#poor Baphy
adrianasunderworld · 3 years
Going off of this post, I thought of some oc ideas on girl!Mcs main female friend group. I have yet to draw them, so take some moodboards.
Edit: added Azs younger sister.
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One of the resident popular girls. She's pretty,she's rich, she's a bitch. But dear God if she isn't loyal. If you become her friend, she will fight tooth and nail for you everytime. She is so aggressively loving.
Her uncle owns The Fall. So she gets in and drinks for free, along with anyone she brings along. Mammon has tried to tag along with her and Mc inside when he hadn't paid his tab. She was not having it. 
Has one older brother who has a baby. Lamia loves her nephew, but babies make her nervous, much to her family's amusement. "Wait ,no stop! Don't leave me with him! What if I drop him!? Noooo, come back!"
Due to her frequenting her uncles club, many students at RAD only view her as a party girl. People are usually surprised when they learn she is the president of the science club and watches a lot of anime. Lamia has never tried to hide any of this. If they decide to focus on one part of her personality, that's their problem, not hers.
Is a firm believer in not having to prove anything. "I know how smart I am,and that's all that matters." A queen of confidence.
Mc has tried to get her and Levi to hangout, since they like a lot of the same series, but Levi is kind of scared of her, and Lamia enjoys being a menace to him.
A nail girl. Is never caught without a full acrylic manicure. Or The Claws as she likes to call them.
Dirty sense of humor. 
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Is nicknamed Baphie.
A daughter of one of the Devildoms nobles. She's very sweet and kindhearted, but incredibly shy. People tend to mistake her silence for snobbery, as if she's ignoring anyone beneath her. The truth is she's just very anxious and overly polite.
It takes a bit to make her comfortable enough to talk to you. But once she opens up, you'll find she's like a dam waiting to burst. Poor girl just wants someone new to talk to. She'll ramble about everything she loves from baking to romance novels.
Loves baking. Has admired Barbatos skills since she was a child, and has asked him for his recipes. High tea at the demon lords castle has always  been one of her favorite events because of this.
Mc has introduced her to Luke so Baphomet could have a new baking buddy. Luke and her hit it off and they traded recipes.
Beel was very excited when Mc befriended her, because her sweets are one of his favorites at RADs annual bake sale. She also rarely visits to the house of Lamentation empty handed.
Is secretly a very excellent singer. Only her friends and family know how haunting her voice is. Despite how much they insist she should try out for something, Baphomet doesn't have any desire to perform. 
Can never be left alone when the group goes out. Somehow always attracts weirdos that won't leave her alone. Lamia has had to have so many people kicked out of the club.
Since she's so quiet, her main form of outward expression is through her clothes. She takes great pride in her appearance. Shopping is the main way her and her socialite mother love to bond.
Her parents were thrilled when she befriended Mc. Partly because she doesn't have many friends. Secondly because everyone knows Mc is close to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo. They're nobles after all, and those connections are exactly what they want for their daughter.
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She often goes by Az. 
Is a fallen angel. She was Lilliths friend and was on their side during the celestial war. 
The rebellious middle child of three sisters. Her younger sister and her were always close and came with her to the Devildom. Their oldest sister is still an angel. Even before the war, she and Az had a strained relationship, they haven't talked in centuries.
Is so used to looking after her younger sister, she defaults to being the mom friend in most situations. Is the reason the group is alive on wild nights out.
When she learned about Mcs lineage, she was so happy to know Lillith lived, but also incredibly angry at the brothers for how they talked about it. She knows all too well about being compared to a relative, so she never talks about Lillith to Mc since she doesn't want her to think that's why they're still friends. 
Has known Lucifer since they were in the celestial realm, so she isn't afraid to chew him out for things.
Had always loved music and dance. Usually tries out for musicals, and is on RADS dance team. Is often with Lamia at The Fall. 
Is that one friend that can never leave her hair alone. She'll decide on a Wednesday night, "hhmmm… I would look so good with blue hair and an undercut." No one is surprised when she comes to school looking crazy.
Is very protective by nature, and is often angry on the behalf of others. Especially when she knows they're upset but does not work to rock the boat. She'll happily rock it for you. Mc: it's fine… Az: No it's not fine, WHAT THE FU-
Is the absolute tallest of the trio and will wear wedges and platforms to make herself taller. You will fear her power.
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Azs younger sister. By the standards of demons and angels,she is still pretty young. About the equivalent of a 13 year old.
During the celestial war when Az fell, Tannin ran away from home to be with her. It was that or stay with their older sister, and Tannin decided being a demon would be a kinder fate.
A very hyper and active girl. Peppy would be the word. Is on RADS junior swim team, cheer squad, and soccer team. Along with whatever clubs her friends want her to join with them at time. Az often has days where she doesn't even see her all day until dinner.
Despite being a bit younger, Luke was placed in her grade for the exchange program. She was on the welcoming committee to show him around. Luke wasn't keen to be stuck with a demon most of the day, Tannin is very stubborn when she decides to be someone's friend. She enjoys the challenge of it all.
Stationery addict. She loves collecting fun notepads, sticky notes, glitter pens. Give it all to her.
The junior teams have often practiced with the older teams, and Tannin greatly admires Beel as an athlete. To which her friends always tease her. "Shut up, I don't like him like that!" Beel remains blissfully unaware that he is the subject of preteen drama.
Animal lover. She's made a habit of feeding strays in their neighborhood, despite Az telling her not to or else they'll never leave. They have so many cats and dogs now.
Loves mermaid themed stuff or iridescent accessories. If its shiny, has seashells, or pearls, Tannin will want it. Shopping with her was Azs worst nightmare when mermaids were on trend.
Like many kids, Tannin wants to act more grown up than she is and has tried to tag along with Az and her friends to The Fall. It never works. She was allowed to go to the Bunny Boy events though, but that's only because Luke could go. So Az made the rule that she could come to the event If she and Luke stuck together. Tannin dragged that poor boy everywhere.
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novalin · 5 years
This is so great. it features Undyne and Alphys from Udnertale. But the beginning is very sad.
It contains suicidal thougts, So watch at own risk.
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