the-indie-owl · 8 months
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Being the One Person in the Fandom that you only ship the One Theory Ship that no one else seems to care nor bring much attention about when you're surrounded among Other Popular Ships that a lot of People seem to know or ship about.
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marine-indie-gal · 3 months
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I was afraid that I was gonna be super late for Valentine's Day but I did manage to color in my own 2024 Valentine pic with Polacia (again last like time) cuz why not? Since I can't stop my own self after all.
Anyway, this would probably be something out of a scene for my own SOTR re-write, where King Poseidon is just trying to impress his own Fiancé with Gifts while Salacia is trying her best not to be pleased and Chancellor (first time drawing him digital) is just carrying his Sire's gifts for his Dam (Poor Chancellor, will he ever get a break?).
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day 2024, folks.
The Chancellor & King Poseidon (c) Stephen Hillenburg & Nickelodeon Salacia (c) Me 
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maiden-of-sea · 1 year
Actual Photos of Chancellor being the Third Wheel in Poseidon and Salacia's relationship for over Minutes Straight.
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armorabs · 2 months
(Replied to the First One)
My own second question was about on how Polacia gets Written by its Fans.
(you know, like with the portrayal of Salacia being Poseidon's love interest) while Neptrite is always canonically written.
Not too sure if you have seen any Polacia posts, but how do you feel about the idea of it being written by its own Shippers (like Me) despite Salacia not appearing with her own "Swapped" Husband?
Do you still have any doubts that she will have her own depiction in the franchise someday?
its... fine, i guess? nothing wrong with it but it doesn't really interest me and i just... don't think about it at all. personally i think the most believable scenario is that poseidon is probably extremely divorced, which would be funnier.
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— Bocão News, 2014.
Era madrugada do dia 23 de dezembro de 2013, quando a gerente de uma empresa multinacional, Fernanda Iara Marques Soares, 36 anos, discutia com a ex-companheira, a auxiliar administrativo de uma unidade da Le biscuit, Joseane Andrade Silva. O cenário do crime foi uma casa no condomínio Park Residencial Litorânea, em Buraquinho, na cidade de Lauro de Freitas, Região Metropolitana de Salvador, onde Joseane teria matado friamente a ex-companheira.
Em conversa com o Bocão News, a prima da vítima, Sheila Sacramento Soares, conta que Joseane não se conformava em perder as regalias após o fim do relacionamento.
“Ela queria continuar com as mordomias que Fernanda proporciona. A casa onde Fernanda morava em Buraquinho era alugada, e ela conseguiu comprar uma casa em um condomínio de luxo em Lauro de Freitas. Josiane dizia que tinha direito a casa da minha prima, e no domingo ela foi procurar minha prima para uma reconciliação. Mas ela espancou Fernanda bruscamente, que ficou com o rosto deformado, esfaqueou em várias partes do corpo, e não satisfeita, estrangulou com um cabo de mouse”, conta bastante emocionada.
Os corpos foram encontrados por amigos, que não estavam conseguindo entrar em contato com as duas e decidiram ir até o local no dia 25 de dezembro do ano passado. Joseane que ainda estava consciente foi socorrida por uma ambulância do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU) para o Hospital Menandro de Faria.
De acordo com a prima, após o crime, Joseane ficou por algum tempo na residência, e chegou até a usar o celular da vítima, se passando por Fernanda. “Ela ficou na casa por algum tempo e depois tentou se matar, cortou o próprio pulso e a garganta”, conta. Durante a conversa com a reportagem, Sheila ressalta que a revolta dela é porque Joseane foi autuada em flagrante, ficou custodiada no Menandro de Faria, no entanto, o advogado da suspeita conseguiu através de um juiz a anulação do flagrante dando direito a mulher ser transferida para o Hospital Aeroporto, e agora, Joseane está em liberdade.
“Meu apelo é por justiça. Preciso acreditar na justiça dos homens. Ela tem que responder presa. É uma pessoa que ameaça a sociedade. Eu sei que isso não vai trazer minha prima de volta. Meus tios estão em estado de choque, minha tia está na cama e não come… Fernanda era filha caçula. Foi um crime premeditado. Ela não pode ficar impune”, lamenta.
A 23ª Delegacia Territorial (Lauro de Freitas) investiga o caso. A reportagem conversou com o delegado Joelson Reis, titular da unidade, que informou que estava de férias quando o caso aconteceu, entretanto, ressaltou que a delegada Andrea Barreto Arrais está presidindo o inquérito, o qual ele garante está bastante avançado.
— Adelia Felix, “Buraquinho: mulher suspeita de matar ex-namorada a facadas está em liberdade”, Bocão News, 10 de Janeiro de 2014. http://www.bocaonews.com.br/noticias/policia/polacia/77756,buraquinho-mulher-suspeita-de-matar-ex-namorada-a-facadas-esta-em-liberdade.html
Olha essas também:
• Mulher não aceita fim do casamento, invade casa e esfaqueia ex-marido em Campo Grande « Brasil ocontraditorio.com/ladodireitodaequidade/?p=11025
• Mulher é morta a facadas por ex-companheira em Santa Maria, RS « Brasil ocontraditorio.com/ladodireitodaequidade/?p=7289
• Mãe abandona os 4 filhos na frente da casa de ex-marido em Campo Grande « Brasil ocontraditorio.com/ladodireitodaequidade/?p=17150
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the-indie-owl · 6 months
Me and My Homies praying for Salacia to be Canon in the SpongeBob SquarePants cinematic universe just so that Poseidon would probably make a comeback for her so that we'd finally get to have Polacia to be canon to have the Sea Rulers of Kings/Queens in Different Universes be complete.
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the-indie-owl · 7 months
I just realize that SpongeBob isn't the only Franchise that had to secretly deal with "Poseidon/Salacia" as a thing, because in the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles franchise (presumably in "Percy Jackson"), Poseidon was once in love with a Mortal Woman named "Sally" and where would a name for Sally even come from if it was a shorted version of "Salacia"?
So technically, Rick Riordan was a Brave Man to feature a little secret mashup between an Actual God and even a Mortal (who could be secretly named after a Roman Counterpart of the Said God's wife) and then because Nickelodeon wanted to put a little "Twist" on the Greco-Roman names by switching them up, they wanted to make Neptune be with Amphitrite just so that Poseidon could be with Salacia.
If anything, I think I'm seeing too much details of parallels there.
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the-indie-owl · 7 months
Suggested SB Obscure Ships for The Shipping Wiki
This is most likely inspired by @spongebob-connoisseur's suggestion of her Favorite Character to be on Sexypedia
Now, for the record, I don't really exactly have my own Fandom Wiki Account (even if I wish I had one) but I would like to suggest some Other Ships from the SpongeBob fandom that haven't been added on to the Shipping Wiki (and are pretty obscured judging by the title of this text), in case if that would bring towards anyone's attention in doing so (depending on the popularity based on Two Sets of Characters' Dynamics that are written either Canon/Fanon).
Here are some of my own Suggestions of some Obscured Ships that I'd like to see be added into the fandom's list of ships (with my own written bios).
1. Slapferatu
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The M/M Pairing between Slappy Laszlo and Nosferatu.
Character 1: Nosferatu
Character 2: Slappy Laszlo
Canonical?: Fanon
Status of Relationship?: Master and Servant
Type: Slash
Their first interaction came in "Squidferatu" when it was confirmed in the episode that Slappy works for Nosferatu in his Castle. When Nosferatu greets Squidward and SpongeBob at his own front door, Slappy then appears from his Boss' legs welcoming the new guests. He even wraps around his Master's neck like a Snake and is even shown kissing his own Hand, pleasing his own Master. During the Dinner Table, Slappy does serve SpongeBob and Squidward their own food (including Mummy Fingers) while they eat with Nosferatu.
Later, when Squidward and SpongeBob are in Bed, Nosferatu and Slappy wish them a Good Night before they click out the lights a few times and leaving them in one of the Mansion's Bedrooms. When Nosferatu scares SpongeBob and Squidward that causes them to wake them up and run straight across the hallway, Slappy immediately slithers down and is about to chomp them down with an Axe but Squidward sprays a Sleepy Gas into Slappy's face, causing him to feel unconscious.
When SpongeBob and Squidward enter Nosferatu's coffin room during the Climax, Slappy's head appears rolling around from downstairs as he picks his head up putting it back on his body, alerting the Duo that they're in his Master's Bedroom and that they might be disturbing his slumber. When Nosferatu wakes up, Slappy assures them that he wanted to return their own mail back and that he only had a Big Lunch, giving Squidward his own Gift back which reveals is Garlic. Nosferatu gags but then laughs as Slappy informs them that he actually likes Garlic (unlike how Vampires are afraid of Garlic in Pop Culture). The Lights in Nosferatu's room then flicker, revealing The Phantom of The Opera, in which they all laugh about it.
In "Slappy Daze", Slappy takes Nosferatu to the Doctor's at Dr. Calimari's Physician. Slappy is advised by the Doctor to return for Two Hours so that his Master can steam his allergies out.
After Two Hours of Slappy visiting The Bikini Bottom, he comes back at the Physician and picks up his Master (along with his own medicine and even Nosferatu receiving a Lollipop). Slappy offers Nosferatu a Flea Collar that he bought for him at the Pet Store. Slappy even teases Nosferatu, applying him as a "Best Friend". Nosferatu carries Slappy on his bike as they go back to the Castle before being eaten by a Moon near them.
In "FUN-Believable", Rube Goldfish takes a tour around the Bikini Bottom, specifically on the Next Stop that is Nosferatu's Mansion where Nosferatu and his Minion are both greeted by Rube. Conditionally, Nosferatu goes into his Half-Bat form and plucks Slappy's head right out as Slappy goes through some Random Hijinks through the Castle from his decapitated head (which eventually Nosferatu picks it up while drinking a "Fizzy Fang" soda drink).
The Idea of Slappy and Nosferatu came up not long after when "Squidferatu" first aired showing their actual relationship, but because on how Slappy was one of the Recent New Characters to be added in the Franchise since he first appeared in the Anniversary Special from the Main Show, "SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout" and became a recurring character later on (especially in Spin-Offs like "The Patrick Star Show") ever since. Slappy is one of the Character Parodies of a Peter Lorre archetype.
It was confirmed that SpongeBob's Nosferatu is set in an Alternate Timeline to the Original Nosferatu 1922 Movie where he never made it Wisborg and that his coffin was sunk deep in the Ocean, it could've meant that Slappy was there when he first saw him (based on some fan theories about their own first meeting).
Because of the Trope, Master and Henchmen, many fans do fanarts surrounding the Vampire Master and his Fish Servant (either platonic or romantic). Since Nosferatu (Real Name; "Count Orlok") is an Actual Adaptational Film Character of his own Movie from 1922, he is loosely based on Bram Stoker's Character, Dracula, it would at least apply that Slappy would be akin to Renfield from the Original Dracula story, who was also a Butler to his own Vampire Master (Dracula) like how Slappy is to Nosferatu (Orlok). This would also tend to mirror the similarities between The Two Vampires and their own Butlers, but also because on how that the relationship between the dynamic of Nosferatu and Slappy share the Aesthetic to the Classic Horror Genre (most likely directed to the Bram Stoker's Dracula story).
2. SlipSlap
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The M/F Pairing between Slappy Laszlo and Slippy
Character 1: Slappy Laszlo
Character 2: Slippy
Canonical?: Canon
Status of Relationship?: Dating
Type: Het
Also Known As: Fish LorreShipping
The Patrick Star Show
In the prequel spinoff episode, "Mid-Season Finale", Slappy was performing a recitation of a Poem, he holds out what appears to be a Very Rotten Bad smelly Sunflower which he dumps it on that passes his own smell towards his Female Counterpart named "Slippy" (in her actual first appearance). Slappy compliments Slippy's smell in which they walk off the stage together, showing off their own love (which is shown through a Gassy-Shaped Heart).
SpongeBob SquarePants
In "Slappy Daze", during Slappy's Tour-Hour visit in the Bikini Bottom, Slappy goes to the Pet Store and visits his Girlfriend, Slippy (who works there as her own job). They complimented each other as they laugh about it. Slappy orders Slippy some supplies for his Master (Nosferatu) in which Slippy gives her Boyfriend the supplies that Nosferatu needed. The Two were then about to kiss but as Slappy leaves, SpongeBob appears out of nowhere (along with Gary) as Slippy mistakenly kisses Gary for Slappy (Funny Enough, this was meant to be a "Same Voice Actor" Joke since Tom Kenny (the voice of SpongeBob, Gary, and Slappy) and Jill Talley (the Voice of Slippy and Karen) are actually married in Real Life).
This Pairing came out right after Slippy's first appearance from one of the Spin-Offs.
Although Slapferatu is one of the Most Common Pairings in the SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom, Slapferatu shippers also support this pairing based on a Polyromantic Pairing between Slappy with his Girlfriend and his Master.
Slippy (like Slappy) is also a Female version of a Peter Lorre Archetype. Although while Slappy is mainly used for Lorre gags like how Slippy is, many Fans of Slappy Laszlo also support the relationship between Slappy and Slippy simply because of the Film Cultural Impact behind Peter Lorre.
3. Polacia
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(Credit goes to @missplayer30 for the Artwork that I commissioned)
The Unofficial/Theoretically M/F Pairing between King Poseidon and Salacia.
Character 1: King Poseidon                                                                    
Character 2: Salacia
Canonical?: Fanon
Status of Relationship?: Unknown
Type: Het
Also Known As: Saladon, Poseialacia, Salaseidon, PoseiSal, SalPosei
Poseidon first appears in “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run” where he is shown to be the Main Antagonist of The Third Film. 
Although Salacia is not seen nor does she appear in the Movie as King Poseidon’s wife, aside from a Statue of Mermaid inside of King Poseidon’s Kingdom in his Flamboyant Show regarding if it could be truly her or not.
However, Poseidon is then later reformed at the end of the climax of the film. Although his true appearance remains as an Elderly Merman God, it is unknown rather or not if somewhere that Salacia might be either a Normal Mermaid or a Sea Goddess (since the Third Film is sent in the Timeline as “Kamp Koral”), it is at least unknown if Salacia exists in any continuity of the Main Series or The Alternate Timeline of Kamp Koral.
Oddly enough, in Concept Works behind the Film (despite having a lot of early scrapped different story plotlines behind the movie, especially when it was meant to be entitled “It’s a Wonderful Sponge”), an Concept Art by Michael Defeao does show a Scrapped Mermaid Character for the Mermaid Statue, assuming that Salacia was going to make an actual appearance in the Movie (but would’ve been scrapped due to the Main Focus of King Poseidon being the Third Film’s Main Antagonist).
When the Movie First Appeared around in Canada in August 2020 and then later on Netflix in March 2021, King Poseidon was first introduced in the Third Film, presumably as an Alternate Counterpart for King Neptune from the Main Show in the Timeline of “Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years”.
However, it is important to know that outside of the Franchise, in Greco-Roman Mythology, Neptune was the Roman Counterpart of Poseidon (who was Neptune’s own Greek Equivalent). Each of the Greco-Roman Sea Deities had their own consort of wives (Neptune was married to the Roman Sea Goddess, “Salacia” whereas Poseidon was married to the Greek Sea Goddess, “Amphitrite”).
But because based on the Idea of the Greek/Roman Names being “Mixed-Up” or having the Wives between Neptune and Poseidon to be “Swapped” in Any Other Forms of Original Works in terms of using some aspects of Myths/Legends or Folklore, King Neptune is confirmed to be married to his Wife (Queen Amphitrite) since “The Clash of Triton”, but a No Canonical Appearance of a Queen Salacia is confirmed in “Sponge On The Run”, assuming that King Poseidon might still have Salacia for a Wife (even if it is Highly Unknown weather if she Truly Exists or Not in the Universe of SpongeBob SquarePants).
Many Fans do not pay attention to this Pairing giving on how that King Poseidon is highly one of the Most Unpopular Characters in the Fandom. Thus, making this Theoretical Pairing widely unpopular. There are a Few Fans however, who do like the King Poseidon character that do support this Pairing between Poseidon and Salacia (most likely drawn to the Greco-Roman Pantheon Lore or the “Wife-Swap” theory between The Two Sea Kings).
Poseidon is the Main Target of a Character being “Rewritten” in most Fanfictions (most likely being the Ones as Re-Imagination versions of “Sponge on The Run”, either with or without including the segments to Kamp Koral), specially to those who dislike on how his own Character was handled in The Third Sequel, they have him being falling in love with Salacia (or having her being already married to Poseidon in some Rewrite Interpretations of the Third Film fanworks).
Because it is clearly unknown if weather or not if Salacia is will be included in Future Episodes of the Main Show (or any other form of Related SB-Media) or how Poseidon will reappear later on or will be given with a Different Love Interest (who might not be his own Swapped-Wife), Fans tend to portray Salacia as a Polar “Opposite” to Poseidon where she’s been interpreted as a Love Interest to Him. Because of the Trope, “Opposites Attract”, Shippers tend to twist the Relationship between the Two Counterparts of King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite where they have a Similar Relationship to their own Said Counterparts, but still portrayed having a Widely Different Romantic Relationship from Them.
In Most Fanon Works, Salacia is portrayed having a Generous, Kind, and Loyal Personality with a sense of Humility and can be interpreted as a Supporting Ally to the Main Cast. Where she was supposedly meant to be a Sea Queen like Amphitrite, She is often depicted as a “Sea Maiden'' (though this is most likely where in conclusions in most fanfictions of this Pairing where Salacia becomes a Sea Queen and marries Poseidon as a Husband). Interestingly enough, because there is No Actual Appearance for Salacia in SpongeBob, Fans tend to do a Personal Design of Her (either in their own way or inspired by the Single Mermaid Statue).
The Fanon Portrayal of Polacia tends to be pulled out on a “Beauty and the Beast'' trope, where based on Poseidon’s Semi-Good Side, he might show Romantic Feelings for Salacia or Based on Poseidon’s Bad Side that tend to show him as a Narcissist flirting with Her whereas Salacia would balance him out and to show the more good in him (presumably based on fan rewrite works, having Poseidon’s own Redemption to be Stretched out a bit as an Arc). This whole portrayal of this pairing might change unless either Salacia does make a Canonical Appearance or if Poseidon might reappear if he makes an appearance in the show.
This Theoretical Pairing might bare a strikingly similarity with the Persades pairing in The Disney's Hercules fandom since both Animated Movies (Hercules and The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run of their own Franchise) feature a Greek God (Hades and Poseidon) as a Central Antagonist, while small hints of cameos of their own wives (Persephone and Salacia) were featured in their own Husbands' said films (despite being unconfirmed if the said Goddesses truly first appeared in the films or not, unless if a canonical true appearance for each of the Consorts between Hades and Poseidon in their own Universes is confirmed).
Although in Greek Mythology, Hades and Poseidon were both the Brothers of Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. As well as they were both the Children of Kronos and Rhea.
Similar to Slapferatu, Polacia is often pulled by the Aesthetic of Greco-Roman Myths (most likely from their direct Mythological Counterparts) as well as Classical Aquatic literature within the Themes between Fairy Tales and Merfolk being portrayed as Water Spirits (such as Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid).
4. Nepitrite
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The M/F Pairing between King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite.
Character 1: King Neptune
Character 2: Queen Amphitrite
Canonical?: Canon
Status of Relationship?: Married
Type: Het
Also Known As: Neptutrite, Amphitune, NepAmp, AmpNep, Amptune
King Neptune’s first introduction was “Neptune’s Spatula” where the physical appearance of Him was revealed in his very first appearance. In fact, Neptune is considered to be the Undersea Equivalent of God in The Entire SpongeBob Universe as his own name is often phrased in the place of God’s (considering that He’s the Entire Main Ruler of the Sea).
Although he does appear within a Different Design in “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”, it is likely to assume if by Half of the Fandom if King Neptune by Two Different Designs are meant to be the Same Character or Just Two Separate Rulers (oddly enough, Squidward called King Neptune from the Show as “Neptune IXV” in “Krusty Towers”, assuming that there might be More Neptunes out there and that Movie Neptune might be a separate character from the One in the Show).
Queen Amphitrite makes her own official first appearance in “The Clash of Triton”, where she is confirmed to be the Wife of King Neptune as she does celebrate her own Husband’s 5,000th Birthday at the Krusty Krab for the Party.
Although there is No Canonical Backstory as to how they met, Amphitrite seems very calm and is always on her Husband’s Side as she is shown to be very devoted and caring compared to Neptune (who’s more Regal and Arrogant). In her first appearance, she is shown to cheer up her own Husband to forget about their Son, Triton, on his 5,000th Birthday when they have a Dinner Party at the Krusty Krab (along with their own Three Subjects/Servants). But when King Neptune cries after he is reminded of the name of their Son, he sobs down as Amphitrite comforts her Husband when telling the truth to SpongeBob who Triton is.
During the Episode, Amphitrite does stay at her Husband’s side in the Party Table, until when Triton shows up crashing his Father’s Party, locking both his Parents, their Servants, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward all in a Cage, it might apply that Amphitrite is indeed disappointed in their Son’s comeback (much to Neptune’s dismay of their Son’s Return).
When Patrick produces to unlock the Cage as Triton’s prisoners were all free, Neptune produced to talk down with his own Son but after seeing the surprise destruction that he caused damage in the Bikini Bottom, Neptune forgives his son and is proud of the work that he did to proven himself out of his own God Powers. Along with the Crowd, Amphitrite claps for their own reunion and in the ending, the Family go Home with their own Son (who now has returned after Long Years of being Caged up in an Island).
After the Finale of Season 6, King Neptune’s Wife never appears again until in “Trident Trouble” where Neptune jokes about the Greek God named “Zeus” in which Amphitrite laughs but hides herself underground when she is shocked by the Mother of the Kraken (who King Neptune fought in a Battle).
Outside of both the Show and the Films, King Neptune does make his own appearances in Other Media (the Comics and the Games) but his own Wife does rarely appear in Other Media (with the expectation of Games such as “Bikini Bottom Chess” and even a pictured cameo in “Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated”). Making the recurring pairing widely unpopular.
Princess Mindy
Mindy is the Very First Child of Neptune and Amphitrite introduced in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. 
She has Green Skin and a Green Mertail like her Father’s but has Black Hair like her Mother’s. She appears to have a Friendly, Calm, and Generous personality, almost similar to her Mother’s and is chosen to be the Future Queen of the Sea one day in the Future for her Father’s Throne. 
Prince Triton
Triton is the Second Child of Neptune and Amphitrite introduced in The Clash of Triton.
He has Green Skin and Red Hair like his Father’s, but also has a Blue Mertail like his Mother’s. Unlike Mindy, He is very rebellious and arrogant just like his Father. Although he was once fascinated with the Mortal Side from the Bikini Bottom, he lost interest in it as he grew to become more rebellious through his prison years.
Nepitrite is one of the Most Rare and Unpopular Pairings in The SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom. Although despite that they are one of the Canonical Couples in the Franchise, they are not one of the target focus as the Other Popular Ships due to how King Neptune rarely appears in a Few Episodes and is only a recurring character as his own Family is barely on Screen. 
Regarding the works that King Neptune has appeared in, there are a few supporters of his own canonical marriage between Him and his own Wife. But given on how that Queen Amphitrite (along with their son, Prince Triton) weren’t in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, it is likely unknown on what happened to Amphitrite or why she wasn’t in the Movie (nor how it’s most likely unaware of what the relationship between their own Children and their Mother are like compare to their Children’s own relationships with their Father) but it’s most likely because there wasn’t a confirmed appearance for King Neptune’s wife until when “The Clash of Triton” came for Season 6. 
Some Fans Theorize that because of King Neptune’s arrogant behavior, they assume that Queen Amphitrite must’ve divorced him or simply because she was somehow killed or died, assuming that’s probably the reason as to why Neptune became more ruthless in the First Movie (especially in Theories where that The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was meant to take place in the Future as a Chronological Finale to the Series).
People who are found between the Pairing of King Neptune and his Wife are possibly the same People who are Fans of the Original Greco-Roman Mythology. However, in Roman Lore, Neptune had a Wife named “Salacia” and in Greek Lore, Amphitrite was the Wife of Poseidon but both Couples were indeed the Same Gods and Goddesses of the Sea just by Different Names through Different Religions (Roman and Hellenic). It is yet to be implied that the SpongeBob SquarePants Franchise has put a Twist between the Two Mythological Couples by swapping the Names out (which can also be said to their own Counterparts as Well).
Although King Neptune is sometimes known as “King Neptune IXV” since “Krusty Towers” as if he was meant to be a Member of The Whole King Neptunes of the Sea, but because that it depends on the Writers to decide on weather or not if King Neptune was supposed to be either their own Personal Depiction of the Said Roman Mythological Deity or Not. This gain regards Half of the Fandom to have their own Personal Views towards the Character, if King Neptune is meant to be the Actual Neptune or Not (depending on what produced works he is featured in).
Fans of this Rare Canonical Pairing who have read Greek/Roman Myths describe SpongeBob’s Neptune’s marriage with his Wife in the Franchise as an “Open-Relationship”, considering that Amphitrite was described always being the calm one while Neptune was indeed actually very wrathful (which is something that the Show took inspiration on for its own Royal Family). It’s most likely because the Supporters of this Pairing found the Dynamic between a Wrathful Arrogant Sea King and a Beautiful Calm Kind-Hearted Sea Goddess intriguing, they've created their own headcanons to expand their Marriage and even their Family Tree (rather if it’s truly inspired by Greco-Roman literature works or not).
These are just a Few Ideas of my Personal Suggestions. Let me know of what you think if you can consider any of these ideas to be added.
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the-indie-owl · 3 months
Oops! I've accidentality spilled over something.
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the-indie-owl · 8 months
Salacia (King Poseidon's version of "Peaches" parody)
After sharing my own funny thought with @sp00kies, I figure why write my own inspirational version of the song, "Peaches" from "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" since my interpretation of Salacia would have the same VA as Movieverse Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy).
Of course, for @sp00kies' version of her, she hcs her own Salacia being voiced by Anna Faris (Sam Sparks of "Cloudy of A Chance of Meatballs").
We couldn't help but imagine Poseidon doing his own "Peaches" song towards his own Consort which is why I made this.
This one is for my one and only true love, Salacia
Salacia, you're so cool And with my trident, we're gonna rule Salacia, understand I'm gonna love you 'til the very end
Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia I love you, oh Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia I love you, oh
SpongeBob, Patrick, and that Tumbleweed Guy too A thousand of My Loyal Guards couldn't keep me from you Salacia, at the end of the line I'll make you Mine, oh
Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia I love you, oh
Salacia, Salacia, Salacia, Salacia
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marine-indie-gal · 10 months
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A "Belated" Anniversary which I apologizes since I forget that Four Days ago was meant to be the 1st Anniversary of how I did my own interpretation of Salacia in SpongeBob (I was saving this piece for 27th which I completely missed, my bad 😅).
With a little belated celebration of the Anniversary of Salacia's first appearance, I wanted to draw the Main Greek M/Roman F Pairing that I wasn't expecting to fall in love with but overtime became so much obsessed with it after drawing some Greek Gods which helps fuel more of my love for Greco-Roman Mythology thanks to these two. 🥰
It's sad to say the least that the Real Poseidon and his Wife didn't sort have any kind of relationship since the Real Wife of Poseidon didn't appear much in stories much to her Husband's own literature of Stories 😔 But deep down, I believe that somewhere, like Hades and Persephone, they do have some sort of an Open-Marriage that I like to think that Amphitrite is grateful of her Stepchildren since Poseidon would be the kind of Guy (outside of his Anger) to allow his Wife her own free will to do whatever she wants or can be whatever his own wife's heart desires 😊 ( cough, cough, unlike Zeus and Hera's Marriage which I never supported Poseidon's Younger Brother's courtship with his own Wife😒).
King Poseidon (c) Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon Salacia (c) Me
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
I felt in such a mood drawing these two together which lead me to do a Random Sketch-Dump between a Vain God and a Random Mermaid.
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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Three Nights Ago, I went to a Prom with One of My Cousins as I danced with some Other People at the Dance floor since Me and My Cousin went out to a Party and then I quickly remembered one of my WIPs that I was supposed to finish, so here I re-drew this piece that I kept in my statsh but haven't able to upload.
A Little Something for my Re-Written version of Sponge On The Run, just a Romantic Scene of Poseidon and Salacia dancing together in their Ballroom outfits (inspired by the One Ball scene in Jim Henson's "Labyrinth". In fact, I've been listening to "As The World Falls Down" while drawing this as a little Pop-Culture Reference to that One Movie scene from the 80s).
Though speaking of "Ball", this does sorta remind Me of that One Recent Episode in one of the Spinoffs, "King Neptune's Ball" from "The Patrick Star Show" (I actually haven't seen that episode since I'm actually more into Kamp Koral than the Other Spinoff).
King Poseidon (c) Stephen Hillenburg Salacia (c) Me
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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"And the arms of the ocean are carrying me And all this devotion was rushing out of me And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me But the arms of the ocean delivered me" - "Never Let Me Go" by Florence + The Machine Even after finishing on my own Short SpongeBob Story, here is a Tribute to the Most Famous King and Queen of the Seas in all of Greco-Roman Mythology; Poseidon (known as "Neptune" in Roman) X Amphitrite (known as "Salacia" in Roman). The Middle One is the Main One that is "SpongeBob SquarePants" (in one of the Films where their own version of Poseidon appears in "Sponge On The Run"). Salacia doesn't appear in SpongeBob SquarePants but I did my own personal take on her where if she did appeared in Sponge On The Run as a Love Interest for Poseidon in that version. The Other Versions that SpongeBob/Sponge On The Run! Poseidon and My SpongeBob! Salacia are surrounded by are the Other Potrayals/Different Adaptations of Poseidon and his Wife from the Original Mythology in Media. From Left to Right around SOTR! PoseidonXSalacia are from "Gods' School", Disney's "Hercules", "Destripando la Historia", "Lore Olympus", SB! NeptuneXAmphitrite (The Other Version of Neptune and his Wife from the Same Franchise that the Middle One is from), and of course, "The Goddess Girls". Which version(s) of this Couple is your most Favorite out of the Seven versions of these Two Together? Mine would have to be mostly the SpongeBob ones since I really like their personal takes on Poseidon/Neptune as separate people instead of keeping them as the same person. Poseidon/Neptune and Amphitrite/Salacia (c) Greco-Roman Mythology SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg Disney's "Hercules" (c) Disney Destripando la Historia (c) Pascu and Rodri Lore Olympus (c) Rachel Smythe Gods' School (c) Gaylord Cuvillier Philippe Libessart The Goddess Girls (c) Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams SpongeBob Depiction of Salacia (c) Me
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maiden-of-sea · 1 year
Modern Human AU idea
So hear me out; based on many interpretations of what a Modern AU of Mythology would look like, I’ve decided to bring up a little version of my personal interpretation of what a Modern AU of the Greco-Roman Pantheon in SpongeBob’s world would be like (which would be connected to my own Human AU of SpongeBob SquarePants).
(Inspired by Lore Olympus)
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Basically, The Greek and Roman Gods are the Ones who are in Charge of the Humanized Bikini Bottom’s City as they tend to watch over (in which most of the Human Bikini Bottomites are Rather Roman or Hellenic Religion as Most believe in Neptune while Half believe in Poseidon).
In the City of Gods, there are actually divided cities based on each Pantheon from different religions that live in the Universe. Each of the Cities are ruled over by each of their own God Chief as well as having Three Different Domains of The Sky, The Sea, and even The Underworld ruled by each of their own Group of Seven Rulers (the Greek and Roman Big Three being one of them works).
But as for the idea of Gods going down in the Mortal World, they tend to disguise themselves as Humans to hide their true appearance and even hide their actual names like say they have alter ego human names based on their Godly Nature.
However, where’s Salacia (who in Mortal Disguised is named “Serena”) is more invested in the Mortal World, she becomes Friends with Robert (Human! SpongeBob) and Human! Patrick. But doing in both her Boundaries of connecting both the God and Human Worlds, she is immediately caught by the Eyes of Poseidon (who in his Human Alter Ego is “Marino”) who’s looking for a Sea Queen to rule with Him, and soon enough becomes fond by her and is touched by her kindness. 
For this AU itself would have a focus on both Romance and Friendship.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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I've been watching some Greek Mythology AMVs (mostly around some Live-Action Fancasts) on YouTube and even listening to some Music from some Other Greek Mythology themed media. And then this instantly hit Me; since SpongeBob has its own version of Myths and Cultures in its own Unique Comedy way, why not have some of its own versions of one of the Water Deities from Mythology into the Greek Mythology Animated Music Video spotlight? I've seen that a lot of Greco-Roman Mythology fans done those (like with Lore Olympus, Hadestown, Percy Jackson, Destripando la Historia, God of War, you know those other kinds). So since the Franchise has its own personal take with the use of Neptune and Poseidon as separate people ruling the Seas as Different Kings, I figure why not draw something special again with a little drawing based on one of the most popular Greek Mythology Adaptations that is Disney's take on "Hercules" (though, it's "Heracles" in Greek). I was listening to one of its songs that is the very popular love song from Disney, "I Won't Say I'm In Love". Considering that Poseidon is a Water Deity from Greek Mythology, this song got Me hook into thinking of Poseidon and Salacia (My Take on Her) with some Mythology-inspired-media songs including this one of course.😉 Anyway, in my very own personal take on Salacia, she was aware at Poseidon first when they first met until when the Two somehow got to know each other as well as getting together and stuff before their Marriage. Considering that Poseidon has a crush on Salacia, Salacia is now somehow starting to have a crush on Him back (since she did thought of himself as Handsome but also quite a Hilarious yet Charming King I should say🤭). Poseidon doesn't know it yet but soon when he will learn his regrets, Salacia will have to confess the truth to admit that she does love him deep down (it's a Romantic Shot, I know😜). The Song, "I Won't Say I'm In Love" from Disney's Hercules really fits perfect for Salacia's feelings regards towards Poseidon in my own SpongeBob AU. It's a shame that there aren't any PoseidonXOC Ships in the Fandom (same goes for some DJ OctavioXOC Ships in the Splatoon Fandom). Oh well, guess I'll have to be the only one who does some OCXCanon Shipping around the Villains that I adore.🤷‍♀️ Poseidon, Salacia. and The Myth of Hercules/Heracles (c) Greco-Roman Mythology SpongeBob SquarePants and Sponge on The Run! Poseidon (c) Stephen Hillenburg Disney's Hercules (c) Disney SpongeBob Depiction of Salacia (c) Me
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