#pokémon cilan
0erpro · 11 days
Striaton trio my beloved
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maximum-potential · 2 years
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Striaton Trioo
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choco-leche · 2 years
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Hisui Cilan and his Chonky Bibarel.
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cat-of-starlight · 1 year
Oh my Goodness! Jacq is one of my favorites too! If you do not mind, could you do the Blorbo Character Sheet for him? And Cilan too if that is not too much to ask; I am interested to see your opinions on him since he’s 50/50 with the fandom who watched the anime.
My boys,,,, (Sorry this took so long, the holidays happened!!)
Gonna talk about each as I go because I Lov them <3 (and the energies they both give are similar but different so they need their own sections)
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Ok, starting with Jacq-
Sweet boy, I LOV- As I’ve jokingly said to friends of mine “I like my men sweet, slightly fruity, and clearly neurodivergent” he fits all three of those boxes so well, and I actually get to bother him ingame, which is a plus.
Literally, he is the main reason I am completing my Pokédex… I am less than 10 Pokémon away.. what have I become?? The things I do for the sweet characters I enjoy 🥺💜
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-Cracks knuckles- I’m SO glad you mentioned the fandom perception of him because BOY HOWDY
Generally, I love him for most of the same reasons as Jacq, but let’s talk anime specific things about him , since unlike Violet, I can’t play Black to go bother him because no content 😔
I’ll admit, the initial reason I was drawn to him was his VA (I mean look at my icon, of course I fell for the character w/ the same VA as my 1st childhood hyperfixation), but as I kept watching, I LOVED how passionate he was about everything. At the time I was watching, I was still young and had no personal concept of what neurodivergence even was, and to see a character be SO passionate about things in such a way, it excited me- it was nice to see a character who at did something like me, if even just a little-
So FURTHERMORE, it was HEARTBREAKING to see how the damn cast (and the fandom on top of that) treated him!! Let!! Him!! Talk!! About food and trains!! Let my boy hyperfixate in PEACE!!
I remember specifically being heartbroken about how there was a moment where they were around, which generic protag girl was it, I think Dawn (idk I didn’t watch every season, and some I watched when I was very little so I don’t remember), but Cilan was trying SO hard to be helpful/also hyperfixating, and the cast basically went “lmao don’t care” and the next scene cuts to him looking sad and rejected in the corner, like HELLO??
Fun fact/side tangent about another character in that season which is related to this- A lot of people love various versions of Iris because uwu cute dragon trainer girl or something, but the way she treats Cilan in the anime made me HATE her in every media. Also I don’t put Axews in my party ever because they make me think of that tiny annoyance
Anyway, I definitely encountered him at a pivotal point in my life and I WISH he was treated better by the cast and fanbase
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arcvsiri · 2 years
Random ass Neurodivergent, LGBTQ+ and Angst Pokémon and Sk8 the infinity Headcanons
Reki Kyan is neurodivergent (Autistic and has ADHD)
Ash is Pansexual and Demi-romantic
Serena is bisexual
Aria is definitely a lesbian prove me wrong
Cilan is autistic having multiple special interests
Langa Hasewaga has serve social anxiety and Autism
Clement has ADHD and Autism!
Ash after The Kalos Crisis couldn't stand being around people who use mega evolution!
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torchickentacos · 1 year
Hi! This might be asking you to play on hard mode, but I really liked your ships as Taylor Swift songs/lyrics and I wondering if you think you could also do Brock/Cilan(I believe they're called opticshipping, idk why tho). I know they only really have that one special that takes place after BW that was never dubbed and they're a rarepair w/ very little content so if you can't or don't want to, that's totally fine.
I'll instead ask you to explain one of your choices. I have half mind to just ask you to go down the list since you seemed so excited and I really want to enable you but I guess I'll just ask: how'd you ended up deciding on the ones you had multiple options like Treacherous for May/Drew over Mine or Sparks Fly? (Unless you've already done that and I missed it sorry, if that's the case.)
(PS I think the one you choose for Ash & Iris is pretty perfect even platonically as someone looking at them platonically lol, I mean they're all pretty good from ones I'm fairly familiar with)
Thanks for your time and sorry if this is too long of an ask.
OK literally how many of you are closet swifties (swiftie is not derogatory here lmao). I have gotten SO many taylor related asks (and I love it!!!) but where are you guys hiding fgsjdfhs. I made that post a while ago and it’s hella fun to revisit it! And NEVER apologize for long asks! I give LONG answers, so you guys can always throw it back at me, I love it!!!! This kind of thing is what keeps me on tumblr, this unapologetic acceptance of getting long-winded with no character limit or cringe shaming to hold me back. Anyways, I answered everything here! Answer under cut. Long, which is why this took me a little while! All takes here are just my opinions, which can be either discussed and swayed or ignored if anyone dislikes them. Ideally the latter. LONG.
First off, I like opticshipping!!! I can’t say I’ve really seen much art or fic for it but I vibe with it! Then again I vibe with pretty much everything that’s like. Morally fine. I’m not picky, I am an appreciater of many things! And opticshipping is one of them! I just KNOW they make eachother the best food.
Anyways, the song for them that I settled on is Lover. Which, basic choice but hear me out!!!
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First off, it's a perfect song for just... domestic bliss. It's intimacy at its most casual, it's loving someone and every little trivial minor moment you two spend together. And I think that fits these two! They're very much people who I think would value the small things, like cooking dinner together, nights spent watching movies and sunday mornings cleaning together with the windows wide open. I also considered Sweet Nothing, since it covers that topic-of all anyone wants from you being... nothing. Just you. They don't want your time, your body, your money or your talents. Just YOU.
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NOW!!!! as for why I decided on Treacherous for contestshipping instead of the others. THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE. The two things I've loved since I was seven, contestshipping and Taylor Swift. Call me dedicated or pathetic, either choice is fine by me.
I've spoken before on the push-and-pull of contestshipping. In early AG especially, they have this wonderful dynamic where they're always giving and taking. It's this fascinating dynamic of pushing away with seemingly harsh words that hide support and encouragement and pulling her back with roses and quieter moments where the affection shines through the clouds, it's this push and pull of conversation, this push and pull of figuring out the boundaries of friendship, rivalry, and romanticism. They're never static, there's this sweeping undercurrent, a back and forth. I adore it. When they argue, no one person has all the control. They throw it back at eachother. When they're having a nice moment, it's never static. There's that tension, that wanting to pull closer but not knowing quite how. I think Treacherous really captures that for me. Lyrics below.
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Here, we see this mention of wanting to be close but not too close. "put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch". Trying to keep that safe disatnce while also longing for that closeness. "eye to eye until the gravity's too much". For this line, it really screams contest to me because like. All Drew does half the time in late AG is look at May fondly lmao. Someone made an entire post about it that I cannot find for the life of me. Here's more lyrics.
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This just perfectly sums them up to me, especially earlier on. Once they're together I think another song would fit more but for the moments we have in canon, I think this perfectly encapsulates that hesitance, that magnetic pull, the trepidation.
As for the othersongs, I think sparks fly and mine would have fit well, but to be honest I think Treacherous just really captures it in a way the other two don't.
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redjukebox · 3 months
Bro who tf was gonna tell me that the vc of Sonic in Sonic X also played Cilan in Pokémon Black and White
Im fucking losing it
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achieve-the-sun · 4 months
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Cilan, my beloved🌱
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diamandarinas · 3 months
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Saw this PKMN characters colorwheel meme on twitter long ago so I did my version too!
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pokemon-lesbian-pearl · 5 months
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Currently diagnosed with anipoke brainrot disease and I’m terminal 😔
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mocamoca1 · 1 year
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0erpro · 2 months
Scene redraw time!!
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maximum-potential · 2 years
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I don’t know why but cilan hugging this litwick like a plush toy is everything to me
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k-chips · 2 years
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Y’all can’t understand how OBSESSED I was with them when I was little.
Literally my first ever comfort characters💚💙❤️
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cupcakestreets · 6 months
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My artworks from @choochooboss 1 year anniversary magma board~ Drew the fae brothers and Chemmet~ I also forgot i drew Gateau's Zoroark, Creme at the Zoroark party. This was so fun~ thank you for the wonderful event
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saw yur post about cilan having a crush on akari, another route is chili or cress having a crush on akari and cilan being convinced she's his future sister in law
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Lmao that's super funny but I mean Akari and Cilan are both a little young to be thinking that long into the future. Rather than sister in law Cilan would be like "That's my brother's future girlfriend maybe so I HAVE to show her our baby photos in advance. I have to it's my brotherly duty."
Cilan would have SUCH a hard time keeping quiet about Akari being Ingo and Emmet's kid though. Like he wants to gush so hard about every detail of his interaction with Ingo and Emmet but he fights to keep that specific tidbit to himself because the "meet the parents" reveal is gonna be soooo funny. He is gonna be there for it, with a lawn chair and some snacks to watch that shitshow go down.
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