#xoti speaks!
xotication · 4 months
more annoying ken texts ??:3
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here you are, anon. <3
lowk so tired, i just got out of work 😭
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herearedragons · 1 month
keeping Xoti's Insight at 0 my entire Deadfire playthrough for Character Accuracy
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sun-marie · 3 months
Honestly, and this goes for almost all media, if there's a character with a heavy southern/"country" accent, that's like. strike one in my book lmao. Like there had better be a damn good reason they talk like that and/or their characterization had better be IMPECCABLE, bc otherwise I cannot stand my accent being mishandled and "played for laughs" as it very often is
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dragonologist-phd · 2 years
How about 17 for the Spotify Wrapped writing meme? :)
send me a number 1-100 and i’ll write a short fic based on the corresponding top song on my spotify wrapped  
17. Lantern - The Ballroom Thieves
the heart believes in something more than what's been said the heart's a two-faced fortune teller
(this one is actually already on my Miervaldis/Xoti playlist, so of course I had to write something for them!)
Some nights, Miervaldis and Xoti stay awake long after the others have fallen asleep.
It usually happens when they are both particularly troubled by dreams, and neither wish for the struggle of returning to sleep. Instead, they sit in the light of the moon or the dwindling campfire, and they talk. There is much to talk about, after all- the gods they serve, the roads they’ve traveled, the visions which have followed them both throughout their lives.
One night, when the fire has died and the moon is dark and the only light that remains comes from the soft glow of Xoti’s lantern, the priestess pauses in the story she tells to glance sheepishly at Miervaldis. “You’re nice to talk to, you know,” she says. “Most folk can’t stand when I chatter on like this. Thanks for listening so well.”
Nice to talk to. It’s not a compliment Miervaldis receives often. He turns those words over in his mind, then replies, “There is no need to thank me. It feels good to speak with someone who understands.”
Xoti chuckles. “No kidding. Gets kind of old, having everyone treat me like I’m…” she pauses and chews at her lip, worrying over something which she doesn’t voice. “Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m odd. Just don’t see why that’s such a terrible thing. Still, I don’t want to be talking your ears off if you’d rather I’d give you a bit of peace.”
The low light of the lantern throws shadows over Xoti’s face as she speaks, but every now and then a soul will pass near the glass and catch her face in its glow. The lantern’s light is not warm, but her eyes are- she is. She is warm and inviting and, yes, odd. She is different from anyone else Miervaldis has ever known. She is passionate and haunting and unpredictable. She is beautiful.
“Do not worry,” Miervaldis says. “I like talking to you, very much.”
I like you, very much. Those are the words he does not say. He will, someday, but not yet. Not while she still talks about Edér with a sigh in her voice.
Tonight, he just makes her smile, and that is enough.
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speaking of deadfire I’m still kind of torn about the romance options. like I would really prefer one of the returning companions since they’ve been with the watcher through everything, which leaves aloth, but I also really like xoti and maia
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two-bit-socrates · 1 year
I feel bad for hati Xoti more than I do Durance. Like they each have traits I inherently like and dislike but at the end of the day MY weird trait regarding certain frequencies of sound kicks in that some sounds feel like someone is hammering nails into my head.
Sometimes I wonder if some small part of why hatred of specific genders takes place has something to do with a way a person's voice sounds aggravating a sensitive sensory issue the person isn't aware of and it contributes to a bias in said person's mind.
Like Laura's sultry voice isn't painful compared to the frequency of sound she has with Xoti.
Like many people who watch Critical Role I too fucking love Jester and I love how she speaks but the (im not sure im using the right word actually I think I mean decibel) frequency of her voice hurts like hell and it kicks up agitation cause I need it to stop.
Idk, it's weird and I don't fully understand it.
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cilant-lis · 2 years
i am cursed by listening to an entire campaign of critical role and now i can’t play poe deadfire without being like “omg [cr cast member] !” every five minutes
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championsandheroes · 5 years
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So I took a 6 month pause from Pillars of Eternity 2, for reasons unknown. It may or may not be related to my struggles to get Aloth to date me. Ok, so we ARE out here, trying to save the world, but like the real struggle is my shit taste in characters? Again? Why is this always how these games go? Please don't answer that. Also, it's weird playing PoE2 and being a Critical Role fan. It's a constant game of "hey, is that...?" because I don't like looking up who is voice acting what. 
There is significantly less guesswork concerning who is behind the material on my Patreon and society6. 
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aswebothshook · 4 years
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emjs-good-out-here · 6 years
My favourite Pillars of Eternity party? 
Oh, you mean The Ultimate Inter-Team Drama & Bickering Championship Finalists?
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xotication · 4 months
i’m bored nd tired of videogames so here’s some more of what type of man i think kaneki is..
okay. when you & kaneki first meet, you have to break him into a LOT of things. one time you guys were texting nd he said something funny.. so you keysmashed & poor baby was CONFUSED.
“y/n are you okay..?”
having to explain it to him made the situation all the more funny but awkward at the same damn time. it’s a hassle having to explain gen z things to this man LMAO.
you had him download instagram, tiktok, even snapchat & learning how to use them was such a drag to him.
“why do you like this stuff anyway?” he says but a week later he’s sending you his entire fyp all like “HAGAHAHA BABE THIS IS SO FUNNY” like boyyy.. wasn’t you JUST talking shit?! at one point he even takes it upon himself to upload silly lil vids & they start to go VIRAL. he doesn’t understand why bc half the time he’s just talking about you & explaining diff things he doesn’t understand about girls.
“my girlfriend asks me really dumb questions all the time, i don’t get it.. how does your brain come up with that?? what on earth do you mean by ‘would you still love me if i was a worm’ like what?!” & then there’s just girls in the comments sending thoughts nd prayers for his poor soul.
basically, kaneki becomes a whole different person after dating you for just a couple months. he adapts damn near all your habits nd it’s the most endearing yet hilarious thing ever.
for example: say he’s talking about a girl or boy & you give him a nasty look bc.. why is he talking about OTHER PEOPLE?! eventually when you start having story times that include someone else, he gives you the MEANESSSTTTT side eye ever. it’s insane.
& don’t ever ask him about it either. “why’re you looking at me like that?”
“idk, why’re you conversing with people who aren’t me?”
“ken, i have to socializ-”
“says who?!”
not only that, but kaneki is airheaded when it comes to people. like if the man doesn’t like someone or something. it shows all over his face.
one time you guys were out eating, & he thought the waiter was being a lil too friendly.. manz was making the most uncomfy faces ever. 😭
“ken- fix your face?!”
“i’m sorry! i’m trying my best.” you guys both whisper yell.
ken gets a house kitty, & when you’re not home, he makes one of those, “gf isn’t home.. yk what that means.. OPTIMUS PRIME ON THE COUNTER” tiktok’s & thinks it’s so funny.
also, when you’re not home, this poor manchild is so bored.
he could read books upon books in a day & still be dying. it’s not until he hears that front door unlock that he feels freed from the shackles that are his boredom!
ken loves to annoy you, he loves to be around you, he loves to look at you, to touch you, any & everything to do with you- he loves.
not to mention.. he begs you to build legos with him. when you agreed, he made it a whole little picnic date & made sure that the weather would be perfect… he also made you swear to not leave the park until the whole lego set was completed.
kennie baby is soso cuteness.
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posting my drafts cuz my brain doesn’t wanna work nowadays. 😫😫😫
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sasseffects · 6 years
Had that conversation with Edér and whoo boy thanks poe2 devs I hate it
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pinkfey · 2 years
i was tagged by @arklay and @aartyom to fill out this fun lil prompt; tysm my beloveds 😚😚 tagging: @liurnia @mrs-theirin @taliaferros @xoti @solasan @yharnams @lvllns @rennasrise @calenhads @celticwoman @shadowglens @cultistbase @steelport @mendev @sanguinettii and you !! ♡ ♡ ♡
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NAME: Jael Khatri
NICKNAME(S): Pup (used as less a term of endearment and more a taunt by her professors as well as students at the academy)
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3 — Jael did not have any sort of education prior to being admitted to the academy and in her village the only language spoken was Common
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other — cheeky, cocky
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed — Having been constantly hunched in a box during her formative years, Jael’s spine did not develop properly, resulting in a curved posture
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⬛⬛⬜️⬜️⬜️
EMOTION: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬜⬜️
FREQUENCY: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬜⬜
CREATIVITY: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬛️⬜
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
straightforward or cryptic? / fighting the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING OR HEARING YOUR CHARACTER? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never — Jael occasionally gets lost in the bit and pontificates too much, resulting in a “Wait… what?” every once in a while
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never — Jael prefers to have people approach her rather than her approach them
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they’re done here / remain quiet / they don’t
WHAT SOCIAL CLASS WOULD OTHERS ASSUME YOUR CHARACTER BELONGS TO, HEARING THEM SPEAK? upper / middle / lower — Jael may not always understand some of the words she uses in order to seem higher class, but by god can she fake it
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
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NAME: Ursula
NICKNAME(S): Ursa (used only by Talyss)
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3 — Common
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no — Norse (italicized because I haven’t totally decided yet :P)
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other — unimpressed
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⬛⬛⬛️⬜️⬜️
EMOTION: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬜⬜️
FREQUENCY: ⬛⬛️⬜️⬜⬜
CREATIVITY: ⬛️⬛️⬜️⬜️⬜️
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
straightforward or cryptic? / fighting the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt? — Ursula doesn’t have much of a sense of what’s masculine or feminine. While I’d personally put her in the more neutral category, it isn’t as if she’s purposefully neutral. She just is.
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING OR HEARING YOUR CHARACTER? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never — Ursula can be very quiet when she isn’t the one leading.
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they’re done here / remain quiet / they don’t
WHAT SOCIAL CLASS WOULD OTHERS ASSUME YOUR CHARACTER BELONGS TO, HEARING THEM SPEAK? upper / middle / lower — It’s less that they know her class and more they know she’s a pirate.
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
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stylishanachronism · 3 years
Tumblr is not kind to me and does not let me check the post for any details to ask about, but do you have something more to add to the Waidwen's clothes thing I asked about a while back? And also the questionable authorship of our favourite porn book we talked about. 👀
Hilariously, I have a draft of the 'what the fuck is Waidwen wearing' post collecting a couple of different people's responses and my thoughts on them open in another tab right now, because I did have more to say and then I just.... didn't, and now it's been too long for that not to be awkward as hell.
Anyways, to summarize:
The consensus, when we left off, was that the metal armor was mostly dreamscape stuff, not literal, but that it was probably reflective of what everybody who did have metal was actually wearing.
It's... probably an technical limitations thing that it's in the Vailian style, because there's no point in adding Yet Another art asset for one scene when they already had so many highly necessary one off art assets for BoW, and there just isn't a lot of extant non-Vailian plate to begin with in the existing art assets, (and also I am solidly unconvinced that the coup had any sort of international backing just based on timing. Would the Vailians have backed it? Oh totally, not only do they get to spit at the Aedyrans they also get better access to the dye supply everybody was, is, and continues to be convinced is a viable thing, despite the fact they're having a hell of a time growing it. But I just can't see them getting their shit together fast enough to actually make much of a difference when Waidwen came out of nowhere and the coup itself was pretty much done before it started.), and what there is really wouldn't do, so. You make do with what you've got.
(Unrelated, it's high key hilarious to me that there's such a strong (entirely unintended) default visual tie between the Watcher and the Eothsians in general, because despite the text saying they all wear purple, they're all in green, and green and yellow are Caed Nua's canonical colors, so if you don't change the colors everybody matches! Most people do change their colors of course, but like, it is a whole thing.)
As for Our Favorite Eroticist:
I think I've settled on 'somebody in the priesthood with a vivid imagination and too much time on their hands, who crucially never met Waidwen or anyone who spent a lot of time with him personally' (so... Xoti's spiritual predecessor, so to speak); because on one hand, access to enough disposable paper not only to write the thing but also publish it and a better than average understanding of Eothas, (metatextually, the same people who wrote Eothas-the-god's dialogue also probably wrote the porn, so of course it sounds the same, but in game...), but I feel like anyone who actually like, knew Waidwen wouldn't be able to write it with a straight face. Not even Xoti, and you know my feelings about her theoretical Watcher/Eder/Xoti fanfic, so that's saying something.
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lunarowena · 4 years
7 for Cal on the hug prompts?
7. Tired hug 
Cal doesn’t hear the knocking at her cabin door at first. Her vision blurs as she stares at the papers on her desk. Her notes, trying to make sense of the situation. Trying to find the right answer. There is no right answer.
The door creaks open. “Cal?” Xoti asks softly.
Cal gestures her in, unspeaking. She should say something. Xoti deserves that from her. But Xoti has always had a way of getting her to actually speak.
Xoti closes the length of the small room and places her hand on Cal’s shoulder. Cal leans into the physical touch, a rare moment where she is not separated by her plate armor. Although less and less rare with Xoti these days.
Xoti squeezes her shoulder. “Nobody’s seen much of you recently, and everybody’s been worried…”
“And they nominated you to check that I was still breathing?”
“Well, we occasionally hear you swearing so we know you’re still breathing. I was sent to see if you were alright.”
“No,” Cal says bluntly.
There’s silence and Xoti stands, waiting.
Cal leans forward on the desk, resting her head in her hands. “It’s all fucked up, Xo.”
“I know,” Xoti says quietly.
“The Huana, the Vailians, the Rauatai… I’m going to have to kill someone.” Cal runs her fingers through her hair. “I have to get to Ukaizo, and I’m going to have to kill someone to get there.” She takes in a ragged breath. “And I have to decide who deserves to die.”
“You are the Chosen of Berath.”
“When I decided to follow Berath, I didn’t realize how much death I would be the cause of.” Cal laces her fingers through Xoti’s. “I’m so… I’m so tired of killing people.”
Xoti pulls Cal up, drawing her into a hug. Cal breathes deeply as she buries her face in Xoti’s hair.
“You’re not alone. We’re all here with you.”
Cal doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t need to be reminded of the blood she’s placing on Xoti’s hands, too. But right now she holds Xoti tightly, trying to pretend she can just be young and in love. Pretending that the Deadfire and her god don’t expect her to be their judge, jury, and executioner.
hug prompts
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The Captain’s Clothes
The Watcher gets a new look, and Tekēhu approves.
[I’m on a roll for short POE fic apparently. Just short, silly snippets I had ideas for as I played! They’re making me happy to write, either way. And my Watcher isn’t nameless anymore!! Also on my AO3, which is Amariahellcat - I know tumblr hates links so I avoid that these days haha]
Fort Deadlight is an unsavory but necessary stop before they depart for further shores. Though they agree on little, Tekēhu can tell this is one thing he and Aloth are of a like mind on - the elf’s gaze just as sharp and weary as it is in the middle of a battlefield.
Alina is as stoic as ever, emotions locked tight behind a diplomatic grimace - a stoicism he now knows is a show for the factions, for the World at large, the image of her dancing and laughing as she’s passed between companions playing in his mind’s eye- as they meet with Aeldys, the Principi speaking warmly to the paler woman.
“‘Cap’is smart, knows ta play nice wit’all th’factions fer now.” Serafen mutters, eyes narrowed as he keeps a keen eye out for any mind magic, “Least it ain’t Furrante.”
The Cipher doesn’t expand on that, and Tekēhu doesn’t ask; the middle of a Principi Fort is neither the time nor place for such discussions, he’s sure.
Besides, whatever Alina says must have made Aeldys incredibly happy - she throws her head back with a cackling laugh, snapping her fingers. “Ahah, yer a smart cookie, Lovesome! Well done indeed. Here, yer reward, as promised. With some... extra goodies, on me. Can’t have th’Watcher runnin’ around lookin’ like she crawled outta’some grave!”
Edér snorts to his left, covering it up with a cough when Alina shoots him a look over her shoulder.
“Thank you.” she says, pointing at Edér when one of Aeldys’ men approaches with a large trunk, “He’ll be carrying that back.”
Neither Serafen or himself can stop from laughing at that. Even Aloth lets out the tiniest chuckle.
Edér only groans. “Aye, Captain.”
“I wonder what was in that trunk…”
Serafen twitches an ear in his direction, shrugging a shoulder. “Beats me, lad. Pirate booty o’some sort, I imagine.”
The Cipher’s wording has his mind wanting to spiral down another train of thought, but Tekēhu dutifully shakes it off, persisting. “It is curious, though, is it not? They have been down there for an hour! Ekera, it must be something marvelous!”
“It is clothes.”
The utter disdain in Pallegina’s voice draws their attention more than her words, catching the avian godlike as she steps fully up onto the deck.
“Clothes?” Tekēhu repeats, curious.
“Ac, that is what I said. Principi styles - Xoti and Maia have been playing dress up with the Watcher since discovering what was inside the chest.”
“You are not interested, I assume?”
Pallegina’s nose wrinkles, eyes narrowed. “It is not the style of clothing I would choose for the Watcher, or for myself - I was getting annoyed merely by being in the room.”
“Come now, lass, th’clothes can’t all be that bad?”
“Stripes and eyepatches, Serafen.”
The Cipher winces, one ear swiveling back towards the stairs. “Yikes. Ah guess we’ll find out shortly what they settled on…”
Tekēhu stops listening halfway through the other’s words, eyes locked on the figure of their Captain as she climbs up the stairs and alights on the deck - pausing to glance around and then heading their way.
The only stripes on the Captain’s ensemble are on the wide sash she’s wrapped around her slim waist, and there’s not an eyepatch to be seen.
Deep turquoise pants tucked into dark boots, a black billowy top that is open at her mid-drift and between her breasts, and a golden collar that adorns her throat and shoulders.
Ngati smiles on me, I say. Tekēhu watches her openly as she approaches them, appreciating the outfit and the way it hugs her slim frame - eyes flicking up to her head and his smile widening.
“Ah, Captain, you look ravishing. But I do have one critique, I’m afraid.”
Alina hesitates, eyebrows lifted. “Go on.”
“I am afraid the hat does you no favors - might I convince you to discard it?”
Pallegina makes a soft noise of agreement. “Ac, thank you, Tekēhu! I am glad it is not only me!”
“Ahh, gotta agree with th’fish boy, Al - th’hat ain’t yer style.”
Alina grins - a wide, bright expression that leaves him momentarily stunned - and reaches up to pull the wide brimmed hat from her head, toying with it’s feather. “I didn’t think the hat would suit me either, but Xoti insisted-”
“Hat’s are great!!! It looked so nice!!”
“-but, since the majority agrees with me… no hat.” Alina plucks the feather out and tosses the hat out over the rail of the ship, earning a few whistles and cheers as it disappears into the ocean, “A small offering to Ondra - I promise to make a proper one, later.”
“I shall ask Ngati to accept.” Tekēhu chuckles, going still when she holds the feather out to him, “Ah, Captain?”
“Here, a present.” Alina’s smile gives nothing away, but her cheeks are flushed pink, eyes bright and hopeful, “The colour suits you - a thank you, for joining me.”
“Careful, Captain, else you’ll make me blush.” Tek��hu takes the feather carefully, delighting in the brush of her fingers against his, and makes sure to hold her gaze as he fiddles with it, “I will be sure to treasure it.”
Alina just watches him for a moment - seemingly caught by the twiddling, but he notices her eyes fading out again, expression slack for just barely a second - before she comes back to herself and runs her hand through her hair, mussing it.
“Back to work, then.” she mumbles, smile a tad smaller than before, as she turns to make her way further up - flashing gold and turquoise as she moves.
Tekēhu spins the feather a few more times - thinking of another feather he carries, and wondering at the much heavier weight this one seems to carry, the pull he feels to it’s gifter.
Then he smiles, and tucks it away for a later time.
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