#prince lindworm au
saccharinerose · 8 months
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Prince Lindworm fairytale but make it NeuviFuri
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catyo90 · 2 years
I dunno if the month prompts are still open, if they're not you can just chuck this but yo number 13. In a fairytale (preferably slightly dark fairytale vibes but just normal fairytale would do grand as well). For the character I dunno I'm leaning towards Thorin but you can just pick whatever lotr/hobbit character you want
The Dragon Prince: Thorin x Female! Reader
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(Inspired By the story of the Lindworm Prince) 
You always dreamed of your wedding being a happy one, never did you think you would find yourself married to The Shadow of Erebor. The dragon that plagued the land now for years. But Erebor was not always plagued by this curse. At least not until that fateful night.
The kingdom had always thrived even in great times of distress, it and its people were strong and hardy with wealth without limit. But to one none of the riches could hold a candle to the want of a child. The queen of Erebor was stricken with grief over having been unable to bare an heir, to never know the love of a child broke her heart. Until one night when the kingdom was visited by an man, one of unknown origin and quite handsome but strangely his eyes were older than they expected, it was as if they had seen everything. He claimed he could bless them with a child giving them a box with three gems, red white and black, of significant beauty inside and to have them be placed in fire for a year. After that they would break open and their gift would be received.
He told them that the red gem would give them a son and the white gem a daughter. When asked about the black gem the man only replied.
“It will give you a gift like no other. But I must warn you...One or two I can promise but a third cannot” and with those words he left. Never to be seen or heard from again. 
That night the queen was too eager at the prospect of not only one child but three made her forget the man’s warning as she placed all three into the fireplace in the royal chambers. For the next year the servants kept the fire ablaze until that fateful night when the gems cracked. Triplets had been born, the youngest was a daughter with hair as white as diamonds and the middle a boy with hair as red as the hottest forges but the third...was no child. A baby dragon as black as the sky cooed at its mother but before the queen could even respond. The servants made it flee in fear into the deepest forests near Erebor where none dared dwell. And like a bad dream the birth of the dragon was soon forgotten.
Many years past and both the young prince and princess grew up both beautiful and kind and strong in their own ways. And soon the time came for them to find one to marry. Their son Frerin along with their daughter Dis arrived at the crossroads when suddenly the ground beneath shook as from the forest as the trees strained against the tremble of the beast that emerged from the shadows. A black dragon as dark as the night with eyes as blue as the deepest drowning oceans, scales stronger than any steel splattered with white specks like stars in the night with horns and mane to match. And from it the only words it said
“A bride for me before a bride for you.”
It did not allow either to pass but did not harm them either. With their only option to return home and to tell of what happened. The night it was revealed to both children and the king that the dragon was in truth their oldest sibling and the rightful heir. The king knowing the dragon though it was his child meant that it would not harm his kingdom and their people. So with great regret he wrote to two kingdoms promising the prospect of marriage to their child, one to the realm of Mirkwood and one to the Kingdom of the Northmen. Twice did the halls of Erebor cheer for the marriages and twice did the wedding nights end in bloodshed. Once again the worlds the dragon spoke were only 
“A bride for me before a bride for you.”
And now here you were a simple miners daughter forced into the situation at the request of your father and the king to spare the wrath from another kingdom. But you had a secret that even the dragon could not have guessed.
The night your father told you that you were to be given to the dreaded dragon as a bride you fled into the woods crying at the thought of your life ending, You thoughts wondered to the idea of fleeing but you knew in doing so the dragon would attack the people. A fate you could not accept. The sounds of the forest gave little comfort until the sound of an elderly voice spoke out to you.
“What would be the matter child of stone?” 
You looked up to see a man dressed in a grey robe and beard to match as a blue pointed hat moved to show the old man smoking on a small pipe as he walked with a staff in hand. A wizard no doubt.
“I am to be married to the terrible dragon but it has devoured two princesses already...I have no chance for it to spare me? Why am I to die?” You exclaimed as tears fell faster as your breath shortened at the terror of what would come.
It was only the gentle shoulder touch from the elderly man that brought your attention back.
“Dear child of stone, listen carefully and do as I say and you will survive the night and save not only your life but the dragon’s as well.”
Those last words echoed in your mind. It was no secret now that the dragon was in truth the eldest prince. But how would doing what he instructed save both of their lives?
The next day a third royal wedding was prepared but it matched in no way to the two prior, while those had a measure of hope for the end to the situation. Now it was nothing to anyone except an elegant funeral for you. In truth it was almost everything you imagined for you true wedding. A dress as white as snow with diamonds and satin clinging to your body with white fur around your shoulders and a white veil to match and while the dragon never showed itself you heard its deep voice from the shadows echo in the deep halls
After the wedding had finished, the banquet had begun but for you there was no time to relax and enjoy the false festivities. You quickly rushed to the kitchen and requested they bring you ten nightgowns and two barrels one with ale and the other with wine and along with that a whip.
When night came you were brought down to the dragons chamber and luckily saw the material you needed were there and sighed a bit from the relief. You looked around the barely lit room to see a bed was in the center with some decorative fabrics hung above. But the fear and knowing that two maidens died her made you shudder. Before the dragon was to arrive you hurried and removed the wedding dress and threw it to the ground and rushed to get the ten dresses on and placed the veil over yourself as you sat on the bed awaiting the beast.
You thoughts wondered off so much that you had almost failed to hear the mighty steps of the dragon enter the chamber. A sudden surge of fear rushed through your body as a small bit of tears pricked your eyes as you brought your hands together praying until you felt the veil from your head gently lifted from your head causing you took look up to see the dragon in all. It’s scales showing only slightly from the shadows as the vibrant blue eyes stared into yours. You could not lie to yourself, it was quite a beautiful dragon. Its deep voice spoke.
“Your eyes show fear...but I see no greed or hatred in them. The others were not like you. The elf showed no love to me and the maiden to the north only had greed in her heart for our gold. Brides not worthy for me”
The dragon shifted closer to you as it spoke again.
“Maiden, shed your dress.”
It said with no question . Making you slightly happy knowing it didn’t suspect anything. At least for now
“I request you shed your skin.”
You saw the dragon slightly taken aback from this.
The dragons previous brides to be did not even try to speak to him. Only their screams when it revealed itself and their true intentions made true when it looked into their eyes. A dragons eyes can see much but most of all the true intentions and feelings of their captive.
“None of the maidens before asked this of me? Why?”
“A wedding gift for me on my last day.” You said looking straight into its eyes showing this time no fear.
The dragon said nothing as it did what you asked, but when you shed a gown only for the dragon to see another it requested once more it to be removed and once again you requested it shed its skin. The hours passed slowly as now the dragon laid on the floor too tired from the stress of shedding its skin. The scales on its body looked fragile as if they could break with a simple touch, the mane and horns now smaller and more glossy than before. You were down to your last gown when the dragon raised its head, looking into its eyes you saw something you never thought you would see in such a terrifying beast. Tears. Tears falling from its eyes showing it to be in pain.
“Maiden...” It said weakly as you quickly opened the barrel filled with ale and dunked the whip into it before striking at the dragons soft hide making it scream and whither in pain as you watched it cry out and thrashed on the ground amongst the shed skin and gowns before you grabbed the barrel of wine and threw it on the dragon causing it to cry even more than before, as you stood over the dragon you could not help but feel sorry for the creature. It was denied any love from its very birth and even denied a normal life.
You carefully stepped forward wrapping your arms around the neck of the dragon and gingerly moved him on to the edge of the head and hugged his body close. You could feel his body shake as the tears still fell but his body slowly relaxed as you hummed him to sleep as you spoke to the dragon this time.
“Sleep, dear prince. I will not leave you.”
You felt the dragon shift only slightly as sleep slowly took over both of you until the crack of dawn came as the first light shined into the room, rousing you from your sleep as you opened your eyes as a small gasp escaped your lips. In front of you was no dragon but a man, Hair black and white exactly like its scales, his skin was slightly red from where the whip had hit him, you blushed ever so slightly as you saw his arms had wrapped around your frame sometime in the night but more so did the blush darken once you realized he was nude with only the loose individual scales covering his lower body and yours like a blanket. 
You shook your head as you looked up at his face bringing a gentle hand to the side of his cheek. The feel of his beard against your hand tickled a bit as you gently stroked your thumb against it. At least until he shifted and brought a hand to his chest and arm in pain. Before he gasped slightly at the realization that he had a normal body. Suddenly he looked at you with eyes as vibrant as sapphires. There was nothing you could think to say for a moment as you brought a hand into his.
“I am sorry you had to endure so much...but someone needed to whip you into shape.” You said with a small smirk to him.
He said nothing as he started to chuckle and soon started laughing causing you to join in. Until you felt him take one of your hands in his kissing the back of it.
“I  truly hope you meant what you said...when you said you would not leave. But I would not blame you if you never wanted to see me again after all I have done.”
You shifted a little to his side of the bed slightly lost in thought.
“Wat’s your name?”
“Well my mother when I was born did call out to me before the servants scared me off...she called me Thorin. I suppose that’s what she meant to name me.”
‘Well Thorin...” you brought your forehead to his as you felt the exhaustion of everything that had happened crashed over you like a wave as you sunk into the bed.
“I believe we have all the time in the world to get to know each other better. But for now...lets just rest a bit longer.”
“As you wish,” He said holding you a bit closer as sleep took over both of you once more but this time no worries or fear of what was to come. Only the prospect and hope of what the future held.
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mistress-of-words · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Loki/Sigyn Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sigyn (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Odin A+ Parenting (Marvel), BAMF Sigyn (Marvel), Loki is a serpent, fairytale AU, Animal Transformation, Happy Ending, BDSM if you squint, commoner Sigyn, Prince Lindworm - Freeform, fairytale Summary:
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Asgard lived the handsome Prince Thor, who goes off to find a bride for himself. Only to run into his unknown brother-a monstrous serpent, demanding a bride for himself. Who will be the bride brave enough to face the beast and marry him? Based on the Prince Lindworm fairytale.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 year
Do I need to create a complex list/chart of all the noble houses and their relative Lords and Ladies and Lieges, their ranks in the noble hierarchy, and appropriate amount of lore/flavor text for “Nobody Invited You”? No, no I don’t. Am I probably still going to? Yeah, I probably am.
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poppy-purpura · 6 months
Hello! I hope your month has been kind to you. Your Rain World art is fascinating. If i may ask, and you could answer, something has been on my mind about one of your COTL AUs: What is up with the Lamb in the Golden Lindworm AU? I am aware of the Lindworm Prince story, where a prince born cursed demanded a princess before his brother can marry, ate two girls, and the last one had to soak him in wine and whip him at least 8-12 times before he sheds his beastly skin and marries her.
In this AU, the Lamb wears the Golden Fleece with scales like appearance, has a forked tongue, and in one of the doodles related to the AU Narinder apparently is confused seeing what appears to be scales while he shears the Lamb, Zielo? Does this mean Zielo is not a 100% pure sheep?
Also Narinder seems to be a bit of a pushover in this AU when it comes to Zielo. Is Zielo just that forceful that they intimidated him, or is he just into them being possessive like that? Zieoo being sassy with Narinder but also sweet and soft with him when he is injured is cute. Very cheerily jealous and possessive sheep.
Another thing, you wrote that this is the genocidal run compared to the pacifistic ones where the Lamb doesn't fight or kill the Bishops. Could you explain that to me what it means, as this confuses me since it reminds of the Genocide run in Undertale, another game with various routes.
Have a nicer week, eat your fruits and vegetables.
At first Their name is Zlato. The name means "Gold". What about the rest of question... Yeah, name of AU is a reference for the story, but not so deep. I just love how it sounds.
Zlato has always been an ordinary lamb, albeit more self-satisfied than the rest. But the golden fleece influenced their character, revealing it to the fullest, and they almost merged with it, showing the features of a lindworm. It affected their appearance, their spells, their weapons (their weapons are sickles).
Narinder behaves like this because he was confused by this attitude towards himself, and it embarrassed him a lot.
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Yes, this is to some extent a reference to the Undertale. I haven't played it and I only know the base. Besides, I would like the game to give you more choice. Therefore, I have a Pacifist AU, where Lamb leads a very measured lifestyle and greatly admires Narinder, but decides to help him by forming an alliance with the bishops, and there is a Genocide path where Zlato kills everyone who gets in their way, and they hold their flock in iron hands. However, Zlato does this to free Narinder because they are obsessed with him.
some old doodles
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erikaember · 1 year
Link and the dragon princess, a fairytale AU fanfic (with pictures!)
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(big ol' spoiler warning for Tears of the Kingdom, specifically about the Light Dragon)
Inspired by the retelling made by Overly Sarcastic Productions, this story is based on the Norweigan fairytale, "Prince Lindworm".
Plenty of things are changed to work better with the Zelda universe (and to be more fun to write), but there's still a small warning for a scene that involves steel brushes and fragile skin... but it won't be in crazy detail. Oh, and two guys die, but no crazy detail there either.
...and of course, because I'm an artist and can't help it, I made some refined sketches to make this post a bit more interesting. :D
Let's go!
Once upon a time, there was a benevolent king and queen of Hyrule. They had great friendships with the tribes living at the corners of the kingdom, their people safe and happy in their care. But sadly, the king and queen suffered from an unfortunate predicament. They were unable to have children. The queen desperately desired a child to raise with love and care, and the king needed an heir to secure the future of the kingdom. Sadly, no doctor or healer in the kingdom could help them.
To spare her court from her moments of depression, the queen would go into the Lost Woods, following the secret path that led to the Korok Forest. There, while no longer a child, she could sense the childish little spirits of the woods laugh and play. While she had spoken to the Great Deku Tree before, he had already given her his wisdom - to not let the despair weaken her, for he believed all would be right in the end.
Then one day, she was praying at the goddess statue inside the Great Deku Tree, when an old woman appeared. Sitting by a small table, drinking some tea, she asked "What weighs your heart so, my queen?"
"It's no use telling you, stranger. No one can help me," the queen sighed.
"Don't say that, you clearly haven't lost all hope yet, my dear," the woman pointed out. "Let me hear your troubles, maybe I can put things right."
The queen sat down by the table. "My husband and I so desperately want a child, but I can not conceive. That is why I come here, this place gives me a sense of peace" she explained to the old woman.
"Such a long way for a queen to travel every time her heart is heavy… this we shall resolve," the old woman drank the last of her tea before looking into the queen's eyes, "Listen to me very carefully, my dear. At sunset, you take your favorite teacup to the northwest part of your garden," she lifted her empty tea cup to cover her mouth, "whisper your heart's desire into it, a prayer for a child. Then, turn it and place it down onto the ground, with the bottom facing the twilight sky," she placed down the cup upside down on the table. "In the morning, you will return to the cup and lift it, two roses will have grown under it. If you eat the white rose, you will have a daughter. If you eat the red rose, you will have a son. But whatever you do, you must not eat both of the roses - that is my one warning, remember it."
"Thank you, wise one. I shall do that," the queen thanked. "Is there any way I can repay you for your aid?"
The old woman waved her hand dismissively, "Oh no, my queen. Just heed my warning, and I'll be at peace knowing I helped set things right."
Despite spending so much time in the Korok Forest, the queen was skeptical of the old woman's instructions. She had witnessed more unusual things as a child, and yet this felt silly. Still, she did as she was told. With her favorite tea cup, she waited for the sunset, whispered into the cup a prayer for a child, and let it rest upside down in the northwest corner of her garden.
The next morning, she was shocked to find the two roses under the cup and was faced with the difficult choice between the two. With her disbelief in the old woman's words, her memory faltered and she was unsure of what to do next. Finally, she settled on eating the white rose. To her surprise, it tasted incredible and she couldn't resist eating the red one too. But then it echoed in her head, the words of the old woman, "But whatever you do, you must not eat both of the roses - that is my one warning, remember it."
It pained her to have failed the old woman, shame preventing her from returning to the forest and asking for help. So she silently carried the guilt, accepting whatever fate she would face.
Nine months later, the queen was to give birth. In a brief moment when the midwives weren't looking, the queen felt herself give birth to something, but it was no Hylian child. To her horror, she saw a long, slender, and pale miniature dragon slither from under the covers by her abdomen. Not saying a word to the midwives, she watched as her bizarre offspring slithered up to hide under her pillow. Understanding that this was the consequence of her failure, she allowed the dragon to rest there as she gave birth to the dragon's twin, a beautiful baby girl.
When eventually left alone, holding her baby girl, the queen found the dragon and whispered to it, "It is my fault you have come to us in this form, I beg of you to forgive me. I fear my people may never accept you, but I shall keep you safe, for you are my child."
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Years went by, the baby girl grew up to become a beautiful princess, and her name was Hilda. Her hair as dark as the night, her eyes as red and lovely as a rose. She was quite intelligent and dedicated to her duties, as benevolent as her mother and father.
When Princess Hilda reached the age of 17, she was old enough to marry and chose to travel Hyrule in order to see more of her kingdom and possibly find good suitors. However, before she could leave Hyrule Field, a dragon blocked her path. The dragon had white and gold scales, a golden mane, horns and spikes shimmering green and blue - a majestic creature but somewhat smaller than the ones she knew from legend.
"Older sisters marry first," the dragon spoke.
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Confused, Hilda and her guards chose to take a different path, but at each bridge crossing Hylia River, the dragon blocked their path with the same words. The princess was forced to retreat to the castle.
With no choice but to confess the truth, the queen explained. The dragon was Hilda's older twin sister, Zelda, whom the queen had raised in secret. It seemed that Zelda had grown tired of her solitude and chose to do what her mother still did not dare, revealing herself and demanding her traditional right to find a husband before her younger sister. Although the queen warned Hilda and the king, Zelda had not been herself for years. The once spry and happy little dragon was experiencing moments where she would not respond to her name, grow angry, and then lose the memory of ever acting that way, almost as if her dragon nature was taking hold of her. The queen warned Zelda may be dangerous if things did not work out well.
While shocked at the revelation, Hilda did not hesitate to accept her sister's demands and started discussing the matter with the court. She arranged for chambers to be built, big enough to house her sister. Then, she worked on finding suitors. To avoid breaking the alliances her parents had worked so hard to build, Princess Hilda was very upfront with the tribes, revealing the true nature of her older sister. While many were concerned about the story of the dragon princess, there were a few brave souls who arrived at the castle with interest.
The first to arrive was a Zora who had seen dragons as a child, loving every memory he had of them. With him so fascinated by the dragon princess and seemingly getting along with her, the royal family approved and the two were wed.
But on the wedding night, the young Zora man learned that the princess was not happy with the arrangement and would pace around the room. He tried to make the best of it, requesting her to speak her mind. She remained silent, like a growling grumpy beast. He grew impatient and started lecturing her for not being a proper lady with manners, but alas, he quickly learned arguing with a dragon the size of a long hallway was not a good idea, her tail slamming into him with enough force to crush him.
Despite the agreement being fulfilled, the now widowed princess was again demanding a groom. While it was already unusual to see a dragon, many felt it strange to have a dragon be so demanding. Just like the queen claimed, the princess' mind was in a dark place, it seemed.
Having learned of the terrible fate of his daughter's zora husband, the king declared that they needed someone more familiar with dangerous creatures; they needed a warrior. Sending word out to all the tribes, a group of warriors stepped forth as potential suitors, among them being a Rito warrior.
The young Rito man was also fascinated by the unusual princess. But more than anything, he was proud of his skills and thoroughly enjoyed the idea of him taming the beast. Despite the queen and Hilda's words of caution, pointing out that the arrangement did not take Zelda's heart into consideration, the king approved it and the rito warrior soon wed the dragon. But just like the queen and the princess had suspected, the rito warrior only made her sister more angry and the second marriage was more brief than the first.
Tension started rising in the castle and the kingdom. With the dragon losing her mind and growing angrier, the court grew anxious as they had no idea how to prevent the princess from becoming a mindless threat to the kingdom. Hilda tried her best to comfort her mother who was stricken by guilt more than ever before, her mistake leading to the death of two, and her cursed daughter miserable and withering away.
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Then one day, the queen was being comforted by Hilda, her appointed knight accompanying her. The queen wept, her heart heavy with guilt and worry. She had returned from the Korok Forest in a desperate attempt to seek the old lady and beg for a way to save her child, but alas, she could no longer even sense the spirits.
"Oh mother," Hilda held her, "stay strong, we shall find a way to resolve this."
"How? How can anyone set this right? The old lady is hiding from me. None of the sages, wielders of magic, or scholars can even suggest a way to buy her more time. She is doomed to wither away in misery."
"I will not give up hope, mother. I know there simply must be something we can do…" Glancing up at her appointed knight, a man she had known for years and trusted with her life, she turned to her mother again. "Father has decided, and I have accepted, that my swordsman, Link, shall be the next groom."
Looking up at the swordsman, the queen felt more sorrow. He was a young boy from a long line of loyal knights, a stoic and quiet soldier with a heart that was good and true - he did not deserve such a terrible fate. "Your knight… has he accepted it?"
"Yes, mother," Hilda assured, glancing at him as he nodded, "we have discussed the matter. He knows the situation better than any other suitor. And I know him well enough to bet he'll make her happy - like he has made me happy." She smiled at the memories, of how her knight would silently carry out his duties with honor, but also kindness. Early on in their companionship, she had a difficult time handling stress and would throw fits of rage, and he'd be there, patiently helping her regain her grace. A valuable skill for an appointed knight - and for a husband.
Letting it sink in, the queen accepted their decision, "I admire your courage, young one, and I pray for your safety."
But before it was officially decided, the queen requested they speak with Zelda about it. Entering her chambers, the queen spoke softly with her daughter.
"My dear Zelda, how are you feeling about our efforts to find you a husband?"
With a low growl, the princess paced around the room, her steps like a thunderstorm, "…hopeless… how could anyone want a monster for a bride?"
"Fate has not been kind to you," the queen sighed, "but this is a challenge we face together. And I tell you, all hope is not lost. We have a new suitor for you, one you have met before. He is loyal to the family, and his heart is good and true. He is one of your sister's loyal guards, Link."
"Another warrior sent by father?" she scoffed with disgust.
The queen shook her head, "No, my dear, I'd never let another man like that even touch you. Deep beneath those scales lies a person with a heart deserving of love and protection… and I believe this man will be good company for you."
With a pause, she turned to the door, seeing his sister peek through, "…tell him to enter."
With a deep breath, Link entered and locked eyes with the princess. Stepping forth, he held himself like he usually did, proudly yet friendly. He did not even flinch as the dragon leaned forward, her bulging eyes looking at him, judging him, narrowing in suspicion.
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He was much shorter than the potential suitors she had previously seen, and she had yet to hear his voice. But something, akin to an animalistic instinct, had her intrigued at the idea of him being her new husband - or rather, her new victim. But the memory of her two dead husbands caused her to suddenly reject the terrifying mindset. It caused her vision to get a bit fuzzy, her balance faltering for a moment.
"Zelda?" the queen worriedly took a step towards her daughter, but in this moment of weakness, the dragon hissed at her mother before stumbling back and falling down to rest on the floor.
Her eyes closed as she waited out the pain, the princess could sense footsteps and felt a presence by the side of her head. Cracking an eye open, she saw the swordsman looking worriedly at her, kneeling down to check on her. With her pain and fuzzy senses, she could barely make out his words.
"Are you alright, princess?"
With no strength to respond, she simply tried turning away from him. How could he possibly want to marry someone who'd be such a bother, she thought to herself. Her ear twitched slightly at an itch that emerged behind it, but she dared not reach for it with her claws for fear of the pain. To her surprise, she felt the swordsman slowly reach up and scratch it for her. No one but her mother had dared to touch her like that before. It puzzled the princess, but the relief was enough to ignore the urge to snap at him for having the audacity to touch her without permission.
The queen and Princess Hilda both watched with a mix of shock and joy. Link continued to scratch behind the dragon's ear, her pain slowly withering away. Finally, the princess opened her eyes again, seeing the swordsman leaning his head to the side, kindly waiting for her to give him a sign of what she would do next.
Looking at him, she felt her heart warm up and her eyes pained by tears. He dared to stay so close to her. What will cause her to hate him? Is he pitying her? She doesn't need someone to pity her or treat her like a misunderstood puppy who merely needed some scratching behind her ear. She did not want to hate or even disrespect a man her kind sister trusted so. Perhaps she could give him a chance, for her sister's sake.
If she wanted to find love before losing herself, this could be as good an arrangement as any.
Getting up, she noticed Link giving her some space but kept his eyes on her, only stepping back as much as he needed to. His courage did not falter. "…fine," the princess sighed, "I accept… the proposal." Studying his eyes as she said that, she couldn't tell if he had any reaction. Nothing in his expression changed. It worried her slightly, that she couldn't tell what he was thinking. But it was done, she had accepted.
The wedding would be held after one week, and Link wasted no time. Much like the queen, he had spent time in the Korok Forest as a child and had met the old woman before. For him, she appeared - and to her, he opened up about his fear.
"Lady of the forest, I am to wed the dragon princess. But the queen believes Zelda will wither away within the year and live on as a mindless dragon. I wish there was a way I could help, and be a good husband to the princess, even if she only has a year left - that is if I survive the wedding night."
"Fear not, young man," the old woman assured, "just listen carefully to my instructions, and all shall be right."
The day of the wedding arrives. The young Hylian knight had requested a few things be brought to the princess' chambers. A tub of lye, a tub of milk, a bucket, a bunch of steel brushes, and one soft bath brush. While it was confusing for the castle staff, they didn't question it, it already being extremely odd to be serving a dragon.
At the ceremony, Link stood by the altar, waiting for his bride. Dressed in his finest garbs, he stood out from the first two grooms, a beautiful sword strapped to his waist. To the queen, it was a suspiciously familiar blade.
As the dragon princess entered the hall, she locked eyes with her new groom and noticed the sword. She growled, seeing the weapon as a grave insult. However, she seemed to calm down a bit as she got a closer look at him, his eyes not showing any sign of hostility - quite the opposite. He seemed nervous, but not like he'd run away, and it showed why when it was time for the vows. To everyone's great shock, he did not speak a poem about dragons or some promise to tame her - he drew his sword.
Everyone gasped and the dragon lowered her head with another growl, but it got very silent as the groom turned to face the bride and got down on a knee, holding the sword upright in front of him, his eyes never leaving hers. With the hall so quiet, everyone could hear how he with a somewhat low voice made the traditional vow a knight would give to his bride.
"With this sword, I swear to protect you from the evils of the earth and sky. Come sleet or thunder, drought or blood moon, I swear to stand by your side and never falter. Shall metal break or melt, my life will be your sword and shield until the end of my days."
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It was a beautiful vow from ancient tradition, and the bride had her own version of the vow to say as she placed her hand on the hilt of his sword as he held it. But under the circumstances, the bride not aware of this ancient vow or in the mood to say one, Link got up and put away the sword. His eyes still on hers, he could see her expression soften and he smiled faintly, relieved to see her accept the vow.
Leaning to Hilda, the queen asked "His sword… is that not the blade of evil's bane?"
"It is," Hilda confirmed, having heard from Link everything that happened in the forest, including his plan to survive the night, "the old woman of the forest said it was crucial to his survival - but not to worry, mother, he will not use it to hurt her."
The ceremony reached its end, Zelda leaned her head down to receive a kiss on the bridge of her nose from her new husband. Despite the worry for the new husband, and this being the third royal wedding that month, the crowd cheered.
At the grand feast, Hilda noticed that Link was eating a bit more than usual. She always knew him to be a bit of a glutton, and there was no shame in enjoying his wedding meal, but she knew there was another reason for him to stock up on energy.
The wedding night arrived and the newlyweds made their way to the chamber. While quite nervous about what he was about to do, Link kept his stoic expression and went over to where the servants had left the items he had requested, checking so everything was there.
Watching him as she slithered around the room, the princess tried to figure out what he was planning. The lye, the milk, the brushes - what could he possibly be planning? Again seeing the sword, strapped to his hip, she let out a low growl. Why did he bring it to the chambers?
"Be rid of the sword, husband."
With a deep breath, he turned to face her, "Be rid of your own weapons, wife."
Surprised at his demand, she puffed "no one has dared to ask me that before."
"I'm asking you now. As a show of trust and good faith," he tossed the sheathed sword to the floor by the tubs of lye and milk.
Hesitant, but she obliged, her teeth retracted into her gums, claws and horns emitting a bright glow before turning to dust. But as it took plenty of energy to do so, her mind faltered and an evil nature achieved a tighter grip, her eyes narrowing with nefarious intent.
An even lower growl accompanied her next demand, "…lose the armor, husband."
Still, Link remained calm, "shed your own armor, wife."
Even with an evil mind, it was a dragon's nature to be honorable. She obliged his request, her vulnerable skin exposed as her spikes and scales fell to the floor, one by one. And while it occurred, Link removed his uniform until he was down to his undershirt and trousers.
The once grand and intimidating dragon now laid at his feet, writhing in pain at the cold touch of the floor against her bare skin, nothing left but the mane and fur to protect her head. Although she was exhausted, her pained expression barely covered the vile desire to devour him; to taste his blood. This was when he had to act, no matter how painful it would be for either of them.
Before she could arm herself with her teeth, he grabbed the bucket and filled it with lye, throwing the ash-filled water on her bare skin. Having minor open wounds where her scales once were, she hissed with pain, but it was nothing compared to what he had to do next. Soaking a steel brush with lye, he started scrubbing her. She shrieked in pain, too weak to reach him with her feet and push him away. Weak as she was, she could only curl up and scream as he scrubbed her skin red and sore with the lye and steel brush.
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The shriek was loud enough to echo across the entire castle, everyone shocked to hear the dragon in pain. The queen, ever so worried, rushed down the halls to her daughter's chamber, but Princess Hilda stopped her. The queen begged and pleaded for the soldiers stationed by the big doors to stop whatever was happening to her daughter, but Hilda urged her mother, "Failure to follow the old lady's instructions led to this. Do not let the same mistake happen again, mother, or we might lose Zelda. Trust Link and the old lady to set things right."
As horrible as it was to hear her cursed daughter's pained scream, the queen allowed herself to be escorted away, far away enough to be unable to hear even the faintest echo of Zelda's shrills of agony.
Hours passed, the screams growing weaker as Zelda's senses faded. Despite his exhaustion, Link persisted with his work until all the dragon's exposed skin was brushed till it was crimson red and washed with lye. Finally, with the last of the ash water, he soaked the princess' head, the dragon taking one final breath before it collapsed. The whole head slowly sunk as if it was made of nothing but soaked fur. Then, purple slime started to seep up from under the fur.
Remembering the next step, he leaped for the sword, just in time to parry a strike from a miniature phantom dragon. The tiny dark beast quick in the air, glowing purple and red like a creature of malice.
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With the legendary blade glowing bright and his feet faster than the phantom, he struck the dragon until it shrieked in agony, dissolving into dark smoke, which was sucked into the blade. The being that would use the princess' draconification for evil intent was now sealed away.
With the fight over, he returned to where the remains of the dragon's head were. Beneath the pile, he could make out a figure that briefly glowed a golden hue.
Pulling away the mane, he eventually found pale skin. Soon thereafter, he exposed the naked body of a girl with long hair as golden as the dragon's mane. His arms were shaking, his hands sore and covered with small cuts from the long hours of using the steel brushes. And yet, he reached under her form and pulled her out of her old skin, the adrenaline from the battle giving him the extra strength he needed. Holding her close to his chest, his undershirt soaked with sweat and lye, he carried her to the tub of milk.
With the soft bath brush soaked with milk, he scrubbed her clean from the fur that had stuck to her skin. Her pained screams still echoing in his head, he scrubbed ever so lightly in fear of causing her any more pain. As he worked, he couldn't help but admire her beauty.
The old woman had not mentioned that Zelda would become a Hylian, merely describing this part as "what's left of her", which honestly had him terrified of what he'd find. The more he thought about it, the more he understood that it was a test of faith. If he knew this would happen, he knew it would be worth it in the end. His faith in the old lady's words rewarded him with a wife who'd no longer wither away inside a beast.
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When he was done, it was time for the final step. Strapping the sword back on his hip, he then proceeded to lift Zelda out of the bath, carefully stepping over the remains of her dragon form to finally reach the bed in a tucked-away corner of the large chamber. Despite the fact that his bride had been a dragon who could barely fit in that bed, it was tradition to prepare the finest silk and softest pillows for the newly wedded royal couple. Laying her down on the king-sized bed, he wrapped her up. Then, with the sword still in the sheath, he removed it from his hip and held it close as he climbed up to lie next to her. While it was uncomfortable, he kept the sword close, as he wrapped his arms around his wife.
That was right, he realized as the final step was complete - he was holding Princess Zelda, his wife. As he felt exhaustion pulling on his eyelids, he started thinking about how he didn't really know the real her since she was hidden away most of her life, trapped in a dragon form that slowly took over her mind. While there certainly was the fear of him finding himself in an unhappy marriage, he couldn't help but be excited about knowing what kind of person she'd be now that she was finally free to be herself. Whatever happened, he'd keep his promise and be there for her, like the honorable knight he was. And right now, she was safe, sleeping peacefully in his arms. He was free to rest.
Not long after the young swordsman fell asleep, dawn began to break. And just when the sun had risen over the horizon, castle staff prepared for their morning duties. The guards who had guarded Zelda's chambers for the night hadn't dared to peek through the keyhole before their relief arrived alongside some servants. The group of employees began whispering about their worries, and the possibilities of what they would see in the chambers. The night guards, still recovering from the shrill screams of the dragon, explained how it went on for hours on end. And after the noise had died down, they thought they had gone deaf, for they couldn't even hear the creature's presence since. Had she been killed, a few wondered. If she had, as shocking as it was, it made the knight a murderer and a high-priority criminal. Despite the risk, the bravest of the group, a maid, carefully peeked through the keyhole.
The group held their breaths as they waited for the spy to say anything. Suddenly, she gasped and got up to rub her eyes before returning to the keyhole. "By Hylia! I thought he was cuddling up to a piece of her mane, but that's… that's a woman! The floor is littered with scales and fur!" the maid tried her best to keep her voice low but loud enough for the others to hear, "…if only they could do another magic trick and save us the trouble of cleaning it all up…"
After the news reached the royal family, Hilda peeked into the chambers to confirm and she shed a tear at the sight of her sister, alive and sound asleep. She went on to make sure the couple wouldn't be disturbed until they awakened, their night being famously draining.
It wasn't until that afternoon that Link awakened from his slumber. No longer needing the sword to be kept close, he carefully reached to slowly drop it down the side of the bed. But that movement was enough to awaken the petite figure of the former dragon. Casting his eyes back on the face of the one he shared the bed with, he saw how she clawed at the bed sheets, stretching and yawning. As her eyes opened, he awed at the lovely green of her iris, completely unlike the piercing, iridescent eyes she previously possessed.
Her vision blurry, it took a while for the princess to tell the figure before her was the swordsman she married the day before. His hair, which was so tidy and kept in a low ponytail during the ceremony, was now a tangled mane. His face and undergarments damp and dirty, he looked like he had survived a storm at sea.
Despite his appearance, he greeted her with a warm smile.
"You look awful…" she playfully commented, too tired for manners, but not too tired to not notice her new voice. With a gasp, she looked down at where her hands rested and studied them, confirming that they were indeed her own hands. Feeling her face, she felt the face of a Hylian. No horns or scales or fur or spikes, just skin that wasn't painfully sensitive.
Sitting up, she wanted to see more, but her sudden movement caused her a splitting headache and Link quickly reached up to help her slowly lay down again.
"I'm… I'm Hylian? …how?" she gasped as she felt the soft pillow under her head again, and turned to her husband. "…I'm not in a dream, right?"
With a light chuckle, he brushed away some hair from her face, then proceeded to explain what had happened. She did not remember much from last night, only the agonizing pain of her skin being scrubbed away and how her scream had echoed for hours on end. With her old form quite literally washed away, she was now who she was meant to be. He also told her about the phantom dragon, which explained the predator-like behavior she possessed at times, which was unlike the dragons of legend - who were creatures of grace.
Having caught glimpses of his hands, she eventually asked to see them. Seeing all the cuts and bruises, she teared up, remembering the part about how he had painstakingly scrubbed her entire form. She had been a huge beast in need of a custom-built chamber, dangerous and with blood on her hands. And yet he had the courage to wash her entire beastly form with steel brushes. For hours, he had to avoid her powerful feet and tail that - while free of scales, spikes, and claws - were still powerful enough to end his life. Not to mention having to listen to her piercing screams all that time.
"…why, Link? Why did you… do this?" she asked as she failed to hold back tears. After all, he saved her life, not actually knowing he would. He persisted with no promise of a good outcome - let alone a reward for his efforts.
With his hands still in hers, he used his fingers to gently rub her palm, he simply replied "…it was the right thing to do."
Looking at their hands, she again thought about what he had endured, "…so close to a dragon screaming in pain for hours on end… I am bewildered how… you can still hear what I am saying."
A moment of silence, then he replied "…huh, could you repeat that?" he leaned closer, a hand behind his ear.
Confused at first, she soon realized it was a joke and started laughing. Her laughter echoed in the chambers, Link joining her after quickly admiring her gleeful expression.
As they calmed down, a knock on the door was heard and a familiar voice asking for permission to enter. It was the king, and he had the queen and Hilda with him. Sitting up in the bed, Link glanced at their surroundings. While the floor was littered with scales and fur, there was a clear path to the door for them. But glancing around the bed, he caught sight of the bare chest of his wife, the blanket resting on her waist as she had sat up. Following his gaze, she caught on and pulled up the blanket, wrapping it tightly around her naked body. It being her first day as a Hylian, it seemed the instincts to cover up hadn't quite awakened yet.
Now somewhat presentable, Link granted permission to the king and watched as the royal family entered the chambers. They rejoiced at the sight of their princess alive and well, no longer being a monstrous beast. The queen was most relieved of all, the weight of her guilt being overpowered by the joy of her little girl not only being safe but also being who she was meant to be.
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Knowing her sister was not magically provided with a nightgown in her transformation, Hilda gave her one of her own, relieving her of having to hold onto her blanket. With a moment of privacy and help from her husband, Zelda was soon properly dressed and found herself at the edge of the bed, ready to try to walk with her new legs. With Link by her side, her mother ready in front of her like she was watching her baby take her first steps, Zelda placed her soft feet on the carpet below. One, two, three steps, she then hissed in pain and found herself in the arms of her mother.
To see and feel her daughter, her little girl in her arms, the queen couldn't help but hold her closer, Zelda matching her mother's grip. But with her knees so weak and her mother too tired from a lack of sleep to hold her up, they knelt down to sit on the floor as they embraced each other and sobbed with joy. Soon the king and Hilda knelt down and embraced the two, forming a group hug.
Watching from where he stood, Link felt his heart warm up even more than before and smiled at the sight. He was proud of the royal family, it already being an honor to work as a royal guard to Princess Hilda. To aid them in this predicament, his hard work resulting in such a wonderful outcome, it was certain to be his greatest achievement.
Looking up at him, the queen reached out a hand, her gratitude shimmering like crystals in her eyes. Holding her hand for just one second, he was gently pulled down to join the hug. And that was right, he remembered. While it was still unbelievable, him being a mere knight not long ago, he was now part of the royal family.
The weeks carried on, Zelda spending the first few days learning how to walk, Link never leaving her side. And when she eventually managed to walk upright with no problem, it was quite the fun surprise to see how she had her sister's height, which was a few inches taller than Link.
He then cared for her as she was bedridden with a fever for a week. While she was urged to simply rest, she convinced him to bring some books. While her mother had taught her how to read, it had been a while since she last read herself, it not being easy for a big dragon to turn the pages or see the fine text. When her eyes grew too tired, he would read to her until she fell asleep. Once she had recovered, it was like she had unlocked a new level of energy, ready to explore the castle, talk to everyone she met and ask all about their occupations and duties. So much to learn and she loved every minute of it.
It was quite the shock to the castle staff to see the dragon now be an outgoing and cheerful princess, her kindness and curiosity relieving them of the lingering anxiety she had caused. And to the knights who knew the stoic Link, it was a pleasant surprise to catch the moments he'd smile as he accompanied his wife. They agreed that, with his years of being an excellent knight and the terrifying event that was his wedding night, he more than deserved the joy he experienced with the lovely princess.
When they deemed Zelda to be ready to take on her duties as a princess, Link was also officially relieved of his duties as Hilda's appointed knight, joining his wife to be trained in royal decorum. It was often challenging for the princess, her teachers having high standards and often separated the couple to train in different rooms. While they didn't see it as a big deal at first, Zelda soon found herself missing Link and longed to be reunited after their training sessions. Even the teachers noticed how she seemed to focus better when Link was in the same room. Whether it was her feeling safer, or working harder to not embarrass her husband, they could not tell. But it was clear that Link was her support.
After a training session where she managed to impress a teacher for the first time, the couple were preparing for the night. Discussing their day, Zelda thanked him for his support and admitted she felt more confident about her chances to become a proper princess. Proud of his wife, Link couldn't help but surprise her with a light kiss on the cheek. She blushed but smiled warmly. Their marriage wasn't out of love, and Link respected that. He took things slowly, acting more like an appointed knight, keeping a comfortable distance in their bed, and letting their relationship develop naturally. They knew they were expected to fall in love, but it felt clear that they didn't need the pressure. Things were great between them, and she felt more and more comfortable with the arrangement she half-heartedly agreed to.
As their one-month anniversary approached, Zelda was thinking more and more about the ring that was made for her after her transformation. While having a proper wedding band felt nice, it didn't feel right. The ceremony they had, it felt cold and disingenuous now. With her new feelings for her husband, she began to desire a renewal, a ceremony where she can recite the bride's version of that vow he made - and say it with love.
So she waited until they were alone, walking together in the castle gardens, then eventually she gathered the courage to share her thoughts about their marriage. While nervous, she was comforted and encouraged by his warm smile and patience as she stumbled over her words. After confessing that she loved him, he reached for her hands and confessed that he felt the same, and would love to have a more genuine marriage ceremony.
After a light chuckle of joy, she wondered "But what would the castle staff say about it, my fourth wedding ceremony in two months? I must be the most bizarre princess in the history of Hyrule…"
"We could have a simple exchange of vows at the gazebo," he suggested, "…but I think they would love to prepare a proper royal wedding for such a lovely bride. …although, we should probably skip out on traditions that put our dancing skills to the test," he scratched the back of his head, remembering how badly their dancing lessons went for both of them. While they had fun, their teacher wasn't happy with their lack of rhythm and grace.
"Oh Link," she giggled before getting lost in his warm gaze, leaning down a bit as he reached up, the two meeting for a sweet first kiss.
And so, one week later - a whole month since the wedding between Link and the dragon princess - their new wedding was held, now with a more normal-looking bride and with love in the air. The kingdom still overjoyed, the once hidden away princess freed of her curse and welcomed into the castle, subsequently saving the kingdom from the possible wrath of a mindless dragon - they wouldn't have anything but a proper celebration.
Standing at the altar, Link was again dressed in his finest garbs, this time with his family's ceremonial sword by his hip. And as his bride entered, he felt her entrance to be as grand as when she was a dragon. A proper wedding dress, inspired by her previous form, it was quite a sight to behold.
When it was time for the vows, Link drew his sword and knelt down, sword in front of him as he recited his vow.
"With this sword, I swear to protect you from the evils of the earth and sky. Come sleet or thunder, drought or blood moon, I swear to stand by your side and never falter. Shall metal break or melt, my life will be your sword and shield until the end of my days."
Placing a hand on the hilt of the sword, Zelda recited the bride's version.
"With this hand, I swear to care for you on the earth and sky. Come sleet or thunder, drought or blood moon, I swear to heal you, love you, and protect you. In happiness or strife, in darkness or light, my heart will always rest with you until the end of my days."
The ceremony carried on without any fault, the swordsman and the princess were happily married out of love - and lived happily ever after.
The end.
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…kudos to you who know where those vows actually come from. :D (Ferisae's Sky Family, I changed them a lil bit)
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-sips coffee quietly- I decided to spare the door this time.
What if somehow the Upside-Down trapped everyone in the town there but made them start playing out old fairy tales?
And Steve was a hero figure in each fairy tale while he rescued and gathered the others, including people that had died before.
When he saves them, they 'wake up' from their role in the story and join him or go to help others in another story.
But sometimes he dies in the stories and loses his chance to save someone.
The formerly dead only get one chance at coming back. (I think he fails to save Barb and Fred, who stay dead. He fails to save a few others, like Jon, but it just resets their stories until someone else can save them.)
Eventually when he's died three or seven times, he becomes a part of a story himself and the others must now save him.
I think El would have been the first one Steve helped free and she helps him go through the stories as like the narrator.
Once Robin is freed, she joins El in helping with the stories and saving others. Nancy saves herself with Steve just providing the means, Will and Hopper is saved by Joyce, Jon is saved by Nancy, Alexei is saved by Murray, and so on with Steve providing help where he can.
So far Stories I think would fit for:
Dustin and Steve
Billy and Steve
I know I wanted a cursed prince story for Billy and the Lindworm fits well. Once the story is finished, they're separated as Billy goes to help save others as well.
I could see the end battle being Vecna as Koschei.
The end battle would basically be the town fighting against the monsters of the stories while Eddie and Billy share a role in saving Steve from Vecna/Koschei.
Maybe everyone in the Party and others learned something they needed from their stories or retained skills/powers from them and it aids them in the battle. (They lie to the government later, but some of them kept their abilities after.)
I'll make more posts as I think of more to add under the tag 'once upon a time in the Upside-Down au'.
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theragnarokd · 10 months
steeples fingers. 1) what's your favorite obscure mythological/folkloric creature and 2) can a dirkjake au be made out of it (the answer is yes)
I'm gonna cheat and revive the lindwurm au [link to wikipedia] I have considered a while back
the original story:
In the 19th-century tale of "Prince Lindworm" (also "King Lindworm")[19] from Scandinavian folklore, a "half-man half-snake" lindworm is born, as one of twins, to a queen, [...] The second twin is perfect in every way. When he grows up and sets off to find a bride, the lindworm insists that a bride be found for him before his younger brother can marry.[20] Because none of the chosen maidens are pleased by him, he eats each one until a shepherd's daughter who spoke to the same crone, is brought to marry him, wearing every dress she owns. The lindworm tells her to take off her dress, but she insists that he shed a skin for each dress she removes. Eventually his human form is revealed beneath the last skin.
I was thinking about it in two versions, and i think the one i preferred is the one where jake is the lindwurm, jade is his twin, and the last item of clothing dirk-the-peasant-boy removes are his shades, and it's very about telling secrets about yourself
(also i know a version of this tale where after removing all the skins the peasant beats the lindwurm with a stick so keep that in mind)
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dca-prompts · 1 year
sun and moon prince lindworm au where both sun and moon are lindworms and y/n is sick of getting letters from the king and queen begging them to marry one of the lindworms
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 4 months
hear me out
Ever heard of Prince Lindworm? A Norwegian fairy tale that plays out similar to Beauty and the Beast.
A Prince Lindworm AU in which the twins Raoul and Michèle Caroule (in the concept art for Cars 2, the French rally racer was originally going to be a female to reference Michèle Mouton before it was changed into a Sebastian Loeb analogue but retooled into an OC in my interpretation) using two magical roses as advised by a witch. Unfortunately the mother Caroule messes up the ritual and Raoul is born as a giant serpentine dragon. He demands to be married off first and devours any potential brides that cannot bear to be with him.
Then Shu Todoroki, the adopted son of Mach Matsuo (vassal to the Caroule family) is chosen for as the bride for the dragon. Shu then goes to seek the witch that kicked off the whole thing and prepares accordingly.
He wears ten layers of robes and after the wedding, demands that the dragon shed his own skin as he does his own clothing. When the lindworm runs out of skins to shed, Shu then beats him with whips covered in lye until they break and rewraps the dragon in the shed skins and holds him as an apology.
By the next morning, Shu finds himself asleep next to the crown prince Raoul Caroule (also folding in @aurora-ze-aquarius's headcanon that Raoul is FtM trans due to the magical ritual).
ooh this sounds super cool! I love fantasy aus especially those similar to fairytales and I’ve had my share of cars fairytale aus, this sounds rlly interesting and I’d love to hear more about it. I’m not really that well read on the world grand prix racers beside lightning and francesco, so I’ll have to do more research on them and possibly rewatch cars 2 lolol. Thanks for the ask!!
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littlemusic-muse · 1 year
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Day 5 &6: Fairytale and Wedding—The Tale of the Lindworm or Prince Lindworm [Modern AU]
More details under the tab
There was many versions of the tale, but I thought that Dazai being there to deliberately break the curse and the concept of peeling layers down to reveal each other their true selves is a beautiful concept,
Also, Atsushi being seen as a monster based on the beliefs of others and hurting others without awareness of it is something that could be seen here as well.
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lostozian · 8 months
I got the Rivals Zine and I just wanted to let you know how much I loved your story "My Lindworm"!!
Having been a dresser for my own darling, I got all warm and fuzzy (and a little misty-eyed) when I realized that Loki was a tokusatsu costume. (Especially the details regarding the hotspots on the joints! Augh! 🥺) Though, you had me going for a page or so thinking this was maybe a literal mecha pilot/supervillain/cyborg-esque sci-fi situation.
I think the pride in what both of them do and the care they put into their work and especially the care for Goro shines through. The mutual respect and gentleness ❤ so good!!
Okay, caps lock off, I'm SO happy the story hits well for someone who has basically lived that life! I know there's some details I fudged to make the story flow the way I wanted, but the highlight details ring authentically true for you to feel connected to the scene! :D Shoutout to tokusatsu goddess @superrabbittank for entertaining my questions and helping me build a scenario that celebrates toku performances and the work that goes into them <3
That's also really fun to know the first page or two resembled a literal Loki Is Real And Dangerous AU! :D My other main inspiration is the fairy tale of the Lindworm, where a plucky fairy tale heroine has to strip skins off of a dragon until it becomes a prince, so I love that the presentation mimics that progression. For all intents and purposes, Loki IS a real monster/god/villain when he first appears. Then Akira puts in the work to peel him away, and he's rewarded with his prince~ And then they do that over and over again until the finale of the show. XD
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mistress-of-words · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Loki/Sigyn Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sigyn (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Odin A+ Parenting (Marvel), BAMF Sigyn (Marvel), Loki is a serpent, fairtale, fairytale AU, Animal Transformation, Happy Ending, BDSM if you squint, commoner Sigyn, Prince Lindworm - Freeform Summary:
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Asgard lived the handsome Prince Thor, who goes off to find a bride for himself. Only to run into his unknown brother-a monstrous serpent, demanding a bride for himself. Who will be the bride brave enough to face the beast and marry him? Based on the Prince Lindworm fairytale.
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
Okay, I haven't read chapter 6 of Sapsorrow yet, I have a big day ahead so I know it will distract me too much and I like the incentive of something to treat myself at the end of the day, so my actual thoughts on the chapter are yet incoming
Your thoughts for Buggy and/or Law having a ring have inspired me.
Ive been working on an idea for a series of interconnected one piece one shots using fairy tales (which got set back once I got COVID bc I had three days of writing planned out which ended up being three days of delirious fever sleep). And I haven't really set anything in stone yet but I have several stories that I think would work for each character and several extra stories I haven't yet decided characters for. So allow me to regurgitate some of those stories that I think could be thematically appropriate for Law/Buggy stories in the Sapsorrow AU:
Hans who made the princess laugh/The Princess who never smiled/the lad with the goat skin (there are a lot of variants of the story of a boy making the princess laugh/smile for her hand in marriage) - I was thinking of using this concept for a Koby or Luffy story, but it also really suits Buggy. If the condition placed upon marriage is him finally making his betrothed laugh it makes room for lots of hijinks that would inevitably lead to her getting to know him and fall in love.
A Thousand and One Nights - I planned this for Usopp (obviously) but I feel like Buggy managing to entertain someone with tricks and jokes so they allow him to keep wooing them the next night and so on until they agree to marry him because he's entertained them successfully for however many days and nights as was his task
Princess and the frog/beauty and the beast/Prince Lindworm esque story - hear me out, Reader as the scary beast bc Buggy's task was to prove he loved them truly for more than just superficial reasons. I feel like, thematically, I could see Buggy learning to not judge others and consequentially therefore learning not to be so harsh on himself (learning that he deserves kindness by extending kindness to others?) (And then there is the opportunity to flip the script with Buggy being the one wearing the ring and Reader being the one owning it.)
Hades and Persephone - I like how Buggy consistently fails upwards and I can definitely see the bumbling clown somehow getting lucky enough to snag the favour of someone super dangerous and powerful despite tripping over himself repeatedly. I imagine someone only ever feared might enjoy him speaking his mind bluntly. Also could have Reader owning the ring. (The comedic potential for a story of Buggy somehow failing forwards into the arms of a Morticia-esque partner. The angst/drama potential of someone learning they are not only capable but deserving of love and loving and are allowed to have some light and fun in their dark life.)
For Law I feel like his task could be something associated with him being a doctor. Either his betrothed promises to marry whoever manages to cure her loved one (or her) of a sickness/curse. Maybe his betrothed has sworn off marriage because she is sick and expects to die and doesn't want to leave anyone heart broken, which is why she objects to marrying him, which leads to a lot of secret keeping and angst on both sides.
OR, something that is the other side of the coin, his betrothed wants to kill/poison someone and needs his help. Oooooh~ dramatic crime story
SNAIL AGAIN! I should've seen this one first. My dear, you spoil me!
The way I have been struggling with Buggy's Sapsorrow. I want to write a little snippet so desperately, but he is thus far eluding me. I am LOVING these thoughts.
I do have an idea for Law, but I am wanting to write for him last due to not desiring to reveal all of the lore involving the spectre of Sapsorrow just yet. Of all of the rings to be given, I will say that Law will be the only one to offer it to someone freely: using it for its intended purpose. It is going to devastate me, but I am very much looking forward to his the most. Main theme: Angst.
........are you saying you would like to join in on the storyteller au collab? Because if you are!!! Usopp with "a story short" and Luffy with "Fearnot" would be perfect for you: considering it sounds like you already have many a similar idea regarding them, and I would LOVE to have you involved!!!
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waterann · 2 years
I think that a really cool au idea for a hat in time would be one based on the prince lindworm fairytale. Maybe not romantic, but there’s some dadcher potential… like it’s a story about a worm monster with no back legs who is secretly a prince who becomes human through the power of love/being hit with a really big stick, so I think that would be neat to do something with. I’m nowhere near talented enough to do anything with it though lol
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Eventually me and my sister @catalina-kachie will actually write this instead of just developing it.
Pt. 5 Fairy Tale “AU”
(AU is in quotes bc although this is in a “everybody lives, nobody dies” universe, the fairytales aren’t the major difference)
So the concept:
Via an enemy stand user attack, the Bucci gang (including Polnareff) are now in a fairytale world where they are cast in various characters’ roles. Though the stories are squashed and mixed together.
Narancia - Is both Jack from “Jack and the Beanstalk” and the young woman from the folktale “The Drac: the Invisible Demon.”
Fugo - Is both the Miller’s daughter from “Rumpelstiltskin” and the lazy daughter from “Frau Holle.”
Mista - Is Snow White and the pistols are the dwarfs.
Trish - Is Cinderella (the version where instead of a fairy god mother it’s the spirit of her dead mother inhabiting a tree).
Giorno - Is both the Lindworm from “The Lindworm Prince” and Tam Lin from “Tam Lin.”
Bruno - Is both the princess from “Sleeping Beauty” and Bluebeard from “Bluebeard.”
Leone has no idea what’s going on. Where is he? Why is he in armor? Why do none of his friends recognize him? Why does he keep seeing depictions of dragons? What is the voice in his head that keeps saying “once upon a time…,”?
Leone must find his friends, break them free from the spell, and escape from this dreamlike world.
(Features of the story include: Narancia insulting Leone’s outfit, various poisonous amphibians, Mista getting slapped, Balls, Giorno’s childhood trauma, a Bruabba kiss, the teens being menaces, a musical number by our favorite French man, and much more!)
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