#pokemon shielbert x reader
royalty-subway · 6 months
Sordward,shiebert with o/s who specialize in electricity type and who's afraid of ground type pokemon headcanons?
I always liked the idea of like, a trainer just specializing in one type of Pokemon. Whether they're a gym leader or just a trainer. ;w;
Hm. Well, he may not know much about electric Pokemon. But he's still a bit fascinated with the fact that you specialize in that type. It could be for gym leader purposes, or just you knowing them well for fun. Whatever floats your boat.
He'll try his best to treat your Pokemon kindly. I say this because I feel like there's always a high chance that those electric Pokemon of yours are going to like, poof his hair all over the place with their electric static. Which he hates, but he looks funny when it happens.
Oddly enough, he can withstand the hyper ways of an electric Pokemon. Like, he vibes with it pretty well despite having a team of his own that are kinda chill and noble-like.
And don't worry, he understands your fear of ground types. Since being an electric specialist, he can see where you're coming from. Ground types would be your weakness there. Unless it's like, an actual genuine fear of them and not because you'd have difficulty defending yourself.
He'll genuinely try his best to avoid ground types for your sake in any situation. Like, ground types are common in sandstorms or just any sand area. So, he'll try to avoid those places when he's with you. Or help you out if you encounter one of them during a multi battle with him by your side.
… Well, he really isn't one for specializing in one type of Pokemon. But he's genuinely intrigued by your talents in electric types. It probably made him like you in the first place. Or at least find you a rather intriguing person to be around.
Here's the thing, electric types are somewhat known to be sporadic and hyper. Which is something he ISN'T because he has no energy for that, like, physically and emotionally (unlike his brother). Even so, he'll try his best to be nice to your Pokemons. Regardless of any circumstances. He's just... a calm person, is all.
He completely understands your fear of ground types. Whether it's because of battle reasons or some form of... personal matter, he gets it. He can't really judge since he fears bug types, so…
He'll do whatever he can to help you for ground types. Whether it's to shoo them away from battle or like, help you fight them in some form of multi battle. Or just comfort you when the time comes, whatever works.
If you're a gym leader, then he'll do his absolute best to support you. Granted, you might not be one since there's likely going to be trainers that use ground types against you. Nevertheless, in any professional setting you have in electric Pokemon stuff, he'll support you.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Doesn't Do Encores Ch35 Going Home
(When this story is over, how many people would be interested in seeing a Melli x Reader story? Also if anyone is interested would anyone be interested in seeing Piers defend reader? If so how?)
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Standing before you in the Slumbering Weald was in fact, Piers. The guy looked as bored as usual..But what was he doing here?! Next to him was in fact also those two bloody thieves. And next to them, was Leon. Wait...What were ANY of them doing here was the better question but before any of you could say anything Sordward spoke.
"Well, well, well. Now that certainly was a refreshing back and forth, Eh wot?," he asked hands returning to his sides.
"That really touched my heart," his brother added.
"Huh? Sordward and Shielbert?," Sonia asked clearly dumb struck and not sure how to react as you other three either stood there or looked at one another not sure what to say. Her eyes trailing the men that stood before her. "With Piers? And even Lee?" She shook her head not quite believing what she was seeing. "What are you lot doing here?!"
"No need for noisemakery, Young Lady," Sordward scolded her by lifting a finger and wagging it at her (now) scowling face. "We have come to meet with the young party."
"They didn't get the chance to properly apologize yet," Piers explained and you gawked at him as it still confused before he sighed again. "As a part o' their punishment, they're being forced to properly apologize to everyone they wronged in person. We're only half way done. Jus' figured we'd stop by 'ere and get all you lot out o' the way. Magnolia sure gave 'em an earful."
"And I'm here to keep an eye on them," Leon confirmed crossing his arms and giving the two brothers a look. "They did technically descend from the original kings, but that doesn't give them any excuses for what they did." The two nervously fidgeted under the Champion's gaze before he looked back to Hop with that bright smile. "But it seems you lot have been up to all sorts of things while I was stuck in Rose Tower trying to help take care of what Mr. Rose left behind." ..he reached behind his head and rubbed his neck. "And something that's going to be revealed next year. It's still a work in progress."
"You've no idea!," Hop frowned pointing an accusing hand at the brothers. "Those two were forcing pokemon to dynamax all OVER the place!"
"AND!", Shielbert raised a hand cutting Hop off as he glared at the two of them. "For that we are really, truly sorry. Look at our sorriness." He pleased holding a hand to his chest dramatically. "We thought only of ourselves and brought harm to innocent pokemon. We have truly caused a large amount of trouble. You helped us even though we did those awful things. You are so worthy of the throne, you could say it's a dynamax sized amount of worthiness!"
You just...stared. Beside you the guys gave each other a look and you heard and saw Piers give an eye roll and groan.  These guys were sure uh....dramatic with their words. But you guessed getting a dramatic apology was better than none..Maybe?
Sonia sighed and literally facepalmed. "I already told you two. Zacian and Zamazenta are the real royalty."
"Incorrect!," Sordward objected, "We have abdicated the title to them! There are no other rulers!"
Sonia only groaned more into the palm rubbing her temples. Honestly if you weren't so confused and surprised still that probably would've been your reaction too-...Hang on a minute. You gave the two a suspicious look. How'd they get here in the first place?
"Hey. That reminds me." You successfully gained all the attention. So you pointed at the two brothers. "How the heck did you two know where the grave was in the first place?" Everything fell silent and the brothers' eyes went wide before they both looked at one another in surprise. It was like no one else ever thought of that before. "Hop and Gloria was lead here by Zacian and Zamazenta, Sonia found it by accident because she's allowed to be in here, and this is the first time Victor or I have ever been here. And I'm guessing you two also lead the way for them too since Piers wouldn't even know about this place, and Leon gets more lost than a blind magikarp in the desert. No offense, Lee."
"None taken," Leon replied.
You crossed your arms staring at the surprised brothers raising a brow. "You two don't give off the vibe of adventures so I doubt you two found it by accident, and Sonia didn't put the location in her book so you couldn't have figured it out from that either." You said knocking out any other possibilities. "So how did you two even know where to look to find this place?"
"Yeah." Hop frowned deeper at them crossing his arms. "How DID you manage to find this place? Are you like some super evil geniuses or something?"
Again both brothers looked at one another again before Shielbert spoke, "Should we tell them, Older Brother?"
Sordward hummed, face gaining a thoughtful expression, before he nodded with a sigh. "We might as well. After all this question was bound to be asked of us sooner or later. We'd be in more trouble if we didn't supply an answer to the question."
Shielbert nodded and you all watched as he reached his hands up. One grabbing his red suit jacket and pulling it open to reach his other hand into the jacket and after a moment, pulling out what looked like a small ...book? When Shielbert held it up it was indeed a book, but a very old one. The brown leather cover looked a little wrinkled and hand a tear or two from so many years of being handled and the paper looked yellowed from age, and it looked no bigger than just a small novel from the bookstore. All of you stared at it for a second before again Hop asked. 
"A book?"
"Not just any book, Young Man!," he scoffed sounded just a bit offended Hop would refer to the book as what it was..A book. "It's a precious family heirloom! One that's been passed down in our family for generations!"
"Also conveniently for us, found tucked away in our attic in a large chest during spring cleaning."
"...Ok. But like WHAT is it specifically?"
Sordward sighed reaching a hand up to rub his forehead. "Oh I guess we have to be specific for the likes of others." A few people looked annoyed at his comment but he replied bluntly before anyone could say anything. "It's a journal written by the first King of Galar of course!"
"Our very own great, great, great, great, great...another dozen or so greats grandfather himself! Passed down by his descendants for generations until it somehow became lost and ended up in the attic locked away for safe keeping."
"That is until we just happened to find it clearing out everything to turn the attic into a luxury suite. Who knew we would uncover such a lucky find?"
"Yes," Shielbert agreed, "It has everything from the location of the hero's last resting place to Zacian and Zamazenta's appearance to the names and family tree of our kingly ancestors entire family line."
"Stopping at our dear Great Great Grandmother Swordenia. After her passing, all of her old belongings were just stuffed away in the old family mansion. We believe the journal was lost during that movement and forgotten somewhere between her and grandmother, but we'll be happy to fill in the rest of the blanks in our noble family tree later."
There was silence as everyone just stared at them wide eyed. Because...well what were you supposed to say to something like that? You all just continued to stare at the book being held. Sonia especially seemed to be staring at it in interest and newfound excitement. But this time it was Victor's turn to comment something.
"But I thought there was two kings," he said..before shaking his head. "No. Scratch that. There was definitely two kings  accordin' ta the ancient tapestries an' the statues hidden behind the mural n' Stow-o'-Side."
"Ah! You would be correct about that," Sheilbert confirmed before wagging the book in his hand, "The two original heroes did go on to be crowned the first kings due to their bravery but only one went on to marry and continue the royal lineage. According to the journal his other royal highness resigned himself to a small town to hide and guard the sword and shield of the ancient pokemon."
"How do we know that's the truth?"
As if to answer them one of the brother's pointed to the singular grave stone popping up from the ancient structure. "One stone for one person. The answer to your question is literally feet in front of you. And of course, it's literally written in here. The two were great friends after all."
"Can I-.." Both the brothers paused when Sonia, mesmerized held her hands out towards the book half way. "C-Can I look at it?"
There was silence again as the brother rose a brow towards one another as if telepathically talking to one another before they looked back to her. "...You want to just look?" She excitedly nodded making them hum. "Wweeell....I guess you may. It would be the least we can do after stealing your research material. But I'll have you know this is a precious family heirloom! If there's so much as a tear on it from you be prepared to be sued for damages!"
"That's a risk I'm willing to take!" She excitedly held her hands up to take the book, and there was a silence. The brothers looked at each other for a long silent moment before Shielbert slowly held out the book towards Sonia's eager hands. You watched as she took it excited glee washing over her face as she immediately opened it. And flicked a few pages over eyes sparkling more with each passing page she flipped. "This...T-This is incredible!" She announced stopping flipping through a few pages. "A written document by such an important historical figure....I so want to investigate this further!"
"Hey, hey!," Sordward pointed, "Historical document or not it's still our property! You can't just take it."
....She gave them a flat look. "Says the ones who stole from us?"
"...Erm. W-Well *ahem* From a logical point, Ma'am. You can't examine someone's property without their permission. It's something, whether you believe us or not, is near and dear to our family. Just as your lab is important to you. You wouldn't let someone just come into your lab and just tamper with your research would you?"
"Again. You guys DID tamper with my research when you stole those Wishing Stars." ..She took a moment looking between the book and them. "But I would still like to examine this. Would you two be up for a compromise?"
"Hhhmmmm...Well I suppose we may be able to work something out. But we want it in writing!"
"...You mean like in literal writing?"
"Yes," both answered her.
Sonia blinked before sighing and shaking her head. "Fine. We can go to my lab and write an agreement up real quick."
"Yeah." Leon cleared his throat before motioning to Piers who through all of this remained silent. "Hey, Piers. Why don't you go ahead with Sonia and escort them to the lab? I'll catch up with you later after I take care of the other reason we came here."
Piers sighed but nodded. "Sure. I can do that real quick." Before he paused, taking a chance to side glance at you. "...But I hope I get a chance to speak too 'fore we leave."
"Of course you will. If we divide and conquer it'll make things much faster."
Piers nodded again before he turned to you and you blinked when he asked a request of you. "Y/n. Walk with me."
The way he said it didn't sound like a question, but you assumed he was requesting you'd walk with him so nodding you started forward towards him. What ended up happening was the two brothers and Sonia walked in front of you two as Sonia bombarded them about the journal in her hands and the two were more than happy to (brag-) answer her questions. And you two followed behind. You had to pick up your pace to keep up with Piers's long strides as he followed but you managed to catch up with him with Silver chirping and easily keeping up behind you. Starting to walk, you took one last chance to look behind you at Leon who looked to be taking a chance to speak to Hop and Victor for a moment. He must want to talk to them about what happened you supposed. With a raised brow you turned your head back to Piers who seemed to have been patiently waiting for you to notice him because he paid attention to you as soon as you looked at him.
"What are you doing here?," was the first thing out of your mouth. Which made him sigh and gesture to the three in front of you.
"Just as I got back ta Spikemuth, I gotta call from the new Chairman,'' he explained with a long sigh, "Since I was one of the ones ta stop the bloody punks, she wanted me ta tag along with Leo an' make sure they didn' get up ta any trouble while he made them carry out the first part o' their punishment."
"No offense but making them personally apologize is a pretty small punishment compared to what they tried to do."
"That's what I thought. But then I learnt what else that woman's makin' 'em do." he huffed a chuckle. "They're bein' made to personally fund Sonia's research here on out as well as payin' damages for the roof in Hammerlocke to be fixed."
"....That's it? Just apologizing and paying for damages?''
"There's more." He smiled just a bit wider. "Sonia's research costs a pretty penny. Worth it but the Chairwoman doesn't really have the resources ta give her what she needed ta fund the entire thing properly after fixin' Rose's escapades." He chuckled a bit more much to your confusion. "They're going to have to hand over some o' their own company ta pay for it. Turns out those blokes own a whole lotta businesses in Wyndon an' a couple other places. Ya should've seen the looks on their faces when the Chairwoman said she was gonna turn their own beach house in Hulbury inta a loading deck for freighters.'' His hand came up to cover his mouth. "And their mall in Wyndon into an affordable c-community college."
You blinked. "Really?" He nodded and you smiled. "Wow. I haven't met this woman and I already like her."
"I-It gets better." He smirked back at you. "They're also paying for the reconstructions for the places out of their own pockets."
"Ok. Now I REALLY like this Chairwoman. How come I've never met her before when I saw Rose?"
He shook his head. "While Rose was busy with his 'rescue mission' he kept her on the back burner by givin' 'er mountains of paperwork and petty work no one else had to do but had ta be done. Poor woman was worked ta the bone. " He shook his head again with a grunt. "Then havin' to play clean up after Rose n' Oleana. No wonder she had to call Leo to help her. Everything was a right bloody mess topped with dirt. But this works out for her since it fixes a few of the minor problems while she tackles the big ones."
"Poor woman. No wonder you agreed to help. How many people do you have left to make them apologize to?"
"Jus' one other," he assured you. "Thankfully. You all were the second ta last stop then it's off ta see Rai rai an' then it's back to the Chairwoman for her to decide if anything else is gonna be added to their long punishment list."
"Maybe you should tell her to tell them to let Sonia keep that book for as long as she needs for her research."
"Ooh. I knew there was a reason we get along so well." He smiled and then his eyes lit up as a thought hit him. "Oh. I also wanted to mention." His hand came up to grab his choker as he spoke. "I spoke ta my friend who's rentin' out an' put in a good word for ya. She's says you'll have to pay a hundred fifty a month and work extra to give her seven hundred for the security deposit as soon as possible. You'll also be havin' a room mate but she said they're pretty nice. Hope you're alright with that."
"Are you kidding me!?" You smiled wide. "That's great!" A hundred fifty? That's what you were paying Mrs. L to begin with while staying with her so that's good it won't change. And seven hundred for a deposit? You could work that off and save extra money to give it to the land lady...Only- "But...I don't have a job yet. I don't know how I'm going to pay for it if I don't have one."
"I know a couple places in Spikemuth that's still hirin'," he assured you with a small smile. "There's still a lotta o' people not back yet or not comin' back so a bunch o' the local businesses are short staffed and 'n need of people. I can show ya a few places and help get you settled."
"Really!? Man. I don't know what'd I do without your help. Piers, you're a life saver. I'll still have to talk to my old land lady though and let her know I'll be moving there once I'm ready. ...Oh. That reminds me. I have no way of contacting you when I'm coming."
He fumbled with his choker more as he cleared his throat. Suddenly finding the now visibly sky interesting. Oh. You just noticed it too. You both were nearing the gate and almost out of the Slumbering Weald. "'S no big deal. Jus' call it even for helpin' me keep Marnie safe from those two...An' when you're ready-" he turned to you. "-head ta Hammerlocke."
You blinked. "Hammerlocke? But that's not Spikemuth."
"Yeah. But I can pick you up from there," he explained, "Before you leave just tell Sunny ta ring me up n' tell me. She has my digits."
You smiled wider and gave him a small playful nudge on his shoulder. "You're a big help. You know that?"
His cheekbones flushed just a light shade of pink and he cleared his throat again. "I-I've noticed. Boy Nessy is neva gonna let me hear the end o' it."
"Nessy?..." You rose a brow at him. "You mean Nessa?"
He nodded not looking at you. "Y-Yeah. Hitched a ride with us from Hulbury. Wants ta talk with your mate back there? Speakin' of which." You watched confused as Piers reached into his small jacket and pulled out two small league cards before holding them out to you. "'Ere. I know he's been collecting 'em so as a thanks for the hero Marn-Marn n' I wanted to give him some rare cards for his collection."
You slowly took them from him before nodding. "I'll make sure Victor gets these. ..Oh. By the way, how did the talk with Marnie go? Did you have the chance to talk to her about everything?"
Surprisingly he nodded with a smile. "Y-Yeah actually. ..Turns out, she actually wants to be a gym leader. But we agreed to slow down her training and ease her into it for a while. Just because she's able to run it herself and did a good job takin' care o' it while I'm gone, doesn't mean she's ready to just be shoveled the responsibility yet."
"So you're going to continue to be the Gym Leader for just a little longer huh?"
Again he nodded. "Yeah. But not for long. M' plannin' to officially retire in a year or two. Should be long enough ta let Marnie get ready for the full time job."
When you all finally exited the gate separating Postwick and the Slumbering Weald, you decided to stop and wait by Mrs. G's home to wait for the others as Piers left to finish escorting Sonia and the doofus duo back to her lab. Plus you were interested now. What was Nessa doing here? In fact where was she? You certainly hadn't seen her with any of the others, and you didn't see her lingering around anywhere here now. Well you didn't have to wait long because Leon and the two guys showed up just a few minutes later. You handed Victor the cards, surprised to see he already had two others from Hop and Leon, while Leon closed and secured back the gate to the Slumbering Weald. Having a free moment, you mentioned to Leon what Piers had said about Nessa and you weren't the only two who knew she was here. Apparently Leon had explained to the two boys that Victor had a very special visitor wanting to see him waiting at his mother's house. And you had a good idea of who it was. So, you all walked right up to the house, Victor opening the door back and inviting you three in, and who else would be waiting inside to greet you all but Mrs. G who had a bright smile on her face as soon as she saw the four of you....And someone with blue highlights in her hair. Both boys stopped and stared wide eyed at the woman who sat there and calmly stared back at them, a cup of tea was placed in front of her at where she sat at the table most likely given to her by Victor's mother. Mrs. G looked please with herself at seeing everyone there. The smile only a proud mother would give. And there was already so much Mrs. G had to be proud of. Her two children saved Galar (twice), one was endorsed by the Champion himself and almost made it to the top, and on top of that both were beautiful human beings who were going on to become successful people. Gloria was officially a gym leader in training now and Victor already established a future photographer career for himself thanks to how popular his blog had gotten. But again. Why was Nessa here? And why to see Victor of all people? Well you were about to find out when Mrs. L invited you all in.
"Honey there you are!," she beamed at Victor motioning for him to come in, which he did slowly, still staring at Nessa in awe. Mrs. G also gestured towards the younger woman. "Leon told me this nice young lady is a gym leader you helped."
"Uh.." Victor finally shook his head and rested his hands in his pockets. "A-Aye. I met her once or twice. I-It's uh..N-Nice to see ye 'gain, Ms. Nessa."
Nessa nodded once. "Please. We're all friends here. Just call me Nessa."
"Um- I-...O-Ok."
She gave him a warm smile and gestured to the seat in front of her. "Please. Have a seat. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. If that's alright."
"Uh. S-Sure." He hesitated for a moment before shuffling himself slowly into a seat across from her as she smiled at him. "Um.." His cheeks lit up in embarrassment before he was able to blurt out. "I-I dunno wait ye would want with me b-but I j-just wanted to say I'm a big fan of yours! I-I mean your crew's dedication ta your shoots! They always come out amazing lookin'!"
Nessa blinked..before she busted out in a little laugh, but it wasn't a mean laugh at all. "Well, thank you. I'm happy to know I can still inspire people." She nodded. "And I can say the same for you. It's why I'm here." After staring at her for a long moment, Victor gave a small huh and she chuckled. "Leon's mentioned you to us quite a number of times."
"I...H-he has?!"
"Uh huh. He's mentioned you had a rare talent for capturing the beauty in everything. But I wasn't really sure what he meant until he showed me." Her smile turned into one of knowing. "You're the one who actually runs  the'Vic's Pics' blog on the net right?"
If it was even possible Victor's reddened even more in embarrassment and cleared his throat. Hand reaching up to rub his neck. "A-Aye. I am. S-Silly title huh?"
"I like it."
He blanked staring. "Wait..R-Really!?"
She nodded. "Mm hm. It rings a bell, and it's nice to have a name for something you worked hard on.'' She shifted in her chair to lean forward a bit a bit more serious tone to her voice. "I've seen a lot of the pictures you've taken." She nodded her head towards his neck, and it took Victor a second to realize she was gesturing to the camera dangling around his neck. "Is that the camera you used to take them with?"
She watched patiently as he blinked following her nod to his camera. "Oh! This?" He asked hands coming back to hold it. "Nah...W-Well, I me-mean yes. I had an' ol' camera that was the model before this one came out I used 'fore I started using this one since last Christmas. I actually gave away me old one."
"Really?," she asked and..Why did she look so surprised? Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at him. "That's just what you've been using? No lighting techniques or fancy digital enhancements?"
"I-...N-No?" He trailed off gaining a nervous look at the stare she gave him. "W-Was I supposed ta?"
"Hm? Oh. No, no," she assured him holding up a hand. "I'm just surprised is all. A lot of your photos look so professional. From what I've seen and what Leon said, I thought you were older with an entire editing system for these. I've seen you a few times but I never realized who you were until I saw the photos of battles from the gym challenges last year. That girl who challenged me was your sister wasn't she?"
He nodded. "Aye. Me twin." And he smiled. "She was amazin' battlin' against ye. I couldn't help takin' them photos."
"I see." There was..something about her look this time as she asked. "Victor right?" He nodded. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He nodded again. "Was there a reason you take these photos? It seems a bit more than just a hobby by the looks of things. I'd like to know why."
And the room again fell silent. Surprise washing over Victor's features like you've never seen him before and even he didn't seem to believe it at first. Because he looked around at everyone in the room, (you and Hop surprised as Leon and Mrs. G just smiled) before his look turned to his camera. His fingers running across it's smooth surface....before he sighed through his nose.
"...You'll think it's silly."
"Try me. You might be surprised."
There was definitely hesitation before he answered. "It's because my sister...is an amazin' person. And I jus'...w-wanted to show the world it too." He looked up and with a shaky inhale held up his camera. "An' I think everything's beautiful too." Nessa blinked surprised by his answer. "S-Sometimes it's just...People don't always notice it. Or sometimes." Brown eyes blinked down into the lense of said camera. A darkened reflection of him staring back. "Sometimes it just needs a little help to be noticed. And sometimes that beauty needs to be remembered. An' if someone never helps it be remembered, it'll be lost forever or it'll never be told at all...." He looked back up to Nessa. A face of certainty given back to her. "That's why I do it. I'm not as confident as Gloria is an' Hop's way smarter than I'll ever be. But if there's one thing I can do to help them then it'll be to show the world what I see. That they're beautiful."
And in that moment followed more silence as Nessa took a long moment to stare at him. Before she gave a small huff followed by a smile closing her eyes. "Leon was right. You're not like your sister or his little brother." Victor's face frowned a bit by her words but he wasn't given a chance to react before she smile back at him. "But you're still perfect. Seeing the world in such a positive light and wanting to show that so others can tell their stories and never forget what the old has to offer. That's what I strive for and what exactly I'm looking for as well."
"I-.." Victor looked unsure. "M' s-sorry but I don't follow you."
"Victor. With your permission, I want to train you to be my successor to the gym."
And his jaw DROPPED. As did the camera, dropping from his hands and thudding back onto his chest. Thank goodness he still wore it under his chest. Brain short circuting. And it took him a long moment to respond. "I-...HUH!? B-But WHY!?" He gestured with his hands. "M' n-not gym l-leader material."
"Oh I beg to differ." Victor jumped at the new voice and looked up as Leon's form suddenly appeared next to him with a giant smile. "You'd make a great a gym leader as Hop would make a great Professor."
"B-But-.." he looked between the two of them. "I-I...M' not like Gloria."
"And that's WHY Nessa chose you instead of anyone else," Leon spoke a softer tone to his voice. "That's what sets you two apart and makes you special. You're right Gloria's confident and takes pride in what she does, which makes her a great choice for someone like Kabu to train. But she can be a bit ..um.." He tried to put it nicely. "Brash and jumps to things too quickly. Which might work for someone matching Kabu's and hers fighting style but obviously that doesn't match your own. And not what Nessa's looking for. She's been looking for someone who pays attention to details and can think off them. Like you do shown by how you perceive things."
"That's right." Victor yelped again when he turned further to look behind Leon and saw Hop smiling. "You always keep a level head when things go wrong and spot the little details when no one does. That's how you saved us. Remember?'' Victor stared. And Hop quietly shuffled on his feet. "I got carried away in the moment and let my emotions get the better of me. I put everyone at risk because I jumped rational thinking and sped away. You were the one who thought of them trying to come back and take the ancient sword and kept it safe. And if you didn't, there was no way we would've been able to summon Zacian to stop Zamazenta and save everyone. Victor...You saved everyone that day by yourself. And you didn't even realize it!" Hop smiled wider. "So now on top of being rivals and best friends, we're heroes too! Thanks to your thinking!"
They were all right. Gloria and Hop were both strong and heroes in they're own right, but if Victor hadn't done what he did...Well you'd rather not think of what might've happened if Victor wasn't able to summon Zacian. But none of you cared to notice all too caught up. Gloria was a little..ok. Maybe a bit more than a little oblivious to things, but Victor caught all of that.
"But...I-I'm still not as g-good as battlin' like everyone else."
"That's because you lack confidence in yourself." Nessa said gaining his attention back to her. "But I've seen the way you fought when helping me take back my gym and have heard other gym leaders give similar stories. I personally like the way you fight, and with just a little help I think you can see that too. I know what it felt like at one point to not believe in yourself when it comes to something, but sometimes all we need is a little help from someone. So...What do you say? Want to take a chance with me?"
Victor stared at her for a long moment, as if not believing something as well special as this would happen to him. Before a sound left him which you thought was a sob at first but it was in fact a choked laugh because he gave a shaky smile reaching a hand up to rub at his eyes.
"I'd really like that a lot." He sounded like he was trying not to cry tears of joy.
Well ...everyone couldn't but smile. Including Nessa who nodded. "Well then Victor. I look forward to working with you."
"Oh. That reminds me. Before I forget-," Leon took a moment to hum, patting his pockets for something. "Let's see. Where did I put that pass?" Before he ended up fishing something from his side pocket and smiling at the small ticket like object in his hand. "Aha! Got'cha!" He held it out to Victor who blinked at him and with a sniff slowly took it from him. "I got it since I had a feeling it might help you."
he looked at the ticket embroidered with a small crown on it before looking back to Leon. "W-What's this?"
"A Crown Pass." He pointed at it. "I won't say too much since I have a feeling it'll help you if you go."
"Ye mean you're gonna have me train with someone like Gloria?"
"Not exactly, but I do believe the experience will benefit you...Buuut it does take place somewhere cold all the time like Circhester. I know you really don't like the cold but I think if you're willing to give it a try it'll be a great experience- OOF!"
Leon jumped from something latching onto him making him blink and look down, only to find Victor hugging him. ".....Thank you for believing in me."
The Champion stood there frozen for a moment before ruffling the boy's hair through his beanie hat. "I've always believed in you three. And I always will. And I'm so, so proud of you all. You're all growing up to be amazing people just like I knew you would be."
You smiled at them. At the family you saw before you. It was a pleasure to get to watch them grow so much. And it looks like they're going to continue to grow and experience things.
Eventually Leon did have to leave with Piers and the brothers after a tiring battle and discussion, and lots of writing on Sonia's part by flying taxi. Nessa leaving by the next train assuring she'd be in touch. You saw them all off with Piers pausing to look back at you and saying something before climbing into the taxi behind them.
"Remember. Call me."
You assured him you would before they took off which left you with the most difficult part. Telling everyone you would be moving. Which you did...The next day. Not wanting to take away the attention from Hop and Victor with their families gushing over them earning an apprenticeship from Sonia an already established professor (working for the Chairwoman no less) and becoming a student to Nessa who was already famous being a model and gym leader. They deserved to have the spot light for a while. But when you did eventually break the news to anyone it was shocking to say the least especially for the guys, but they all seemed understanding. Mrs. L seemed happy you found somewhere for yourself. But you definitely weren't going anywhere yet. Not until Victor left off for ...Well wherever Leon was sending him. You weren't sure where but you trusted Leon's judgement. It took nearly a week. Victor hesitating, and packing things and procrastinating. But eventually he gained enough willpower to go through it and like with Gloria it was certainly one you would remember. You all gathered at the station as he timidly handed the station master the pass Leon gave him and pointed him in the right direction as the train arrived. Many a tears were shed and many hugs were exchanged. But for some reason Victor paused when he looked at you before boarding the train. And you were confused until he spoke. 
"Thank ye."
...And you blinked. "What?" 
"I said..Thank you. I-I.." he shuffled nervously. "I never got to thank you for helping me back in Hammerlocke. B-Before ye got knocked out n' sent ta the hospital."
....You smiled. "Hey. There's no need to thank me. We were all doing the right thing right? You just go and enjoy yourself. After all, it's your turn to have an adventure."
He smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Y/n. For everything."
And you all watched him board the train. Going through the gates and up onto the train. Pausing to look back at all of you and smiling and waving. Until the doors closed. And with a couple rattles and horn blasts, the train moved moving away and down the tracks. Taking Victor with it as he went off.
"Hey, Y/n," Sonia asked leaning forward to look at you, "You ok there?"
...You nodded still smiling. "Yeah. Yeah I am." Before you turned to her smiling. "Hey, Sonia. Can you call Piers? Just tell him I'm coming to see him. He'll know what I mean."
Sonia blinked but nodded. "Sure. But what do you mean by that?"
You smiled wider. "It means I'm taking the next train home."
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Milk tea for Shielbert?
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
As mentioned in another ask, I see him being the more sensitive one of the two, so he's pretty affectionate when it comes to you. Shielbert is not too worried about PDA and actually likes to display his affections whenever he can. We all know he would love hand kisses and does so every time the two of you meet up, but if you turn the tables and give him a hand kiss, he'll be extremely flustered. He will compose himself and let it be known that he appreciated the kiss; you just caught him off guard is all. Besides your hand, Shielbert enjoys kissing the side of your head and hairline. Sometimes he would twirl you around before kissing you, should he be feeling extremely happy at the time. He, along with Sordward, wear lip balm so his lips are pretty smooth and he usually wears the same one, which is a sweet vanilla. Kisses with him are not rushed nor consume too much time, but this is after the two of you have been together for a while.
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darktypeimagines · 3 years
Would you be ok with doing headcanons for Shielbert with an s/o who has a tendency to cry a lot?
Truth be told, Sheilbert is not the best at handling intense emotions. Negative emotions in particular. Either his own, OR his significant other’s. It just wasn’t something that was taught in his family. It’s unbecoming of royalty to break down, to show such weakness; that was something seen as best kept within yourself and behind closed doors. So, he has limited skills in going through these sort of trials.
But that certainly doesn’t mean he would let you suffer alone, when you need him most. On the contrary, he would do everything possible to give you the support you need.
His reaction would mainly depend on what made you cry to begin with.
A person did it? Well, they would certainly end up regretting it. Shielbert is not one to forgive, nor is he one to let these things slide. That being said… he may end up going a bit too far (even roping his brother into the plan), so you may need to reel him back from whatever scheme he came up with.
But if it isn’t a person that made you cry… he’s a bit more at a loss. Shielbert is well versed in handling a variety of unsavory individuals. It’s a part of being a member of a royal family, and it was a part of his training as he grew up. But, the less tangible the source, the more difficult he finds it to support you.
But, that doesn’t mean he won’t try!
Overall, his general course of action is to handle things privately. Have something already arranged? He’ll find a way to get you out of it, or at least postpone it. He might even go in your stead. In general, his approach would be to give you time to compose yourself and work through things. Protecting you while you cope, essentially. Time can do wonders, after all.
And of course… Should you ask for his advice, he’d be more than willing to share. How realistic that advice is… is debatable. He has a tendency for grandeur in everything he does, and what advice he gives is no different. While his suggestions may not be realistic or even feasible on this plane of reality, at least it’s the thought that counts. (and to be honest, his suggestions are often funny, so that certainly helps lift your mood!)
But, if all else falls, he knows that having someone else beside you is often the best remedy. While not one for prolonged displays of physical affection in public, he is always up for it in private. If you simply needed a hug or even a day in bed, he’d be more than happy to spend that time with you.
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
Could you please do headcanons for Shielbert with an S/O who likes to wear his clothes?
Thank you for your request! I hope you like the result. 
Shielbert x reader who likes to wear his clothes (HCs)
When Shielbert first discovers that you like to steal his clothes to wear them he doesn’t really know how to react. Like, yes, he feels flattered but he doesn’t understand why you don’t wear your own clothes, especially since his probably don’t fit you very well.
Others often think that you’re some kind of trophy which he likes to show around, especially when you start to walk around in his clothes in the public but in fact, it wasn’t his idea at all. At some point in your relationship you just started to steal his clothes and it actually took him a few moments to realize why a certain piece of clothing looked so familiar to him.
He actually starts to feel quite proud about the fact that you wear his clothes since that makes it pretty clear that you’re in a relationship with him and don’t mind other people finding out about it. It’s also a nice way to keep other guys who try to flirt with you at distance.
He considers buying you a matching suit in your size, so that you don’t need to wear his but he also knows that you probably would refuse and continue to snitch his clothes from his wardrobe whenever you think that he isn’t noticing what you’re doing.
Once he gets used to the sight of you in his clothes, he can’t help but notice how adorable you look. It also makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside that you steal his shirts to put them on your pillow to have something that reminds you of him when he’s away.
His brother Sordward often teases both of you about the fact that you wander around in Shielbert’s clothes. He never misses an opportunity to ask if Shielbert doesn’t want to buy you your own clothes to which you always reply that you’re very well able to buy stuff on your own.
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wysteriadelights · 5 years
Royal Apology
I’d like to personally blame each and every single one of my children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren in the pokenimagines discord. If it weren’t for your screams of terror this would of never happened. I’ve never wrote smut before and here it is, it will haunt me until my dying day, I will be breathing my last, and as my life flashes I’ll remember that I made this, and my last words on this earth will be “god fucking damnit” and I have only my need to make others suffer to blame. We do not proofread in this house because we suffered enough the first time. A Swordword x Shielbert fic, WARNING, VERY VERY NSFW. DONT READ UNDER THE CUT IF YOU LOVE YOURSELF AND OR YOU’S A BABY, DON’T DO IT!!!!
You wondered for a brief second, if anyone could have foreseen this turn of events. This tiny flash of self-reflection would be swiftly cast out, as another rough thrust from behind left you dazed. A low whine soon followed it, as the voice of Sordward carried over the wet smacks resounding all around you, “I think I’m nearing my limit, Younger brother!” A high-pitched groan escaped the man in front of you in response. Your jaw was currently wrapped around his member, Shielbert’s hands grasping your hair firmly as he pistoled himself erratically in and out of your mouth. Judging by the fact that Sordword’s own thrusts into your honeypot were just as careless, his claim was as good as a warning as you were going to get. Gripping Shielbert’s thighs for support, your back arched as you felt the crest of your own orgasm start. It seems you wouldn’t come alone however, as both brothers in near perfect sync tore themselves from your cores, only to slam back in one last time to deposit the reward for all your efforts. 
“I-I’m-” “Arriving!” Such was all that they could choke out before their voices devolved into sloppy moans, your own unable to be heard as Shieldbert’s seed poured down into the depths of your throat. Sordword’s hot load blasting into your womb, putting out the fire that had been raging within for what felt like an eternity. How had this began? Well, it was quite simple, after the two had tried and failed to prove the two legendary pokemon, that had bravely aided you in ending the darkest day, were little more than beasts. Learning the errors of their ways after you had saved them from getting a last minute face rearrangement from the rightfully pissed off recipient of their efforts, they had come to apologize. However you soon learned their apology was something a little more… if you were up for the challenge, which, you of course were. You had proven yourself more royal than they were, and what better way than to have them give you some tribute? Treat yourself. So it was that you found yourself in quite the luxurious hotel room, being undressed by the two reverently. After all, why should a queen stoop to doing something so mundane? Their fingers ghosting over your skin as they peeled off your layer one by one. Shielbert leaving gentle kisses down your leg as he slowly pulled your pants off. Sordward at your back nibbling at your neck as he worked your bra off. Once you were completely exposed you cleared your throat, stopping them in their tracks as two pairs of light blue eyes twinkled up at you with piety. “Boys, I believe you’re overdressed for the occasion,” you said in a slight pouty tone, dragging your finger over Shielbert’s collar, who hummed amusedly. No doubt you could have helped them out of those stuffy suits, but a part of you took great joy in the show, not expecting them to be rather well-built. Which spoke nothing compared to what they were hiding under their boxers, your breath hitched in your chest before it released as a soft chuckle, one might call it a feast for kings. It was no good to get too excited over the main course, when you hadn’t even tasted the appetizer. Only with your beckon did they approach you once more, using your hands to direct them to where exactly you wanted them to appreciate you most. Shielbert was granted the honour of being allowed to put his face between your thighs, as much as you tried to not think about it, his hairstyle was at less risk of bobbing between your eyes during it. Whilst Sordward busied himself with your chest, his erection ever so subtly prodding against your back, you had to give the two some credit. Their mouths could get a lot done when they weren’t running them off with cheap banter, it was a mercy you could educate them better now. It seemed in no time you were balling your hands into fists, impatient as you were for your need for release, you weren’t happy with going down like this. With a throaty moan you clenched your fist in Shielbert’s hair and gave a commanding tug, his tongue removing itself regretfully from your core where it had been thrashing about. You grabbed Sordward’s hand that had been giving a final squeeze to your breast, and pulled him forward so you could hiss into his ear. It was time for a change in positions, your idea leading to you now hovering over Sordward’s twitching cock. “Eager, aren’t we Elder brother?” Shielbert mused, hovering behind you for support as you began your slow descent. You shushed Sordward with a finger as he opened his mouth to reply to his brother, just as the crown of his member kissed your slick folds. The heat was nearly enough to make you moan whoreishly, having to bite your tongue to keep yourself silent, as you let him enter you properly. You allowed just a moment to bask in the fact that he filled you in every way, before you started moving, eagerly enjoying the royal rod you had been so graciously given. Practically bouncing on his cock, you reached up to dig your hands into hair, messing it up as he groaned in your ear. Shielbert’s whine reminded you that you shouldn’t show too much favoritism, and you used one of your hands to reach around to grasp his length. If they were paying close attention they could have noticed how you timed the pump of your fist with that of your hips, and all too soon you reached the peak again. Letting out the moan you had been fighting, you felt Sordward’s head curl into the crook of your neck, as Shielbert took the other side. You felt Shieldbert’s semen spill over and around your hand first, before you pulled off of Swordward, his seed being painted over your torso not even a second too soon. It had been quite fun, but now came the main event, where Sworward and Shielbert had given you the royal spitroast you so rightfully deserved. Squeezing down on them with all of your might as the throws of your orgasm clouded your mind entirely. Never had your brain leaving the room felt so wonderful, you would think later, as Shielbert pulled himself from your mouth just as you had hit the limit your oxygen deprived lungs would allow. Taking in gulpfuls of air, your mind slowly oozed its way back to normalcy. Swordward carefully extracting his cockmeat from your cum-stained muff, your walls attempting to milk him for every last drop made it somewhat difficult. Shielbert carefully wiped at your mouth, cleaning away his leftover seed as Swordward rushed to grab warm towels. Perhaps it was a little selfish then, to bring up when they’d “apologize” for going inside so brazeningly. But could they blame you? It was easy to get addicted to such royal treatment.
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spikemuth-post · 3 years
Humble Song
Piers x Fem!Reader slight nsfw
It was haunting, the stadium was completely empty. It would have been spooky to anyone else but the rocker was inspired by the large empty space. This felt like a dream. He did it. He sold out Wyndon Stadium. Later tonight, he would be performing to hundreds of thousands. It was going to be great. Piers took in a deep breath.
“This is wild…” He smirked. “This place will be boomin’ with cheers tonight.” His microphone looked so small in the middle of this field. The little stage set up for him was a drop in the ocean. He jumped up on the stage taking the microphone and let out a spirited howl. It filled the stadium, forcing a smile to Piers’s face. 
Piers started singing, his melodies surrounding him and bursting into each and every seat. He sang his heart, making up the words as he went along. The jumbotron was playing default stadium animations and schedule information. He started singing about how good it feels to perform, seeing the SOLD OUT info on the board. Then it advertised a Pokemon Match tomorrow. Starring Galar’s cutest champion. You appeared on the board. 
Piers let out a flirty growl, emboldened by the song he was already singing. Though his feelings were Spikemuth’s best-kept secret, he sang his heart out into that empty stadium. Damn the concequences. You appeared on the board again, posed elegantly for a perfume ad. Oh, that flirty look. He lost it.
Piers's true feelings were broadcasted through the whole stadium. The rocker revealed his desire. Every line was laced with lewd lyrics. He wanted you so bad. Piers was afraid to say it but he would never be afraid to sing it. The passionate performance roared to a close, ending with a strong ‘Dammit, I love you’. 
The man let out a heavy sigh, satisfied by the banger he belted out. He couldn’t help but laugh, the reality of what he said making his cheeks catch fire. He’s always fascinated by the words that leave his mouth when he sings. He sat down on the stage, lying down and staring at the sky.
There was silence for so long and everything was still. So, naturally, he noticed when 2 people began walking to his stage. Then he noticed who they were. He scoffed, met with the ridiculous hair of the familiar brothers. Sordward and Shielbert were smugly staring him down, hands poshly behind their backs.
“Hello, Hello, dear Piers.” The red-dressed one began, bowing and making his hair jiggle. Piers sat up and scoffed.
“The hell do you two want?”
“The champion is shopping in the Wyndon square. She lamented about losing her backstage pass at home and she doesn’t have time to search for it before the concert tonight. We ran into her and offered to get the lady a new one… but never mind that.” Sheildbert snickered. Piers raised a brow. “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth young man?”
“I don’t- look, mind your own business.”
“Such dirty words,” Sordward teased, “To hear such a brazen song about the Champions body. My My, I have never heard such language.”
“I wonder what the beautiful and elegant Y/n would say, her body parts being described in such a manner.” It took Piers a moment to figure out what was going on. He swallowed hard, growing annoyed with this confrontation. “Goodness, what would she say?”
“Yeah, cause she’d believe you fucks,” Piers scoffed, his ears burning unbearably. “I’ve known her for years.”
“A picture is worth a thousand words!” Shieldbert sang, waggling his rotom phone around, “So… How many words are a video worth?”
“I’d say as many words as the song possesses, dear brother!” Sordward added. As the rallied banter back and forth, Piers’ felt like his heart stopped. Reality crashing down on him made his entire body freeze over.
“What do you want?” He didn’t recognize his own voice. The rocker sounded desperate, angry, confused: A litany of feelings overtook him. “What the hell are you playing at?!”
“Patience, minstrel,” Sordward began, “It’s not every day a golden goose falls into our laps. We have to think about what we can get out of this.”
“Oh, That’s hilarious,” Gordie scoffed, unable to hide his amusement. Piers rolled his eyes, trying not to take the laughing personally. “You really are your own worst enemy.”
“Gordie, I can’t have Y/n hear any of that. Those little fucks are going to railroad me. I just know it.”
“You’re lucky I was in Wydon,” Gordie started, leaning back in the stadium chair. “So...Wait you said they came to get a backstage pass, where is backstage?”
“The locker rooms- Gordie, focus.”
“Right Right… Uh, I don’t know what you can do, man. You’re fucked.”
“Gee, thanks, mate.”
“I’m not the one who wrote a whole rock ballad about how I want to do butt stuff with the Champion…. You’re not laughing, please tell me you didn’t say some shit like that?"
“Uh,” Piers stalled, avoiding looking at his friend. Gordie slapped his hand over his mouth. “...How fucked am I?”
“On a scale of Virgin to Pornstar… Raihan-”
“Where is Raihan on the scale?
“Piers, what were you even thinking?” Gordie started again, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You write a whole song about fucking her and SING IT OUT LOUD IN WYNDON STADIUM. You’re very fucking lucky that ONLY those two asshats heard it. Now you have two options.”
“I’m all ears.”
“You can be their slave for pretty much ever.”
“OR… You can perform the song yourself… If you out yourself, they have no ammo against you.”
“How are those my only two options!?”
“Oh, well, allow me to explain,” Gordie joked, pretending to be jovial. “It all started when you yelled in an empty stadium that you wanted the champion to Rock polish your Duraludon!”
“...Duraludon can’t learn rock polish.”
“Really? That’s the hill you’re gonna die on? Also that’s not- never mind. The point is, those are your choices. Take it or leave it.”
Night fell over the city. Wyndon was alive with cheers tonight and the nightlife was graced by celebrities. Piers waited in the locker rooms, hanging his head low as he prepared himself for this performance. He had to rewrite a few parts but he remembered most of the words he sang just this morning.
“Hey, Piers.” He was startled by the sound of your voice. You walked in, your pass dangling around your neck. You showed it off with a smile and Piers couldn’t even fake a smile. “Check it out! I’ll be stageside with you tonight! Thanks for giving me a new one.”
“...Yeah.. No worries.”
“Are you okay?” No, he absolutely is not, but he just nodded. The rocker flinched as you joined him on the bench. You know you can tell me anything, Piers.”
“I know… and I will.”
Gordie took the closest stadium seat, not wanting to be stageside for the travesty we was about to witness. The crowd was roaring the moment Piers took the stage and Gordie was humming the death march to himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the brothers in the front row. Looks like they weren’t stageside either. Gordie decided to confront them.
“ Hey, you two.
“Oh! Gordon, was it?”
“It’s- never mind,” He let it go, pushing his sunglasses up, “Piers told me about your little threat.”
“Ah, so he’s sharing it. Hilarious, isn’t it?” Sordward scoffed, “A wondrous thing to stumble across.”
“So what’s the plan? Make him your butler? Get him to destroy his career?”
“Oh heavens no.” Sheilbert gasped. Gordie seemed surprised, “We just wanted to tour with him.” Gordie’s mouth fell open and his glasses fell to the tip of his nose. His blood ran completely cold.
“...You… Wait- that’s it!?”
“Oh yes. He has a tour coming up and we were hoping to get stageside seats, like what the champion had for tonight. It’s not a tall order. Goodness, we’ve even deleted the footage already-”
“Shit! PIERS STOP!” Gordie screamed towards the stage but the rocker couldn’t hear him. Piers was on the stage, waiting for the crowd to settle down a bit. “Oh, this is soooo bad.”
“I got a real treat for you lot tonight… I wrote this song this morning… This one’s for you, Y/n.”
The crowd loved the concert and he wasn’t immediately booed after his first song so it was a success. His ballad started the show and he ended just as strong. It was a good night. The only thing bad is that you disappeared from stageside after the first song. Your song. He tried to play on and not let it bother him. He was walking back to the locker room, meeting Gordie halfway through.
“Piers, holy shit man,”
“Hey, Gordie.” He breathed, clearly tired from his performance, “That was incredible.”
“It was! Damn, when you told me about it I expected the worst but that was great. I think I’m gonna pirate it.”
“Very funny-”
“Yeah, keep thinkin’ I’m joking.” They shared a laugh. Gordie considered telling Piers none of this was necessary but bit his tongue. The rocker actually looked quite pleased with himself. “So, Y/n took it well, I’m guessing?”
“I uh,” He lost wind, scratching the back of his head, “I don’t know.” They made it to the locker room and before Gordie could offer his condolences they noticed you. You were standing there, softly smiling at Piers. There was a faint blush on your face. Gordie smirked, pat Piers on the back and then left you two alone. Piers tugged his choker as he approached you.
“Uh...Hey y/n… enjoyed the show?”
“Did you really write that song for me? A-All of it?
“Every word...even the horny ones.” He tried to laugh off the last bit. His joke did make you smile but he still felt weird about it.
“Well… I loved it… every word. Even the horny ones… Especially the horny ones,” You teased, the Rockstar pursed his lips and his face glowed a bright red. You decided to make it worse for him by pecking his cheek. “So… do you have some free time before your next few shows?”
“I can make time… do you want to… get some coffee? Maybe dinner?”
“Yeah, you can come over to my place. We’ll make it a special night.” Your flirty purr made him shudder. He gave you a swift peck on the cheek and threw an arm over your shoulder. 
“It’s a date”
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch35 Going Home
(When this story is over, how many people would be interested in seeing a Melli x Reader story? Also if anyone is interested would anyone be interested in seeing Piers defend reader? If so how?)
Standing before you in the Slumbering Weald was in fact, Piers. The guy looked as bored as usual..But what was he doing here?! Next to him was in fact also those two bloody thieves. And next to them, was Leon. Wait...What were ANY of them doing here was the better question but before any of you could say anything Sordward spoke.
"Well, well, well. Now that certainly was a refreshing back and forth, Eh wot?," he asked hands returning to his sides.
"That really touched my heart," his brother added.
"Huh? Sordward and Shielbert?," Sonia asked clearly dumb struck and not sure how to react as you other three either stood there or looked at one another not sure what to say. Her eyes trailing the men that stood before her. "With Piers? And even Lee?" She shook her head not quite believing what she was seeing. "What are you lot doing here?!"
"No need for noisemakery, Young Lady," Sordward scolded her by lifting a finger and wagging it at her (now) scowling face. "We have come to meet with the young party."
"They didn't get the chance to properly apologize yet," Piers explained and you gawked at him as it still confused before he sighed again. "As a part o' their punishment, they're being forced to properly apologize to everyone they wronged in person. We're only half way done. Jus' figured we'd stop by 'ere and get all you lot out o' the way. Magnolia sure gave 'em an earful."
"And I'm here to keep an eye on them," Leon confirmed crossing his arms and giving the two brothers a look. "They did technically descend from the original kings, but that doesn't give them any excuses for what they did." The two nervously fidgeted under the Champion's gaze before he looked back to Hop with that bright smile. "But it seems you lot have been up to all sorts of things while I was stuck in Rose Tower trying to help take care of what Mr. Rose left behind." ..he reached behind his head and rubbed his neck. "And something that's going to be revealed next year. It's still a work in progress."
"You've no idea!," Hop frowned pointing an accusing hand at the brothers. "Those two were forcing pokemon to dynamax all OVER the place!"
"AND!", Shielbert raised a hand cutting Hop off as he glared at the two of them. "For that we are really, truly sorry. Look at our sorriness." He pleased holding a hand to his chest dramatically. "We thought only of ourselves and brought harm to innocent pokemon. We have truly caused a large amount of trouble. You helped us even though we did those awful things. You are so worthy of the throne, you could say it's a dynamax sized amount of worthiness!"
You just...stared. Beside you the guys gave each other a look and you heard and saw Piers give an eye roll and groan. These guys were sure uh....dramatic with their words. But you guessed getting a dramatic apology was better than none..Maybe?
Sonia sighed and literally facepalmed. "I already told you two. Zacian and Zamazenta are the real royalty."
"Incorrect!," Sordward objected, "We have abdicated the title to them! There are no other rulers!"
Sonia only groaned more into the palm rubbing her temples. Honestly if you weren't so confused and surprised still that probably would've been your reaction too-...Hang on a minute. You gave the two a suspicious look. How'd they get here in the first place?
"Hey. That reminds me." You successfully gained all the attention. So you pointed at the two brothers. "How the heck did you two know where the grave was in the first place?" Everything fell silent and the brothers' eyes went wide before they both looked at one another in surprise. It was like no one else ever thought of that before. "Hop and Gloria was lead here by Zacian and Zamazenta, Sonia found it by accident because she's allowed to be in here, and this is the first time Victor or I have ever been here. And I'm guessing you two also lead the way for them too since Piers wouldn't even know about this place, and Leon gets more lost than a blind magikarp in the desert. No offense, Lee."
"None taken," Leon replied.
You crossed your arms staring at the surprised brothers raising a brow. "You two don't give off the vibe of adventures so I doubt you two found it by accident, and Sonia didn't put the location in her book so you couldn't have figured it out from that either." You said knocking out any other possibilities. "So how did you two even know where to look to find this place?"
"Yeah." Hop frowned deeper at them crossing his arms. "How DID you manage to find this place? Are you like some super evil geniuses or something?"
Again both brothers looked at one another again before Shielbert spoke, "Should we tell them, Older Brother?"
Sordward hummed, face gaining a thoughtful expression, before he nodded with a sigh. "We might as well. After all this question was bound to be asked of us sooner or later. We'd be in more trouble if we didn't supply an answer to the question."
Shielbert nodded and you all watched as he reached his hands up. One grabbing his red suit jacket and pulling it open to reach his other hand into the jacket and after a moment, pulling out what looked like a small ...book? When Shielbert held it up it was indeed a book, but a very old one. The brown leather cover looked a little wrinkled and hand a tear or two from so many years of being handled and the paper looked yellowed from age, and it looked no bigger than just a small novel from the bookstore. All of you stared at it for a second before again Hop asked.
"A book?"
"Not just any book, Young Man!," he scoffed sounded just a bit offended Hop would refer to the book as what it was..A book. "It's a precious family heirloom! One that's been passed down in our family for generations!"
"Also conveniently for us, found tucked away in our attic in a large chest during spring cleaning."
"...Ok. But like WHAT is it specifically?"
Sordward sighed reaching a hand up to rub his forehead. "Oh I guess we have to be specific for the likes of others." A few people looked annoyed at his comment but he replied bluntly before anyone could say anything. "It's a journal written by the first King of Galar of course!"
"Our very own great, great, great, great, great...another dozen or so greats grandfather himself! Passed down by his descendants for generations until it somehow became lost and ended up in the attic locked away for safe keeping."
"That is until we just happened to find it clearing out everything to turn the attic into a luxury suite. Who knew we would uncover such a lucky find?"
"Yes," Shielbert agreed, "It has everything from the location of the hero's last resting place to Zacian and Zamazenta's appearance to the names and family tree of our kingly ancestors entire family line."
"Stopping at our dear Great Great Grandmother Swordenia. After her passing, all of her old belongings were just stuffed away in the old family mansion. We believe the journal was lost during that movement and forgotten somewhere between her and grandmother, but we'll be happy to fill in the rest of the blanks in our noble family tree later."
There was silence as everyone just stared at them wide eyed. Because...well what were you supposed to say to something like that? You all just continued to stare at the book being held. Sonia especially seemed to be staring at it in interest and newfound excitement. But this time it was Victor's turn to comment something.
"But I thought there was two kings," he said..before shaking his head. "No. Scratch that. There was definitely two kings accordin' ta the ancient tapestries an' the statues hidden behind the mural n' Stow-o'-Side."
"Ah! You would be correct about that," Sheilbert confirmed before wagging the book in his hand, "The two original heroes did go on to be crowned the first kings due to their bravery but only one went on to marry and continue the royal lineage. According to the journal his other royal highness resigned himself to a small town to hide and guard the sword and shield of the ancient pokemon."
"How do we know that's the truth?"
As if to answer them one of the brother's pointed to the singular grave stone popping up from the ancient structure. "One stone for one person. The answer to your question is literally feet in front of you. And of course, it's literally written in here. The two were great friends after all."
"Can I-.." Both the brothers paused when Sonia, mesmerized held her hands out towards the book half way. "C-Can I look at it?"
There was silence again as the brother rose a brow towards one another as if telepathically talking to one another before they looked back to her. "...You want to just look?" She excitedly nodded making them hum. "Wweeell....I guess you may. It would be the least we can do after stealing your research material. But I'll have you know this is a precious family heirloom! If there's so much as a tear on it from you be prepared to be sued for damages!"
"That's a risk I'm willing to take!" She excitedly held her hands up to take the book, and there was a silence. The brothers looked at each other for a long silent moment before Shielbert slowly held out the book towards Sonia's eager hands. You watched as she took it excited glee washing over her face as she immediately opened it. And flicked a few pages over eyes sparkling more with each passing page she flipped. "This...T-This is incredible!" She announced stopping flipping through a few pages. "A written document by such an important historical figure....I so want to investigate this further!"
"Hey, hey!," Sordward pointed, "Historical document or not it's still our property! You can't just take it."
....She gave them a flat look. "Says the ones who stole from us?"
"...Erm. W-Well *ahem* From a logical point, Ma'am. You can't examine someone's property without their permission. It's something, whether you believe us or not, is near and dear to our family. Just as your lab is important to you. You wouldn't let someone just come into your lab and just tamper with your research would you?"
"Again. You guys DID tamper with my research when you stole those Wishing Stars." ..She took a moment looking between the book and them. "But I would still like to examine this. Would you two be up for a compromise?"
"Hhhmmmm...Well I suppose we may be able to work something out. But we want it in writing!"
"...You mean like in literal writing?"
"Yes," both answered her.
Sonia blinked before sighing and shaking her head. "Fine. We can go to my lab and write an agreement up real quick."
"Yeah." Leon cleared his throat before motioning to Piers who through all of this remained silent. "Hey, Piers. Why don't you go ahead with Sonia and escort them to the lab? I'll catch up with you later after I take care of the other reason we came here."
Piers sighed but nodded. "Sure. I can do that real quick." Before he paused, taking a chance to side glance at you. "...But I hope I get a chance to speak too 'fore we leave."
"Of course you will. If we divide and conquer it'll make things much faster."
Piers nodded again before he turned to you and you blinked when he asked a request of you. "Y/n. Walk with me."
The way he said it didn't sound like a question, but you assumed he was requesting you'd walk with him so nodding you started forward towards him. What ended up happening was the two brothers and Sonia walked in front of you two as Sonia bombarded them about the journal in her hands and the two were more than happy to (brag-) answer her questions. And you two followed behind. You had to pick up your pace to keep up with Piers's long strides as he followed but you managed to catch up with him with Silver chirping and easily keeping up behind you. Starting to walk, you took one last chance to look behind you at Leon who looked to be taking a chance to speak to Hop and Victor for a moment. He must want to talk to them about what happened you supposed. With a raised brow you turned your head back to Piers who seemed to have been patiently waiting for you to notice him because he paid attention to you as soon as you looked at him.
"What are you doing here?," was the first thing out of your mouth. Which made him sigh and gesture to the three in front of you.
"Just as I got back ta Spikemuth, I gotta call from the new Chairman,'' he explained with a long sigh, "Since I was one of the ones ta stop the bloody punks, she wanted me ta tag along with Leo an' make sure they didn' get up ta any trouble while he made them carry out the first part o' their punishment."
"No offense but making them personally apologize is a pretty small punishment compared to what they tried to do."
"That's what I thought. But then I learnt what else that woman's makin' 'em do." he huffed a chuckle. "They're bein' made to personally fund Sonia's research here on out as well as payin' damages for the roof in Hammerlocke to be fixed."
"....That's it? Just apologizing and paying for damages?''
"There's more." He smiled just a bit wider. "Sonia's research costs a pretty penny. Worth it but the Chairwoman doesn't really have the resources ta give her what she needed ta fund the entire thing properly after fixin' Rose's escapades." He chuckled a bit more much to your confusion. "They're going to have to hand over some o' their own company ta pay for it. Turns out those blokes own a whole lotta businesses in Wyndon an' a couple other places. Ya should've seen the looks on their faces when the Chairwoman said she was gonna turn their own beach house in Hulbury inta a loading deck for freighters.'' His hand came up to cover his mouth. "And their mall in Wyndon into an affordable c-community college."
You blinked. "Really?" He nodded and you smiled. "Wow. I haven't met this woman and I already like her."
"I-It gets better." He smirked back at you. "They're also paying for the reconstructions for the places out of their own pockets."
"Ok. Now I REALLY like this Chairwoman. How come I've never met her before when I saw Rose?"
He shook his head. "While Rose was busy with his 'rescue mission' he kept her on the back burner by givin' 'er mountains of paperwork and petty work no one else had to do but had ta be done. Poor woman was worked ta the bone. " He shook his head again with a grunt. "Then havin' to play clean up after Rose n' Oleana. No wonder she had to call Leo to help her. Everything was a right bloody mess topped with dirt. But this works out for her since it fixes a few of the minor problems while she tackles the big ones."
"Poor woman. No wonder you agreed to help. How many people do you have left to make them apologize to?"
"Jus' one other," he assured you. "Thankfully. You all were the second ta last stop then it's off ta see Rai rai an' then it's back to the Chairwoman for her to decide if anything else is gonna be added to their long punishment list."
"Maybe you should tell her to tell them to let Sonia keep that book for as long as she needs for her research."
"Ooh. I knew there was a reason we get along so well." He smiled and then his eyes lit up as a thought hit him. "Oh. I also wanted to mention." His hand came up to grab his choker as he spoke. "I spoke ta my friend who's rentin' out an' put in a good word for ya. She's says you'll have to pay a hundred fifty a month and work extra to give her seven hundred for the security deposit as soon as possible. You'll also be havin' a room mate but she said they're pretty nice. Hope you're alright with that."
"Are you kidding me!?" You smiled wide. "That's great!" A hundred fifty? That's what you were paying Mrs. L to begin with while staying with her so that's good it won't change. And seven hundred for a deposit? You could work that off and save extra money to give it to the land lady...Only- "But...I don't have a job yet. I don't know how I'm going to pay for it if I don't have one."
"I know a couple places in Spikemuth that's still hirin'," he assured you with a small smile. "There's still a lotta o' people not back yet or not comin' back so a bunch o' the local businesses are short staffed and 'n need of people. I can show ya a few places and help get you settled."
"Really!? Man. I don't know what'd I do without your help. Piers, you're a life saver. I'll still have to talk to my old land lady though and let her know I'll be moving there once I'm ready. ...Oh. That reminds me. I have no way of contacting you when I'm coming."
He fumbled with his choker more as he cleared his throat. Suddenly finding the now visibly sky interesting. Oh. You just noticed it too. You both were nearing the gate and almost out of the Slumbering Weald. "'S no big deal. Jus' call it even for helpin' me keep Marnie safe from those two...An' when you're ready-" he turned to you. "-head ta Hammerlocke."
You blinked. "Hammerlocke? But that's not Spikemuth."
"Yeah. But I can pick you up from there," he explained, "Before you leave just tell Sunny ta ring me up n' tell me. She has my digits."
You smiled wider and gave him a small playful nudge on his shoulder. "You're a big help. You know that?"
His cheekbones flushed just a light shade of pink and he cleared his throat again. "I-I've noticed. Boy Nessy is neva gonna let me hear the end o' it."
"Nessy?..." You rose a brow at him. "You mean Nessa?"
He nodded not looking at you. "Y-Yeah. Hitched a ride with us from Hulbury. Wants ta talk with your mate back there? Speakin' of which." You watched confused as Piers reached into his small jacket and pulled out two small league cards before holding them out to you. "'Ere. I know he's been collecting 'em so as a thanks for the hero Marn-Marn n' I wanted to give him some rare cards for his collection."
You slowly took them from him before nodding. "I'll make sure Victor gets these. ..Oh. By the way, how did the talk with Marnie go? Did you have the chance to talk to her about everything?"
Surprisingly he nodded with a smile. "Y-Yeah actually. ..Turns out, she actually wants to be a gym leader. But we agreed to slow down her training and ease her into it for a while. Just because she's able to run it herself and did a good job takin' care o' it while I'm gone, doesn't mean she's ready to just be shoveled the responsibility yet."
"So you're going to continue to be the Gym Leader for just a little longer huh?"
Again he nodded. "Yeah. But not for long. M' plannin' to officially retire in a year or two. Should be long enough ta let Marnie get ready for the full time job."
When you all finally exited the gate separating Postwick and the Slumbering Weald, you decided to stop and wait by Mrs. G's home to wait for the others as Piers left to finish escorting Sonia and the doofus duo back to her lab. Plus you were interested now. What was Nessa doing here? In fact where was she? You certainly hadn't seen her with any of the others, and you didn't see her lingering around anywhere here now. Well you didn't have to wait long because Leon and the two guys showed up just a few minutes later. You handed Victor the cards, surprised to see he already had two others from Hop and Leon, while Leon closed and secured back the gate to the Slumbering Weald. Having a free moment, you mentioned to Leon what Piers had said about Nessa and you weren't the only two who knew she was here. Apparently Leon had explained to the two boys that Victor had a very special visitor wanting to see him waiting at his mother's house. And you had a good idea of who it was. So, you all walked right up to the house, Victor opening the door back and inviting you three in, and who else would be waiting inside to greet you all but Mrs. G who had a bright smile on her face as soon as she saw the four of you....And someone with blue highlights in her hair. Both boys stopped and stared wide eyed at the woman who sat there and calmly stared back at them, a cup of tea was placed in front of her at where she sat at the table most likely given to her by Victor's mother. Mrs. G looked please with herself at seeing everyone there. The smile only a proud mother would give. And there was already so much Mrs. G had to be proud of. Her two children saved Galar (twice), one was endorsed by the Champion himself and almost made it to the top, and on top of that both were beautiful human beings who were going on to become successful people. Gloria was officially a gym leader in training now and Victor already established a future photographer career for himself thanks to how popular his blog had gotten. But again. Why was Nessa here? And why to see Victor of all people? Well you were about to find out when Mrs. L invited you all in.
"Honey there you are!," she beamed at Victor motioning for him to come in, which he did slowly, still staring at Nessa in awe. Mrs. G also gestured towards the younger woman. "Leon told me this nice young lady is a gym leader you helped."
"Uh.." Victor finally shook his head and rested his hands in his pockets. "A-Aye. I met her once or twice. I-It's uh..N-Nice to see ye 'gain, Ms. Nessa."
Nessa nodded once. "Please. We're all friends here. Just call me Nessa."
"Um- I-...O-Ok."
She gave him a warm smile and gestured to the seat in front of her. "Please. Have a seat. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. If that's alright."
"Uh. S-Sure." He hesitated for a moment before shuffling himself slowly into a seat across from her as she smiled at him. "Um.." His cheeks lit up in embarrassment before he was able to blurt out. "I-I dunno wait ye would want with me b-but I j-just wanted to say I'm a big fan of yours! I-I mean your crew's dedication ta your shoots! They always come out amazing lookin'!"
Nessa blinked..before she busted out in a little laugh, but it wasn't a mean laugh at all. "Well, thank you. I'm happy to know I can still inspire people." She nodded. "And I can say the same for you. It's why I'm here." After staring at her for a long moment, Victor gave a small huh and she chuckled. "Leon's mentioned you to us quite a number of times."
"I...H-he has?!"
"Uh huh. He's mentioned you had a rare talent for capturing the beauty in everything. But I wasn't really sure what he meant until he showed me." Her smile turned into one of knowing. "You're the one who actually runs the'Vic's Pics' blog on the net right?"
If it was even possible Victor's reddened even more in embarrassment and cleared his throat. Hand reaching up to rub his neck. "A-Aye. I am. S-Silly title huh?"
"I like it."
He blanked staring. "Wait..R-Really!?"
She nodded. "Mm hm. It rings a bell, and it's nice to have a name for something you worked hard on.'' She shifted in her chair to lean forward a bit a bit more serious tone to her voice. "I've seen a lot of the pictures you've taken." She nodded her head towards his neck, and it took Victor a second to realize she was gesturing to the camera dangling around his neck. "Is that the camera you used to take them with?"
She watched patiently as he blinked following her nod to his camera. "Oh! This?" He asked hands coming back to hold it. "Nah...W-Well, I me-mean yes. I had an' ol' camera that was the model before this one came out I used 'fore I started using this one since last Christmas. I actually gave away me old one."
"Really?," she asked and..Why did she look so surprised? Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at him. "That's just what you've been using? No lighting techniques or fancy digital enhancements?"
"I-...N-No?" He trailed off gaining a nervous look at the stare she gave him. "W-Was I supposed ta?"
"Hm? Oh. No, no," she assured him holding up a hand. "I'm just surprised is all. A lot of your photos look so professional. From what I've seen and what Leon said, I thought you were older with an entire editing system for these. I've seen you a few times but I never realized who you were until I saw the photos of battles from the gym challenges last year. That girl who challenged me was your sister wasn't she?"
He nodded. "Aye. Me twin." And he smiled. "She was amazin' battlin' against ye. I couldn't help takin' them photos."
"I see." There was..something about her look this time as she asked. "Victor right?" He nodded. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He nodded again. "Was there a reason you take these photos? It seems a bit more than just a hobby by the looks of things. I'd like to know why."
And the room again fell silent. Surprise washing over Victor's features like you've never seen him before and even he didn't seem to believe it at first. Because he looked around at everyone in the room, (you and Hop surprised as Leon and Mrs. G just smiled) before his look turned to his camera. His fingers running across it's smooth surface....before he sighed through his nose.
"...You'll think it's silly."
"Try me. You might be surprised."
There was definitely hesitation before he answered. "It's because my sister...is an amazin' person. And I jus'...w-wanted to show the world it too." He looked up and with a shaky inhale held up his camera. "An' I think everything's beautiful too." Nessa blinked surprised by his answer. "S-Sometimes it's just...People don't always notice it. Or sometimes." Brown eyes blinked down into the lense of said camera. A darkened reflection of him staring back. "Sometimes it just needs a little help to be noticed. And sometimes that beauty needs to be remembered. An' if someone never helps it be remembered, it'll be lost forever or it'll never be told at all...." He looked back up to Nessa. A face of certainty given back to her. "That's why I do it. I'm not as confident as Gloria is an' Hop's way smarter than I'll ever be. But if there's one thing I can do to help them then it'll be to show the world what I see. That they're beautiful."
And in that moment followed more silence as Nessa took a long moment to stare at him. Before she gave a small huff followed by a smile closing her eyes. "Leon was right. You're not like your sister or his little brother." Victor's face frowned a bit by her words but he wasn't given a chance to react before she smile back at him. "But you're still perfect. Seeing the world in such a positive light and wanting to show that so others can tell their stories and never forget what the old has to offer. That's what I strive for and what exactly I'm looking for as well."
"I-.." Victor looked unsure. "M' s-sorry but I don't follow you."
"Victor. With your permission, I want to train you to be my successor to the gym."
And his jaw DROPPED. As did the camera, dropping from his hands and thudding back onto his chest. Thank goodness he still wore it under his chest. Brain short circuting. And it took him a long moment to respond. "I-...HUH!? B-But WHY!?" He gestured with his hands. "M' n-not gym l-leader material."
"Oh I beg to differ." Victor jumped at the new voice and looked up as Leon's form suddenly appeared next to him with a giant smile. "You'd make a great a gym leader as Hop would make a great Professor."
"B-But-.." he looked between the two of them. "I-I...M' not like Gloria."
"And that's WHY Nessa chose you instead of anyone else," Leon spoke a softer tone to his voice. "That's what sets you two apart and makes you special. You're right Gloria's confident and takes pride in what she does, which makes her a great choice for someone like Kabu to train. But she can be a bit ..um.." He tried to put it nicely. "Brash and jumps to things too quickly. Which might work for someone matching Kabu's and hers fighting style but obviously that doesn't match your own. And not what Nessa's looking for. She's been looking for someone who pays attention to details and can think off them. Like you do shown by how you perceive things."
"That's right." Victor yelped again when he turned further to look behind Leon and saw Hop smiling. "You always keep a level head when things go wrong and spot the little details when no one does. That's how you saved us. Remember?'' Victor stared. And Hop quietly shuffled on his feet. "I got carried away in the moment and let my emotions get the better of me. I put everyone at risk because I jumped rational thinking and sped away. You were the one who thought of them trying to come back and take the ancient sword and kept it safe. And if you didn't, there was no way we would've been able to summon Zacian to stop Zamazenta and save everyone. Victor...You saved everyone that day by yourself. And you didn't even realize it!" Hop smiled wider. "So now on top of being rivals and best friends, we're heroes too! Thanks to your thinking!"
They were all right. Gloria and Hop were both strong and heroes in they're own right, but if Victor hadn't done what he did...Well you'd rather not think of what might've happened if Victor wasn't able to summon Zacian. But none of you cared to notice all too caught up. Gloria was a little..ok. Maybe a bit more than a little oblivious to things, but Victor caught all of that.
"But...I-I'm still not as g-good as battlin' like everyone else."
"That's because you lack confidence in yourself." Nessa said gaining his attention back to her. "But I've seen the way you fought when helping me take back my gym and have heard other gym leaders give similar stories. I personally like the way you fight, and with just a little help I think you can see that too. I know what it felt like at one point to not believe in yourself when it comes to something, but sometimes all we need is a little help from someone. So...What do you say? Want to take a chance with me?"
Victor stared at her for a long moment, as if not believing something as well special as this would happen to him. Before a sound left him which you thought was a sob at first but it was in fact a choked laugh because he gave a shaky smile reaching a hand up to rub at his eyes.
"I'd really like that a lot." He sounded like he was trying not to cry tears of joy.
Well ...everyone couldn't but smile. Including Nessa who nodded. "Well then Victor. I look forward to working with you."
"Oh. That reminds me. Before I forget-," Leon took a moment to hum, patting his pockets for something. "Let's see. Where did I put that pass?" Before he ended up fishing something from his side pocket and smiling at the small ticket like object in his hand. "Aha! Got'cha!" He held it out to Victor who blinked at him and with a sniff slowly took it from him. "I got it since I had a feeling it might help you."
he looked at the ticket embroidered with a small crown on it before looking back to Leon. "W-What's this?"
"A Crown Pass." He pointed at it. "I won't say too much since I have a feeling it'll help you if you go."
"Ye mean you're gonna have me train with someone like Gloria?"
"Not exactly, but I do believe the experience will benefit you...Buuut it does take place somewhere cold all the time like Circhester. I know you really don't like the cold but I think if you're willing to give it a try it'll be a great experience- OOF!"
Leon jumped from something latching onto him making him blink and look down, only to find Victor hugging him. ".....Thank you for believing in me."
The Champion stood there frozen for a moment before ruffling the boy's hair through his beanie hat. "I've always believed in you three. And I always will. And I'm so, so proud of you all. You're all growing up to be amazing people just like I knew you would be."
You smiled at them. At the family you saw before you. It was a pleasure to get to watch them grow so much. And it looks like they're going to continue to grow and experience things.
Eventually Leon did have to leave with Piers and the brothers after a tiring battle and discussion, and lots of writing on Sonia's part by flying taxi. Nessa leaving by the next train assuring she'd be in touch. You saw them all off with Piers pausing to look back at you and saying something before climbing into the taxi behind them.
"Remember. Call me."
You assured him you would before they took off which left you with the most difficult part. Telling everyone you would be moving. Which you did...The next day. Not wanting to take away the attention from Hop and Victor with their families gushing over them earning an apprenticeship from Sonia an already established professor (working for the Chairwoman no less) and becoming a student to Nessa who was already famous being a model and gym leader. They deserved to have the spot light for a while. But when you did eventually break the news to anyone it was shocking to say the least especially for the guys, but they all seemed understanding. Mrs. L seemed happy you found somewhere for yourself. But you definitely weren't going anywhere yet. Not until Victor left off for ...Well wherever Leon was sending him. You weren't sure where but you trusted Leon's judgement. It took nearly a week. Victor hesitating, and packing things and procrastinating. But eventually he gained enough willpower to go through it and like with Gloria it was certainly one you would remember. You all gathered at the station as he timidly handed the station master the pass Leon gave him and pointed him in the right direction as the train arrived. Many a tears were shed and many hugs were exchanged. But for some reason Victor paused when he looked at you before boarding the train. And you were confused until he spoke.
"Thank ye."
...And you blinked. "What?"
"I said..Thank you. I-I.." he shuffled nervously. "I never got to thank you for helping me back in Hammerlocke. B-Before ye got knocked out n' sent ta the hospital."
....You smiled. "Hey. There's no need to thank me. We were all doing the right thing right? You just go and enjoy yourself. After all, it's your turn to have an adventure."
He smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Y/n. For everything."
And you all watched him board the train. Going through the gates and up onto the train. Pausing to look back at all of you and smiling and waving. Until the doors closed. And with a couple rattles and horn blasts, the train moved moving away and down the tracks. Taking Victor with it as he went off.
"Hey, Y/n," Sonia asked leaning forward to look at you, "You ok there?"
...You nodded still smiling. "Yeah. Yeah I am." Before you turned to her smiling. "Hey, Sonia. Can you call Piers? Just tell him I'm coming to see him. He'll know what I mean."
Sonia blinked but nodded. "Sure. But what do you mean by that?"
You smiled wider. "It means I'm taking the next train home."
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olivediamonds · 5 years
So it’s been awhile.... I’d like to compromise. Any way I can get an imagine of both Swordward and Shielbert x reader who hates them but eventually starts to warm up A LITTLE BIT to them? 👁👅👁
*inhales* fine. But only this one time
You really wanted to beat up Piers for making you watch the twins
You usually avoided them when you could but today you caught them playing with their pokemon
For a moment you forgot the two were jerks and enjoyed watching them play with their pokemon
Afterwards you started to act a little bit nicer to the twins
33 notes · View notes
swsh-scenarios · 5 years
Just Things to note before sending a request!
Tumblr media
What I will do
Headcanons for a single person
Matchups (More later on)
X Readers
Alternate Universes (Little Detail later on)
Poly Relationships (I’ll probably suck at it)
Friendship based headcanons.
What I won’t do
Original Characters
Opal X Anyone please just let grandma be
Sordward and Shielbert, maybe in the future, I just haven’t completed post game. I don’t even know how to START post game-
Shipping Rules
Literally, I just wanna say this now. I will nOT do Incest. If you request [Hop X Leon], [Piers X Marnie] or [Melony X Gordie] I will rip my eyes out. Mostly everything else is okay!
I’m gonna list some things I’d appreciate in your Matchup request.
Gender and Sexuality
Personality Traits
Characters you don’t want, If you don’t care leave blank. (You’ll never get Opal or Sordward and Shielbert-)
Anything else you think I should know
If you have multiple put 1/? until you finish then end it with 2/2 or something 
Alternate Universes
Basically every AU is allowed, but here are a couple you need to clarify more on.
Different Gym Leaders (Which Gym leaders get swapped, do the new gym leader has the same pokemon as the last one or no?)
New Champion (Once again, clarify who it is)
Yeah its short and pretty basic, but if you don’t how will I do it?
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royalty-subway · 2 years
The twins with am s/o who saves pokemon from terrible trainers?
Hm. I assume you mean stuff like, people who are mistreating their Pokemon(s). Right? ;w;
I mean. I’ll just put a warning here either way. Since we’re talking about Pokemon(s) being saved from terrible trainers. ;w;
But if I mess up, you can tell me-
… He isn’t entirely involved in matters like this. But… he can easily fuck someone over for just existing due to him being part of the monarchy.
Like… he could theoretically arrest or ruin these people as he pleases. But uh. It’s probably best if he doesn’t do that because it could be seen as “reckless” in his part-
Look, what he’s trying to get at is that maybe him being part of the monarchy could help you in your missions to some degree. Like, he’ll do whatever is in his power to help you in matters such as this.
He could try helping you by taking care of the Pokemons themselves. Or at least keeping them company until someone is willing to adopt them. He'll be a bit strict with the conditions of these people wanting to adopt though-
That is… if you even want his help because you at least know what you’re doing while he doesn’t. But eh, whatever it is, he’s proud of you.
Hm. Well, it’s a bit of a given that those who mistreat others, whether people or Pokemons, are some of the most scummiest people in the world.
Like, it does upset him deeply, and he honestly wishes to help you however he can. But… he’s not entirely sure how, since this could be your job or just something you do as a “heroic act”.
I think the only way he could possibly help is him being part of the monarchy (or… “diarchy” if he and his brother were to rule together, hm…), so he does hold some form of power to deal with these kinds of people, probably-
Or… he could like, take care of those Pokemons if they’re too much for you. He likes looking after Pokemons anyway, or he likes to at least try his best to be a good caretaker for a few moments.
He tends to ask a lot of questions regarding your doings. Like, he’d ask if you’re okay or where the saved Pokemons will end up being. He just wants to make sure everything is fine.
… Do you want to know what this man thinks or considers one of the worst things imaginable someone can do? It’s this, quite literally this; treating Pokemons like absolute shit.
I’m sorry, but nothing excuses shit like this or anything closely related to that. Yeah, if you couldn’t tell, he has a strong opinion and is very serious about matters such as this.
He’d sent these sorts of assholes to Tartarus if he could. But he’ll just keep his mouth shut and let people like you do your job as you properly should.
Yes, he’s happy and grateful that you’re stopping these issues from happening. But… at the same time, he doesn’t really wish to hear specific details on the matter because it does genuinely upset him.
Like, just know that he’s happy for you and those Pokemons you saved. And he’s willing to help out however he can. But uh, yeah.
Hm… You know, sometimes on the subway itself, these sorts of things happen; where people mistreat their Pokemons or others. Even to a point that sometimes there’s a need to be an interference.
Yes, if necessary, he, along with Emmet, can and will interfere with situations like this. Such as getting law enforcement involved. Even if they don’t want to. But it’ll be pretty saddening either way. So might as well.
He’s genuinely glad to have people like you, whose jobs are to deliberately solve issues like this. But he knows damn well that these sorts of jobs usually take a lot from you. As in, it’s not fun to be part of situations like this, for all parties involved.
That is… if it is your job. Maybe you’re doing this for the hell of it…? Which would be illegal, but at least your heart is kinda in the right place.
Eh. Whatever it may be, you can always talk to him about your endeavors. He’ll always be there to listen or help you out as much as he can.
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royalty-subway · 2 years
S/o who has fought a Garchomp with their bare fists and won
… No? ._.
Okay, here’s the thing. That’s a dragon. Or a hammerhead shark… It’s a mixed thing, if anything. BUT WHY AND HOW CAN YOU FIGHT SUCH A THING IS BEYOND HIM-
And yet… he is one to mess with legendary Pokemons, that being Zacian, Zamazenta, and even Eternatus in the manga. So… I suppose he can’t say much.
… And those were near-death experiences for him, b-but at least he had a reason to do so! To save his reputation! Only to ruin it... But eh, what’s your excuse here to fight a Garchomp? Are you on crack?
I mean… whatever your reasons are. This is still rather pointless and dumb. You dumb dumb idiot. Sure, very impressive, he couldn’t do better. But dude-
Uh… isn’t Garchomp considered one of the most dangerous Pokemons to ever exist??? I mean, aside from legendaries and such, but… YOU STILL SHOULDN’T MESS WITH ONE-
… And yet you did it anyway. While very impressive, that was reckless and pointless. Like, he’ll question you why you did this in the first place? Do you have like, beef against that specific Garchomp?
… I mean, it’s pretty likely that he’d scold you a bit if you did such with no reason. Like, you could’ve died there. But if it was for self-defense reasons, he’ll give you some slack. But like, come on now-
Oh word-
I mean, that’s all impressive and shit. But can you like, fight both a Garchomp and a Haxorus at once??? Ingo fought his own Haxorus at some point so he’s just wondering-
I mean, he’s willing to bet that he himself can beat the absolute shit out of a Garchomp. If he can open a portal to hell, I can’t see why he couldn’t win-
But like, why did you even do that for? Was that Garchomp hurting anyone? Did you just want to prove to yourself that you’re THAT strong of a person? All he’s hearing is that you’re bullying a child-
Okay okay, enough joking around, that was pretty impressive but pretty useless at the same time. He’d rather play the “don’t break the ice” game with an actual hammer-
Hm. I mean, he did fight a Haxorus before-
Okay okay, for real though, he actually did fight one. His own Haxorus, mind you. As a playful challenging thing. No one got hurt. Although he feels like Haxorus went easy on him so as to not hurt him.
But like… you are well aware that a Garchomp is just as dangerous as a Haxorus? At least he thinks? Just… maybe faster than a Haxorus. BUT STILL YOU SHOULDN’T DO THAT-
… Even if it was a “it was in a past” thing or happening in the present time. He’s going to scold the absolute shit out of you for being so reckless!
Probably bans you from ever seeing any Garchomp again. Since he knows what you’re just going to do; get mad and beat them up.
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royalty-subway · 3 years
Ok so how about the twins with a s/o whose only Pokemon is a Hisuian Zorua (Bonus if the Zorua is really shy)
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Oof. I got like three of these requests. So oof. I might as well delete the two other ones since I don’t think it’s necessary to point them to this- (especially if it’s from the same anon)
I always found Hisuian Zorua either the shy or timid type.
I know I did Hisuian Zoroark before, but it’s not like it matters because I love this boi so much.
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… He tries his best to put on a straight face. Like, this thing is so adorable, he can admit that. But he’s not letting his guard down since it can make illusions and such.
He just has a bit of difficulty expressing his “omg, this thing is cute” thing. He probably just ended up softening his posture and attempt to pet them-
Until it ran away or screamed, which is fair, dude has questionable hair, who wouldn’t run away from him. Okay, the real reason was because they’re shy. His opinion on shy beings is confusing, but he’ll make an exception here because they look polite.
Perhaps he’ll give your Zorua some personal space, since they’ll just run away if they even catch him looking at them. He really wants to touch the… ghost hair/fur thing- (it’s a bit hypnotizing-)
I mean, whenever your Zorua gets near him. They’ll probably start running away before he can even say “hi”. He feels a bit shitty about that since he thought he did something wrong or if he was that scary-
… Aw. This thing actually looks cute. And pretty frail, your Hisuian Zorua probably ran away from him when he tried to get near it.
*Now cue him asking where you found this creature and then freaking out by the fact that you time-traveled and brought a past Pokemon into the present time*
But I mean… this thing is pretty cute. He wishes this Pokemon would still be a thing in the present day (I mean-). He would pet it and carry it, but since it’s pretty shy, the Pokemon will probably hide away from him because of that action.
He was a bit surprised, and yet, he expected this and it’s still adorable. He would try to get near it again, but he realizes that there’s no point, so he’ll stop.
He tries to be nice towards them in hopes they’ll give him a chance. Like, speaking softly or giving it a peace offering. If your Zorua dares to get near him, he’ll stand absolutely still since he doesn’t want to frighten them again-
Aaaawwwwww baby arctic fox go brrrrr. He loves this thing so much. He treats them like it’s his actual child. “Don’t you ever talk to me or my son/daughter ever again”.
But he’s a bit taken aback when your Zorua showed their shy side. He didn’t expect it, but hey, he knows what it’s like to have shy Pokemons; his Pokemons are a bit shy themselves if you believe it.
And he loves shy Pokemons. They’re just the best for some reason. I mean, usually when he’s with his shy Pokemons, they sort of “loosen up” a bit, as in, they’re not as shy as before and willing to do something fun with him.
But your Zorua might be a different story since it screams when he “chases” after them. He doesn’t wish to scare them, he just wants to befriend them by doing it in the worst possible way imaginable without even realizing it.
Okay, for real, he does want to befriend it and he might try too hard. Until he just lets Zorua do whatever they want. If they want attention, then he’ll definitely give them some. If your Zorua wants to be left alone, he’ll respect them.
Well, again, he was in Hisui at one point. So he knows where you got Hisuian Zorua from. Although maybe it’s not a good idea to bring past Pokemons, but you do you.
He’s aware that Hisuian Zorua is a bit of a fragile Pokemon. Not that they run away from danger. They just prefer to avoid confrontation, but they will defend themselves if needed.
He might’ve attempted to pet them, but they ran away, which kinda took him by surprise a bit. But hey, he understands and he’ll apologize for his actions.
He respects the fact that your Zorua is shy, and he tries not to scare them away. He’ll mostly let his Pokemons talk to them (if his Pokemons don’t scare them) or feed them berries (as a kind gesture).
I mean, whenever your Zorua gets near him. He tries not to move fast or make any sudden movement to scare them. And if your Zorua tries to get near him, he’ll either let them be or attempt to gently pet them if they’re asking for it.
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royalty-subway · 2 years
hi, can you make the twins with a gn y/n who has a legendary pokemon, and they tell the most random story possible of how the pokemon was obtained
Oof. I feel like it would depend on the Legendary itself? ;w;
Like, if we’re talking about Zacian and Zamazenta for Sordward and Shielbert. Then they would kinda know about the story of you getting them because they were there-
And Zekrom and Reshiram for Emmet and Ingo, right? I mean, they had nothing to do with that plot of the game (from what I know), but like, surely they know who they are-
So like, maybe I can add a little section for that-
… You know, he doesn’t know the chances of meeting someone that caught an ACTUAL Legendary Pokemon. But surely, SURELY, it’s not high in the slightest-
I mean, he’s DEFINITELY astonished by the fact he’s with someone who has a Legendary. Since it’s not something you see every day. The thought would even be considered ridiculous to him.
Of course, he’s definitely going to ask how you even managed to obtain such a creature. And listen in pure amusement to your stories. Even if they’re silly at times.
He… might be a bit scared to even encounter or meet the Legendary themselves. I mean, legends are mythical stories to be told to others. They’re not meant to be "real". It’s called “legends” for a reason.
And these legends… are powerful, unlike most Pokemons. He witnessed it himself once before, so… he apologizes for being fearful. He’ll definitely try to be nice to them, if you help him, that is.
If it’s Zacian, uh. Things would actually be awkward. Since he’s sort of the one who caused you to receive that Pokemon. And Zacian probably still hates his guts for causing problems for them-
I can’t exactly see Zacian forgiving him for what he did. So like, imagine a big dog chasing after him with a very long stick. That’s basically what Sordward and Zacian have going on.
The mere thought of someone he knows well obtaining a Legendary Pokemon seems a bit preposterous. I mean, no one, for billions upon billions of years, managed to achieve such a Pokemon. It’s just a mythical story, wait-
So yeah, turns out you have a Legendary Pokemon… He definitely didn’t expect that anime twist right there. He’s very much impressed by you achieving such.
Here’s the thing, he likes listening to legends. Whether they’re real or not. So he’ll probably immediately ask how you got them. Even if it may sound… a bit random at times. He’ll still believe you.
However… he might be a bit scared as well. After having his own experience with a certain Legendary. He’s a bit scared to get attacked again, even if they’re tamed by the person. I mean, he’ll be brave for you, but still-
So yeah, he’s a bit rather shy to be around the Legendary. Even if you were to let him pet them, or ride them; if the legends' thing is to fly or run fast. It’s just… a very big and powerful Pokemon, and he wants to be respectable. 
If it’s Zamazenta, well, similar to his older brother and Zacian. It could get awkward since he was quite literally there when you got the Pokemon and he caused problems for Zamazenta.
… And yet I feel like Shielbert and Zamazenta could get along better than Sordward and Zacian. If Zamazenta is willing to forgive him. They’ll probably end up at least okay friends to hang around.
… You can imagine his shock and amazement upon the realization that you actually have a Legendary Pokemon at your disposal.
Like, he’s one to believe in legends. But he isn’t one of those people who are desperate to know if they’re real or not (unlike when he was a kid). Since he has a job to do, you know? The legends are either real or not. Even with him hoping that they're real, it’s just fairy tales at the end of the day… Well, until now-
It’s very likely that he’ll play with the Legendary, even if told when not to because, well, it’s a Legendary. And he’s 100% on board to listening to stories about them- (even if the story is questionable-)
He’ll probably ask how the Legendary of yours is doing every day. Well, he’ll also do that with all your Pokemons too, he won’t leave them out. Since he just wants to make sure they’re all happy-
Like, he very much loves the Legendary you have and can show it with no issue. Even if the Legendary can be considered “edgy” or “scary”. He still does genuinely like being around them-
If it’s Reshiram, well, it’s basically a walking lie detector. It knows whenever someone is lying and always holds the truth. And while he has nothing to do with Reshiram (in story wise), he can’t help but feel a bit related to them. 
You know… wanting to know the truth about stuff. Like, who’s the strongest when it comes to battling trainers or… the true reason why certain things happen. But anywho, very fluffy dragon-
Hm… Oddly enough, he can always sense strong trainers. Whether that be, have powerful Pokemons or have amazing battle strategies, anything.
… And perhaps he knew something was up with you. I mean, maybe he didn’t know that you carried a Legendary, since that’s seen as an impossible task to achieve. But… something was there.
… You can probably imagine his shock to witness an actual Legendary. I mean, he never knew that he’d see the day of someone, holding a Pokeball of an actual Legendary Pokemon.
And that “someone” is a person he knows pretty well. Of course, he wouldn’t mind listening to a few stories here and there. Well, he kinda wants to hear them because he's curious-
… He sort of wishes to battle the Legendary, if that’s okay. I mean, this is sort of a “one time” thing. You don’t see trainers with a powerful Pokemon such as this, every day, or at all, even. But still, he's proud of you both-
If it’s Zekrom, well, same with Emmet, he isn’t personally involved in Zekrom’s story. But he does know about the stories that have been told; a yin and yang thing with Reshiram representing the truth and controlling fire and Zekrom as ideals and electricity.
… And while he does have a better understanding of ideals rather than the truth. The "ideals" of getting better at battling. While also holding some “truth” such as the victor in battles. But it all comes down to strategies in the end.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hope I got the thing with Reshiram and Zekrom right. I still don’t know much about Black and White- ;w;
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royalty-subway · 3 years
Plz,,, scenario where reader is sent to Hisui instead of Ingo. And then they come back (maybe missing some memories?)
Oof. Not gonna lie, but I kinda wanted to do something like this for a while-
Like, where the s/o just time-traveled to Hisui and came back. Just to see how the twins would react.
Now I have an excuse to do it. :D
I decided to write for all the twins. Since I couldn’t tell if you just wanted Ingo or all of them-
Also, this is angsty. Not the most angsty thing I wrote. It has at least a bittersweet ending, so nothing too serious to leave a warning.
I mean, while you disappeared, he probably didn’t notice the first few days. But as soon as he tried to contact you, either by text or by visiting your house, he got more concerned. He desperately tried to find you, but you were nowhere to be found.
But he assumes that wherever you are, surely you can take care of yourself. More so if you're the champion of the Galar region. So no need to fear. I mean, he’s still scared shitless, but he tries not to show it much by failing and showing it by begging people to find you and crying himself to sleep.
His and your Pokemons are probably the only reason why he isn’t as panicky about it because they gave him comfort of some kind (or maybe it made him more panicky since you could be in the wild area with zero Pokemon on your side, but maybe you got help from someone or received some Pokeballs).
He just sort of waited until something happened, whether you or someone found you or you just came back around suddenly. While keeping himself a bit isolated without even realizing it. His worries just kept him busy.
That was until you showed up again, at complete random. At first, he probably took you as someone that’s… poverty-stricken; based on your appearance. But looking at your face confirms that it was actually you. You just look like you survived hell and came back. Which definitely struck something within him; maybe fear or relief that you were okay?
He’ll just semi-scream your name to get your attention and ask "WHAT IN THE BLOODY FRESH HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" He tries his best to avoid physical contact, and yet, he needs to confirm if this was real or fake so he probably ends up grabbing both of your arms/shoulders for that confirmation (and perhaps to comfort you in a way).
But perhaps this action made you uncomfortable, since this peepee hairstyle motherfucker you just met was touching your arms/shoulders. Who wouldn’t freak out at that moment? So if you push him away, he’ll do the same thing out of instinct.
And now he’s confused. Are you… The same person he was thinking about? Or just a random bystander that looks like his s/o? That would be extremely awkward if that’s the case. But eh, you’re now stating that you have zero memory of anything, so that explains a lot.
Which, yes, it does surprise and pains him to hear. And he sort of blamed himself for everything. Maybe if he saved you sooner, perhaps you’d still have your memories. Eh, too late now. But he’ll just try to explain everything, that you were his friend/partner, and you both did a lot of things together. He’ll try his best to return your memories as time goes on, but at least you’re back now, which conceals his worries… With zero memory, which still makes him sad.
He probably noticed by day one that you've gone missing. And he desperately tries to find you, even getting his older brother involved, but nothing comes out. The only things he could find were your stuff; like your clothes and your Pokemons.
With that being said, he’ll probably end up wearing any of your jackets or hoodies, either in private or in public (even if they don’t typically have the red accent he used to wear, it’s a bit of a bizarre thought and sight, but it doesn’t matter to him, it's just to remember you).
He sort of cut nearly all human interaction as well, besides from his older brother and from his/your Pokemons (yes, he’s taking care of your Pokemons). Not complete isolation, he does go out in public, but he doesn’t talk much.
This probably goes to a point where he has nightmares about you dying. It makes him think that you actually died, or maybe you did? Who fucking knows, you’ve been gone for years. If you’ve been kidnapped, then surely you’re gone at this rate. He doesn’t even know what’s real or fake anymore and these thoughts upset him deeply.
Well, until you came back out of nowhere. The first thing he saw was either your face or your torn clothes. And he somewhat hesitates to get near you because of those dreams he’s been having. This could simply be another dream or another hallucination.
But shrugging that off, he’ll run up to you while screaming your name and crying, and hug you pretty tightly. Of course, you’re confused because this stranger somehow knew your name and is currently hugging you… Maybe he knows you? Perhaps he’s familiar to you.
And then he’ll probably drag you into his house to give you warm and proper clothes (since your clothes are very messy and you’re probably freezing cold). Until he sort of noticed your behavior… Aren’t you happy to see him? Why are you pretending like you don’t even know him? Are you okay?
That’s kinda when you explained to him that you have no memory of anything. Which genuinely made him flinch and have a very painful expression. And he nearly cried again. But he’ll apologize for his behavior (since surely you’d call the cops if this was an actual stranger to you) and he’ll try to explain himself, stating that he’s your friend/partner. That you’ve been gone for years and he did nothing but sorrow over your disappearance. And that he was just so overjoyed with you coming back.
He seems genuine when he says this. And knowing this, he’ll take everything slower now since that’s kinda what someone with amnesia needs. Yes, it hurts him knowing that you’ll perhaps never get your memory back. But at least you’re here again. And yes, he’ll give you all of your stuff back in hopes that’ll jog your memory- (he’ll give whatever he has to get your memories back)
… I mean, you probably expect him to cry or be in extreme distress because you just suddenly disappeared (since that would’ve happened if Ingo disappeared). I suppose in a way, you’re kinda right. And yet, it’s not the full truth.
Like, here’s the thing, he doesn’t feel anything. Not applying that he doesn’t give a damn about you, more like, he’s feeling empty; emotionless… And yet, this feeling isn’t exactly new to him. As if he knew this feeling for his entire life, but wasn’t aware of it until it’s brought up.
This feeling… makes him sad and pissed at himself. And yet he’s not? He doesn’t know how to feel about the emptiness, but he doesn’t like it and he’s crying. Yes, he’s distraught about you disappearing, but maybe he’ll show more of his sad side if it was Ingo (look, Ingo is his brother and he means a lot to him, give him some slack, he’ll still feel empty if it was Ingo instead of you)
And despite the fact that he tries his best to live on with his life (making it seem like he can handle himself alone with no help). He needs moral support from literally anyone, either from Ingo or Sordward himself, anyone. Just as long as someone can support him and stop him from doing something… He’ll regret.
Oh, and it’s a bit difficult to determine whenever he noticed you being gone. It depends on how many times you visit him. He would try to find you, but he couldn’t find you anywhere and he hopes that you’ll come back at some point. The longer he waits, the more it damages him.
Even with you coming back doesn’t exactly make him feel anything (or at least the first few seconds, he’ll wince more than anything and continue with his day). Since this could simply be another hallucination or dream he’s been getting, you could be another fake like the rest of them. So unless someone says “IT’S REALLY THEM-” to him, he’s not exactly buying it at first glance.
His reaction would depend, he could either simply stand there and do nothing, walk up to you and apologize (he thinks it was his fault that you left), or walk up to you and hug you (just for confirmation that it’s actually you).
… And then you’ll probably ask who the fuck he is since you don’t even know this white man. Which is where you’ll probably see him actually reacting or showing a genuinely shocked expression of loss of hope again. But he still tries to put a brave face on and admit that he’s your friend/partner, until you just disappeared from existence.
He doesn’t really know what to do. He’ll probably cry a bit or something. Of course, he’ll try his best to give you your memories back. But he still doesn’t know how to do it. I assume the best he can do is stay around you to form some sort of friendship with you again. But hey, you being here is better than you not being here.
So if we're talking about Ingo never appearing in the Hisui region. He’d never know of the existence of it. So you disappearing instead of him would be a concern to him, since he doesn’t even know where you are or would even know about Hisui.
He probably didn’t expect anything until a few days or weeks later. Depending how many times you visit him. He probably thought you were just busy, though. Until like, 1 month pass or something. He’ll probably become more worried about you.
He would try to find you, but there’s nothing much he can do. He’s not a detective or any of that sort. The best he can do is to look for clues about where you went. And he found fuck all besides your Pokemons. Which didn’t help him since even they didn’t know what happened to you.
So the most he can do is take care of your Pokemons while you're gone somewhere. Yes, he’s worried about you. But even he knows that he can’t do anything. He’s hopeless unless he finds something that will lead to your disappearance… Where were you?
… That was until you came back, just randomly appearing in the subway somewhere. He flinched at that. He couldn’t really believe it since he thought this was some sort of trap or prank set by someone. Or if it was a dream. Plus, you… Appeared in a worse state; like, you seem confused about your surroundings with messy clothes.
So it probably wouldn’t be much of a surprise if he thought you were someone else at first, until he had a good look at you. You looked… Exactly like them, even the same name, voice, height and all. Until he realizes that it is truly you, he’s pretty overjoyed about it (on the inside, he doesn’t express it as much as he wanted to).
However… You don’t seem to remember anything. Not even him. Which definitely caught his attention. It seems like you lost your memory (or some of it). You don’t even recall meeting him, ever. Which did hurt him to hear, made him cry a little.
But he’ll try his best to give you context in the most blunt way possible, he was either your friend/partner (he’ll most likely say “friend” because saying you're the partner of someone that has zero memory of you doesn’t seem like a good idea). And that you’ve been gone for a really long time. Whether you believe him or not would depend, but he’s telling the truth. And he doesn’t mind taking it slow if you’re willing to give him a chance.
He gives you back your Pokemons and tries his best to gain your memories back, whether it works or not. He at least tried his best. He’ll still be by your side, even if you guys were partners once but currently friends due to this circumstance. It doesn’t matter to him since you’re finally back now.
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royalty-subway · 3 years
Adding onto the giratina possession thing
That but
It's not all that bad for either party
They just kinda vibe
Y/n provides giratina a way to see the living world
Giratina provides y/n protection
oh word-
That’s actually kinda wholesome. And I don’t know why. But I always found Giratina to be the kind of guy that’s chill. But everyone hates them for no reason. Someone could say “hi” to them and they’d smile for the rest of the day. That kind of person.
… Eh. He still doesn’t trust Giratina. Dude is literally the Pokemon devil. But I mean, if this benefits both parties like you claim. Then I suppose he can’t stop you-
But like, he’s still a bit sus of Giratina. Even when Giratina confirmed to him that “yes, when he dies, he’s going to hell”. It's a bit sad to know that, but fair.
I mean… why would Giratina even bother to see human life? He gets that Giratina is trapped in the Distortion World… Okay never mind, even he can see where it would get boring-
I mean, he’s kinda awkward around Giratina. Especially if he looks like he's just talking to you, but it’s actually Giratina. But he tries his best to not be rude because he doesn’t want to be on Giratina’s shit list.
… I mean, maybe Giratina will question you about this man. Like, “why are you friends/partnered with a man with a peepee on his head-”. Like, this is just silly for them-
I… What? This Pokemon is literally Satan themselves. How… how can you be so calm about this? And how did you even get into this situation?
Okay never mind, Giratina is actually pretty nice. They just offered him a Snickers bar and then fell down the stairs because of “human legs”. But like, this is still a bit bizarre to see.
I mean, it’s very kind of you to help Giratina to see the living world. Even he wouldn’t have the guts to do that. And it’s nice that Giratina provides you protection as if you’re their kid.
He sort of tries to show kindness to Giratina. Mainly because he doesn’t wish to be on their bad side. But also because they’re actually vibing. Chill dude. I mean… he sort of feels sorry for this Pokemon, in a way.
Like, Giratina is pretty much trapped in the Distortion World. And they can only somewhat escape that world through you. He’s not sure how all this started, but eh. This exists now.
oh word- (I mean, he kinda likes Giratina more than Arceus. Bitch sent his brother to Hisui, and he was mad. But like, Giratina is actually chill, barely evil at all.)
He’s kinda chill with this. I mean, he’d wonder how you even managed to talk to Giratina in the first place to make this “deal”. But eh, who cares? Let’s play Mario all together-
I feel like he and Giratina could be like best friends (or him and Arceus, whatever goes). Probably because they’re kinda alike in some ways; misunderstood by many, powerful, immortals, and vibing 24/7.
I mean, do you know that one Wreck-It Ralph scene where the dude says “thanks Satan”? That’s probably Emmet whenever he can actually say that-
But I mean, even if Giratina was feral instead of vibing (or going feral sometimes, like whenever they angy-). Emmet couldn’t care that much. They’re a silly Satan man.
Hm. I mean, he probably tried to reason with you or he just thought you were bullshitting. Like, “are you serious?” or “are you sure this is a good idea?” kind of thing.
Like, he just didn’t think this is a good idea. And he assume Giratina wanted to destroy everything because it’s literally the devil- (or that’s at least the reputation they have-)
But it turns out you’re providing Giratina a way to see the world. While Giratina provides you protection. Which does sound nice and all, but like, sus devil Pokemon. Eh, he won’t stop you since maybe you do have a point of Giratina being nice.
… And they’re actually nice. Giratina probably helped him with a few things and they’re a delight to be around. I mean, Ingo might still be a bit awkward around Giratina, but like, he’s actually talking to Satan-
… Huh. Giratina is actually chill and a good friend. Thanks for allowing him to actually meet Giratina. He sort of feels shitty for thinking they’re bad, but at least now he’s seeing Giratina in a different light.
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