#poly lt route rights
cassynite · 1 year
hm. finishing up my like third replay of the twc trilogy and. some rambling disjointed theories about future plot points/revelations:
i feel like someone has to have already said this but the supernatural rogue leader with the detective's eyes is obviously rook's Not Dead After All sister, right? like we can all agree on that one
i think it's going to turn out that rebecca is so cagey about how rook died because she is responsible for it--not, like, directly, but in a way that makes it very easy to blame herself. she assigned him the mission he died on, he wanted to leave the agency and she convinced him to stay, that sort of thing.
I think all the villains that we see will end up showing up again (either as allies or enemies), but im specifically imagining that murphy will reappear as a minor antagonist--either naturally if he escaped, or as a result of a prison break of caged supernaturals
another probably obvious one but each love interest route seems to be building up to a major subplot for each of them:
A's is seems already deep in progress and will mainly revolve around them getting over themself, and will probably resolve with them getting with the detective. slow burn extraordinaire (most nebulous one for me since this is the only route i haven't played yet; this just comes from fandom osmosis so it might be off base)
M's is going to be their lost past but more focused on whatever is going to happen when that crystal of theirs ends up failing/getting lost/breaking (going off of that, we know mishka's got a particular point in mind for M to realize they are in love with the detective. i am 100% convinced at this point that it's going to be a dramatic moment when their crystal isn't working, they're losing it, and the detective brings them back to reality--that's going to be M's oh moment). interpersonal relationship conflict is mainly going to resolve around the natural conflict that arises from the pining while fucking trope that's been established
N's is THEIR past but more focused on their mystery powers (there's a post floating around that makes a great argument that's it's mind control and i'm inclined to believe that) and coming to terms with their "darker side"/learning to open up to the detective. i definitely feel n's route is going to get darker/more angsty before resolving
and we already know that most to all of F's romance route hardships are going to be external--the relationship itself is rock solid. right now it seems to me that it's going to be the conflict with the demons (literal ones this time) from their past coming back to them. also ten bucks says their mom is alive
AND MY BIG ONE: It's going to be revealed eventually that the detective and the LI are soulbonds. I feel like there's so much present in all the books that implies the relationship is not just one of attraction--there is a supernatural element of comfort, healing, and empathetic bond shit going on. the amount of information you get about soulbonds from f if you do research in b3 also just seems like setup for this reveal as well since it's explicitly stated that soulbonds are really rare but not limited to one supernatural species
I think this revelation will probably occur pretty late--at the very least after the LT route is resolved, because the soulbond will be with the LI that the detective ends up choosing. i also think this could also contribute to mishka's firm stance on not allowing the LT to have a poly option
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nat-seal-well · 11 months
So I'm dying to ask nosy questions about Villain!Nat... Do you think she'd still be part of Unit Bravo and just biding her time til she can act out her plans? Or would she have been a rogue element the whole time? Would she and Ava have any kind of personal rivalry (sexy or otherwise) or just be obstacles in each other's paths? 👀
I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to this, haha, but I spent the entire last half of my shift thinking about it and realized it was gonna be too long just to write it all in a post, so I had to make a document and then copy/paste it over lol.
I don’t think she’d be part of UB (but can you imagine how much fun it would be if she was? Just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and keeping up the façade…)
Villain!Nat would work better as more of a rogue, I think. I can see her being mostly on her own ever since her turning. Imagine: never being found by the Agency after the massacre on The Queen’s Sabre, never really being guided or taught by anyone other than the vampire who turned her, and then being set loose. 
It would all come down to that whole “nature vs. nurture” thing. A lot of who you are is shaped by the environment around you.
She’d never have had the support she received in the canon. There’d still be a lot of her personality that’s the same; she’d have a love for reading and collecting old books, she’d still be a little old-fashioned as time went on, etc. She’d just be more like the vampires in the traditional books, reclusive in some grand, old home out in the middle of nowhere. 
She’d also still be capable of love and affection and her usual overprotectiveness… she just wouldn’t be aware of it for a very, very long time. And in the moments where it’s staring her down, she’d hide it away and lock it up. 
Ava and Nat would have a rivalry (sexy, of course, because there isn’t much that’s hotter than the intimacy of being sworn enemies. The combat scenes would be gorgeous. Also, it would hurt to watch… which means it would be even more fun, haha :) )
Naturally, Ava would make it more difficult for Nat to ignore her emotions, lol. And she wouldn’t understand them a lot. She’d end up deciding that “hate” is the way she feels, because there isn’t any way it could be love. That’s impossible. Natalie Sewell doesn’t love people. Right? So loathing has to be what it is. 
I’m a sucker for anything poly so consider: throwing the Detective into the mix. It would be like a much, much darker take of the LT route, haha.
Maybe she hears some rumors about the vampire who’s going around killing humans who have a very special blood mutation, and she gets curious. She’s a collector, after all, and a human with blood like that would be priceless and a very good addition to her collection. We already know there’s someone leaking Agency info, so maybe she finds out that way? Probably not until after the events of book one.
So she follows after UB. Naturally, Ava has a suspicion they’re being watched, because she and Nat know each other better than they know themselves. Of course she catches on very, very quickly, but does her best to keep it under wraps. Easier to keep an eye on her that way. 
We also all know how good Nat is at lying and wearing masks. It’d be easy to convince the Detective she’s someone they can trust, especially after they've been thrown headfirst into the supernatural world without any real say in the matter. Nat would be drawing them in under the guise of stealing them away, only to discover–to her horror–that they intrigue her far more than they should. Only… this confuses her. Because the Detective makes her feel the same way Ava does, and there’s no way she can hate them. 
Que an emotional journey full of inner turmoil as Nat tries to come to terms with the fact that she’s capable of softer feelings, after all. And that she might not be so cold-hearted as she thinks. I imagine it would be very long and very painful, because she has three centuries of habits and beliefs (lies that someone hammered into her brain) to unlearn. She’d be fighting it every single step of the way, all while trying to keep it hidden. 
Villain!Nat would be more obsessive, just because I think it’d be a nice touch. Especially as she’s forced to face the truth: that she’s falling in love with her adversary of three hundred years, and a human, of all things. How terrifying. 
As much as I love angst and hurt, it would come to a happy ending. Eventually. Everyone loves a redemption arc, right? I don’t know how it would all come to a head. Maybe in the middle of a battle, maybe while facing down other rogues, and she realizes she might very well lose the two people who mean the most to her. 
Y’know how in ATLA, the gang kind of adopts Zuko? Imagine that, but with UB, haha.
Sorry, lol. This is probably way longer and way more detailed than you wanted, but I’m a sucker for any and all kinds of AUs and this was so much fun. Thank you, friend! You made the last four hours of my shift way more enjoyable, haha <3
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 11 months
can you explain what the difference between the love triangle route and the poly route is?
I'm assuming you mean to ask for the Kinslan poly versus the Kinslan love triangle?
(22/10/2023) right now the biggest difference between kinslan poly and kinslan lt is that well, one of them is a why choose and the other is how do I choose. Instead of all three characters coming together for a polyamorous relationship, they're navigating interest in two other people for a monogamous relationship.
the dylan/theo love triangle is a little different because it's more like a v than a triangle, Dylan and Theo are only interested in MC rather than Dylan and Kinsley being interested in each other AND MC.
I hope that helps!
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waspgrave · 2 years
Not only should the LT end in Poly Book 3 should end with the book going “hey, you have this romance… do you want another one?” We deserve to live in a world where MC can be dating F and M at the same time
You are SO RIGHT and I think that route would be so funny. The only people suffering would be the detective dealing with not just one team menace flustering them but two of team menaces flustering them.
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romaniangothic · 4 years
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nate and theo bcs i have brain worms <3
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defiledheartsblog · 2 years
Me: *sees the last ask you answered* Oh, right I'd forgot! You said you had a LT/poly route planned for the ladies too. Because Marcus and Nial's LT hasn't made the fandom suffer enough 😂
I'm starting to believe, this is how you write this amazing story behind the scenes.
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When did you spy on me, this is exactly how I write this story!
I did have this one RO (that I ended up deleting) whose death scene I have all written out. Goes to show you where my priorities lie.
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veeples-archive · 3 years
For Fiona/ Ava: 1, 8 and 11 please ? 😊
aw hi there!!! 🧡 thank you for the ask!!!
1. What are things they both find funny?
Fiona finds Ava's stoicism very funny (outside of Ava putting it up after getting Too Close to feelings) because it's obvious that Ava cares so, so much. Since Fiona is so open herself, it's funny in the way that she doesn't really understand why Ava finds it necessary even amongst her lil family.
Ava finds Fiona's humming while she primps in the mirror to be Funny (endearing). She'll fluff up her curls and hum the chorus of a pop song very earnestly.
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
Fiona: "I want to squeeze her biceps I wanna touch I wanna squee-- Oh she's mean. :/"
Ava: "Why on Earth is she wearing a dress in weather this freezing? She's not properly prepared for winter weather."
11. What causes them to fight?
I touched on this in the Poly!LT route Fiona also has with Ava and with Nate, but I think more and more Fiona comes to distrust the Agency. I mean supernaturals do frighten her, but she has nightmares about the supernaturals in their cages. She doesn't think it's right and refuses to accept that's the only way.
Put up against Ava's steadfast trust in the Agency, it is a very sore topic for them.
[OTP Ask Meme!]
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steph-writing · 4 years
Hii I just want a confirmation, so in the LT route we will have to choose either A and J right? or is this like a poly option? Thanks in advance!
Yes, you’ll have to make a choice between A and J at a certain point in the story! There are no poly routes in AOS.
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
Rowena/Nate: 4, 10; Rowena/Nate/Morgan: 8; Zoe/Mason: 1,7; Lucas/Ava: 7, 11; Charlie/Nat: 3, 9
4. If the option is there in Book 3, will your detective and N participate in (physically)intimate scenes? Why or why not?
These two have been interrupted so many times already, either by outside forces or themselves, you bet they’re going to take any opportunity that presents itself!
The OT3 (I used the LT question for this one):
8 Does your detective want to tell N what is going on with A M, or do they think that it something that A M should handle themselves? Why or why not?
Seeing as Nate was the one to suggest the possibility of a poly relationship with Morgan, he already knows.  The three of them are very open with everyone involved and while there’s different relationship dynamics at play at any given time, it works.
1. At current, does your detective want more with their relationship with M?
Currently, at the end of Book 2, start of Book 3, there’s a very little start of an “oh no, I’ve caught feelings, how do I deal when he wants a no-strings thing” emotion that she doesn’t want to name because if she lets herself say “I’m falling/have fallen for him” there’s that scary thought of being vulnerable and opening herself up to disappointment when the other shoe drops and she’s left alone again that she wants to avoid.  Zoe’s more than happy to bottle her feelings right up and continue with the it’s just sex status quo.
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse of M’s past and their “not guilty” judgment?
Answered here.
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse into A’s past in the house of mirrors and their “guilty” judgment?
He wants to know more, but he knows that if he outright asks that Ava will clam up and never talk about it.  He’s curious about her past, but won’t push her to reveal anything she’s not ready to talk about.  The guilty judgment doesn’t concern him: he knows that everyone has a past and that their actions shouldn’t define them for all eternity.  Later, when he learns that Falk’s judgement came from finding the most defining moment in Ava’s life and judging based on how she feels about it, he knows that whatever happened shaped her into the person she is today.  He trusts her now and will most likely trust her in the future.
3. Is your detective aware at this point about N’s tendency to deflect? And if so, how do they feel about it? Do they want to push it slightly, or they hoping that N will come to them when they are ready to talk?
YES.  Part of him understands that maybe she isn’t ready to talk about whatever she’s deflecting to anyone, but it still stings that it feels as if she doesn’t trust him to be as open to him as he makes a point to be open with her.  Depending on the question and the topic (and frankly, both of their moods), he’ll push until he meets that invisible boundary where he knows to back off, but for the most part, the best he can do is hope that she knows that she can come to him to talk about anything, with no fear of judgement from him. 
9. How does your detective feel about N being more “human” then the others? Do they think they are holding on to something?
People cope with things in varying ways.  Even without having seen that glimpse of her past in the mirror, he understands that there’s a possibility that becoming a vampire was a traumatic experience for her and even after three centuries, he understands that making a point to follow more human practices may be her way of coping with the change.  He will never question or call her out on it, because sometimes he wonders if he wouldn’t love her as much as he does if she had abandoned the more human aspects of herself in the first place.
Wayhaven Route Questions
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lacunafiction · 3 years
Authooooooorrrr, hiw you doin? Good? I hope you are! Now, back on track, i just wanna say that i LOVE the story! The plot, the drama, the RO's, the sCARE- I don't know if anyone ask this yet- i'm sorry if someone has but- that thing in the demo with J and R... is it poly or LT?👀 (Or am i just reading it wrong??)
Hi Anon,
I'm doing fine today and I hope you are too. :D
So glad you're enjoying the story from the ROs to the scare; love that, especially since the scares will increase a bit as we go in different ways.
No worries! You are reading it exactly right; there is a joint route with J and R--the JR route--and it is poly. There is a post with a little more info about it: here .
Thank you for the ask! <3
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johnvonstach · 7 years
A Useful Overview Of Necessary Criteria In Vsp North America
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The post A Useful Overview Of Necessary Criteria In Vsp North America appeared first on VSP North America.
from VSP North America https://www.johnvonstach.com/vs-products-inc/a-useful-overview-of-necessary-criteria-in-vsp-north-america/
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