#poor woman
no-regr33ts · 7 months
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MrMime: she shouldn't be surprised, team rocket was known for crimes of all times. Pikachu: such as? MrMime: well there's the illegal slowpoke snacks, illegal digging with pokemons, selling tropius bananas instead of bananas..
Drawing commissions are open in my account, send DM for details.
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d1sc0-1nfern0 · 2 months
Imagine being Ocie, coming home after an intense mind-melting and heart-dropping meeting where you learned not only are you at war with the god of your home realm, and that your sister is still dying and now her kid is also in danger, but that your boyfriend who you've been mourning for weeks is in fact not dead but a god, only to walk in and see said god with your brother, who'd been out looking for your (once again) missing son, holding said son like,
"Hey, found the boy. Ignore the blood, it's not his or ours. Anyway, who wants waffles?"
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femmesandhoney · 29 days
this woman on tik tok got terrible chemical burns after using an expired acne treatment and then she got a horrible infection from it. she runs a skincare focused account and on a recent vid captioned it saying shes scared of skincare now, not to mention all the heinous comments people have thrown at her since she posted her first video revealing what happened.
anyways it just made me think about how unnecessary so much skincare is and how we risk a reaction anytime we put most things onto our skin no matter how safe it seems :( and how easy it is to mis-use many of these more specialized products such as that chemical treatment that we don't generally need or have any reason to use.
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elnotwoods · 2 years
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Nampheung going through it.
Wait till she finds out that they’re ✨🏳️‍🌈🌈✨ and in love with a dumb Theerapanyakul, each…
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abhorsenscollection · 2 months
// Mogget sticking around Kayle (@chaotick-musings) just because it is amusing
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Cardboard Box pt 2
Last time we had two severed ears from two different people, an old lady who probably wasn't a criminal mastermind, and a poorly addressed parcel. Lestrade still looked like a ferret and it was a blazing hot August.
“I am convinced, sir,” she said, “that this matter is a mistake, and that the parcel was never meant for me at all. I have said this several times to the gentlemen from Scotland Yard, but he simply laughs at me."
Okay Lestrade, I like you, but laughing at old ladies who have received human body parts in the post isn't cool. Especially not for having a perfectly reasonable opinion about the situation. I, too, if presented with a parcel of freshly severed ears would be rather insistent that they were sent to the wrong person. After I'd finished shouting profanity, washing my hands, and contacting every person I knew to make sure they still had both ears firmly attached to their heads.
I'd probably also be washing the floor, because there's no way I wouldn't have immediately dropped them on the floor.
Miss Cushing is very composed. But I suppose she is channelling her feelings into her anitmacassar in a productive manner. Good for her. Either that or she is involved. Honestly, her saying she's not involved does make me more suspicious of her, but as we have previously discussed, I am a naturally suspicious person.
Still, fingers crossed for pirates.
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“I think that it is more than probable—” He paused, and I was surprised, on glancing round to see that he was staring with singular intentness at the lady's profile. Surprise and satisfaction were both for an instant to be read upon his eager face, though when she glanced round to find out the cause of his silence he had become as demure as ever.
Oh, did he catch a microexpression? Is she involved? But I just don't see why she'd call the police and say she didn't know what was going on if she was, unless she's a lot more cunning or arrogant than most of the villains we have seen.
“Those are my sisters, Sarah and Mary.”
Ah, another Miss S. Cushing has entered the tale.
“And here at my elbow is another portrait, taken at Liverpool, of your younger sister, in the company of a man who appears to be a steward by his uniform."
Liverpool, renowned port city. Knots, tarred string, sunburnt ears and earrings. My sailor theory gains steam.
“No, the May Day, when last I heard. Jim came down here to see me once. That was before he broke the pledge; but afterwards he would always take drink when he was ashore, and a little drink would send him stark, staring mad. Ah! it was a bad day that ever he took a glass in his hand again. First he dropped me, then he quarrelled with Sarah, and now that Mary has stopped writing we don't know how things are going with them.”
I was going to ask what pledge, but this appears to be a temperance thing. And to get the family dynamics worked out in my head: Mary is the youngest, married to Jim Browner. and both members of the couple stopped talking to both Susan and Sarah, and now no one knows where they are.
Which gives us a sailor and his wife, both missing, and two ears that seem to have come from a man and woman (according to Holmes, I'm still not convinced he can tell, but for the conceit of the tale, let's say he's right) the 'male' ear being sunburnt and with a hole for an earring.
I'm sure there's absolutely no connection between these things.
Also, your sister's husband has a drinking problem that makes him 'stark, staring mad' and then he and your sister drop off the planet? That seems like a thing to be distinctly more concerned about. Miss Susan Cushing is losing sibling points rapidly.
She told us many details about her brother-in-law the steward, and then wandering off on the subject of her former lodgers, the medical students, she gave us a long account of their delinquencies, with their names and those of their hospitals.
Wow, she really doesn't want those medical students getting any patients, does she? I dread to think what Victorian medical students were like. But they probably weren't as bad as Victor Frankenstein. Although that would be a hilarious crossover. These ears were actually intended for him to work on his 'project' but he forgot to change the forwarding address. Only seventy years or so too late, but still.
“Ah! you don't know Sarah's temper or you would wonder no more. I tried it when I came to Croydon, and we kept on until about two months ago, when we had to part."
So you're saying the other Miss S Cushing also lived at this address until two months ago. So it's not even a case of mistaken identity, it's just that she forgot to send out change of address cards. Also, she has a temper. So my theory about pirates might be right? Although probably no illegitimate children. But it seems like Sarah might know what the ears mean. Whether she wants the couple dead or she's being threatened is a different question.
“Yes, and they were the best of friends at one time. Why, she went up there to live in order to be near them. And now she has no word hard enough for Jim Browner."
Oooh, family drama! Spill the tea, please. What did Jim Browner do? Did she find out he was having an affair? Is the second ear that of his lover?
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"Good-bye, and I am very sorry that you should have been troubled over a case with which, as you say, you have nothing whatever to do.”
Apart from the fact that one of the ears might belong to your little sister, but whatever, I guess.
"We must strike while the iron is hot."
Either the victims aren't dead or he's worried the murderer is going to get back on a ship and vanish into the briny mists. Given how often that has happened, he probably should be worried. Although it seems like if they do get on a ship to run away, karma will catch them pretty fast in the form of a terrible shipwreck.
I wonder what's in the telegram he's writing. To the docks? To Liverpool to ask about the May Day? To Lestrade?
I didn't mention before how weird the name May Day for a ship is. That's got to be confusing, hasn't it? How do you know if they're sending out a distress call or just saying their name? Terrible name for a ship. Who in earth calls their ship May Day?
A grave young gentleman in black, with a very shiny hat, appeared on the step.
Watson does like to comment on how shiny men's hats are. Can you see your face in it? Is he wearing a crown?But why is this man wearing a hat indoors in the first place? I thought that was impolite? Was he just on his way out? On his way in?
“Miss Sarah Cushing is extremely ill,” said he. “She has been suffering since yesterday from brain symptoms of great severity. As her medical adviser, I cannot possibly take the responsibility of allowing anyone to see her. I should recommend you to call again in ten days.” He drew on his gloves, closed the door, and marched off down the street.
On his way out, it seems. And another brain fever. But this one appears to be less severe, only eleven days in severity. Percy Phelps beats her hands down.
Were these brain symptoms possibly from learning of the dreadful fate of her sister and her brother-in-law? Is she being blackmailed? Did she try to blackmail someone else. Her sister Susan did say she liked to meddle. Or are these symptoms from a more malicious cause?
“I did not wish her to tell me anything. I only wanted to look at her."
Little bit of a creepy thing to say, but I'll allow it. I assume that he wanted to see if she was in distress at all, and she clearly is.
We had a pleasant little meal together, during which Holmes would talk about nothing but violins, narrating with great exultation how he had purchased his own Stradivarius, which was worth at least five hundred guineas, at a Jew broker's in Tottenham Court Road for fifty-five shillings.
OK, Maths time.
So 20 shillings in a pound, a guinea was 1 pound and 1 shilling. so 500 guineas was £500 plus 500 shillings, 500 shillings is £25, so 500 guineas is £525. The equivalent of almost £54,500. Fifty five shillings is £2.75 old money or roughly £284. So yes that is a bargain. Or another way of looking at it, Sherlock cheated that broker out of a hell of a lot of money.
It's weird how people have Sherlock as this single minded crime-solving machine, when in reality we've seen him on numerous occasions when there's nothing actively to be done on a case, enjoying his leisure time. He and Watson went to that concert in The Red-Headed League, he went to have tea in a nice little pub in The Naval Treaty. He actually seems to have quite a reasonable work life balance.
Here, he and Watson are having so much fun that they don't even get back to the case until sunset.
“That is the name,” he said. “You cannot effect an arrest until to-morrow night at the earliest. I should prefer that you do not mention my name at all in connection with the case, as I choose to be only associated with those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution."
Ow. That was a burn. Also, if that's the case, why is Watson publishing it? Seems a little rude.
"That he may be safely trusted to do, for although he is absolutely devoid of reason, he is as tenacious as a bulldog when he once understands what he has to do..."
At least he's not a ferret this time? Lestrade must love Watson's stories being published. I bet he finds little passages cut out and stuck on his door in Scotland Yard.
“It is fairly complete in essentials. We know who the author of the revolting business is, although one of the victims still escapes us. Of course, you have formed your own conclusions.” “I presume that this Jim Browner, the steward of a Liverpool boat, is the man whom you suspect?” “Oh! it is more than a suspicion.”
I was assuming he was one of the victims. But I suppose I should have put more credence in him being a terrible drunk. Did his wife have an affair? Is there an illegitimate child involved? Or did he just think his wife was having an affair.
Which means that there's another sailor caught up in all of this. So far no pirates, but I can still hope, right?
"We approached the case, you remember, with an absolutely blank mind, which is always an advantage. We had formed no theories."
I feel called out. 😅 ACD and Sherlock Holmes are reaching through time and reality to give me shade on jumping to conclusions based on vibes.
“The string was of the quality which is used by sail-makers aboard ship, and at once a whiff of the sea was perceptible in our investigation. When I observed that the knot was one which is popular with sailors, that the parcel had been posted at a port, and that the male ear was pierced for an earring which is so much more common among sailors than landsmen, I was quite certain that all the actors in the tragedy were to be found among our seafaring classes."
But this time I have actually put together the evidence. Though I feel like most knots are popular with sailors. Aren't they all good for different things? My grandma used to have a thing on her wall with all the different kinds of knots that were used on sailing ships.
“As a medical man, you are aware, Watson, that there is no part of the body which varies so much as the human ear. Each ear is as a rule quite distinctive and differs from all other ones."
Oh, he was looking at her ear. And it looked like the severed one.
I assume that ear similarities are hereditary, much like facial features are, that does make sense. They won't be identical, because we know earprints are unique, but I can accept they would be similar. Of course Holmes has written monographs on ears.
Very disappointed the tobacco doesn't seem to have come into things, though.
"And why should these proofs of the deed be sent to Miss Sarah Cushing? Probably because during her residence in Liverpool she had some hand in bringing about the events which led to the tragedy."
This is a really fucking dumb move on his part, though. Why send someone the evidence of your crime? Just weight the bodies down and throw them into the sea. By the time they come up again, no one will be able to recognise them and DNA isn't exactly known at this time.
Just... bad idea. Be better at committing crimes. This is just embarrassing.
"An unsuccessful lover might have killed Mr. and Mrs. Browner, and the male ear might have belonged to the husband. There were many grave objections to this theory, but it was conceivable. I therefore sent off a telegram to my friend Algar, of the Liverpool force..."
Alright, I don't feel foolish for thinking that the ear belonged to him, because strangely enough, I wasn't able to telegraph my friend in Liverpool to find out.
"If she had been willing to help justice she would probably have communicated with the police already."
What the fuck happened in Liverpool that she didn't want to see her sister's murderer arrested? What did she do? Poor Mary Browner had terrible sisters. They should be ashamed of themselves.
"When he arrives he will be met by the obtuse but resolute Lestrade, and I have no doubt that we shall have all our details filled in.”
This is a really sad story. Poor Mary Browner stuck in what seems to have been a very abusive relationship with an alcoholic. Her sisters just let her disappear, and she ended up dead with no one reporting her missing and the only person who knew not willing to tell anyone. Or, I suppose, we could charitably say that maybe the brain fever took hold of Sarah before she was able to communicate with anyone about it.
Just... kind of tragic all around.
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seleneprince · 6 months
Released Israeli hostage retells the exemplary treatment Hamas gave her when she was with them
I don't why the fuck journalist and the media around the world had the balls to ignore her experience and choose to display it as completely different version that, not only it's fictional, but has nothing to do with reality.
"but she was shaking hands with Hamas memb-" they still have her husband as hostage, you fucking idiots. How do you think she's going to act? Obviously she wouldn't call them out while they're near.
And before you radical assholes start to call me zionist bitch, watch the whole video first and do some research. This conflict isn't black and white.
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voididol · 4 months
Whenever I remember Elon musk has a transgender daughter I get dizzy
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white-nolse · 3 months
Interested to hear your thoughts re: Jotaro's dad!!
OOOOH! I always love to throw shit at awful dads akdnnddn (Sorry it took me so long to answer this, uni is starting to bite my ass and my thoughts here might not be as complete as I would've liked).
These headcanons are partially mine, but I've come to this interpretation of Jotaro's dad thanks to my friend Mag (@magthemage), who shared her own and helped me build a better perspective on him.
The short version in case someone doesn't want to read much: he's an asshole and both Holy and Jotaro deserved better.
We know a few things about Sadao. He's a jazz musician, who at the start of SDC is on a tour.
However, when it comes to him (and many other characters), I like to keep both the cultural context of their country and of the time they're living in. We know that Japan was rather conservative when it came to foreigners, so it makes me wonder, why did a traditional Japanese man marry a rather noisy, American woman?
And I might sound like a dick for this, but I doubt that it was out of love.
Maybe it was because Holy isn't the kind to complain, and does pretty much everything that is said to her (both due to her caring nature and the education women had in those years).
Maybe it was also because of money? We know the Joestars are kind of rich and that Joseph would probably give everything Holy asked for because she was her only daughter.
It's my opinion and personal headcanons, but for me it's hard to believe that man genuinely loved her when he didn't even dare to go back home from his tour when his wife was bedridden and dying. And before someone says "maybe he didn't know!" I'm sure he would at least be notified, even without details.
So, for me, Holy ended up divorcing him after SDC and moved to the States when Jotaro did so she could be closer to her family (obviously allowing Jotaro to have her own space)
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walesinspiration · 1 year
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mickmilkovitchi · 2 months
that mf had a girlfriend and kid the whole time ?????????
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biliciouseleanor · 2 years
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Each day more getting more worried about her and her baby's well being. Here's a link for the twitter so you guys can watch it.
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direwombat · 1 year
the biggest irony and tragedy of syb's romance with jacob is that she’s a feminist
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luveniablue · 2 years
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Yandere!The grand highblood x F!The signless
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kcuf-ad · 5 months
*Smashes you fucking window*
Pressed Gajah and Devil Lolopechka Au,,,, the sassiness of that Bitch.
Gaja: I am I holy man, no temteson can pull me away from the path of God.
Lolo: Heyyy, pretty boyyy~~
Gaja: Now, I know this may sound bad.
Floga: Dude! You 'did it' with a Devil!
Smurik: I am shocked to even hear that was even possible.
Potrof: I am more impressed that we didn't even hear that.
Sarado: How did you even manage to do that?
Gaja:... Welll...
Lolopechka: has hand over Gaja's shoulder as he is on the wall I like ya'.
Gaja: blushes Shit.
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i-got-da-rubes · 7 months
Accidentally told my doctor I didn't like my mom like three minutes after coming out as trans can someone come pick me up
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