#popsugar 2018
stylestream · 11 months
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Kristen Bell | J. Mendel Resort 2018 gown • Judith Leiber clutch | Screen Actors Guild Awards | 2018
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turn-to-me · 11 months
Today 5 years ago. A Charmie celebration ever since 💙💚🥳
Popsugar published the same article several times with different captions, so elated were they. As was the rest of the media.
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Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer at Hollywood Film Awards | POPSUGAR Celebrity UK
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kellykswift · 5 months
But Daddy I love him - analysis and why I think Taylor reveals the real WB in it.
*Disclaimer: This is only my personal opinion.  I respect the Native American culture and my intend is not to offend anyone when linking Taylor to Lakota.
If you wanna skip to the part about WB, scorll to the end ;=)
Something that stood out for me was the shape / design of the lyrics of BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM
The lyrics are placed inside a triangle shape, which could represent the Lakota symbol. (it could also be a sandclock and 2 triangles but lets go with the lakota)
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Its the Lakota symbol for Sun-Earth Connection. The inverted triangle on top symbolizes the stars and/or the Sun. The triangle on the bottom symbolizes earth sites. The Lakota strongly believe that there is a powerful connection between the Sun and the Earth.
It’s also believed that there are still earth and star maps, but they’re kept secret and rarely shown to others that don’t belong to the tribe. This is because these maps mark some of the Lakota people’s most sacred sites in the Black Hills.
The question is: Why Lakota, whats the connection? I get that Karlie is the sun but since when does Taylor have connections to Native American tribes? Well I googled Taylor + Lakota found something else from 2018:
Taylor Swift Denim Shorts by Madewell | POPSUGAR Fashion
Taylor wore an Elizabeth and James Lakota-T-Shirt in 2018 in London, before her REP concert.
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So we got the FIRST Betty / James connection here. Karlie is Betty. Taylor is James.
This is form 2018. It’s a pride shirt. But we didnt know that Taylor was James back in 2018 .
But lets get back to the lyrics of BDILH. I think the first part is a conversation she is having with TS the brand.
I forget how the West was won
Well If you believe this is a reference to history then the answer is: a combination of exploration, settlement, conquest, and economic development (the discovery of gold for example). In conclusion: the west was won (taken) by white men. So Taylor makes it very clear in the first sentence. This is a song about power and money regarding TS the brand.
Too high a horse for a simple girl to rise above it
The phrase also implies a sense of determination or resilience, as it suggests that despite the challenges or obstacles. Taylor (the person, not the brand) is still striving to overcome them and rise above the situation.
They slammed the door on my whole world
The one thing I wanted
So white men, Sarahs and Hannahs (the heteronormative environment, also known as hetlors) forced Taylor to stay in the closet, because a queer Taylor woulnt make as much money as the straight Taylor Swift brand. Nice. I would be pissed as well.
Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned
Running with a dress unbuttoned could symbolize feeling exposed or unprepared, as if one's defenses or usual barriers are down. I guess what she tries to say is that she never learned to speak for herself but something has changed (she met Karlie / or wanted to come out) and all of a sudden she needs to find a way.
Screaming "But Daddy I love him!"
I don’t think this has anything to do with her asking her dad for approval. I mean sure, maybe Scott didn’t accept her but I think she tried to point to Ariel – where this quote is from. The theme of love's power to overcome obstacles and the courage required to follow one's heart.
I'm having his baby
This could be a metaphor for : I am coming out
No, I'm not, but you should see your faces
Exactly what she said.
I'm telling him to floor it through the fences
But she wants to take action - maybe an agreement between her and her management?
No, I'm not coming to my senses
This is not a phase
I know he's crazy but he's the one I want
I am not gonna change. I love her.
So the next verse is interesting. I think she is having a flashback to an earlier situation, where she fell in love with a girl (maybe Emily?) and she didnt do anything because she was too young, too much of a good girl or simply scared.
Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid Tendrils tucked into a woven braid Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all He was chaos, he was revelry Bedroom eyes like a remedy Soon enough the elders had convened Down at the city hall "Stay away from her" The saboteurs protested too much Lord knows the words we never heard Just screeching tires and true love
Now she is back in the present and she is not scared anymore. So if she cant be with this person (Karlie) she will be the one who will take actions:
I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning I'll tell you something about my good name It's mine alone to disgrace I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing
Uhh girlie is pissed about how they treated her back than. As she should! Fuck white old men.
There's a lot of people in town that I Bestow upon my fakest smiles Scandal does funny things to pride But brings lovers closer We came back when the heat died down Went to my parents and they came around All the wine moms are still holding out But it's over.
But also fuck her fans who defend her straighness like its the only thing that matters about Taylor. WTF. Anyways, she said it herself. Scandal does funny things to pride and brings lovers closer! Maybe so close, they write songs together and start a family?
Now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun and even my daddy just loves him
So the dress is not unbuttoned anymore, she is living a private live with her love (and the sun is Karlie), and eventually her team (dad) got around.
I'm his lady, and oh my God You should see your faces
Yes I wanna see those hetlor faces when she reveals that they are married with kids :P
Time, doesn't it give some perspective No, you can't come to the wedding I know he's crazy but he's the one I want
So this is basically giving hetlors the boot. They had so many chances accepting her and catching on. Instead they shipped her with men and defended her straightness.
I'll tell you something right now you ain't gotta pray for me
Oh.. and don’t forget to pray away the gay.
OKKK. so now the interesting part about WB.
Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
She uses wild twice. Pretty uncommon for her. But Wild boy could be WB. the real Willam Bowery.
He was chaos, he was revelry If all you want is gray for me Then it's just white noise, and it's my choice
This could be about her beards and how her fans only want her with men.
The gray part is the opposite from colors - screaming colors - rainbow colors.
But I guess she doesnt care anymore and she does whats right for her and Karlie (and their family).
anyways, I am usually not doing analysis and maybe this is 100% incorrect but I' ve tried :P
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darsynia · 1 year
Swiftiepride Exchange Gift!
Hello @blankspacemafia! I wanted to say off the bat that it was a delight making this for you, and after spending time watching your lovely posts on Taylor's performance outfits, I could not resist doing this... I made an oversized doily decoration doohickey based on both the Eras tour costumes combined with outfits she wore over the years at the Grammies and in music videos!
So, this medallion is 23 inches across, it's washable, and has variable texture (the center is petals!)! The colors are more vibrant in person.
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Under the cut we have an array of 14 outfits over the Eras tour that match the color changes of your medallion, with selections from Taylor's career! Colors are center-out (and oh my GOSH the pic where her dress is teal and her shoes are bright pink matches so well I was screaming) Images taken from various sites such as Popsugar, Vogue, Vanity Fair, and others, all credit to the photographers!
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We start with the Eras tour, detour to the 2015 Grammies, 2014's Dick Clark award for Excellence, an Eras tour dress, a glimpse of a blue dress from Out of the Woods' music video, Eras tour again, the 1989 tour, 2008 Fearless tour and rounding it out, another dark teal dress for 2018's performance of Delicate!
I had hoped to add another aspect to this, to braid you a golden thread and send it along with a needle, so you could weave designs into this (with fray defender on the ends, so you could do it multiple times!) but I tried it and nothing looked good, and I didn't want to send you something frustrating! So I hope you like this, it's a reflection of, hopefully, your enjoyment of her fashion sense, a celebration of her years of work culminating in the Eras tour, and my handiwork!
There was a SNAFU (there were like 10 oh my gosh) with mailing this, a misunderstanding that means it'll take longer to get to you, but I'll get you a tracking number soon! Thanks for trusting me with sending you something I made! I battled some crazy stuff this May and it prevented me from being able to send you as many asks as I wanted, but what I was able to connect with you over was lovely! I hope you enjoy your gift! Happy Pride!! Tagging @swiftiepride so you can see the pictures!
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themomsandthecity · 6 months
Baby Helmets Are Becoming More Common - but Are They Really Necessary?
Morrison Goodwin was born in March 2018 with a head that looked a bit like a "Lego block," says his mom Georgina, a sales executive in Los Angeles. Morrison was twin baby A, packed below his sister Rae at the bottom of Goodwin's uterus. Goodwin mentioned her observation about her son's head to her pediatrician, who recommended various exercises and repositioning with the help of their physical therapist. When Morrison's head shape didn't budge, their pediatrician suggested visiting a cranial remolding orthosis clinic. The doctors there diagnosed him with moderate plagiocephaly, suggesting it might eventually impact his sleep and bite, and recommended a baby helmet to round out his head. "We were very skeptical. It wasn't a slam dunk," Goodwin says. "This is a business. I'm guessing that they're more likely to want to give you a helmet, if that's how they make their money." Even so, Goodwin warily gave the green light. "Our insurance paid for it. And it's very noninvasive. You're a new parent. You're like, well, I'm supposed to set this kid up for success, and I'm told to do this," she tells POPSUGAR. Plagiocephaly and brachycephaly - two types of flat head syndromes - have recently been on the rise in the United States. In 1994, the National Institutes of Health launched its Back to Sleep campaign, after a slew of studies showed that tummy sleep is linked to an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). "It worked wonderfully," says John Girotto, MD, FAAP, FACS, the section chief of pediatric plastic surgery at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI, who specializes in craniofacial surgery. Rates of SIDS dropped from 130 to 78 deaths per 100,000 live births between 1990 and 1996. "But what happened is kids developed misshapen skulls," he adds. Because babies now spend more time lying on their backs, their soft heads develop flat spots. At first, many pediatricians and surgeons were concerned about the long-term effects, Dr. Girotto says. But by the late 1990s, researchers confirmed that babies simply had "positional" molding and most didn't require surgery. Today, however, an entire industry promises to fix babies' flat spots via "helmet therapy," also called helmet orthosis. Clinics with mottos like "reshaping children's lives" devise their own guidelines for helmet therapy and sell baby helmets, which can be personalized with Star Wars and Minnie Mouse motifs. Some have Instagram accounts with tens of thousands of followers. Got an especially photogenic baby? You can even submit a pic of your helmeted baby to your orthotic company's "calendar contest." To be clear, these clinics probably aren't harming their patients. But the question of how often baby helmets are really necessary remains. Amy Mischnick, PT, a pediatric physical therapist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital who treats flat head syndrome, says that part of her job is to provide evidence-based recommendations to parents. This includes, she says, correcting "misinformation, especially when it is used as a scare tactic to place emotional pressure on parents to pursue helmeting not based on facts but on unfounded fear and guilt." Why Do Babies Get Flat Heads, Anyway? Some babies, like Morrison, are born with a flat spot (aka positional skull deformity), often due to their position in the womb. But most flat spots tend to develop gradually after birth, due to pressure from staying in the same position while sleeping and playing. The most common positional skull deformity is plagiocephaly, a flat spot on one side of the head that makes the opposite forehead prominent, which may affect nearly half of all 4-month-old babies. Brachycephaly is less common and occurs when the back of a baby's skull is very flat and wide. Parents usually notice a flat spot within three months of birth, when a baby's skull is soft and moldable. "At that point in time, behavior modifications usually do a great job of helping the skull round… https://www.popsugar.com/family/baby-helmets-flat-heads-49344030?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
Summer 2023 has given us multiple blockbuster hits, but nothing compares to the "Barbie"-"Oppenheimer" showdown. The two films premiered on July 21, but besides their shared release date, they seem to have little in common. "Barbie" is a lighthearted, women-centric story about the titular doll, while "Oppenheimer" is a gripping drama about the man who helped develop the catastrophic WW2-era atomic bombs.
Leading up to July 21, memes flooded the internet, poking fun at the films' differences. But, surprisingly, many fans opted to watch both "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" (during opening weekend, the Associated Press reported that 200,000 people in North America had booked double-feature tickets). The opposing titles seemed to balance each other perfectly, sparking the "Barbenheimer" nickname — and inspiring a new dating trend.
Essentially, the trend embraces striking up a romance with someone who's your polar opposite, and it's been gaining steam even before "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" landed in theaters. "The notion and recognition that 'opposites attract' can date back to the '50s, and what we're seeing is a reframing of that for the TikTok generation," Sylvia Linzalone, dating expert at Findingtheone.com, explained to PopSugar. Similar trends also helped pave the way for Barbenheimer dating, including TikTok's "Filet-O-Fish" theory and 180-dating.
The benefits and drawbacks of Barbenheimer relationships
Barbenheimer dating is an invitation to swipe right on people you otherwise wouldn't and mingle with dates who bring a fresh perspective to the table. And bonus: Finding an "Oppenheimer" partner to complement your inner "Barbie" could help you grow as a person. "Whilst dating outside your usual type can be new or intimidating to some, it can connect you to someone who pushes you to become the best possible version of yourself," Emma Hathorn, an expert from dating app Seeking, revealed to Indy100. Your unique strengths can also bring some stability to the relationship, as Latasha Matthews, an individual, couples, and family therapist, told Bustle.
However, there can be downsides to Barbenheimer relationships. A 2018 study published in the journal Self and Identity found that partners with too many differences tended to experience more conflict and struggled to blend their identities. Hathorn echoes these findings, adding, "Whilst the thrill of entering each other's worlds can reap many benefits, contrary views and beliefs are likely to arise at some point, leading to some potential confrontation." In short, Barbenheimer dating can be a thrill but don't expect to always see eye to eye.
How to embrace the movie-inspired dating trend
You can hop on the Barbenheimer dating trend by coupling up with someone who has a different demeanor (think black cat-golden retriever pairings) or interests that vary from your own — but that's just the beginning. You'll need to keep a few things in mind to maintain your opposites-attract relationship.
First, use your Barbenheimer relationship as an opportunity to stretch outside your comfort zone and adopt some new habits. "Opposites usually attract because they see qualities in the other person they wish they had," Keischa Pruden, therapist and owner of Pruden Counseling Concepts, shared with The Zoe Report. "For example, a 'Type A' person may be attracted to a more laid-back person because they wish they could relax more. A frugal person may be attracted to a person who spends more freely, enjoying the fact that someone else can be so free with their finances." Consider what you can learn by being with someone so different.
It's also important to accept your differences and not try to change the other person. Discuss the ways in which you clash and even treat them with humor (like the Barbenheimer memes did) when possible. Even though acceptance is critical, you don't have to accept all differences — especially if it means sacrificing your personal needs. As psychologist Dr. Christine Finn told Well + Good, "Become aware of your own needs, find out your partner's needs, and learn to talk about that. Then, decide if changes can be made."'
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The Best Skin Hydrating Oil For Naturally Dry Skin
For skin that is naturally dry, this is the best face oil that can soothe, soften and hydrate. It contains a combination of unique ingredients that are packed with nutrients and vitamins, including the antioxidant Chamazulene and vitamin E.
It also contains oil-balancing jojoba and borage seed to soften the appearance of fine lines, black currant to reduce signs of ageing and lovage leaf to tone the complexion.
Lunalis Cosmetics Gold Extreme Face Oil
Lunalis Cosmetics Gold Extreme Face Oil is a luxurious oil that can improve the look of your skin. It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve elasticity, and protect the complexion from environmental factors that may cause dryness. It also promotes skin cell regeneration. It is made of natural ingredients and doesn’t clog pores.
It contains a medley of oils including pomegranate seed oil, prickly pear seed oil, and jojoba oil. Its 24k gold flakes provide an anti-aging, glow-inducing effect.
The oil is free of parabens, toxins, synthetic dyes, fragrances, and fillers. It is also cruelty-free. It comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can purchase it from the manufacturer’s website. It is available in three packages at a discounted rate. You can save up to $180 if you buy more than one bottle.
MARA Universal Face Oil
The award-winning face oil, formulated for all skin types, is packed with age-defying algae, plankton extract and four superfood plant oils to replenish tired dry skin. The face oil hydrates thirsty skin, visibly reduces fine lines and improves the appearance of tone, texture and firmness.
Founded in early 2018 by Allison McNamara, editorial director at Mane Addicts and former POPSUGAR video host, the clean beauty brand is known for its fast-acting algae-infused formulas. The universal face oil is Leaping Bunny certified, free of synthetic fragrances and alcohol (which cause breakouts), phthalates and parabens.
Chrissy Teigen loves this face oil, raving about it in her fresh-faced Instagram Stories. The light-weight and for-anyone oil creates a moisture-preserving barrier, helping the skin to retain its natural hydration and nutrients.
Sunday Riley Oil Cleanser
Smartly crafted formulas that use clinically backed, nontoxic ingredients, paired with beautiful graphic packaging and clever product names have earned Sunday Riley a breathless legion of loyal fans and Sephora VIBs who buy the results-driven luxury line in droves. Its buzzy moisturizers, serums, and oils (which don’t come cheap) have gained cult status and continue to generate hype—and fly off shelves.
This hydrating face oil is rich and nourishing for dry skin. Its star ingredient is purified lactic acid, which works to even out your complexion and boost hydration, smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, diminish the look of dark spots, and combat redness. It also has ceramides that help strengthen your skin barrier and keep water in, for plump and soft skin.
Paula’s Choice Skin Relief Face Oil
Launched in 1995 as one of the first beauty brands to be sold online, Paula’s Choice has a cultlike following for its skin-perfecting products that are backed by science. Founder Paula Begoun is often called the Cosmetics Cop and continues to uphold her promise to only use ingredients that work.
This best skin hydrating oil is packed with antioxidants, skin-replenishing vitamins and oils to moisturize the face and body for a healthy glow. It also contains soothing ceramides to improve the skin barrier so it can fight against dryness and inflammation.
You can use it 1-2 times a day after cleansing & before applying your moisturizer and sunscreen. It’s also safe to mix with vitamin C serum if your skin tolerates it well. It’s suitable for all skin types.
Drunk Elephant Rosehip Oil
Drunk Elephant first put marula oil on the beauty scene with this indie face serum that touts its blemish-healing benefits, but this product also has the added benefit of nourishing and balancing the skin. The raw, cold-pressed oil is rich in critical antioxidant polyphenols and barrier-boosting omega oils that are easily absorbed.
It also contains retinol and Vitamin C, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, the blend of babassu, avocado, jojoba, and shea oils provides plenty of moisture without a greasy feel.
This lightweight face oil is made with only six simple ingredients and is great for all skin types. The jojoba oil is cold-pressed so it doesn't contain any synthetic fragrances or preservatives. It also hydrates the skin and doesn't clog pores, which is ideal for those with acne-prone or sensitive skin.
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eve71750534 · 1 year
I chose to watch All About the Washingtons. In episode 5, Please Hamper, Don't Hurt 'Em, the Washingtons temporarily house Malik, Veronica's boyfriend. Joey tries to teach Daevon what to do with his filthy clothing. Justine has to say goodbye to Skyler as she gets ready for her academic future. This is related to the coursework of the identity wheel, for instance, “Multiculturalism, then, insofar as it groups individuals into categories, may overlook the practical reality that no one lives in just one box.”[1] Each member of the family shares some common and unique basic features, both apparent and invisible. The family and special guests are of African American descent, but this does not define who they are. With the mom starting her own business and the dad being a successful rapper, the family has a high socioeconomic level. They were also very devoted to their four kids. There are a lot of parallels between a white family and people of color, but people get too caught up in race without realization. We share tons of comparable traits in terms of gender, religion, education, talents, clothes, etc. The parents demonstrated how they worked hard to support their family. The producer presented a female of color launching her own business, which was a fantastic example of intersectionality. This is an excellent representation of women demonstrating that we can accomplish everything we set our minds to.
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Justine’s new startup business.
Nflxso.net, 2023, occ-0-988-990.1.nflxso.net/dnm/api/v6/9pS1daC2n6UGc3dUogvWIPMR_OU/AAAABcctH5JonH5TKmZ7TDaEdxEYtOtMjPZ04isy6s3wRWd6TSuthoKMg56VzyLUk2wu6ceZawL1Um_9Ho8jNrT0KHCowE-JKKZ6rawOnoi4Xe2472LQf1hnyVfc.jpg?r=76b. Accessed 7 July 2023.
This episode represents racial identities through the family and special guests. This show doesn’t make it about race but about a normal family. For example, the mom complains about how Daevon doesn’t pick up his laundry, the parents bicker, and the mom struggles to let go of her daughter to a private school. This offered a feeling of normalcy, instead of about race, demonstrating that we all have similarities and differences within our own families, we nonetheless embrace those distinctions. The daughter's closest friend is white, but she does not consider race to be a factor because what matters most is the kind of person that friend is. This demonstrated that we can all work together and that the personalities we choose to represent are more significant.
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The Washington family depicts a normal, happy family.
Sullivan, Corinne. “All about the Washingtons, Season 1.” POPSUGAR Entertainment, 3 Aug. 2018, www.popsugar.com/entertainment/photo-gallery/45103841/image/45103859/All-About-Washingtons-Season-1. Accessed 7 July 2023.
When learning about cultural diversity while watching this episode, I was reminded of a written piece I read on CNN titled, "Opinion: There is no 'White culture.'" According to this article, ““White culture” in fact reflects the ideas, experiences, sensibilities, and perspectives of people of all races – especially African Americans whose contributions to American culture.”[2] The assertion demonstrates that there isn't simply one type of culture—white or black—but an integrated whole. The show demonstrated how our cultures are similar rather than emphasizing how significant black culture is. I came to understand the value of family, which is the thing that everyone values the most, regardless of who they are or where they reside.
[1] Jay, Gregory. What Is Multiculturalism? University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, July 2011.
[2] Ford, Opinion by Richard Thompson. “Opinion: There Is No “White Culture.”” CNN, 2020, www.cnn.com/2020/08/18/opinions/american-culture-and-race-ford/index.html.
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nhlovesadri3 · 1 year
Adriana Lima's Must Haves: From a $60 Perfume to Air Jordans
When you think of Victoria's Secret, the first image that probably pops into your head is Adriana Lima. She made her Victoria's Secret debut in 1999, becoming one of the longest-reigning Angels with 18 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show catwalks under her belt, before subsequently retiring in 2018. As the lingerie brand goes through a rebrand focusing on body positivity, it's also leaning into the 2000s nostalgia.
Victoria's Secret brought back its bestselling scent, Heavenly, along with one of its most iconic Angels to spearhead the campaign — Lima included. "I'm back home. I am thrilled. I'm super excited. I love the brand. The brand helped me in every aspect of my life to make me feel empowered, feminine, and sexy," she tells POPSUGAR, adding that she has special connection to this particular scent. "I shot the first Heavenly campaign, I believe it was 1999, it was my first fragrance campaign ever." Now, she's the face of its revival.
In honour of its comeback, we decided to go down memory lane and reminisce about some of her iconic looks from past Victoria's Secret fashion shows. One of Lima's favourites is the monochromatic red ensemble during the Paris segment of the 2013 show, noting that red is her favourite colour. Donning the Fantasy Bra three times in her initial VS run, she couldn't pick just one. "They're so unique; there's so much design and time involved to make them. They work manually, placing stone by stone, and to watch that being built is truly a beautiful, incredible artistic process," she says.
Taking us back to today, Lima also gave us the rundown on current her must-have products, including a golden water bottle, Nike Air Jordans, and a silk sleep mask. Keep reading for the go-to items she can't live without.
Adriana Lima's Affordable Must Have
Lima can't go a day without perfume. "You can have the most glamorous look, but if you don't have your fragrance, something's missing," she says. The Victoria's Secret Heavenly Eau de Parfum ($60) is her current go-to. "This is the most iconic and timeless fragrance; it represents femininity, empowerment, and sensuality," Lima says.
The Heavenly Eu de Parfum is a warm scent with notes of gold musk, bourbon vanilla, creamy sandalwood, and romantic florals, including freesia, lotus, and white jasmine. "You feel feminine, you feel iconic, ethereal, empowered, sensual," she says on wearing Heavenly, adding that you can wear it during the daytime or at night. "No matter what, you will be remembered."
Pro Tip: To make your scent last longer throughout the day, Lima advises prepping your skin with moisturiser before applying your perfume. She applies an unscented oil right out of the shower, then fragrance on top. Lima also recommends spraying the scent on your hair and clothes as well for a long-lasting linger.
Adriana Lima's Investment Must Have
To stay hydrated, Lima loves her Waterdrop Oro Steel Water Bottle ($46-$52). "I've always wanted a gold water bottle," she says. "If you carry a water bottle that's actually stylish, you remind yourself to drink water every day." Not only is using a reusable water bottle like the ones from Waterdrop an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottles, but it also helps you stay hydrated throughout the day. This one is made from double-walled stainless steel and is vacuum insulated to keep drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours. Although her water bottle of choice is a blingy option, Lima keeps it simple with room-temperature water.
Pro Tip: Lima likes to create her own electrolyte water with some lemon, a dash of salt, and a teaspoon of maple syrup for an extra dose of hydration.
Adriana Lima's Morning Routine Must Have
The Vana Health System ($669) is a crucial part of Lima's daily wellness routine. The vials are meant to be taken as a wellness shot, and each set contains a morning formula and a nighttime formula. It uses naturally derived ingredients like vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients, as well as fruits and vegetables that help keep your cells healthy and provide around-the-clock support for your body. Lima says that "it detoxifies your gut. It gives you more energy. It helps you sleep better at night, too. You see the difference in your skin." It's packed with antioxidants, and according to Lima, it tastes like tart cherry.
Pro Tip: Lima likes to take the a.m. shot right after breakfast and the p.m. shot after dinner and right before bed.
Adriana Lima's Sleep Must Have
Lima takes her sleep seriously. "I understand there are incredible lotions and products out there for your skin, but if you don't have a great night's sleep, there are no products in this world that will help your skin," Lima says. She told us that she is sensitive to light — even notifications from her phone — so she likes to wear her grey Blissy Silk Sleep Mask ($40) to ensure a good night's rest. Made from 100 percent mulberry silk, Lima especially loves how it feels cooling on her skin and helps prevent under-eye puffiness.
Pro Tip: This sleep mask comes with its own travel pouch, so you can take it on trips and use it on flights for a peaceful slumber anywhere, anytime.
Adriana Lima's Must Have Pair of Sneakers
Lima's go-to pair of sneakers is the Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Sneakers ($125) in white, black, and red, calling them "the most iconic sneakers. The style is incredible. I'm obsessed." Lima wears them with everything from jeans to sweatpants and even skirts. These sneakers have a mid-top design made with leather, synthetic leather, and textile. The Nike Air Jordan 1 has a foam midsole and cushioning for lightweight comfort. "I have to say I have more respect for the shoe after I saw the movie, 'Air.' The story behind how they created it, like much respect for that shoe right now," Lima says.
Pro Tip: These sneakers fit true to size and are available in both men's and women's sizing.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
The Viral Jewelry Brand Gigi Hadid Has Been Wearing Since 2018
As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you’ll like too. If you buy a product we have recommended, we may receive affiliate commission, which in turn supports our work. Celebrity-favorite jeweler Roxanne Assoulin launched her brand back in 2016. Rooted in optimism, the label took off immediately, alongside the fast rise in popularity of her Rainbow…
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The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas || Book Review
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge | A book with a problem facing society today
Synopsis | Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor black neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend, Khalil, at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed. Soon afterward, Khalil’s death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Starr’s best friend at school suggests he may have had it coming. When it becomes clear the police have little interest in investigating the incident, protestors take to the streets and Starr’s neighborhood becomes a war zone. What everyone wants to know is: What really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr.
But what Starr does - or does not - say could destroy her community. It could also endanger her life.
Once upon a time there was a hazel-eyed boy with dimples. I called him Khalil. The world called him a thug. He lived, but not nearly long enough, and the rest of my life I’ll remember how he died.
Aside from a great twist or premise, I always find myself drawn to books with beautiful or interesting covers. With the sole image of a young black girl holding a sign in a sea of white space, The Hate U Give always drew me in, but it was yet another one of those situations where I promised to come back to it and something always took precedence. I didn’t know much about the story when I heard there would be a movie, but context clues from the cover gave me an inkling so I checked out the trailer when it came across my radar to see if it was something I could get into. The emotion and subject matter left me stunned and I immediately went to the bookstore to get a copy so I could dive right in.
The Hate U - the letter U- Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody. T-H-U-G L-I-F-E. Meaning what society gives us as youth, it bites them in the ass when we wild out.
The thing that stands out to me the most about this story is how real it feels - which makes me wonder in the back of my mind if that’s the reason it took me so long to rip the bandaid off and read it. So much of this is going on the news now in a never-ending somber cycle that it felt as if I was just reading another headline, not living in the pages of a fictional story. The inspiration and connection to Tupac was very clear here, just as it is if you apply it to our current social climate. Reading and watching so many of these stories is both heartbreaking and terrifying; put that together with the exhaustion that then turns into anger when nothing seems to change and you get a lot of the actions portrayed in both this story and real life. I could see everything playing out in my head - the road stop, the court proceedings, and definitely the protests and the aftermath, which were the most triggering of all.
I’ve seen it happen over and over again: a black person gets killed just for being black, and all hell breaks loose. I’ve tweeted RIP hashtags, reblogged pictures on Tumblr, and signed every petition out there. I always said that if I saw it happen to somebody, I would have the loudest voice, making sure the world knew what went down.
Now I am that person, and I’m too afraid to speak.
I felt a strong gravitation to Starr. Having also split time in two environments and being too much of one thing for one and not of enough of one thing for the other, I knew her struggle of not only just trying to find her footing and where she belongs, but struggling with if and when to code-switch and to what degree. It was great to watch her find her voice in all of this and embrace her identity and position. Much like the tragedy and hurt of everything going on around her, everything close to her also felt real. One of the things I loved about Angie Thomas’ writing throughout the course of the story was how grounded it all felt and how much I could relate. Her family unit was painted especially strong, given all of the odds against them, and I really appreciated the smaller moments that provided light breathers in the midst of heavier situations. 
Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.
As much as I avoided this for fear of the feelings it would bring back up about the current state of things, I’m so glad I finally did. The fact that I had so many emotions but still managed to finish with a feeling of hope is a great testament to what I believe truly works within the pages of this story. Now that I’ve absorbed the full story, I look forward to seeing in brought to life on screen, even if it may slightly change through transference of adaption. This is definitely a story we need, no matter the form, and I’m excited for the new people it attracts.
Rating | 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Goodreads
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Ik was Alice - Melanie Benjamin Alice I Have Been
Before I say anything else, I'd like to point out that this book is historical fiction. Fiction.
This means I'm aware that this book isn't 100% factually correct, and it also means that it doesn't have to be. If you want to read a book that is only facts, read a biography. I've seen too many people complain about things that were wrong or made up to not mention this. This review also contains spoilers.
I have so much to say about this book, I apologize for the length of this review.
This book left a huge impression on me, and it's been on my mind constantly since I started reading it. I hadn't intended to finish the book last night when I noticed it was 10pm already and I hadn't read a word yet, but I ended up finishing it anyway as I just could not put it down. The writing is just incredibly good; and I'm saying that about a translation. I cried twice, which is not something I do easily and which is something I definitely did not expect to happen when I picked up this book.
My expectations were simple: Was Carroll really the pervert/paedophile people on the internet make him out to be? How did everything affect Alice?
I discovered Alice was based on an actual Alice when I read the comments about Carroll, and it intrigued me. When a few days later at work (I work at the library) I came across this book, it felt like fate. I read it immediately after Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and I'm glad I did. I think that if I read it the other way around it would have altered my opinion. I want to reread them now with the new knowledge, but I'm in no hurry.
Please note that I am talking about this book and its story as if it were the truth. It just makes it a whole lot easier, but know I am aware of the differences.
I don't know where I stand on Dodgson. I started off feeling incredibly uncomfortable whenever he was around Alice, and how Melanie wrote Alice's thoughts. The photo and how it was taken didn't help matters. But as I read on, and Alice grew older, I started to realize that times were different back then. You can't read this book and judge it by 21st century standards. Rumor has it Dodgson asked for Alice's hand, but nothing has been confirmed, so we don't know. The book also doesn't give an answer to that, but if Alice was 14 or 15 at the time, that would have been perfectly acceptable. And Alice certainly really liked him back, even loved him in her own childlike way. She asked him to wait for her. However, if he asked for her hand when she was younger, that is just not okay. Nor is the creepiness when she was 7, which is the age she always stayed in his mind. To me it's a very dubious situation, which isn't as black and white as people would have you believe.
Technically, he never did anything wrong. Technically. There is a moment at the end where Alice remembers a fateful day in the train, where she kissed him. Should he have pulled away immediately? Probably. But the point of the matter is that she kissed him and not the other way around. In this book, Alice is more of an instigator than Dodgson ever was.
Now, I don't know much about facts, to be honest, and I've read loads of contradicting things. One says the family broke with Dodgson, others say they reconnected after the book came out. This book keeps them apart, which adds to the story, and which in my opinion makes more sense. Melanie incorporated that wonderfully in the story, having Alice look back as she grows older. Said book however, would never have seen the light of day if Alice hadn't insisted on Dodgson writing it down. So no matter where you stand on their relationship, it brought forward an amazing story.
I would have loved to see her collection of first editions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, though!
This book focuses on more than just the friendship between these two. After the break, Alice finds herself falling in love with the Prince of Wales; Leopold, who is in turn, falling in love with her as well. I loved this storyline so much, and it broke my heart when the inevitable happened. I heard stories that they didn't even like each other, but I think they were at least friends. Why else would they both name one of their children after the other? Why else would he send her a wedding gift? They must have made a huge impact on each other.
The final part of the book focuses on Alice when she's 'old'. She's married, has three sons, and loses two of them to the Great War. Honestly, she has been through a lot, and it's inspiring to see how she never gave up. In that way, she is exactly like the little Alice we know. I truly felt for her at times.
One small thing that I really enjoyed was when she met the 'real Peter Pan'. Once again I had no idea he was based on a real person, but them meeting is just something so out of this world, that I couldn't help but smile. When I read that Peter committed suicide later in life, after learning he didn't like being the real Peter, and wondered how Alice had done it for so long, my heart broke. There is definitely a downside to these kinds of things that we usually don't think about, don't realize.
I would definitely recommend this book if you are capable of keeping in mind this is historical fiction, and wouldn't mind possibly ending up viewing Alice in Wonderland differently while learning more about her and her life. Otherwise, I'd urge you to skip this one.
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