pgoeltz · 2 years
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jazumst · 2 years
"Zakręceni" i "Prywaciarzem być"
Żeby Was... Wczorajszy dzień był... Posłuchajcie:
"Zakręceni" Zaparkowałem pod bramą dostawczą, bo jak dawno nie było dla mnie miejsca na pobliskim parkingu. Przez okno zobaczyłem, że dostawa już była, więc spokojnie mogę sobie tu stać.
Wybiegła do mnie Kacha z Carlsberga. Że czeka na mnie a ja sobie palę. Co tam, że mam 12minut jeszcze. Że promocje, że pakiety, że coś tam, że jednorożce. Łapię te informacje na szybko, staram się podpytać co jest co, ale ona się spieszy - nara. OK
Wchodzę do sklepu, biorę kartkę i spisuje szybko co tam zapamiętałem ze słów Kaśki. Dopada mnie KM i szybko, szybko, szybko. Takiego przyswajania informacji to ja chyba nigdy nie miałem. Najfajniejsze było, że wszystko mam zrobione, ale nie wszystko XD - KM zgubiła gdzieś 60zł z mojego utargu. Mówię jej wprost, że chuja do domu polezie jak kasa się nie znajdzie, bo to mnie obciążą a nie ją. Popluła się, ale ja się wkurwiłem i żarty się skończyły. Po około 20 minutach okazało się, że wcale nie wszystko zrobiła i faktura którą płaciła była za 360zł a nie 300 jak napisała.
KM kazała dobrać ciastek, bo ponoć ra... A nie, dobra. To zróbmy z tego wstęp do "Prywaciarzem być". KM kazała dobrać ciastek, bo Lidka rano zrobiła wielki dym, że nie ma, a miałem wszystkie blachy wypełnione na rano. Kupili.
Został zamówiony tort z własnym nadrukiem, ale były tak zapracowane, że nikt tego nie głosił. - Towar był rozkładany moją ulubioną techniką "wszystko na sklep". - Nikt nic nie wie.
Przyznam szczerze, że nie wiem jak one pracować tak mogą. Naprawdę. Rozpierdol i chaos. W trzy osoby. No ale jebać. dałem radę.
"Prywaciarzem być"
No to Lidka zjebała KM za brak ciastek. Że przyjdzie Don i będzie pozamiatane. Wziąłem to zamówienie na tort i poszedłem do Lidki od razu ciastka zamówić. Usłyszałem dosłownie, że ona pierdoli już te ciastka i niczego nosić nie będzie. No to zajebiście, zwłaszcza że KM opieprzyła. Coś musiało być na rzeczy, bo potem przyszła zobaczyć ciastkarkę, ale w finale stwierdziła, że jednak jebać. - Alina poszła na operację i nie wiadomo ile jej nie będzie. Znowu zaczynają się dziać rzeczy niestworzone. Tu pojawia się wątek Dona Prywaciarza. Bo z tym biznesem to jest chyba jak z nowym telefonem. Na początku się powoli kładzie, głaska, przeciera. A potem pizd i czasami spojrzy ewentualnie czy ekran nie jebnął. Był, był wieczorem Don, ale nawet nic nie powiedział. Kiedyś uwagę zwrócił na ekspozycję, zadzwonił i donieśli coś, pokrzyczał. Teraz wyjebane jajca. Oddał wszystko w ręce pracowników i niech się dzieje co chce. A dzieje się porażka. - Alina zawsze o chleb wieczorem czy bułki spytała. Teraz nikt a ukr sam z siebie też nie pójdzie. Na piekarni wyjebane mają.
Rozmawiałem wczoraj z V1 o naszym sklepie w MST. Że nasz prywaciarz na to pozwala... Powiem tylko tyle - u nas taka samowolka by nie przeszła zwyczajnie. I z ręki Kierowniczki, i naszej własnej, i SWS. Zupełnie nie rozumiem prywaciarzy.
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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baladaeuropeia · 2 years
No dia 1 de maio acontecerá uma grande manifestação em apoio ao Presidente Bolsonaro na Praça José Bonifácio em Piracicaba.
O Vereador Fabrício Polezi estará presente com outros políticos e personalidades de Piracicaba.
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institutogamaliel · 3 years
Doria é hostilizado durante evento: "Seu mentiroso, traidor! Você traiu Bolsonaro" (assista ao vídeo)
Doria é hostilizado durante evento: “Seu mentiroso, traidor! Você traiu Bolsonaro” (assista ao vídeo)
Nesta última sexta-feira (18), o governador de São Paulo, João Doria (PSDB), foi hostilizado durante um evento em Piracicaba, Enquanto assinava o projeto de lei que cria a Região Metropolitana do município no interior paulista, o tucano ouviu gritos de “traidor” e “mentiroso” disparados pelo vereador Fabrico Polezi (Patriota). “Foi eleito nas costas do Bolsonaro. Você traiu aquele homem na…
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lovacedon · 4 years
Podemos ter volatilidade na entrada de pedidos de ciclo longo, diz WEG
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Companhia ressalta, porém, que a carteira para 2021 está “saudável” e deve garantir a estabilidade dos negócios da companhia A WEG acredita que pode haver alguma volatilidade na entrada de pedidos para equipamentos de ciclo longo até o fim do ano, mas está trabalhando em novas frentes para reforçar a carteira a partir de 2022, afirmou há pouco o diretor financeiro, André Rodrigues, durante teleconferência de resultados. Um exemplo dado pelo executivo é o fornecimento de motores de alta tensão para um projeto de irrigação por elevação na Índia, cujas entregas devem começar em 2022. “Estamos buscando novas oportunidades. Nos EUA e México, o mercado está muito positivo para transformadores”, comentou. Rodrigues ressalta, porém, que a carteira de ciclo longo para 2021 está “saudável” e deve garantir a estabilidade dos negócios da companhia. Segundo ele, grande parte dessa carteira foi construída a partir dos leilões de transmissão de energia que aconteceram nos últimos anos. Em relação ao segmento de água e saneamento, a WEG tem uma expectativa positiva para os negócios após a aprovação do novo marco legal no Brasil. Na visão da companhia, o mercado para seus produtos, como motores e tintas, é de 4% a 5% do valor de investimentos total dos projetos, disse o diretor de finanças e RI, Paulo Polezi. Questionados sobre a métrica de retorno sobre o capital investido (ROIC), os executivos afirmaram que a expectativa é continuar entregando um nível "consistente" de retorno. No terceiro trimestre, o ROIC atingiu 23,3%, 4,1 pontos percentuais (p.p.) superior ante igual período de 2019 e 1,7 p.p. acima do observado no trimestre anterior. Andre Luis Rodrigues, diretor financeiro da WEG, diz que a empresa está buscando novas oportunidades Ana Paula Paiva/Valor Podemos ter volatilidade na entrada de pedidos de ciclo longo, diz WEG
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winterbill · 4 years
Coronavirus brings about historic American times, and historic choices.
I've been fairly quiet on this whole Pandemic thing (I call it the Bio-Panic of 2020,) but it has changed American History, and it may be a century long change.  "Mass Psychology" wise, I'm seeing even more troubling behavior on The People's part, but absolutely not most or all, but those folks don't make the news or noise enough for a negative Press to cover, so We don't hear from them on mainstream media. As sad and sickening as the truth is, many Americans alive today would gladly and legally vote away all their own freedoms; Freedoms codified in a Declaration of Independence and an amendable U.S. Constitution, on top of every individual, sovereign State, with Its Residents, complete with their own State Constitution:  Federalism.  It's a beautiful system, and the Framer's generations got it so right, but they didn't know that.  Many of them doubt such an audacious plan would ever work:  a place where you have more individual liberty than anyone in world history ever realized, Naturally speaking.  Many think it could be nothing more than a temporary flight of fancy, a fantastical experiment in freedom.  But they hoped for the best, for their children and their families of the future and all the friends of the friends, any who thirsted for freedom and a fresh start.  A chance to stand or fall, on your own, without excuse, with the life God gave you to live, unencumbered by the Greedy Hand of governmental intrusion.   We are now 244 years old, from the formal release of the Declaration of Independence, in 1776 A.D.  To the good, and bad, I am sure they would be amazed at what their Posterity (Us and every American Citizen that comes after Us,) have done. Like I said, there's more to write, but I think the #Coronavirus has been the final nail in the choice We have, the "fork in the road:" either restore what America was founded to be, keeping everything that has worked, and repealing what has not, or give up, say "the Experiment" in liberty is over, and repeal the federal Constitution and let each State go its own way.  It's me being a Kentuckian that makes me an American, not the other way around.  The States and their Residents are the Owners of America, literally, "We the People."  We forget that at Our peril, and I believe that is exactly where We are now, paying the sins of Apathy from the last 100 years.  Nothing's free, and that includes all Nations, great and small, to include Its individual Members, like you and I.   We've been spoiled for a while now, Folks.  I know it.  You know it.  We live in relative Luxury, and We complain when our food doesn't go from frozen to ready to eat in four minutes.  We're that impatient while we use indoor plumbing and electricity in oblivion of the miracles around Us.   Our "homeless" have cell phones, food, and in some States, even get a paycheck...for being homeless.  "Poor" is a relative term, but in comparison to most of the 7 plus billion humans in the world and what THEY understand and see in their lives that defines the meaning of "poor" should make every America sober to just how blessed and rich We are.  Even in a strictly secular sense, mathematical odds, humans born in the United States enjoy Freedoms and economic opportunities that few of their world contemporaries will ever experience.   I had the good fortune to leave the U.S. at age 18 and live in another culture until I turned 20.  West Germany was part of the "free West," which includes Britain and America, but it was not what you and I so easily take for granted in being raised here.  Germany was a place where the Polezi (Police) could beat people legally.  They didn't play, and I was told by my fellow Scouts to never say, "I got rights!" or the beating would only intensify.  The world is not America, my Friends, and Americans are very bad about not travelling outside Our borders.  Whatever, but I recommend it whole heatedly.  It gives perspective to how good We have it here.  No joke, the first time I came back, I seriously wanted to kiss the ground (I don't think I did, but I actually wanted to.)  Not having it made me understand far better what it was to live without it, and what a Treasure that it is.   We've come to "the fork in the road."  Liberty, or Tyranny?   If that makes you uncomfortable, then good.  Nothing happens in life until we get out of our comfort zone.  Emotion moves, Logic far rarer.
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piranot · 5 years
Semae anuncia serviços de manutenção em várias ruas de Piracicaba; confira locais
Na manhã desta segunda-feira (17), o Semae (Serviço Municipal de Água e Esgoto) divulgou uma lista de locais previstos para execução de serviços de manutenção, desobstrução, novas ligações, além de melhorias na rede coletora de esgoto. Os serviços serão feitos por meio da concessionária Mirante. Confira abaixo todos os locais.
Rua João Manoel da Silva – Bairro: Jd. Nova América
Av. Paulo – Bairro: Pauliceia
Rua Otávil A. Gurgel – Bairro: Vila Rezende
Rua Sapucaias – Bairro: Comunidade Frederico
Rua Salgueiros – Bairro: Bosques do Lenheiro
Rua Paineiras – Bairro: Bosques do Lenheiro
Rua Salvador Pexe – Bairro: Jd. Gilda
Rua Marcelino A. Ribeiro – Bairro: Santa Terezinha
Rua João Eugenio Piedade – Bairro: Santa Terezinha
Rua Nilo Peçanha – Bairro: Vila Sônia
Rua Gentil Polezi
Rua Davi Giusti – Bairro: Lot. Gran Park
Rua Paraíso – Bairro: Jd. Potiguar
Rua das Gralhas – Bairro: Pq. do Chapadão
Rua dos Gaviões – Bairro: Pq. do Chapadão
Rua Luiz da Silveira Nunes – Bairro: Lot. Sol Nascente II
Rua Ernani Braga – Bairro: Lot. Altos do Astúrias
Rua Bento Ferraz Arruda – Bairro: Maracanã
Rua Fausto Fonseca Filho – Bairro: Jd. Augusta
Rua Casemiro Abreu – Bairro: Vila Monteiro
Rua Pedro Chiarini – Bairro: Vila Independência
Rua Severiano Alberto Ferraz – Bairro: Vila Independência
Rua Ajudante Albano – Bairro: São Dimas
Rua Samuel Neves – Bairro: São Judas Tadeu
Av. Marginal Rod. Comendador Mario Dedini – Bairro: Dois Córregos
Rua Coroados – Bairro: Pq. Peória
Av. Armando de Salles Oliveira – Bairro: Centro
Reparo no ramal
Rua Marisa Martins Monteiro – Bairro: Pq. São Mateus II
Construção de PV
Av. João Flavio Ferro – Bairro: Lot. Santa Rita
Rua Carlos de Cillo – Bairro: Jd. dos Ipês
Av. Comendador Luciano Guidotti – Bairro: Higienópolis
Av. Frei Tomé de Jesus – Bairro: Maracanã
Rod. Cornélio Pires – Bairro: Campestre
Av. Dr. Antonio M. de Barros Filho – Bairro: Jd. Planalto
Reparo de rede
Rua Lázara Maria Oliveira – Bairro: N.H. Com. Mario Dedini
Rua Antonio S. Campos – Bairro: Santa Terezinha
Av. Trinta e um de março – Bairro: Nova Pauliceia
Rua Bom Jesus – Bairro: Alto
Reposição de Camada Asfáltica
Rua Neusa Isabel Tedesco Sterde – Bairro: Res. Terras de Artêmis
Rua Anésia C.de Figueiredo Cabreira – Bairro: Vem Viver Piracicaba I
Av. Cristóvão Colombo – Bairro: Jd. Algodoal
Rua Paulo Gambaro – Bairro: Jd. Algodoal
Rua Osmar Pessutti – Bairro: Cond. Res. Reserva do Engenho
Trav. Esplanada – Bairro: Jd. Esplanada
Av. Água Branca – Bairro: Verde
Rua Mombuca – Bairro: Jd. Belvedere
Rua Nuporanga – Bairro: Jd. Potiguar
Rua Alvinlândia – Bairro: Lot. Santa Rita Perdizes
Av. Dr. Antonio M. de Barros Filho – Bairro: Jd. Planalto
Rua Dr. Joseph Cella – Bairro: Res. Campos do Conde
Rua Braulio Pedroso – Bairro: Res. Alvorada
Rua Santa Catarina – Bosque Água Branca
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nugrox · 6 years
na ta chwile marze tylko o tym zeby miec przy sobie chlopaka ktory po prostu bedzie, przyjdzie, przyjedzie, posiedzi, polezy, poslucha.
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patryk-lutek-blog · 7 years
Dadasia akrobacje, nie ma jeszcze 5ciu miesięcy a nie polezy już ani chwili tylko od razu nogi do buzi, obraca się na plecy i kręci na wszystkie strony aż mu w kołysce nogi utkną między szczebelkami
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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