#university pregnancy
faofinn · 1 year
13. Anxious Stomach
Kieran had been at university for all of six months before his life exploded and erupted around them. He'd settled in well, secretly glad Alfie had come with him even though they were on different courses. He found a girlfriend surprisingly quickly, Alfie teasing him as it moved faster. They were on the same course, so it made sense for them to study together, and they couldn't study on empty stomachs. 
If Kieran wasn't with Alfie, then he was with Kizzy, and it had become the most natural thing. She met the family, and they loved her. She brought Kieran out of his shell, made him happier than he'd ever been. Of course, it was early days, only months into their relationship, but Kieran couldn't help but dream. 
And then everything changed. 
They'd been careful, used protection, done everything right, but somehow there it was. 
Two lines.
She'd taken another, but it was the same. Positive. They'd gone to the doctors together, discussed their options, Kieran acting older than he was. Whatever happened, it was as much his responsibility as it was Kizzy's, and he'd accepted it. Somehow, she'd missed it, her body concealing it, acting as normal, and the doctor dropped the bombshell she was already at least twelve weeks. They decided against making any decisions until they'd had the scan, and then they heard the heartbeat. 
Neither wanted to admit it to their parents, so took the weekend to try and digest it themselves. Kieran couldn't stop looking at the scan, his mind reeling. That was a baby. His baby. 
He'd left the sonogram on his desk while he made a cup of tea, peppermint to settle his stomach, like his Uncle Fao always told them. Him and Alfie were going back for the week on Monday, and he'd been trying to build up the courage to tell his dads. The stress had kept him up, tossing and turning with butterflies in his stomach. He headed back to his room with his mug in hand, pushing open the dorm room and coming face to face with Alfie. Holding the sonogram. Shit.
"Uh, Kieran? Want to explain?"
He froze, mouth agape as he stared at his brother. He didn't know what to say, how to say it. He'd not had enough time to plan, to work out what he wanted to say. 
“You can’t be serious, Kieran. Say something.”
"We're gonna keep it." He managed. 
“It’s yours?!”
He nodded, sitting heavily on his bed. "We used protection. She didn't know. We just…we just found out. She's three months."
“What the fuck? I didn’t think it was yours, I thought it was a joke or someone’s sibling or something. Fucking hell.”
"Yeah." He finally looked at Alfie. "Yeah."
“You’re gonna keep it? We live in halls for fucks sake.” His mind was reeling. 
"We've got six months."
“What about uni?”
"I'll have to drop out, I guess. I'll have to find a job. I don't know."
He softened, sitting next to his brother and putting his arm around him. “You’ll work it out. Guess you’ve not told Dads yet.”
He gratefully leaned into him. "We found out on Tuesday, had the scan yesterday. Everything's just happening."
“Jeez, that is quick.” He sympathised. 
"She didn't even know. Everything was…happening normally." He shrugged. 
“At least you guys found out now.”
"I don't know how I'm meant to tell Dads."
“You just have to be honest.”
"They're gonna kill me."
“Nah, they love you.”
He groaned. "Oh, I feel sick."
“Hey, breathe.”
"How am I supposed to breathe? They're gonna kill me, oh, fuck. I can't do this."
“Kieran, look at me.” Alfie said softly. “They’re not gonna kill you. Why would they?”
He turned to look at his twin, his eyes wild. "Why wouldn't they? I got someone pregnant. I'm gonna be a dad."
“Dad’s made some shit choices in his life, you think he’s gonna judge you?”
"I just don't understand. We used protection! She takes a tablet. It's not meant to happen!"
Alfie shrugged. “Sometimes it just does.”
"I can't do this."
“You’ll have me, y’know? Even if Dads lose it, which they won’t, you’ll have me. And Eden, he doesn’t have a choice.”
"What about the rest of the family? Grandad Steve is gonna be so disappointed. And grandad Fred, I don’t even want to imagine what he’s gonna think."
“Kieran, Grandad Steve looked after Dad, he won’t care. And uncle Finn was young when he had Meelie.”
"Not this young."
“It’ll be okay.”
"Kiz hasn't told anyone either."
“Then you’re both at the same spot. It’ll be fine, I can be there with you when you tell Dads.”
"Thank you."
“I’ve got your back.”
He pulled Alfie in for a hug. "Thank you."
“You know I’d do anything for you.” He said, holding him tightly. 
When Monday rolled around, Alfie was true to his word. Kieran still hasn't worked up the courage to do it, but he knew he didn't have a choice. As much as he loved his little brother, he just wanted to tell his dads first. Thankfully, Alfie got the hint quickly, distracting Levi and taking him upstairs while their dads sat in the living room. Kieran felt sick, his stomach long passed feeling anxious. Even Tai had asked if he was alright, apparently looking that nauseous on the way home. He knew if he didn't just do it, he never would, so pushed the living room door open, closing it softly behind him. 
"Dads?" His voice wavered, his hands trembling in his pocket as he tried to breathe. 
Tai looked up at his son, frowning. “What’s wrong, Kit?”
"I need to tell you something." He sat on the sofa opposite, staring hard at the floor.
"You know you can tell us anything." Harrison said softly. 
“Anything.” Tai echoed. “It’s alright.”
"You know Kizzy?"
“Yeah, of course.” Tai said with a smile.
He took a shaky breath. "We were careful and I don't know what happened but she's pregnant and she's three months and we want to keep it and I know you're gonna hate me and be mad at me, but we were careful and I was careful and I'm sorry."
“Hey, hey. Slow down.” Tai said, leaning forwards. “She’s pregnant?”
He nodded. "I'm sorry."
Tai was quiet for a moment, glancing at his husband. “That’s… that’s big, Kit.” He said softly. “What are you going to do?”
"She wants - we want to keep it."
“How far along?”
"Three months." His voice wavered again. "We only found out on Tuesday."
“Oh, Kit.”
Harrison had been silent throughout, his mind reeling. Tai looked to him, but he couldn't say anything. He stood, quickly leaving and heading outside. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. After everything Steve had done for him, he'd still ended up doing what he'd feared; he'd ruined the kids' lives. They wanted to keep the kid, he couldn't blame him for that, so they'd support him, of course they would. He dropped his head to his hands, feeling like a scared kid again. Tai was busy inside (apparently handling it a lot better than he was), but he needed to talk to someone, anyone. He fumbled for his phone, quickly pressing Dad.
Steve picked up quickly, as he so often did when his son rang him out of the blue. 
"Kieran's pregnant."
“That’s, uh, not what I was expecting to hear.”
"What do I do?"
“What have you said to him?”
"I haven't."
“What do you mean you haven’t?”
"I couldn't. I didn't know what to say."
“You didn’t say anything?! Harrison.”
He groaned. "I know, I know. I didn't want to say the wrong thing."
“So you said nothing?!” 
“Fucking hell, Harrison.”
"What am I supposed to do?"
“Say something, anything? Tell him you love him, for Christ’s sake!”
"He knows that."
“Not right now he doesn’t.”
He made a pained noise. "He does."
“He’s just dropped a huge piece of news on you and you’ve walked out. He’s probably shitting himself.”
"Oh, fuck. I've fucked up."
“Go back, tell him you love him, and that you’ll support him.”
"He knows we would." He said. "Doesn't he?"
“He doesn’t, not now.”
The pain was obvious in his words. "I've fucked up. I've fucked up so much."
“Go and tell him you love him, Hars. The rest will work itself out.”
"It will?"
“It always does.”
"Thanks, dad."
“You know I love you too, right?”
"Even though I've fucked all this up?"
“It was a silly mistake you made in shock.” Steve reassured. “I’ll always love you, no matter what. I’m your dad.”
He gave a shaky laugh. "That's what I should have said to him."
“Go on, go and tell him that now. And tell him if his idiot Dad does that again, he’s more than welcome at mine.”
"Thanks, dad. I'll call you later, yeah?"
“Yeah, let me know how it goes.”
"Will do." He murmured, hanging up. He took a moment to build his confidence before heading back in. The living room door was shut, and he knocked quietly before entering. 
Tai shot Harrison a less than impressed look as he walked in, Kieran now sat next to him on the sofa. He looked wide eyed and worried as his dad entered, afraid of what he might say. 
“See, I told you he’d come back, didn’t I?” Tai tried to reassure, though he was fully prepared to take Kieran’s side if things went south. 
Harrison cleared his throat, a blush across his cheeks. "Kit? C'mere."
Kieran glanced at Tai for reassurance before he stood, padding closer to his dad. He couldn’t look at him, eyes fixed on the floor. “‘M sorry.”
"No." Harrison bundled him in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. "God, no. You're not supposed to be sorry. I'm sorry. I panicked, and I didn't want to say the wrong thing and hurt you. I fucked that up, didn't I? I love you, Kit. Whatever happens, whatever you need, I'll be right there. I love you."
Against his Dad’s chest, Kieran dissolved into tears, the stress from the past week and more just overwhelming him. “I… I th-thought you were r-really mad…”
Harrison found himself crying too, refusing to let his son go. "God, no. I'm not mad, I promise you. I'm so sorry I made you think that."
He sniffed. “You’re not mad?”
"I'm not mad." He promised, pulling back to look at him. "I'm proud of you, I am. And I'm really ? that you could tell us. I'm just sorry I panicked a bit."
“Shouldn’t be proud.”
Hands on Kieran's shoulders, Harrison swallowed thickly. "I'm always going to be proud."
He sniffed again. “‘M sorry.”
He pulled him back in for a hug. "Please don't be sorry."
“I am, though.”
"I know, I know."
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Pregnancy — Barry Allen x Reader
Characters: Barry Allen (The Flash), Reader (You).
Synopsis: You have been married to Barry for two years. One fine day, you start to feel a hunger worthy of a little speedster.
Warnings: Pregnancy, seasickness, pregnancy discovery
N / A: I did this imagine in 10 minutes. I watched a pregnancy movie with my cousin, and then we went to watch The Flash, she suggested the idea to me and I loved it. Hope you like it.
I'm a Latina girl who doesn't speak fluent English, so I want to apologize for any writing errors you find. Feel free to correct me.
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The day had begun. The sun came through the window, causing you to curl up even more in the duvets.
You ran your hand over the bed, feeling the sheet to feel Allen's warm body. There was only an empty space, indicating that he had been awake for some time.
Your mind tried to sleep again, however, a sweet smell flooded his nostrils. You could have sworn it smelled like pancakes and condensed milk.
The sheets were set aside as his feet touched the ground. With delicate steps, you made your way to the kitchen, being guided by the wonderful smell. You had no intention of surprising Barry, as he could see everything happening in slow motion and could easily see you approaching.
 Allen held a frying pan, trying to flip a pancake. On the kitchen counter was a stack of pancakes and two coffee cups of Jitters.
With a smile on your face, you approached your husband, placing your hand on the speedster's shoulder. Barry's face lit up, showing a sweet smile.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, my dear.”
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“You always make coffee, I decided to make it for you today.” Allen placed the last finished pancake on the plate, enjoying the view of what he had just prepared. “Are you hungry?”
“I think I could devour a whole cow.” Your stomach churned, complaining of hunger.
 You usually didn't eat much, unlike your husband. Barry had to consume at least fifteen thousand calories daily, so he could stay upright and healthy. He literally ate all day and kept him body skinny.
Unlike you, who hardly felt hungry. You were the perfect couple. When you couldn't finish your snack, Allen was able to eat everything and still had plenty of room in his stomach. A few weeks ago, you began to feel extraordinarily hungry.
 You ate almost the same amount of food as Barry. It seemed like you were a speedster, too. Her sense of smell could sense food being prepared in other rooms, as well as feeling terrible nausea and dizziness. You thought it was vitamin’s problem, and you bought some to make yourself feel better.
 Within seconds, the breakfast table was fully set. Without much ceremony, you joined your husband to enjoy their morning meal.
“I could have sworn you have hypermetabolism too.” He joked when he saw you steal a pancake from him after eating yours.
“I don't know what happened. It feels like I'm eating for an army.” You verbalized, picking up the dishes to wash them. As soon as your hand placed the last glass in the sink, a horrible sensation gripped your entire body. You ran to the bathroom, feeling a terrible urge to vomit. Your body leaned over the toilet as the breakfast was poured out.
In less than a second, Barry appeared at your side, his face full of concern. One hand held your hair, while the other smoothed your back.
 “Are you okay?”
“I am. I think I ate more than my stomach can handle.”
“Let Caitlin examine you.”
“I told you I'm fine, dear.” You got up with Barry's help. Along the way, you felt your vision darken and your body vibrate, as if you were a speedster. “I think going to see Caitlin is a good idea.”
“I have two new features.” Caitlin said, as soon as she finished examining your blood. “A good one and a bad one, depending on one's point of view.”
“What's the good news?” Barry asked. Cisco, Joe, Barry, and you were waiting in the exam room. Caitlin held a sheet of paper with the results of your exams.
“You're pregnant.”
 Your world spun. Your chest collapsed with happiness. A year ago, you and Barry were planning to have a child, but you never had any luck.
Allen took your hand. The speedster's face was flooded with a smile. Everyone in the room was happy with the news of yet another person being added to Team Flash.
“And what's the bad news?” You asked.
“Very well.” She seemed to be looking for the right words. “I did an ultrasound, and it looks like the baby's heart has stopped.”
“You mean he's dead?”
Everyone in the room asked at once. Tears had already appeared in your eyes, you had barely gotten used to the idea of being a mother, and your little Allen was no longer with you.
“Theoretically, yes.”
“Explain it properly.” You demanded.
“When Barry was struck by lightning, his heart stopped several times. Doctors believed he had died because the machines couldn't record his heartbeat.” She explained. “But his heart had never stopped, what happened is that he was so fast that not even the machines could keep up.”
“So your theory is that the baby is like Barry?” Cisco chimed in. His face was in an expression it was always when he was thinking. “My God, that completely explains your extraordinary hunger and why you started vibrating like a speedster.”
“Our son is also fast.” Allen said, grinning from ear to ear. He deposited a beak on your lips, still holding your hand.
 Ten years later…
 You've finished setting the lunch table. The dish of the day was pasta with broccoli and cheese. Benjamin Allen's favorite meal.
After putting the last dish on the table, you called your child. Benjamin quickly descended using his powers.
The wind caused by your little one's speed left one of the glasses on the table unbalanced. Before Ben had a chance to catch him, another speedster came in front of him. Barry put the glass right where it was before, and went to meet him.
The brunette wrapped his arms around his body and pressed a sweet kiss to her neck. A laugh escaped his throat as he saw his son utter an exclamation of disgust.
“Please, your son is here watching you be completely disgusting. Ben said, sitting in the chair.
Benjamin has the same hair color as yours, but he had the same green eyes as his father. Everyone who saw him always said the same thing, that he was a faithful copy of Barry Allen.
 He and your husband were the guardians of Central City. The little one has not yet obtained all of his father's abilities, but he has the super speed and the ability to vibrate his body and molecules.
 In the middle of lunch, you smiled when you saw the size of your child's plate, which was three times larger than yours. That scene reminded him of something.
“Ben, would you like to hear the story of the day I found out I was pregnant?”
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Dying at this idea I just had: People become convinced Danny is the love child of Bruce Wayne (known manwhore) and Harley Quinn, because
-he looks just like a young Bruce, if (somehow) marginally paler, but with Harley’s button nose and big eyes.
-Then there’s his big, Harleyesque personality with Bruce’s faith in humanity and both’s proclivity for taking action against what they see as wrong.
-He’s a gymnastics champion like Harley with real intelligence buried deep under layers of plain silliness, though much more capable sobering up when situationally appropriate.
-Dangerous big animals love them and they have no answers why
-Both Danny and Bruce have BDE (Big Dad Energy)
-(also both Danny and Harley are high key metas but everyone just doesn’t mention that)
Both Harley and Danny do everything in their power to feed the rumors (without saying anything directly, that would be cheating), including Harley egging Bruce on camera while shouting “pay up bitch!” And Danny taking up wearing one of Harley’s jackets.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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What a horrific story this is.
“Would this have happened to Ron DeSantis’s wife? No, I guarantee it would not have. She’d have been treated right away.”
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seiwas · 3 months
cw: happy tears and tickle fights, birthday celebrations and other things. unedited sawry. ‼️ FIC SPOILERS PAST THIS PORTION OF THE CONTENT WARNING ‼️ pregnancy.
hajime’s birthday this year is different.
you don’t celebrate on the day of, contrary to your tradition of keeping it free no matter what. instead, you decide on the weekend, taking time to prepare his gift while he’s out of town.
the sunday morning starts out slow, a late wake to his usual 5:00 a.m. runs. you shift beside him, turning to snuggle deeper into his hold.
you weren’t able to wait for him last night, any hour past midnight simply impossible for you to keep up with these days.
your breath puffs out in a long exhale, tickling his collarbone.
he pulls you closer when you move, tucking his nose into the crown of your head. it’s something you both do, you’ve noticed—breathing each other in the moment you return to one another.
the celebration today is not lost on you, but you take in these few silent moments with him for just a bit longer.
when he stirs, squeezing you tighter as he mumbles a low ‘morning’, you peer up to kiss his chin. he’s ticklish there, you know, especially when your lips catch on the bits of stubble grown a few days after he shaves.
it takes longer for you both to get out of bed because of that, a tickle fight ensuing as hajime sneakily crawls his fingers up your armpits, blowing raspberries at the spot right below your ears.
you slip into the bathroom that way—a little clumsy and a lot giggly. then you crouch low, opening the cabinet under the sink; hidden in it is your gift for him, a flat rectangle wrapped in kraft paper and a green bow.
it’s the first thing in your agenda today, you’ve decided, unable to wait until he receives it at the end of the day, like you’d originally planned.
hajime’s propped up against the headboard when you step back into your bedroom, blanket scrunched at his hip. you’re no fan of the season’s heat, but you thank god it’s summer, because at least, you’re met with the view of his exposed chest every morning.
he holds an arm out to welcome you back in, letting you rest your legs across his lap as he cradles your back.
“your gift,” you whisper, holding out the wrapped rectangle, “open it first. that’s the first thing on our agenda today.”
he chuckles, taking the soft rectangle from your hands while kissing your temple, “thanks, babe. you didn’t have to.”
you watch eagerly, tucking yourself into his side as you wrap an arm around his waist. he tears through the wrapper but sets aside the bow, knowing you like to recycle them when you have the chance.
hajime is a simple man, and at the sight of his favorite brand of socks, he lights up at the addition of one more to his already-full drawer of them.
he turns to you, about to pepper your face with a bunch of kisses but—
“check the hem, i got something done to it.” you giggle.
he looks confused for a moment before he turns them over, plain white save for the dark green letters running around its ankle garters.
there’s another reason you decided to celebrate his birthday this weekend, on the third sunday of june.
he deciphers the word, reading each letter: p-a-p-a, and you can see the cogs turning in his brain before he immediately whips his head to face you.
you nod.
there’s something indescribable in his eyes, emotion welling up as they gloss over dark olive green—it makes you want to cry, too.
damn all these hormones.
“happy birthday, papa.” you sniffle, smiling wide, “and happy father’s day.”
(after a whole lot of tears, and even more kissing, you show hajime the tests you took while he was away. he tells you you should have told him, that he would have come home, but you shake your head.
it’s well worth it, seeing his reaction to two things he can celebrate today.)
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If I was Apollos Baby Mama that had to go trough nine months of pregnancy and birth just to find out that Apollo can do it himself I would be FUCKING PISSED
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nugatorysheep · 6 months
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Glow Week for Monday: Surprise. @glowweek
ignore that the ring is on the wrong hand i was tired
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fangisms · 1 year
due november
A/N: was feeling particularly soft and magical this september afternoon, so im here to feed the beasts (with love) gif creds: @osvaldrps-archived
Pairings: Husband!Neville Longbottom x Pregnant!Fem!Reader
Summary: Your family of nearly three share a moment in the living room. 0.8k words
Warnings: set when both are ~20s-30s, pregnancy, established relationship, dorky dad neville, fluff, smutty intentions but only jokes
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It's all got Neville worried down to the bone. The weight of being a good husband was heavy enough without the impending uncertainty of fatherhood. Which is not to say he isn't a good husband or that he wouldn't be a good father, but the stress of it can be crippling for the nervous wreck that he is.
Though, his shakiness is ever soothed by the way you hold the back of his head when you kiss him, the way you clean his glasses of dirt smudges, the way you catch his eye in your sweetly flowing skirts, dresses, and blouses. Daintily, he'd say, very prettily.
"They're like house pets at this point," you remark, tip-toeing over the vines weaving between the slats of your hardwood flooring. Throughout the kitchen, greenery creeps in through open windows, finding home in doorframes and across the ceiling. They can't help it. The September chill is getting to everybody.
"I just can't bring myself to trim them!" he chirps, catching your waist when you trip into his side, belly protruding against your floral house dress. "On second thought—"
"No, no, Nev! I like it. I like them. It's free interior design."
"Damn weeds. It's a free death sentence."
"You're just a pessimist!" you tease.
As open to ogling as you always seem to be, he hates that you can still make him blush after all these years. Even with duckfoot ivy weaving its way through your shared home and baby names listed on the chalkboard by the door, he's still blushing when you so much as look at him.
And right now, you're looking at your horticulturist's dirt-smudged under shirt exposed beneath his striped button down. Which also happens to be smudged with dirt.
He clears his throat.
"Nervous, my dear?" you tease when he diverts his gaze from down your neckline.
"Hmm? Oh, no, not at all"—his voice falters, and he tries to focus back on the delicate clay pot in his hands—"Craving anything for lunch?"
"Nothing much," you sigh, "maybe a bite of my husband."
He blinks, eyes wide open but blank like the dial tone is just ringing through his skull. He places the empty pot gently in the sink basin, moving both damp hands to your waist with that doe-eyed look.
"You've already got one in there, lovebug, we can't go around trying for another now, can we," he says. You toss your head back with laughter, and he watches you in annoyed amazement. Since when were you impervious to his awkward charm. "Come on, lunch. Anything you want."
He cups his hands together around your lower back, letting out a soft breath when you push his hair out of his face and thumb the dirt from his brow.
"Let's see... couple of ice lollies? Sounds good, dunnit?"
"Well-rounded, definitely," he says, patting your bum with a chuckle. "I'll make some sandwiches. And I've got time for a walk after."
"You'll spoil me rotten, Mr Longbottom!"
"Watch it, or you're getting triplets."
"Oh, you're nasty, Mr Longbottom," you tease, holding his chin and leaning in for a kiss. He spins you round and pats you towards the living area.
You hurdle a couple of roots and make it halfway to the hand-me-down chaise lounge in the corner when you feel a sharp twitch.
"Christ," you yelp, grabbing the arm of the chair with a hiss, slightly bent at the waist and taking a deep breath.
"Baby? What's going on?"
"She's kicking again!" Your palm is splayed across your rounded belly as you practice deep, circular breathing. There's a harsh clammer from the kitchen. Then silence.
Then he appears in the opening, hair flopping down over his forehead, brows furrowed, towel flung over his shoulder, so still you'd think he saw his old, cranky professor.
"...She?" he huffs, pushing a hand through his hair.
"Oh. Oh, Nev, I—" You cup your palm over your mouth with a sharp breath in. "You wanted it to be a surprise. I'm so sorry."
But a smile makes its way across his lips, pulling and tugging at the soft pink as he shuffles closer. Two strong hands meet yours on the curve of your belly, welcoming another jolt. One reaches for the back of your neck, and he leans in to kiss your worried forehead.
"We're having a baby girl?"
You nod, tears welling in your eyes when he tilts your chin up to peck your wobbly bottom lip. You feel the stubbly skin of his cheek with the pad of your thumb and let him kiss you once more.
"I was so restless, I had to know," you huff, "I'm such a spoilsport! You were so excited, Nev!"
"I know. And you're not a spoilsport. I'm still excited, know why?"
"Why?" you say, wiping your nose and pouting at him. He grins.
"Because she's ours."
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amaranthmori · 10 months
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mollywog · 3 months
What If?
A follow up to Complicated
They’re in the meadow. Katniss lies with her head in his lap as he braids small sections of her loose hair. Tomorrow is his one late morning a week and he’s enjoying staying up enough to see the sunset.
The reaping hangs heavy as always, but it’s their final one. School is coming to an end and the loan for the bakery is secured. It’s perfect… or at least it should be. But something is off; Katniss has been distracted lately and he’s afraid to ask
“What if one of us is reaped?” She says, opening her eyes to look up at him.
He groans, “let’s not do this, Please? I think we’ve been through every possible scenario. I don’t want to spend our night as hypothetical tributes.”
What-if is a game they play sometimes. It started back when he’d been too nervous to ask her out. Instead of asking her directly, he’d said ‘what if I asked you out?’ He’d felt like a coward, but she’d found it endearing. Now they use it to tease and allay fears they're too scared to say otherwise.
The reaping what-ifs are common enough. Regardless, their what-ifs always end with the two of them together, whether it’s through mutual sacrifice or a rebellion that ends the games forever.
“Okay,” she nods and closes her eyes.
But he can feel the tension radiating from her. He watches her swallow. Panic begins to rise, is she looking for a way out? To what-if her way out of the relationship the same way he’d what-ifed into it? Things were finally falling into place. He’d close on the bakery the day after the reaping and had planned to ask her to marry him before the ink dried; As soon as there was no way his mother could withhold her signature. He’d all but told her that, but maybe she was having second thoughts? The bakery without Katniss to share it would be a bitter victory.
She takes a deep breath and he holds his own, “What if I’m pregnant?”
A moment passes as he processes. “Katniss?”
“Just play the game Peeta.”
He licks his lips, his heart in his throat as he tries to temper his joy… and terror. He wants to scoop her into his arms; hold her and kiss her then sprint to the justice building to make it official, but he needs to be sure they’re on the same page, “What if it’s not what you wanted?” he asks.
She opens her eyes to scowl at him, “Are you trying to say you don’t want this?”
“Not at all. You were the one who wanted to play.”
“Fine,” She snaps. “But you answer first: What if it’s not what you wanted?”
“That’s not a fair question. The only reason I wouldn’t want a child of ours is if you didn’t,” he tries not to imagine what a similar conversation between his parents looked like all those years ago. “Katniss, I love you. I want to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you. A child won’t change that, even if it came earlier than we’d planned or never at all. But I still need to know so I can help: what if it’s not what you wanted?”
She sits up to look him in the eye. “I could never not want this either,” she says before launching herself into his arms.
They’re both trembling as he envelops her in his embrace and he releases a shaky laugh, the product of his nerves. “What if I asked you to marry me right now?” he says into her hair when he’s found his voice again.
“What if I said I still want to keep us - the three of us - quiet until after the papers go through?
He sighs, “Then what if I waited to ask until it doesn’t have to be a secret?”
She nods, “I don’t want you to be a secret either, you know? I just don’t want you to lose your livelihood because of me.”
He’d do it in an instant and she knows it. They’ve what-ifed themselves a life in the Seam as well as on the run past the fence; anywhere, anyway as long as they're together.
She lays back down on the grass, taking up her previous spot. She picks up his hand to hold over her still flat midsection and closes her eyes. He caresses her stomach as he imagines doing the same in their home come July. “What if it’s a girl?” he muses.
She smiles, “What if she has your eyes?”
“And your voice?”
“And your smile?” she says, peeking an eye open to watch as his smile brightens.
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chuunai · 9 months
i know odasaku barely lost the poll buuuut you should do it anyways :)
baby daddy odasaku ! who hugs you tightly for a while silently after you tell him you’re pregnant. you two had been trying for a while now—sure, you had the orphans to take care of, but you wanted one of your own—and now it was real.
baby daddy odasaku ! who is the definition of a perfect husband and father-to-be. calmly holding back your hair as you puke your guts out at four in the morning. cooking all your cravings (perfectly) and feeding it to you. reassuring you that you were the most beautiful woman in the world and that a bit of weight gain from his child wouldn’t change anything.
baby daddy odasaku ! who totally does one of those belly casting kits for when your stomach starts to swell. smoothing the strips over your stomach and occasionally patting it. expect the orphans to paint on the casting (he made two—a blank slate and a casting for the kids to paint and gift to you).
baby daddy odasaku ! who (with your permission) tells Dazai and Ango one night at Bar Lupin that he’ll be a father soon. Dazai asks to be the godfather of which he declines. Dazai’s a child himself, after all. Ango merely offers his thanks and support for you two. he doesn’t drink as much anymore, too.
baby daddy odasaku ! who holds you on the days where everything feels like shit. the curtains drawn, the air conditioning on and his sturdy arms wrapped around you as you cry into his chest. those days are the ones where he takes the next day off to make sure you’re okay and feel loved by him. he’s read about the mood swings and insecurities that pregnancy has.
baby daddy odasaku ! who paints an entire nursery for the newborn. a light yellow is chosen for the walls. stuffed toys (gifted from Ango) are neatly placed in the crib. the whole house is baby proofed, too. he isn’t taking your newfound family lightly.
baby daddy odasaku ! who cradles your sleeping daughter to his chest after she finally falls asleep. while she snuggles into his chest, he’s sat at his desk, supporting her tiny head carefully as he revises a draft of a story he wrote about a woman that oddly resembles you. it’s expected though. you’re his muse. the one who gave him his daughter. he just hopes to finish the story as a gift for you.
baby daddy odasaku ! who relishes in his new life. escaping from the mafia wasn’t easy—thank god for his friends’ help—but it was worth it. for you and his daughter.
Oda would be one of the best dads and he is strictly a girl dad !
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @xxcandlelightxx
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mysharona1987 · 7 months
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tanema123 · 5 months
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We got another comission for @gamerkir
They wanted pregnant Carmilla cat with Zestial in wonder. They shall recieve it.
Technically, aint part of my cats au yet. Future is too far away.
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huntquinlan · 2 months
thinking about elain’s story and bodily autonomy. i think sjm was very intentional in using elain’s powers to introduce us to vassa and koschei. how vassa’s body was corrupted against her will by koschei, and how her existence is now defined by the changes he made. thinking about how koschei has a lake full of swans who were once women who’s bodies he changed against their wills as well. thinking about how elain was changed against her will by a cruel king to teach a lesson to somebody else. how she was reduced to a body and then a tool, a means to an end (to demonstrate the power of hybern against her sister but especially people she barely knew). how even the tool used to change her, the cauldron, which once belonged to the mother and symbolically can be connected to the womb, was appropriated and used forcefully by the king of hybern.
i think about how canon suggests that the cauldron loved elain, that perhaps it gifted her the powers it did because it loved her. maybe the cauldron recognized then, that this poor girl was like it, and sought to give her the power to prevent what was being done to her, and what had been done to countless other women and girls by making her a seer. let’s not forget that elain’s vision of vassa helped them turn the tide of the war against hybern and that it was elain that struck the killing blow against the king of hybern in defense of her sister, another who was denied bodily autonomy. ultimately bodily autonomy, especially given the current political climate in the US is a really heavy theme to deal with, but i sincerely hope that this thread is continued, and that we will get to see an elain who is empowered, and empowered on her own terms. an elain who reclaims her body and her future, and helps others do the same.
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katealpha · 2 months
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Art Comm by Zenny’s Club
Over an hour after Catwoman rescued Batman from the Steel Mill…
With Protocol 10 having been shut down, Selina knew it was safe to come out of hiding. After saving Batman from the rubble he was trapped under, she’d managed to get underground and wait for the sound of middle strikes and helicopters to cease. All the while whatever Ivy put inside of her belly was restless. Writhing and shaking. However when things got more quiet, the thing calmed down enough for Selina to take her hands off her stomach and get a move on.
Selina found it not too difficult to traverse the rooftops in her current condition. Despite having gained at least ten extra pounds, she felt as light as she could be, and jumping and swinging over gaps was little trouble. As she made her way through the Bowery and passed by the Ace Chemicals building, she spotted the bombed out Courthouse. Two-Face’s goons were still congregating out on the front patio despite all the present rubble. It brought to mind the money that she’d come for.
Despite Batman telling her to get to a hospital the second things died down, she found herself feeling stubborn. Despite feeling fat and bloated unlike anything she’d ever felt, it wasn’t so bad. Maybe it was Ivy’s pheromones clouding her, maybe being pregnant wasn’t as daunting as she previously thought it would be. It gave her something to ponder until she heard the sound of a crowd nearby.
Catwoman landed gently on a rooftop and with a slow stride, she made her way to the edge of the building, rubbing one of her claws hands behind her hip. Her back ached somewhat since this transformation of her body. Looking down past the curve of her bloated belly, she spied down upon the famous Monarch Theater. Outside were well over a dozen good. All of whom worked for the Joker. Standing among them was Harley Quinn, who was blubbering and shaking like a leaf. She was the kind of woman Selina found utterly pathetic, and she felt little pity for her loss. All that mattered to her was that Bruce was okay, and that Joker seemed to be gone for good. One less powerful psycho to worry about in Gotham.
As she was thinking about what a future without Joker would hold, a nearer future made itself known as a deep, ominous gurgle shook through her bloated belly. Her emerald gaze went down to her midriff, which visibly shifted with whatever it Ivy had pumped down her throat. An exasperated sigh left her lips as she let one hand rub across the leathery, now stretched surface of her suit. Selina felt like she should be more worried than she was. For all she knew, the thing inside could rip and tear its way out any any moment. It had grown fast enough, and certainly didn’t feel like a normal baby should. Not that Selina had much knowledge on pregnancy. Instinct told her to get it out of her as soon as possible. But said instinct was clouded by a combination of pheromones and Selina’s own desire to get her things from her apartment first.
With a shrug, Catwoman sighed and gave her bloated belly a gentle pat. “Okay, one last detour and then I’m getting us to Gotham General. I’ll need a change of clothes after all. Can’t show up all dressed up in leather.” She purred to her unborn offspring before turning and shuffling across the roof, set on heading back towards her apartment…
To be continued…
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asparklethatisblue · 9 months
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Hodge is a little confused but he has the spirit
Introducing the Fitzier Shotgun Wedding Cinematic Universe, cause @aurpiment made me have brainworms
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