#pointing to Liesel and saying this is my girlfriend’s girlfriend
functionalasfuck · 2 years
I love how Liesel is to El what El is to Orion. Someone who forcibly yanks them from the scruff of their neck away from a cliff with sound logic and higher intellect when they’re about to stupidly jump off.
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izartn · 2 years
Rereading the scholomance series, and on the bit after El and Orion have their first time and wow.
Orion knows so so well there's something incredibly wrong with him, from the way he seems to have been avoiding getting more intimate with El bc he fears feeding on her mana (the implication it was this from the start of his mana starvation on senior year, not just the general risks El fears) to how he breaks down sobbing right after they have sex because she's the only (first) right (human) thing he ever wanted, and he explains he only ever wanted to hunt mals and suck their mana since he was little so he doesn't resent his parents for letting him do that (and he knows exactly what el thinks of that but orion is grateful, bc yeah. mawmouth-boy amalgama he needed it) (and the were desperate to make him more normal, except in golden enclaves we discover they're at fault orion is like this and wow.) and how he knows going fucking nuclear on the Shanghai Enclaves and co who tried to murder El wasn't normal, and that it unsettled El. I love that he remembered that it scared her, bc he doesn't want to, and tht after the incident he thought on it all and decided he didn't want to be that kind of guy.
I mean, getting angry and trying to reflexively retaliate when someone tries to murder you and El (whom he adores) I get it, most of us aren't heroine El Higgins as much as she likes to pretend she isn't, but that scene lasted more than just the moment, El got her giant shield, and then Orion demonstrated he's got a fucking nasty temper and a reflex for going to inflict gruesome violence, after taking the most chilling seconds on book canon trying to process just what almost happened to them both, but mostly El on his PoV. El tried to redirect him like twice and he went back to try very intently to have his chance offing Yuyan, Zixuan and Co, the second one when Magnus came with New York and the rest of allied enclaves thanks to Liesel and wwiii magician versión almost gets off was O.o, until El threatens everybody with mass destruction which brought back Orion to the world of, oh yah my scary girlfriend who could kill everyone in this room including myself is awesome. Dude.
It's the way you end reading all that scene and their conversation almost at the end of the book, and you feel El is not getting what Orion is trying to say, missing that there is something really really wrong with him. Because I think senior year Orion has had no choice but notice all the ways he doesn't make sense, and the way he seems to always need more mana from mals so much he starts looking mad to the outsiders and not caring for anything else (I think it feels to him like executive disfunction in that he gets into a loop of "I should be doing homework x but I can't bc I first need to hunt mals except I can't find any so I'm tired so I can't do anything") , to the point he starts fearing taking El's which almost happens in the library if not for Precious (hello??? rereading that having read the golden enclaves sent chills through my skin, holy shit) and I think he must have noticed by then. Because Orion is simultaneously more observant and more out of touch than he seems on first impression.
Agh no wonder he decides to stay behind and disappear into the void with the Scholomance, I wonder if face to face with mawmouths and his own almost lost of sense of himself to the rush of mal-mana consumption right at the end of The Last Graduate he realiced what he must be and just. Choose it as the only option so as to not go mad and hurt(eat) El. Must have killed him.
No, given The Golden Enclaves I'm sure this is exactly what happened. Orion needs a hug so so badly.
And then he passes that last book lost on the hunger, then goes through a grueling purification to bring back what's left of his sense of self and humanity, with the knowledge that hes more like a mawmouths but back (but still a monster inside) , discovering his mother did this to him after killing hundreds of kids actually, and she may love to get her hands on El and use her (which Orion isn't thrilled about), and the enclaves may go to war in wwiii magic version (this time for real) , and you know, no wonder he quits trying to stay (alive, as a person) a quarter to end or so of The Golden Enclaves.
I love him, I want his perspective on a spin off novella or something after canon, bc it has to be the most weird mix of super transparent and also heartbreakingly sad and heartwarming once you read between the lines, and because I want his super subjective PoV on Galadriel because he loves her so so much in both the adorkable teenagy way and in a "you've saved my life and existence and the world makes sense bc of you" which has to scare them both a bit. Also Orion PoV on the rest of characters now he isn't blinded by the hunger and he can actually interact with others and have interests of his own. Fascinated by his possible hobbies.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
😍 (frankenhoop)
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Victor plies Molly with far too much caffeine. Tea, mostly, but also exotic-tasting sodas and energy drinks. Very, very rarely coffee and even then only by request.
They build a giant catwalk and cat condo for their furbabies when they move in together. People ask them things like, "What are you going to do about the cats when you have children?" Molly answers these questions more graciously than Victor does, who berates people for asking - nay, making assumptions - about their future plans and assures them that whether they choose to have kids is on a need to know basis but in the meantime if they want to be supportive, they shut up and look at the pictures of their cats. Molly just kinda stares at him and he is very proud of himself until she tells him not to talk to her friends that way.
They text a lot during the day - a lot. Memes, random thoughts, important things, and even apart, they don't feel lonely.
Neither of their friends fully believe the other exists at first. They host a party together at the flat they've just bought to move into together and it's the weirdest, most eclectic who's-who. Victor has to break up an argument between Finnegan and Sherlock before the end of the evening. Elizabeth dotes on Molly but is like, "Please tell me my brother didn't hire an actress to pose as his girlfriend. Please. I really like you and I will be so upset if I find out this is his idea of a prank." Their other friends behave themselves.
Victor insists on moving his brother's piano into their new flat. Molly asks him if he plays or if it's a glorified coffee table because he was definitely stacking books on it at his place. He spends a few days tuning it and replacing old pieces and then sits down and plays the first song they slow danced to for her when she wakes up in the morning. It's probably the first time in a few years he has played.
He tells her about Henry's death early in their relationship - she's a medical examiner, he expects her to understand. What he doesn't expect is to curl up small in her lap, crying and telling her how much his brother would have loved her and how much his sister will when they meet.
Victor's friend group - Finnegan, Liesel. Igor, Lorelei, Stefan, Elizabeth - absorb Molly in but Finnegan, Lorelei, and Molly take Victor aside to point out that maybe they shouldn't ALL hang out ALL THE TIME because Liz and Liesel are both single and they probably feel weird tagging along with three couples. Cue Victor and Molly trying to set Molly's friends/coworkers up on dates with Victor's BFF and sister. (You don't know how badly I need a Sherlock/Elizabeth date where Liz just puts him in his place like she does her brothers and their obnoxious friends).
They watch bad medical/police dramas while drinking sometimes just to yell at how WRONG the depiction of the medical science is. It's also good background noise to making out on the couch, just saying.
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The Make-Up Artist
Ingrid Jaeger, or Inge to friends, didn’t appear to much more than another ordinary college aged young lady. This is so far from the truth, it’s almost funny. It’s not exactly clear where this straight A, teacher’s pet, all around good girl went wrong. Perhaps I should further explain.
  Ingrid was a girl of many talents, most noticeably was make-up. She’d dreamed of becoming a make-up artist since she was very young, often powdering her dolls in lipstick stolen from her mother. She spent her early childhood in relative comfort, living with her parents and two younger brothers, Wolf and Theo. However the bliss of a happy life was shattered, along with any hopes of continuing with a joyous childhood when her mother walked out on them… Taking Theo, the youngest of the siblings, with her.
  Inge’s father, a kind yet sorrowful man, brought up the two remaining Jaeger children. His ways were questionable and often called harsh however it was simply tough love. He knew what the children did not. He knew why their mother had fled from them. He also knew why her body had been found bloodied and mutilated in a ditch, on the day of Inge’s sixth birthday.
  Inge herself was the model of a perfect child. She was polite, she did well academically and she was often found helping around the house that had once been a home. Above all else, she was innocent. So oblivious to what was happening around her, that it never quite clicked why her father never came back out of the garage.
  This combination of tragic events left Inge and Wolf in an orphanage, at the ages of eight and five, respectively. Despite all the woe in her young life, Inge kept a positive outlook and marched on and on and on. This eventually leads us to her broken nineteen year old self, that optimistic glow having been swallowed by the dark many years ago. The only thing keeping her from being swallowed up with her personality being a combination of pills and therapists.
“ So, who’s this you’ve brought along with you today, miss Jaeger? ” The brunette asked the Germanic originating girl. Ingrid let out a loud sigh, twirling a lock of her black hair in her fingers before once more pulling her hair back into two pony tails.
“ No idea, I just picked him off up the street just there… ” Inge said, rolling her green eyes and zoning out for the rest of the dull meeting. Wolf could put up with the therapist for an hour, if he was so eager for her to see her.
“ I’m her brother, ” The younger of the two siblings stated. Inge half listened as the two babbled on, tackling the formalities first.
“ And for the record, can you please state your full name? ” The therapist asked, scribbling something down in the notepad. The reason why eluded Inge, after all wasn’t she suppose to be taking notes about her and not her brother?
“ Wolfgang Amadeus Jaeger… After the composer, Mozart, ” Wolf explained, slicking back his dark chocolate hair. Inge could have been wrong but she was certain she saw the therapist swoon a little.
“ Hey, lady… That’s my little brother you’re ogling, just for the record, ” Inge said, in a mocking rephrase of the woman’s earlier words. The therapist blushed and murmured something inaudible.
“ I-I, well… And for the record, miss Jaeger can you state your full name? ” The blonde asked, eager to change the subject matter.
“ Why? You ask this every week. If I suddenly change my name to Almighty Visitor Of Creepy Therapists, I’ll tell you… Speaking of which, stop looking at my little brother, ” Inge told her stubbornly.
“ Inge! ” Wolf exclaimed in a scolding manner. “ Her full name is Ingrid Liesel Beatrix Heidi Anneliese Jaeger, ” He clarified, giving his sister a slight glare from his dark grey eyes. Inge simply returned the glower, which somehow seemed more menacing coming from her emerald green ones.
“ Well, that is quite a long name. Your parents must have put a lot of thought into it. They must love you very much, ” The therapist cooed, writing down the information she had been given.
“ Our parents are dead, ” Inge commented, uninterested in the attempted flattery.
“ Inge! ” Her younger brother once more scolded her, this time turning himself properly around to face her.
“ Fine. One’s dead and the other left, with our other brother, ” The older girl commented. Her voice sounded genuine, as if she thought he was actually reprimanding her for giving wrong information.
“ Why, that must have been quite tragic. Inge, darling, what was your other brother’s name? ” Miss Therapist inquired, leaning forward slightly.
“ It’s Ingrid to you. If you must know, his name was Theo. For the record his full name was Theodoric Luka Axel Jaeger, ” Inge said, her voice once more dripping with sarcasm.
“ My, your mother leaving you must have been hard on you. Especially since she took your brother, as well, ” By this point Inge had given up caring what the woman was saying. She only gave a nod in reply.
“ I’m sorry. I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere today. My sister’s in one of her moods. Could we reschedule this, to a later date? ” Wolf asked, getting up out of his seat. As he did so his palm closed around his sister’s wrist, pulling her up with him. After the details of the next meeting were planned, the two siblings left the building at once. Much to the joy of Inge.
“ Inge, you really need to start taking these things seriously. You… You need help. I need you to get help. I don’t know what I’d do without you around. You’re my big sister, ” Wolf said, giving the girl a sheepish smile.
“ Don’t be stupid, Wolf. You’re strong enough to handle things without me. What you need is to focus on your own life. Get a degree or go swim with dolphins, do something worth the effort, ” Inge told him, slinging an arm around the younger boy’s shoulder. As the two walked home, playfully teasing each other, they were blissfully unaware that they were being watched.
  Inge woke up the following day, as a few cheeky shafts of light flickered past her drawn curtain. Stretching herself out, she let a yawn roll from her tongue. Pulling on a faded summer dress, that was now closer to grey than it was white, she gathered up her things and dropped them carelessly into her satchel. It would be a pain to dig out what she needed, among all the other clutter, later on but she was still too groggy to give a damn. Pulling on a small set of sandals, she made her way out into the crisp morning.
  As she arrived at college, Inge was greeted by a group of preppy girls. Despite the fact they all made the effort to greet her, not one of them ever looked up from their phones. It saddened Inge that to avoid being bullied, she had been forced to befriend the likes of such people. Not that she had anything against preppy girls or texting. It was only that she was sure, if by some irreversible blunder, she ever let them find out who she really was they’d send her to the slaughter.
  These girls on a whole, you must understand, were not nice people. Not in the slightest. The things they said, they sometimes made Inge want to curl up into a ball of human despair and cry. The things that came out of their mouths, flowing past their smeared lipstick lips, crushed her faith in humanity. Funnily enough, Inge had managed to be everything they despised. They’d tease people with learning disabilities, while she was currently waiting to hear back about getting the support she needed to deal with her Dyslexia. Then they’d jeer at the ‘emo freaks’, as they so affectionately labelled them, sitting in the corner while all Inge wanted to do was join them. Occasionally they’d even harass some of the openly gay students, ironically while Inge was texting her girlfriend. All these things, made her hate college.
  However there was a bright side. The actual work. Yes, Inge was one of those rare and strange people who enjoyed course work. This was because the course she was taking was mostly practical and she was studying to be a make-up and tattoo artist. For just now, she was simply tracing out a stencil. A needed skill for any good tattoo artist.
“ Inge! ” Looking up from her tracing, the girl’s deeply coloured gaze looked up at the newcomer before her. One of her 'friends’. A girl by the name of Angela, know she was far from angelic.
“ Yes? ” Inge responded simply, putting on a fake little smile just for Angela. The brunette gave a confident turn of her lips. It wasn’t quite a smile, it seemed a little too smug for such a warm word.
“ Tomorrow is my auntie’s wedding. I’m going to be her maid of honour, naturally. I need someone to do my make-up and my usual girl is booked out. So, you’re doing it, ” She wasn’t even asking. It was a demand and it didn’t try to disguise itself as anything else. It seemed as if Angela thought, no matter what Inge was doing tomorrow, she was more important than the shorter girl.
“ Of course, sweetie. How could I say no to my BFF? ” Inge said, using a chirpy voice to sugar coat her bitterness. Something in her at that moment changed. Maybe it was just a build up but whatever it was, it was shimmering in Inge’s eyes and drawing a mischievous smirk onto her face.
  That night, Inge stood in her bathroom. It was already rolling around into the early hours of the morning and her eyes were sunken from the lack of sleep. Yet, despite that she continued on with that she was doing. The buzz of the tattoo gun and the mild pain of the needle sinking into her skin kept her awake. Buzz… Buzz, buzz… Buzz, buzz… A few drops of red dropped down into the sink, as a result of slightly too much pressure. Inge stopped for a moment, to admire her handiwork. A grin plastered to her face. Moving to her next task, she picked up her make-up case and began to remove it’s contents one by one. Then, her eyes went to assorted bleaches and containers that were stored under the sink.
“ You’re late! ” Angela snapped, as Inge walked into her room. Yet as soon as the words left her mouth, she felt an odd sense of regret. Something seemed… Off. You know when you can instinctively tell when your little sibling’s swapped your box of chocolate with their own? You can’t quite tell what’s wrong with it at first but you know sooner or later you’ll find all the good sweets are gone minus that one half eaten and licked one.
“ I’m sorry… So very… Sorry… ” Inge’s voice was the empty wrapper, if you will. It was different from yesterday. It was no longer laced with that certain something that made it belong to Inge. Monotone, was probably the best word to describe it.
“ Um, well it’s fine. I guess. The wedding’s not until three anyway, ” Angela assured, feeling a lump forming in her throat. She didn’t know why she was feeling so paranoid. It was just Inge after all. What could Inge, the loser girl she’d taken under her wing, do to hurt her? What indeed.
  Angela shifted uncomfortably, as her sense of dread began to manifest. A shiver ran down her spine, as if someone had dropped ice-cubes down the back of her dress, as Inge lifted her head upwards. Even as Inge applied the gorgeous pink lipstick to her lips, she didn’t seem focussed on it. No, all while the girl applied the make-up her eyes bore into Angela’s.
“ Here, ” Inge said, stopping quite suddenly to remove a small bottle from her pocket. Upon closer inspection it appeared to be a breath freshener, one of those fancy ones in the tinted bottles. “ I know your boyfriend’s going to be there today, ” Inge said, giving a slight wink as she passed the little vial. Angela smiled, accepting the little gift. It seemed regular Inge was back, much to her relief. Now, it seemed silly she was ever scared. Inge was probably just overworked from all the studying she did, the brunette decided.
“ Oh, honey. You’re always looking out for me. You know I do the same, we’re BFFs, after all, ” Angela cooed, wrapping her arms around the other girl and giggling lightly. As she did so, she couldn’t help notice something as she drew back. A smear of concealer on her fingers and a few patches of white on Inge’s shoulder. Before she could ask about it she was pulled to her feet, being escorted out of her room.
“ Of course! Now, you have a wedding to attend don’t you? ” Inge reminded her, walking her out and to the car that awaited her. Angela got herself into the car, half watching Inge wave her off in the mirror. What a loser, Angela thought before proceeding to text another one of her 'BFFs’ about it.
  As the organ began to ring out, it’s music alerting the choir to their queue, the blushing bride began to make her way down the aisle. Angela smiled politely as she past, know she’d never really liked her at heart. As the long and tedious vows went on Angela decided to sneak outside, for a quick cigarette.
“ Angela, baby! ” Angela smiled, as she came outside to find her boyfriend, Jace and his merry band of jocks smoking. Stealing a draw of a cigarette from one of the males, she chattered with them for a moment or so. Eventually the posse of parading youths drifted away, leaving Angela and Jace. Inevitably Jace had managed to push the short cream skinned girl up against the church wall and was leaning in for a kiss.
“ Hold on, just a sec’, ” Angela turned her head away, sticking her small hand into her similar sized and appropriately named handbag. Rummaging around, her finger tips brushing against loose change and nail varnish, she eventually pulled out the petite and pretty glass bottle. Jace raised an eyebrow but he seemed to understand the concept, as Angela sprayed the liquid into her mouth.
   After several moments, most of which consisted of the two shoving their tongues so far down each others throats it would make a circus performer jealous, Angela abruptly broke away. Using the back of his hand to break the beads of saliva that stretched from each of their mouth, Jace gave her an annoyed glare.
“ What was that for? ” He demanded to know. Angela didn’t reply at first. Instead she simply choose to flail, grasping at her own throat.
“ M-My throat… It’s… It’s like it’s on fire… Oh, god… ” Angela forced out in a hoarse voice, taking noticeable effort to form even the most basic of words.
“ Angela, babe, what are-, ” Jace cut off because it was at this moment he began to feel it as well. He was the better off of the two, his anguish slightly less than his girlfriend’s however it was still agonising. Unknown to them, as they stood and panicked, chemicals were working away at the flesh in their throat. Burning at the human meat inside of their neck. Slowly disintegrating their windpipes. In this sense, Jace wasn’t better off as it would take longer for the acid to do the dark deed. Their bodies were found later on the eve of that day. Ghastly holes were burned in the skin of their necks and a few remaining drops of the concoction that killed them oozed out of their corpses, seeping into the cracks in the concrete.
“ Pretty grisly, right? ” Wolf asked Inge, holding up a copy of the local paper and pointing a digit at the headline. His sister gave a shrug, before suddenly bursting into hysterics. Her cackling sounded maniacal and sadistic. Good old fashion nightmare fuel.
“ You… You want to know a secret, little brother? ” Inge asked, looking up at him. Her body had been doubled over due to her unnerving chuckles, so when she moved her gaze up to him now her body was hunched into an unnatural looking pose. As if her spine had suddenly turned to mush.
“ Sure? ” Wolf replied, a little taken back by his sister’s sudden deranged behaviour. Maybe he should call up that therapist and get her appointment rescheduled to sooner? Inge seemed pleased by his answer, as she sat in her ragdoll inspired way as she began snickering again.
“ Okay, little brother… Just you wait right here, ” Inge instructed, getting to her feet and pointing to the spot Wolf was currently occupying. Slinking past him, another snigger came from her as she danced up the stairs.
  It had been half an hour. Wolf had taken this time alone he had been gifted with to further worry himself about his sister. Had he missed something? He was sure he had been doing everything right to help his darling elder sister. Yet, now she was acting so strange. Being the person he was, Wolf instantly blamed himself for this odd new way Inge was expressing herself in.
“ I’m back! ” Inge’s voice called in a sing-song voice. Wolf was pulled from his bottomless pit of self blaming and loath, removing his gaze from his shoes and moving to face his sister.
“ Alright, Inge, what is-… ” Wolf took a shaky breathe. What had happened to his sister? This couldn’t be right!
“ I just had to remove the concealer and add a little make-up. You know, pretty myself up a little bit, ” Inge told him, dusting her dress off a little. A vast tattoo covered the girl’s body. Bones were etched on, in a somewhat cartoony fashion, over the places they were within her body. Even her face was tattooed but this was done differently to the rest. Instead of a regular head shaped collection of calcium and marrow being forever marked on her, her face now resembled that of a sugar skull. Little grey petal-like shapes surrounded the black circle that spread around her eyes. Over her white lips, which now blended into the rest of her pale face, were little lines drawn vertical to resemble little rows of teeth. After her lips ended a horizontal line took over, giving her mouth a skinless appearance if not close. To decorate was a little spider’s web, placed on her forehead and given the odd jewel in between the webs. In particular was a little white diamanté, set in the centre of the web. However for some reason the little spider itself had found her left cheek a more appealing spot to call home.
“ What… What have you done, Inge? ” Wolf choked out, staring at his beloved sister. He just couldn’t understand why she would do this? His breathing hitched, as his distress grew but Inge simply continued to smile.
“ Don’t you like it brother? Look, I got this grey dress to match and everything. I did this just for you. Angela was suppose to see it before I killed her but plans change, ” Inge said, pouting at him as she stalked forth. Wolf backed away from her, taking slow but deliberate steps backwards as she approached. This game of cat and mouse continued for several minutes, until the younger of the two Jaeger’s was left with his back pressed to the wall.
“ Inge… I swear, stay back! You’re scaring me! ” Wolf barked, trying to sound intimidating. What was she saying to him? Surely, this couldn’t be true? The twisted girl let out a sinister breathy chuckle, continuing her advances towards her little brother. In desperation, Wolf resorted to brute force. Using his larger mass to bat Inge to the side, he rushed past her fallen form. Racing into the hallway before bounding up the steps, taking them two at a time, he leapt into his room and dived onto his bed. Shimmying up to the top, he moved to snatch his phone from it’s place on the bedside table… But it wasn’t there.
“ Oh, little brother! ” Inge’s voice rang out. Judging by the inconsistency of the thumping, she was hopping up the stairs. As if she was toying with him, to know she was coming. Ever so slowly coming but coming none the less. Wolf began to panic. Sister or not, he was dealing with a psychopath now. He searched in desperation for anything he could use to defend himself with, as the sound of Inge childishly moving upwards struck him like bullets. Eventually he found something. It wasn’t ideal, far from it but if he could bring himself to do it then it would do. There was still something in him that couldn’t bare to lay a hand to his elder sister. The sister who had brought him up for all these years. Weighing the baseball bat in his grasp, he ran a finger down the aluminium. He’d never actually played baseball, he only had the bat for means of protection in the first place but never in all his nightmares had he ever prepared himself to use it against the last member of family he had.
  Wolf prepared himself, weighing the weapon again. It was heavy but not so much he couldn’t easily swing it. As he stood by the door, he noticed the absence of stomps as his sister’s feet hit the floor. She was on the landing now. As if to confirm his suspicions the door began to creep open. A figure began to emerge from the hall.
  Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack!
M Wolf breathed heavily, as he stood with the bat held over his shoulder and ready to strike again. Inge lay curled up, her blood pooling around her, as she lay in the space between the male’s two legs.
“ L-Little brother… Why? ” Inge asked in a muffled voice, with her hands on her head. Wolf continued to pant, taking deep inhales and shaking his head.
“ You’re a monster, ” Wolf growled, letting the bat drop down to his side. A snicker, followed by a coughing fit, emanated from the limp girl.
“ Says the guy who just beat me with a metal club, ” Inge retorted, picking herself up from the floor. Wolf watched as his wrecked, bloodied sister returned to her full height. Despite the years between them the boy was both stronger and taller.
“ You admitted to killing two people! ” Wolf said, his voice gruff as he continued to struggle for air.
“ Yeah but it’s okay. If he said it was okay, I don’t see why you’re so annoyed, ” Inge told him, struggling to stand on her feet.
“ He? ” Wolf questioned curtly.
“ The faceless man. He said it was okay. He gave me some things, too, ” Inge told his bewildered sibling. “ Like this necklace, ” What Inge described as a necklace was more of a collar. As she held it up, it looked velvety in material. The buckle that held it together at the front looked silver. Not cheap painted plastic. Proper precious material. A little O shape, crossed with an X.
“ Inge… Let’s just… Calm down and call your therapist, okay? ” Wolf said, dropping his bat and extending upwards his arms in sign of surrender. Then he opened his limbs outwards, inviting the girl for a cuddle.
“ He also gave me this, ” And just like that the tables were turned. All know in strength he was superior to Inge, Wolf was smart enough to know against struggling against a knife. “ It’s a butterfly knife, or a balisong if you will, ” Inge explained, as she pressed the blade to her brother’s throat. Wolf whimpered in pain, as he felt the warm red liquid stroll down his neck.
“ What happened to my sister? ” Wolf asked, through his sobs and occasional high pitched whines.
“ You can be such a baby sometimes, little brother. Now, pick up the bat, ” Inge instructed, backing off to give him room to do so. Wolf was too busy with his welling eyes, weeping over the lose of his sister’s sanity, to question it and retrieved the item. Inge snatched the bat from his hands, as soon as he straightened up.
“ I’m in agony, little brother. It’s only fair you get to feel what metal crashing against your skull feels like too… ” Inge told him. Dropping her balisong back into the place she had originally concealed it in, her bra, she readied her heavier weapon. Wolf squeezed his eyes shut.
  Yet, no pain ever came. Wolf peeled one of his eyes open, to find Inge had just driven the bat against the wall and left a small hole next to his head. Looking to the deranged girl for an explanation, he got another blood curdling laugh.
“ You think I’d ever properly hurt my baby brother? A little scratch or two, I can live with that, you’ll get over it. However I’m sure you need your head, even if it’s a bit on the empty side, ” Inge said, pinching his cheeks. As Wolf began to recover from that fright, he felt a sudden sickness coming on. His vision began to blur and his ears popped, in result to the random cracks and whirls of static.
“ Gute nacht, kleiner bruder… ” Wolf barely made out his sister’s final words to him. His hearing went first but his vision last. So while all his other senses were in absence, Wolf was left staring at his sister. Her eyes had gone blank, completely white… And there was a hand, a hand on her shoulder. A large, bony hand that when his gaze followed it back he found a terrible creature. So pale and featureless, it almost seemed like an insult for it to be wearing a suit. Finally his vision began to fail him and he barely saw his sister vanishing, with the towering faceless monstrosity.
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