#poor kenny not understanding instagram
xotication · 3 months
i’m bored nd tired of videogames so here’s some more of what type of man i think kaneki is..
okay. when you & kaneki first meet, you have to break him into a LOT of things. one time you guys were texting nd he said something funny.. so you keysmashed & poor baby was CONFUSED.
“y/n are you okay..?”
having to explain it to him made the situation all the more funny but awkward at the same damn time. it’s a hassle having to explain gen z things to this man LMAO.
you had him download instagram, tiktok, even snapchat & learning how to use them was such a drag to him.
“why do you like this stuff anyway?” he says but a week later he’s sending you his entire fyp all like “HAGAHAHA BABE THIS IS SO FUNNY” like boyyy.. wasn’t you JUST talking shit?! at one point he even takes it upon himself to upload silly lil vids & they start to go VIRAL. he doesn’t understand why bc half the time he’s just talking about you & explaining diff things he doesn’t understand about girls.
“my girlfriend asks me really dumb questions all the time, i don’t get it.. how does your brain come up with that?? what on earth do you mean by ‘would you still love me if i was a worm’ like what?!” & then there’s just girls in the comments sending thoughts nd prayers for his poor soul.
basically, kaneki becomes a whole different person after dating you for just a couple months. he adapts damn near all your habits nd it’s the most endearing yet hilarious thing ever.
for example: say he’s talking about a girl or boy & you give him a nasty look bc.. why is he talking about OTHER PEOPLE?! eventually when you start having story times that include someone else, he gives you the MEANESSSTTTT side eye ever. it’s insane.
& don’t ever ask him about it either. “why’re you looking at me like that?”
“idk, why’re you conversing with people who aren’t me?”
“ken, i have to socializ-”
“says who?!”
not only that, but kaneki is airheaded when it comes to people. like if the man doesn’t like someone or something. it shows all over his face.
one time you guys were out eating, & he thought the waiter was being a lil too friendly.. manz was making the most uncomfy faces ever. 😭
“ken- fix your face?!”
“i’m sorry! i’m trying my best.” you guys both whisper yell.
ken gets a house kitty, & when you’re not home, he makes one of those, “gf isn’t home.. yk what that means.. OPTIMUS PRIME ON THE COUNTER” tiktok’s & thinks it’s so funny.
also, when you’re not home, this poor manchild is so bored.
he could read books upon books in a day & still be dying. it’s not until he hears that front door unlock that he feels freed from the shackles that are his boredom!
ken loves to annoy you, he loves to be around you, he loves to look at you, to touch you, any & everything to do with you- he loves.
not to mention.. he begs you to build legos with him. when you agreed, he made it a whole little picnic date & made sure that the weather would be perfect… he also made you swear to not leave the park until the whole lego set was completed.
kennie baby is soso cuteness.
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posting my drafts cuz my brain doesn’t wanna work nowadays. 😫😫😫
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tim-hoe-wan · 1 year
Imho Vittoria is the best model of her generation, along with Imaan, Rianne and Sora. She’s incredibly beautiful and knows how to model for sure. By saying that she’s on Kendall level I meant things like trying to get out of Costa Rica with a fake COVID test result as consequence she was in rush of being in jail for 6 years. During Amber&J*hnny trail she was sharing his pictures, the quotes like ‘not guilty until proven’ or his pictures with ‘👏🏻’ when he won over Amber in USA. Being a puppy to nepo models, including following everywhere an underage Kaia Geber only to get some press and more followers on Instagram. She’s constantly lying about growing up poor. Her family isn’t on the Gerbers or the Hadids level but they’re middle class so she had everything lol Plus I found her famous Instagram story during Lily-Rose nepo baby drama kinda funny since her husband is nepo nepo and 60% of her insta content is thanks to his old money (like his Ibiza and Saint Tropez houses, his family jets etc.), fake activism, being involved in some Italian scandals pre her marriage and yeah she’s a mean girl too. That’s why I unfollowed her (after a D*pp trail) cause it was too much. But she’s an amazing model.
My fav models are Sora Choi, Liu Wen, He Cong, Rianne Van Rompaey, Imaan Hamman, Maria Carla Boscano, Anna Ewers and Malika Elmaslouhi.
YIKES! What a huge bitch. I can understand her problem with Lily. By all accounts, in features and in talent, Lily has no business being a model and yet she walked for Chanel. There’s next level audacity to act like she didn’t get there due to her parents. Vittoria wasn’t struggling, but she still needed to work her way up so I can get why she was so annoyed. Also she’s chummy with Kaia and Kendall, so she gotta put her frustration on someone she doesn’t like instead lmao. As for everything else though, she’s on her own. None of my friends who work behind the scenes in fashion like her. They barely even complain about Kenny’s personality so that’s something.
But yup. She’s an amazing model and usually outshines everyone she has to do a shoot with. I don’t think people are gonna call her out cause unless you’re super into models or fashion, she’s not a popular celebrity. Even if you’re into fashion, a lot of the higher up there are also quite insidious. The whole industry is kinda built on evil people.
Your favorite models though. Taste 👏👏👏
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Can you do aot (eren, levi ,Armin, reiner, Zeke, Jean ,mikasa ,sasha, historia ,erwin ) modern au Headcanon like they shift into reader reality were they are anime and reader is the first one they meet in the woods (she have a cabin in the woods) so she asked them why they dress from attack on Titans isn't Halloween yet they be like what is Halloween ? anime? they only remember they were out powerd buy a Titan and possibly died like can you write how will they adapt living with technology and watching them self in TV and reader do everything to comfort him/her
With: Eren, mikasa, armin, sasha, jean, reiner, levi, erwin, kenny, hange, moblit, miche.
Sum: Aot characters Living with technology in our society.
At first, they would be lost, so when they meet you in the wood they would still think they are in their world. But the way you dress and the fact that you are just wandering around the forest would be weird, you know because of the Titans. So they would be really suspicious at first, and when you tell them the truth with evidence they wouldn't understand anything. You gonna need to help them to adapt to their new reality now. Maybe no more titan, but a far more difficult society to understand.
I see Eren as someone that needs a goal. In aot he just wanted to get rid of Titans at first. So the first time you're going to introduce him our world, Eren will be lost, but will quickly found a new reason to fight. Politic, climate change, equal rights, I mean everything that will touch him, he will fight for. So yeah get ready to match his energy.
Cottage life, after learning everything about your world Mikasa just gonna ask you to stay in the forest far from everything. She doesn't need to go to the city or discover new things, she is clearly overwhelmed and prefers to avoid it. She not complaining she loves her little life away from everything, even if she missed her friends she adapts to it. Just be her friend, be here for her and her life would be a little easier.
So many questions, you see the kids you babysit and ask you thousands questions in five minutes? It's Armin right now. And when he gonna find out about internet? This boy gonna spend the next three months on Wikipedia and other websites to learn. He will probably get lost on google maps too, and find some random spot he wanna go. I hope you like to drive because he wants to discover the world now.
The minute she knows that she can eat everything she wants became the best day of her life. Like she can now eat meat every time she decides to. And obviously potatoes in literally every form possible??? like, is this paradise? Now the day she learns you can get pay, to EAT? guys she living her best life. Get ready to feed her. (And probably get famous on insta and tripadvisor she's not joking)
Probably get so involve with socials media. But... You see your little sibling or cousin on Instagram? Sharing literally anything they do like they're some kind of star? Yeah, that's Jean... At least follow him and like all his post for some kind of support. Will probably get obsessed with tinder for some weeks too.
You are literally the first person he's going to meet in this world. He's going to think that you are some kind of angel and stick by your side. I think he would be the only one to fully adapt to our world and be the most "normal" with technology and all. Even cars are new for the others, so for Reiner, I do think it would be a tiniest easier for him to adapt. But you're not gonna get rid of him so easily. Take a good care of him.
Anxiety attack. This poor man deal poorly with his life already, and you want him to deal with a new society crazier than his? Come on he's not ready for this. Let him stay in your cabin forever and he would be grateful. At least he can finally rest now. Take a good care of him too he needs it.
If you manage to talk to him and made him follow you for made him understand the situation. Then wow congrats because this boy is stubborn as hell. Get ready to be at least threaten 2 or 3 times the first day. After that when you will gain his trust get ready to repeat again and again how things work, and hear: "I'm too old for this shit" every damn day. But he would probably really enjoy wander around the city with you and get some drinks.
You just gotta deal with an adult Armin here. Instead of staying all day on internet just drop him at the nearest library, and pick him up the later you can. The night would be for internet, and weekend for discovering the world with "expedition". Good luck to follow him.
See the energy of Erwin? it's x10 worse. Internet? they don't care about that show them the WORLD. Cars? space? Science? History? spend their whole night watching documentaries. I really hope you are either rich or a pilot because they want to see the world. Show them the world!
Mostly like Hange, but he is the goodest student ever. Will probably filed twenty book notes the first week because he doesn't know what important and what's not. The food, the science, the history, everything interests him but he won't go as fast as Hange.
At first, he would take his time to rest. Like a full week. After that he would be ready for whatever gonna happen. He will enjoy the new thing but it's not going to get a necessity in his life. He will prefer to stay like you, in the forest in his confort zone. But at least he's going to have a peaceful life now!
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sunsetcurveofficial · 3 years
I saw you say you didn’t want to get into the drama this weekend, so I understand if you ignore this, but I just saw someone say Charlie is racist because he watched Seaspiracy and another person say it’s ok to not post about BLM at all but Charlie is racist because he’s posting about environmental conservation instead of BLM. 1/2
2/2 I don’t even know what to say at this point. That at least explains why they’re harassing Charlie and not the rest of the cast, but this whole situation has gone way past ridiculous at this point. I just hope Charlie realizes nothing he does will please these people, is able to ignore the trolls, and continues to post whatever he wants, not what people demand from him.
yeah—people also brought his up to kenny on instagram and he had to defend charlie in the comments. you know, someone who actually knows him in real life. not some angry, guilt tripping pseudo-activists on the internet who think they can hide behind a screen and judge other people for what they think they’re doing wrong.
like i said in my previous post—i GET why people directly affected are upset or disappointed. and they have every right to be. it’s always nice and comforting to see your fave’s direct support. however, those are not the people i see harassing others and bullying others, and cancelling some celebrity because he hasn’t met their demands. what i see are people who likely feel bad about their own activism—or lack thereof, and try to project that onto others. it’s always easy to feel better about yourself when you can point a finger at someone else and judge, you know?
and yeah, that doesn’t even make any sense. at this point people don’t even know what they’re saying anymore. truly just... yeah. shaking my head. it doesn’t surprise me at all that charlie isn’t as active online anymore. poor guy has had to deal with a lot of bs lately.
everything else i already addressed in my previous post.
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colonel-insomniac · 4 years
Read more of my spongebob work here.
10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck
Just a quick note, Red Light is a song by The Regrettes and I absolutely love their music style it just feels very 80’s girl pop. So that’s where the song is from, and Lacy Loo, another song by them, is referenced as well. Also a certain voice actors Instagram was the inspiration behind Sponge In The High Seas . It was Tom Kenny, his Instagram handle is TomKennyandthehiseas. I just couldn’t resist.
“You can’t love me, you’re not allowed to…”
Patrick Starr was absolutely smitten with the leader of the popular 80’s style band, Sponge In The High Seas. The band’s leader was a short young boy, 19 years old. He had slightly curly auburn hair that bounced slightly when the music called for it. This boy’s whole aesthetic was mainly pinks, but branched to pastels too.
“‘Cause if you did, I’d probably run from you…”
Tonight, his outfit was a large pink sweater tucked into a pair of shorts with what Patrick can only assume are either cherries or strawberries. Maybe flowers? Anyways, he also had these circular pink sunglasses perched on his nose, although the indoor location and the time of day didn’t really call for them.
Patrick sat in his usual spot, towards the back so as to not be noticed or bothered. Next to him, Sandy was perched on her chair, fidgeting and nervously tapping her fingers against one another. It reminded Patrick of a squirrel, but he wouldn’t dare say that to Sandy.
There are other things he’d never tell Sandy. Like, for example, that he used to know the lead singer of Sponge In The High Seas. Bobby is his name—well, Robert, technically, but he always went by Bobby. He didn’t like his full name for some reason so he would always opt to go by the shortened version.
“You can’t hate me, though you probably do…”
They didn’t have a falling out or anything. Pat had had to leave the beach town he grew up in for a while. It’d been after a fight with his parents, he left and only grabbed his phone, charger, wallet, and car keys. He left and didn’t tell anyone. Didn’t message anyone because he was so desperate to try and keep himself from breaking down. But when he got that first phone call from Bobby, and heard the teary voicemail left when Pat didn’t pick up, he’d had to pull over onto the side of the road. Too many tears, he couldn’t see.
He came to the town roughly a month ago, and found that with no reason to stay, his parents had left. It was kinda disheartening, Patrick thought, to find that his parents hadn’t cared enough to try and find him. And when hed came to his favorite diner and found Bobby on the stage, he had made sure to sit where Bobby wouldn’t be able to see him. He wasn’t ready to face his best buddy yet.
“Cause then I might just die and have to blame you…”
Other than Bobby, the band consisted of one Edward Telford. That part was a shock to Pat, Eddie couldn’t stand Bobby when Pat had skipped town. It was one of his favorite things to think about when he was alone at night.
Pat had managed to come up with all sorts of crazy theories, but none that were probably real. Stranger than Eddie willingly being in a band with Bobby, he was also playing guitar. Pat didn’t know that Eddie could play guitar. Pearl was on drums, which was entertaining to watch, because he knew there had to be some sort of conversation with Eugene Krabbes, Bobby’s manager at the Krusty Krabbe. Or was, Pat didn’t know if Bobby was still working there. Obviously.
“I think it’s about time you go up to him.” Sandy whispered to Patrick, still watching. He knew she was probably right, because Sandy is super smart, but the thought made his stomach clench.
Sandy and Pat had met when Patrick had first come back to town. He was sitting in a grassy park, and she approached him, big smile and country twang. When she’d mentioned Bobby, Patrick had immediately trusted her enough to tell her everything. If Bobby truly let her be close to him, then she’s got to be a good person.
Because although Bobby’s always been super kind to everyone, only a few people got allowed into his close circle.
“I can’t breathe, well maybe that’s okay…”
When Patrick shrugged his shoulders, Sandy let out a quiet sigh: “Now Patrick Starr, you listen to me. Bobby misses you, yer all he talks about.” Patrick shrugs agains and crosses his arms. He doesn’t wanna talk about this right now.
“Do you know why he formed this band?” Pat shakes his head and clamps his hands over his ears. He can’t know. He has a feeling if he knows, he’s gonna spiral out of control.
Sandy pushes gently on his arms, sympathy filling her eyes. “He’s doing other to find you. He told me all about it. Thinks somehow you’ll show up at one of his concerts and approach him.” When he looks at her, she hurriedly adds “don’t give me that look, you oughta know I ain’t told him yet. But that doesn’t mean I feel good about lyin’ to the poor boy. Half these songs are about you, Patrick. I know you ain’t a dimwit, you must’ve figured that out by this point.”
“Maybe I’ll just save it for another rainy day…”
He thinks of the song Lacy Loo, thinks how he thought maybe that song was about him. He’d dismissed it at the time, figuring he’d read too deep. But now, there’s a possibility that it’d all been true.
“I can’t…I’m not ready yet.” Is his response, and he can see Sandy roll her eyes in the dim light. He’s watching her intently, looking for any sign of deception.
“I reckon you’re ready Pat.” She pats his arm lightly. “‘Sides, I told Bobby I’d meet him after he finished tonight.” Pat could feel the blood drain out of his face as he spluttered, managing to hiss out an incredulous ‘what?!’
“I can’t sleep, well maybe that’s alright…”
Sandy nods, and they turn back to face the stage when Bobby talks into the microphone. “Alright folks,” Pat notes the pleasant smile on Bobby’s face. “This is the last song of the night.” Bobby proceeds to laugh at the protests from the audience. The laughter gets a smile out of Patrick, a tiny one.
But now all Pat can think about is the reunion in just a few minutes. He’s so nervous, he can hardly hear the number over his thinking.
Sandy must be able to tell that Patrick is debating running out of the diner because she rests her hand on his wrist and gives him a stern look that glues him in his place. He doesn’t want this, but he’s also too scared of Sandy to shake her off and leave. She knows where he lives, too, so he stays put. Maybe he can slip out before without her noticing.
“I can save my sleeping for another empty night…”
The song ends, and Patrick stands when everyone else does, giving the band a standing ovation. Bobby bows and gestures at Eddie and Pearl, who also bow. Pearl also gives a peace sign at the hoots regarding her as the background vocalist. Pat has to admit she deserves it, her voice is amazing, angelic, Pat thinks.
“Before you all go for the night, please, if you know Patrick Starr and have any information of his whereabouts or safety, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” Patrick’s cheeks heat up in shame, the pleading look in Bobby’s eyes like a stab in the heart.
Sandy grabs Patrick’s arm and steers him towards the stage. Bobby’s turned around and pointing at something as he chats with a crew member. Eddie and Pearl are also not facing him, which is good for the moment. Patrick watches as Bobby runs a hand through his messy hair, and smiles when he catches sight of pink nail polish. Pearl must’ve put it on him.
“Kiss me at the red light one more time…”
Sandy politely waits for Bobby and the care guy to finish talking before she reaches up and taps Bobby on the back.
This happens in slow mo for Patrick, and each second that passes feels like an hour, and he grows increasingly panicked. Adrenaline kicks in as a result, and he has to fight the urge to turn on his heel and leave.
Bobby turns and gives Sandy a beaming smile, hopping off the stage to give her a hug. He hasn’t et noticed Bobby, and that’s the thing everyone loves about him. When Bobby’s talking to you, he gives you his full attention and it makes you feel like you’re the only thing that matters in life.
But it makes Pat shift from foot to foot. He freezes when Sandy gestures in his direction. “I brought someone for you.” Bobby turns, brows scrunched in confusion, but they fly up when he makes eye contact with Pat. His mouth falls open into an ‘O’ shape.
“Every time I think of you feels like a crime…”
Patrick smiles sheepishly, offering a half a wave. Bobby’s hand covers his mouth and his eyes fill with tears. Patrick falters, and sucks in a breath. Go figure he’d mess this up somehow. He gives a pointed look at Sandy, who shakes her head and mouths the word “wait.”
“Bobby—“ is all he whispers before the boy in pink launches himself at Patrick, openly sobbing into Patrick’s hoodie.
“I never thought you’d come back.” Bobby sniffs after a minute, pulling away and apologizing at the tear stains on Patrick.
Pat waves the apology away, claiming it’s not a big deal. And then Bobby’s face gets serious and he grabs Pat’s hand, dragging him to an empty table. “Where were you and why wouldn’t you answer my calls and texts?” He demands and Pat knows that he owes Bobby so much more than an apology, so much more than an explanation.
He explains everything to Bobby, that night in detail. The raised voices, his parents telling him he’d never get anywhere in life because he couldn’t make above a C in anything other than his photography and music classes. Him shooting back claiming he wanted to study in music and photography. Trying to get them to understand that school just didn’t make sense to him. The terms they slung at him that night, hurling each one like a punch to his body.
He explained the split second decision to run away, pulling over when he heard Bobby’s voicemail. How he’d never stopped feeling bad about leaving Bobby. How Bobby hadn’t left his mind once in his absence.
“I could be green, red, orange, purple or blue…”
When he finishes, Bobby’s crying again, eyes swimming with muted anger, sorrow, and hurt. Pat’s heart pangs, because Bobby should never cry. After a moment of silence, Pat whispers “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left and not told you anything.”
Bobby shakes his head, and pulls Patrick into a hug, gripping the fabric of his hoodie like Patrick will disappear if he doesn’t. “I get why you didn’t. You needed to have a bit by yourself.”
Pat rests his chin on Bobby's head, holding his freckled friend close. “Still. I shoulda said something. You woulda known how to keep me from running.”
“Next time come to me. I don’t wanna lose you again Pat.” Pat nods, and he smiles as Bobby draws images into the back of Patrick’s hoodie with his finger. His skin lights up despite the clothing.
“But you’re also amazing on stage. I promise that I won’t run without going to you and even then I’ll try not to run as long as you’re not beside me. Figuratively and literally.”
Bobby pulls away, smiling, and cups Patrick’s chin with his hands, and kisses him once. Patrick’s startled, and Bobby pulls away, muttering a “sorry.”
Patrick’s the one who grins first. “Don’t worry about it. I like you, so….” he trails off, unsure of what to say next.
Bobby laughs. “I like you too, you big dork. I wouldn’t get upset over just anyone leaving me like that.” He rolls his eyes playfully, but the comment stings Patrick a little, and Bobby’s quick to realize it. He cringes, opening his mouth to apologize but pat kisses him. “Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
Bobby grins, and intertwines their fingers as he pulls pat behind him so he can finish cleaning up for the night, trying to make sure Pat won’t disappear. For once, Pat can’t be bothered to even try and complain about cleaning. He just wants to be with Bobby.
“Only if it means that I’m keeping you.”
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shijiujun · 5 years
Director Gia Lee’s Latest Instagram Post (she deleted her account this morning)
Hey guys! So what happened after last night’s post-ep 18 live broadcast was that - because it’s an instastory live, a lot of commentators and users used the comments section as a platform to voice how unhappy they were with:
1. The 10-min episode last night
2. That there was no bed scene in ep 17
Giving all of you some context - yesterday the whole cast was there, including Stanley, Diane, our four boys, the director and the special guests were the two men playing CWH and TGD, and usually they use this time to answer more fun questions etc., but this week especially it’s taken a toll on them because they were trying to answer questions related to the plot and more importantly their own experiences and thoughts about filming the show and ytd since the two older actors were there they wanted to explore more about how they both felt about the show and how Chris/Jake/Andy/Kenny or even Diane felt about working with these two seniors
They had to take a break in between these questions to actually answer the two burning questions as stated above and as you guys have seen in my previous asks and posts - Chris was really apologetic about using the wrong words and misleading everyone (even though I don’t think he had any reason to apologise) + Jake was really super quiet during the broadcast + Stanley asked/implored for fans to not direct hate and criticisms at the instastory live, facebook or the comments section towards any of the cast or crew members and even offered himself up to take the bad comments + the director sounded a bit regretful - But anyway I thought that was the end of it until she put up a post on instagram LAST NIGHT, WHICH HAS SINCE BEEN DELETED
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1. when Choco first found me to film Trapped, they made this show the intention to create it as a policeman + mob boss story, and not just simply a BL drama
2. the structure of the script was already formed before i took on the job, and it was also already written, so on my side and choco’s they already planned to adjust the entire story and script according to this structure, so when people ask me why is it that the side couple doesn’t have more scenes, i don’t know how to answer. if you ask me why shao fei and li zhen don’t have scenes together, i don’t know how to answer either. if you ask me why hong ye and ah de have so many scenes, that’s because trapped was never meant to be just a BL drama, so i can’t answer that either... some problems is due to the restrictions and format of the show, and other problems are due to the script’s structure, it’s not something that i can decide on my own, so it’s not something i can answer either
3. for all publicity, i’ve never been a part of it so i wouldn’t know who said what or wrote what on which platform, so if you see or hear something due to publicity or marketing, and then when you see the drama and episodes it’s different, i can’t explain this either, just like when all of you asked me why there wasn’t a bed scene (in ep 17), i also only knew that you guys were expecting a bed scene then when someone else mentioned in, but the script originally never had this scene so i can’t explain this
4. a lot of things and problems, it’s what the production team, choco and i have to take responsibility for - if you guys think we didn’t film this well, then we’ll take on the responsibility for that, if you guys liked the drama, we are very thankful, but actually a lot of it requires no explanation, but this time it seems like everything went out of control, so i decided to explain myself
5. when we first decided to do the post-ep live broadcasts, it was only a personal thought, and i hoped through it the new actors could have a deeper sharing session and some ‘face-time’ with everyone, so it’s was a private, sharing and chatting session, it was never meant to be official publicity
6. i’ve never thought that i was good at directing, if you guys say that i’m bad at that i can accept it, but i do not wish to see people use emotionally-charged words and even personally attack/bully us
7. if you can’t accept our show, then i’m really sorry, maybe we filmed a show that didn’t meet your expectations, and maybe we actually were going in another direction with the show, maybe we originally had other side characters, maybe the fluttering you feel is not enough (paraphrasing, lmk if you guys have another interpretation), but this is how the show was already structured, and i can only say sorry that this show didn’t meet your expectations
8. lastly, i’m sorry everyone is unhappy 
So that’s what she wrote, and then she deleted her FB and instagram account. From what i’ve been seeing on weibo all morning, the chinese fans I’ve read are mostly really unfriendly - they’ve said things like ‘wow, she really has a weak heart huh’ and ‘basically she’s just putting all the blame on us crazy fans when it’s her show that’s shite’
And a fan even DMed Chris and the conversation goes like this:
Fan: Hey Chris, just wanted to let u know that you didn’t have to apologise, it’s all the director’s fault, and I’m sorry you had to be a scapegoat for this in ytd’s broadcast
Chris: Hey, this is not the director’s fault, I’ve already explained that it was me who described the scenes wrongly and misled the audience, I really hope you understand
Fan: (goes on about how it’s the director’s fault and not his)
Chris: I made it very clear last night that it’s not the director’s fault, and I really seek your understanding on this.
Like this is a total shitshow - I’ve not seen many supportive comments about the director and I feel so bad for her? And then the poor cast and everyone else also has to field these comments?!!!
Edit: Not to say you have to agree with what the director wrote - totally valid to disagree with what she’s said on certain issues! But the hate she’s getting is not right D:
like honestly, as much as we have problems with the show and its plot and everything, we also more or less understand that it’s a combination of factors - and even then as much as you hate the show or the way it’s been structured, please don’t send hate to the cast or crew members! i mean i hate line tv quite a bit but, constructive feedback is one thing - harsh hurtful comments is another!!! they’ve worked really hard on the show and they’re still coming up with scenes that we really like, even though yes the suspension of disbelief is tested every single ep, and yes there are plenty of loopholes, but i feel really bad for chris and the director - gia lee - who has to deal with the comments
if you guys are able to send nice comments over to her somehow on the official fb page or anything, and also to support chris/jake/andy/kenny - please do!
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chaosangeldown-blog · 7 years
PSA: A Lola Hayden does not exist. It’s a scammer named Ashley Hoff.
I know all of you probably know me for being in a relationship with Lola aka heroinkilledtherockstar aka taintedinsin aka dreamvein. That was true for a while but I found out a lot of things that made me question my relationship with her, and thus it is important for me to let all of you know that there’s someone that’s trying to abuse you by becoming close to you. All the photos this girl “Lola” posted, were nothing but some stolen photos by some other girl whom I don’t know. This person even had videos of this “Lola” and posted them or sent them online. That person in the photos is NOT the same person that posted everything on here under the URLs listed above.
The girl behind those posts and the facade of “Lola Hayden”(known as heroinkilledtherockstar) is Ashley Hoff. Someone we also knew through blogs like rockandrollvalentine and her “secret” personal one normalyouwere. She was supposed to be Lola’s financially poor cousin. 
I will break the story down for those who don’t know, so most people can have an idea of what this girl is about.
Ashley seems to have created this persona or character prior to 2008. Lola was described as being someone with money, someone with a lot of knowledge regarding plenty subjects (music, social media, politics, etc.). You could say she was presented as a know-it-all. She rose to fame on Tumblr by talking about certain bands and sharing “small known facts” (most possibly lies) about certain celebrities. On the internet, she presented a personality that showed she was caring, friendly and overall nice to strangers; a huge part of her whole persona was that she struggled with eating disorders, substance abuse, bullying while at school and most recently homophobia because she came out as a lesbian while “dating” me. 
To “close friends” she often seemed as though she was someone you could trust, and certainly, she tried to manipulate you into believing she truly cared about what you had to say, only to later on use this to manipulate you and abuse you emotionally and psychologically. She often shared details of her family, going on to say she had several brothers: Derryck, Jake, Corban and Ayden --her so called twin brother that killed himself when he was 16. She claimed her father was Chris Hayden and that his worked involved doing PR for celebrities and had graduated Yale. Jake was allegedly a surgeon, Derryck was supposed to test video games and Corban just lived off the family’s wealth. 
She also claimed to have lived in Tampa, FL, then moved to Toronto, Canada only to live for a bit at The Catskills, NY and move on to NYC itself. The truth? She had lived in Jersey City, New Jersey all this time. 
Now that there’s an idea as to who she is, let’s move on to the actual person: Ashley Hoff.
There’s a lot of things we don’t know about her. From what we understand, she is a white-looking black woman (her mother is supposed to be black) and lives in Jersey City, New Jersey. She has been pretending to be this Lola Hayden character for several years now. This person went on to create several fake Facebook accounts to try and make people believe that she had several friends there (especially ones that were related to the wrestling industry; again, this girl is OBSESSED with celebrities). She even went on to create a FaceTime screenshot of her and known wrestler Sami Zayn. She then claimed to have been in a relationship with another famous wrestler Kenny Omega.
I know all of this sounds like it should be easy to figure it out, and even though most of us had suspicions one way or another, the reality is that she is very clever and well spoken when talking about these “stories” that are just actually well-elaborated lies. Several websites regarding catfishing (because that’s what she did, basically) talk about how the abusers use sad or traumatic stories to generate a sense of empathy around this person, and that’s what both Ashley and “Lola” claimed to have. Both suffered either biphobia or homophobia as Lola was presented to be a lesbian, that she had lost her twin brother due to suicide, had committed several suicide attempts, eating disorders, you name it. Ashley claimed she was half black, had lost her father due to alcoholism, was poor, had eating disorders and depression.
Several people and I have gathered information as the scamming included even family members that she stole money from by pretending to be in need of it. To close friends that she had created online, she presented herself as caring and loving while emotionally manipulating us and abusing us psychologically. This is a person that craves control over other people and needs to be able to create lies that are bigger than her because she has low self esteem.
I urge all of you that had ever had any type of encounter with Lola Hayden and/or Ashley hoff TO PLEASE report her on the FBI Internet Crimes section listed here. 
You can enter the complaint by talking about the victims (me or someone you know, or even yourself) and mention how this person abused you. The fact that she pretended to be someone else while trying to seem caring to you is crime enough and punishable by the law. We need as much complaints as we can get so this is taken seriously. We have also approached local law enforcement offices to pursue this case and we’ll update as we see continue to gather more information.
At the risk of posting information and having this blog/post be deleted, I am going to post the information needed for the complaint, or just so you are aware of who she is, I will make two post for the photos and the information. This person has spent almost ten years of her life with her mother (she’s her partner in crime) creating false personalities, only sticking with Lola Hayden as she rose to fame in 2010-2011. If we get this post to be viral or at the very least popular within our circle, she won’t be able to come back or deflect this. 
For the photos of Ashley. For photos of Barbara Hoff (Ashley’s mother). For “Lola Hayden”. For their INFORMATION.
Also, please refrain from contacting these people. They are extremely intelligent and will be able to try and manipulate you, and wrap you around their lies. This is not a good thing to do. Let’s just popularize this post so more people are aware of, especially those who knew her through the heroinkilledtherockstar moniker.
I REPEAT: PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CONTACT THEM. Ashley Hoff particularly has ripped off HER OWN FAMILY MEMBERS for up to $7000. She has multiple secret accounts on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even Flickr, from where she steals other people’s photos. The main give away that she is trying to catfish someone is the fact that 1) she will refuse to videochat with you and come up with really weird excuses about it. It may seem factual but they aren’t. 2) she may have a group of “friends” that will also remain anonymous or share very little information or have no personal photos. 3) she will try to empathize with you by opening up about certain “traumatic” instances on her life. Please do not believe anything she says. 
@heroinkilledtherockstar (pretended to know a bunch of celebs and even being emotionally/sexually involved with them. Completely false)
@makeamericalesbianagain (pretended to be a lesbian)
@dancinginadaze (yeah, she pretended to be a black man lmao)
@rockandrollvalentine (Ashley’s own personal blog)
@normalyouwere (her “secret” personal blog she pretended to be in a relationship with Kenny Omega and posted “secret” photos of him + his friends)
Ashley Hoff is 22-23 years old. Lola Hayden was supposed to be 27 years old. ASHLEY’S REAL AGE IS 22-23 years old! She constantly lies about her age. Do not trust her.
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