maybound · 3 months
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mini doodle dump <3
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sjru · 2 years
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I think I feel a bit better but not 100% Art by me.
Posted using PostyBirb
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pokewatcher20 · 4 months
Catching up on Scar's vod from yesterday 😭 This legit caught me off guard
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pocketwatch-system · 2 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆ 🎧 → ***ETHAN!!*** *!!!*🛹⋆。˚ ⋆
⋆ ˚。⋆ → AGE ⭐ *16*
⋆ ˚。⋆ → GENDER 🎧 *DUDE*
⋆ ˚。⋆ → REL. STATUS 🍚 *single :3*
⋆ ˚。⋆ ⭐ → ***SYS INFO*** *!!!*🎸⋆。˚ ⋆
⋆ ˚。⋆ → SIGNOFF 🎧 *🥇*
⋆ ˚。⋆ 🛹 → ***BOUNDARIES*** *!!!*🍚⋆。˚ ⋆
⋆ ˚。⋆ → TOUCH? 🎸 *YEA SURE*
⋆ ˚。⋆ → /R FLIRTING? 🛹 *NOPEY!!*
⋆ ˚。⋆ → NICKNAMES? ⭐ *HAHA YEA!!* *
⋆ ˚。⋆ → FRONT CALL? 🎧 *IF CLOSE!!*
⋆ ˚。⋆ → SOURCE-MATES? 🍚 *SURE!!*
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ericsonclan · 2 years
A Stolen Interaction
Summary: Renata is ready to check out a new town with her Pokemon when suddenly she meets two identical redheads.
Word Count: 1202
Read on AO3:
Renata hummed a happy little tune to herself as she strolled through Prescott, the city where a fabled fairy-type gym leader supposedly was. Just the idea of battling with her pokemon made Renata’s heart hum like mad. She was glad she had sworn off coffee recently or else she’d be bouncing around like crazy. Her excitement seemed to be rubbing off on her pokemon too as Nickit strode beside her trainer. The little fox pokemon trotted with its little paws covered in black fur that resembled boots.
“Excited, pal?” Renata smiled down at her pokemon.
“Nick, Nickit!” Nickit swayed its large tail against the ground and kept pouncing here and there from having too much energy. Nickit could never stay still in her pokeball; she wanted to be wild and free. The promise of a pokemon battle only added to the dark type pokemon enthusiasm.
“It! It! It!”
“Exactly, buddy! That’s the spirit!” Renata grinned and tossed over a berry from the bedazzled pouch. Her smile remained as Nickit happily munched on the oran berry. Tucking away the pouch in her back pocket, Renata checked her pokewatch to see what time it was.
“Hmmm, should we grab some food before the gym?”
“Nickit!” The pokemon chimed happily and trotted around and between Renata’s legs.
Renata gave a small laugh “Alright, food it is! Now let’s find some grub to-” Renata paused when she felt the weight in her back pocket shift. With a sharp spin she turned around to see a Sableye standing there with the bedazzled pouch, entranced by how it sparkled. The red stone typically in the Pokemon’s chest was missing.
“Hey there! Like the pouch?” Renata gave a friendly smile while Nickit was more defensive. “It’s okay, Nickit, maybe our new friend is hungry just like you were when we met.”
“Nick..it,” The pokemon brushed its tail against the ground with unsureness. Before Renata could reassure her pokemon a loud voice boomed nearby.
“Sableye, no!” A tall redhead dashed forward and scooped up the purple pokemon. “Release it, release,” She instructed her pokemon.
“Sable.” The pokemon shook its head but saw the stern look in those blue eyes and reluctantly let go of the pouch.
“Eye, Eye.”
The bedazzled bag fell with a muted thunk as a few berries rolled out. Without waiting, Nickit dashed forward and ate happily.
“Shit, sorry about my pokemon. Sableye is a good egg, they just love shiny stuff,” The redheaded trainer explained while Sableye started to climb up her side.
“Sable,” It hummed as it reached out for her eyes, mesmerized by how shiny and blue they were.
“No.” The redhead wrestled with her pokemon to let go of her face then plopped Sableye down beside her.
“Eh, it’s all good. My pouch does look pretty awesome so it makes sense,” Renata leaned over and pulled the pouch off Nickit’s snout.
“Nickit,” The pokemon huffed.
“No, buddy, you’re gonna wreck your appetite if you keep eating away,” Renata explained then pocketed the pouch.
“Sableye, go on and say you’re sorry,” The redhead instructed as her pokemon hid behind her leg. It gave a mischievous smile and stared at Renata.
Renata tilted her head to the side. “Uhhh..Is that the apology?”
“No, it’s not.” The trainer sighed. “You might not be getting one because my pokemon is a little shit. My name is Sophie by the way,” She readjusted her cap and gave a grin.
“Ooo, nice to meetcha, Soph, my name’s Renata,” Renata stood proud and the two shared a smile. There was an instant connection between them and both of them knew in that moment. They were gonna be life long pals. Before either could share the great news that they were now forever buddies a new voice appeared.
“Sophie! Where the hell did you run off to?” A girl with identical facial features and short red hair ran forward.
“There you are, come on, the others...” Minnie’s voice trailed off when she spotted Renata. Her heart quickened when she looked at the cute girl in short jean shorts and purple top that was tied around her waist exposing her belly button. A pink flower rested in her side bun. “Who is this?” Minnie managed to ask her twin after a few seconds.
“This is Renata, we just met because a certain pokemon had grabby hands,” Sophie gave the Sableye a look but it just responded with a playful grin.
“Oh,” Minnie’s voice was small as her mind was short circuiting from the hot girl in front of her.
“Yep! So you know my name, what kind of a name does a hottie like you have?” Renata walked forward, closing the distance between them. Immediately Minnie’s face grew red and she began extremely flustered.
“Mmmm, Minnie,” Renata let the name roll off her tongue. Her eyes stayed on Minnie’s. Both of them stayed quiet for a second.
“Corviknight! Cor! Cor!” A giant bird pokemon flew down looking as dark blue as the night sky. It landed with ease behind Minnie and stood in all its seven foot tall glory.
“Holy! A Corviknight!” Renata smiled up at the bird pokemon who had taken it upon themself to pick up Minnie by the scruff of her shirt collar.
“Hey, Corviknight, cut that shit out!” Minnie squirmed around while Nickit pounced here and there, biting and kicking the giant bird pokemon. Corviknight didn’t seem to mind at all and stayed its spot.
“Guess that's the signal that lunch is ready back at camp,” Sophie casually picked up Sableye before a thought crossed her mind and she looked over at Renata. “Hey, you wanna join us for lunch?”
“Yes!” Minnie blurted out, wanting that to be Renata’s answer so badly that she had accidentally answered in her place.
Renata’s eyes held a playfulness as she smiled at Minnie. “Sounds good to me.”
“Awesome!” Sophie jogged over and led the way. “Onward to food!” She strolled alongside Renata who was happy about this whole arrangement.
“I can’t tell you how starving I am,”
“You just ate an hour ago,” Minnie grumbled as Corviknight walked forward with her still dangling from its beak.
“Yeah well I’m hungry again,” Sophie huffed, pushing her baseball cap tighter on her head.
“Does your pokemon always carry you like that?” Renata asked with intrigue as Minnie swayed with Corviknight’s movement.
“Only when I get distracted or off schedule,” Minnie replied, wanting to look cooler in front of Renata than she did right now.
“Well I think it’s super cute. Just like you,” Renata got on her tiptoes and stretched her arm out to boop Minnie’s nose. That was extremely effective against the redhead who became a blushing mess.
“So, Ren, I wanna know more about you, have you been journeying for long?” Sophie asked and gained Renata’s attention who happily spoke with her new friend.
“Mhhmm, a few years now. Started out with me and Lasagna.”
That made both of the twins look over her way.
“Lasagna?” Sophie’s nose scrunched with confusion.
“Don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon. He’s amazing!” Renata grinned then kept talking as she walked alongside two trainers she’d hope to get to know everything about.
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Overwatch x Pokemon? Hmmm Mercy with Vulpix, or Sombra with Haunter ooor D. Va with Clefairy >:3c
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fuck yeah i love sombra??? [ko-fi]
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bluebloodtanuki-bbt · 5 years
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They have the same energy.
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pokewatch · 4 years
Impidimp & Morgrem are my favs from the 8th gen :^)
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Impidimp & Morgrem are my favs from the 8th gen :^)
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cyberrat · 5 years
22nd Batch Of Fics: 7th Fill
Gabriel/Raikou – Pokéwatch AU; electricity; forced orgasm; belly bulge – Jack and Gabriel don’t meet often on their travels but they always have steam to blow off. (Sort of part 1 of a sort-of 2-parter.)
For legendary Pokémon both Raikou and Entei are surprisingly silly. Whenever Gabriel and Jack meet in the backroom of a Pokécenter reserved for weary travellers, they will hop out of their Pokéballs unbidden and play with each other on the floor like they’re little puppies instead of almost 400 lbs of furious power.
Gabriel and Jack are sitting on one of the bunk beds, close enough to bump shoulders. They are too old for bunk beds; or even the travelling lifestyle of teenagers hunting for gym leader badges, but they’re also too old now to change their ways. They like not being bound to one spot for too long.
They like the sweet ache of being separated and finding together again after months apart.
They like sexting over their Pokécoms and building the tension until it explodes.
But now they are watching the two legendary beasts roll around on the floor and paw at each other while the two of them are all meek and nervous.
They’re naked. Gabriel is clutching at a big tube of lube. Their cocks are flushed and chubbed but not exactly hard yet.
“I don’t know about this,” Gabriel rasps. They watch as his Entei snuffles at the soft creme colored underbelly of Jack’s Raikou, and Gabriel slowly curls his hand around his cock, holding it and squeezing it as the pink tip of Raikou’s cock starts slipping from its sheath.
“You don’t have to… but I tell you it’s great,” Jack murmurs. He is flushing pink like a little pig right down to his pecs. Gabriel swallows hard. It is weird to be this hesitant about fucking Raikou, considering that he’s had Entei mount him more times than he cares to count.
Jack sitting next to him safe and sound is a living testament to the fact that it is possible, but still… Raikou’s cock is scary looking.
The longer Entei is sniffing between the spread hind legs of the other legendary beast, nudging its big furry yellow balls with its flat snout, the farther Raikou’s cock starts slipping out, showing off its weird lightning bolt shape.
Jack swears up and down that the sharp bends in the cock will simply smooth out when he fucks into you, but Gabriel has trouble wrapping his head around it.
He jerks when Jack’s big palm cups the glowing back of his neck. He glances to him, feeling like his head is about to explode with how hot it feels.
“It’s gonna be real good. I swear.”
Gabriel swallows hard. It’s not like he can’t say no halfway through if he doesn’t like it. He could still… suck Raikou off or something. Rim him while he lets him fuck his fist with his freaky lightning bolt dick.
He slowly nods, cock still undecided because he feels nauseous with nervousness. He presses the tube of slick into Jack’s hands. “You prepare me, okay?”
Jack grins, looking a lot more like a boy than a close to fifty balding champion.
“Sure thing.”
The legendary beasts are intelligent; very much so. Gabriel has never had a pokémon quite as keen as Entei, and seeing him sitting quietly on the floor next to Jack, his bright orange, glowing cock out and his face so goddamn solemn as he watches Gabriel getting mounted by Raikou is making him… nervous. Like he is being unfaithful to his friend somehow.
Raikou has been curiously sniffing at his slick ass, rim gaping and nervously clenching when the beast’s nose touched it, but now he seems to have come to the conclusion that Gabriel is well-prepared and worth his time.
Raikou is goddamn fucking heavy, but Gabriel is big and strong and he is used to Entei’s massive weight, so he just locks his elbows firmly and braces himself. He is panting even before anything really happens, his heart racing a mile a minute.
“Easy. You’ll like it, really,” Jack murmurs, trying to ignore the heat radiating off of Entei from his side. 
Gabriel feels close to tears and then immediately stupid because holy shit this is supposed to be fun and he knows Jack loves when Raikou dicks him down until he is an incoherent mess.
There’s not much more time to overthink the whole sordid affair because Raikou’s cock is slipping in smooth and without a hitch. It is not as fat as Entei’s, at least not now, and as Gabriel waits nervously for more of it to be crammed inside him and the first weird sharp angle to be fed to his hole, he gets thoroughly distracted by the weirdest fucking sensation in his guts.
He jerks at the spark of… something, and then it happens again and again in sharp succession and he makes a soft high sound that has Jack laughing. His friend’s cheeks are a bright red now, blue eyes a bit glassy looking.
“You feel it, don’t you?” he croaks. “‘S his electricity.”
Of course it is. Of course it fucking is. Raikou is the thunder to Entei’s vulcan and Gabriel is left staring at the floor of the Pokécenter’s backroom, tongue lolling as Raikou fucks in deeper and deeper and deeper and gives off little sparking shocks that nearly have his elbows buckle and him crashing face first into a little puddle of sweat that is forming rapidly between his hands.
It doesn’t even occur to him that he must have long since hit the first sharp angle in Raikou’s cock. Just as Jack has prophesied, the Pokémon’s dick smoothes out, and Gabriel has not taken into account just how much longer that makes it.
It fucks in and in and in, spearing Gabriel on more and more of it’s slippery warm cock – not nearly as molten hot as Entei’s – until he can feel his belly bulging with all the dick stuffed into it,  and the more it shoves in, the more sparks it is starting to give off.
Gabriel crashes down onto his elbows after all, mouth open, tongue lolling, a low pained sound of ecstasy coming from him as Raikou fucks him in sharp bursts that are translated directly into sparks of electricity that have Gabriel’s body jerking and convulsing irregularly.
Raikou fucks quicker than Entei; a rabbit fast jerking that just drags a few inches of his long cock through Gabriel’s intestines and makes him feel stupidly like when you drag yourself along a carpet and feel yourself starting to get charged.
His breath hitches, cock jerking and dribbling and useless between his thighs as he starts fearing when the charge will unload itself.
His voice goes high-pitched and reedy. He stares over at Jack who has been watching with his mouth softly gaping and his hand thoughtlessly jerking his cock and whatever Jack sees has to be so pathetic that he croons at him.
“Don’t be afraid. It’ll be so good.”
Gabriel is not sure at all. He is close to calling it off, panic seizing him, when suddenly the built up charge unloads and all but fries him. It zings through his body, up his spine and down his extremities and seems weirdly centered on his prostate.
He is crying out, eyes wide and unseeing as he gets all but electrocuted on Raikou’s cock, his body forced into coming, load splattering to the ground as Raikou holds him securely between his front legs and still gives it to him, fucking straight into his belly and zapping his prostate until Gabriel is howling and thinks he’ll never be able to come again.
And the whole time Jack’s voice is in his ear, rough and stupidly excited.
“You’ll get addicted to it.”
He can believe it.
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cuteskitty · 6 years
I've seen you give Hanzo a few 'mons for your Pokemon/Overwatch crossover, but I can't help but ask you this: what Pokemon do you see Mccree having (I personally can see Mudsdale or Midday Lycanroc personally)?
Hi! I actually had some ideas here where he has a Mudsdale and I was considering a lycanroc
here is his full team 
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Mudsdale is his stronger pokemon, he has her since she was a Mudbray 
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he also has two lycanrocs, who are very energetic
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and he has a baby ponyta (that he stole from a bad owner)
He and Hanzo have a baby Rowlett after they become more serious
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tyra004 · 5 years
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A pokemon overwatch au! With McCree and Ashe on a rapidash!
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valkyrieonlinex · 5 years
My first eevee I caught at an animal rescue so I named her Rescue, then I remembered Pepper Potts has a suit called Rescue so I kept the trend for all my other eevee.
Pokewatch Mercy also does this, she has an army of eevee that help her with her studies and she's the one who breeds the eevee that are given to new members of overwatch.
Her Flareon belonged to her parents though and is her bffl.
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russet-red · 6 years
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my full piece for @catstealers-zines pokewatch zine!! :>
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pokewatcher20 · 9 months
Local man realizes he's about to ask his friend to hit him "harder", quietly but not subtly backtracks
[Audio Transcript:
Grian: This- in theory, this should be good. I'm gonna check this, hold on, I need to take some damage.
Grian: Here, hit me. Hit me hard.
(Scar punches Grian)
Grian: Har- mm, that's not very g- Scar.]
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avafaid · 6 years
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I almost forgot about this--here’s my piece I contributed to @catstealers-zines Pokewatch Zine! I haven’t drawn these two in so long, this was a great opportunity
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bluebloodtanuki-bbt · 5 years
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Zensparce part 1:
Hope y’all like Zenyatta and Dunsparce because I’ve got 8 more of these things.
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