#pop windibank
badaceattorney · 21 days
Ace attorney is really great at choosing music that matches the mood of the current scene
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aa-ensemble-smackdown · 4 months
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probablygayattorneys · 7 months
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...N-no...? Mr. Windibank, I didn't even... why... would you treat me this way...?
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1960z · 18 days
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gavinners-soundbox · 1 year
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(psyche locks) Mr. Windibank, I’m trying to track down some heirlooms of the Baskerville family that went missing. Have you heard of any such items floating around the London pawn shops or seen something with this crest?
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"Heirlooms of the Baskerville family, eh? You don't say." "I received a few such items a while ago. One of them did have a crest like this one." "I would rather not share any details... client confidentiality, you understand." "But if you were hoping they'd passed into my merchandise, prepare to be disappointed." "A young gentleman redeemed the heirlooms on their original owners' behalf not long after they were pawned."
Relevant ask
Check this page for credits
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askaceattorney · 11 months
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Dear Courtroom Watcher,
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I don't remember. He just pawns it, asks for money and I give him whatever money I feel it's worth. If he asks for it back, I check to see how much money he's pawned it for. I write down the prices and leave the list in my store.
- Pop Windibank
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You know sometimes i like using my tumblr as like a brain rot bank? Like a time capsule for thoughts and opinion that cater to no one but everyone is welcome to enjoy and partake. And today i'll be doing just that because i have finally finished The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. If you've been following me for a while you know that this is lowkey monumental because (a) it means that i have officially played all Ace Attorney games, and (b) i have been struggling to finish these two games since their bundled release three years ago. So, i just wanted to share some general thoughts, some tier lists, and feel free to let me know what you think if you read what i have to say!
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Ok so, my main takeaway from playing the two games is that... Dr Courtney Sithe is a bad bitch deserving of the same praise as Franziska, Lana Skye, Justine Courtney, Dee Vasquez and Calisto Yew. I genuinely love her so much. Miss Buttplug Hair got her PhD in being a girlboss and i'm so upset she was only in one case. For such a cool character with an amazing design, she was criminally underdeveloped. Same goes for my other fav, Rei Membani. Soon as it was mentioned that Professor Mikotoba and Judge Jigoku were on their way to the UK, i was one hundred percent sure she'd accompany them, and i was ultimately disappointed. To have her right next to Susato on the game's cover art and give her such an amazing takedown of Raiten Menimemo... and then just not have her be anywhere else was such a shame. I need more Dr Sithe and Rei !
The rest of the games' characters were a bit of a mixed bag with some obvious (and some unexpected) stand-outs. Here's my tier list:
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The biggest surprise that came when i was making this is how high i placed Herlock. I started off hating him so much and then he just suddenly grew on me so quickly, i hadn't even noticed. One of my favourites for sure.
I think we can all collectively agree that we have, at some point in our lives, embodied Pop Windibank... poor guy...
I don't know what Kazuma's deal is. He starts off as Ryunosuke's Mia Fey before um... just becoming a jerk? Why does he have beef with his best friend who was literally mourning him for almost a year? Can't lie though, the bitch looks hot in his white uniform.
Some of the jurors made a bigger impression than actual characters/ witnesses, just by having cool designs. Mainly the green lady, who rightfully earned her spot in the third tier after i found out she's supposed to be a reincarnation of the teacher from PLvsPW !
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Eggert Benedict or whatever the fuck that rich breakdancing asshole is called, cannot be a final villain i'm sorry. Seriously, what were they thinking?
The two redheads are such a shameless rip-off of the Skulkins. Two ruffians taking the witness stand for the game's climax AGAIN !? And during the credits, they pose in their prison cell with "Gossip" in the middle the exact same way Eggert and the Skulkins did in the credits of Adventures, like no thank you.
I love how my overall bottom 3 are an annoying str*ight couple and a child.
If Stronghart wasn't in the second (very coveted) tier, he'd be in the bottom of 'like !' because he was ok. It's blatantly obvious he's the big bad from the second he's introduced but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also, i need him and Damon Gant to have a fat titty bounce-off.
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Moving on to criticisms, i can't help but feel like the fact that Shu Takumi decided to split his original script into two games only served to hurt the entire project. Because, for starters, each game has a different feel and the two don't match. Adventures is reminiscent of PLvsPW, Takumi's whimsical and eccentric love letter to the UK that hinges heavily on exposition. Resolve, on the other hand, is a bit of a mix between its predecessor and traditional Ace Attorney, its cases focusing more on driving the narrative to its conclusion rather than experimenting on the classic formula (as with the first game). It also echoes aspects of the first Investigations, bringing in diplomatic immunity, international relations, "tracking down and going against the head of the evil organisation" (the Reaper storyline is very similar to the Yatagarasu one). Personally the two vibes don't mesh, even when Resolve tries to latch onto Adventures with Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro, for example.
Then, the pacing in both games is all over the place. Adventures is just so unreasonably and unashamedly long-winded and slow, it's the reason it took me literally three years to get into it. The game repeats the same lines of dialogue again and again until they're made painfully clear, subsequently making the player (or at least me) feel like an idiot who needs to read the same thing 13 times in order to get it. This, coupled with the fact that actual gameplay was almost nowhere to be seen and that progression in the courtroom almost always relied on not pointing out inconsistencies but pressing the witnesses adjacent to the one testifying, made the game such a slog to get through. And once the game started to pick up, it was over before i even knew it and in a very unceremonious fashion no less. In comparison, Resolve is very streamlined, albeit a bit too fast-paced. With the exception of Memoirs, which felt like shameless filler, it's clear that they wanted to waste zero time and crammed so much stuff into the episodes, to the point where it became difficult to keep track of everything going on. Because, keep in mind, the second game was tasked with tying up all the loose threads from the first one.
This leads to my final criticism regarding the split: inconsistencies and unresolved mysteries. I think it reads as careless writing when questions keep sprouting everywhere and their answers are reserved for the final two episodes of the second game. Even Unspeakable, a final case, introduces mysteries tied to the overarching narrative just for them to be shelved until Twisted Karma, leaving the player with a sense of dissatisfaction when the game ends. Not only is it frustrating to keep track of all the unsolved mysteries, a chore which good writing would not expect from the player, but it also has you questioning whether or not some of them will get answered at all. Why was the selection of jurors obviously rigged? Why did Van Zieks stop appearing in court five years prior? Where did he lose his gun in Twisted Karma? Why didn't Stronghart assassinate Madame Tusspells as well? Why is Kazuma fully exonerated after admitting to his involvement in the assassin exchange? I grouped the unresolved mysteries with inconsistencies as one problem because the latter is a result of the former. The majority of mysteries spills over from the first game to the second, giving way to different phrasing, details getting glossed over and the plot's consequences getting ignored. There's a very apparent shift in Gregson's character, for example, going from uncooperative and rigid in Adventures to more forgiving and helpful in Resolve, all the while his misconduct from Unspeakable is seemingly forgotten and met with zero ramifications. There's also the government's secret message about the assassin exchange Herlock deciphered at the end of the first game, which sets up the second game nicely but then doesn't get mentioned until the very last day in court. Like, come on now. It feels like Resolve continues Adventures' story without wanting to acknowledge it because, in the grand scheme of things, McGilded and Eggert Benedict seem to not matter at all. And then there's Memoirs, which... Inconsistency City, honestly. This episode's lack of impact on the overall story allowed it to be literally anything else. It's such a bizarre choice to have it be something which only achieves in taking away from the first Clouded Kokoro case! Like ok, i can get behind it being a case no one wanted to talk about so it didn't make the first game. I can turn a blind eye to the inconsistent character development and timeline, whatever. But it absolutely drives me nuts that, for an Ace Attorney game where the murders are explained in full detail, they couldn't stay consistent with the direction Olive Green was walking in. Hate. Loathe. Get it away from me.
That pretty much covers it in terms of complaints, because otherwise i enjoyed my playthrough quite a bit actually. I know i've just spent like 3 mega-sized paragraphs complaining but the games have great elements as well. The Deduction dances are easily the best thing about the gameplay, especially when you didn't see them coming. They were so much fun to play, very animated and cartoony with amazing banter, and effortlessly accelerated the investigation segments. Equally, i loved Judicial Findings. Undoubtedly my favourite part of the courtroom sections and a welcome change of pace. I tended to stall a lot because the jury's music fucks so hard. While on the topic of what i liked, Ryunosuke and Susato's chemistry rivals what Phoenix and Maya have going on. Susato leaving at the end of Adventures was a genuinely effective point in the plot, even though i knew she'd be back.
Now, let's take a closer look at the episodes. Here's my overall tier list of all Ace Attorney cases, the Great Ace Attorney ones being highlighted in yellow:
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Blossoming Attorney gobbled the rest of the girls right up (a court-only episode, no less). They gave us Susato gameplay, what more can you ask for? An amazing case. Gay Women in STEM !!
Return kinda strikes a nice balance between the different feels of the two games i mentioned before. You've got exposition and world-building with the whole Great Exhibition, turn of the century mad science thing, but also classic Ace Attorney with tracking down Drebber (very Matt Engarde's apartment) and Madame Tusspells as just some witness (very Lisa Basil). A very fun case right before the clusterfuck of mysteries ensues. Also, Dr Courtney Sithe !!!!! Girl you're such a star and you don't even know it spit in my mouth
Was tempted to put Unspeakable in the second tier but i think it's earned its high placement on its own merit and not because of personal bias. It's a great case. Maybe not for a final one, but it's still great. It tries its hardest to tie up some loose ends before the game ends and that's worth something.
Resolve of Ryunosuke is objectively better than Twisted because i could not give less of a fuck about the purple guy's headache and Espella Cantabella selling firecrackers, but they're both very much one single package. Extra points to Resolve of Ryunosuke though for having its villain sit at the judge's seat. That was neat.
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The two Clouded Kokoros are giving stinky Bri ish culture with the whole apartment building background, like Ribena, bad teeth, rusty Union Jack, horseshit breath at the pub, you awrite luv? Slander, i'm sorry.
Slightly unrelated but when i was making this tier list it became so obvious that Investigations 2 is the crown jewel of the franchise. Like it has two cases in the top 5, how can you even argue against that?
Arriving to a conclusion, i'd say both games belong on the same level as Apollo Justice: a blend of good and bad. My experience playing the Ace Attorney franchise has followed this trend of attaching each game to a pivotal moment in my life. I finished the first game while i was still a soldier, Justice for All during my first year at university, Dual Destinies during Covid lockdown, Investigations while helping my parents set up their shop one summer. So i know i'll look back at playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles right after handing my dissertation very fondly. In other words, despite not quite sticking the landing, it's left a very pleasant aftertaste. Thank you for reading!
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vonlipvig · 6 months
Causes of death in the Ace Attorney franchise
Because I'm bored, and what do we do when we get bored? We MAKE LISTS! I went through every character dead character in the canon game universe (so AA1-6, AAI1-2, and TGAA1-2, sorry PWvsPL) and jotted it all down below, so let's see what the most common (specified) cause of death in Ace Attorney is:
Stabbed (x15)
Shot (x15)
Hit by a blunt object (x14)
Impaled (x5)
Poisoned (x4)
Fell to their death (x3)
Hanged (x3)
Car crash (x2)
Strangled (x1)
Electrocuted (x1)
Crushed (x1)
Suffocated (x1)
Asphyxiated (x1)
Heart Failure (x1)
Burned (x1)
Full list with character names all color-coded by game and more specific data below! (Beware of SPOILERS for the whole series!)
COLOR CODE: OG Trilogy - AJ - DD & SOJ - AAI1 - AA12 - TGAA 1 & 2
(AAI gets two different colors since a lot of people probably haven't played AAI2 yet. Sorry, DD and SoJ, you have to share. 'Why don't you do one color for the whole Apollo Trilo-' No <3)
Stabbed (x15)
(Bruce Goodman, Misty Fey, Rex Kyubi, Constance Courte, Clay Terran, Metis Cykes, Inga Karkhuul Khura'in, Byrne Faraday, Manny Coachen, Horace Knightley, Di-Jun Huang, Mason Milverton, Jezaille Brettª, Odie Asman, Klint van Zieks)
Shot (x15)
(Gregory Edgeworth, Robert Hammond, Turner Grey, Pal Meraktis, Romein LeTouse, Magnifi Gramarye¨, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Buddy Faith, Oliver Deacon, Deid Mann, Mack Rell, Ethan Rooke, Pop Windibank, Genshin Asogi, Tobias Gregson)
Hit by a blunt object (x14)
(Cindy Stone, Mia Fey, Russell Berry, Kane Bullard, Zak Gramarye, Candice Arme, Paht Rohl, Archie Buff, Jove Justice, Dumas Gloomsbury, Ka-Shi Nou, Isaac Dover, Jill Crane, Jack Cameron)
Impaled (x5)
(Jack Hammer, Neil Marshall, Manov Mistree, Puhray Zeh'lot, Tahrust Inmee¨)
Poisoned (x4)
(Glen Elg, Terry Fawles¨, Drew Misham, John H. Wilson)
Fell to their death (x3)
(Dustin Prince, Jack Shipley*, Akbey Hicks)
Hanged (x3)
(Joe Darke°, Celeste Inpax¨, Dahlia Hawthorne°)
Car crash (x2)
(Ini Miney*, Selena Sprocket*)
Strangled (x1)
(Juan Corrida)
Electrocuted (x1)
(Doug Swallow)
Crushed (x1)
('Di-Jun Huang')
Suffocated (x1)
(Taifu Toneido)
Asphyxiated (x1)
(Duncan Ross)
Heart Failure (x1)
(Azura Summers^)
Burned (x1)
(Magnus McGilded)
ª: She was stabbed, right? Like, she was poisoned first, but she died from the stab wound first, if I'm correct. Do tell if I'm wrong, lmao.
*: Accidental deaths
^: Natural death
¨: Deaths by suicide
°: Executed (Joe Darke's method of execution isn't mentioned, but if we assume Japanifornia goes by Japan laws, then hanging is the only method of execution used. Probably a higher number of deaths by hanging then, whether you believe some people got executed or not. Also, a lot of the killers in TGAA probably got executed, too? I just jotted down the confirmed cases, but yeah.)
(Also, von Karma died of 'Something'. Who knows. Of being too ashamed, maybe. Sucks to be him).
I probably missed some characters/omitted them, because who knows, it's my list I guess. If I forgot someone important do let me know!
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pad-wubbo · 8 months
Because I felt like doing so, I've compiled a full list of character names is French for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Les Grandes Chroniques de Ace Attorney), which doesn't have an official French translation. Japanese names and Sherlock Holmes character names are unchanged, while most English pun names and faux-Japanese English-pun names are changed.
Here it is:
Ryunosuke Naruhodo (unchanged)
Susato Mikotoba (unchanged)
Kazuma Asogi (unchanged)
Yujin Mikotoba (unchanged)
Seishiro Jigoku (unchanged)
Taketsuchi Auchi (unchanged)
Satoru Hosonaga (unchanged)
John H. Wilson (unchanged, from Arsène Lupin)
Owimasu Nomasu (Iyesa Nosa)
Jinesipa Nomasu (Aido Nosa)
Korekushona Dekyuryosichi (Kyurio Korekuta)
Balta Jezaille (Jezaille Brett)
Herlock Sholmes (unchanged, from Arsène Lupin)
Bov Strogenof (Bif Strogenov)
Grimesby Roylott (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Nikolina Pavlova (unchanged)
Pirozhko (unchanged)
Novara (Darka)
Kurt Maelstrom (Mael Stronghart)
Brock Sephenie (Barok van Zieks)
Magnus O'Dore (Magnus McGilded)
Mason "Tiré-Trois-Fois" ("Thrice-Fired" Mason)
Mason Milverton (unchanged)
Beppo (unchanged)
Bruce Fairplay (unchanged)
Fender Bord (Lay D. Furst)
Iris Wilson (unchanged)
Tobias Gregson (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Soseki Natsume (unchanged)
Wagahai (unchanged)
Vera Jade (Olive Green)
John Garrideb (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Joan Garrideb (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Patricia Batterman (Patricia Beate)
Ruiz Batterman (Roly Beate)
Alain Windibank (Pop Windibank)
Hoff Benedict (Eggert Benedict)
Greece Saunders (Ashley Graydon)
Greece Milverton (Ashley Milverton)
Nash Schroeder (Nash Skulkin)
Ringo Schroeder (Ringo Skulkin)
Myrtle Rhea (Asa Shinn)
Ryutaro Naruhodo (unchanged)
Subi Anutema (Rei Membami)
Sukuriba Akumemo (Raiten Menimemo)
Bill Bardguy (William Shamspeare)
Abel deRhone (Adron B. Metermann)
Brenda Altamont (Quinby Altamont)
Duncan Ross (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Selden (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Nikolai de Beale (Albert Harebrayne)
Testa Blomme (Odie Asman)
Toby (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Mahonia Sire (Esmeralda Tusspells)
John Clay (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Ottermole (unchanged)
Jane the Ripper (unchanged)
Gustav Sephenie (Klint van Zieks)
Sara Valerie (Evie Vigil)
Balthazar Lonzi (Balthazar Lune)
Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond Ormstein (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Enoch Drebber (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Corona Stephens (Courtney Stevens)
Corona Sissel (Courtney Sithe)
Mia Cabre (Maria Gorey)
Genshin Asogi (unchanged)
Quentin Valerie (Daley Vigil)
Hugh Boone (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Barry Hare (Barry Caidin)
Venus (unchanged)
Rags (Gossip)
Sandwich (unchanged)
Fabien de Rousseau (unchanged)
Peppino de Rossi (unchanged)
Paulov Strogenof (Tchikin Strogenov)
Lady Baskerville (unchanged)
Queen Victoria (unchanged)
Tadashi Sodenoshita (unchanged)
Chalan Musgrave (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
Polan Musgrave (unchanged, from Sherlock Holmes)
See if you can decipher all the puns in the changed names.
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alto-tenure · 2 years
so a while ago I made a list of how every victim falls in Ace Attorney to determine the most common cause of death. this includes assaults/attempted murders (e.g. Edgeworth being attacked in The Kidnapped Turnabout, DGS1-4, DGS2-2, LV-1)
TL;DR: Stabbing is the most common, followed by gunshot and blunt force trauma.
the dissection is under the cut; spoilers for every game
Jack Hammer (Turnabout Samurai)
Bruce Goodman (Rise from the Ashes)
Neil Marshall (Rise from the Ashes)
Terry Fawles (Turnabout Beginnings)
Misty Fey (Bridge to the Turnabout)
Rex Kyubi (The Monstrous Turnabout)
Constance Courte (Turnabout Academy)
Clay Terran (The Cosmic Turnabout)
Metis Cykes (Turnabout for Tomorrow)
Manov Mistree (The Magical Turnabout)
Tahrust Inmee (Rite of Turnabout)
Inga Karkhuul Khura’in (Turnabout Revolution)
Byrne Faraday (Turnabout Reminiscence)
Manny Coachen (Turnabout Ablaze)
Horace Knightley (The Imprisoned Turnabout)
Mason Milverton (The Adventure of the Runaway Room)
Olive Green (The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro)
Jezaille Brett/Asa Shinn (The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney)
Odie Asman (The Return of the Great Departed Soul)
Klint van Zieks (The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo)
Robert Hammond (Turnabout Goodbyes)
Gregory Edgeworth (Turnabout Goodbyes)
Manfred von Karma (Turnabout Goodbyes)
Turner Grey (Reunion, and Turnabout)
Pal Meraktis (Turnabout Corner)
Romein Letouse (Turnabout Serenade)
Thalassa Gramarye (Turnabout Succession)
Dhurke Sahdmadhi (Turnabout Revolution)
Buddy Faith (Turnabout Visitor)
Colin Devorae/Oliver Deacon (The Kidnapped Turnabout)
Mack Rell (Turnabout Reminiscence)
Deid Mann (Turnabout Reminiscence)
Shi-Long Lang (Turnabout Ablaze)
Ethan Rooke (Turnabout Target)
Di-Jun Huang (The Grand Turnabout
John Wilson (The Adventure of the Great Departure)
Pop Windibank (The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story)
Herlock Sholmes (The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story)
Tobias Gregson (Twisted Karma and His Last Bow)
Genshin Asogi (The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo)
Cindy Stone (The First Turnabout)
Mia Fey (Turnabout Sisters)
Phoenix Wright (The Lost Turnabout)
Russel Berry (Turnabout Big Top)
Kane Bullard (The Stolen Turnabout)
Zak Gramarye (Turnabout Trump)
Paht Rohl (The Foreign Turnabout)
Archie Buff (Turnabout Revolution)
Dumas Gloomsbury (Turnabout Time Traveler)
Miles Edgeworth (The Kidnapped Turnabout)
Ka-Shi Nou (Turnabout Ablaze)
Isaac Dover (The Inherited Turnabout)
Jill Crane (The Forgotten Turnabout)
Jack Cameron (The Grand Turnabout)
Kazuma Asogi (The Adventure of the Speckled Band)
Olivia Aldente (The English Turnabout, PLVPW)
Robbs (PLVPW)
Muggs (PLVPW)
Kira (PLVPW)
Maya Fey (PLVPW)
Arthur Cantabella (PLVPW)
Jove Justice (Turnabout Revolution)
Glen Elg (Recipe for Turnabout)
Diego Armando (Turnabout Beginnings?)
Drew Misham (Turnabout Succession)
William Shamspeare (The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro)
Newton Belduke (PLVPW)
Dustin Prince (The Lost Turnabout)
Akbey Hicks (Turnabout Airlines)
Jack Shipley (Turnabout Reclaimed)
Maya Fey (Turnabout Goodbyes)
Phoenix Wright (Turnabout Goodbyes)
Doug Swallow (Turnabout Memories)
Selina Sprocket (Turnabout Time Traveler)
Sorin Sprocket (Turnabout Time Traveler)
Carmine Accidenti (PLVPW)
Juan Corrida (Farewell, My Turnabout)
Taifu Toneido (Turnabout Storyteller)
Candice Arme (Turnabout Countdown)
Apollo Justice (Turnabout Countdown)
Di-Jun Huang’s Body Double (The Grand Turnabout)
Hershel Layton (PLVPW)
I honestly thought blunt force trauma would be the highest when I first listed these. I was wrong!
I know (MAJOR PLVPW SPOILERS) that no one in PLVPW actually died except Newton Belduke, but I still felt as though it was prudent to list them here as victims.
Tasing is a form of electrocution.
Technically, falling and getting crushed could both be forms of blunt force trauma, but “blunt force trauma” is more “something hits you” than “you hit something” imo? I think it’s a distinction worth making.
There are a lot fewer poisonings than I thought. I didn’t know whether to put Diego’s poisoning under Memories or Beginnings, so I put both.
Simon Keyes was pretty inventive tbh
English Turnabout is the only case in PLVPW with a proper name. I generally ID the chapters with court segments as the ones that are the “case names”, which works for every case but the last.
I might have missed some? I know for sure I missed the original Di-Jun Huang, but I couldn’t find his cause of death poking around the wiki. Let me know if I missed any more!
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badaceattorney · 15 days
Me x Pop Windibank x Simon Blackquill x Larry Butz is canon, and i have a detailed explanation for how this works with the timeline which includes several different instances of vampirism and curing vampirism
This explanation also means that Ryunosuke and phoenix are the same person since he’s an immortal vampire
Btw it’s not a polycule i just have three husbands like a gay version of a mormon
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aa-ensemble-smackdown · 6 months
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alynnl · 1 year
I'm about to jump back into The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles case 1-5, Trial part 4 tonight. I feel focused enough to take it on.
The trial's part 4 has a lot of plot threads to deliver on...
Why is Inspector Gregson being so cagey about details relating to the case, when he was so open to Iris in the beginning?
What's Ashley "Eggert Benedict" Grayson's true connection to Magnus McGilded? (My crack theory: he IS McGilded. My semi-serious theory, he's a relative. My actual theory, they are business partners [in crime.])
Speaking of Mr. Grayson, why did he shoot Pop Windibank? The evidence points to whodunit, but not his motive.
Is Gina Lestrade really in trouble for perjury if she gave her testimony under duress? She was blackmailed and threatened. It's not like she lied on the witness stand for the fun of it.
Along with these questions, I have a few predictions about Susato.
Her notes will be key to solving the final case of Chronicles' first game.
The rain storm will delay her departure, meaning it's possible for Ryunosuke, Iris, Gina, and Sholmes to come together and see her off. Gregson might even be there if he decides to be a good sport about the case.
If there's a departure scene it will mirror/parallel Maya's farewell in the first Ace Attorney game.
Susato might go on to make a surprise appearance in the second game, and give Ryunosuke insight into whichever case he's trying to solve at the moment.
Time will tell if my questions are answered and my predictions true.
But it will certainly be exciting to find out!
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Turnabout Vengeance Character Showcase 2: Ronald Lawton (Pop Windibank)
///A new character i made for this case who hasn't been introduced yet. A Shop Owner who loves two things in life, The Truth and Advertising his shop to anyone at anyplace. One of the few witnesses from the Vick Trial who didn't fall for Von Karma's or Celeste's bullshit and who was friends with Vick ever since they were kids. The song i used for Ronald is Outside Area 1 from the Sims Bustin Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p21EC-XYN1I&list=PL5B14E5621234DA47&index=5.
(Also yes Franziska is stuck in the pure white void of nothingness.)
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penny-nichols · 8 months
wait are they adding more redheaded league stuff????? I assumed the extent was going to be Pop Windibank in 1-5 but the opening talked about an advertisement and showed specifically redheads....
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