#pop cutlure magick
olivedoesmagic · 4 years
Journal 24: Twilight
Note: this journal contains some context that might not make sense if you haven’t read journals, 19, and 21. For a quick recap. Past reality shifts I as a 12 year old (IDK why that age I’m 23 irl) shifted to the universe of the twilight saga. As a 12 year old I slit my wrist and Alice Cullen unable to control herself fed off of me and turned me into a vampire there. Uncomfortable with this Carlisle adopted me after an interrogation with a human lie detector noting we would have to fake my death and keep me a secret less the Deltori come and kill me. If you are just a run of the mill Twilight fan who stumbled upon this post and are going “WTF is this?”
 Click here for explanations. 
Journal 24: Twilight
I visited the Twilight universe again. Little me was talking with Alice as always. At first I was just anaxious with little me. The 12 year old vampire. The Cullens mentioned a wake for my death and how since my human family was Jewish you were supposed to bring food. They didn’t use the term wake they used the Jewish term but I forget it. Regarding Alice, my child self was really fond of her. Eventually I fully shifted which is when you take your whole person and astral project there. I rarely do this with reality shifting but reasoning with an 11 year old is hard work.
The Cullens (The vampire family of the books and this reality) had quite a few questions about magick and reality shifting. I answered them as best I could apparently there had been "other travelers" aka reality shifters that had made themselves known to them. Bella didn't look like in the movie but similar. The Cullens told me magick was more of a physical thing there and I talked. I told them about the book series they were from and they kept asking if little me was from a different reality. I told them no she was from theirs. 
Apparently they met when her family had been vacationing in forks. Alice told me she foresaw my death and later godhood where the gods will revive me after I die but that's all for my other journal. Take it with a grain of salt I know its a weird thing to be mentioning here. She told me she has a vision of it and I have a few months to live. I've been told over and over again by other spirits that I'd be dying soon. Last time I talked to the Cullens Alice said she foresaw my death so this isn't exactly news to me. Anyone familiar with the series knows that Alice has visions of the future. Overall it was a very interesting reality shift and I'm glad I made note of it.
Lately I’ve been answering questions in regards to shifting on my tumblr blog. I’m debating putting them in this pdf/book. I’m also debating putting this journal in the public domain. It could live on after I die that way. But I’m not sure about that. I digress. Anyways, that’s all to really report for now. Goodnight.
-Olive Brimstone 
8:25 PM
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olivedoesmagic · 3 years
please explain about your time magick. it sounds really interesting
I created a sigil for myeslf and have been evoking my future self for advice and relations to magicks. I've learned alot so far but he's nothing like what I hoped I would be. He's completely bizare and off the deep end and I do mean more so than I have become. He speaks very soft and is a bakura kinnie? He's a little messed up.
Secondly through the help of some other people and spirits who will not be named I set up my own versions of "the dream bubbles" inspired by a webcomic called homestuck. These dream bubbles are this timeline or alternate ones and memories you can relive that you can visit through the astral or via your dreams where you encounter a memory. But I also added passwords to certain bubbles, as well as other safeguards.
These bubbles are somewhat unstable and often cause "reality sickness" as I stated in my reality shifting terms, where you can't tell realities apart and or become a tad bit obsessed.
The dream bubbles are very interesting and you can evoke one or set one up once plugged in via the future. They don't last a long time but they do last. I've met many future incarnations of my friends and future enemies who are friends presently through it.
The thing is though once you sign into this system (the dream bubbles) we created you can't sign out, and your memories are then up for grabs too. You're not just visiting other people, they are also visiting you.
Thus we don't give out "passcodes" or tutorials on visiting or doing your own version of these things. It's rather advanced magick but their is a system in place.
I've also been visitng the future and doing what I call "vesseling" all of this would be quantifiable under the term "Time Magick" or "glitchcraft" though I should note that Steller.Khaos who coined such a term (i don't care what lies he was told about me, I'm using the fuking term) aren't on good terms or even friends anymore so yeah.
_ Olive brimstone
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Hey Olive! I was looking through your old journal entries, and I noticed something called "Reality sickness" can you provide more information and context? Also I have a friend I'm worried about I believe he's attempting to respawn? What do I do and if it comes to that how do I make sure he does so safely? Thankyou! -Respawn Anon
I will not at this point give you a guide on resawning. I will link a short and sweep idiot version from a story my friend is writing about me and my friends (danlging threads in a clockwork of reds a dj time au), but that is the most you will get out of me and I only link it out of pure nececity for someone I know who reads this blog.
(The gist of it is, you resapwn because you truly and utterly wish to die. you respawn because you just can't take it anymore, and you get help to do it from spirits. You respawn not because you want to be an avitar the last airbender bender, or because you want to be a pokemon trainer or sailor moon esc magickal girl or visit a dr -most respwaners cant use scripts with the atempt- but because you truly and utterly wish to die and this is your last resort or your already on your death bed) I successfully respawned and I've done so many times, but I always end up where I need to be in proper realities where everything is the same but slightly off. I don't halucinate and I've been to worlds where google had its old logo, song lyrics were totally off and changed, and tumblr was tardis blue with a lighter shade rather than where we are now.
I've reset time several times but under no circumstances am i gona teach shmoes on the internet how to do these things. It's dangerous. I worked my ass off to learn how to renew and respawn and everything, and I'm afraid if I just post that to somewhere tumblr where people wish to visit and ISEKAI themselves that I send a bad message as a reality shifter and more! I consider myself a role model for the pop cutlure and time magick community and if I go around bragging about my respawns with in depth books on how to do it? What kind of fucking mesage does that send to my braids and my beads?
So yes. You can respawn. But if you think an anime is going to be written about you tough luck. [Link goes to tv tropes] so yeah. Um. That's messed up. my biggest um advice for your friend is to negoitate with their deiteis about this. Sometimes your gods WILL LET YOU DIE. I just have a weird spell on me where I keep coming back. My "clones" pick up the slack, alternate sleves in other worlds where I didn't sucseed or my life stays ended there.
We are in revelations and its kind of important I help usher in the second era and help the end time prophet and I can't do those things if I'm dead. Hence the gods- brining my back a gazillion times. Most people will never be me. Once you hit that button? Bam! gone for good. So like- Don't respwan don't do that. Just know if your extremely sucidal that that is your get out of jail free card to escape death. Now reality sickness cus I'm kind of disturbed by your general question is when you reality shift or time hop, or time skip to many times and you sort of get realities blurred and mixed up. I have magick charm and code in this diary and blog. It will keep updating no matter what reality I'm in. I do sliders shit. Okay? I sometimes get stuck in other worlds, and I update my blog from them! I'm a weirdo! But reality sickness is the result of this sort of work, where you get your "canons" your "worlds" mixed up with each other.
It's fairly common and usually signals you need a break. Though sometimes with reality sickness you don't want one and feel like you cant take one. It's just your mind gettiing jumbled as a result of too much shifting. That's it.
Thanks for your ask I wish you and your friend well, and I really hope it never has to come to that. You can physically manifest and go to an alternate reality without dying! I WOULD KNOW. You jsut need to get advanced. But this journal and all the others works I link and give you info on will one day hopefully get you there!
-Olive Brimstone
9:56 AM
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