#nancy suzy
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stranger things women bts of season 4
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tellthatbrokebitch · 1 year
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st text posts xxi
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the thing about the stranger things couples is that they all are against the flow. nancy picked jonathan, a social outcast, over steve. lucas and max are an interracial couple (taboo back in the 80s). dustin and suzie are ‘forbidden’ because of suzie’s religion. karen literally says that joyce and hopper make an odd couple. what makes you think they’re suddenly going to change their tune with mike, eleven, and will?
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S5 predictions
-At the final episode, the party goes back to the local village with three waterfalls and mileven marry while Will watches sadly (if he’s even alive, perhaps he died fighting Vecna)
-Max comes back to life, but she comes back wrong. Her limbs have been replaced by robot parts by doctors and she’s now a cyborg
-Lucas jokes about her being C-3PO from Star Wars. Max shoots him with her laser arm and he dies
-Dustin starts wearing lipstick and it’s just never acknowledged. It’s red. Very red. Too red.
-Turns out Henry is possessed with an evil spirit sent by the Christian devil because his parents never loved him, and during the final fight El looks at him in the eye and says “hey🥺 this isn’t you🥺” and they hug and he becomes Henry again and he’s the best man at the mileven wedding
-Steve gets his ass beat, again
-Robin falls head over heels for Jonathan, who cheats on Nancy with her. Nancy is so mad than she grabs one of her guns and shoots them both
-Eddie comes back to life but he only speaks French now
-Will develops a crush on Steve and they are endgame
-Robin begins growing pumpkins
-Also Joyce and Robin kiss
-When hopper finds out he’s so mad he handcuffs Robin and refuses to leave her hands free, so she spends half a season completely free and in liberty but handcuffed
-Lucas’ ghost comes back to haunt the party after max killed him but not in a scary way. Neither a sad way. He’s just an inconvenience. He moves papers and cups to other places, he opens the door while Dustin is showering, he tugs at mike’s hair. He doesn’t do anything to Will tho and this pisses everyone off cause that’s just not fair.
-El is actually Henry’s daughter, el’s mom and him hooked up while he was in the lab.
-El grows her hair out and dyes it pink
-Mike grows a mustache
-Will hits the gym and gets jacked
-Max steals Robin’s pumpkins at night to leave them in mike’s room. Mike is so confused each morning, there’s always a new pumpkin.
-El and Steve share an emotional moment with an almost kiss but they are interrupted by Will
-Suzie is Russian and has been on it all along
-Argyle appears during the first episode and he’s driving the van. He’s supposed to drive Jonathan and will somewhere but before he arrives at their house a truck hits him and he goes flying and dies
-Will, despite being endgame with Steve, objects at the mileven wedding, and Nancy just shots him and they continue the wedding like nothing happened
-Robin and Steve get a new job at the arcade. They are eventually fired because they spend their shifts playing, and they are so bad but they keep playing anyway, and eventually they lose all their money and end up with 20k dollars in debt. A s5 subplot is them trying to break into the arcade at night and steal their money back from inside the machines. They fail
-Mr Clarke appears and has an affair with hopper
-Holly gets taken to the upside down cause she doesn’t know how to ride a bike yet, so she just goes walking through the forest and Vecna sees her and just snatches her.
-Surprise surprise, Karen knows how to use a gun and she’s the one to kill the evil spirit possessing Henry by shooting it
-Billy appears and Steve and him have some very homoerotic wrestling before El kills him just because. He was alive for 15 minutes. Also during all this he was a zombie
-Max’s mom actually works for the lab and was brenner’s ex
-The last scene of the whole show is Ted wheeler waking up on his armchair, having dreamt all the story
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inklessletter · 1 year
Yeah but like
Robin making a pillow fort in Steve's living room to surprise him after work and then he coming home and seeing his sofa trashed and instantly taking off his shoes and entering the popcorn smelling fort without even questioning why
Nancy suddenly obsessed over something Eddie doesn't fully understand but he decides to follow her on her investigations, submitting to her commands just because he is a gossip and he feels safe with her around
Max and El climbing that hill to Cerebro just to find Dustin there talking to Suzie and he is annoyed to see them both with food and a blanket and they're staying and Max tell him that it's girls night and when Dustin protests Suzie goes like "Dustibun it is girl's night, go home, we'll talk tomorrow. We want to chat now."
Eddie and Robin having this running joke that consist in slightly misplace every little item in Nancy's room, and she goes nuts putting everything in place. They find it hilarious. Nancy want to slap their soul out of their faces.
Jonathan and Steve playing always very seriously rock scissors paper every time someone has to go to the kitchen. The first time Steve lost to Jonathan's rock he went "shit not again" and it took three seconds to Jonathan to understand the sick joke and burst into uncontrollable laughter.
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stllts · 1 year
Every gay friend group has:
A Himbo
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A Mean Bisexual
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An Even Meaner Lesbian/Gay
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She/Theys and He/Theys
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A Token Straight who is on Tin Ice
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An Astrology Bitch who has Everyone's Chart Memorized
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And a Short King / Queen
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(I should have done one of this earlier, but well, better late than never right?)
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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dollalicia · 11 months
This is a hard one for me bc 3 of them I ship with my whole heart and are end game for me
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
Established Stoncy (Eddie POV) (ot4 stoncy+steddie)
“Have you heard from Jonathan lately?” She asks quietly. 
“He’s been avoiding me as much as you, Nance.” He hears Steve’s hitched breath as she works, and sees her brush a soothing hand along his shoulder. Isn’t she supposed to be dating that guy they’re talking about? How can she talk about him with Steve so casually, like she’s not a hop skip and a jump from cheating on her boyfriend?
“I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“Hey, you didn’t do anything,” Steve says, and there’s so much fucking love in his voice Eddie has to squeeze his eyes shut. “He’ll come around, you know that. He’s just got to work through…whatever he’s working through first.”
“I don’t get why he’s avoiding you too. It’s like…”
“He’s not. He wouldn’t.”
“He did before,” she says, sounding vulnerable.
“I think we all agreed he was being stupid back then,” Steve says. “Like, me level idiot, and he doesn’t even have the brain damage to back it up. He’ll talk to us.”
“That’s not funny.” She pauses, and Eddie can see her clinging onto Steve’s words like a lifeline. “You think so?”
“I know so.”
She stands on her tiptoes to kiss him on the forehead, and Eddie turns away, pretending like he wasn’t eavesdropping on their private conversation.
"I don't know what happened between you two but... I'd get her back man. Whatever it takes. 'Cause that — that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen."
Steve’s mouth quirks, and he looks almost amused when he glances at Wheeler. Before he can respond, the ground rumbles, and they both stumble. 
“I’m not the only one who sees what's going on there, right?” He asks quietly, gesturing between the two lovebirds. 
Robin looks…caught, all the sudden, like he found her putting itching powder in his underwear. He doesn’t understand it. 
“Uh, yeah,” she says, strangled. “They’re, y’know, umm…”
He doesn’t understand why she’s acting so weird about this. Maybe Steve and Nancy had a bad break, years ago, but they’re clearly still into each other. It’s not like it’s out of the ordinary for two attractive, straight—
“So, Nancy?”
“She’s pretty,” he offers, and Robin nearly trips on her face. 
“Do you—“
“No,” he says, and glances pointedly at Steve. “She’s, uh, not my type.”
“Oh?” She asks, and then comprehension dawns on her face. She looks between him and Steve, and her eyes widen. “Oh!”
“Yeah, oh,” he says. “So, like, I get it.”
“Get…it…” She blinks, and then realization settles across her face. “Oh, I don’t—-“ she cuts herself off. “I mean, yeah, no, Nancy’s like, super pretty. The prettiest. And a total badass, it’s like, insane. That’s why I’m…crushing…on her.”
She winces at her own awkwardness, and Eddie nods in support. It’s always weird to talk about it so openly. But hey, if you can’t do it in a hell dimension with no people, where can you talk about it?
“Maybe she likes girls,” he offers up, even though he doubts it. You never know. 
Robin’s subsequent coughing fit is so violent both Nancy and Steve turn around to check on them. 
“Rob?” Steve asks, hovering. “You okay?”
“I’m good,” she wheezes. Eddie awkwardly pats her back, and tries to pretend it’s not his fault. From the side-eye Nancy sends him, he only partially succeeds. Finally she takes one last gulp of air, and stands up straight. 
“So, Nancy!” She says brightly. “Guns, right?”
She takes Nancy’s arm and scurries off without a second look back at him, which is understandable. It takes time to talk about things like this. 
“What was that about?” Steve asks, falling into step with him. 
“Right.” Steve gives him a look, which he pretends not to see.
Steve is on babysitting duty when the car pulls up to the extremely beat up cabin Eddie’s been forced to hide in.
They both tense, but Steve looks outside and sighs in relief. “It’s Nance’s car,” he confirms, and helps Eddie hobble outside. Eddie’s putting a hand on the bannister to balance himself when a vaguely familiar figure stumbles out of the drivers seat.
Steve is practically a blur running past him, slamming into Byers and spinning him around. Wasn’t he just helping Nancy cheat on this guy? How can they just—
All his thoughts screech to a halt as soon as Byers takes Steve’s face in his hands and kisses him. 
And keeps kissing him. 
And Steve, King Steve, definitely not gay Steve, kisses back. Full on holding him by the waist, pulling him in until their entire bodies line up. As if letting go would make Byers disappear in a nice little poof of smoke.
Wow, Eddie thinks deliriously, holding onto the porch for dear life. These painkillers are no joke.
Nancy comes out of the car next, beaming as her boyfriend makes out with a man right in front of her. A man she was clearly cheating on her boyfriend with. 
Unless he’s not actually her boyfriend. Is she a beard? Is she bearding Jonathan? Is Steve cheating on Jonathan with his beard? 
He’s starting to think he’s missing a few pieces to this puzzle. 
The two lovebirds break apart, and all three of them fix Eddie with a wary look as they register the fact that yes, he is standing there and has been the whole time, thank you very much. Byers is holding Steve’s hand like a challenge, glaring at Eddie like he’s daring him to say something. As if Eddie isn’t the gayest motherfucker in Hawkins. 
“Right,” Steve coughs. “Jonathan, this is Eddie. He’s cool, he saved Dustin’s life. Eddie, this is Jonathan. My…uh. My boyfriend.”
Eddie stares. Nancy comes up and takes Jonathan’s other hand. “Our boyfriend,” she corrects. “We’re together. All three of us.”
“Oh,” he says. This is awkward. This is so awkward, Eddie can feel the trees wilting in embarrassment for him. Maybe if he’s lucky it’ll turn out he’s standing in quicksand or another portal will open up beneath his feet and he won’t have to deal with this awkwardness anymore. 
Steve likes boys. Good! Great! It would be fucking amazing if he didn’t apparently have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who is standing there in the flesh, silently giving Eddie the biggest stink eye of his life like he’s ready to throw down if he says the wrong this and oh God Eddie still hasn’t said anything-
Byers blinks. “Congrats?”
“Yeah, man,” Eddie says, as if he wasn’t just trying to get Nancy to break this dude's heart for Steve like two days ago. God, that’s so embarrassing. They’re already together. “You’ve got pretty good taste. Your charisma stats must be off the roof.”
If he remembers anything from high school that’s definitely a lie, but a little flattery never hurt anyone. 
Steve barks out a laugh, Nancy rolls her eyes, and Byers stares at him like he’s grown two new heads. “You’re Eddie,” he says, sounding it out. 
Eddie spreads his arms. “In the flesh. Well, mostly. I’m missing some chunks of it.”
“DND Eddie? From Hellfire?”
“Did they not tell you anything? Harsh, Wheeler. I thought you liked me.”
“Wrong Wheeler,” Byers says. “Mike wouldn’t shut up about you. Two days straight in a pizza van after we got the news of what you’d done, and I was ready to rip my hair out.”
Aww, that’s cute. He honestly likes the kid, even though Dustin has been thrust firmly into the “favorite” category, on the basis of nearly dying in his arms and probably traumatizing the kid forever. He’s glad the sentiment is returned. 
“You don’t even know the half of it,” Steve snorts as he starts dragging his partners towards the cabin. “Did you notice he only started growing his hair out after he met Eddie?”
“Wait, really?” Eddie asks as Steve snags him by the wrist and pushes him in front. Like a long, awkward, queer train. Is Nancy queer? Can he ask? Are they at that stage in their friendship? Does that come before or after fighting monsters together?
Nancy laughs harder than he knew she was capable of. “Oh my god, he did! I didn’t even realize!”
“Uh, yeah, because you didn’t have to hear day in and day out from that little shit how much cooler he is than me. Dude, did you know they thought you were scary? You?”
Eddie’s touched, honestly. He put a lot of work into terrifying the masses. “I am scary,” he says. “I fucking shredded along to Metallica to stop a demon from killing us all. I’m more metal than I ever was.” 
“Yeah but you’ve also got those, like, doe eyes, man.” Steve waves a hand as if he’s not making every wire in Eddie’s brain short circuit, and tugs them all down on the couch. 
“I have what now?”
Nancy giggles, leaning around her boyfriends to try and poke his cheek. He snaps his teeth at her. 
“Don’t you know? Steve’s weak to big, soulful eyes,” she says, batting her own eyes in emphasis. Byers rolls his, which are also big and brown and kind of wet, now that Eddie’s paying attention. 
“Nancy,” Steve whines, “don’t tell him that!”
“Sorry.” She doesn’t sound sorry, grinning as she practically sits in Byers’s lap to give Steve a peck. He watches them with the kind of fondness that Eddie’s always kind of dreamed of having directed at him, and it punches deep. 
So Steve isn’t cheating on anyone and probably never will, which is a relief and also a bummer to some of the more pathetic fantasies he’s whipped up in the past few days trapped in this cabin. He likes Nancy too much to ever actually get in the way of her true love, but it doesn’t hurt to dream. 
“Yeah, okay, I have big ol’ Bambi eyes or whatever. You wanna talk kiddie crushes and hero worship, how about Sinclair?”
“What about him?” Steve asks, apparently oblivious. 
“Uh, how about the whole basketball thing?”
Steve’s brow furrows. “He loves basketball!” He protests. “He asked me to practice with him when he first started thinking about joining the team, we still go out and play sometimes.”
“Uh huh,” Eddie says. “And how about the time I said something about your fight with Hargrove, and he jumped to your defense even faster than Dustin could about how badass and cool and handsome you were?”
“There’s no way he said that,” he says, turning bright red. “There’s—no. Billy was going to hurt him, he was, like, fucking twelve or something, I couldn’t just…he didn’t say that.”
“Might as well have. That entire speech had me clocking the kid faster than you can say ‘touchdown.’”
“That’s football.”
“I’ll tell you what he’d like to ball—“ he starts, and Steve screeches. 
“Shut up, shut up, don’t say that! He’s a baby, what is wrong with you—“
“That ‘baby’ already experienced his first hangover, mom. Time for little birdies to leave the nest.”
“You calling me mom makes it so much worse,” Steve tells him. “I should have left you to rot.”
“Probably!” He says brightly. “But that doesn’t stop the fact that Sinclair has a crush on you the size of Texas.”
“Jonathan,” Steve whines, burying his face in his hands, “make him stop.”
Byers pats Steve’s shoulder sympathetically. “Sorry, man, I thought you knew.”
“It was kind of obvious, Steve,” Nancy agrees. “He does ask to play basketball a lot. Especially on hot days.”
“What does the weather have to do with anything?”
“Shorts,” Nancy and Jonathan say together. 
“How short?” Eddie asks. He should probably think about switching pockets, if he’s turned into this much of a masochist. 
“So short,” Nancy says. “And he usually takes his shirt off halfway in, when he’s all sweaty.”
“Jesus, no fucking wonder. And he can’t blush either, can he? I’m starting to think he’s the smartest of the bunch.”
“Well, Byers?” Eddie spreads his arms, ignoring the trepidation in his gut. “Am I everything you expected?”
Byers tilts his head, looks at him with a gaze that could cut through bone. Eddie has a feeling the guy is finding out what every single one of his organs looks like, and he can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing. 
Finally he gives a sharp nod, like he’s decided something. 
“I think if you stick around, the three of us are going to have to have a repeat of that conversation we had when I went to California,” he says, as if Eddie should know what the fuck that means. “You’re cool, man. Call me Jonathan.”
He blinks, mouth half open, and Byers’s-Jonathan’s mouth quirks. 
“Conversation about what?”
Byers hums noncommittally, because apparently their entire trio is bent on making Eddie’s sanity take a jump off the quarry. “A lot of things,” he sighs, and sends Eddie a wry little smile. “I haven’t exactly been a very good boyfriend lately.”
Eddie’s feeling magimous enough to be honest. “They think the world of you, man. I heard them talking about you. They…shit, they really love you, you know that? I think you’re gonna be okay.”
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nances · 1 year
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aaaaand the rest
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lavenderstobins · 3 months
I’ve been making a list of the different ship names* for the sapphic ships of Stranger Things.
*Band and Melody both get used for Robin, but personally I think it would make more sense for Robin to be Band and Vickie to be Melody.
Here’s what I have so far:
Robin Buckley:
Nancy Wheeler: Ronance / Ronancy / Robance / Robincy / Buckwheeler
Vickie: Rovickie / Rockie / Vibin / Rickie
Chrissy Cunningham: Buckingham / Bandcheer / Cheermelody / Bandqueen
Carol Perkins: Bubblescoops / Carobin / Shitbird
Heather Holloway: Buckleway / Bandguard / Bandflower
Kali Prasad: Eightbird / Robali / Kalobin
Eden Bingham: Robeden / Blackbird / Buckleham
Barb Holland: Robarb / Barbin
Melissa: Rolissa / Robissa / Melobin
Tammy Thompson: Birdsong / Tambin
Samantha Stone: Stonebuck
Mick: Romick / Mickbin
Dottie: Dotbin
More below the cut!
Nancy Wheeler
Vickie: Clarinews / Vancy
Chrissy: Cheerwheeler / Wheelingham / Guncheer / Pompompistol / Sleuthcheer
Carol Perkins: Perkwheel / Bubblegun / Carancy
Heather Holloway: Hollowheeler / Gunflower
Kali Prasad: Eightwheeler
Eden Bingham: Nanceden
Barb Holland: Barbcy / Bancy / Barncy
Tammy Thompson: Gunsong / Tancy
Samantha Stone: Stonewheel / Samancy
Chrissy Cunningham
Vickie: Marcheer / Cheermelody / Chrickie / Chickie
Carol Perkins: Bubblecheer / Perkingham
Heather Holloway: Cheerflower / Cunningway / Cheerguard
Kali Prasad: Eightcheer / Eightqueen / Punkcheer
Eden Bingham: Chrisseden / Binningham / Gothcheer
Barb Holland: Hollandham / Barbissy
Tammy Thompson: Cheersong
Samantha Stone: Cunningstone
Carol Perkins: Carickie / Claribubble / Bubblemelody
Heather Holloway: Clariflower / Flowermelody
Kali Prasad: Kalick
Eden Bingham: Vickieden
Samantha Stone: Samvick / Vickantha
Carol Perkins
Heather Holloway: Hollowins / Perkway / Bubbleguard
Kali Prasad: Eightbubble
Barb Holland: Perkland / Gingersnaps
Vicki Carmichael: Carperkins
Tina: Tinarol
Nicole: Nicarol
Heather Holloway
Kali Prasad: Eightguard
Barb Holland: Hollandway
Tammy Thompson: Swimsong
Samantha Stone: Hollowstone
Kali Prasad
Eden Bingham: Kaleden / Edenali
Barb Holland: Prasland / Barbkali
Mick: Kalick / Mickali
Dottie: Kalottie
Samantha Stone: Eightstone
Max Mayfield
El Hopper: Elmax
Suzie Bingham: Mayham
El Hopper
Suzie Bingham: Binghop / Hopham / Elzie
Jennifer Hayes: Hayhop
Angela: Angeleven
Joyce Byers
Karen Wheeler: Joyren / Koyce / Milf Byler
Mrs Harrington: Byrington / Harringbyers
Honourable Mentions
Eden Bingham/Samantha Stone: Bingstone / Stoneham
Erica Sinclair/Tabitha Bingham: Tabithica / Bingclair
Claudia Henderson/Susan Hargrove: Susandia / Hendergrove
Karen Wheeler/Mrs Harrington: Wheelington / Harringwheel
Poly Ships
Robin/Nancy/Chrissy: Chronance
Robin/Nancy/Eden: Ronanceden
Robin/Nancy/Vickie: Rovickance / Ronancie / Rovickancy
Robin/Carol/Heather: Keg Girls
Robin/Nancy/Chrissy/Vickie: Sapphic Senate
This is all of the ships I’ve personally seen talked about, so if I’ve missed any ships or ships names please let me know!
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beep-beep-robin · 2 years
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even when we're down to the wire, babe even when it's do or die we could do it, baby, simple and plain 'cause this love is a sure thing - Sure Thing, Miguel
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Stranger Things Season Three Aesthetic
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cringengl · 1 year
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dozydawn · 1 year
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Nancy Kwan and William Holden in The World of Suzie Wong (1960)
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will80sbyers · 1 year
stranger things will be remembered as a story of love, friendship, family and resilience against the darkness in the world because there's strength in having a community around and fighting together for each other's well-being
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