#poor kieran
arthursfuckinghat · 6 months
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Braithwaite Manor - Kieran and Arthur
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xenascribbles · 2 days
i wrote a short flashback last night of the night kieran’s house burned…. hurt my own feelings
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faofinn · 1 year
13. Anxious Stomach
Kieran had been at university for all of six months before his life exploded and erupted around them. He'd settled in well, secretly glad Alfie had come with him even though they were on different courses. He found a girlfriend surprisingly quickly, Alfie teasing him as it moved faster. They were on the same course, so it made sense for them to study together, and they couldn't study on empty stomachs. 
If Kieran wasn't with Alfie, then he was with Kizzy, and it had become the most natural thing. She met the family, and they loved her. She brought Kieran out of his shell, made him happier than he'd ever been. Of course, it was early days, only months into their relationship, but Kieran couldn't help but dream. 
And then everything changed. 
They'd been careful, used protection, done everything right, but somehow there it was. 
Two lines.
She'd taken another, but it was the same. Positive. They'd gone to the doctors together, discussed their options, Kieran acting older than he was. Whatever happened, it was as much his responsibility as it was Kizzy's, and he'd accepted it. Somehow, she'd missed it, her body concealing it, acting as normal, and the doctor dropped the bombshell she was already at least twelve weeks. They decided against making any decisions until they'd had the scan, and then they heard the heartbeat. 
Neither wanted to admit it to their parents, so took the weekend to try and digest it themselves. Kieran couldn't stop looking at the scan, his mind reeling. That was a baby. His baby. 
He'd left the sonogram on his desk while he made a cup of tea, peppermint to settle his stomach, like his Uncle Fao always told them. Him and Alfie were going back for the week on Monday, and he'd been trying to build up the courage to tell his dads. The stress had kept him up, tossing and turning with butterflies in his stomach. He headed back to his room with his mug in hand, pushing open the dorm room and coming face to face with Alfie. Holding the sonogram. Shit.
"Uh, Kieran? Want to explain?"
He froze, mouth agape as he stared at his brother. He didn't know what to say, how to say it. He'd not had enough time to plan, to work out what he wanted to say. 
“You can’t be serious, Kieran. Say something.”
"We're gonna keep it." He managed. 
“It’s yours?!”
He nodded, sitting heavily on his bed. "We used protection. She didn't know. We just…we just found out. She's three months."
“What the fuck? I didn’t think it was yours, I thought it was a joke or someone’s sibling or something. Fucking hell.”
"Yeah." He finally looked at Alfie. "Yeah."
“You’re gonna keep it? We live in halls for fucks sake.” His mind was reeling. 
"We've got six months."
“What about uni?”
"I'll have to drop out, I guess. I'll have to find a job. I don't know."
He softened, sitting next to his brother and putting his arm around him. “You’ll work it out. Guess you’ve not told Dads yet.”
He gratefully leaned into him. "We found out on Tuesday, had the scan yesterday. Everything's just happening."
“Jeez, that is quick.” He sympathised. 
"She didn't even know. Everything was…happening normally." He shrugged. 
“At least you guys found out now.”
"I don't know how I'm meant to tell Dads."
“You just have to be honest.”
"They're gonna kill me."
“Nah, they love you.”
He groaned. "Oh, I feel sick."
“Hey, breathe.”
"How am I supposed to breathe? They're gonna kill me, oh, fuck. I can't do this."
“Kieran, look at me.” Alfie said softly. “They’re not gonna kill you. Why would they?”
He turned to look at his twin, his eyes wild. "Why wouldn't they? I got someone pregnant. I'm gonna be a dad."
“Dad’s made some shit choices in his life, you think he’s gonna judge you?”
"I just don't understand. We used protection! She takes a tablet. It's not meant to happen!"
Alfie shrugged. “Sometimes it just does.”
"I can't do this."
“You’ll have me, y’know? Even if Dads lose it, which they won’t, you’ll have me. And Eden, he doesn’t have a choice.”
"What about the rest of the family? Grandad Steve is gonna be so disappointed. And grandad Fred, I don’t even want to imagine what he’s gonna think."
“Kieran, Grandad Steve looked after Dad, he won’t care. And uncle Finn was young when he had Meelie.”
"Not this young."
“It’ll be okay.”
"Kiz hasn't told anyone either."
“Then you’re both at the same spot. It’ll be fine, I can be there with you when you tell Dads.”
"Thank you."
“I’ve got your back.”
He pulled Alfie in for a hug. "Thank you."
“You know I’d do anything for you.” He said, holding him tightly. 
When Monday rolled around, Alfie was true to his word. Kieran still hasn't worked up the courage to do it, but he knew he didn't have a choice. As much as he loved his little brother, he just wanted to tell his dads first. Thankfully, Alfie got the hint quickly, distracting Levi and taking him upstairs while their dads sat in the living room. Kieran felt sick, his stomach long passed feeling anxious. Even Tai had asked if he was alright, apparently looking that nauseous on the way home. He knew if he didn't just do it, he never would, so pushed the living room door open, closing it softly behind him. 
"Dads?" His voice wavered, his hands trembling in his pocket as he tried to breathe. 
Tai looked up at his son, frowning. “What’s wrong, Kit?”
"I need to tell you something." He sat on the sofa opposite, staring hard at the floor.
"You know you can tell us anything." Harrison said softly. 
“Anything.” Tai echoed. “It’s alright.”
"You know Kizzy?"
“Yeah, of course.” Tai said with a smile.
He took a shaky breath. "We were careful and I don't know what happened but she's pregnant and she's three months and we want to keep it and I know you're gonna hate me and be mad at me, but we were careful and I was careful and I'm sorry."
“Hey, hey. Slow down.” Tai said, leaning forwards. “She’s pregnant?”
He nodded. "I'm sorry."
Tai was quiet for a moment, glancing at his husband. “That’s… that’s big, Kit.” He said softly. “What are you going to do?”
"She wants - we want to keep it."
“How far along?”
"Three months." His voice wavered again. "We only found out on Tuesday."
“Oh, Kit.”
Harrison had been silent throughout, his mind reeling. Tai looked to him, but he couldn't say anything. He stood, quickly leaving and heading outside. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. After everything Steve had done for him, he'd still ended up doing what he'd feared; he'd ruined the kids' lives. They wanted to keep the kid, he couldn't blame him for that, so they'd support him, of course they would. He dropped his head to his hands, feeling like a scared kid again. Tai was busy inside (apparently handling it a lot better than he was), but he needed to talk to someone, anyone. He fumbled for his phone, quickly pressing Dad.
Steve picked up quickly, as he so often did when his son rang him out of the blue. 
"Kieran's pregnant."
“That’s, uh, not what I was expecting to hear.”
"What do I do?"
“What have you said to him?”
"I haven't."
“What do you mean you haven’t?”
"I couldn't. I didn't know what to say."
“You didn’t say anything?! Harrison.”
He groaned. "I know, I know. I didn't want to say the wrong thing."
“So you said nothing?!” 
“Fucking hell, Harrison.”
"What am I supposed to do?"
“Say something, anything? Tell him you love him, for Christ’s sake!”
"He knows that."
“Not right now he doesn’t.”
He made a pained noise. "He does."
“He’s just dropped a huge piece of news on you and you’ve walked out. He’s probably shitting himself.”
"Oh, fuck. I've fucked up."
“Go back, tell him you love him, and that you’ll support him.”
"He knows we would." He said. "Doesn't he?"
“He doesn’t, not now.”
The pain was obvious in his words. "I've fucked up. I've fucked up so much."
“Go and tell him you love him, Hars. The rest will work itself out.”
"It will?"
“It always does.”
"Thanks, dad."
“You know I love you too, right?”
"Even though I've fucked all this up?"
“It was a silly mistake you made in shock.” Steve reassured. “I’ll always love you, no matter what. I’m your dad.”
He gave a shaky laugh. "That's what I should have said to him."
“Go on, go and tell him that now. And tell him if his idiot Dad does that again, he’s more than welcome at mine.”
"Thanks, dad. I'll call you later, yeah?"
“Yeah, let me know how it goes.”
"Will do." He murmured, hanging up. He took a moment to build his confidence before heading back in. The living room door was shut, and he knocked quietly before entering. 
Tai shot Harrison a less than impressed look as he walked in, Kieran now sat next to him on the sofa. He looked wide eyed and worried as his dad entered, afraid of what he might say. 
“See, I told you he’d come back, didn’t I?” Tai tried to reassure, though he was fully prepared to take Kieran’s side if things went south. 
Harrison cleared his throat, a blush across his cheeks. "Kit? C'mere."
Kieran glanced at Tai for reassurance before he stood, padding closer to his dad. He couldn’t look at him, eyes fixed on the floor. “‘M sorry.”
"No." Harrison bundled him in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. "God, no. You're not supposed to be sorry. I'm sorry. I panicked, and I didn't want to say the wrong thing and hurt you. I fucked that up, didn't I? I love you, Kit. Whatever happens, whatever you need, I'll be right there. I love you."
Against his Dad’s chest, Kieran dissolved into tears, the stress from the past week and more just overwhelming him. “I… I th-thought you were r-really mad…”
Harrison found himself crying too, refusing to let his son go. "God, no. I'm not mad, I promise you. I'm so sorry I made you think that."
He sniffed. “You’re not mad?”
"I'm not mad." He promised, pulling back to look at him. "I'm proud of you, I am. And I'm really ? that you could tell us. I'm just sorry I panicked a bit."
“Shouldn’t be proud.”
Hands on Kieran's shoulders, Harrison swallowed thickly. "I'm always going to be proud."
He sniffed again. “‘M sorry.”
He pulled him back in for a hug. "Please don't be sorry."
“I am, though.”
"I know, I know."
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multiversal-muses · 1 year
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Ooc: Um…I think my Kieran is experiencing the Persona effect.
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abubblingcandle · 2 years
The more I DM my campaigns the more excited I get for running a prequel campaign!
(I really need to stop inventing and introducing technically dead NPCs from 800 years ago)
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siplick · 8 months
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Late night letter
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kiwiuhhhhh · 1 month
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My favorite weirdos
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shima-draws · 1 year
Kieran has me in a chokehold. His character arc is so GOOD. You can tell that his bitterness and anger doesn’t just come from everything that’s happened to him recently. It’s pretty obvious that he’s been living in Carmine’s shadow for a LONG time and she’s always kinda treated him badly. But it wasn’t until the player character came along that he was finally able to voice that in his own way;; Just when he thinks he’s made a true friend in someone, someone that can and will stand up to his sister and is able to defeat her in battle (which inspires him to start speaking up for himself more), Carmine steals them away. And that’s a big betrayal to him. He clearly has self esteem issues which leads to him thinking that Carmine was talking shit about him behind his back and getting the player to believe that he wasn’t worth being friends with. And that makes him think both of them were laughing at him and making fun of him. And THEN the player goes and takes the last thing that Kieran has, the last thing he truly cares about: Ogerpon. It’s no wonder he got so frustrated and petty and lashed out 😭 Still breaks my heart to see but they did a really good job showing that progression of him losing more and more of his patience with Carmine. And him generally feeling like everything he cares about is being torn away. And losing to the player over and over just makes things WORSE. He’s not strong enough to beat them, he’s not strong enough to stand up to his sister, he’s not strong enough to be worthy of Ogerpon, he’s not strong. He needs to get stronger. Stronger and stronger and stronger.
GODDDD. He’s going to live rent free in my brain forever now. I can’t wait to see the direction they take with him in The Indigo Disk
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beebeetheclown · 1 month
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From Christopher Norr on IG
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kennykenkenneth · 2 months
put all the irish in one room and this happens
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pollyanna-nana · 9 months
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Holy shit I thought I was just imagining it when playing but no, watching it again Kieran really DOES have tears in his eyes when he decides to help you defeat Terapagos. Poor kid :(
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arthursfuckinghat · 8 months
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"He saved my life and I could not save his"
Kieran Duffy - Scarlett Meadows
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kekstala · 7 months
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In chess, if you want to defeat the king just use the queen bee. Also It totally hasn't been Penny who'd snitched about the Ribombee thing in exchange for BP - Nope.
Story: sweet and sour dipplins Writer: @dipplinduo Check them out <3
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t1meslayer · 8 months
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The whole Scarlet/Violet DLC epilogue rules, but one of my favorite bits of characterization is Penny puffing out her chest and pretending to be above all those horror movies she definitely hasn’t watched, only to immediately start freaking out when things get spooky.
Look at how offended she is at Arven outing her.
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multiversal-muses · 11 months
Continued from here: X
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“Those times were different to now…back then ‘we’ did it out of admiration, did you forget that? Yes, I want to be stronger and you might be the stronger out of two of us but at what cost…?”
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*Kieran would look at the knife and his heart began racing, his mind was being overwhelmed with fear, disgust and even now with pity. Is this what he could become if he takes the wrong path? It’s truly frightening.
Between staring down the edge of a knife or going into the cave he took the latter. Although as he made his way into the cave the young man wondered if he could find a way to disarm his other self. If there do that then maybe there was a way to finally talk without any potential risks to either of them.*
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feuer-bluete · 7 months
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No, listen this is so important to me.
When we kidnap Kieran he is of course tied to the tree. When he is finally freed he sleeps somewhere close to the horses.
When the gang moves to Clemen's Point, he is more relaxed in camp but still sleeps outside the camp, sitting against a tree, again close to the horses.
When the gang moves to Shady Bell, and Tilly is not rescued yet so Mary Beth is sitting in this spot, Kieran does not sleep at all, and instead he just stands next to Javier's tent staring into the night.
Once Tilly is rescued and all the girls, save Ms Grimshaw sleep inside, Kieran, finally, feels comfortable enough to sleep inside the circle of waggons, among the gang.
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