#shielbert pokemon imagine
royalty-subway · 6 months
Sordward,shiebert with o/s who specialize in electricity type and who's afraid of ground type pokemon headcanons?
I always liked the idea of like, a trainer just specializing in one type of Pokemon. Whether they're a gym leader or just a trainer. ;w;
Hm. Well, he may not know much about electric Pokemon. But he's still a bit fascinated with the fact that you specialize in that type. It could be for gym leader purposes, or just you knowing them well for fun. Whatever floats your boat.
He'll try his best to treat your Pokemon kindly. I say this because I feel like there's always a high chance that those electric Pokemon of yours are going to like, poof his hair all over the place with their electric static. Which he hates, but he looks funny when it happens.
Oddly enough, he can withstand the hyper ways of an electric Pokemon. Like, he vibes with it pretty well despite having a team of his own that are kinda chill and noble-like.
And don't worry, he understands your fear of ground types. Since being an electric specialist, he can see where you're coming from. Ground types would be your weakness there. Unless it's like, an actual genuine fear of them and not because you'd have difficulty defending yourself.
He'll genuinely try his best to avoid ground types for your sake in any situation. Like, ground types are common in sandstorms or just any sand area. So, he'll try to avoid those places when he's with you. Or help you out if you encounter one of them during a multi battle with him by your side.
… Well, he really isn't one for specializing in one type of Pokemon. But he's genuinely intrigued by your talents in electric types. It probably made him like you in the first place. Or at least find you a rather intriguing person to be around.
Here's the thing, electric types are somewhat known to be sporadic and hyper. Which is something he ISN'T because he has no energy for that, like, physically and emotionally (unlike his brother). Even so, he'll try his best to be nice to your Pokemons. Regardless of any circumstances. He's just... a calm person, is all.
He completely understands your fear of ground types. Whether it's because of battle reasons or some form of... personal matter, he gets it. He can't really judge since he fears bug types, so…
He'll do whatever he can to help you for ground types. Whether it's to shoo them away from battle or like, help you fight them in some form of multi battle. Or just comfort you when the time comes, whatever works.
If you're a gym leader, then he'll do his absolute best to support you. Granted, you might not be one since there's likely going to be trainers that use ground types against you. Nevertheless, in any professional setting you have in electric Pokemon stuff, he'll support you.
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oceandiagonale · 1 year
I just realized I don't think I've ever thought about cream in the sword and shield dlcs/canons post game plot, creams post game plot is the gym challenge normally so it's inverted, so I'm now taking this to mean shielbert and sordward from the normal post game are cream's pokemon rivals during the apocalypse. These two decide the apocalypse is the perfect time to reclaim the throne, and obviously as cream challenges them by fixing the problem they declare themselves nemesis's or old school Pokemon rivals/evil team kind of? They might have a gang because something something what is royalty without it's people and I'm pretty sure in canon they had like at least five people on their side I do not remember much of these idiots but either way, they are now creams rivals in the old school sense, marnie is technically their rival in the "we're pals and this battle is to prove our own strength to eachother" way but the im pretty sure twins are their "fuck you" "FUCK YOU TOO" rivals
I hope they absolutely destroy those two, imagine having the absolute AUDACITY to think that you taking the throne will somehow help with the end of the world region
I assume they still steal from sonia even though like, her dynamax research is probably vital to predicting where pokemon will dynamax next?? like she's probably helping with evacuations all the time now so I honestly doubt they'd even need to sneak their thief/spy into her lab as an assistant -- they can just take stuff while she's not there dfhjksdhf
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veresiine · 7 months
Tumblr media
A while back, I threw together a spreadsheet comparing everyone's Galarian Star Tournament teams. The colored cells are conditionally formatted, with red being "worst among competitors" and blue being "best among competitors". There are a few caveats, noted on the chart by asterisks:
Mustard: We're assuming the player character chose the Tower of Waters, for my sanity. I've omitted type coverage calculations for Hop and Milo because of how much their teams vary (note that here by type coverage I mean the individual pokemon having moves to counter the types they are weak to).
Melony: I used the average of the base stat totals for the two forms of Darmanitan
Piers: As we know, Piers does not Dynamax. This has some effect on team strength that doesn't factor into my calculations.
My commentary:
There was another section of the spreadsheet that had to do with move and role coverage, but as I'm pretty strictly a PvE player and only wander into battle facilities long enough to get ribbons for my favorite pokemon, and don't want to be corrected at every turn on how things ACTUALLY work in competitive, I've opted to omit that section. The TL;DR is that Sordward and Shielbert suck and everyone else has varied roles and effects, and some (namely Gordie) are smart with setting up hazards.
Obviously, there's more to team strength than the values listed here. But as far as raw levels go, we see that Leon and Mustard are on another level from the other competitors. Raihan pulls ahead of Peony in both level and base stat totals, further cementing the whole 'Raihan would be Champion-level in another region, it's just that Leon (and later the player) are on another level' thing.
Note that I'm *only* comparing levels *within* the Galarian Star Tournament because pokemon levels are more of a mechanic to shape the player's gameplay experience than a real metric for comparing power, lore-wise. Here, however, we're at the same point in time in the game and in the player's progression through the story, so it seems more fair to compare characters.
Bede is doing a labor of love with his Mawile there; imagine how strong he'd be if we had mega evolution in addition to dynamax?
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
Could you please do headcanons for Shielbert with an S/O who likes to wear his clothes?
Thank you for your request! I hope you like the result. 
Shielbert x reader who likes to wear his clothes (HCs)
When Shielbert first discovers that you like to steal his clothes to wear them he doesn’t really know how to react. Like, yes, he feels flattered but he doesn’t understand why you don’t wear your own clothes, especially since his probably don’t fit you very well.
Others often think that you’re some kind of trophy which he likes to show around, especially when you start to walk around in his clothes in the public but in fact, it wasn’t his idea at all. At some point in your relationship you just started to steal his clothes and it actually took him a few moments to realize why a certain piece of clothing looked so familiar to him.
He actually starts to feel quite proud about the fact that you wear his clothes since that makes it pretty clear that you’re in a relationship with him and don’t mind other people finding out about it. It’s also a nice way to keep other guys who try to flirt with you at distance.
He considers buying you a matching suit in your size, so that you don’t need to wear his but he also knows that you probably would refuse and continue to snitch his clothes from his wardrobe whenever you think that he isn’t noticing what you’re doing.
Once he gets used to the sight of you in his clothes, he can’t help but notice how adorable you look. It also makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside that you steal his shirts to put them on your pillow to have something that reminds you of him when he’s away.
His brother Sordward often teases both of you about the fact that you wander around in Shielbert’s clothes. He never misses an opportunity to ask if Shielbert doesn’t want to buy you your own clothes to which you always reply that you’re very well able to buy stuff on your own.
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darktypeimagines · 3 years
Would you be ok with doing headcanons for Shielbert with an s/o who has a tendency to cry a lot?
Truth be told, Sheilbert is not the best at handling intense emotions. Negative emotions in particular. Either his own, OR his significant other’s. It just wasn’t something that was taught in his family. It’s unbecoming of royalty to break down, to show such weakness; that was something seen as best kept within yourself and behind closed doors. So, he has limited skills in going through these sort of trials.
But that certainly doesn’t mean he would let you suffer alone, when you need him most. On the contrary, he would do everything possible to give you the support you need.
His reaction would mainly depend on what made you cry to begin with.
A person did it? Well, they would certainly end up regretting it. Shielbert is not one to forgive, nor is he one to let these things slide. That being said… he may end up going a bit too far (even roping his brother into the plan), so you may need to reel him back from whatever scheme he came up with.
But if it isn’t a person that made you cry… he’s a bit more at a loss. Shielbert is well versed in handling a variety of unsavory individuals. It’s a part of being a member of a royal family, and it was a part of his training as he grew up. But, the less tangible the source, the more difficult he finds it to support you.
But, that doesn’t mean he won’t try!
Overall, his general course of action is to handle things privately. Have something already arranged? He’ll find a way to get you out of it, or at least postpone it. He might even go in your stead. In general, his approach would be to give you time to compose yourself and work through things. Protecting you while you cope, essentially. Time can do wonders, after all.
And of course… Should you ask for his advice, he’d be more than willing to share. How realistic that advice is… is debatable. He has a tendency for grandeur in everything he does, and what advice he gives is no different. While his suggestions may not be realistic or even feasible on this plane of reality, at least it’s the thought that counts. (and to be honest, his suggestions are often funny, so that certainly helps lift your mood!)
But, if all else falls, he knows that having someone else beside you is often the best remedy. While not one for prolonged displays of physical affection in public, he is always up for it in private. If you simply needed a hug or even a day in bed, he’d be more than happy to spend that time with you.
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Milk tea for Shielbert?
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
As mentioned in another ask, I see him being the more sensitive one of the two, so he's pretty affectionate when it comes to you. Shielbert is not too worried about PDA and actually likes to display his affections whenever he can. We all know he would love hand kisses and does so every time the two of you meet up, but if you turn the tables and give him a hand kiss, he'll be extremely flustered. He will compose himself and let it be known that he appreciated the kiss; you just caught him off guard is all. Besides your hand, Shielbert enjoys kissing the side of your head and hairline. Sometimes he would twirl you around before kissing you, should he be feeling extremely happy at the time. He, along with Sordward, wear lip balm so his lips are pretty smooth and he usually wears the same one, which is a sweet vanilla. Kisses with him are not rushed nor consume too much time, but this is after the two of you have been together for a while.
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wysteriadelights · 5 years
Royal Apology
I’d like to personally blame each and every single one of my children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren in the pokenimagines discord. If it weren’t for your screams of terror this would of never happened. I’ve never wrote smut before and here it is, it will haunt me until my dying day, I will be breathing my last, and as my life flashes I’ll remember that I made this, and my last words on this earth will be “god fucking damnit” and I have only my need to make others suffer to blame. We do not proofread in this house because we suffered enough the first time. A Swordword x Shielbert fic, WARNING, VERY VERY NSFW. DONT READ UNDER THE CUT IF YOU LOVE YOURSELF AND OR YOU’S A BABY, DON’T DO IT!!!!
You wondered for a brief second, if anyone could have foreseen this turn of events. This tiny flash of self-reflection would be swiftly cast out, as another rough thrust from behind left you dazed. A low whine soon followed it, as the voice of Sordward carried over the wet smacks resounding all around you, “I think I’m nearing my limit, Younger brother!” A high-pitched groan escaped the man in front of you in response. Your jaw was currently wrapped around his member, Shielbert’s hands grasping your hair firmly as he pistoled himself erratically in and out of your mouth. Judging by the fact that Sordword’s own thrusts into your honeypot were just as careless, his claim was as good as a warning as you were going to get. Gripping Shielbert’s thighs for support, your back arched as you felt the crest of your own orgasm start. It seems you wouldn’t come alone however, as both brothers in near perfect sync tore themselves from your cores, only to slam back in one last time to deposit the reward for all your efforts. 
“I-I’m-” “Arriving!” Such was all that they could choke out before their voices devolved into sloppy moans, your own unable to be heard as Shieldbert’s seed poured down into the depths of your throat. Sordword’s hot load blasting into your womb, putting out the fire that had been raging within for what felt like an eternity. How had this began? Well, it was quite simple, after the two had tried and failed to prove the two legendary pokemon, that had bravely aided you in ending the darkest day, were little more than beasts. Learning the errors of their ways after you had saved them from getting a last minute face rearrangement from the rightfully pissed off recipient of their efforts, they had come to apologize. However you soon learned their apology was something a little more… if you were up for the challenge, which, you of course were. You had proven yourself more royal than they were, and what better way than to have them give you some tribute? Treat yourself. So it was that you found yourself in quite the luxurious hotel room, being undressed by the two reverently. After all, why should a queen stoop to doing something so mundane? Their fingers ghosting over your skin as they peeled off your layer one by one. Shielbert leaving gentle kisses down your leg as he slowly pulled your pants off. Sordward at your back nibbling at your neck as he worked your bra off. Once you were completely exposed you cleared your throat, stopping them in their tracks as two pairs of light blue eyes twinkled up at you with piety. “Boys, I believe you’re overdressed for the occasion,” you said in a slight pouty tone, dragging your finger over Shielbert’s collar, who hummed amusedly. No doubt you could have helped them out of those stuffy suits, but a part of you took great joy in the show, not expecting them to be rather well-built. Which spoke nothing compared to what they were hiding under their boxers, your breath hitched in your chest before it released as a soft chuckle, one might call it a feast for kings. It was no good to get too excited over the main course, when you hadn’t even tasted the appetizer. Only with your beckon did they approach you once more, using your hands to direct them to where exactly you wanted them to appreciate you most. Shielbert was granted the honour of being allowed to put his face between your thighs, as much as you tried to not think about it, his hairstyle was at less risk of bobbing between your eyes during it. Whilst Sordward busied himself with your chest, his erection ever so subtly prodding against your back, you had to give the two some credit. Their mouths could get a lot done when they weren’t running them off with cheap banter, it was a mercy you could educate them better now. It seemed in no time you were balling your hands into fists, impatient as you were for your need for release, you weren’t happy with going down like this. With a throaty moan you clenched your fist in Shielbert’s hair and gave a commanding tug, his tongue removing itself regretfully from your core where it had been thrashing about. You grabbed Sordward’s hand that had been giving a final squeeze to your breast, and pulled him forward so you could hiss into his ear. It was time for a change in positions, your idea leading to you now hovering over Sordward’s twitching cock. “Eager, aren’t we Elder brother?” Shielbert mused, hovering behind you for support as you began your slow descent. You shushed Sordward with a finger as he opened his mouth to reply to his brother, just as the crown of his member kissed your slick folds. The heat was nearly enough to make you moan whoreishly, having to bite your tongue to keep yourself silent, as you let him enter you properly. You allowed just a moment to bask in the fact that he filled you in every way, before you started moving, eagerly enjoying the royal rod you had been so graciously given. Practically bouncing on his cock, you reached up to dig your hands into hair, messing it up as he groaned in your ear. Shielbert’s whine reminded you that you shouldn’t show too much favoritism, and you used one of your hands to reach around to grasp his length. If they were paying close attention they could have noticed how you timed the pump of your fist with that of your hips, and all too soon you reached the peak again. Letting out the moan you had been fighting, you felt Sordward’s head curl into the crook of your neck, as Shielbert took the other side. You felt Shieldbert’s semen spill over and around your hand first, before you pulled off of Swordward, his seed being painted over your torso not even a second too soon. It had been quite fun, but now came the main event, where Sworward and Shielbert had given you the royal spitroast you so rightfully deserved. Squeezing down on them with all of your might as the throws of your orgasm clouded your mind entirely. Never had your brain leaving the room felt so wonderful, you would think later, as Shielbert pulled himself from your mouth just as you had hit the limit your oxygen deprived lungs would allow. Taking in gulpfuls of air, your mind slowly oozed its way back to normalcy. Swordward carefully extracting his cockmeat from your cum-stained muff, your walls attempting to milk him for every last drop made it somewhat difficult. Shielbert carefully wiped at your mouth, cleaning away his leftover seed as Swordward rushed to grab warm towels. Perhaps it was a little selfish then, to bring up when they’d “apologize” for going inside so brazeningly. But could they blame you? It was easy to get addicted to such royal treatment.
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swsh-sorts · 5 years
Can we see hop rescuing bede , after swordbert and shieldbert kidnapped him. (Also to lighten the mood from the previous post, maybe have hop chase the brothers with the rustic sword. Plus bede x hop)
Haha, cartoon chase vibes~
Theft Of The Prince
Bede x Hop
In an alternate universe where the Idiot Brothers are even more idiotic, they have no clue of the identity of the Galarian Champion. So Hop, Victor/Gloria [Protagonist], and Piers still chase them around.
And the brothers see Hop talking with Bede, and they start thinking that Hop is relaying messages over to the champion.
I feel like the kidnapping would happen during the worst time, aka, the very moment Hop decides to try and confess his true feelings to Bede.
And through all that stuttering mess, Sordward and Shielbert just jumps out of the bushes, and yoink the hell out of Bede. Fairy user is not amused. Hop has the shocked Pikachu face.
Hop gets irrationally mad, but Piers makes sure he doesn’t worry, telling him that Bede would most likely make it torture for them, rather than the other way around.
Bede escapes multiple times, but gets inevitably yoinked back, much to his annoyance.
It gets to the point that our beloved trio finally locates the brothers + Bede, and their grand master plan is to dynamax a pokemon with Bede strapped to it, so that they can’t fight the pokemon without harming Bede.
Bede yells and throws profanities in protest, with Piers covering Victor/Gloria [Protagonist]’s ears. Hop gets genuinely concerned though.
But the true champion steps in and absolutely wrecks the brothers before they can continue with their plan.
After the dust settles, the brothers are just laying in defeat, with Bede completely unharmed. Hop would go over to Bede and affectionately check over him, putting his hand by Bede’s cheek or fixing his hair.
Bede melts into a small puddle of embarrassment.
Piers and Victor/Gloria [Protagonist] are just amused.
The brothers just sit there, and are like, ‘oops’.
Cue Hop just handling the Rusted Sword like a baseball bat, and start chasing after the brothers. It gets to the point Piers joined in with his microphone stand.
Bede is a blushing mess, and Victor/Gloria [Protagonist] looking at them smugly isn’t helping.
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olivediamonds · 5 years
So it’s been awhile.... I’d like to compromise. Any way I can get an imagine of both Swordward and Shielbert x reader who hates them but eventually starts to warm up A LITTLE BIT to them? 👁👅👁
*inhales* fine. But only this one time
You really wanted to beat up Piers for making you watch the twins
You usually avoided them when you could but today you caught them playing with their pokemon
For a moment you forgot the two were jerks and enjoyed watching them play with their pokemon
Afterwards you started to act a little bit nicer to the twins
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pokeworldrevisited · 5 years
hey I'm sorry if you're getting bombarded with asks about this AU but it's just such a good concept that I wanna know more y'know? anyway my question was: how do sordward and shielbert play into this? (I'm sorry if this was already coverd) do they like completely ignore Hop and MC and get cursed themselves or is it gonna be one of those things where they think that Hop and MC ARE the legendarys hiding in human form?? idk It's just been on my mind alot so I thought I'd just up and ask lol
Honestly, I wasn’t getting bombarded by asks at all, so this is completely fine.
I haven’t mentioned much of Sordward and Shielbert, other than them ruining Hop and MC’s happy ending approximately a year after the Eternatus fight. 
And I haven’t really thought out of what happens afterwards much, so this is just a possible idea… if y’all don’t like it you can just ignore it.
But for your question I’ll say this, firstly, much like in the main game, after the battle Hop and MC still have the weapons on them so it might be harder for the brothers to get them until the relics were put back into their proper place and left unattended. I was thinking something like Hop and MC going to some kind of Ranger Camp and during that time the sword and shield are stolen. (They needed something to do and I like the Ranger Games so… Ranger Camp it is) 
Sordward and Shielbert DON’T turn into the legendaries when they take the relics for a simple reason. Remember how in my previous post I said that the sword and shield had newer, non-battle damaged forms? I didn’t mention that for no reason after all.
And that is the fact that the curse…never really got broken
You see, when Hop and MC broke the relics, the powers of the legendaries were forced onto them, turning them into Pokemon so that they could fight off Eternatus. They were forced to become Pokemon because Galar needed the legendaries now more than ever.
But when the day was saved? When Hop and MC turned back to normal? The powers they got never left, they just remained dormant inside of their hearts. The fact they can still talk to Pokemon despite not being Pokemon themselves is essentially a way to indicate that even though they look and act human, their not exactly human.
As for the relics, their new designs indicate that they have pretty much connected with the trainers, seemingly made for them and them alone. They’re no longer the items used to summon Zacian and Zamazenta, they’re the weapons for Hop and MC.
So deep down, Hop and MC are still the legendaries, but hardly anyone knows it yet. (wether this means that Hop and MC are immortal now is up to interpretation)
During that one year that the trainers were grounded from going on adventures, they slowly started to regain bits and pieces of the powers they thought they lost. First being talking to Pokemon, then telepathy, being able to sense where their respective relics were… all those small things until one day they realise that they can turn into their legendary forms and back. (Both keep all this a secret however, because the last thing they’d want is ANOTHER year of sitting around Postwick and doing nothing)
This of course means that their put in an extremely dangerous situation when the brothers come into play. But chances are that at first they have no idea that Hop and MC are the new legendaries, especially since a thing like that would probably be known by just Leon, Sonia, Magnolia and the gym leaders out of fear of what would happen if some evil team caught wind of this. (So Sonia couldn’t put that detail into her book)
But that doesn’t mean that Sordward and Shielbert won’t ever think that Hop and MC are secretly the legendaries in disguise. Especially since one of their subjects was sent to work for the Professor, surely she’d gain enough trust to learn such a thing and report it to her kings. 
With the knowledge that the brothers have and their plan, they attempt to take Hop and MC by force if they have to, so the trainers are left in Leon’s protection until the issue is resolved. The thing is that due to being connected to the relics, Hop and MC HAVE to help save the day again. Especially once Dynamaxing becomes a problem once more. 
Oh and fair warning, Hop may or may not have a very unfortunate encounter with the wishing stars thanks to whichever brother has his relic. (If you played postgame you know what I’m talking about)
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
I would love to see change of opinions over time. That, and incredibly bad takes/people dunking on each other/memes/etc.
You could show progression in the story as well via the reactions of people to the Lab’s PR team. Like, in the beginning? People are shocked, Shocked I tell you! Why would Ingo, who’s been missing all this time, steal rare, extinct Pokémon? Who’s this teen he’s with? What are these new Pokémon, anyway? So many questions, no answers in sight.
But as time goes on, more and more doubts arise. The internet gets more familiar with the pair, their Pokémon, their relationship with each other, their personalities. From what they see? None of the Pokémon seem mistreated, Ingo is the teen’s uncle, Akari lacks any true evil disposition; the lab is wrong here and it’s raising concerns.
And after the egg incident? No one sensible is taking the lab’s bullshit anymore.
(Meanwhile Unovans, who have been sceptical of the Lab’s claims since the start, are having the biggest “I told you so” moment.)
Also this didn’t fit with the above well but I still wanted to include this undeveloped thought: Imagine Elesa (or another famous figure) making a statement in support of Ingo and Akari - and people rally to cancel her. I initially thought that she probably wouldn’t because it could hurt her reputation, but when you consider the existence Sordward and Shielbert… yea. She has most of Unova on her side, anyway. After everything gets resolved, Elesa could be sooooo smug about it all.
Yes to ALL of this!! This is what I plan to do! Show the live reactions to events in the story and also sew the seeds for later plot points.
And yeah, Elesa will absolutely stand by Ingo and Akari’s sides. She’s one of the first to speak out, both for herself and on Emmet’s behalf after getting the ok. After the news broke that the prime suspect of the Pokémon lab in Sinnoh had been identified as Ingo, she, Drayden, and Emmet were all called upon for statements. Drayden have a very neutral no-comment, while Elesa went all out and questioned every inconsistency her PR could dig up. She did also call on Ingo, if it was indeed him, to please contact his family so that they can work through this together and find the truth of that matter. This was her only big public statement before her and Emmet were flying off to Sinnoh.
After this everyone had an opinion on her statement, from supportive, to understanding but disagreeing, to shock that their icon would take such a controversial stance, to the gross misogyny.
There very much was an effort to cancel her and make her loose her career as a gym leader and model. The purity parents crying that she’s a role model for young kids! The assholes dismissing her as a skinny bimbo way over her head. Baby pokemon activist believing the lab completely and aghast that she would support a horrible thief.
Due to her sudden Absence from the gym and the lack of scheduled photo shoots, there is a hot second where the internet thinks she was indeed booted from the league/dropped by her agency and the haters rejoice! But then she publicly post a photo of herself in front of a Sinnoh national landmark to shut that nonsense down.
There’s allot of fun to be had involving social media and the effects of rapid paced mass communication in such a weird story as Ingo’s return.
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epicspheal · 3 years
What would Leon, Raihan and Piers do if they knew that Sordward and Shielbert are holding their beloved s/o as an hostage?
Hi there @aureliaaspiequeen! Well after seeing the latest Pokespe chapter I can safely say that Piers would probably end the Royal twins with his Obstagoon if given the chance to (side note, I have yet to talk about the most recent Pokespe chapter but whoo I have a lot to say about that). I imagine Raihan and Leon would be pretty similar in that they would be very concerned about the safety of their s/o and would probably work tirelessly to get them back safe and unharmed. However, I view both Raihan and Leon as being way more restrained than Piers and not actually sending a Pokemon to attack the twins as neither of the boys are canonically violent. I will say if we go by the anipoke, Leon might not be afraid to get a little physical with the brothers himself considering how he was shoving people during the Darkest Day Arc, but not anywhere near what Piers was ready to do in Pokespe.
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kibibarel · 3 years
that post was about a lot of examples (there are countless), but i was actually thinking primarily about this one time i talked to someone who was convinced Sordward and Shielbert were in jail. imagine thinking joke villains in Pokemon go to jail...........big cringe
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hollowsart · 5 years
jokes aside, rose is cool and all, but I feel like his villain potential could be greater.
I like him not being a villain.
Honestly? Sordward and Shielbert have the most potential as villains.
Consider this for a refurbished SwSh plotline:
Everything is all the same as usual, the player gets sponsored by Leon and gets their starter Pokemon with Hop. The ceremony occurs and the Player is on their way through the league challenge.
Sordward & Shielbert (S&S for short) are somewhat popular television stars in Galar who host games and talks on their show. Some NPC’s will mention them now and again and make little comments about thinking how funny they are and how silly they look and about how entertaining their shows are. However, from the way the NPC’s talk about them, the player is aware how the two aren’t taken very seriously at all. The Player will remember this.
Occasionally you’ll even be able to watch their show if you interact with a TV.
Rose is announcing his concern for the future of the Galar region and at the same time Sonia is making a few headlines with her advancements in research regarding the history of Galar and the findings she had uncovered.
S&S get wind of this and are outraged by Sonia and think to themselves how they could possibly try to prove their false genealogy to the Galar region (and partly to themselves). So, they come up with the absolute Big Brain(tm) idea of invoking Rose’s anxiety of the future.
Along the way, the Player and even Leon get suspicious of Rose’s sudden change in demeanor as he seems a bit more calm and less anxious as he had been before. This is tossed to the side with a simple “Maybe Oleana is helping to reassure him.“ However, that is very much not the truth.
The climax seems to happen almost the same, however, Rose is accompanied with S&S who take full control over the situation and announce their plans like they’re reporting live. Various NPC’s and some major characters too will make note of “is this part of their show??“ “This isn’t a game!! Why are they doing this???“ “This isn’t television! people could really get hurt from this!“.
All the while, S&S are using the wishing pieces Rose collected (with help from Oleana who got Bede involved by happenstance) unknowingly to S&S’s true plans and they summoned and awoken Eternatus so they could stop it like the two heroes of Galar had done before as an attempt to try and prove to everyone that they were the descendants of those heroes.
Alas.. that plan goes just as smoothly as you’d imagine and Oleana is still there begging for help from the player to save Rose who is stuck with S&S with Eternatus. Instead of Leon standing there with Eternatus, you see S&S with the old rusted Sword and Shield they had stolen prior from the Player and Hop after discovering the gravesite with Sonia in the Slumbering Weald when Sonia had uncovered a big secret of the past Darkest Day event.
S&S are wholly incompetent and have their whole world com crashing down on them when their plan fails and they’re attacked by Eternatus. Rose is in a panic over what is occurring and regretting what he’d been tricked into, he is silently worrying to himself over what he’s going to tell the public and what he’s going to do after all of this to make it up to the people of the region he dearly loves.
Meanwhile, the Player with the help of Hop defeat Eternatus and save Galar as well as S&S and Rose from destruction and devastation.
Everything after that goes pretty much the same with the Player facing off against Leon and in the post-game the Player confronts S&S over what they did as they had run away when they had the chance to try and avoid trouble, but they failed so miserably that their reputation over the whole region is completely tarnished as is their pride and ego.
Rose is left having to pick up the pieces of what happened and Oleana is serving time in his place so he can work on cleaning things up on his own. He even changes up his building to host it as a battle tower for any trainer to challenge as a means of making profit for charity to the region.
Oleana is still found in the Mine No2, but she talks a little more and apologizes for what her boss had done and apologizes for having not done anything.
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quartings · 4 years
As usual, this month's Pokemon Adventures chapter raised a very interesting plot point that the games and anime have barely even touched on!
That being that the Galar League is the only league where you don't get a do-over if you lose against one of the leaders. I know, right? The games mentioned Kabu taking out most challengers and a prior chapter in the manga mentioned Milo beating half the challengers. It's just that we're unfairly given do-overs in the actual game for being the player character. (And also the games are already really easy to begin with.)
But more specifically, they've never made a point of one of the main characters in a Galar story being beaten before even getting to the league semifinals.
Shield mentioned how terrified she was of losing so early on to Nessa's Drednaw with her sole Raboot, and even expressed how she thought she didn't deserve to win, since the Drednaw only lost because it was mentally exhausted from prior fights. I honestly felt this was really cool to see! And again, having these new stakes is such a rush because it's something new that could happen to either protagonist at any point, since we have two of them in the manga!
I know Hop's depression arc in the games gets sparked by being beaten by Bede right after Motostoke, but imagine how much more devastating it would be for him if he jut flat-out lost to one of the Gym Leaders. I know the games wanted us to be able to fight all our rivals near the end to show us "how far they've come" which is fine, but I feel like we could have gotten so much more development from the sheer angst that Hop would have from falling so far behind all his rivals whom he previously called equals (or even juniors, earlier on). On top of that, it'd be even more fuel for Sordward and Shielbert's insults later on.
But yeah, having one of the five main league challengers in the manga (Sword, Shield, Hop, Bede, Marnie) actually fail the gym challenge and have to learn from it would be a cool new character arc to explore!
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Shielbert for the character ask thing?
Funny enough, I played Shield, so I got to fight him.
Why I like them
I am very neutral to his character, along with his brother. He's an okay character with little funny quirks that remind me of classical, comical antagonists (such as Skeletor and mostly the Sailor Moon villains, especially the Amazon Trio and their summons from the SuperS anime) I grew up watching on my home's large box shaped television. This brings a bit of nostalgia, so I guess this would be why I like him. Also, his team seems balanced and neat.
Why I don't
Cool you complimented my strength, but give my boy Hop a break 😔
Favorite episode/scene
That Jojo (?) reference though. Definitely caught me off guard.
Favorite line
(I hope this was him saying this) I busted out laughing when he said he wrote an internet review. I don't know why that was funny to me; probably because I tried to imagine what that looked like. Man has a reddit account.
I don't have any for him.
Same with OTP.
He's the more sensitive one of the brothers. As a kid he would always stay by Sordward's side and get upset over things going wrong. Also, he and his brother received their Farfetch'd on a birthday as kids.
Unpopular opinion
He and his brother could have been interesting villains in place of Rose. Why? Think about it. They have a following of course, that following could be like the grunts that most villain teams have. It would be cool to somewhat have a division in beliefs on who the true rulers of Galar are (sort of like in Unova with the belief of if Pokemon should be with trainers or not). Their motive would basically be what it was in the post game, but developed more. Also, that motive would make more sense than what Rose wanted. The two would want to nab the two legendary dogs to prove the world that they are not the rulers of Galar and such. I have this idea, but it's all over the place, so here's a snippet.
A wish
Please establish more on how they're descendants of the kings because this sub plot opened up some questions for me. Like, why were they never brought up? I was hoping Kalos would get involved for obvious reasons.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Please don't try this stunt again. Everything is now all and good.
5 words to best describe them
Definitely would have James' voice
My nickname for them
I honestly don't have a nickname for him.
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