#poker luck
perplexi · 2 months
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this started as some random drawings that turned into a comic hehe💚😘💜✨
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corsairspade · 1 year
Sitting here thinking about Celegorm being Oromë’s favourite and what the means beyond being gifted a hound by the Valar of the hunt himself.
Imagine, if you will, pre-darkening Celegorm who always wins dice games, who never draws the short straw, and when it comes to bets, always seems to come out on top— to the point where Celegorm is the person who always holds the pot when it comes to bets, because he always wins otherwise.
Imagine now, in Beleriand, this habit not changing. “Tell Tyelko I’m putting 20 on Fingon’s seneschal proposing to that girl of his in four years”, “Tell Celegorm that I despise him and never want to see him again— and also that I’m doubling down on my bet on the outcome of Caranthir meeting a Man for the first time.”
Imagine, oath ridden, downward spiralling Celegorm jokingly agreeing to roll dice to bet on something minor— guard shifts, or who has to tell Curufin that another sword has been broken—
And losing the bet. 
Celegorm who always is lucky, who always holds the pot… doesn’t know when he lost that favour. 
Imagine a Celegorm slowly losing the boons bestowed upon him by a Valar who he dedicated himself to, who taught him to speak the language of birds and beasts and gave him his craft.
Imagine a Celegorm who watches Huan leave and thinks it an inevitability, because he has been losing losing parts of himself, ever since he stepped off the shores of Valinor.
Celegorm who leaves behind a collection of bows and pelts and one hand-bound, weathered book, filled with the bets that are never going to be fulfilled.
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thedelicatearcher · 27 days
finnick odair is an expert at poker, but he never tells anyone because he loves the look on people's faces when he shows off his skills
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dozydawn · 1 year
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Fenton Vaseline Glass Scotty Dog, Vintage Yellow Uranium Glass
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littlepuddingsworld · 2 months
Adventurine brain rot? 🤨
-panna cotta
NO because im COMPLETELY okay and SANE and i DONT simp over some PRETTY SLY GAMBLING BOY im mentally HEALTHY and i DON'T INTO RED FLAGS AT ALL im just colorblind to some shades of green and hes ABSOLUTELY green even greenpeace JEALOUS of HIM i just want to CHOMP HIS CHEEKS let me IN or im NOT taking responsibility for my future actions because im going to get UNDER his skin because he's my little mewo meow GUINEA PIG and im completely OKAY and STABLE just let me IN or im going to in MYSELF—
#ৎ୭ — voice from under the bed#ৎ୭ — little puddings#ৎ୭.panna cotta<333#babyboy didn't come to me very quickly but it's still a 50/50 win so#with my top 3.1 in general and bottom 49 i suppose i can still bear it somehow :///#but like kakavasha is SUCH an yandere material im SO clearly not OBSESSED!!!#aventurine that lets you relax in the gambling and believe in your luck so that you can then offer to sleep with you for the night???#a poker game where the bet is either he pays for your dinner or you go for a little 'walk' with him<3#people like him don't make 'friends' - you're are sure - but you're still letting this holiday romance last a little bit#after all he's even *cute* and somehow resembles a gallant gentleman or a footman (affectionately) who is trying to court you#everyone needs to relax and even if you are sure that he is trying to achieve something using you#you condescendingly allow#you are only a little confused when things start to get out of control and the connection with your comrades disappears for some reason#but he is always ready to help!!! how cute<333#no wait#since when have your companions been missing for so long and you feel so sleepy?#you *really* should return to your place in real world#how nice that he is concerned about your condition and is ready to wake up with you to help#such a gentleman<3#... not that it's his fault. It's not for nothing that they say not very good things about the sigonians#someone may say that this is skill issues on your part#but for him it is definitely a 50/50 win without guarantee#it's all or nothing<3#🍮.yandere
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vamprisms · 2 months
my new courier is called pigeon
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
placing my bets down now: we're getting a pre-poker scene, a buck escaping the table and falling apart at least a little bit in the bathroom scene, and a post-poker scene
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Why do all the bad things happen when I'm not around
I wanna help, but I'm not in unova
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aemondsbabygirl · 1 year
I had a meeting with a woman today and her last name was KUNT. Yes with a K.
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hisui-apparently · 1 year
Good Morning everyone!
How's uh... how's Unova doing? Cause I'm about to play some games on my Switch, but if ya'll need an extra person I can provide a Fire type and what few Fire moves I can use. Also I can use Teleport, but not very well. It's better if I can see the place, but push comes to shove I can make it to Castelia.
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smoreboi · 1 year
sorry to any of my hardcore chess obsessed mutuals if they exist but i fucking hate when i say i enjoy playing chess and peeps ask questions like "whats your ratio" or whatever it is they asked me. I said i enjoy chess, not that I've got an alter to it and i play every day. i wouldn't enjoy it then. i play it occasionally with my sister or dad or grandma or friend. i do it for fun. its not like its euchre or backgammon or quarter poker or mao or aggravation, where my family keeps a scorebook for it, i couldnt tell you wtf my ratio is.
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euesworld · 1 year
"Life is like a deck of cards, a king searching for a queen.. a queen looking for a queen, two jacks maybe. Maybe she's a 10 but she thinks she's a 3. There are so many ways you could look at it, but it all stacks up.. when you walk through life, it all boils down to luck. Sometimes life feels like 52 card pick up, but it's not.. I assure you, every card flows through the next like mathematics. It's like magic, so whatever you do.. just have a little fun, and who knows.. maybe you will meet the one."
Want to play cards? Let's play strip poker - eUë
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catwire · 10 months
I mean if you're really really good at Poker, it's not gambling. It's just formalized, even consensual, robbery.
Holy shit are you that guy from Rounders???
i probably have some form of autism so i’m just good at not showing expressive emotion LOL
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jawsplitter · 11 months
made both my brother and husband depressed by beating them in go fish most heinously
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waraxarcana · 11 months
@thundertempo​​ replied to this post:
Nami plays dead (RIP)
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"You are fortunate that fate has declared you merely ‘play’ dead this day,” he stated, looking down at the prone cat thief. His cards had deemed the probability of her crew coming after him to avenge her to be 99%, and thus not worth the trouble. For he knew enough about his fellow rookie Supernovas to know that trouble would, indeed, be what he got for even being in their vicinity for more than ten minutes. Thus, he walks off and Nami lives another day.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
What kind of Mermaid are you? A Mermaid Quiz for MerMey!
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Loyal Warrior ~ Volcanic Mermaid
Individual: Fire in your eyes and a temper like an underwater volcano. You are a passionate and fierce leader. As a mermaid you would probably be the leader or second in command of a Volcanic Mermaid Pod. Your booming personality is sometimes destructive causing fiery shipwrecks. You can get angered easily starting turf wars or even just fight with a pod mate. You are very dangerous and will not hesitate to harm someone, but on the other hand you are extremely loyal and concerned with the well being of your few pod mates that you hold dear.
Species: As the name implies, Volcanic Mermaids set up turf in regions with underwater volcanoes. In general they have fairly defensive personalities and are quite territorial. In fact, they are one of the few types of mermaids to get into actual turf wars with other pods or merspecies. They have tough skin to resist heat and charring, and are very strong and fast for the purpose of catching prey that is very hard to find since not many animals or plants can withstand the near boiling waters. They are normally tan and have red or brown tails with large flukes.For safety and bonding reasons almost all Volcanic Mermaids have pods, but due to there domineering personalities clashing they usually only consist of about 5-10 mermaids.
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Resilient Survivor ~ Arctic Mermaid
Individual: You are hardworking, serious, and calm. You are cool and collected even under pressure. You tend to have a few close pod mates that you would never let anything happen to. Though you are protective, you usually don't come off as motherly or caring because of your stoic personality. You like to get things done efficiently and quickly and are quite the perfectionist. You don't feel comfortable around large groups and they can sometimes make you feel unheard or even a little irritated due to your quiet and short worded nature.
Species: Arctic Mermaids are cunning and though not built with an overload of brute strength one of the strongest species. Due to the harsh freezing climate thy reside in, it is required that they can be good enough hunters to obtain food. They feast on mostly fish and the occasional penguin. They have light blonde, white, or grey hair and silver or blue tales that are long, strong, and smooth. They have pale, thick, insulated skin, usually move in pods of 5-12 and can get along with seals quite well. They are known for having the most indifferent feeling out of all the merspecies. Out of the few they have ever had contact with, if they are seen they will not attack or shy away. Though they might leave if you get to close, they will only attack if provoked.
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Rare Predator ~ Cecaelia
Individual: You are certainly a rare specimen. You are resourceful, reclusive, and incredibly aggressive. You are fearless and will fight to the bitter end. Many might see you as just strength and skill, but your other attributes lie elsewhere. You actually quite crafty. Not really in a clever way, though you can be, but in a resourceful way. You are able to think on your feet and make use of your setting and the objects around you.
Species: Cecaeliae are reclusive, territorial, and malicious. They get along with neither man, merpeople, nor even other cecaeliae. They are very rare and there is normally only one per body of water. (Excluding oceans and massive lakes and rivers). They have the bottom half of an octopus or squid rather than a tail and do posses the inking ability. Many caecaeliae Craft weapons out of the remains and belongings of their victims. They are intelligent and set up shelters in caves, trenches, etc. They normally live in murkier waters and have duller skin to blend in. They are normally reasonably muscular and thick, except for the squid cecaeliae which are still muscular, though thin.
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Melancholy Spirit ~ Undine
Individual: A wistful soft spoken one, you are. You are highly emotional and sentimental, and likely have had your heart broken before. You've seen the beauty in this world and you've been hurt, so you sing a song of woe and love. You long for a softer kind of love that you might've once had. You are shy and an absolute loner but not vicious.
Species: Undines are the spirits of the women and girls who have died tragically among the sea or thrown themselves to the waves for a lost lover. They are reborn from the waves as the watery ghost of who they were, a womanly figure made of water, or just a woman who can breath and live among the water. They almost always have water manipulation powers. any come out at night. They are most active on full moons when the tide is high. They will normally appear in range of a person, possibly singing, but never actually contact them. As you may have guessed, they are not like the traditional mermaid and do not move in pods. They are only occasionally in pairs. They are like spirits and do not need to eat or drink.
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