aforrestofstuff · 7 months
me when i only know how to draw one face
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buccellato · 2 months
Going a little insane thinking about how from Knives' perspective, his olive branch for Rem was rejected by his childhood perception of her loyalty to humanity, but Rem was assessing the situation as both a ship official and a parent and definitely making the choice she thought would maximize his and Vash's survival chances...like, if she was following duty as a crew member first and foremost, she'd head immediately to the bridge and tell the boys to head to the escape pods via comms or something. But instead she spent valuable minutes ensuring that Vash and Knives were safely strapped in and ready to escape, and then turned around to minimize the ship damage. Plus she had no actual way of knowing whether the plant ships were on a crash course, either—and while tristamp Nai can survive completely without food and water, no version of Vash has been shown to be able to do so completely (plus all other versions of Knives are shown at least drinking lol). So from her perspective she didn't just need to save both her kids and the humans on board, she also would've needed to save as many dependents as possible just so the boys had a way to stay alive.
She did the best she could do as a parent in that scenario, and Knives forever locked himself into a traumatized child's reasoning for her actions and blamed her to cope with it and then never reassessed from the perspective of an adult due to his, well, issues with everything. That's rough buddy.
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lizziemcguireblog · 2 months
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#KateGate — Lizzie McGuire - Season 1, Episode 1 — 'Rumors'
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ottiethetrashqueen · 4 months
Swingy wearing some edgy fit idk 🕴️
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When I mirrored this shit I got straight up jumperscared 😭😭😭 and I messed up his hair. Shave your head bald Swingy your hair looks ridiculous 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
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stickynotelovers-art · 10 months
Congrats on your new Wacom! Hope you enjoy using it. :D If you're taking requests, how about Mikey cooking something?
This is actually a tablet I've had for 6 years, lol. I have a new desk though and the layout I have set up is way different than my previous desk and I just need to get used to it. Plus going back to an older tablet where I'm not drawing on the same surface I also look at is a strange "relearning how to ride a bike" feeling.
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It turned into some lineart practice and a silly comic instead of the handful of sketches I was originally planning because I had to reinstall my drivers and also came to the realization that drawing on a handheld tablet screen vs a normal drawing tablet is a completely different feeling.
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mouseclangen · 6 months
drew like a dark, fucked up version of mouse brain clan haha. just a glimpse into my dark reality. a full stare into my twisted perspective would make most go simply insane lmao
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slaymiedrysdale · 9 months
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This man is my biggest opp rn. Like if I saw him I’d fight him even tho I have little chance of winning (I have a younger brother so I can kinda fight, but yk…)
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antsyandpantsy · 1 year
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they smell like sweaty socks and cheetos (trust me I went to one of their concerts)
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vi0lentg0d · 7 months
Clarisse: OH GOD, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!? Percy: ...?! What?! What's on my face?! Clarisse: That awful mask! Take it off! Percy: I'm not wearing a mask? Clarisse: Oh... oh, that's your regular face??
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abyssalblue · 1 year
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Drew thems again<3
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zon3dout · 11 months
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rin^2!! idea and suggestion by my wonderful friend @entermages
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
saitatsu is more canon than saigenos
i post Batarou
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Totally wanna see Sebak insulting Yuu for something stupid or for no reason and Yuu like holding back Deuce form fighting Sebek. Only Sebek insults him again and Yuu just like lets Deuce go to attack Sebek. Yuu probably does Deuce off but gives him some time first.
Sebek can say the most g rated insult and Deuce would due trying to defend your honor
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inactivecam · 8 months
uhhhh credit to all the original editors and dumpstersquid on tiktok for the viedo....M,Y FRIEND (@stinkyg00ber) SENT THIVS TO ME LLOL
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riggedtraps · 1 month
What five year old sent this?
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wascallywabbit1938 · 5 months
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Wendy full-body? Yeah sure why not.
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