#poor bb hiro needs love
shinycorvidae · 3 years
Headcannon Dump Part 3 of 6
The two Vs, Hiro Part 3 of 3. Backstory.
-Hiro or SKV, Street kid background (vaguely), he's @smilepal s
-NV is Vic, our other V, a nomad she's mine <3
After his parents died as a kid, ended up in the Tyger Claws-his parents house/possessions were reclaimed and he wound up being part of that.
Gets weird/off-topic if you ask him about his parents, they were druggies/BD addicts so he doesn't really like to talk about them much, was on his own pretty young
His relationship with Tyger Claws was always tense-He was an unwillingly member (mostly). Hiro has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and a serious problem with authority figures, including the Claws bosses.
Was in decent with Wakako since a small child, and she was one of the few people he managed to stay on the good side of-whether this was because she found him entertaining or he just got lucky, he still doesn't know.
Worked as a dancer/joytoy for the Tyger claws after a failed escape attempt
Don't ask him about it, or the Ho-Oh club--there’s a hell of a lot of trauma there and he still gets pretty heated about it
Had to forcibly extricate himself from the Tyger Claws and cut ties with them-it got to be too much and he wanted to get away before things went really south with them
Hiro never received a formal education, and was mostly self-taught, in addition to picking things up from TC, and later Vik/Mama Wells. He thinks he did alright, all things considered, despite the fact that he learned the best place to shoot someone before he could fully read
Dysfunction seems really normal to Hiro. He grew up with non-functioning parents living in absolute squalor, so to him anything above the bare minimum is fine. Part of the reason he put up with the Tyger Claws for so long was because he was like "...well at least they're not xyz..." "It could always be worse."
To Hiro, people always have ulterior motives. You don't keep people around because you like them, you keep them around because it benefits you in some way (even if that's not necessarily how he sees people) In a way he's always "waiting for the other shoe to drop". NV is originally a fucking enigma because of this.
was and is On good terms with the Moxes, and is old friends with Judy. Does not like Evelyn and trusts her about as far as he could throw her--but he can’t deny that they have a lot of shared history/went through a lot. He’s on good terms with Roxy, and very good terms with Tom--the latter and him having a amiable FWB relationship in the past.
Has history with Viktor that is rather delicate. They met when Hiro was still in the Tyger Claws and not doing great/was able to fix up his cyberware for cheaper/didn’t sell him absolute junk. He really looked up to Vik and for a long time thought it was just admiration. Vik is also the one who began to teach him more about hand to hand combat/was the person who was the biggest influence on his fighting style.
Viktor was definitely part of the reason Hiro realized he liked men too, and Hiro harbored some pretty intense feelings there. He's a lot better behaved around Vik than most people-will still tease him/give him shit but it lacks any real venom. He's also a bit more awkward than his usual smooth self/gets flustered more easily.
Vik in turn really dotes on Hiro/is super protective of him. He's always trying to make sure he's eating enough and the two eat together several times a week, Hiro will hang around the clinic when it's slow and keep him company.
NV knows better than to tease him about hid crush on Vik but Johnny still needs to be redirected when the situation arises
-*NV physically holding Johnny back from commenting, behind Hiros back, hand over his mouth*
-Johnny definitely licking her hand, which would turn into them either slap fighting or making out. Its a toss up.
-Hiro and Vik talking and just hearing scuffling in the background, turning with disapproving faces
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NV"we are adults I swear"
*Johnny has to pull his hand out of the back of her pants*
NV"we uh, we'll just go wait at Mistys"
*Hiro finds them fucking in the alley later on his way out*
Plan Distract Johnny from teasing Hiro worked too well 😂😂
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pan-inc · 4 years
DR1 Boys With A Crush
  Since this blog is just starting out, I think it would be nice to start at this point of your relationships! I hope you enjoy!
  (By the way, this is non-despair AU but still has a spoiler about Chihiro in Taka and Chihiro's imagine ^^)
-Mod Rantaro
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Makoto Naegi
I wanna say he'd be oblivious to his feeling because, ya know, it's Makoto
But I think he'd probably realize his feelings towards you pretty quickly.
Maybe realizes it's more than just a lot of admiration after Kyoko points it out but you didn't hear it from me
Gets really nervous when talking to you, about you, or just being near you.
Nervously sweats in Japanese
Although he gets really nervous around you, he thrives on you being happy
Especially if it's because of him
So he tries his best to keep you as happy as possible.
Sad S/O? Sad Makoto.
Happy S/O? Happy Makoto!
Awkwardly makes jokes in Japanese
Byakuya Togami
He doesn't even realize he sees anything in you because he's busy dealing with Toko
But he denies his feelings all the way, just tells himself it's a different form of annoyance towards you.
Tsundere intensifies in Japanese
Aoi and/or Kyoko are probably the ones to call him out on his shit
(Maybe even Makoto)
Once he realizes what he's feeling is love he tries distancing himself from you.
He thinks knows that people in the Togami family aren't supposed to feel true love, and even if he was able to get away with it, it probably wouldn't work out with you.
. . .
But he eventually comes to terms with his feelings and gives it a shot, trying his best to be nice to you.
Really, he’s trying.
He also protects you from Toko and Syo if needed.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
A nervous wreck
Our favorite wreck <3
He doesn't even really realize he likes you at first because he's so focused on his studies.
If you're a guy he is kinda worried about his reputation being ruined for liking another man, but he eventually gets over it and decides you are more important than his reputation
Asks Mondo for help
Since he doesn't know if Mondo has good advice or not when it comes to crushes he just does as Mondo says
Big mistake
You realize pretty quickly that he has a crush on you, but you just play along to not embarrass him any further
Then he goes to Chihiro
Is then brought to Alter Ego
Once again tries but with him being very blushy and nervous about you he still isn't able to properly confess.
Just give him a bit more time, he'll confess in a way he is happy with soon ^^
Mondo Owada
O h  b o y, where do I begin
He has zero dating experience, the closest thing he’s had is girls fawning over his bad boy appearance and demeanor
He’s also a mess, definitely on the tsundere side of the mess too
He would ask for help, but his bros also don’t have any experience, so it wouldn’t really be of much help to him
But he doesn’t really need it, it’s very obvious that he likes you
Plus Taka makes sly comments about how obvious it is in front of you, how kind of him to do that to for his bro
Chihiro Fujisaki
If you're a gal and he hasn't come out as actually being a male? P a n i c. Same sex relationships aren't very accepted in Japan and he wants to get stronger before coming out as a guy ;-;
If you're a guy? P a n i c. He doesn't want to be bullied over his sexuality along side his femininity.
He probably goes to Mondo and Taka for help with you.
But he quickly realizes neither of them have any relationship experience so h
e does research and ends up asking Alter Ego for help.
Anyways, he's pretty low-key and calm about his crush.
If he ever needs to rant about you or anything else, he has Alter Ego by his side.
Alter Ego can also help Chihiro find a good way to confess to you on the internet, so get ready for that I guess lol-
Leon Kutawa
Let’s be honest
He simps for all the women, so really no one is surprised when he suddenly feels something for you
If you’re a male don’t mind this part I just don’t know what to put for a male crush ^^;
But after a bit he realizes his feelings are more than just his general attraction towards females.
He usually doesn’t mind not being a person’s type, there’s plenty of fish in the sea that are begging to be his significant other, you get me?
But for you he straight up goes to every guy (and gal) in the school to figure out if they know your type, even if they don’t even know you
And if he figures anything out then he’ll try to be more like that
Poor bb
If you don’t act like the most obsessive fangirl ever he panics thinking you don’t like him
Please show this poor boi that you love him
Him, not the person he tries to become for you ^^
  P.S. I also wrote for Hifumi and Hiro but the entire document those two were in got deleted and I don’t really remember what I put for them, I’m very sorry about that, I’ll make sure to put all of them in the same document next time and make sure to have a backup or two ^^; -Mod Rantaro
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
aAAAA i read the helpless one with taka and my heart exploded, you're such an awesome writer 🥺👉👈!! maybe I could req hcs of the reader confessing to Taka via song and Taka's reaction (poor bb probs fainted)?? Take the most time u need!! 💕💕
Awh I'm glad you liked it! ✨
It was Leon's idea to host a karaoke night with the whole class.
Of course, everyone who wanted to sing had their songs ready--rehearsing the lyrics.
Including yourself, who had a special kind of song in mind for a special someone in a white uniform.
Yep, it was Taka. And you wanted to confess your feelings for him in a way that's easiest to you: through song.
Even Leon knew, which is partially why he was so insistent on hosting a karaoke night.
During the event, several of your classmates sang confidently (Aoi, Junko, and Sayaka) nervously (Leon, Mondo, Mukuro, and Chihiro) and just plain awkwardly (Taka, Hiro, and Hifumi).
When it came time for you to grab the mic, though, your attention was focused on Taka as you began singing.
Immediately he recognized it as a love song, but thought nothing of it at first.
Knowing he's dense as hell sometimes, Mondo had to point out why you were staring at him while you were singing.
And only then does his mind finally connect the dots.
You knew you got him when you saw the look on his face:
His blush was as red as his eyes while he watched you sing with such passion and sincerity.
When you were done, you jumped off the stage and ran to greet the flustered prefect, asking him what he thought.
All the poor guy could do was stammer like crazy before promptly fainting.
As he comes to a minute later, Taka apologizes and asks if you really had those romantic feelings for him which were described in that song.
You say yes, and he starts crying tears of happiness, hugging you tightly.
It's safe to say he returns the feelings tenfold.
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