deusvervewrites · 8 months
Mustafa Monster: Since Valstrax is one of my favorite MH monter, here a step by step plan for izuku to get their wings !
1-"I need to fly" -> get wings
2-"i need to attack with my wings" -> wings become spear-wings
3-" i needd to fly faster" -> spear-wings become jet-engine-spear-wings
4-"i need a ranged attack (using my wings)" -> jet-engine-spear-wings become jet-engine-gun-spear-wings
Tada ! Now Izuku is in possecion of a brand new pair of Valtrax wings!
I should note that Midoriya cannot consciously choose how his Quirk adapts, but yeah, this seems like the process
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baka-monarch · 2 years
Happy crispy holidays i have many temporary sons in my possecion rn and they say happy holiday
(This makes no sense that is the point >:3)
Thank you the sons!
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void-tiger · 4 years
If I’m ever in possecion of an African Violet, I’m naming it Shiro. ‘Cause these guys kinda have the habit of dropping “limbs” that you can stick into the ground and use to spawn clones.
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elladastinkardiamou · 4 years
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Popular singer Notis Sfakianis appeared before the magistrate in Athens on Monday morning following his arrest on drugs and weapons charges on Sunday night.
The singer was arrested shortly after 8 p.m. in the southern Athens suburb of Elliniko by police officers who found an unlicensed pistol, a taser and 2gr of cocaine in his possession. The control was conducted during a routine check for compliance with coronavirus restrictions on motorists.
What prompted the search was not clear, however, as local media reports indicated that Sfakianakis was not found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of his arrest, was in compliance with lockdown measures and had not engaged any kind of verbal or physical altercation with the inspecting officers.
According to a press release issued by his lawyer, Alexis Kougias, Sfakianakis had a license for the 9mm gun that had expired and not extended due to the lockdown.
The lawyer emphasized that Sfakianakis owned this weapon for decades for his personal safety due to the peculiarity of his profession, the hours he works and the money he transfers “since many of his colleagues have fallen victim to robberies..”
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sweetzieart · 5 years
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I kept forgetting to post my Reverse Omens here ( if you have any other suggestions how should I name this au tell me )
So it goes that Raphael/Crowley and Aziraphale knew eachother back in heaven and where consider mates by angel standard during their time together in heaven Raphael gave Zira one of his rings which late becomes his prized possecion as a demon.
•He’s still a snake I headcanon that all angel have a animal they transform or take after.
•The snake if his staff are sentient since they exist they are Raphael companion. The two snakes of his staff are called Pollux & Castor and you can nirmally see then in different form as time goes by.
• You can see Pollux & Castor in this main forms , jewlery , staff and actual golden snake .
• After creating the stars he was station helping plants and creating plants in the garden
• Raphael doesn’t remember his time with Aziraphale before the fall, he can barely remember anything of the war itself , it could be all the pain he suffer or one last mercy pray from his other half
• Once fallen he is the embodiment of Pride and Gluttony
• Didn’t meant to fall.
• Is a sinnamoroll
• He believed that humans should have the knowlange to know from right and wrong
•As he fall he prayed for Raphael’s to forget him to everyone to forget him because he didn’t want them to feel pain
•God literally did a coin flip to decide who fall , both Azirapahle and Raphael were never gonna be happy in heaven for she knew what it was gonna turn into.
Promts/tags thats inspire this : Crowley is Raphael, 6000 years pinning, both share one brain cell, moronsexuls , misunderstanding , they are both chaotic neutrals, Crowley goes fast and zira does too but he needs to protect his angel
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kitkatlived · 5 years
Feedback; you said it was up in the air but that kk does tentavely have feelings for me. I totally felt that in my gut but I wasn’t sure and didn’t wanna get my hopes up. I’ll keep you posted. Follow up; how come she gives me short responses sometimes and doesn’t currently follow me on tiktok?-sh Thank you so much. You’re truly a big help to me.
Okay so this was kind of a hard one, I tried my best to interpret everything right.
So first of all, the king of cards jumped out and he has a special message for you. He wants to remind you about the importance of true. Of the power it hold. Truth comes in many ways, and we sometimes have to come to terms with the hidden truth of what we know, but don’t want to acknowledge. That acknowledgment is what gives you the power to make better/more intelligent decisions
From here... it’s a little negative. I mainly pulled from my oracle cards because they would give a better understanding. I first pulled the wasp signifying jealousy, envy, and retaliation. Be aware of these emotions. Whether they are directed at you or others. To relate this to your question, maybe your a little made crush doesn’t follow you and your jealous of the others who are followed by crush. Be careful of that because that promote movement.
Movement, just like a river is in constant motion. Emotions are the same. You could possibly be suffocating said crush, maybe you just really really want to talk to them but they’re just ignoring them. Give them space to move, to breath. To make choices without letting you go.
There comes a time when we all let go. Whether it be physical possecions or emotions. A time will come to let go. My advice is this, let go of self doubt. Let go of jealousy, let go of negative emotions and breath. Think things through and them make a decision.
In terms of why crush isn’t following you on tictok could be their way of maintaining control (7 of wands) of the situation. And why they’re giving short responses might also have to deal with maintaining control. Overall I really I’m really not sure why this is truly happening. It could be a number of things. It’s just to you to really dig deep and find out what that is
And I sincerely hope this helps, even just a little bit
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yurisubtext · 6 years
material possecions really keep me from ending it all
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So my phone fell into a taxi i was forced to be because of my dad, and when i tried to phone it back so i can talk with the drive and ask him to bring it back to me, HE HAD TURNED IT OFF! You know what that means right? That son of a bitch practically stoled my phone. I hope the phone bursts into flame in his hands or to anyone that has it in their possecion right now!
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bby-thanos-blog · 6 years
‘ the one where maggie gets her powers ' - season 1, ep. 1
hela didn't become the goddess of death because she got bored one day and decided to rule over hel. instead, odin declared that when she 'matured' she would be granted her title and get the powers needed in order to help guide asgardian souls to the afterlife. maggie had heard this story plenty of times, and never really paid all that much attention to it. her mother was the goddess of death, she matured into the role, blah blah blah.
she probably hadn't thought of that story in over two hundred years. but now she was grabbing every old book she had in her possecion and ripping through them as she wiped droplets off her face. whether they were sweat or tears she wasn't really aware at this point. if she looked around her apartment right now she would find there was a tiny fire starting in the trash can, a whole burnt right through her couch, papers, silverware, and picture frames all cracked or broken thrown about the room. there was scorch marks and burnt holes littered across the walls and the fan was whipping around the charred remains of the blanket she had been using to nap not just an hour ago. it was a complete diaster zone and in the middle of it all was a crazed, mumbling maggie rocking back and forth as her eyes scanned over the ancient pages in front of her.
"when hela matured she was gifted with magical abilties like levitation, telekenisis, and astral projection, as well as control over life and death. it is said that when she reached the point of maturity hela fell ill and then awoke to her new powers." maggie read the script out loud, repeating it a few times as she tried to even her breathing.
"fell ill and awoke with new powers my ass" maggie spat out, leaning back against her hands and looking up to the ceiling. she was absolutely exhausted. the onslaught of her powers taking nearly everything out of her, so after a few minutes rest she carefully manuavered herself to what was left of the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. she looked around the room and bit her lip, clean up would require a crew, or a bulldozer. she should also probably call fletcher, another doctor booty call to make sure that she was physically okay. her adrenaline was pumping pretty hard at the moment so if she did injure herself again she had no idea.
but as she started to clean up it started to hit again. her body started to buzz and heat up, but not in a painful way but more to let her know the power that was within her, the reserve she was storing. her mind started to ache again, a soft dull throb, that made her aware of everything in the room around her and her fingers tingled with sensation. but she didn't have enough apartment left to destroy so she did what she thought was best. curl up in a ball on the floor and supress the hell out of whatever was about to hit.
but oh boy, was that a mistake. after about another hour of just physically taking in what her powers were throwing out she could barely stretch herself out without wincing and groaning. instead of her apartment taking the brunt of her lack on control, her body did and although it didn't physically harm her body it severelly weakened her. she looked around her apartment, desperately searching for her phone. if she could call fletcher maybe he could run her back to the hospital. because she couldn't stay in this apartment any longer unless she wanted to bring the building down around her, and she liked her neighbors.
but her phone was currently lost in all the mess so she pulled herself up on the still smoking couch and limped her way to the door. she looked like a hot mess, but her appearence and dirty sweatpants were the least of her worries. instead all she was focused on was getting herself across campus and to the hospital. if her mother was allowed to fall asleep and wake up with new powers, then so was she. and she would demand the strongest sedative they stocked.
stumbling across campus she probably looked like a homeless drug addict, she was mumbling to herself and slightly twitching and she saw more than one student purposefully step off into the grass to avoid directly passing her. but she eventually made it to the hospital and walked right up to the desk in the ER.
"can you call fletcher west?" she mustered out, but it was barely above a whisper. "dr. west, maybe i'm not really sure if he" a pause to take a deep breath. the floor kept switching to the ceiling and vice versa and she could feel the mindache pushing it's way back and the heat crawl back up her body. " is a doctor yet, but he's trying" she attempted to explain the to lady, but the woman was just watching her wide eyed. "fletcher west" maggie tried repeating, but instead she felt the coolness of the ground as it met her body after passing out.
she doesn't remember much after that, she remember's how nice the ground felt against her hot body. she remembers people talking to her in soothing tones as they moved her around. and then she felt the soft touch of fingers against her arm and someone whispering "we're going to give you a sedative now, so just relax and you'll be asleep in no time." maggie smiled, she was so happy that she got her sedative. now all she had to do was 'awake with her new powers.' two seconds later she was drooling on the hospital pillow and dreaming about video games.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
backyard monsters facebook
backyard monsters facebook
Backyard Monsters cheats & more for Facebook (FB)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Backyard Monsters cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Facebook (FB). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Facebook cheats we have available for Backyard Monsters.
Genre: Simulation, Pets
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Facebook
ESRB Rating: Not-Rated
Release Date: January 1, 2010
Easy Million Resources
When the townhall of the kozu and abunakki is level 6. Make pokey monsters only. (surely, I don’t know if the other monsters works) attack there storage silos , and when it knocks down your resources will be 700, 000 plus and when you knock down 2 it will be a million plus. Choose the silos with less defense.
Shiny From Mushroom
You can get more shiny by picking mushrooms. Tip: if you run out of mushrooms, they can grow back every day.
Use Your Monster And Evovle Your Champion
Use the hatcheries to produce monsters that are needed in order to evolve your chamion to next of 6 stages.
Fast Upgrades And Fast Build
First, play on Backyard Monster. Next, do something that takes a long time or short time. Then, go on setting on your computer and click time and change it by how long it takes the thing you want. Then you won’t wait a hour or a long time.
Project X
If you throw in the Project X and then throw the putty on it from your catapult it will make them invincible for a while.
Bank All Resources And The Storage Will Be Full
NOTE: Using Cheatengine can get your account banned from the game. First, download cheat engine 5. 6 . 1, in cheatengine. Org. Then run it. And then open your backyard monster, then the cheat engine you see a computer there, click it and choose what browser did you use. (just like, google chrome, internet explorer etc. ) there are several similar browser, if the one you click is not working try another. Then click the “4 bytes” and find “arrays of bytes” and click it check the box of the “hex” and “also scan read-only memory” then type to the hex OF 8F 19 01 00 00 8B 7D A8 8B 5D 08 8B B7 24 01 and click the first scan. There must be an address in the side if there’s nothing, (just what I told ya , if it doesn’t work click on the other similar of what you click. ) left click the address and click “disassemble this memory region” left click the address with the blue highlight and click “replace with code that does nothing” and if you see jg change g to e and it will become je, and go back to your backyard and the resources will have a exclamation point means full, and when you collect it in just a few seconds and it will be full again.
Beat The Attaked
You need to go to your monster maker fill it up go to battle and while your gone its still loading your monsters.
If your town hall is level 3 your capacity will be 70,000.
Hint for Backyard Monsters
If you get a monster baiter, you can bring in a monster to try to defend your place. If it seems like you are going to lose, press the button that will scare them away.
If anyone keeps on attacking you fortify your towers and silos. Your base will be protected.
Free Speed Up
If you are building a building which takes less than 5 minutes, you can speed up it for free.
The Never Loose Guild
When you start you have a few days of protection. This dosen’t mean you’re safe. I am an idiot because I used all my shiny on speed-ups. Use them on the town hall. If you already have gotten a level 4 town hall you do 3 things:
1) bulid more deafenses, more than 1 of each tower.
2) build a few more storage silos
3) build more resourse towers
Doing so you will eventually become a real good player. (I never still am not in possecion of a level 4 town hall but I know this will work! ).
Hard to Beat
The easiest way to destroy any base or outpost is to attack using 1 zarafeeti healer for every dave you use. This is because the dave has enough health so that it wont die from one hit, so the zarrafeeti healer will just heal it – they move the same speed.
Strong Defense
All you need to do to have a strong yard is to put eyeras in your monster bunker because they explode walls but in defence they explode monsters (can take down champion monsters easily).
Defense Tip
To defend against eyeras you need to upgrade your walls too at least level 3 or 4. If the enemy eyeras are so strong that they can destroy a level 4 wall then you need to upgrade to a level 5 wall.
Unlimited Resources
NOTE: Using Cheatengine can get your account banned from the game.
First, download cheat engine 5. 6 . 1, in cheatengine.org. then run it. And then open your backyard monster, then the cheat engineyou see a computer there, click it and choose what browser did you use. (just like, google chrome, internet explorer etc. ) there are several similar browser, if the one you click is not working try another. then click the “4 bytes” and find “arrays of bytes” and click it check the box of the “hex” and “also scan read-only memory” then type to the hex OF 8F 19 01 00 00 8B 7D A8 8B 5D 08 8B B7 24 01and click the first scan. There must be an address in the side if there’s nothing, (just what I told ya , if it doesn’t work click on the other similar of what you click. ) left click the address and click “disassemble this memory region” left click the address with the blue highlight and click “replace with code that does nothing” and if you see jg change g to e and it will become je, and go back to your backyard and the resources will have a exclamation point means full, and when you collect it in just a few seconds and it will be full again.
Currently we have no unlockables for Backyard Monsters yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Backyard Monsters yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Backyard Monsters yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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