YES YOU PLEASE TAKE CARE) and I know bot can sometimes feel like a job more than a fun relaxing place for some so just take it easy on that too just making sure we all remember that things around here aren't that deep and you can take it at your own pace. this has always been supposed to be a safe, fun place where we make friends and have a blast, so if it doesnt feel like that anymore step back, take a deep breath and then come back if you want but like dont feel like you gotta be here and keep putting stuff out for others
I know school work, uni, real work, family, responsibilities, it can all be too much sometimes and drive us a little bit insane. I personally have a 🤩🤩 fun few days coming 🤩🤩 I hope I don't die 🤩🤩 so yeah maybe I'm PROJECTING RN but yknow how it be, I think its important sometimes to remind ourselves that, yknow, stepping back and taking some time for ourselves it's also ok. I sometimes just log out and not having my phone vibrating and notifs popping up for just a few hours feels refreshing. it's ok. you wont miss out on anything important for treating yourself to one internet free day
we take so many things seriously sometimes dont we? like, sure theres things that ARE important like keeping connections and friends and staying healthy and safe, but also theres so many things that are important for ??? no valid reason ??? or that maybe we wrongly prioritize over other things like for example dont prioritize your bot development over your sleep plz don't do that it's not worth it rip, or dont feel like you need to be around 24/7 when you have other things to do or just don't want to. dont feel like you're neglecting bot because you have to study or feel like going out with friends is pushing you back here. dont feel like being behind in notifs is such a big deal. youre a great admin and you're doing well!
but also like,,,, dont prioritize work and uni over sleep and eating and taking breaks and going out and getting fresh air either. really just prioritize yourself first. sometimes being here just as admin and sharing and talking to friends is good enough. you dont always need to be your character, you don't always need to keep an image or a clean neat blog. you can just enjoy and go around shitposting that's really ok! (bunnies for the soul)
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yknow it's really cliche to think about it but sometimes you just gotta sit back and be like what am i doing? why am i doing this? what am I taking from this? is this meaningful or beneficial for my life and my growth and my wellbeing? like tumblr as any social media can be TOXIC it rlly still is just because we don't see shit it doesnt mean it's not going on and just because we don't go through something anymore it doesn't mean it hasnt hurt us or leave us super fucking paranoid around.
I JUST AM SAYING that I know many of us maybe feel safe and welcomed and at home here or like we won't get this thing we have here anywhere else but I think we make our own safety and comfort yknow? itd be really sad to see some of you go and the community poof but I also think that for us to keep carrying this thing we have and for us to protect it and for more people to feel welcome and safe we first need to look at ourselves and be sure we can actually keep doing this. I see posts pop here and there about admins feeling sad they get no interactions or how people they talked to has left or how they simply have things going on that makes them sad and unable to be around and I think often we forget, even though we say it ALL the time, that we're all just people behind these. dont forget you're just a person too. I've personally been having quite a hard time coming around with the boys on dms, anyone who talks to me knows that, but as admin? I'm always here. and sure none of us HAS to feel responsible of others, we're not /individually/ responsible of someone's fun or popularity or how long they stick around, but as a whole community we are all responsible somehow of this place's safety and to look ALL after each other. don't forget we're all just people and don't push each other to get things
anyway what im trying to say is that I do fucking love all of you so much and like I worry yknow??? I worry a lot when I see someone upset or I feel like an admin is in a kinda place. it's been just a bit over a year since I've joined this and ive been lucky enough to meet some amazing people that will always live in my heart no matter what and some others maybe I do not really know you or talk to you but I do appreciate your existence yknow you're not invisible and I notice when some of yall delete or when someone I see around makes a new bot and I 👀 or when yall change @s without telling and I have to go through my lists to fix them. maybe it's not enough but I do notice you and I hope you know that. and so because I love all of you I do think that I am a bit responsible of putting at least one smile on your faces throughout the day too be it with a post or a rb or an ask and so I do hope all of you feel a little responsible about someone else's happiness too. I know dash can be hard, I know dms can be hard, and I'm.not saying hey go befriend each other RN but maybe just stopping by someone's bot and "hey this is v cool!", I'm sure that would mean a lot for many people
maybe I just ate too much sugar today. whatever it be, have bunnies I love this kind of art
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hiraeth-kittyboo · 3 years
○My Hunter x Hunter Patronus Charms Headcanon○
Aunt Mito: (Vampire)Bat
Kikyo Zoldyck: Meerkat
Silva Zoldyck: American Bison
Illumi: Orca
Hisoka: Giant Cassowary
Chrollo: Siberian Tiger
Pakunoda: Elephant
Feitan: Stoat(ermine)
Shalnark: Dolphin
Machi: Saw Scale Viper
Uvogin: Hippopotamus
Bonolenov: Humpback Whale
Shizuku: River otter
Phinks: Kangaroo
Kortopi: Slow Loris
Nobunaga: Goose (All)
Kalluto: American Kestral
Gon: Bairds Tapir
Killua: Jaguar
Leorio: Great Dane
Kurapika: Magpie
Alluka: Wombat
Zushi: Gerbil
Komugi: Manatee
Meruem: Crocodile
I made the horrible decision to make these as accurate to persons as possible like actual patronus would,and delved deep in animal kingdom. -Didn't however follow the 'change/become what's important to them'rule cuz ☠☠ Hopefully these make sense+ you learned about some animals! It took me near 2 months to make this small thing post but i liked it~ Enjoy! Honorable mention @feitansporcelaindoll
who helped me so much cuz I got stuck on pplz for over a week;have been writing this months now.Thank you so much!! Also plz ✅ tags if u wanna know how I made these decisions. Or ask🤷‍♀️
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ukumi-chan · 7 years
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I heard some ppl don’t like Kai… So I protect my boi by showing even more love!!!
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fevervoidthing · 7 years
Reblog if the crew can interact with your ask blog!
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xxsprklzkittehxx · 5 years
Can we plz be scene without gatekeeping? >.< Sum pplz can’t afford to look scene and thts okai!!! :D
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z0mb13-t33th · 5 years
A lil 1ntr0ducti0n p0st!¡!
h3ll0 aga1n rat bab13z!!¡ 1 dec1ded 2 mAke a smol p0st that t3llz u a b1t ab0ut meh¡!
Mai nam3 iz Oscar but 1 g0 by Ozzy/Ozzie, Oz, 0r Cosmo (bc gr33n ha1r r0ckz!)
I liek z0mbiez, class1c h0rr0r moviez, cl0wnz, Fall Out Boy, My Chem, Mindless Self Indulgence n many 0ther bandz! mi fave kind 0f c0lorz are ne0n rainbow shadez and desaturated colorz.
I hav3 aut1s1m n adhd, s0 plz undrstand 1f I d0nt g3t s0meth1ng 0r tak3 som3th1ng t00 s3ri0usly
I rlly enj0y makin kand1 brac3letz and necklacez, n i l0ve trading my kandi w1th pplz!!
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Mah askz r alwayz 0pen an u r w3lc0me to ask me anything!!
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adtothebone · 5 years
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— Pippy
(at cdhs.net)
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xx-fr3akachu-xx · 6 years
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edgyval-archive · 2 years
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ valentine's interaction boundariez
(pls interact, thin ice, dni)
last updated 8/14/2022
figured i should make one big post for this instead ov sporadically updating my pinned.. note that this is subject to change,, and you should probably check in like once a month to see if you still do/dont fall under the dni!! >_<
when i say dni i mean do not at all interact.. don't follow me,, reblog my terms*,, follow my main blog, nothing. however you may still use my terms if you're comfy**,,
* (unless you have an alt account for xenogender hoarding,, then you can reblog on that account specifically..)
** (obvious exceptionz come in here.. like,, terfs/swerfs, enby skeptics,, anti-mogai,, bc like why the hell would they use xenos in the first place..
i also do not want endos using my terms,, for my own comfort
(exceptionz will have an asterisk & parenthesis explanation down below.. idk how to explain it)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ PLZ INTERACT >w<
plz interact w me if any ov the following appliez 2 u!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
"cringy" ppl (furriez, emo, scenekidz, xenogender hoarderz, etc)!!
hexd/nightcore fanz!!
sparklecare hospital fanz!!
nonhuman (otherkin, therian, etc)!!
goreshit fanz!!
evaboy/figure skater/miya lowe fanz!!
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ THIN ICE X_X
you risk being blocked iv these apply to u,, but we may be able to sort something out.. >_<
doesnt understand neopronounz/typing quirkz/the like
use the > symbol when quoting thingz
imagine dragonz fanz
find "fatherless" jokes funny
make fun ov pplz death (not including queen lizzy)
think furriez r "weird"
bnha fans
gacha life users
uses slurs A LOT
dislikes my special interestz
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ DNI OmO
do not interact with this blog if any ov the following applies to you;;
note that this is just stuff that applies to the mogai space.. my full dni (on my carrd) has some info that,, while unrelated to mogai,, could be pretty important..
dsmp fans regardless ov iv u support the creators or not (doesnt include fictives/introjects that are heavily critical of the media)
(pro-) endo/demo/tulpa*
anti-mogai (tf u doin here??)
fans ov the boyfriends webtoon (irls who r critical ov their source r fine but pls specify that on ur profile or smth)
unironically use terms like traumascum/sysmed
against typing quirks
aspec/arospec exclus/think aros or aces shouldn't be in the lgbt
think pronouns=gender
(pro-) maps/p3d0s
(pro-) z00s/b34st14l1ty
proship/comship/anti-anti/profic/whatever else yall mfs call urselves**
nonbinary skeptic/think ppl need dysphoria to be trans
anti-self dx with research (they're only trying to figure themselves out..)
autism speaks supporter (im autistic myselv & hate them with a passion..)
anti-blm/acab/support the p0l1ce
cringe/flop blog
nsfw blog
against trans boys being feminine
pro-abuse/abuser, harrassers, people who think "kys" (and related) is an acceptable thing to say to another entity in any case
send anonymous death threats/support toyhouse drama blogs
if you have a typing quirk that involves putting right arrow brackets (ex.. "> hi can you do a gender based on X?" "hi, im looking for a gender based on X> thanks>>) ***
* (im uncomvy with endoz themselves using my terms,, but supporters can if theyre comvy doing so..)
** (people in recovery from proshipping, that are minors, are fine.. i was recently informed that most minors who do it were groomed into the mindset and i wish them a good recovery..)
*** my ex had that same typing quirk,,,,,, it just reminds me ov him.. ,,,,, please stay away,, as its a trigger.. sorry.. /gen
additionally,, for your own sake pls dont interact if youre uncomfy with my views on certain topics.. (here's the masterlist)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ my current banner
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it doesn't have everything but it has most ov what someone would need,, i guess..
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beadazzlesurfingies · 2 years
I& wish I& could meet shaggy plz I& want hugs and to see its& smile and play with its& hair 😭💞 evenb just a smol date 🥺 thas all, pplz I& love it& sm I& want to get it& a stuffie and sew our& initials into its foot for an early anni gift 🥺💞💞
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