#pokemon presents 2/27/2024
ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
Lmaoooo I do not think Emmet is gonna be in the new game.
The Kalos legendaries are not time and space snd like. Wormhole themed. I doubt it'll be an isekai, even. I think it'll have some other theme!
Either way. I hope he's not there lmao. Even if I highly, HIGHLY doubt he would be at all
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nauticalmyles · 7 months
February 27, 2024
Soda Dungeon 2
Beat floor 6.5k pretty easily. I think I would've gotten to 7k but end of day so I ran from the dungeon. If this rate keeps up I might beat 10k this week.
Got Nurse to Mastery 50 so 1 more achievement left.
Turnip Boy Robs a Bank
That was definitely a game. Completed the story and all achievements today.
I didn't really care for this game. It was leaning a lot into the writing and references and I just didn't care. Gameplaywise it was okay.
Spoilers for the Pokemon Presents below
Pokemon Presents
Very excited for the first legendaries of Pokemon Sleep. It's cool it's the dogs. Hope they add the lake trio since Uxie already look like it's sleeping.
If I were still playing Unite, I'd be super excited for Falinks.
Opening packs in TCG Pocket looks so satisfying. I've been really wanting a gatcha Pokemon game and something about Masters turned me off so this will hopefully fill that need.
Hell yes another Legends. It looks to me like the setting will be reconstructing Lumiose City after it was destroyed in AZ's war. Not sure if I like the "Z-A" name but I'm sure it'll grow on me. Calling it PL(a)ZA is kinda cool.
Saw some theories about time travel being actively present. What if it was like you change things in the past then go to the future and see how things changed a la Dark Cloud 2!?
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nautoais211dx · 7 months
Pokemon Present 2024 - A new game in 2025?!
My thoughts of the Pokemon Present of 2-27-2024, to no surprise, Game Freaks is developing a new game for 2025.
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gamepediajp · 7 months
ポケモンGOで、2024年2月27日のポケモンデーに「Pokemon P …
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
The best argument I saw for Emmet being in PLZA was "Ingo in Gen 4, Emmet in Gen 6, and they meet in the middle". It's not perfect, but I do like the concept of it. (Also, I love the idea that they become the Twin Heroes of Unova.)
Meet in the middle isn't bad, but also has the "it'll take forever to wrap up the storyline" issue lol
That idea personally is very much not my thing but I get why people like it
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
Either way I am genuinely very excited for this game! I love the legends ideas and the possibility of a different sort of game, and I never got to play a Kalos game so I'm quite interested in this!
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
If you think submas ancestors are viable, I think it would be really cool if they created the train system in kalos. In lumoise city, there is a train system, and if we are helping reconstruct the city like the trailer hints at, that could be a verry fun side quest of sorts
Would be interesting for sure!
I'm not sure when France got trains but from speculation, this game may be mid-1900s so? Who knows!
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
when I saw the trailer was for Legends my first thought was: "Which Battle Facility head are we screwing up this time?"
Hopefully none of them lol
I don't think time travel will factor as much into this one bc the legendaries aren't time and space themed
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
I’m with you on the whole “no Emmet in PLZA” but I do think getting a submas ancestor would be fun
What would they be doing in France! 😂😂😂
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
You probably know what pokemon presents presented by now but what if we find an emmet in future-y kalos
I don't think it's future Kalos at all, nor do I think Emmet will be there at all lol. Nor do I want him to be!
Legends Games are NOT code for "there will be trainguys in it"
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
apologies. I did't meant to sound unfriendly or rude. Maybe I could've worded it better as well but these thoughts just came to my mind in that way.
maybe it is different portrayals of characters but Ingo always felt kinda restless to me and he really needs something to spark his determination to see things through. Even going through time back home.
But that is besides the point. I get what you mean. Personally I wouldn't mind if he just is back home and everything is fine again. Maybe some dialogue about his little misadventure but all tame.
I just wanted to share some thoughts. Apologies if I sounded wrong.
No worries! The only part that sounded somewhat rude was the "fandom has a habit of making Ingo passive." Everything else is just fun speculation; even if it's not to my taste as a game idea specifically, that didn't sound rude at all!
And again, the fault is mine too; I have a difficult time reading intent over text of folks I don't know well. ESPECIALLY when my brain is chugging a mile a minute! 😭
Either way, you should definitely explore the ideas that sound cool to you!! Try n write a fic or draw something, whatever is more your speed!
I would personally love that last option; it leave the how he got there a mystery and we can all supply our own thoughts on how it happened!
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
Imagine if Ingo shows up again. He's the Looker of the Legends Game. In search of his origins.
Fandom has a habit of making Ingo extremely passive with being eternally bound and in debt to the kindness of the Pearl Clan for saving him and the Duties as Sneaslers Warden. And they have Emmet as the active role ready to do anything and challenge everything to get Ingo back.
But imagine this:
after meeting the Protag in Hisui and battling them a few times memories start showing up more. We've seen it firsthand of him remembering Emmet and Chandelure and in a way Gear Station. Eventually these memories and mysteries will cause restlessness in him. Restlessness and curiousity. And at some point he can't just sit by here in Hisui. There are clearly no ties to his mysterious past here. So he bids goodbye to the people who saved him, gives up his duties as a Warden and at he Battle Ground and sets out into the world; trying to find the answers to his past, to himself and his home. There are risks but they are worth taking, he knows that.
And a Train that sits motionless on tracks will get rusty. He needs to move forward on his tracks to find his home station. Or at least answers.
I know it basically goes against the whole narrative of passive Ingo but I quite like the idea of Ingo starting to travel. Looking for himself and his past. Becoming active. Wishing to find the home he can't remember. Because his heart knows there is someone waiting for him.
hope it's ok to share these thoughts. Especially since they are so controversial. But I'd love something like this.
I tend to like both takes of Ingo: both waiting for a change and also striking out to find his home
I wouldn't exactly call it being passive, per se. Depictions range from him being depressed (which really does sap your energy) to simply not knowing what to do. Some subconscious instinct could tell him to stay put.
Staying put, if you are lost, is safer and increases your chance of rescue after all.
(Don't discredit the works and opinions of other people, I know you probably didn't mean it but it feels a smidge rude here. I also could just be bad at reading the tone)
But I do like the idea of him getting home on his own too. I think it would be interesting, but I'd rather read it as a fic than have to wait for that many years for games to come out. I wouldn't want them to rush it bc that's inhumane to gamedevs and makes for shitty games, but respectfully lol I do not want to wait that long for a plot
Plus he'd have to figure out the whole time travel element to it, which would be fairly difficult plot-wise
So personally I'd just rather they reunite them already :,)
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