#post 5.3
kannedia · 1 month
Relationship Chart - Oscar
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Chart created by @7thastralera. Blank form here.
Papalymo: Papalymo was surprisingly patient with him. In turn, Oscar looked up to him. He still misses him.
Moenbryda: She was incredible. They could have been best friends or at least close to it had she been around longer.
More info on Scions on the chart is below the cut if you're interested.
Tataru: He admires her creativity. Their friendship was strengthened by their time in Ishgard. He sometimes helps her with her work, just not the paperwork. She's the one who taught him to make drinkable tea.
Y'shtola: Oscar thinks highly of her though she confuses him at times. She sometimes gives him pointers on his magic.
Lyse: Fast friends. Like brother and sister, or so the two will claim. They get along well due to their similar energy levels and optimism.
Estinien: His first thought of Estinien was that he seemed nice. Rude, yes but he was very kind to Alphinaud so he couldn't be that bad. He wants to be good friends with Estinien but he has as much luck as Urianger does.
Thancred: Oscar had a brief crush on him, to be honest. It faded away as quickly as it formed. What was left was a solid friendship. They look out for each other.
Ryne: He is always kind to her. Tries to support her in her growth, even if he's not entirely sure of how to do so.
Minfilia: She was a dear friend and kind of a mentor to him. He does his best to honor her memory.
G'raha: Possible romantic relationship. They definitely have a strong bond. He wasn't sure of his feelings for G'raha when he sealed himself in the tower. This may change in Endwalker.
Alphinaud: Oscar saw the good in him even before a certain chain of events humbled Alphinaud's ego. At times he reminds Oscar of his younger stepbrother. He thinks they would be friends. Alphinaud sometimes helps Oscar understand the more academic topics discussed by the Archons.
Alisaie: They can get along pretty well though he sometimes frustrates her with his absentmindedness. Neither find politics to be all that interesting. Though she doesn't believe it, he thinks she's better at Red Magic than him.
Urianger: So cool! He's looked up to Urianger since he met him in the Waking Sands. Which if Urianger does know, likely baffles him.
Krile: They work well together. He hopes she sees him as a friend because she sees her as one.
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
City Lights
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This place feels different now.
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As if the city knows the one who built it is gone.
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The city so familiar that I'd never seen. Built by the one who should've been my enemy but never felt like it.
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You could've said something, but you just had to be difficult. The others may not have believed, but I would have.
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I'll miss you, you miserable bastard.
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bullshit-radar · 2 years
Also nochmal alles neu…
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crystal-verse · 8 months
god i want. an au where it dosn't work. where it's just arr g'raha who's woken up, and he doesn't have all these memories and all these people keep looking at him like they're mourning someone. the world has changed and time has changed and all the people he knows have changed, but he hasn't changed, he was just sleeping, just sleeping, and the world nearly ended several times and apparently he helped prevent yet another end but he has no memory of this. they want him to join the scions. he does not know these people. (he barely knows the warrior of light, now, but did he ever truly know them in the first place?) his little sister is alive and well. she looks at him like a ghost. she's changed, and she's older than him now. he acts bratty and loud and brash to cover up the fact that he does not know anything it seems, and he is tired but he was sleeping for so long, so how could he be tired?
he doesn't know these people. they seem to know him. he wonders if he'd killed someone, when it was him and not that exarch who woke up. he wonders if it should have been him who was "killed" in that way, if it is him that lives and not that man who had known and become friends with all these figures from legend. he wonders if he'll always be fated to be a historian one step back from everything, because he simply cannot be a hero.
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wildstar25 · 8 months
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I don't know if I'd ever have the time or energy to do a full re-telling of Arsay and G'raha's crystal tower raid story, but do need everyone to know she was attracted to his chuuni antics since day 1.
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rowanul-tyr · 1 month
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FFXIV Polyamory Week - Day 1 - Sleeping positions
Hellooooo here I come for polyship week!
Turns out I already had this shot that fit the prompt perfectly (sorry for cheating that way, it WILL happen again). Usually Rowan is in the middle of the pile, but Estinien has been in the middle before--it uh. Did not go well for him dealing with a lot of purring. (Please look forward to that in the ot3 fic, haha).
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 7 months
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smallest-turtle · 1 year
Emmanellain being the first person to know Haurchefant has been resurrected can be so powerful actually. What's another secret kept so the other doesn't get in trouble? It's more than playing marbles out of sight and it's more than Haurchefant sneaking out and yet it's still the same, isn't it?
It's been two years and the world's moved on without you and the hole you left has been smoothed over but you can still keep secrets with your little brother and by the fury will he do his best in his own way, as he always has.
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picaroroboto · 10 months
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like broken angels, wingless, cast from heaven’s gates
(finally managed to free this from WiP hell. Hope Tumblr accepts my ridiculous file size)
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aotopmha · 3 months
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Very good story
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
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final fantasy xiv friendship simulator
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kannedia · 1 month
Relationship Chart - Asel
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Chart created by @7thastralera. Found here.
Papalymo: She liked his wit. His knowledge of magic was incredible. She regrets not approaching him outside of work to talk.
Moenbryda: Forced Asel out of her shell. Would have had an interesting and amusing dynamic. Wonders if it's strange to miss someone she barely knew so strongly.
Further data for the other Scions beneath the cut if you're curious.
Tataru: Craft buddies. When Tataru realizes a good way to get Asel to relax is to knit and sew with her.
Y'shtola: It's complicated. Possibly romantic. Asel takes a while to detangle her feelings. Runar complicates matters. Does he see her as a sister or have a crush on her?
Lyse: Possibly romantic. She didn't know her long enough for the reveal to bother her. They tend to balance each other pretty well.
Estinien: Bickering siblings? The hand on Asel's shoulder when she starts overthinking.
Thancred: It's complicated. Entirely platonic. In summation, they slowly become friends until post-Heavensward. At this point Thancred angered Asel during the peace conference by punching Emmanellain. This strained their relationship in Asel's eyes. Though she still sees him as a friend on some level. She frets over him as much as she does the others.
Ryne: Cute niece(?). Wants to help further her training and teach her ninja skills. Wants to help her learn and grow.
Minfilia: A crush? Looking back she's not sure. She was certainly emotionally attached to her but if that was the actual word for it, well she isn't sure.
G'raha: Discomforted by how openly he looks up to her. They get along pretty well otherwise.
Alphinaud: Has been called his guard dog before. Work on their math together sometimes.
Alisaie: Sparring buddy, by Alisaie's choice. Matched in protective instincts.
Urianger: Book club buddies. Slow road to friendship, helped mostly by similar interests in literature.
Krile: Asel thinks she's cool but doesn't spend much time with her due to work. Perhaps Dawntrail will change that.
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wildstar25 · 9 months
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Get it together, G'raha!!
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exandriacityshowdown · 9 months
Semifinals Poll 3 of 3
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Rosohna, Wildemount: Rosohna is the capital of the Kryn Dynasty in Xhorhas. Due in part to the sunlight sensitivity of its majority-drow population, the city’s mages maintain a blanket of eternal night in the sky above the city. This magical effect is seen as a hallmark of the Kryn Dynasty, especially as it is also cast at contentious points along the Dwendalian border to reduce the disadvantage to drow soldiers fighting during the day. Rosohna is built on the ruins of the calamity-era city Ghor Dranas, the capital of the betrayer gods’ alliance during this conflict. Sometimes Rosohna is still erroneously called Ghor Dranas, especially by political opponents of the Dynasty. Rosohna is the centre of the Dynasty’s secret religion worshiping the Luxon.
image from the postcard merch by pretty useful co
Avalir: Avalir was a pre-Calamity flying city made out of the top half of the mountain Ygora. The Ring of Brass (ExU Calamity's PC party) lived and worked here, and by a certain definition it could be said that the Calamity began here, with the destruction of the Tree of Names beneath the surface.
image is official art by clara daly/eldritchblep
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
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Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before - Simple and Clean, Utada Hikaru
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fell-court · 9 months
Oh! And that was the other thing
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I ran Dun Scaith last night and managed to catch a couple of fun screenshots in the process ^-^
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