#Viktor Vector being an A+ dad
serialadoptersbracket · 7 months
Round 2, Match 19: Grace vs. Vector the Crocodile
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Submitted kids:
Grace: Allison, Viktor, Diego, Five, Ben, Klaus, Luther
Vector the Crocodile: Espio the Chameleon, Charmy Bee
Propaganda under the cut!
“Each of those seven women's children became numbers 1-7, but were later all given names by Reginald's android nanny/adoptive mother for the children (except for Number Five, who refused to be given a name)”
Vector the Crocodile:
“I know some people perceive the dynamic of team chaotix to be espio and vector collectively taking care of charmy (the kid of the group) and I respect that and that is also correct, but am I the only one that thinks vector pretty much adopted like both espio and charmy? Like he's the only adult in the group, yeah he might not be as professionally responsible as some people's specific definitions may be but still. He's in a detective group with a teenager and a six year old child, so that pretty much puts him (21) into a position of being the eldest one, and therefore imo the dad of the group. Also I just like the idea of dad vector. In Sonic Archie I'm pretty sure charmy is even LEGALLY adopted judging by that one panel where vector says he writes charmy off as a charitable case (that sounds bad uhmmmm ignore that). He's also the one in the group that cares the most about the rent (why do they have rent anyway?? Like since when?? Was rent a thing in Sonic lore?? When literally no other character talks about rent?? I'ma just go with it).
Do you see my vision. Dad vector being the only one trying to mantain responsibility and getting tired of espio and chamrys chaotixness (espio is chaotic and silly. TO ME.) Obviously espio is also "the responsible one" but vector is older so
While originally charmy espio and vector were all listed as sixteen, that day is long gone now and now they must be a found family cuz they just are
Anyway yeah that's all I had to say”
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shinycorvidae · 3 years
Headcannon Dump Part 3 of 6
The two Vs, Hiro Part 3 of 3. Backstory.
-Hiro or SKV, Street kid background (vaguely), he's @smilepal s
-NV is Vic, our other V, a nomad she's mine <3
After his parents died as a kid, ended up in the Tyger Claws-his parents house/possessions were reclaimed and he wound up being part of that.
Gets weird/off-topic if you ask him about his parents, they were druggies/BD addicts so he doesn't really like to talk about them much, was on his own pretty young
His relationship with Tyger Claws was always tense-He was an unwillingly member (mostly). Hiro has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and a serious problem with authority figures, including the Claws bosses.
Was in decent with Wakako since a small child, and she was one of the few people he managed to stay on the good side of-whether this was because she found him entertaining or he just got lucky, he still doesn't know.
Worked as a dancer/joytoy for the Tyger claws after a failed escape attempt
Don't ask him about it, or the Ho-Oh club--there’s a hell of a lot of trauma there and he still gets pretty heated about it
Had to forcibly extricate himself from the Tyger Claws and cut ties with them-it got to be too much and he wanted to get away before things went really south with them
Hiro never received a formal education, and was mostly self-taught, in addition to picking things up from TC, and later Vik/Mama Wells. He thinks he did alright, all things considered, despite the fact that he learned the best place to shoot someone before he could fully read
Dysfunction seems really normal to Hiro. He grew up with non-functioning parents living in absolute squalor, so to him anything above the bare minimum is fine. Part of the reason he put up with the Tyger Claws for so long was because he was like "...well at least they're not xyz..." "It could always be worse."
To Hiro, people always have ulterior motives. You don't keep people around because you like them, you keep them around because it benefits you in some way (even if that's not necessarily how he sees people) In a way he's always "waiting for the other shoe to drop". NV is originally a fucking enigma because of this.
was and is On good terms with the Moxes, and is old friends with Judy. Does not like Evelyn and trusts her about as far as he could throw her--but he can’t deny that they have a lot of shared history/went through a lot. He’s on good terms with Roxy, and very good terms with Tom--the latter and him having a amiable FWB relationship in the past.
Has history with Viktor that is rather delicate. They met when Hiro was still in the Tyger Claws and not doing great/was able to fix up his cyberware for cheaper/didn’t sell him absolute junk. He really looked up to Vik and for a long time thought it was just admiration. Vik is also the one who began to teach him more about hand to hand combat/was the person who was the biggest influence on his fighting style.
Viktor was definitely part of the reason Hiro realized he liked men too, and Hiro harbored some pretty intense feelings there. He's a lot better behaved around Vik than most people-will still tease him/give him shit but it lacks any real venom. He's also a bit more awkward than his usual smooth self/gets flustered more easily.
Vik in turn really dotes on Hiro/is super protective of him. He's always trying to make sure he's eating enough and the two eat together several times a week, Hiro will hang around the clinic when it's slow and keep him company.
NV knows better than to tease him about hid crush on Vik but Johnny still needs to be redirected when the situation arises
-*NV physically holding Johnny back from commenting, behind Hiros back, hand over his mouth*
-Johnny definitely licking her hand, which would turn into them either slap fighting or making out. Its a toss up.
-Hiro and Vik talking and just hearing scuffling in the background, turning with disapproving faces
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NV"we are adults I swear"
*Johnny has to pull his hand out of the back of her pants*
NV"we uh, we'll just go wait at Mistys"
*Hiro finds them fucking in the alley later on his way out*
Plan Distract Johnny from teasing Hiro worked too well 😂😂
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mynerdylordship · 3 years
Random idea: what if there was a Dream Daddy version of Cyberpunk (dream daddy au?). This turned out rather cheesy. And... just imagine all these people being your neighbour.
Who’s going to be your dream daddy?  (got a bit long so it’s under the cut)
Kerry Eurodyne // Rockstar Dad: Famous rocker with a fondness for books and arson. At first sight, he’s extravagant, charismatic, and according to gossip lives a decadent life. But Eurodyne struggles with depression, and may take to the bottle at times. Can you set his cold heart on fire and reignite his passion for music?
likes: vintage guitars, fantasy books, espresso, Us Cracks (ft. the legendary Eurodyne).  dislikes: weak coffee, Us Cracks (stealing his thunder), feelings, his manager.
Viktor Vector // Health Dad: A kindhearted pediatrician. As much as he loves his job, he hates it when one of the children turns out to be terribly ill. It makes Vector shut down. He also used to be a well known boxer, and he still practices it for fun in his free time. Will he make your heart go pow pow?
likes: sparring with Jackie, watching The Game, cuddling on the couch. dislikes: discussing serious subjects, people who assume he’s a ‘yes man’, poor fighting.
Goro Takemura // (Extreme) Foodie Dad: A chef; he has a restaurant downtown. He’s a real philosopher, but he has a dark past (rumour has it that he was part of the yakuza). Can you uncover his secrets and accept him for who he is?
likes: haute cuisine, Japanese fairytales, discussing philosophy, talking enigmatically. dislikes: bad food (most food is bad food in his opinion), people who pretend to be smarter than they are.
River Ward // Gamer Dad: Ex-cop, now PI. He suffers from PTSD from some of his past cases, and has particular bad memories of the Peter Pan-case. He’s soft, sweet, and maybe a total dork. Will you grow closer as you play games together?
likes: spending time with his family, cooking, playing video games. dislikes: corruption, having to be social.
Johnny Silverhand // Rollercoaster-Ride Dad: Indie musician. He and Eurodyne each went solo when Samurai disbanded in their youth due to circumstances. Silverhand definitely has the skills, but is less fond of attention (or maybe just has a distrust of record companies). He’s a socialist and an anti-capitalist. He tends to bury himself in physical relationships, but doesn’t do romance. Can you change his mind as he takes you on adventures in NC? 
likes: his signature drink, connoisseur of music and booty, people who aren’t afraid to show who they are and what they stand for. dislikes: ARASAKA, mindless sheep, letting anyone close.
Mateo Thiago // Cool Dad: The mysterious bartender at Lizzie’s Bar. Thiago’s rather sarcastic, and no one seems to get his sense of humour. Surprisingly, he’s protective and kind. When he’s not mixing drinks, he can be found with a camera in hand. Will he stir or shake your feelings?
likes: dancing, black-and-white photographs. dislikes: small talk, anyone trying to hurt his friends, people asking stupid questions.
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daemondays2077 · 4 years
Cyberpunk 2077 AU - Daemon Days
Cyberpunk 2077 AU - Daemon Days
A Cyberpunk 2077 AU born from the desire to see so many of cyberpunk's game characters interact with each other. While still in development I figured I'd post all my unfiltered initial thought's.
Squad (The Crew)
Vincent (“V”)
Valerie (“V”)
Jackie Welles
River Ward (Uncle-Dad Cop)
Panam Palmer
Judy Alvarez
Evelyn Parker
Claire Russell (and Husband) (intermediary between both old and new squad – she's like adopted by old squad)
Viktor Vector (Doc)
Old Squad “The Oldies”
Rogue Amendiares
Johnny Silverhand (Shard)
Kerry Eurodyne
Nancy Hartley (Bes Isis)
Alt Cunningham
Arasaka Crew
Anders Hellman
Adam Smasher
Goro Takemura (pretty good friends with the V's)
Sandayu Oda
Aldecaldos Crew
Mitch (forgot rest of names, need to play game cuz no where online)
Side Character's
Mama Welles
Elisabeth Wissenfurth (Lizzy Wizzy)
Dum Dum
Elizabeth Borden (Lizzie)
Monk Brothers (forgot names)
Dekotqa Smith
Regina Jones
Wakako Okada
Dexter Deshawn
Dino Dinovic
Mikhail Akulov
Muamar “El Capitan” Reyes
Sebastian “Padre” Ibarra
Viktor Vector
Arasaka family (prep kids and family of rich peeps)
Yorinobu arasaka
Saburo Arasaka
Hanako Arasaka
Biotechnica (used to be an audio company back in the day - (joke)
Kang Tao
Kiroshi Opticals
Night Corp
Petrochem (they've def made super villians) (batman joke)
6th Street
Tyger Claws
Voodo Boys
Random Notes:
While T-Bug is in the Squad, they are sorta neutral. And are friends with/works with Squad, Old Crew, and Fixers pretty evenly.
Vincent took Street Kid path and Valerie took Corpo path. Vincent eventually a bit of Nomad path to find themselves. After Valerie fired, Vincent helped out and they grew to be close siblings after long stretch of time having a rocky family life growing up.
T-bug OG Friends with Dexter Deshawn.
Evelyn and Judy are OG friends.
Goro is like really good friends with both V's for different reasons and the Arasaka's are like “why yo” lol.
Goro and Oda are OG friends.
Claire is like intermediary between both old and new squad – she's like adopted by old squad.
We never see Claire's husband (running theme) until the random reveal at some point in the most non-extravagant way. Everyone in the crew are always trying to see him and are sorta obsessed after a bit cuz they never see him because things always “come up” or visual is blocked).
Misty is still doing her witchy/spiritual tarot card thing.
Basically everyone who died in game are alive in this AU. Jackie, Saburo, T-bug, Dexter, The V's, Etc.
Johnny and Alt are the only ones technically dead in the AU. Johnny is in shard thing, and Alt.. Idk yet. She maybe still alive in this but with like AI copy of herself or something interesting like that.
Both V's are at the very least Bi but def queer.
- Jackie and Misty
- Panam and River
- Claire and Husband (forget name)
- Valerie and Judy
- Viktor and Mama Welles? (idk just funny thought)
- Kerry and Vincent
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