#pokémon trainer hailey
pkmn-xy-squad · 8 months
Hey @trainergraceneedstherapy I looked up paradox Pokémon on the internet because you mentioned them and I didn’t know what they were, but all I got were articles from gossip magazines talking about mecha-pokémon cryptids?
But anyway, I was able to get a letter of introduction to the academy from Professor Sycamore. I’ll be able to meet someone there who can update my Pokédex with the Paldea-dex information.
I’m looking into booking train tickets there now, this should be a fun trip!
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geckosquid · 5 months
🎯 -What do they do best?
Hailey: Pokémon battling, of course! She was chosen to represent the Kalos region as one of its Champions. Her and her rival Calem cover as the champion of the Kalos league when Diantha has to leave for acting in movies. She also enjoys making pastries and roller skating.
Jacques: For someone who’s missing his memory, he is surprisingly adept at strategy. He’d probably enjoy games like Fire Emblem if he understood what video games were. That sword he wears at his hip isn’t just for show, either.
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Everybody was indeed kung-fu fighting ✨ I love me these funky punchy bears
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takadanobaba · 11 months
If you don't mind me making another long post, I'll talk about the current view I had for a part 2 and the what I thought of the characters first thought of the twins. Feel free to correct anything I miss interpretate, we currently don't have too much about the town's folks individual options on the twins and their Pokémon.
I sorted the town's folks into categories based on their opinion on Pokémon instead of the twins themselves but quite a few probably would be cut from the actual chapter unless I made a part 3
Likes Pokémon:
Jas, Vincent, Evelyn, George, Wizard
(George likes Pokémon but doesn't appear to, kinda like the dog owner who insults their dog but still gives it a treat. He might like their Pokémon but he doesn't like the twins because he doesn't want them to mess up the train station.)
Lukewarm about Pokémon:
Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Emily, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Clint, Gil, Gunther, Linus, Marlon, Marnie, Robin, Willy
(Alex, Elliott, Emily, Maru and Penny are all scared of Pokémon but think they're interest/cool but will observe from a safe distance. Penny is the most scared but also most intrigued)
(Harvey, Leah, Caroline, Linus, Marnie and Willy are scared of Pokémon but have more a neutral option of them and see they more like unprodicatable animals. Harvey favours Klinklang since its the least dangerous looking (and I like to think the Klink line is associated with anything with mechanics like the air force). Linus has mixed feelings about Garbodor, he feels a kinship since they're outcast but has a dislike since she might steal his dinner.)
(Clint, Gil, Gunther, Marlon and Robin are scared of Pokémon but aware that they can be tamed and are often used in their jobs outside of Stardew. Clint would like Boldore. Robin would like Gurdurr. Gunther is aware of fossil Pokémon.)
Plain fear of Pokémon:
Sam, Sebastian, Abigail, Hailey, Gus, Jodi, Lewis
(Sam, Sebastian and Lewis try not to show their fear but would run away if a Pokémon got too close.)
Hostility towards Pokémon:
Shane, Demetrius, Kent, Pam, Pierre
(All hostility mainly stems from parental overprotectiveness but witha small. Since Pam was the original bus driver, she possibly had seen some Pokémon battles outside of Stardew and seen how strong they could get. Kent is probably the only one to never fully like Pokémon.)
HI! Doctorsparkle here! Takadanobaba showed me your ask and well ... he is letting me take the stage on this main replay! I got to say tho Kraken! You are on the right tracks! I have to say you are amazing for paying attention to so many details and nuggets we have placed throughout various posts!
Your fanfic based on the mod is amazing as well and we are glad for all the ideas you have thrown at us. It really helps us when we are stumped.
Few things about some characters.
George - George’s relationship with Submas Twins is - Tolerating their presence.
Ingo and Emmet have a good relation with their wife, Evelyn, and they know that Evelyn adores Pokémon. (He knew she had one, as did he... when they where in their younger years before Stardew got rid of them. Evelyn had a Bellosom. While George problem had a a Crab-Related Pokemon. Like Krabby or Dwebble, really family Pokémon. They weren't trainers, just average folk.)
And since they have a good relation with the wife, well, you know the saying, happy wife. Happy life. As for his views on the train station.. he really doesn’t care… simply due to his age, him being wheelchair bound... and there has been dialogue related to him how he isn’t religious but since he is up there in age he preys to Yoba. (To which I can relate to, George and Evelyn as characters based on my own personal experiences with older family members.)
So really he doesn’t like the twins but as long as his wife is happy and the Pokémon are nice. He doesn’t care what they do… He's probably glad to have some form of company.
Harvey - Harvey is most definitely going to like Klinklang, however, he still views it as dangerous. Every Pokémon the Submas twins has is dangerous in their own way…. For Klinklang tho… well... giant spinning gears. And moving parts. If anyone who has worked with heavy equipment or machinery. Gears and sharp can be dangerous. Get your clothing stuck in there and well— RIP your arm or leg. Or your favorite outfit. He will still be wary and cautious about all moving parts on a Pokémon. Organic or Mechanical. Hence why he harps on the twins about their health more than anything. It's a hate-love relationship. Think of a nagging parent. He doesn’t outright dislike Pokémon but he just can’t turn off his doctor brain. Ya know?
Views on Job Related Pokemon
(Robin, Clint, etc) - LOVE THIS TO BITS! However, do keep in mind that Stardew Valley is isolated… it is a separate region. So, unless you're someone like Pam who travel across Stardew Valley. You're not going to see a Pokemon. Or a Pokemon Battle. I bet you no one even knows what a Pokemon Battle is.
I think they would learn about how Pokemon can help them with their own professions through casual talks with the Submas Twins when they have to say ask Robin for a commission or head down to Clint's to get some metal work done. The knowledge of Pokémon is lacking…. Which feeds into the fear and stigmatization of them. Knowledge is power. The government will most likely be censoring Pokémon related media... except for a few things that fall through the cracks like fashion magazines.
Which we’ll segway into… Hailey and Emily - They will most definitely fear Pokémon, however, we have some plans for the two with Elesa! They will know a little bit about Pokémon but only through fashion magazines. So think cute Pokémon like Happiny or Pachirisu. Anything bigger then a cat… forget it. They will be terrified of all of Submas Pokémon but over time it’ll dull down… they’ll still be jumpy but its not an outright dislike. Just... they prefer to see them from afar or in fashionable clothing in a book or magazine.
Gus - Definitely a fear of Pokemon... however! There are some exceptions. Joltik. And Garbador. Joltik I won’t go into details just yet, but one shows up in an event where Gus is. Garbador tho, think of Linus. Gus will most likely think of Garbador like Linus… so he isn’t scared of them. Plus. They keep the trash clean… so no raccoons or rats near the establishment. Lol. He'd be happy that no food/trash would go to waste and they make less of a mess than the other scavengers, so it's better to have it go to them.
Demetrius - Now he is a complicated one. I would say yes to hating Pokémon HOWEVER, there is definitely some character growth and development with him simply due to how Maru interacts with Pokémon and how much Stardew Valley is changing.
There is dialogue about Demetrius saying it's better that Stardew Valley- or this case the Ferngill Republic- is isolated. He could hate the Pokémon and dislike the twins at first because they are breaking the norm.
Maru, on the other hand, is absolutely fascinated about the changes. Scared and wary, but in awe of the Pokémon. The scientist in her is wanting to challenge the norm, while Demetrius is conservative and stuck in his ways… we’re also not a 100% concrete on this concept yet due to needing to double check dialogue and how his personality is in game but for Demetrius definitely a character development kinda guy.
As for how Stardew Valley relates globally with the Pokémon world stuff, I have been going off of the Setting article on this Wiki here
It shows a very pixel crude map of Ferngill Republic and Gotoro Empire. They are both continents or in this case regions.
You can’t drive to Ferngill Republic through Unova or any other Pokémon region. Only way to get there is by flight and then travel by bus. However when the train-station is up and running there will be Surfliner Routes, theoretical underwater train lines, or a giant bridge.
In Black and White and Black and White 2 there are the Wifi-Lines. I believe these to be international lines that connect to other regions. So, say for example, a train from Kalos deciding to go to Unova via this Wifi-Line or the Cyan Line. etc. etc. since Stardew Valley and Ferngill Republic has been isolated, banned on Pokémon etc. Passenger lines cannot travel on these train lines… also with the state of the station in Stardew, it probably isn't the best either.
The Ferngill Republic, however, conducts Agricultural and Economic trade with the other regions. Tomatos, meat, etc. due to possibly how taboo it is in some regions to kill and to eat Pokémon. Even though Magikarp and Slowpoke Tails might be a delicacy... the culture surrounding Pokémon as being our friends, family, partners in life... well you wouldn't want to murder Mr. Mittens now would you. That wouldn't sit right with some people.
So with the train station being rebuilt, expect a lot more economical benefits etc. and trade.
Hope this least clears up some things but also.. I just info-dumped like Ingo LOLOL. Aaaaaah…. Theres definitely a lot more I can write. Guess you can say… i’m like Lore Keeper Dani from Criticalrole. Anyway! Hope you enjoy this long reply to chew on!
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nowandevermore · 2 years
Been putting off doing this for a while, mainly because the one year anniversary of the series is coming up; buuuuut, with God in the Midst on the horizon and In the In-Between finishing up soon, I figured now is as good a time as any to make a master post for my Pokémon Ranger series. 
Under the cut for spoiler snippets.
Secrets of the Fiore Temple
Rated: T
Pairing: Ash x Goh
Warnings: depictions of violence, nightmares
Aged-up characters: Ash (23), Goh (21)
Word count: 17.1K
Chapters: 8/8
When Professor Amaranth recommends Ash and Goh to help the Pokémon Rangers of Fiore, the men are eager to jump on the opportunity. After all, the chance to work with Rangers is always slim. 
Besides, together, Ash and Goh will be fine. All they are doing is helping a Top Ranger move some overpopulated Pokémon — it is a simple task, a simple mission. 
Until it isn't.
A darkness rides in on the clouds of summer storms, looming over the Ranger Region of Fiore. Anger and agony fall over the Sekra Mountain Range, an old Pokémon lingers — a threat and a promise to the people of the region…
"Thought to be extinct?"
In order to complete their mission, Ash and Goh will have to face the sins of the fathers, right the wrongs of the past, and make a new path toward a brighter future. 
Ash takes a step forward, ready to help Goh when a shudder ripples through him - a feeling he can recognize - starting in his chest and extending out to his fingers and toes. Aura. The trainer stops, glancing around. There's no one else around. 
A low growl to his left warns Ash that he's not the only one who felt the aura. It felt dangerous - but only for the moment, fading into the background almost as immediately as he felt it. 
Goh calls his name again, a hint of concern in his tone, and the trainer shakes it off for now. He'll mention it once they catch these Pokémon. 
There are five Cyndaquil in total - Hailey thanks them for the catches. 
Ash doesn't mention the aura spike. 
Answers Buried in Time
Rating: M
Pairing: Ash x Goh, background relationships
Warnings: nightmares & visions, depictions of violence, temporary character death(s)
Aged-up characters: Ash (25), Goh (23), Gary (26), Hailey (28)
Word count: 59.2K
Chapters: 22/22
Two and a half years after the events in the Sekra Range, everything is fine. Everything is calm. Fiore is behind them.
Or it should be.
They may have left Fiore, but in more ways than one, the region hasn't left them. It shaped Ash and Goh in many ways, but in no ways were they left unscathed. 
In no ways did they come back the same. 
"Hello, Goh."
The nightmares come back in full force — angry, haunting, it speaks of a past that once was. It warns of a future to come.
While Ash attempts to comfort the younger man, Goh begins to understand that nothing just happens. Everything has a reason, a purpose. 
Goh thinks he might have found his. 
Where will the nightmare lead? Will it take him to a brighter future, or are they solely destined for a dark fate?
Only time can tell — the answers buried within its depths, within the deepest recesses of the past. 
Within the Hall of Memories.
Ash hesitates and looks at Goh. He has seen his boyfriend's reactions to the nightmares being brought up in the past, but Ash also understands that it's necessary to bring them up now. Goh hesitates for only a second before nodding. 
The trainer turns back to face Samona and starts. "Goh began having nightmares almost a month ago. They started one night out of nowhere — he hadn't had any for two years…"
Goh chews his bottom lip before he adds on. "I had one six months ago, too. It was a single occurrence, and I didn't think they would come back."
"Can you tell me anything about them?" Samona asks. 
Goh looks up to meet her gaze and says. "There's almost always a Mew involved. Somehow, some way, it's there. Most of the time, I run through a forest… only to reach a dead end. I remember the gush of geysers, the smell of hot springs, and…" he inhales shakily as he recalls the Pokémon that followed him. 
That attacked him.
"There's a Pokémon that follows me — it attacked me… It—it was instructed by someone to attack. I don't know what Pokémon it was; I haven't ever seen one before."
Samona follows up with a final question. "What did it look like?"
"It was tall and skinny, with hands that burnt the trees around it. It had a large, round head that it… threw for an attack."
The Ranger tenses, and it goes unnoticed by no one. 
note: please read author's notes on chapters. Warnings included in each, as needed. Take care of yourselves. 
Special thanks to @eternalstargazer for writing a few, major battle scenes for this fic. It would not have been what it was without your help, thanks friend. 
In the In-Between
Rating: T
Pairing: Ash x Goh
Warnings: brief mentions of character death
Aged-up characters: Ash (25), Goh (23)
Word count: 9.3K
Chapters: 3/3
In the months following the events of Rota, all is going well. Samona lives up to her promise, and she gives Ash the opportunity to train in the Lucario Kingdom in Sinnoh. When he returns home, the trainer expects everything to be normal.
Goh waits at home in the city of Vermilion — for all intents and purposes, everything is.
Then the news plays...
The Bell Tower burns, and the Bell Tower is saved. And Ash is reminded that he's no longer the only one who feels the disturbance in the air.
A candle flickers in an altar, and it guides Goh towards a twister in time — something is coming.
When Ash is shown a vision of his own, it provides a look into a past the trainer didn't know existed... one he missed out on. He's forced to face demons he forgot he buried, forced to acknowledge the truth of the matter.
There's too much to be coincidence, and the men are reminded that everything has a reason — and coincidences don't exist.
Not in the world of the gods.
"Listen for their calls."
Incoming call — Gary Oak. Incoming call — Gary Oak.
This is theirs.
Ash stands and turns toward the fox. "You would have won."
Zoroark huffs before speaking into the clearing. "I didn't need to win."
It catches the trainer off guard. He knits his brows. "What do you mean? We had a deal."
The fox nods. "And you trust Goh. I didn't need to win to know that."
Ash swallows. He doesn't understand… He hadn't trusted Goh's words that Zoroark had saved him. Why isn't it asking for more? What does it want?
Zoroark's voice fills the clearing again. It watches Ash, red pupils seeming to stare directly into his soul. "What do you know about your pendant?"
That isn't what Ash had expected. "What?"
The fox narrows its eyes, before it takes a step forward. The trainer swallows and shakes his head. Ash tries again, but Zoroark cuts him off. 
"It has a name." 
"How do you know that?" The man asks, and he unconsciously takes a step back. Anxiety rises in his chest, even as Ash tries to tamp it down. 
It isn't working. 
Zoroark huffs across from him, and Ash thinks he hears a slight amusement to it. "It told me. It can tell you too." The fox reaches a hand out to the man and stares at him. 
Ash gulps. "Why? Why would you share any of this with me?"
"Because it is yours."
Time stops.
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yourfaveisacrow · 2 years
hello, my name is Achilles!! I am a young adult and my pronouns are he/they ^^ rules for requests are under the cut, as well as characters that have already been hit with the crow beam
submissions are;
when sending a submission, send the name and media a character is from, as well as whether the character Is or is Not a crow. feel free to send yourself/other users in, as well as OCs! if sending an oc, please attach an image as well
dont hesitate to send bird based characters that arent crows that shits funny as fuck !!!!!
names in italics have been government assigned Not Crows; names in bold have been assigned both crow and not crow
ethan green ; lex foster ; paul matthews ; linda monroe ; gerald monroe ; steph lauter ; pete spankoffski ; ted spankoffski ; henry hidgens ; curt mega ; owen carvour ; edgar allan poe ; wilbur cross ; john macnamara ; ezekiel ; grace chasity ; boy jerry ; girl jeri ; charlotte sweetly ; emma perkins ; ziggy ; alice woodward ; deb ; miss holloway ; duke keane ; hailey dilmore ; kale ;
etc musicals;
mischa bachinski(rtc) ; penny lamb/jane doe(legoland/rtc) ; constance blackwood(rtc) ; noel gruber(rtc) ; ricky potts(rtc) ; sara berry(35mm) ; simon pratt(rockabye) ; xander hackett(rockabye) ; marly blackwood(rockabye) ; adil foster(rockabye) ; calypso jones(rockabye) ;
stranger things;
eddie munson ; robin buckley ;
the umbrella academy;
luther hargreeves ; diego hargreeves ; klaus hargreeves ; five hargreeves ; (umbrella)ben hargreeves ; viktor hargreeves ;
the addams family;
tyler galpin(wednesday) ; wednesday addams(wednesday) ;
lenore(evermore) ;
nathan drake(movie) ;
percy jackson;
percy jackson ;
harry osborn(raimi) ; harry osborn(tasm) ; peter parker(tasm) ; gwen stacy(tasm) ; barkley blitz(msm2017) ; otto octavius(msm2017) ; harry osborn(msm2017) ; peter parker(msm2017) ; flash thompson(msm2017) ; anya corazon(msm2017) ; carolyn trainer(msm2017) ;
loki odinson/laufeyson(movie) ; ikol(comic) ;
nowhere boys;
sam conte ; felix ferne ; jake riles ; andy lau ;
qrow ;
takiyama ; kokichi ;
street fighter;
charlie nash ;
davesprite ; davepeta ; dave strider ;
good omens;
crowley ;
rusty lake;
mr crow ;
jason dean ;
the adventure zone;
kravitz ;
the goldfinch;
boris pavlikovsky ;
chatot ;
james moriarty ;
my hero academia;
fumikage tokoyami ;
the owl house;
eda clawthorne ; lilith clawthorne ;
story of seasons pioneers of olive town;
beth ;
warrior cats;
crowfeather ;
ingram ;
batman ; jonathan crane(gotham) ;
apex legends;
bloodhound ;
resident evil;
mother miranda ;
schitts creek;
moira rose ;
woody woodpecker;
woody woodpecker ;
mirei park ;
cookie run;
black raisin cookie ;
aya shameimaru ;
real people/users/things;
tad cooper ;
gravity falls;
dipper pines ;
edgar allan poe ; philza minecraft ; user maybe0rdinary ; user callieharm ; user yourfavedoesntcondoneleaking ; user yourfaveisacrow ; you ; red blood cells ; indigos-shits-and-giggles' dog milo ; indigos-shits-and-giggles' dog zeke ;
far(mcytblr, lorekeepers) ; luna(mcytblr, lorekeepers) ; ashen(mcytblr, lorekeepers) ;
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hunty627 · 4 years
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These are Ali and Hailey’s Pokémon and the ones they have in their PCs. I hope our kids like them, Temacu. Because they’ll do their best with their big sisters to be great Galarian Pokémon trainers.
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risucoquere · 4 years
      This was interesting, no doubt. Hailey still thought it was odd that in this region, in order to get people places quickly, a flying pokémon was required...well, Galarian pokémon were rare in Sinnoh, so that ruled out the possibility of Corviknight taxis. Luckily all she had to do in order to get to Hearthome was withdraw Runey from the PC box.
      The flight...wasn’t as graceful as she thought. with no car to safely sit in, she had to put all her faith in the young Sigilpyh that he wouldn’t let her go. She did, and luck was on her side, as she nearly sunk to her shaky knees as they landed at the pokémon center. Runey let out a small hum, a way of asking if his trainer was alright after that experience.
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      “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks, Runey.” she gives him a small pat on the head, reassuring the Glyph-like creature before returning him to his heal ball. There was no time to waste, she had poffins to make, and a fine to pay if she was late!
      Pulling out her Rotom phone, The brunette followed the GPS directions, until she found herself a few yards from the building, and her eyes landed on the familiar blonde boy. With the shakiness in her knees gone from the initial flight landing, she picked up the pace, calling out to the male as she did.
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      “Sorry to keep you waiting!”
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max15380 · 5 years
How about Nate's Pokémon Team? Here's what I think it would be for Nate: 1.) Shiny Runerigus (female), 2.) Golisopod (Female), 3.) Toxtricity (male in it's Lowkey Form), 4.) Alolan Sandslash (male), 5.) Centiskorch (male), 6.) Shiny Duraladon (female with Gigantamax ability). Also, for fanartists: go nuts with this idea. I want this to exist!
It sounds like a nice team for him!
I have been thinking that his team kind of swaps between multiple Pokémon as he explores the new world he’s in.
I actually had a cool idea I’m going to use in the story I plan on writing about this, PokeKai! (In the plot he’s actually accompanied by a trainer. They work together. Nate battles Yo-Kai and the trainer fights against Pokémon, but Nate does has a Pokémon team and the trainer does has a Yo-Kai team in case they ever got separated.)
In the merge of the Pokémon and Yo-Kai world, some Yo-Kai gained the strange ability to switch between Pokémon and Yo-Kai form! They keep their usual color schemes from their Yo-Kai selves but gain the abilities of the Pokémon they become!
Jibanyan for example, is capable of turning into a Purrloin. (See the picture below.)
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Basically, I could also imagine Nate with a team of special PokeKai as well.
They can’t be caught in a normal kind of Pokéball, and instead either remain uncaught and simply follow their partner, or are kept in a Kai Ball, a special Pokéball for PokeKai, if they want to.
They can change back to a Yo-Kai on their own or with the use of the Yo-Kai Watch, and can turn into a Pokémon (again) on their own or with the use of a Kai Ball, which also can assist in the change from Yo-Kai to Pokemon.
Some are capable of evolution in their Pokémon form, while some can’t.
Also, Katie, Hailey, and Buck also have teams of their own too! I just haven’t gotten to building up their teams yet.
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delomaniaofficial · 7 years
So, uh Pokemon AU ideas;
So, I’ve been considering a Pokemon AU for quite a while now and this is what I have.
The people currently in the AU are @ihaileysenpai , @theniceprincess-tnp , @asktazzieandfriendsreboot , @wolfieskies25 , and @blog-sockydraw .
Currently; only Nicey’s profile and Pokemon are done. I’ll get to the rest later. I might make this a full on blog, but that would mean updates would be slower. If you want it to be an actual blog and AU, lemme know.
So, here’s Nicey’s info-
Final Elite Four Member: Nicey (@theniceprincess-tnp )
Specializes in: Fairy Types
Age: 20
Partner Pokémon: Diancie (Shiny Variant)
Starter Pokémon: Primarina
Home Region: Alola
Species: Primarina (named Sirena)
Gender: Female
Personality: Calming and quite loving. Though, her, Sylvia (Nicey’s Sylveon) and Diancie (named Rube) are always fighting for Nicey’s attention.
Ability: Torrent (Hidden Ability: Liquid Voice)
Moves: Pound, Water Gun, Growl, Disarming Voice, Sparkling Aria, Aqua Jet, Encore, Bubble Beam, Sing, Double Slap, Hyper Voice, Moonblast, Captivate, Hydro Pump, Misty Terrain, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Light Screen, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Echoed Voice, Energy Ball, Scald, Acrobatics, Giga Impact, Hydro Cannon, Aqua Ring*
Pokeball: Dive Ball
Species: Diancie (Shiny Variant) (named Rube)
Gender: Female
Personality: Very action hogging when it comes to her trainer, and is possessive. However, her cons are made up with her legendary status and battling expertise. Though, she doesn’t seem to get along with Sylvia or Sirena.
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Tackle, Harden, Rock Throw, Sharpen, Smack Down, Reflect, Stealth Rock, Guard Split, Ancient Power, Flail, Skill Swap, Power Gem, Trick Room, Stone Edge, Moonblast, Diamond Storm, Light Screen, Safeguard, Psyshock, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Protect, Psychic, Double Team, Sandstorm, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Gyro Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Endeavor, Magnet Rise
Pokeball: Love Ball
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Diancie carries a Mega Stone!
Species: Sylveon (named Sylvia)
Gender: Female
Personality: Hyper and always wishing to have a good brushing. Really hates having her spotlight stolen. Is always out of her Pokeball and following Nicey around.
Ability: Cute Charm (Hidden Ability: Pixilate)
Moves: Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Helping Hand, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Quick Attack, Swift, Draining Kiss, Skill Swap, Misty Terrain, Light Screen, Moonblast, Last Resort, Psych Up, Psyshock, Toxic, Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Reflect, Attract, Dazzling Gleam, Dig, Retaliate, Heal Bell, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Bite, Double-Edge, Detect*
Pokeball: Heal Ball
Species: Mimikyu (named Mimic)
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and doesn’t draw attention to himself much. However, this little disguised Pokémon really doesn’t like Nicey’s boyfriend; Seer, for some reason.
Ability: Disguise
Moves: Wood Hammer, Scratch, Astonish, Cpoycat, Double Team, Baby-Doll Eyes, Shadow Sneak, Mimic, Feint Attack, Charm, Slash, Shadow Claw, Hone Claws, Play Rough, Pain Split, Toxic, Protect, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rest, Charge Beam, Will-O-Wisp, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond*
Pokeball: Dusk Ball
Species: Alolan Ninetales (named Khione)
Gender: Female
Personality: Motherly and, like Sylvia, is always out of her Pokeball. Always by Nicey’s side and making sure the girl is safe; like an overprotective mom.
Ability: Snow Cloak (Hidden Ability: Snow Warning)
Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Imprison, Nasty Plot, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Safeguard, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Roar, Hail, Blizzard, Protect, Hyper Beam, Double Team, Attract, Round, Giga Impact, Aurora Veil, Frost Breath, Dark Pulse, Confide, Feint Attack, Hex, Extrasensory, Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Mist, Aurora Beam, Sheer Cold, Dig, Iron Tail, Zen Headbutt, Ominous Wind, Swift, Mimic, Reflect, Dream Eater, Hypnosis*, Freeze-Dry*, Moonblast*
Pokeball: Crystal Ball
Species: Reuniclus (Shiny Variant) (named Nikolai)
Gender: Male
Personality: Forgiving, intelligent and always willing to listen. A helper around the team, and someone for the others to lean on.
Ability: Magic Guard (Hidden Ability: Regenerator)
Moves: Dizzy Punch, Psywave, Reflect, Rollout, Snatch, Hidden Power, Light Scree, Charm, Recover, Psyshock, Endeavor, Future Sight, Pain Split, Psychic, Skill Swap, Heal Block, Wonder Room, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Focus Blast, Rest, Gyro Ball, Rock Slide, Grass Knot, Flash Cannon, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Focus Punch, Magic Coat, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt, Signal Beam, Superpower, Night Shade*
Pokeball: Moon Ball
I honestly have no idea why I gave her a Reuniclus, but A.) This was the only Pokemon I could see with her and B.) Having a Pokemon that HAS NO RELATION WITH YOUR TYPING, is good to have in case you went up against a Poison type. And for Steel types, well, the Psychic type knows Fighting moves and Fire Punch, so he’s a good defense against typings strong against Fairy. Besides that, Diancie would have a 4x weakness to Steel because it’s a Rock and Fairy type, so Reuniclus would certainly be a good partner for her and a astounding counter.
Hailey, Tazzie, Wolfie, Socky; y'all are coming up soon.
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pkmn-xy-squad · 2 months
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More Wes art to get my drawing chops back! I will never get over my love for this emo pretty boy 😍
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pkmn-xy-squad · 7 months
*After Hailey beats Nemona in a Pokémon battle*
“You’re a champion??” Nemona asks excitedly. The fact that she just lost the battle doesn’t even phase her. She’s already excited about the next thing.
“Not exactly. I won the Kalos Championship 10 years ago, but that doesn’t automatically make me champion.”Hailey responds.
Nemona is visibly confused.
“It’s different in other regions. Paladea is the first one I’ve heard of that considers champion a rank and not a title.” Penny explains.
“Most regions have one champion”. Florian follows up, also having come from Galar.
“You’re right.” Hailey added. “My title officially is Neo-Champion, which is basically a champion strength trainer who acts as a role model for younger trainers, usually around your age.” She explained.
“Wait, How old are you?” Nemona asked. She thought they were all around the same age. She couldn’t tell how old Jacques was, though.
Hailey laughs. She was used to getting this question a lot. “I’m 27, about 12 years older than all of you.” She stated.
“You don’t look that old.” Penny stated, bluntly.
“Penny!” Florian scolded her.
“What, She doesn't!” Penny shot back, defending her point.
“Please I'm not ancient. Feel like it sometimes but that's just the infinity energy from Xerneas.” Hailey giggled.
“Who??” Arven asked, his eyes wide.
“..Nobody. Forget it.” Hailey said after a moment of tense silence. She should not have said that.
“Oo!! I know that answer!” Nemona exclaimed. Whelp. There was no taking that back now. “Xerneas is a legendary Pokémon in Kalos-“ She starts. She then spies Jacques trying to hastily hide something behind his back. She gasps excitedly and rushes over to him.
“DID YOU CATCH XERNEAS?” She exclaims loudly.
“Shh! Not so loud!” He warns her, whilst trying to keep the masterball from her.
“We don’t know who could be listening.” He reprimands her sternly. His eyes gleam a ghostly blue for a split second.
Hailey glances over at Florian.
“Battles are her favorite things, Arven's a food buff, and Penny's good with computers.” Florian explains, pointing to each of them.
“Where’s that leave you?” Hailey asks.
Florian shrugs. “Glue?”
“He helped defeat my friends in Team Star-“ Penny starts.
“-Helped save Mabosstiff and defeated the titan Pokémon-“ Arven cuts in.
“-AND beat all eight gyms and the elite four! He’s a champion like me!” Nemona gestures excitedly, having given up on trying to get a look at Xerneas’ master ball.
Haley puts hand on chin thoughtfully. “Glue...”
“...Glue.” Florian nods in agreement.
“Any….Evil teams trying to activate an ancient super weapon, awaken primal forces of nature, or summon weird creatures from other dimensions?” Hailey asked. It might seem like a weird question to ask of kids she had just met, but from her experience it was always a good question to ask.
“Mmmmm no??” Florian responded, unsure.
“Well there was that one thing with Arven's Da-“ Penny starts, but Arven swats her.
“Shusshsshiuhsss” Arven shushes her, continuing to swat her. Penny swats him back.
“This region's great.” Hailey giggles, turning to Jacques and Emma.
“I think we can trust them, but it may be pertinent to keep ah eye on them for a while.” Jacques tells Hailey. She nods.
“How old are both of you, then?” Nemona asks, addressing Jacques and Emma, while her friends are swatting at each other.
“I’m…..That’s….a complicated question..” Jacques trails off, unsure of how to respond. He holds his hands behind his back, as the section of his scarf he has behind him swishes anxiously.
“I’m 26!” Emma exclaims joyfully, partially because she’s excited to make new friends, and partially to draw attention away from how awkwardly Jacques answered that question.
OCC: Continuing the interaction from the last post. Based once again on a post from @hyperfix-writer-kalos-red
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pkmn-xy-squad · 7 months
A few days later Hailey, Jacques, and Emma are sitting in one of the park areas of Mezagoza, enjoying food from one of the nearby food stands.
Jacques gets up from the bench they were sitting on and looks around.
“What’s the matter?” Hailey asked.
“I feel like we are being watched.” He replied. His scarf twitched a little.
Meanwhile, Penny, Nemona, Florian, and Arven are spying on them from across the plaza from behind a building. “Aw crap, I think that guy saw us.” Penny says, as she adjusts her glasses.
The blond woman that they had been spying on is talking to the brown haired man who had seen them. He points to where they were hiding. She looks over her shoulder at them, and she flashes a smile and a wave at them.
“Now she definitely saw us.” Penny says.
“Why are we spying on the lady who came to meet with Mr. Jacq at the academy the other day, always?” Arven asked.
“Shhh!” Penny whisper yelled.
Nemona waves back at her, and holds up her Pokémon gesturing for a battle.
“NEM!” Florian whisper yelled at her.
The man in the scarf sighed as the blond lady shrugged and continued eating her lunch. The man in the scarf left the other two, and disappeared behind the park’s fountain.
“You can’t just shake a pokeball and ask for a battle!” Florian exclaimed.
“Why not?” Nemona asked.
“She’s probably got super strong Pokémon! She was on tv the other day fighting a match against Geeta.” Penny informed them.
“That’s even better!” Nemona’s eyes lit up.
“You were definitely That kid who got kidnapped by a guy in a van who said he’s got candy as a kid.” Arven replied.
They were too busy arguing to hear Jacques approaching them from behind.
“Are you the ones who have been spying on us?” He accused them.
The four kids let out a scream.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Jacques apologized, putting his hands out in front of him and taking a step back. His eyes gleamed with a ghostly blue energy for a fraction of a second.
“But I’ll ask you again. What business do you have spying on us?” He asks, his formal tone serious.
Nemona gave a nervous smile and shook the pokeball in her hand again. “Pokémon battle?” She asked.
The man’s demeanor softened.
“That’s all? I’m sure My Lady will very much like that.” He considered.
OOC: Our main trio meets the Pokémon S/V cast! This interaction is based on a post from @hyperfix-writer-kalos-red
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pkmn-xy-squad · 7 months
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OCC: Just realized I never posted any pictures of what my characters look like. I made these on picrew last night of Hailey and Jacques.
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pkmn-xy-squad · 8 months
12. Where does your patron live? Do they stick with you, or do they have a domain of their own?
Xerneas is traveling with us for the time being. As to where it was living before, I am not certain. I presume it must have found a nice grassy patch somewhere deep within Kalos’ forests to hibernate.
According to the research Sina and Dexio did, it says that Zygarde’s cells are found thought Kalos. Trevor and I found its 50% form in Terminus Cave after following some rumors from Couriway Town. The rumor mentioned that the mining site there was closed because there were sightings of a monster in the cave. The red core decided to stick around in the cube that the profesor developed to collect the cells in. I guess it must be more comfortable than a cold, dark cave.
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