escapetheshark · 1 year
Sickening (Porco x Pieck; smut; 18+)
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This sickening scent of sugar seems to linger on my skin, on my sheets, on my clothes. It’s even stronger than the smell of cigarettes I leave behind on everything I touch after a fag and I can’t wash it away or make it disappear, not even by leaving the window open all day. I scrub myself with soap until my skin is red and still, I smell the sugar on me. My body is tired, but not as tired as my clouded mind and maybe I should just lie back and enjoy the hot water before it cools down… Maybe I’ve gone mad…
My arm dangles off the edge of the bathtub, the worries drowning in the soapy water, my mind floating to nicer shores. The sound of the rain against the roof lulls me into an almost sleep-like state of existing, just me in that tub, naked and unafraid, free for a moment to wander into my fantasies as my hand roams down my torso. I close my eyes and my mind is invaded by thoughts of all kinds, but mostly the unspeakable kind. 
The smell of sugar seems to linger and it’s stronger by my bedroom door as if its source lies inside my very own chambers. And, unsurprisingly enough, the scent takes over my nostrils as soon as I open the door. It’s as if I’m suddenly wrapped in a candied apple or a piece of toffee. 
“Shit, you startled me!”
The shapeless figure on my bed moves, a pile of beige fabric gaining shape out of nowhere, and it takes me a few seconds to notice the vast blackness of her hair atop her small head. 
“Poky, you bathed,” she half-speaks, half-whimpers in that gentle voice of hers. My eyes follow hers and I noticed them landing on my naked, shimmering torso. A rush of heat ascends into my cheeks and I blame it on the closed window on a hot summer’s night.
“D-don’t call me that, Pieck!”
She knows I despise the silly nickname she has given me as much as I hate my given name and I’d rather just be referred to by my family name but she is immovable in her quest to be slightly irritating, in her own adorable way.
“You smell nice,” she comments, a sly grin on that round face of hers. I should be used to her uncalled for flattery by now, but I can’t bring myself to become accustomed to the way she seems to always have something mildly embarrassing to say. I’m not sure whether to be terrified of her or aroused by her. Maybe I’m a bit of both.
“You smell sickening,” I reply, harsher than planned. She knows that’s just my awful sense of humour, I’m sure of it. “Like you just rolled naked in powdered sugar or something…”
I hear her chuckles as if from a distance - even though she’s right there -  as I suddenly reach some kind of superior realisation, to the tune of a comment about her being naked. My brain isn’t sure what emotion to feel and my body isn’t sure which to express, and I somehow feel them all at once. She smells like powdered sugar… It’s her! How her scent got on me so deeply, I have no idea.
“Thinking about me naked sounds a bit naughty, doesn’t it?”
Even her voice is sweet. Sickening...!
“If you wanted to see it so bad, you should have just asked…”
“Pieck, can you please leave while I get changed?”
If resisting is futile, trying to reason with her is even worse. A clever girl, she is, always with an answer ready in the tip of her tongue, always a strategy of some kind in that brain of hers. 
“I promise I won’t look,” she giggles and I really have no comeback for that, no clever one-liner. This woman disarms me in all the ways imaginable. I let out a groan in protest, knowing I can’t possibly convince her to leave, not when she’s so comfortable lying down on my bed, as she often does. 
“Why do you like my bed so much? It’s exactly the same as yours!” I ask, my back facing her as I struggle to keep the towel around my waist from falling while I look for fresh clothes to wear. I wish I was a bit more organised…! “Same mattress, same sheets, same pillows…”
I hear her chuckle under her breath the way she always does, like a child stealing your popsicle right out of your hands and shoving it in their mouth with the cutest little most diabolical grin on their stupid little face. I finally find a pair of leisure trousers and a plain black tee-shirt to wear to bed. Not that I ever wear tops to bed, but the idea of staying shirtless in her presence causes my stomach to twist in an impossible knot.
“But your bed smells like you, Poky,” she explains in her usual playful voice and I can hear the smirk in her tone, along with the sound of the bed shifting. “And I like the way you smell.”
I can sense that she’s definitely staring at my back now, with those big doe eyes of hers, smiling to herself after saying something so unthinkable like it’s nothing. Pieck really has a way of taking the shits right out of my arse and I still don’t know whether to be scared shitless or horny when I think of her or when she’s running her mouth. I wish she was running her mouth on my skin…
“Please stop looking, Pieck, that’s very rude,” I plead, a certain weakness in my voice that I wish hadn’t been there. 
“How do you know I’m looking?”
“I can feel it.”
“What else can you feel ?”
I attempt to slide the trousers on underneath the towel, as I know she’s still looking and I cannot handle any more humiliation but I’m so lightheaded and giddy that I end up falling square on the hard-wood floors, my wet and limp body caving in the weight of all this shame. Her giggles are sickening but, even worse, is the way she asks if I’m alright. Of course I’m alright, I’m not a child! 
“I can feel your frustration , that’s for certain.”
“You’re a demon,” I mutter under my breath, clumsily getting up like I’m not a warrior skilled in combat, agile and strong. 
“It’s in my blood,” she comments, laughing to herself like she’s just told the funniest joke which, fair enough. But it’s what she says next that truly catches me off-guard, unprepared and renders me beyond speechless. “Hurry up and come to bed…”
“Hurry up and come to bed...”
I’m still sat on the floor, the towel come undone under my bottom and I’m too tired to hide my body now that she’s seen more than I cared to show anyway. Her comment shall go unnoticed, she must have been drinking or something.
“I told you to stop staring, Pieck.”
Right now, I feel mostly frustrated. She never listens- or pretends not to,- as long as it satisfies her in some way. At times, her teasing is fun, but some days I can’t cope with Pieck and her little jokes. Today is just one of those days, I guess. I can still feel her eyes on me, gawking at my backside like a hungry lioness in search of her next prey. She’s seen me shirtless a couple of times, but in different contexts where it didn’t feel so intimate, so raw. The heat in my face just feels more overwhelming with every passing second and, defeated, I decide to just leave the towel behind and put my trousers on, one leg at a time, and let Pieck have her ten seconds of pleasure. There’s no winning with this girl...!
“You’re going to sleep here?”
Sleeping in my bed is something she often does, for some reason I have yet to fully uncover and her excuse of liking my smell just doesn’t stick with me. When that happens, I usually just end up sleeping on the floor, and she seems perfectly pleased with such an arrangement, even though I personally would prefer it if she just went to her own bed. That would spare me some backaches.
“I’m not interested in sleeping,” she hums, eyeing me from head to toe, her eyes lingering on my chest for some reason. “Come to bed, Pocky...”
“What’s gotten into you,” I question, eyebrows raised and mouth slightly agape at the audacity she’s displaying. No matter how many times I hear her say this sort of thing, I never seem to get used to it. “You’re acting odd, Pieck.”
I take a seat on the little wooden stool next to my bed and avoid looking at her face directly, my gaze randomly focusing on anything less embarrassing, like a spot on the bed next to her head. I can sense my cheeks are flushed and I know she’s picked up on it, like she picks up on everything. It will be a matter of minutes until she makes a remark about it. She shifts in bed, from her usual starfish position to lying down on her side, facing me. She props her elbow on the mattress and holds her head in her hand, hawk-like eyes fixated on me and I can’t bring myself to meet her gaze. Her other hand comes to rest on my thigh, now clothed but still feeling pretty much naked. I let out a small gasp, mortifying in its eagerness. Pieck’s fingertips dance calmly around my thigh and I glance at her face for a millisecond just in order to confirm that she is, indeed, grinning in smug self-praise. I did it again, I made Porco feel humiliated and sort of horny, I’m so victorious...!
“What took you so long in the bath?”
Her question comes out of nowhere, interrupting the few minutes of pleasant silence that I was getting used to, as her hand slowly grazes up and down my thigh, occasionally squeezing down hard on the flesh, earning yet another degrading whimper from me.
I had managed to keep my flustered cheeks at bay, feeling my face much colder now but those eight words and the ravenous look in her eyes causes the blood to surge to my face yet again. I stutter, unsure what to do with my body, my limbs freezing up as I try to think of a way to just get out of this situation entirely. It doesn’t help that her hand has got so close to my crotch that she’s a couple of heartbeats away from just touching my manhood altogether which, by the way, has risen a bit and sits there, uncomfortably halfway between rock-solid and embarrassingly limp.
“Pieck, what are you doing?”
My question is always the same — what are you doing, why are you doing it, what good can possibly come of this? I’m torn between getting up and ending this nonsense or just letting her have her moment. I could just let her fondle me a bit more. Would it hurt? It’s not like I’ve not lusted after Pieck for a while now. Because I have. I have dreamt of her long black hair cascading down her back as she bounces on me, facing the other way because seeing her face contort with pleasure would melt me into the mattress like an ice cube in the sun on a hot day. I have thought of her in the depths of night, while Reiner snores away on the opposite side of the room and the moonlight touches my face. But she’s odd, terrifying and, mostly, she’s my friend and comrade. What would become of us if I gave in now?
“Take this off,” her voice sounds sultry as she pinches at the fabric of my trousers, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. I look away almost as quickly as the erratic heartbeat threatening to burst out of my chest. “Don’t be shy, Porco.”
And the given name I despise so much, it sounds like pure runny honey dripping out of her mouth, slow and gentle, just the way I like it. But I am shy, at least when Pieck is around. For someone who strives to be valiant in every waking moment, I sure am rendered useless and weak whenever she is involved. Her hand inches closer to my crotch, painfully slow and my mind goes hazy, wrapped in fog. My head is thrown back, blonde hair dishevelled but who gives a fuck? I sure don’t, not when Pieck is ghosting her fingers over my clothed member, ever so softly. The smell of sugar that always seems to encase her is driving me mad, it’s so sickeningly sweet, so unbearable. But I want to taste it, have it melt in my mouth like a caramel… Her low hums echo in my ears, so pleasant and calming but so enticing and seductive.
“P-Pieck, what-” I never finish the sentence. Before I can conjure up anything to say, her chubby fingers are swiftly wrapped around me, through my trousers and I wish I had had the brilliant thought of putting on underpants. She palms at my semi-hard member and I can feel it grow against her small hand as her eyes attentively study my small motions against the stool.
“Come to bed already.” She sounds mildly annoyed, like a teacher after explaining the exact same concept for the tenth time but none of the students seem to understand it. “You’ll injure your back.”
A sudden burst of laughter erupts from my lungs, loud and contagious, causing Pieck to chuckle too. Even if I did injure my back, it would just heal within a few minutes and that doesn’t matter in the slightest because I’ll be dead in, like, ten years anyway. Who cares if my back is fucked? The laughter subsides as my legs take a life of their own and I find my back against the bedpost, sitting upright next to Pieck on the bed. She’s scooched over a bit to the side to make space for me and her head rests against the soft pillow I drool on every night. I take a deep, sharp breath when her hand begins to roam again, this time inside my trousers, her hot skin coming into contact with the sensitive tip of my cock. I can’t take this any more...! Lifting my butt off the bed, I slide my trousers down until they’re at my knees, by which point I offer them an unceremonious kick, and they fly off to the floor somewhere. Pieck moves, propping herself up, parting my legs with her hands and positioning her small body in between my spread knees. Her eyes look as half-lidded as always, a glimmer to them I don’t often see. She stretches her arms out, hands on the headboard, my head in between them. Her face is so close to mine I can feel her hot breath on my skin and I want to resist this urge to melt under her touch but my body is frozen in place as her lips gingerly brush against mine, all feather-like and dainty.
I almost utter the same question yet again and I know she wouldn’t have given me a straight answer, no matter how many times I ask. And melting is just something that happens to me when her lips are on mine again, much more deliberate this time and I feel her hand grabbing onto my own, pulling it towards her ass, wordlessly urging me to do something. My mind is wrapped in fog, it takes me about a minute to figure out that what she wants is for me to be as churlish in bed with her as I am towards some people in normal social situations. It’s difficult to oblige. Pieck is such a fair young woman, standing barely taller than the kids, her baggy clothes hiding her figure, round face and pristine skin making her look younger than she truly is. How can I possibly begin to corrupt her, even when she’s the one corrupting me?
She kisses like she has done it many times before and I have to fight the odd mental images of Pieck and Zeke hiding somewhere to consume each other — in a figurative sense. She always seemed awfully close to him, the older man with the beard and the glasses, always smoking outside. Her low moan is what, thankfully, brings me back to reality so I can just forget about the weird visions of her with the traitorous (former) Warchief. I finally decide to kiss back and grant her wish of groping her ass as I do, my other hand snaking its way up her side until it lands on her cheek and finds a resting spot there, my thumb tenderly caressing her skin as our lips move together, slowly but with ardour. The hand that had been on mine, coaxing me to grope her bottom, has travelled to my torso and ventured underneath my shirt, feeling my body. I’m self-conscious of my own existence, if only for a minute. She pulls away, a string of saliva still connecting our lips, and she pulls at my shirt, taking it off and throwing it over her head. I find myself naked underneath her fully-clothed touch and her mouth has taken to roaming down my neck, peppering delicate kisses down its length. A hand comes to touch my cock once again, sliding up and down, and I am embarrassed by the high-pitched moan that comes out of my mouth.
She’s quick to decide she’s done with the teasing and it takes only about a minute for my cock to be between her lips, twitching and red as she takes more of it in her mouth, inch by inch. All I see is a curtain of raven hair which I move away from her face with my hands, very gently pushing it behind each of her ears. She lazily looks up at me, her eyes as mellow as always, as she continues taking my dick in her mouth and I feel my tip hit the back of her throat.
“Oh my God...”
I feel her chuckle, the vibrations sending my cock into overdrive, and she slowly begins to bob her head, never letting go of my cock. She’s definitely done this before but I’d rather keep that thought far away from my head. A woman so beautiful, so tender, with such soft and fair skin, how can she possibly be doing this to me?
Pieck stops just short of making me come, an innocent smile plastered on her pretty face, and she lies down on her stomach, hooking her arms underneath my legs, burying her face in my crotch.
I don’t even know how to react when I feel her tongue toying at my entrance, her arms unhooking from under my legs to come help with the task of licking my arse. She uses her hands to spread my cheeks apart, licking and kissing the delicate skin. There’s a certain humiliation, a soft touch of shame to the feeling of having her tongue on my arse but the pleasure it shoots through my body quickly makes me forget about everything else. I bring my right hand to my cock and begin to stroke, but she slaps my hand away, looking up for a second and I know not to disobey her. The sensations I experience as her mouth explores uncharted territory are not something I can easily explain. It’s electrifying, heavenly, like the early stages of an orgasm that won’t fully bloom. My cock twitches by itself and I have to resist the urge to touch it, as that would make Miss Pieck mad.
She abruptly stops her ministrations and sits up to remove her jacket, folding it neatly at the feet of the bed. She gets up, stepping onto the wooden floor and I watch as she sheds the rest of her clothes, teasingly slow in her movements. She decides to move her jacket to the little stool by my bed where I sat before and her white button-up shirt soon follows, also aptly folded. I’ve only ever seen her somewhat undressed when we were younger, at the swimming lessons but, back then, she still had the body of a teenager that looked nothing like what I have before me now. She’s plump and shapely, her breasts large even when contained by her black brassiere. Her hips are pudgy, her belly soft. She has strong sturdy thighs and I want nothing more than to get lost in between them.
Her brassiere and knickers are finally placed on top of her other clothes, finally revealing her naked form which I’ve been dreaming about for a while, longer than I care to admit. There’s a sly grin on her face as she climbs on the bed again, this time straddling me and I can’t help the hand that reaches out to fondle one of her breasts, kneading at it as if to make sure they’re as soft as they look. She smiles, hunching close in order to kiss me on the mouth yet again, her hips grinding against mine and I can feel how wet she is. Did I do this? The realisation that I am, indeed, responsible for her current state hits me like a thousand bricks and I can feel my cheeks heating up more than before. I must be so red. She seems to like it, however, as she breaks the kiss in order to take a good look at me, smiling sweetly, as sweetly as she smells. She brings a hand down, gripping my member and guiding it inside of her, sinking slowly on it as she gets used to the stretch.
“Oh Pocky...”
She sounds delighted, ecstatic even, throwing her head back as she begins to move, her hands on my chest pressing firmly as she steadies herself. The nickname still infuriates me but I’d rather keep quiet now and let her take me to the stars. She’s happy to oblige, moving at a languid pace, sinking into my cock so deliciously. Bending down, she captures my lips yet again. It’s sloppy and wet but it’s perfect, deep felt. No, not now, Galliard! My year-old struggle resurfaces in my mind–she’s your comrade, your friend! She has about four years left to live and I have probably twice as many. I don’t want to think about a world without Pieck in it, a world where I can’t penetrate her, kiss her, tell her how much I love her...
“Are you okay?”
She stops her motions and sits back up, this time the look in her eyes isn’t seductive or mischievous, it’s a look of deep concern as her hand cups my face and I can taste a tear that made its way down my cheek towards my lips. Fuck...!
“I’m fine, it’s just-”
“Am I overwhelming you, Pocky?”
She kisses me again, her hips returning to their movement. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, as close as I can, to remind myself that she’s here now and this moment is real and that is something I’ll take to my grave, be it in two days or ten years. I could confess my feelings but that would be lame and probably ruin this whole thing so I just urge her to move faster as I near my own climax.
“I’m so close, fuck...”
“Close to what?”
She abruptly stops, my cock buried deep inside of her as she looks right into my eyes with her dark ones. “Close to what, Pocky?”
“Close to coming, Pieck, please-”
I didn’t mean to sound so frenzied, so restless, but my voice betrays me once more with the way it comes out as a mewl. She seems satisfied, however, and continues to bounce on my cock, faster and harder until I’m shooting ropes of cream inside of her, completely taken over by euphoria, seeing stars behind my eyelids. Before I can ask whether or not she’s orgasmed, she’s lifting herself off of me, a trail of come oozing down her leg. I don’t have much time to admire my work, though, because now her crotch is directly above my face, and she takes a seat. I hear her chuckling when my arms wrap around her thighs and I begin to tongue at her vulva, clumsy and awkward kisses and licks pressed against her. I can taste myself and I couldn’t give less of a fuck because all I want to do is take her to heaven, make her squirm and thrash in pleasure. It’s the least I can do for her. She begins to circle her hips as I get the hang of this whole thing, my teeth very gently nipping at her clitoris in a way that makes her tremble above me. She’s close, I know it.
“Oh my goodness...”
That’s the last thing she says before I feel her thighs quiver against my calloused hands, her moans so delicious I make a mental note to not forget them, ever. When she gets up, legs trembling as if she’s dizzy, I realise my entire face is damp with her juices mixed with my own and I brace myself upon getting up. My head spins for a moment. I’m glad I have a bucket of fresh water in the room (which I like to use to wash my face first thing in the morning) and I don’t have to go all the way back to the restroom.
“Hurry up and come to bed, Pieck.”
I smile victoriously to myself for turning her line against her. She finishes washing herself up and wiping herself dry and makes her way towards me again, walking slowly as if she’s just now learned how to walk on her hind legs. It’s sort of amusing, sort of adorable. She’s adorable and lovely, clever and perceptive, as intelligent as she is charming, even when she’s annoying the fuck out of me with her coarse playfulness. The bed is small but we manage to both fit. Pieck’s head rests on my chest and I stroke her hair, hearing her hum to herself.
“You wanna sleep here, don’t you?”
She doesn’t say anything. I look down to find she has closed her eyes and has most likely fallen asleep. Soon, I too begin to feel unbearably tired and close my eyes, hoping to myself that this isn’t a dream.
Days slowly melt into nights, over and over before I muster the courage to confront Pieck with what happened between us. She acts far too normal, far too comfortable with the situation, while I do nothing but pine for her. She’s not slept in my bed since that night and has barely spared me more than her usual words, as if her lips hadn’t been on me just days prior.
Even Reiner has picked up on my anguish, offering his flask of Marleyan whiskey, which I declined the first couple of times but ended up accepting after seeing Pieck excitedly talking to one of her Panzer Unit boys. She seems to be a magnet for men, with her pretty face, rounded features and low-tone voice. Of course she’s popular- she’s lovely and soft-spoken, the smartest person I’ve ever known. I can’t blame these boys for drooling all over her when I’ve been doing the same thing for a while now. For someone as clever as she is, Pieck seems happily unaware that she makes heads turn. I wonder if she’s acting silly on purpose, or she chooses to ignore it.
She nonchalantly sits next to me on the porch, drinking from her own flask, her usual sweet scent mixed with the musky aroma of the whiskey. It smells of strong spices, like the milk my brother used to make for us when we were children. I feel a bit dizzy after several sips out of Reiner’s flask, which is unusual given that I am always the one who can handle booze. Maybe it’s her presence that’s intoxicating.
“I wanted to tell you something, Pocky.”
I feel her fingers comb through my hair. I haven’t styled it today, so it’s not sleekily pushed back as usual; instead, it falls over my eyes a little. I don’t want to look at her right now, not when she has her hair away from her face, some strands clipped to the sides of her head with bobby pins. She seems to have some kind of colourful powder on her cheeks, too, sloppily applied.
“I’m all ears,” I sigh, taking another sip of Reiner’s drink and attempting not to look absolutely disgusted. It tastes like someone dumped a whole bottle of ethanol on my spiced milk but the way it makes my throat warm as it descends is comforting enough.
Her hand is on my back now, slowly travelling up and down in gentle motions. I want to ignore the butterflies in my stomach, but they’re restless and I feel hot.
“I know you have feelings for me,” she begins, her face so close to mine I can feel her breath on my skin and the little hairs on the back of my neck have gained a life of their own, along with these stupid butterflies.
“You always know everything.” I didn’t want to sound aggressive but that’s how it ends up coming out and I glance at her to make sure she doesn’t look hurt. She doesn’t.
“And I have feelings for you too.”
I can sense the violent blush that creeps at my cheeks and there’s no point hiding anything any more. She has likely known for a long time, bright and attentive as she is. I can’t bring myself to believe her words, however. Her voice is slightly slurred and, even with the colourful powder, her natural blush peaks from under the makeup. She’s obviously had a bit much to drink.
“Don’t say things you don’t mean,” I warn, looking away at the sky, dotted with milky stars. “You’re tipsy.”
“That I am,” I hear her chuckle and, out of nowhere, her mouth is on my neck, leaving open mouth kisses in its wake. “But I’m also in love with you.”
“Pieck, I-”
She tugs at my scraggy hair, a bit harsh but I don’t mind. I’m forced to look her in the face now and I notice that her lips are glossy and slightly tinted pink. Come to think of it, she’s always had glossy lips. I almost protest when she pulls me in for a passionate kiss, breathless and rough, even. Far more aggressive than our first kiss a few days ago. I blame the alcohol we’ve had too much of.
We both have a ticking clock looming over our heads, with mine being somewhat more generous than hers. All the more reason to enjoy whatever time we have left, she would argue. And she’s right.
I lose myself in her once more, that overly sweet scent of hers and her raspberry lips sinking into my skin and I enjoy every second of it. My bed is a mess of tangled sheets and tangled limbs, and she fell asleep again, her head on my chest like days before. This time, I know it’s not a dream.
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kingkuna · 2 years
i love being a porco and jean kinnie because either way, i get to fuck pieck and reiner
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szyf · 3 years
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titan swaaaaaap! (click for better quality)
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emmabodt · 3 years
Chapter 28 Here We Go. Pieck sighed tiredly as she shut the door behind her. It was too obvious to her that Eren wanted to escape. Why else would he want to study something like boats? With a frown, Pieck started walking in the direction of the War Cheif's office.
Pieck liked the guests they had. She hadn't been able to spend a whole lot of time with them, but they seemed nice. She knew all to well that Eldians were fed propaganda; they were built on it. Reiner was a prime example; us eldian devils this, us eldian devils that, we terrible devils. It had been all he ever spoke about. Until they came back from the island, of course. They were all quiet when they came back.
Pieck gently rapped on the door, signaling her presence to Zeke before entering. Magath was also there,seated in the corner of the room. The blonde man spun around in his chair as she opened the door, guiltily snuffing out the cigarette he had been smoking before hand, and cleared his throat. Magath gave a her a short nod of acknowledgement.
"Good morning, Pieck. What can I do for you?"
Pieck layed down on one of the couches on the side of the room with a small sigh.
"Good morning to you as well, War Chief, and Commander. I thought you might like to know about a recent development concerning one of our guests. "
Zeke raised a brow, signaling for her to continue.
"Eren Yeager plans to escape."
Zeke nodded. "I figured he would try to do that at some point. I'll send someone to stop him."
"No, Zeke, you will not."
Pieck and Zeke both turned to look at Magath, who had crossed his arms and somehow looked a bit bigger.
"We will let Eren Yeager try to escape. Pieck, how exactly does he plan on doing this escape of his?"
"He plans to leave by boat. I don't think there is other reason he would have a sudden interest in boats, sir."
Magath stood and turned towards the window. "We will use this as an assessment of the boy and his Titan. I'm sure you all have the knowledge that nothing has been done regarding anything relating to him or Paradis?"
Zeke nodded. "Yes."
"I know the mission was a long one, but not a successful one. We have let them rest for a little over a month. It is time we get more information from them. There are quite a few things they need to explain. They brought us Eren Yeager,a boy who has a Titan, girl as helpless as a kitten, and another girl who doesn't give a damn about almost anything. Do we even know if the boy has the Founder?"
Pieck nodded. "I have tried to get to get Reiner and Bertholdt to talk a little more about it, but they do not wish to speak of Paradis."
Pieck could understand a little of why Reiner and Bertholdt were so hesitant to speak of anything. It was hard on them, and the fact that the mission was kind of a failure didn't help. But she still had no idea what had happened to Annie, or what Krista was doing here.
Zeke nodded. " I'll call them in after they've had lunch. Best to talk about business with a full stomach."
Magath nodded his approval. "Thank you Pieck for bringing Eren Yeagers escape to my knowledge. You may go."
Pieck stood up from her reclined position and stretched. "Yes sir. I'll be seeing you again after lunch."
Pieck exited the room quietly, thinking. Should she go lay down in her room, or be social with Krista? It would be more beneficial to get the girl to talk about Paradis, (not to mention just be able to talk to another girl) but she was also just a bit tired from the mornings activities. It would be nice to sit somewhere comfy. To her room it was.
She started back up the stairs to the Warriors lounge, but not before passing Krista. Pieck could tell that the petite little lady was worried, no doubt about Ymir. Pieck stopped the girl with a small wave.
"Good morning Krista."
Krista's bright blues eyes looked up at her, filled with anxiety.
"Good morning."
Pieck smiled at her. " You look a bit worried. You should definitely go get yourself something to eat, or lay down somewhere comfy. I myself am going to go rest."
Krista shook her head." No, I'm okay. I'm just...worried about Ymir."
Pieck nodded." I had assumed that was what was worrying you. Worry isn't good for your health. I have a weighted blanket you could borrow. It's good for stress."
Krista again shook her head." No, no! That okay, you keep it! I'll just go get some breakfast! Thank you!"
Pieck smiled. "Of course. We have delicious blueberry pancakes."
Krista smiled. " I look forward to them."
And with that, Krista was off.
Pieck smiled. It was nice talking to another girl. But now it was time to focus on that weighted blanket.
Word count. 852
You all can't convince me that Pieck doesn't eat breakfast.
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Pieck: [pointing at Reiner] Smartass
Pieck: [pointing at Zeke] Badass
Pieck: [pointing at Porco] Nice ass
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residentemo96 · 3 years
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Here's a whole bunch of porco and pieck from attack on titan
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Chapter 117
Pieck: *Raises her arm* Porco!
Porco: *Knows just what to do* *Cuts off her hand*
Porco: omg sorry
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You rock guys
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moonglaives · 5 years
Please take a look at this sweet Porco x Pieck cosplay video and give the cosplayers lots of love. Thank you.
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pickalilywrites · 6 years
gallipieck having a baby au
I’ve been writing this ship for like 9 months and i still don’t know what the proper ship name is
Gallipieck. Canonverse. 
1126 words. 
Buy me a ko-fi!
After everything is over and done with, it’s difficult to tell who has really won. Both sides have lost too many to count, and the claim of victory feels like a hollow one no matter whose mouth it comes from. At the same time, it feels untrue to say that they’ve lost when the war is finally over, and they no longer have to fight. Porco can’t say that they’ve won or lost, but he can say that they’re finally done. No longer is he a warrior or a weapon; he is his own man now, free to pursue his own dreams.
They don’t speak about the path about Reiner chose, and they choose to forget about the things that Zeke had done. As for Annie, no one has heard from her since the end of the war. The last time anyone had seen her, she was drifting around the world allowing the wind to take her wherever it went. Porco doesn’t know about Paradis and the Eldians who lived on there, whether they’re happy with the outcome or dissatisfied. He does his best not to think about the island and the monsters they created there. He stays in Liberio, one of the few survivors who chooses to do so, and allows himself to heal.
He doesn’t ask her to stay, but Pieck also remains behind.
“Not because I want to,” she tells him jokingly, “but because it’s getting way too hard to walk on these useless legs of mine.” When he runs a hand up and down her thigh, she smiles.
“I could carry you,” he murmurs into her shoulder, but she only laughs. He brushes her hair back, but it’s still as messy as ever. “Where do you want to go?”  
“Oh, I’ll just stay here with you,” she says, settling against his chest. While he’s gotten used to the weight of her from all the time she’s leaned against him, she feels lighter somehow.
They’ll never be okay, but they learn to heal with each other.
When Pieck reaches out, Porco catches her before she falls. When he has nightmares, Pieck is the one to wake him. She never has to ask why he was stirring or crying in his sleep. She always holds him without another word, stroking his hair and telling him that everything is fine now because she’s here and suddenly he can calm down. He’s easily startled by loud, sudden noises, but Pieck is always there to hold his hand and assure him that everything is fine. And when he’s with her, admiring the setting sun at the end of the day, he finds that the world is even more beautiful than he ever noticed.  
Pieck is never able to walk without crutches again. There are days when even standing up properly is more difficult than others, but he’s always there for her if she needs a shoulder to lean on and she smiles more often than she ever did. Her hair is always messy because she’s never gotten into the habit of brushing it, but she lets Porco run a brush through her hair sometimes if he really insists. On some rare occasions, she even puts it into a low ponytail similar to one she used to wear when she was younger. She never talks about the past or the limited future they have, but she always talks about the present with Porco – how nice it is to be here, how nice it is to be with him, and how beautiful the world is.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asks him. “Because it’s ours now.”
He thinks this is true and that nothing can take this away from him. It’s only when he finds Pieck vomiting in the early morning that he remembers that this happiness, even if it is theirs for the time being, is fleeting. Like all things, it will soon be taking away.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she tells him with a weak smile that doesn’t fool him for a bit. While she does eat after that, she hardly keeps any of the food down and when she does eat, she wrinkles her nose as if she can’t stand the smell of the food at all.
It gets worse after that. She’s usually tired, but it seems she’s always exhausted now. She never leaves the room if she can help it and if she does, she tries to sit down as soon as possible. If she can lay down, that’s even better. She complains about her body aching – her feet hurting, her stomach cramping, and her limbs feeling immovable. He thinks she surely must be dying.
“We could go to a doctor,” he says even though he fears it’s too late.
She reaches up to caress his face. “I’ll be fine, Pokko,” she says with a tired smile. “Don’t worry.”
But he worries anyway because it’s the only thing he can do now. He schedules the appointment as soon as possible, getting into arguments with both the secretary and the doctor because they can’t book a checkup fast enough for him. He’s far more worried about it than Pieck is. He should be the one holding her hand and assuring her that everything will be alright, but it’s the other way around. When Pieck is torn away from him, whisked away to the doctor’s room to be poked and prodded and inspected, Porco paces back and forth in the waiting room as he waits for the results.
“Mr. Galliard,” the doctor begins, but Porco doesn’t even wait for him to finish.
He rushes in, running to Pieck where she lays on the examination desk. He cradles her face in his hands but is surprised to see that she’s smiling at him. Confused, he searches her face for an answer but finds none. “What is it?” he asks her, but no words come out when she opens her mouth. She simply places her hands on his, shaking her head as she smiles.
“If you had let me finish, Mr. Galliard,” the doctor coughs from the doorway. He lets the door close shut behind him. The doctor walks to them, fixing his tie and clearing his throat once more. “She’s pregnant. Congratulations to the both of you.”
Now it’s his turn to be speechless. Even if he had words, he knows they would never be able to speak them because he’s so overwhelmed, so instead, he kisses Pieck hard on the mouth, holding her tightly because this is better than he could have ever imagined.
“Why are you crying?” Pieck teases, wiping away a tear he didn’t even know he was shedding.
“Because,” he whispers. He takes her hand and presses her fingers to his lips. “It’s ours.”
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smol-boiii · 6 years
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This is my favorite panel of the whole chapter. She's giving him the same look as the first time when she told him "we were always together on the battle field." Gawd, I love these two so much. Pretty sure pieck is alright. Something few bandages can heal. (I hope)
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an-esthesia · 7 years
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( ˘⌣˘) ♡ (˘⌣˘ )
Sound:  Noize MC  —  Моё море
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smallblip · 3 years
thoughts on Porco x Pieck?
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Look at them? They’re so beautiful. I get a very specific vibe from them. They’re like when your older brother starts dating this really cute/quirky girl from school and he’s a jock and she’s an understated cool girl and they’re just... A really cute couple?
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What did I say! Older brother and his gf brings younger siblings and a bunch of their friends out to have fun (chaperoned by a paying adult of course... Sorry Reiner...)
Also... I know I used this meme for levihan too but it applies here:
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Porco is a bit of an asshole but he’s soft for Pieck and she manages to calm him a bit and she gets him to not take himself so seriously?!? Like when Porco was like “oh yes our superiors are so brilliant!!!” and she’s like “yeah lol like when they sent 4 kids on that suicide mission huh!”
Calls him Pokko and lives to tell the tale? Because she’s so self-assured she also doesn’t cave when it comes to him. She’s just unaffected and I think Porco needs that reality check.
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Solid ship! I give my blessings.
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emmabodt · 5 years
All my top ships. And what I mean by that is that I actively think of and look for fanfiction about them.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
This and this are amazing. (The caption on her vid said “whenever porco exists”
lmaooooo i love pokkupikku so much <3
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Take a second to imagine Pieck putting her freezing cold hands on Porco’s neck just to scare him
That is all. Have a nice day :)
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