playtimeoff · 10 months
AFTER ALL by Playtime.
Music&Words&Graphs by Playtime. Feat Voice : Natalie
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brasil-e-com-s · 2 years
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madamedupigeonsalon · 5 years
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Société : Madonna est l’égérie de la pop et nous devrions la remercier pour cela
On ne le dit pas assez souvent mais Madonna, la chanteuse et actrice, est une égérie du mouvement de la liberté. La Marianne de notre époque, elle a été excommuniée par la vatican mais ça on s’en fiche car pour nous le plus important c’est l’icone pop qui a traversé les dernières décennies sans regarder derrière elle.
Elle est incontournable et merveilleuse à la fois. On le redira jamais assez, Madonna a marqué son temps avec ses chansons provocatrices et sa souplesse incroyable ( merci les cours de yoga ! ). D’abord, elle est devenue une image iconique du monde LGBTQ, en effet, les gays ont vue en elle une figure de proue avant son temps. Ses tubes comme Vogue ou Like a Virgin ont traversés le monde entier et cassés toutes les barrières ! Qui n’a jamais chanté une chanson de Madonna dans une soirée ou alors au karaoké?
Cette égérie fait respecter les droits des hommes car elle est très politisé en général mais surtout dans sa musique. Quand elle chante God control, elle y parle des fusillades qui deviennent récurrents et du porte des armes à feu. Toutefois, elle arrive a passer facilement dans un registre plus folklore comme Bitch i am Madonna qui nous donne envie de faire la fete et on oublie qu’elle a 61 ans !!! Depuis toujours, les filles copient le style vestimentaire de Madonna mais pas seulement la reine de la pop est copié dans le monde de la musique. Des personnes comme Rihanna ou Lady Gaga se rapprochent beaucoup du meme style de musique... Cependant elle n’est jamais égalé.
Madonna c’est une femme libre, elle chante ce qu’elle veut et elle joue qui elle veut...mais une chose importante qui vous dire c’est qu’elle a grand coeur. Elle a adopté 4 enfants du Malawi et a ouvert un hôpital en Afrique. C’est une grande générosité de sa part et nous devrions la remercier d’avoir vécu sa vie pleinement et courageusement !
Society : Madonna is the Queen of pop and we should be thankful for that
It is not said often enough but Madonna, the singer and actress, is a muse of the freedom movement. The Marianne of our time, she was excommunicated by the Vatican but we don't care because for us the most important is the pop icon that has crossed the last decades without looking behind it.
It is essential and wonderful at the same time. We can never say it enough, Madonna marked her time with her provocative songs and her incredible flexibility (thank you for the yoga classes!). First, she became an iconic image of the LGBTQ world, in fact, gays saw in her a figurehead before her time. His hits like Vogue or Like a Virgin have crossed the whole world and broken all barriers! Who has never sung a Madonna song in a party or at karaoke?
This muse respects the rights of men because she is very politicized in general but especially in her music. When she sings God Control, she talks about the shootings that are recurring and the carrying of firearms. However, she manages to pass easily into a more folklore register like Bitch i am Madonna which makes us want to party and we forget that she is 61 years old !!! Girls have always copied Madonna's dress style, but not only the queen of pop is copied in the world of music. People like Rihanna or Lady Gaga are very close to the same style of music ... However, it is never equaled.
Madonna is a free woman, she sings what she wants and she plays who she wants ... but one important thing to tell you is that she has a big heart. She adopted 4 children from Malawi and opened a hospital in Africa. It is a great generosity on her part and we should thank her for having lived her life fully and courageously!
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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malcolmstarchild7 · 9 years
Pop music
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rachelw92 · 9 years
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Hey @jackxstrify, I just wanted to say that you are my inspiration. I feel like I could watch you all day and never get tired. Your gaze is hypnotic and your movements are lifelike. Blimey! 😅 I can’t actually explain what I want to say! lol But I really think you are such a wonderful performer and great singer. There is a quote of Alan Moore: “For me, there is very little difference between magic and art. To me, the ultimate act of magic is to create something from nothing: It’s like when the stage magician pulls the rabbit from the hat.” That’s what you do. Keep doing it. Thank you for existing, dear Strify 😌 #nicethought #JackStrify #Singer #Performer #Inspiration #InsaneBeauty #Magician #LifeLoveDeath again again and again
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brasil-e-com-s · 2 years
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