cacahuatlll · 2 years
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Be gay do crime
I don’t know what to really say except evil gays haha 🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💖💘💞
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
But he did it for me
Krel didn't want to merge with Gaylen's core, so Douxie found another way to stop Bellroc and Skrael.
Krel regrets not having merged with Gaylen's core sooner.
Hi, everyone! I wrote this for day 3 of @krexiweek 2023: Enemies to Lovers/Lovers to Enemies. It takes place after Wizards, and is not RotT compliant.
The design and concept for devil!Douxie came from the lovely tenyai, but I went with an entirely different ship.
CW: references to self-harm
"So you merged with the core anyways," said the thing possessing Douxie. He sat on a throne, stone with a siglil carved into the back and a starburst behind him. His beautiful golden eyes had been replaced by a brighter yellow, with red sclera and slitted pupils. Krel didn't want to look at them. He forced himself to. "You should have convinced him earlier that you were determined, just scared. Then your boyfriend wouldn't have reached out to me."
"It's okay, Krel," Douxie said, laying a hand on Krel's shoulder. "You don't have to do this."
Krel tried not to lean into the touch "It's my destiny; it's written in my core."
"So? It was also written into your core that you were supposed to be king alongside Aja. Destiny can go fuck itself."
"That's different. Aja could rule alone. She's been very successful at it. That was a prophecy written by my parents." Krel swallowed down tears. "Being Gaylen's heir? No one could do anything about it. There isn't another way. Not this time. We need a god to kill a demigod, and I'm the only one who can merge with Gaylen's core without going mad."
"We don't know of another way," Douxie corrected. He turned Krel toward him, and Krel let himself become lost in those beautiful golden eyes. "We can find another way. Don't worry your beautiful mind over this; I will find another way."
"And where will you find another god? I don't think we're getting out of this." Krel leaned to kiss Douxie. He meant it as a goodbye. Instead, Douxie used the motion to pull Krel away from the Gaylen's core, and Krel went willingly.
"Give him back," Krel said, all four hands balling into fists.
The devil put a finger to Douxie's lips. "And what would you give me? It's not like I can take you over, given the double core you have. Besides, I already fulfilled my half of the deal. Bellroc and Skrael? Dead."
Gently, Douxie disentangled himself from his boyfriend's arms. Even in sleep, Krel didn't look peaceful. Douxie didn't know how to walk into another's dreams, but he didn't need to in order to know that Krel was still thinking about Gaylen's core. Krel didn't deserve all that fear and anguish. He deserved everything Douxie could give him. Douxie couldn't give Krel enough, but Douxie could give Krel this. Douxie had been living on borrowed time, anyways, ever since he fell from the sky.
Gaylen's core wasn't the only thing out there that could kill Bellroc and Skrael. Douxie hadn't even known about the connection until Nari had told him. They had destroyed the physical form of a devil in the decades before Arthur had began his purge of wizards. It had taken all three of them, and it had exhausted them for a year after. The devil had come back several times, possessing different wizards across the centuries.
Silently, Douxie kissed his boyfriend's forehead. He kissed Krel goodbye, and then he left Camelot and made his way to a place in the forest, a few miles away from Arcadia Oaks. Douxie made a circle in salt before he burned the sigils into the ground. Then, he dripped three drops of his own blood into the circle, immediately withdrawing his hand.
"Casperan," the devil said, a spectre of red and yellow. "Now what do I owe the pleasure?"
"You wanted to possess me a century ago."
"Why, are you offering yourself up now? What happened to Archie and Zoe? I remember them not wanting me to have you."
A century ago, Douxie, Zoe, and Archie had met a wizard who was possessed by this very devil. He had willingly left the wizard he was possessing and had gone to Douxie's. At the time, Douxie had never wanted to be possessed ever again. It wasn't like it had been for Claire or Jim; his soul had been trapped with the devil instead of in another world.
"Yes, they fought you out of me, and it was easy for them because I was fighting you to. I'm willing to make a deal this time."
"And what are the terms of your deal?"
"You kill Bellroc, Keeper of the Flame, and Skrael of the North Wind. And you don't hurt my friends afterwards."
"Counterpoint: I don't hurt them if they don't hurt me. Don't tell me you want to leave your body utterly defenseless?"
Douxie frowned. It wasn't like he could get everything he wanted. "Hurting you has to mean direct, physical harm. Insulting you doesn't count."
"Of course not! I'll only commit tit for tat."
"And you can kill Bellroc and Skrael?"
"Depends. Will Nari be with them?"
"Nari is one of my friends."
"Ah, what a change of heart! Well, with your power and mine, I can certainly rid the world of those two."
"Do we have a deal, Mordred?" Mordred merely stuck his hand out to the edge of the circle, smiling.
Douxie took a breath and passed his hand through the barrier of the salt circle, grabbing onto Mordred's hand. As they shook hands, Douxie broke the salt circle with his foot.
And then he screamed. Douxie's screaming eventually died down into Mordred's laughter.
"Um, a new body? I can give you one!" Krel offered. "No other soul to be stuck with, even."
"What, one of your Blanks? Of course not! Not after I finally have such a powerful wizard under my control. You'd have to find me another powerful wizard, willing to take me on, and I'd need to find them better than Casperan. Oh, and the two wizards waiting beyond the door to beat me out of Douxie aren't powerful enough to take me on. In both senses of the word."
Krel woke up alone. He woke up to Zoe and Archie having a furious argument.
Douxie was gone.
His soul remained.
Douxie was gone.
Bellroc and Skrael were no longer a problem, but Douxie hadn't thought too far ahead.
Douxie was gone.
Krel could get him back.
Douxie was gone without a note.
Krel left a note for Aja. He lined up Gaylen's core normal to his own. He then drove it through his chest.
Douxie was gone, and Krel hadn't been able to say goodbye. Hopefully he wouldn't need to.
"I didn't want to do this," Krel said as he drew his serrator.
Mordred looked from Krel's eyes to the blade. "And you don't have to! I could give you a place at my side. You're powerful. We could be wonderful together."
No. Krel and Douxie were wonderful together, not this facsimile. "With Gaylen's power and theirs, we will drive you out."
"Even if it means hurting your precious Casperan?" Mordred said before standing up from the throne. "Well, I believe this counts as an intent to attack. I'll be perfectly within my rights to defend myself. I've never fought an Akiridion god before. I'm sure it'll be fun. Maybe if you fight well enough and beg for mercy, I'll still let you become my general instead of just ripping your cores out of your chest."
Krel charged at the man who once was his boyfriend.
And as he charged, Zoe and Claire opened the doors behind him, making way for a final stand.
A/N: Fun fact: the title comes from a misremembering of a line from TMA episode 159. The misremembering of the line kept bouncing around my head like a pinball. Does that make Mordred a very OOC Peter Lukas? (Also yes I thought I was being clever by naming the evil form of Douxie "Mordred". I will never let the theory die.)
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the-night-and-the-fury · 10 months
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I'm telling you, they're in love
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jezfez81 · 1 year
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I joined the bandwagon in doing this meme. Featuring Gaylen Krel and his boyfriend in crime, Possessed Douxie.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Sketch wip for the chaos dream team one shot!
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Heavily inspired by a steddie art I saw a while back
Carter will never admit that he found this kind of hot...
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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More TH Douxie AU redraws because @castiel-kline asked me about Alex and thus I decided fuck it I’ll post em
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prismarts · 2 years
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"You're strong for a little nymph... I can see why he likes you.."
Was of course, very much inspired to do this ever since @tenyai posted Possessed!Douxie. I would think Illy put up quite a bit of a fight despite....being weaker than Douxie.
She was determined to bring him back to her. The demon lord, in turn, is surprised by her show of magical strength...
And can now see why the wizard he's possessed has such a liking to her....
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winter-leftovers · 5 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty: We Need To Talk About Mom’s Paintings (20/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Morgana possesses Claire. Douxie and Y/n have a moment. Y/n needs her father.
Word count: 2568
Warnings: we have everything. We have angst, we have comfort, we have some I would say +16 stuff
(Season 3 Episodes 2,3,4,5)
Song?: The Night We Met by Lord Huron and Phoebe Bridgers
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Y/n looked around the room, the once dark and colorless basement was now an art gallery full of colorful paintings of creatures that shouldn’t exist against vibrants backgrounds.
She observed her mother paint a portrait the size of the wall of her ex-boyfriend's troll from with an intensity she had never seen before. She didn’t even know her mother could paint.
“Mom, I packed you lunch!” Jim screamed from the kitchen.
“Down here honey!” Screamed back Barbara without taking her eyes from the painting.
Jim slowly walked down stairs and saw her sister sitting in a stool observing the spectacle.
“What’s going on?” He mouthed.
Y/n shrugged, she was just as confused, with her head she pointed at the big Mr. Strickler’s painting.
Jim’s eyes opened like plates.
“So, what do you think? I call it “Goodbye, Walt” You warned me he was bad news, but I didn’t listen. Then he vanished without a goodbye. What kind of man does that? Hence the horns. They’re symbolic” Barbara proudly showed off her painting.
“Wow, mom. Quite the imagination” Jim turned to Y/n.
“Yeah” Y/n is lost for words. She didn’t know what to do “Now, I know where I got my artistic side is from”
“Aw, thank you sweety” Barbara pinched Y/n’s cheek “First your father, and now him. I swear, if I ever see Walt again…”
“On that note,” Jim nervously chuckled, starting to go upstairs “gotta run”
“Coward” Y/n whispered.
“Hello” Y/n announced her arrival at the bookstore.
“Hello, love” Douxie emerged from under the counter mirroring the smile in Y/n’s face “You’re early. I thought you were coming for lunch. We were going to the park”
Y/n walked to Douxie and kissed his cheek.
“Are you kicking me out?” She chuckled against his cheek.
“What?! No?!” He screamed. For a moment, fear creeped on Douxie's spine. Did he make Y/n feel rejected?
“Relax” Y/n rested her head on his shoulders, and patted his chest “I just wanted to see you. Is that such a crime?” It wasn’t a complete lie. Y/n wanted to see Douxie, she always wanted to see him. But today, she needed to get out of her house, stay away from her mother’s art.
“Stop toying with the kid. He only slept two hours” Archie jumped on top of the counter.
“Hi to you too, Arch” Y/n scratched the cat’s chin.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m a little bit on edge. It was a long night. Too many trolls in Arcadia wreaking havoc” Douxie let himself fall on the chair “Do you know what’s up with that?”
Y/n nodded. She doesn’t want to lie to Douxie but if she told him the truth she knew he would want to help and that would open a can of worms that she doesn’t want to deal with just yet.
“No idea” she shook her head “that’s weird” she observed Douxie’s dark eyebags “Hey, why don’t you go lay down until lunch and I stay here?”
“No. No. I’m okay” he straightened himself in the chair, dropping a cup with pens with his elbow.
Y/n and Archie shared a look.
“You’re not” Y/n gently push him from the shoulders of the chair “you’re missing a cat and you didn’t notice it”
“No, Al is…” Douxie started to look everywhere as Y/n guided him to the stairs.
“See? Go to sleep. See you at lunch” Y/n waved until Douxie disappeared into the distance. She turned to Arch “Where’s Al, anyway?”
“Who knows. He said something about a meeting with a duck and then something about a dandelion and tacos” Archie rolled his eyes.
“Don’t laugh at him. Is always important to have connections”
Y/n helped out a few regulars and a few not so regulars during the afternoon. Time moved slowly, the dog outside the bookstore sniffed the tree comically slow until he found a spot, the traffic lights wouldn’t change colors, everything seemed to move so painfully slow. She looked back at Archie to see if he was also affected by this strange phenomenon but he was belly up under a ray of sunshine. She smiled and walked the small store coming back to the spot where Douxie had given her her old book. She couldn’t see it back then but now, with this piece of the puzzle back in its place she could recognise that Douxie had reconstructed her old bookshelf from their time in Camelot.
“Lady Y/n” Hisirdoux shyly knocked on the door.
“Come on in” Y/n answered, her voice almost above a whisper. She was laying on the floor with her back against the bookshelf, her nose buried in a red leather bound book and her bare feet were covered by her faithful friend, Alfred.
“Where…?” Hisirdoux looked around the room until he saw the cat’s brown tail coming from under the bed “Y/n?” He called.
“Mmmh?” She lifted her view from the book, her hair was in a perfect braid but she was still in her nightgown.
“Master M…”
“Y/n?” Morgana pushed the door wide open.
Hisirdoux jumped back like a cat.
“Why aren't you wearing your dress?” The woman grabbed the dress from the bed and ran next to the girl.
“I thought I had time” Y/n looked at Hisirdoux her eyes filling with tears “I…I…”
From the hallway, they could hear the echo of the steps followed by a staff hitting the stone covered floor.
Hisirdoux’s heart fell to his stomach when he saw Y/n’s red eyes.
“Hisirdoux, can you distract him?” Asked Morgana as she prepared the girl’s dress.
Hisirdoux pursed his lips and nodded before running down the hallway.
Y/n smiled while the tears fell as she heard Hisirdoux’s insanes complain about his lack of staff.
“He is nice” Morgana whispered .
Y/n’s cheeks redden as her bracelet, she lowered her head and played with it while Morgana tightened her corset.
The woman chuckled, “He could be a nice friend… Like in the book”
“And, don’t…but mater me”
“Y/n?! Y/n?!” Douxie screamed.
Y/n blinked a couple times and came back to the floor of the bookstore. Her knees red from supporting her weight on the floor. She looked around. She doesn’t remember getting to the ground, she doesn’t remember grabbing the book.
“Love?!” Douxie asked, voice laced with desperation.
“Doux? When did you wake up?” Y/n tried to get up but her legs failed her, luckily, Douxie caught her before she could hit the floor.
“A couple minutes ago. What happened?” He guided her to the small couch and crouched in front of her.
“I..I was looking at the books and then…I had a vision?” She frowned.
“A vision?” He repeated.
“From the past…remember the morning after Morgana gave me the anthology?”
Douxie smiled at the memory, that was the beginning of their friendship.
“I was ten and you were nine and deadly afraid of angering your father” he said a little absent minded.
“Yeah…I almost remembered him” she looked at him, her eyes full of tears like that morning.
“You’ll remember him” Douxie’s heart fell to his stomach just like that morning.
Y/n looked deeply into Douxie's hazel eyes, the only eyes that she ever wanted to look at in moments like this and closed the distance kissing him, her hands quickly finding their home amongst his hair. Douxie instantly returned the kiss with the same sweetness but more desperation. Everytime they would touch, he needed to taste every drop of it, even if it was an accidental graze of hands during the day.
His hands lifted her from the couch and her legs quickly snaked around his waist.
“Doux” Y/n panted, holding his cheeks “people can see us”
“I don’t care” he whispered, his eyes full of lust going back and forth between her eyes and her lips.
“Doux…”Y/n whispered. She was shocked. Douxie was a little more shy than that.
“Let’s go upstairs” he said into her ear before biting her earlobe.
“Mmmh” she laughed.
As Douxie’s feet would step each step of the stairwell, Y/n’s heart would pound faster, stronger. She hid her face on Douxie’s neck but the familiar smell did nothing to calm the tremors in her hands, in her torso.
Douxie laid both of them on the couch of the second floor where they would usually nap and started to kiss Y/n’s neck, his hands slowly feeling her stomach up to her sides. Y/n instinctively opened her legs to give him space, her hips moved against his, her hands went to his chest, her body reacted to his but a part of her mind was confused.
“You’re so pretty” Douxie's voice brought her to the present. His shirt was missing, his toned chest exposed for Y/n to see.
“Look who’s talking” she put a hand on his now red chest and pushed him back.
“So pretty” he repeated as he observed her while she sat on top of him.
Y/n kissed him again and again and slowly went down from his mouth, to his chin, to his neck, to the spot under his jaw where she could feel his pulse. Douxie groaned making Y/n smile but it quickly got erased from her face when her hands started to shake again while Douxie took out her shirt leaving her with her bra exposed.
Y/n put her hands on Douxie’s shoulders and moved her hips, maybe if her hands felt him they would remember him.
“Y/n?” Douxie’s hand caressed Y/n cheek “are you alright?”
She looked down at him, at his eyes full of worry and smiled.
“Of course” she kissed him but this time he didn’t return it as passionately as before, this time was sweet, understanding.
With a swift move he was on top of her again and could inspectionate her face more clearly.
“No, you’re not” he furrowed “we don’t have to do this, love” he started to pull back.
“No, I want this” she put her hand on his shoulder “it just…” she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. To Y/n Ambrosius it isn’t a big deal but to Y/n Lake it is “You know…”
But Douxie’s big eyes told her he didn’t know.
“I know that you and I…you know but…Y/n Lake hasn’t” she explained.
“I don’t follow” he whispered.
“You’re gonna make me say it” she whispered to herself “Y/n Lake is still part of me, right?”
He nodded.
“Y/n Lake is a…virgin”
Douxie’s blood drained from his face and came back in a rush.
“Oh. Oh” he sat on his heels “I see”
Y/n sat up, her body warming up from the shyness “I want this”
Douxie chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Me too but…” he grabbed both cheeks with his hands “this time has to be special too” kissing her nose.
The butterflies ruptured Y/n’s stomach traveling through her body. She nodded, a lovesick smile plastered on her face.
“I was falling asleep. Was it necessary to call me sixty five times?” Y/n screamed as she opened Claire’s bedroom door.
Claire was floating in the middle of the room. The boys had tied her up chains that her magic seemed unable to break. 
“I’ll wear your spine as my crown, peasants!” Claire screamed in anger.
“That’s a new one” said Jim pointing his bat to Claire.
“Her creativity knows no bounds” added Toby.
Claire screamed, throwing Jim and Toby threw the air with her magic. Y/n was able to stay put on the door. She had been more thrown out by the familiarity of the magic than the magic itself. She took a step forward, her eyes focused on the changed Claire, her voice was different and so was her magic.
“Apologies for my delay” Blinky barged into the room and was able to set the chair back into the ground and with a quick move of a stone set the chains back into place.
The troll explained the why of his delay but Y/n couldn’t hear. She was consumed by the weight in her throat, by the burning in her eyes, something in Claire’s eyes was pulling her to the ground.
“Does the name Morgana mean anything to you?” Jim asked Blinky.
Y/n mouth hung open. The memory of the red haired woman holding her hand through the woods, braiding her hair, teaching her magic, being slayed by a sword, all came back like a stab to the heart. The myth was true. Morgana was alive.
“Morgan Le Fay, Merlin’s apprentice” explained Blinky, scared of naming the monster.
“Like Merlin who made my amulet?” asked Jim
“No” whispered Y/n and took a step back.
“I spit on his name as I spit on his grave” Morgana chuckles “Don’t we, Birdie?” She looked directly at Y/n.
“Sounds like they didn’t get along” Toby hid behind Jim.
Y/n kept walking backwards until her legs hit the bed and sat down, too afraid to make a sound.
“He thinks he can be rid of me? The fool” she laughs and turns to the guys in front of her “I will erase his name and all of his creations”
Y/n looked down at her hands and saw the tears falling down. She wasn’t sure of what she was more afraid of: the ghost in front of her or what the ghost could do to her friends.
She turned to the door and ran. Afraid that the grief and the nostalgia would bend her will. Ran far from Claire’s house, from Douxie’s library, she ran until her feet ached, until her knees gave up and then, she fell to the ground, her hands softening the blow.
A broken sob escaped her throat, her body gave out, falling to the side on top of the grass. She pulled her knees to her chest and prayed that the darkness of the night was enough to hide her from the world.
One last sob abandoned her lips before closing her eyes:
“I want my father”
“Good morning” whispered a familiar raspy voice.
Y/n felt a familiar hand caressing her hair. Without opening her eyes she leaned into the touch, she knew that feeling before she was even born. She stretched her hand and grabbed the familiar robe, an old habit she hadn’t shaken.
“Come one, Birdie, open your eyes” the man insisted, moving the final strand of hair from her face.
“No” she clutched the robe tighter and moved closer to the warmth that the man’s body provided.
“Why?” The man chuckled.
“I’m afraid” she cried.
“What?” The man grabbed Y/n and cradled her “Why?”
“I’m afraid you won’t be there when I open my eyes” she grabbed the closest piece of fabric she could feel.
“Oh, Birdie” the man rocked her “Of course I’ll be here”
Y/n slowly opened her eyes and under the light of the sun she saw a man with crystalline blue eyes.
“Father?” She asked before the weight of reality brought her back and made her realize that she was alone and that her father was laying on a tomb waiting to be awakened.
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A/n: was that a lot?
-Yes -No
Did you expect the revelation?
-Yes -No -Why would you do that to a child?
Can you tell I have daddy issues by my choice of father?
-Yes -Yes
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albentelisa · 5 months
Hello ☺️
I know you've done general Jim, jlaire, and troll dad Blinky headcanons, but do you have any specific to the new timeline and even beyond? I love all of your ask posts btw, such fantastic Au's and our hc generally almost always align!
Thanks for your kind words ❤ ❤ ❤
My oldest headcanon about the new timeline exists since July, 21, 2021 (when I wrote this oneshot https://archiveofourown.org/works/32729335 ). This one is that Jim keeps the new amulet and Excalibur in the new timeline.
My other headcanons about the new timeline and beyond were build through the two and half years (a lot of stuff keeps expanding, to be honest).
So here's my really long post about the happy ending for everyone.
Jim has managed to make everything right in this timeline, even with some stuff he didn't predict (like Enrique was still kidnapped - it just happened on a different date).
Everyone in the new timelines has these odd hunches about things they experienced in the first timeline. Like Claire having some odd attraction to Jim, Blinky being fatherly to Jim, and Barbara getting random thoughts that Strickler might be inhuman. Toby has it the worst as he can't help but think that everything is not his adventure and that Jim would be a better hero.
Because of hunches both Claire and Barbara find out the truth way earlier.
However, Toby is the first who realize that Jim somehow knows about all the incoming events. Jim has no choice but to confess about the time travel. He keeps the details from everyone though, especially those that might cause complications.
Jim brings Douxie into the team before the final encounter with Bular. Claire requests Douxie to become her magic teacher once she joins and he agrees.
Aja, Krel, and Varvatos join once they arrive on Earth.
Draal lives. Vendel is injured but also survives.
Angor gets his soul back this time. He isn't happy with Strickler but decides to let it go per Jim's request.
Toby spares Bular (much to Jim's shock). Bular starts to live in Toby's house, trying to reconsider his ways. Initially, Draal watches his actions and they eventually become friends.
Morgana fails to possess Claire. She possesses Angor instead.
Strickler manages to convince some changelings to switch sides, so more changelings survive.
Jim doesn't allow Merlin to transform anyone into a half-troll. He shows Merlin Excalibur (leaving the latter speechless), so Merlin begrudgingly agrees to try Jim's plan first.
After Gunmar's death, Bular inherits Decimaar and uses it to liberate all the trolls his father controlled.
Jim and Claire talk Morgana into trying to give co-existence a second chance. She isn't convinced fully but agrees to wait.
The residents of the Trollmarket never go to New Jersey, which means that Aja and Krel have more people to help them.
Jim is deadset on never letting anyone be hit with an onyx shard. He ends up taking the hit for Claire - only to discover that it has no effect on him (as Excalibur cannot harm his owner and Jim is technically another owner because of the time paradox).
Merlin isn't happy to learn that the Green Knight is actually King Arthur. The same goes for Morgana, but she blames Merlin for her brother ending that way.
Merlin finally realizes that he has been too stubborn all the time, refusing to see other options. He uses all his magic to seal Bellroc and Skrael and entrusts Douxie with leading the new king of Camelot.
Jim is technically the King of Camelot now, which makes him rather uncomfortable at first. However, with Douxie's encouragement, he realizes that more than an authority figure, he's King of knights, a noble protector of both humanity and magical beings, and the first among equals.
Claire continues with her magical studies, fully determined to prove that shadowmancy isn't always evil and can bring much good to this world. She consults a lot with Morgana, even though she still considers Douxie her teacher.
Toby is still this timeline's Trollhunter but lately, he mostly deals with small errands from Bagdwella and other trolls. He doesn't mind as it feels a lot like vacation after everything the team has gone through.
Blinky succeeds Vendel as the leader of Trollmarket. He thinks about bringing some reform to the Tribunal and some obsolete traditions, thinking that trolls should start a new page in their history.
Aaarrrgghh always helps Blinky in his endeavors, but he protects peace in Arcadia. He's much like a local celebrity and kids love him.
Mary and Darci start a blog about various magical creatures, trying to show humans that the supernatural isn't that harmful. Mary also tries to date a troll at some point. It doesn't work, but only because of personality differences, not because their species are too different.
Barbara returns to drawing. Strickler uses some of his connections to promote her art a bit. Surprisingly, Barbara's art becomes really popular.
After some consideration, Strickler opens the school where different creatures, aliens, and humans can exchange their culture. He takes over as a principal and also teaches human history. Blinky comes over for troll history lessons, and when Claire is older she starts to teach Human World Literature there.
Eli is still the Earth ambassador at Akiridion-5, he's rather popular there. Eli is also the one who proposes the start of technological exchange with the Earth. Due to his efforts, Earth's technical progress is busted tremendously.
Steve the head of New Camelot Knights. However, eventually, once he is sure that everything is peaceful on Earth, he moves to Akiridion-5 to support Aja and help Eli. Even though Steve is officially married to Aja, he isn't that accepted at Akiridion-5 as it is technically breaking traditions. This time Aja informs him about all the nuances of akiridion reproduction. They still have kids, but only once both ready and consented to that.
Aja has a lot of stuff to solve, dealing with all the consequences of her parents' rule. She brings in lots of reforms and eventually limits her own authority, taking over the role of the main Akiridion-5 protector, while leaving everything else to those more fitting for it.
Krel moves to Earth, becoming Akiridion-5 ambassador and trying to popularize interstellar travels and exchange. He also has a side career as DJ Kleb.
Varvatos retires and starts living with Nana. Toby calls him granpa, which he doesn't like.
Douxie and Zoe go on the world tour with ADP once the world destruction is prevented. Claire, Mary, and Darci join them as Mama Skull.
Douxie opens his own cafe together with Jim. While they both are co-owners, Douxie enjoys taking over as a waiter occasionally, while Jim often cooks. It's the place where every creature is welcome, and well the Guardians often use it as their gathering spot.
Nomura becomes the leader of changelings who wish to return to troll society. Draal helps her a lot to fight for acceptance and against prejudices. They claim each other as mates, which causes an uproar in some circles. Even though both claim to be disastrous parents, they are great once they have their own kids.
Vendel retires, fully enjoying his rest. He comes to give blinky advice occasionally, but he's mostly a grumpy grandpa for everyone at the Trollmarket.
Dictatious takes over the troll library, adding some stuff he learns.
Angor goes on a travel (for an atonement, as he claims). He's seen all over the world, fighting against slavery and injustice at night. Soon enough he becomes a kind of city legend, and a lot of criminals are scared of him.
Bular goes to the Darklands, fully intending to reform the Gumm-Gumm tribe and get rid of the stigma they have.
Barbara and Strickler have their planned wedding and adopt some of the changelings' familiars, including Strickler's and Nomura.
Ironically, despite Jim and Claire being sure of each other feelings, Toby and Darci have their wedding first. It's the final push that makes Claire propose to Jim.
Enrique grows up to be a party monster, much because of NotEnrique's influence. They both tend to start parties which only Jim can stop.
Zelda (Nomura's familiar) is a huge fan of classical music, so they both can chat about it for hours. No one else is able to follow.
Wallie (Strickler's familiar), however, finds history boring. He's more of an IT and Math kid and is extremely talented. Strickler tells him the truth about their connection, and Wallie goes to live with Jim for some time to sort out his feelings. He forgives Strickler after some time though.
The world keeps changing as humans and supernatural beings learn to co-exist. Trolls take over dangerous mining, trading some difficult-to-get minerals. Humans also realize that trolls can eat some waste, which creates new ways to save nature. Nari feels that it's the world she, Bellroc, and Skrael wished to have before giving up and hopes that one day the rest of the Arcane Order will be unsealed and admit they were wrong.
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You've done favorite music and fanfics... what's your favorite fan arts???
Okay, it seems like it’s favourite fanart this time! Not everyone could make it, but five people could, so we’re trying our best here!
*Clotpole and Hairdo Guy fixing the camera while Dark Raven goes through the script.*
Dark Raven: It says that it’s Claire this time on the list.
Clotpole: Yeah, I can’t deal with Toby anymore. He’s being an ass.
Hairdo Guy: *cracks knuckles* Need me to go talk to him?
Clotpole: Not unless you want a murderous time traveller on your heels. I can possibly get away with it, but don’t for even one second do you think you can get away with it, bitch.
Hairdo Guy: *flings hair* Who are you calling bitch here, darling?
Dark Raven: Hairdo, love you and all, but… no. Just no. 
Hairdo Guy: Fine. Get the first person on here so we can get shit over and done with.
Clotpole: *clears throat* CLAIRE, YOU’RE UP!
*Claire enters the room, grinning as she sits down on the first chair set up in a semicircle.*
Dark Raven: Hey, C-Bomb. If you don’t mind me asking, what is… your favourite fanart?
Claire: This one https://www.tumblr.com/inecole/649990950312181760/best-girl-some-more-of-my-weird-sense-of?source=share by @inecole. I really just like their type of style when drawing me, and typically, I’ve always been drawn to that sort of style.
Dark Raven: *glances at Clotpole* Yeah, no, we’re always going to be starting with her in the future, Boss.
Clotpole: Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with you there. NEXT!
*Douxie walks into the room, and sits down next to Claire*
Douxie: Ladies, my dear sir.
Clotpole: Okay, Douxie, none of the posh nonsense until after we get to cut the shooting.  Tell us, favourite fanart?
Douxie: Has to be this one: https://www.tumblr.com/honeyxmonkey/726948737517322240/more-of-him-douxies-hair-getting-long-in-the?source=share by @honeyxmonkey. I want my long hair back sometimes, and this piece of fanart certainly proves how much I need it.
Claire: *giggles* You’d look good with long hair.
Hairdo Guy: But my hair will always look better.
Dark Raven: Dude, we get it- your hair is amazing, it floats, and it likes whipping my boyfriend in the face. Speaking of which… where is Dollophead?
Clotpole: *blushes* Nowhere.
Dark Raven: I’m guessing it’s a secret, right?
Clotpole: You guessed it, sister!
Dark Raven: Well, as long as Lance and him don’t break into a museum again, I say we’re safe.
Clotpole: That wasn’t Dollophead, that was Lance, KK and Hairdo Guy.
Dark Raven: He was on video call with them. I was there.
Douxie: Wait, Hairdo Guy, Lance and KK broke into a museum?!?!
Claire: I mean, so did Jim and Toby. Nothing new to me.
Clotpole: Guys, I spent effort writing this script and we’re going off track already. And we need to get this posted by Tuesday at the latest we can! So let’s hurry up, okay?! NEXT!
*Mary walks in and sits down, before swinging her legs into Douxie’s lap*
Mary: I am so done with this room- I swear it doesn’t do our asks any justice.
Hairdo Guy: *shrugs* None can do, m’lady. You’re just going to have to do with it. Anyway, favourite fanart?
Mary: You’re not Chat Noir, so don’t call me, m’lady. Anyway, my favourite fan art has to be… https://www.tumblr.com/avirxy/701584713464283136/the-chaos-that-would-unfold-if-theyd-all-been?source=share by @avirxy. Way too good. I honestly just fell in love with this meme draw.
Clotpole: Avirxy and Honey have really been getting our attention lately, but then again, they’re both way too good at what they do. Oi, Dark Raven, did you see that one ask I sent Avirxy of a possessed Jimgana from her angsty art meme?
Dark Raven: Oh yeah… that one you sent me- I remember that one. There’s like a world of wonder to explore with a possessed Jim, but there’s even more to explore when it’s Jim and Morgana as a romantic pairing-
Claire: NO WAY!
Clotpole: Okay, moving on! Dark Raven, please for the love of god don’t say that again- it’s Jlaire forever and Ajim at the maximum for my wondering ass to bear as a multishipper-
Hairdo Guy: And then there’s Jeves-
Clotpole: That’s our secret, you idiot-
Douxie: I can’t believe I’m saying this but FOR THE LOVE OF MASTER MERLIN, NEXT!
*Toby enters, wearing sunglasses*
Toby: Hello, beautiful world!
Clotpole: Did someone give him tequila?
Hairdo Guy: Is that really your first reaction to Toby wearing sunglasses?!?!?!
Clotpole: Shut up, man. Anyway, Toby, what is your favourite piece of fanart?
Toby: *sits down* This awesome piece: https://www.tumblr.com/jae-in-a-trenchcoat/730304134181470208/this-tag-absolutely-took-me-out?source=share by @jae-in-a-trenchcoat. Love your work, Jae! It was super random when I found it, but the look on Douxie’s face was so worth it.
Douxie: What do you mean?
Toby: Not now, dude. I’ll show you later.
Clotpole: *rolls eyes* Someone definitely gave him tequila- or something spiked with it. Anyway, final person, YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!
*Jim walks into the room, smiling*
Jim: Hey, guys!
*Jim sits down, and leans back into chair*
Dark Raven: What’s got you so cheery?
Jim: Nothing really. What’s the question today?
Clotpole: Favourite fanart?
Jim: Anything Percy Jackson.
Hairdo Guy: *facepalms*
Clotpole: Dude, we know you’re obsessed with Percy Jackson. We mean anything in the TOA side of things.
Jim: Wait… Trials of Apollo?
Dark Raven: Jim, just say it, dude. We’re going off script, and Clotpole needs a nap.
Jim: Then… anything by @bluheaven-adw. Love all her art.
Clotpole: *nods* Okay, I’m out of here. Claire, create me a shadow portal back to my house.
*Claire creates a shadow portal and Clotpole jumps into it, before it closes. Everyone looks at the camera.*
Mary: If you have any questions, hit that ask button, I guess.
Douxie: And give us a follow for more content!
*Claire hides her head in her hands*
Claire: Dios mio, we sound like a Youtube channel at this point.
*Jim turns to look at his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow*
Jim: We’re worse than that. We’re a Tumblr account with no sense of self preservation.
Toby: That’s just you, Jimbo. I say we get Discord and Twitter.
Everyone else apart from Douxie and Hairdo Guy: NO TOBY!
Douxie: I say we give at least Discord a shot.
Hairdo Guy: I’m up for anything, honestly.
*Suddenly, the lights switch off, and electricity crackles. Dark Raven sighs*
Mary: I think that was Clotpole saying no.
*Electricity crackles again.*
Jim: And that was her threatening us with a fate worse than death if we do any sketchy shit.
Dark Raven: And that's why we don't talk about Twitter out of all the things you could, Toby.
*camera cuts to black*
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yellowmagicalgirl · 9 months
This AU was created in July 2021
AU where Douxie and Krel meet and fall in love prior to their canon meeting, and Douxie&co don't need to run of to New York (yes I know it's canonically Metro City but canon is dumb). Because Arcadia Oaks High got destroyed, for at least a semester the High and the Academy get merged into one school, and Douxie (and Zoe) is able to attend school with all his new friends as well as his boyfriend.
One day Seamus tries approaching Krel, and Douxie (knowing how Seamus has treated his boyfriend) just possessively/protectively drapes himself over Krel, has his pupils start glowing blue, and lets out a feral growl. Seamus is always extremely polite to Krel in the future.
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jezfez81 · 1 year
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My rendition of @tenyai’s possessed Douxie AU. But I gave it a Lovecraftian-style Junji Ito cosmic body horror twist.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Chaos Dream Team is getting a one-shot!:D!!
The air got knocked from his lungs as he was slammed down against the table. A burning hand gripped his throat, and his vision was starting to fuzz.
"You could at least recognize me," Carter choked out, trying to allieve the pressure on his throat.
He stared into pitch black eyes, any trace of the man he loved was gone. Douxie’s grip tightened and Carter gagged.
Seriously, either Douxie was holding out on how strong he really was all these years. Or whatever the fuck happened to him made him stronger. Carter wasn't sure which he preferred.
Pink ropes of magic suddenly tethered around Douxie’s wrists and yanked him back. Carter gasped and rolled clumsily off the table. He caught sight of Zoe struggling to keep Douxie contained.
"Carter!" Zoe yelled. "Get your ass over here! I can't hold him forever!"
"I wasn't doing any better!" Carter retorted, voice ragged. But he staggered to his feet anyway and ran to help.
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dreamcrow · 6 months
I need some Hot Crow Takes on what was the worst example of Villain Decay throughout ToA. also on what Leonora Janeth uses in her hair
send me a meta prompt (currently closed); thank you for the ask!
the arcane and esoteric mysteries of janeth's haircare regimen are beyond my humble (straight-haired) supposings. but for the villain decay? oh, morgana, hands down. 
gunmar is spooky, but a bit of a ham. for most of trollhunters, he’s also relatively distant. bular is a lot closer, and much more of an immediate threat, but he’s always ultimately subordinate (either to stricklander or his father) and he does, in the end, get got by a teenager. angor is initially presented as terrifying, and rightly so, but even if he becomes sympathetic he’s always formidable; stricklander starts out pretty nefarious (especially if you think about some of the implications of e.g. feeding bular a human security guard) but is of course, in proper gdt fashion, domesticated by wuv. obviously i have niche side blorbo brain fungus re: the arcane order but it's hard to assess their actual "villain decay" without having to think about That Film. at any rate, i don't think they're actually the worst example in toa: despite a concept/design that fucks so absolutely severely, once they get on screen, they're not actually built up all that much (or...well). it takes them less than the space of an episode (22 minutes) to go from "dread, ancient terrors that even merlin is afraid of" to "merlin shooing away them, the green knight, and their evil floating skull castle with less effort than he usually spares to criticize douxie." but that's another post.
morgana, though. part of what made her such a compelling villain was how little arthur figured in trollhunters. the existence of merlin implies the existence of arthur, of course, but in trollhunters arthur isn't there at all. instead, we get the negative space of him: his right hand (merlin) and the anti-arthur (morgana). obviously this is partly her role in arthuriana proper, but it also strikes me as pretty deliberate here: merlin's liege vs. merlin's student (and that liege's sister); humanity's last best hope vs. the queen of the otherworld; the king under the mountain vs. the witch under arcadia. i was not very tuned into morgana when i first got into trollhunters, but looking back over the series for this ask, the parallels are so obvious. and so tight! i wouldn't be surprised if some of this was even deliberate.
and the thing is: trollhunters has enough space as a series that its antagonists don't really have to pull their punches. morgana was nasty in trollhunters. pale lady, baba yaga, eldritch queen, mother of monsters—holy shit, right? and she's creepy, too: all muttering whispers and dread ancient magic! she takes angor’s soul, and then his free will. she taunts stricklander while possessing the body of one of his students (while threatening the permanent exile of two more to the depression dimension), and then in the guise of the human he's in love with. speaking to her faithful children—who only exist through morally dubious, unpleasant processes, for which she is implied to be responsible—via institutional heirloom phonograph! she's so much more connected to the shadow realm, here, probably the most compelling justification for reading shadow magic as dangerous. she's the big bad behind angor and gunmar (while playing them both against each other). she absolutely feels evenly paired with merlin, and (rightly) kicks his ass through most of the battle of the eternal night. she's evil but charismatic and even despite all that still a little human: when she taunts jim for not knowing merlin used her hand for the amulet, it isn't without a shadow of what must have been an ancient hurt.
and then. wizards. jesus christ (tired ben affleck smoking dot jpg)
[ » read the rest of the essay on ao3 ]
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prismarts · 2 years
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I'm still...tired and just trying to feel better BUT @tenyai caused some Possessed! Douxie brainroootttt
So have this wip that i'll slowly finish eventually-
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hi! So here's an interesting ask.
What if Jim was born as a wizard, with Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan as his teacher?
Jim's magic woke up at five. Barabra is accepting of Jim's magic, but James Sr is disgusted at his son being a wizard and calls him 'an abominal freak of nature who should be wiped off the earth' which is what led Barabra to divorcing James.
I'll say that Jim's magic power seemingly came out of nowhere in this AU (well, his ancestors possessed magic, but Barbara for example had no idea magic was real). Jim's magic is too strong for someone born in this era. His element is light too, which is rather rare.
After her divorce, Barbara does her best, trying to find a good magic teacher for her son despite having no connections to the magic world. She does so because Jim's magic goes out of control frequently and she's scared he might harm himself. Initially, her attempts are futile as she only finds all kinds of con artists.
Barbara finds out Douxie by accident when she catches a glimpse of his magic and realizes that it's as real as Jim's. Initially, Douxie is reluctant to teach Jim (as he isn't a master wizard), but as he realizes that there is no one to show the kid the proper way to do magic, he accepts the mentor's role.
Jim likes Douxie tremendously, though he thinks of him as his big bro rather than his teacher (and well, Douxie is fine with that - he just fails to be strict or formal).
Toby learns about Jim's secret relatively fast - once Jim starts to believe that Toby will react adequately. After learning about the magic, Toby often joins Jim during his lessons at GDT Arcane Books (though he mostly fools around and annoys Archie).
Jim (and Toby too) tries to join Douxie in his occasional monster hunting, but it's where Douxie is really strict (as they are still kids and he feels responsible). Not that it changes a lot though as those two sneak out and hunt small creatures (like goblins) rather often. During one of those outings, Toby and Jim meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh and befriend them. Another reckless hunt leads to meeting Kanjigar, who isn't happy about kids risking their lives. Kanjigar also learns that Douxie (who is Merlin's apprentice) is in Arcadia.
Since then Douxie, Jim, and Toby become regular visitors at the Trollmarket. Kanjigar is fine teaming up with Douxie sometimes, but it's a big no for Jim (and especially Toby) to join.
Ironically, that is the reason why Jim and Toby bond with Draal. Those three have a lot of secret missions together, which resulted in several changelings' deaths.
That activity picks up Strickler's attention. He knows that there's a wizard in Arcadia, but has no idea who it is. Still, he decides to awaken Angor Rot and use him as a bodyguard.
Strickler also decides to find and force Angor to train a shadowmancer to counter the unknown wizard's light magic. Angor picks up Claire and Strickler switches Enrique with NotEnrique to force her to cooperate (and have an overseer).
Meanwhile, like in the canon, Kanjigar dies. And in this AU Draal succeeds him as the next champion. Jim is obviously part of his team by that time - those two are basically brothers-in-arms. Draal is also more cooperative as he has learned to work in a team before becoming the Trollhunter.
Unfortunately, Strickler accidentally learns that the mysterious wizard is Jim (they are close in this AU too). He plans to use Claire to convince him to switch sides (as he knows about Jim's crush). Strickler also approaches Barbara to have a backup plan (and ends up falling for her).
Claire is conflicted once she learns that Jim is a wizard, like her. Because of her circumstances, she hates her own magic and sees it more as shackles. Initially, she thinks that Jim is also forced to practice magic, but soon realizes he is free. Since that moment, she starts to hope that Jim might help her to escape and gives him small hints (she cannot tell him openly as Angor is watching her from shadows). Alas, Jim is slow and doesn't catch those right away, but eventually realizes that Strickler is the enemy and Claire is also on the villains' side (initially, he doesn't realize she has no choice).
As for Draal, he discovers that Nomura is also in Arcadia (there is some more bonding between Jim and Draal as both fell in love with an enemy).
Claire manages to have a proper talk with Jim (which Angor deliberately 'ignores') and explains everything. They both have a plan that Claire works as an inside agent and helps the team defeat Bular. However, Strickler catches her and uses her as a hostage to lure Jim (he plans to use him against Draal later).
Jim seemingly cooperates only for the rest of the team to barge in and defeat Bular. Nomura still ends up in the Darklands (she is close to switching sides though) and Strickler escapes with the help of Angor.
Claire is now free and Jim promises her to free her brother. He is slightly concerned that Draal won't agree to open Killahead only to discover that Draal also wants to go there to save Nomura and kill Gunmar, no matter what everyone else is thinking. Draal asks Douxie to upgrade the amulet (he believes that Merlin's apprentice can do it), but Douxie thinks it's impossible for him. Meanwhile, Jim and Blinky discover the information about triumbric stones and the quest for Eclipse begins.
Strickler never leaves Arcadia in this AU. He lies low though as he's scared that both Claire and Jim will look for him to kill him (and even if those two forgave him, Draal wouldn't). Besides, Strickler doesn't believe that the Trollhunter and his team can defeat Gunmar - he thinks that they will only free him, which will result in disaster (for him as well as he failed Gunmar). Strickler decides to prevent them from opening Killahead and later dispose of the team (even though he regrets that Jim is among them). He also uses a binding spell on Barbara to ensure his safety.
Meanwhile, Angor contacts Claire and makes a deal with her. In this AU Claire knows that Angor is a victim of circumstances and can relate, so she isn't against freeing him.
As for her shadow magic, she is reluctant to use it as it's connected to her unpleasant memories, but as both Jim and Douxie (who took over as her magic teacher) encourage her, she is more willing to give it another try.
The Janus Order betrays Strickler (they also send some stalkings after him), and he is on the run. He has no choice but to come to Jim for help. Jim agrees to help him but asks to free his mother and Angor first.
Actually, Strickler half-expects that Jim won't keep his word so he's surprised when the Trollhunter's team actually gets rid of stalkings.
Barbara in this AU is aware of mostly everything minus the fact that Strickler is a changeling and about the binding spell (as Jim decided to keep it from her so that his mother wouldn't be heartbroken). Strickler confesses everything to her himself, seeking her forgiveness. While Barbara doesn't forgive him at once, she is willing to give him a chance to atone.
Despite the plan, Draal decides to go to the Darklands alone as he feels that it will be tough there for everyone else (and previous trollhunters kept reminding him that the Trollhunter should stay alone). Jim manages to tag along at the last second.
They find Enrique, and Draal sends Jim towards the exit. Jim gets Enrique out (like in the canon), but gets captured and ends the next cell to Nomura. Gunmar doesn't kill him for now as he plans to mind-control Draal and force him to kill Jim (and mind-break him entirely).
What Gunmar hasn't expected is that Jim teams up with Nomura and helps Draal escape. The other teammates arrive just in time to help them too.
Still, Gunmar is out of the Darklands like in the canon. Angor Rot goes alone to fight him and ends up mind-controlled. Gunmar also contacts the Janus Order and Usurna, starting to gather his forces. Gunmar contacts Morgana through Angor's mind as those two have a link and also takes over the Trollmarket.
Everyone who escaped is slightly desperate and decides to contact Merlin.
In this AU, Merlin doesn't destroy Jim's life, but he's pretty much willing to sacrifice Draal if that means defeating Gunmar for good (and Draal actually sees no problem with that until Nomura beats some common sense into him).
Jim and Claire decide to try and power up the amulet using their powers (as they both instantly dislike Merlin). It's rather dangerous for them as both are inexperienced and the power up is temporary, so Draal only has some limited time until it stops working.
Still he manages to win (with everyone's assistance).
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