nolanfa · 2 years
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Illustration for Lay in the Wake of Destruction, by sara_holmes, a stony fic in which Steve temporarily loses the plot and goes AWOL Art on AO3 here.
Fill for @tonystarkbingo's "wake up!" (because Tony's trying to turn Steve back) Fill for @avengersbingo's "Moral Compass" Fill for @allcapsbingo's "Bad Reputation" (because Steve collected kind of a bad rep with the WSC) Fill for @buckybarnesbingo's flash prompt "Ultimatum"
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nolanfa · 2 years
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illustration for Last Chance to Feel Human, by thepartyresponsible; art on AO3 here It’s Bucky and Bruce interacting and talks about monsters inside of you? Which is kinda the center of each of their characterizations you know, how is this the first story I read that talked about that? Also it’s written by thepartyresponsible, and I love what they write. (currently missing the last chapter)
fill for @buckybarnesbingo‘s free space
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Illustration for In from the Cold by OddityBoddity. (Art on AO3 here)
It’s, just, perfect? Like. Bucky and lambing? This is. I dunno. This is. Guilt is such an important part of Bucky’s character arc. And there are loads of ways to deal with guilt. But when you’ve been killing people since you were 16 so you never had the time to learn other skills what are you gonna -
And. I dunno. Lambing? That’s perfect. And the way it’s written? (I’m repeating myself, I know, but:) perfect. (Plus: symbolism. So. Much. Symbolism you can read into this)
(side note: there is a first part here maybe start there? Both word counts added makes for less than 5k words so it’s not much of an additional commitment)
also a fill for @buckybarnesbingo's prompt "secret hobby", because, technically, it is something he does that is not his job (hobby: check), and he hasn't told other people that he's doing it (secret: check). It totally fits!
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Another illustration for aloneintherain’s fic When the dead are all living (featuring Peter & Bucky! Come on, who doesn’t want Peter & Bucky interaction?). Art on AO3 here.
Fill for @buckybarnesbingo‘s prompt “scientist“.
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Yay, the fic @arsenicalikat​ wrote for @twsterekbigbang​ posted! Art on AO3 here, for Magic Matters, by arsenicalikat / alikatastic
Also, I have so many headcanons for every single object you can see on this pic, and someone said I should share them, so here you go under the cut (so many headcanons, be warned):
okay, so:
The fic was not very specific about what types of magic did or did not exist, which in my book means all of them do. I used magic ideas from all over, but words have power, right? So the basic idea is that anything that can be used to carry meaning can carry magic power (like the language of plants magic in the fic).
The dried and potted plants are used in potions (and infusions) and spells and rituals (some are herbs, but there are some non-edible ones too).
The glass-orbed ones: the glass has runes etched on them (health, luck, love, and prosperity, according to a 5-seconds google search), that form a spell that is partly powered by the mossy rocks and low-maintenance plants inside. Because life is energy, so it's power and magic. It's mostly low-key and ambiant stuff that's supposed to seep into the atmosphere of the house. Like, it won't keep you from breaking your leg in a car accident, but it will mean you don't develop cancer or scoliosis when you could have, and maybe you heal just a bit faster.
On the side of one bookshelf are knotted ropes. They were used to hold inventory in South America, so they hold meaning, so they can hold spells. They can either hold energy that is released when you burn, cut, or untie them (like batteries), or like the orbs diffuse subtle magic in the air. If you burn/cut/untie them the energy released can take different forms, which can be used offensively (esp. if cut) or channeled into other spells (esp. if untied). The colours are only cosmetic.
The etched stones on the wall shelves beside them are used for wards for specific places: generally you put them in your yard / around your house in specific patterns or at specific distances and they protect or warn. Magic practitioners can etch them directly on living trees or in the architecture of the house itself and it's stronger, but this is the easy portable version (the symbols on the stones were generated by Watabou's Rune Generator: https://watabou.itch.io/rune-generator).
The rocks poster: in summer souvenir shops they tell you to buy this specific stone because it helps fight bad dreams and morosity and get friends and find love (maybe not all the same rock). So, okay, stones have magical properties. You have a list of them, what they're good for, what other stones their energies don't play well with, etc.
On the central island are rocks (and engraved/magical-ingredienty ceramic beads) that you can buy to make your own jewellery / wards / rituals with (you can refer to the helpful rocks poster for that) as well as already-made necklaces and wristbands. Jewellery is mostly for passive skills (defense, luck, enhancements), rituals are for active ones (summons, portals, curses, etc.; sometimes the stone breaks during the ritual and you have to buy another one or use them for another kind of ritual that allows for smaller rocks, but not always).
On the left are spools of wire that can be used to make wearable jewellery or mobiles or as raw material.
Mobiles and chimes (they're totally sold there, just in the back of the shop where you can't see them from the door) are house jewellery, basically. Passive place-specific enchantments. The way they move creates a different kind of magic, more fluid and naturally a bit chaotic.
Feathers, under the counter, are ingredients too for magical stuff. As well as driftwood and sea-eroded glass and pebbles and bones (there are some in the shop! Just, in a closed drawer okay) (rituals use metaphor extensively; if you have enough imagination you can use anything, the more history it has the better, including, like, shards of CD-ROMs or an old coffee grinder).
The books are about magical theory, magical practice, biology, ethnology (how do you call books about selkies if they're sentient beings? Well, that. Both from internal and external points of views), legends, history, linguistics, anything. Even kids' books for magic-community-specific lore.
On the right on the wall there are posters. They're not magic, just culturally magical (as in, no power but common references; the same way you can have a computer science joke that's not in any actual programming language). Or just, like, a seasonal calendar of plants so you know which is in season right now, or a poster of a celebrity that happens to be a harpy, or something.
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Clint chilling in the sun. To celebrate the spring weather that is settling in.
This is part of Marvel Art Party’s collaborative pin up bingo (hoping we can finish all squares!). @marvelartparty
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Illustration for aloneintherain (here on tumblr)’s fic When the dead are all living. Its title in my notes is “disaster Peter“, and I feel that tells you all it should about it. Plus a couple crops of the background. (art here on AO3)
This is a fill for @buckybarnesbingo ‘s square: “bodyguard“
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Another illustration for lazulisong’s fic “re: re: re: re: bad ideas you and clint barton have had”. It’s primarily Clint and Bucky friendship, and it’s super short read it now :D all illustrations there (on tumblr so only the already-published ones) or on ao3 (already complete) @buckybarnesbingo
This one fills the “Found Family“ square because sniper bros.
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Hey, so turns out I never actually posted the full version of this Teen Wolf fanart that I made for the sterek big bang last year? That’s a good thing because I’m currently a bit behind on my bi-weekly art posting goal and I don’t want to decide now whether having chapters in art posts on ao3 sucks (I thought it did, but now I for the life of me can’t remember why, and also it makes my life very complicated since I have to wait for all of the art for one fic to be finished before I start posting). So; Here’s the ao3 post with this art, and here’s the fic it illustrates: What It Takes to Be a Monster by Missellaineous.
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nolanfa · 2 years
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Yay cuddles!
Illustration 3 of 7 for lazulisong’s fic “re: re: re: re: bad ideas you and clint barton have had”. No I did not get carried away I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s primarily Clint and Bucky friendship (though Steve is there too because duh, Bucky), and it’s super short read it now :D all illustrations there (on tumblr so only the already-published ones) or on ao3 (already complete)
This fills the “Without Fear“ square because at first I thought it would need Bucky being badass but I realized the true meaning of absence of fear was cuddles and trust and codependent friendship.
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