#oscar can be surprisingly hard to write for
kannedia · 4 months
Relationship Chart - Oscar
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Chart created by @7thastralera. Blank form here.
Papalymo: Papalymo was surprisingly patient with him. In turn, Oscar looked up to him. He still misses him.
Moenbryda: She was incredible. They could have been best friends or at least close to it had she been around longer.
More info on Scions on the chart is below the cut if you're interested.
Tataru: He admires her creativity. Their friendship was strengthened by their time in Ishgard. He sometimes helps her with her work, just not the paperwork. She's the one who taught him to make drinkable tea.
Y'shtola: Oscar thinks highly of her though she confuses him at times. She sometimes gives him pointers on his magic.
Lyse: Fast friends. Like brother and sister, or so the two will claim. They get along well due to their similar energy levels and optimism.
Estinien: His first thought of Estinien was that he seemed nice. Rude, yes but he was very kind to Alphinaud so he couldn't be that bad. He wants to be good friends with Estinien but he has as much luck as Urianger does.
Thancred: Oscar had a brief crush on him, to be honest. It faded away as quickly as it formed. What was left was a solid friendship. They look out for each other.
Ryne: He is always kind to her. Tries to support her in her growth, even if he's not entirely sure of how to do so.
Minfilia: She was a dear friend and kind of a mentor to him. He does his best to honor her memory.
G'raha: Possible romantic relationship. They definitely have a strong bond. He wasn't sure of his feelings for G'raha when he sealed himself in the tower. This may change in Endwalker.
Alphinaud: Oscar saw the good in him even before a certain chain of events humbled Alphinaud's ego. At times he reminds Oscar of his younger stepbrother. He thinks they would be friends. Alphinaud sometimes helps Oscar understand the more academic topics discussed by the Archons.
Alisaie: They can get along pretty well though he sometimes frustrates her with his absentmindedness. Neither find politics to be all that interesting. Though she doesn't believe it, he thinks she's better at Red Magic than him.
Urianger: So cool! He's looked up to Urianger since he met him in the Waking Sands. Which if Urianger does know, likely baffles him.
Krile: They work well together. He hopes she sees him as a friend because she sees her as one.
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captainnameless · 9 months
How's your day been? If you are up to it, could you do something cute with Daniel, little oscar, and little lando? Maybe with wintery themes? Maybe cuddled up under a blanket watching a film, and one or both (lando and/or oscar) of them falls asleep?
it’s been alright, thanks for asking <3
It comes together easy enough. Lando’s getting better with asking for things, wants to have a day with Daniel before he flies off to a 10 hour difference timezone for a big chunk of the winter break.
Oscar’s added with no fuss, that way they can fly home to Australia together.
“Share, please. Lando.” Daniel says when the bag of animal crackers is snatched up immediately. It’s the ones with the chocolate bottom so Daniel can’t really blame him, but still.
“I am.” Lando huffs, sticking his hand in the bag and hold out exactly two. Oscar, bless him, takes them and even says thank you and Lando’s about to settle down with the rest of the bag but Daniel snatches it from him.
“Mine!” Lando screeches, much like those birds from Finding Nemo. “Danny, nooo!”
“If you can’t share fair, then I’ll share for you.” Daniel says simply and sticks his hand in the bag to scoop some more out for Oscar.
“That’s ok-” Oscar starts to say, already pressing himself further into the couch but Daniel holds his hand out.
“Nu uh, take them Bud. You only take two? Lando only gets two.”
“Take more!” Lando screeches again, and Daniel has to bite back his smirk.
Obediently, Oscar cups both of his hands together and lets Daniel dump the snacks into them.
The rest of their afternoon goes surprisingly smooth, Lando’s bribed into taking a nap and Oscar, the angel, agrees to lay down too to appease his teammate. He does come back down 15 minutes later, cheeks flushed and socked feet scuffing into the carpet with a “Lando’s asleep, I’m not tired.”
Daniel doesn’t push it, he’s not entirely sure Oscar regresses, sometimes he just floats somewhere in between, otherwise it’s clear he does. It’s okay for Oscar to still be figuring that out.
When Lando wakes up they decide to make Christmas cards, they’re all dipping their hands in paint to make little Santa hats and trees that Daniel takes a sharpie to after they’ve dried to write names and add a string of lights.
Daniel orders take out for dinner, and because they’ve been very good they get to eat it on the couch with a movie.
Oscar’s still in the “somewhere in between” when they sit down, Daniel can tell from the way he looks a little bit like an awkward teenager, trying very hard to not let their legs touch. Lando’s oblivious to it, leaning over Daniel to get to Oscar and actually get his opinion on what to watch. That gets Oscar to relax a little, and slowly their legs touch.
Daniel’s still surprised when, when they’ve added a blanket and Lando’s pressed himself up into Daniel’s side that Oscar’s head starts slowly falling to his shoulder, until it rests there.
Daniel peeks over and sees Oscar’s fallen asleep, his hair falling into his face, almost covering his eyes. There’s soft little breaths that leave him and when Daniel moves his free hand to brush the hair out of his face it scrunches together adorable, lips pressed together in a pout.
Daniel cannot help the coo that leaves him, getting Lando’s attention who’s now also looking over.
“He’s asleep?” He states, more than asks.
“Yea, so we gotta be quiet.” Daniel says, voice hushed, the arm that’s around Lando squeezing his shoulder.
“That’s what you get when you don’t nap.” Lando says matter of factly, face serious, shoulders shrugging.
Daniel snorts. “Please, says you.”
“I napped!” Lando says, eyebrows furrowing together and Daniel quickly soothes him with a chuckle.
“Shh. You did, you did buddy. I’m very proud of you.”
It settles Lando back into Daniel’s chest for a moment before he moves again, leaning over to press a kiss to Oscar’s forehead.
“Na night.” He whispers, then turns to Daniel again. “Do you think he wants my Yoda?”
Daniel’s face fills with a smile. “No, I think he’s got all the cuddles he needs.”
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vroombeams · 22 days
out of landoscar who do you think would be most experimental in bed? What are some kinks for them you would like to write but haven’t? ❤️
hmmm HMM. i think that lando's got that feral dog in him, you know, the one that wants to get his grubby paws on every experience forever? and then oscar's got that guiding-force energy like, go-with-the-flowy that really feeds into lando's near-hysteric desire to try everything he can lmao. so both?? both is the answer, they enable each other, probably!! lando's got weird energy for it because i think he's got a limited attention span for a lot of things if he doesn't immediately like it, but the ones he Does really like he'll focus hard on. and then oscar is along for the ride but he's got a mental list of all the things he particularly likes to do which is probably surprisingly long
some kinks i've not explored for landoscar yet hm... i think more semi-public/exhibitionism? is something i find particularly compelling for them? i think honestly re: them specifically i'm less inclined to hit harder kinks largely because Some People are already doing that so well that i just don't feel the need?? but i think if i were to do something in that vein i would do like. a very very clumsy journey into impact play. like spanking of course but also like, actual slapping?
alright well now the idea's been planted actually lmao so the answer is: i would love to do a landoscar impact play fic where someone is accidentally knocked into that subby headspace and neither of them have any idea what's going on, and then there is a lot of confused crying and the world's most awkward debrief about it where they decide that yes that was actually pleasant, overall, now that they know they're going to be That Type Of Way about it
something like that!! anyway!!
anon (or not) ask me anything about my fic
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ghilliedubh · 8 months
Vrinda: The Ivy Queen
Exploring the connections between the Norse goddess Rindr/Vrinda and ivy folklore
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I am writing this with my mind swathed in a dark emerald green. Last Yule night I drew the rune Gebo, the Ivy card from my Ogham deck and the Queen of Swords. This painted an interesting picture in my head, of a green lady wandering amongst ivy-clad ruins. I dived into ivy folklore and mythology, researching who this might be. I visited Hebe, the Maenads and the various Green Ladies of Britain, but one particular solemn figure was sitting and waiting for me.
Very little is known of the Goddess Rindr and her name’s origin is obscure, but it is thought to be connected to a Gotlandic word for ivy, rind. A variation of her name, Vrindr, Wrinda or Vrinda (the name I prefer), can possibly be found in the Ostergotland place name Vrinnevi, the meaning of which would in that case be Vrindar-Vé (Vrindr’s Shrine). Oscar Lundberg proposed that she was therefore a fertility goddess represented by ivy or perhaps even made of it. The theory of her being connected to Vrinnevi has been debated, and some argue that the place name simply means “Ivy forest”. Even so, the similarity between the name Rindr and the word rind is hard to ignore and I strongly feel that she is represented by ivy as Lundberg suggests. Previously I had only known her as some kind of winter goddess and as the unwilling bearer of Óðinn’s son, Váli. This connection to the ivy plant opened up a whole new dimension of her.
I want to start by criticizing Patricia Telesco’s interpretation of Vrinda being a goddess of accepting uncomfortable changes. That just as winter yields to spring, so does Vrinda yield to the advances of Óðinn and become warm and fertile. Whether or not Vrinda’s myth is a metaphor for the changing of seasons, I find it appalling that someone would look at a story about sexual assault and draw from it the lesson that one should not fight “positive change”. Change can be good, but that attitude in this context is disgusting and disrespectful to all that have had to go through such a horrible experience. Now, moving on…
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First there is the madness. The maenads were wild, ecstatic worshipers of Dionysus who wore ivy. Often willing participants of the frenzy, but sometimes forced. In Gesta Danorum the tale is told of how Óðinn, when thrice rejected by Vrinda, uses magic to drive her mad and then ill. Disguised as a medicine woman called Wecha, Óðinn tells her father that he can cure her but it would cause a violent reaction. Vrinda is tied to her bed and Óðinn proceeds to commit one of his ugliest crimes. I connect these two instances of forced madness with certain properties of the ivy; ingesting the leaves can cause delirium, convulsions and even hallucinations. Surprisingly, wearing crowns of ivy was believed to prevent drunkenness. To me, all of the above makes Vrinda a goddess of madness, but as a sufferer. We who may have bouts of bad mental health may find comfort in her.
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Next I want to talk about the Green Ladies of Britain, specifically the melancholy yet usually benevolent ghosts that haunt castles. The Green Ladies are dead but are still kind, often protecting living residents of their haunts. The Green Lady of Huntingtower Castle in Perthshire (known as Lady Greensleeves) is said to have healed a young boy who lived in a house on the estate. Ivy was also seen as a protective plant in Britain.This protective element also be a domain of Vrinda, John McKinnell writes about a kenning for a warrior in the saga of Guðmundur Arason, serkja Rindar Sannr. Sannr is a name of Óðinn meaning “truth”, Rindar serkur would be “Rindur’s serk”. According to McKinnell this hints that she may have been able to enchant clothing to work as a protective charm. But back to the Green Ladies. Most of them are thought to be the ghosts of particular women of noble lineage that lived in the castles and were usually killed in horrible ways. The Green Lady of Caerphilly Castle is the ghost of Alice de la Marche of France who died of shock when she learned of her husband’s men killing her lover. I mention her specifically because of her ability to blend into the ivy that grows on the castle walls. The ivy in this story feels like a very appropriate symbol and I feel it could be extended to the rest of the Green Ladies. Ivy clings to ruins, it clings to trees long after they die. I want to quote the first stanza of Henry Kendall’s The Ivy on the Wall:
The verdant ivy clings around
Yon moss be-mantled wall,
As if it sought to hide the stones,
That crumbling soon must fall:
That relic of a bygone age
Now tottering to decay,
Has but one friend—the ivy—left.
The rest have passed away.
I believe this sentiment lives with Vrinda. In this aspect, she is a goddess of mourning and trauma, of yearning for the irretrievable past. But at the same time she is a goddess of protection and overcoming hardships and devastation. As ivy holds together and decorates the weathered stones of an old castle, so too can Vrinda help hold together our broken hearts and shattered selves.
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Then there is winter. I have read many articles and blogs online written by pagans associating Vrinda with winter and almost nothing else. I never actually saw mentioned any concrete reason for it, but now that I have become aware of her ivy realm it has become obvious. Most people are familiar with the carol The Holly and the Ivy. Both plants are evergreen and are part of a family of yule plants alongside mistletoe and yew. Ivy and Holly historically represented the feminine vs masculine, in parts of England there are still dances between the Holly boy and the Ivy girl. It was supposedly custom once for men and women to light-heartedly taunt each other through song. Sadly it seems mostly the songs praising Holly have been preserved, an example is the following verse:
Nay, Ivy, nay; it shall not be i-wys ;
Let Holly hafe the maystery, as the manner is.
Holly stond in the Halle fayre to behold;
Ivy stond without the dore; she is full sore acold.
Holly and his merry men they dancyn and they sing.
Ivy and hur maidens they wepyn and they wryng.
(Ballad from the time of Henry VI)
In a more positive light, holly and ivy feature in a poem by Henry VIII called Green Groweth the Holly. Here ivy's steadfast color throughout winter symbolizes fidelity. It is a charming poem if a bit ironic, since Henry himself wasn’t exactly a paragon of fidelity. I’ll let you read the third and fourth verse:
As the holly groweth green
With ivy all alone
When flowers cannot be seen
And greenwood leaves be gone,
Now unto my lady
Promise to her I make,
From all other only
To her I me betake.
It is not strange that Henry made this connection. In the language of flowers ivy represents fidelity, wedded love and friendship. Ancient Greek brides would carry ivy as a symbol of undying love and sprigs of it are often found in wedding bouquets today. I think ivy being an evergreen as well as it’s ability to cling tightly are good reasons for it being a symbol for faithful love. We also see generosity and kindness as ivy provides berries for birds in winter. These aspects all together give me the feeling that, yes, Vrinda is a winter goddess. However, I feel she is more a goddess of persevering winter, rather than a goddess of the frost and cold itself. She stays living, green and fruitful when other plants lie dead. Her love persists through hardships. Winter or summer, it holds on.
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Just before I conclude I’d like to touch upon animal associations. There is not a lot to work with, but the color and winding tendencies of ivy invoke the spirit of a serpent. Perhaps an adder, with its ivy-like pattern and ability to hibernate. The adder, like the ivy, is also toxic. The maenads wore serpents as well as ivy so it's not entirely far-fetched to see snakes as a favorite of Vrinda, but I’m not sure how well it fits. Perhaps the wren, a bird often seen darting through ivy bushes and has connections to winter. The word “wren” is of obscure origin but the words wren, rind (the Gotland word for ivy) and rindill (the Icelandic word for wren) sound curiously similar to Wrinda and Rindur.
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Then there are owls. In Britain ivy has a special relationship with the tawny owl, which is sometimes even called an ivy-owl. Most people are familiar with owls being traditionally associated with death, but it may surprise some that ivy is so as well. This seems contradictory to it’s tolerance of winter, the death of the year, but this association likely stems again from fidelity as well as ivy’s tendency to grow over tombstones. Ivy was also a frequent motif on headstones and there it likely represents immortality and eternal life. Both snakes and owls are carved on headstones too. Ivy was also used to foretell death.
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This association with death ties well in with the aforementioned Green Ladies. Owls and ivy are paired together in the idiom “like an owl in an ivy-bush”, which is used to describe a person with a vacant stare (usually due to drunkenness) or in some cases those with a frightened and dishevelled appearance. I almost forgot to mention that tawny owls usually mate for life, fidelity again. Finally, the carol I mentioned earlier has a couple of verses mentioning owls:
Ivy hath berries black as any sloe;
There come the owl and eat him as she go
Good ivy, what birds hast thou?
None but the owlet that cries how, how.
That brings us to the end. It’s quite bold of me, I know, to just give Vrinda all these associations purely based on ivy folklore and mythology. However, I feel so uncomfortable just leaving her bound to that one, grisly story of her impregnation. It’s unfair. I really do feel she may have shown herself to me that Yule night, or at least an aspect of herself, and I’d rather she lived in my mind as a lush and complex entity. Maybe I am getting lost in a thick forest of wishful thinking but maybe, like the Green Lady of Caerphilly Castle, she has indeed been hiding in the ivy.
Vrinda the broken, Vrinda the crazed,
Vrinda the wanderer of ruins and graves.
Vrinda the devoted, Vrinda the evergeen.
Vrinda the beautiful, unwavering Ivy Queen
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Hrafnsunna Ross
Sources and further reading:
On English ivy folklore and mythology:
Properties of English ivy:
On Maenads:
https://www.thecollector.com/maenads-women-bacchus/ On Green Ladies: https://www.spookyisles.com/scottish-green-lady-stories/
Wedding flower customs:
Tawny Owl:
Evidence pointing to Rindr being a worker of protective magic:
Gesta Danorum book 3, where the story of her assault is written:
Possible etymology of her name:
Headstone symbolism:
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myriadxofxmuses · 1 year
Tagged by: @heartxshaped-bruises
Tagging: @savagecuhnt, @lunarruled (Ky), @uncxntrxllable (Bailey & Lakota), @littlewrensx (Wren), @thanaredreamtof (Felicity & Sam), @interxstitial, @wynterlanding, @blindspct (Miley), @fangsandmagic, @waveofstars (Chey)
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That he's all bad. Ethan can be surprisingly caring at times, but it is only with select people. He is also quite malleable when it comes to others who are generally good. It sort of rubs off on him and he tries to emulate their behavior. He is if nothing else adaptable, but on a small level he wants to be that way.
He has a lot of food allergies. His mother's pregnancy with him was hard and he was born with the immunity fragility. Sadly he had to find out the hard way with each new allergy, given that his parents rarely cared for him properly - nannies also opting for short stints of employment for his care.
One of his favorite forms of entertainment is documentaries. Ethan will watch any and all kinds. Some of his favorite genres deal with nature or religion. He knows all kinds of trivia because of it.
Abuse, drinking, suicide attempts, NSFW- like murder, minimal stalking, gore, knives, death, violence, drug use, torture, ruffies, etc.
Actually, and this probably makes me a total psychopath, but his coldness. The way his character just shuts it off. Just like that. He has no attachment and is one hundred percent free of emotional repercussions. I could never do that. I get attached to easily and quickly, but it can be fun to explore what it is really like when you truly don't care what others think.
While Ethan can be very loving at times, that is not his go to. It takes some time and effort to get past his douchey, asshole, narcissistic, sociopathic ways to get to what little good in him he has. He does not open up to everyone and can be very difficult to interact with at times.
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That he has it all figured out and is put together. He does not deal very well with, as he calls it, his broken mind. He has quite a few breakdowns, all usually private and behind closed doors, but it leads him to drink. Oscar isn't big on meds, so he's very apprehensive when speaking to anyone about it - seeing it as a sign of weakness that he can't figure it out alone. Alcohol however is the one thing that not only helps him forget, but has also been an allowed vice throughout his career choices. Definitely not a great coping mechanism, but it's his nonetheless.
Family is essential for him. And his loyalty to Emily is unwavering. As is hers. They are extremely close siblings and come as a package. But that's not to say they come as a pleasant package. It is entirely possible for significant others or outside friends not to like the other. While blood is important they fully understand family is chosen and even the tightest family has internal turmoil at times. Loyal as they may be to each other, they will also fight to keep those who matter most to them.
Oscar can wiggle his ears. Not something he shows off, but he found out when he was a kid. After watching Little Rascals with his mom, he tried to copy Alfalfa and wiggled his ears.
He also sings in the shower.
PTSD, drinking, NSFW- like crime, guns/knives, death, violence, war, black market weapon sales
His strength. Both emotionally and physically. He is surprisingly just and fair when you consider his upbringing. While he isn't without flaws, he has very solid moral compass.
He can be overprotective and his trust is hard to get. Oscar likes to know everything about a person and is not above using his job to perform background checks. Even though he is morally good, he is willing to bend the rules when he needs to continue on that path.
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That she has no attachment to things. She is very good at hiding her true emotions under a mask of nonchalantness. When in reality she can't help but become emotionally invested in both people and life in general. It causes for a lot of lonely nights working through disappointment and sadness.
When her father got sick and died from his work, she went after the company responsible. It was a total failure in the end and nothing came of it, the corruption too high for her to fend off. But it was what led her into hacking for real. She'd always been tech savvy, but this was what really helped hone her skills.
While she has a cat, Ivy is really a dog person. She just can't have them in her apartments. She also watches true crime/interrogation videos for white noise while she works.
Crime - hacking, internet stalking, law breaking in general, minimal drug use (marijuana), drinking
The tech and stealth aspects of her life. I have always loved hacking/hackers/surfing the depths of tech and it is fun to write her in scenarios where she can actually use it.
Even though she likes to avoid becoming attached to others, she is a very open and accepting person face to face. She will keep others at a comfortable distance while still remaining a loyal and trustworthy friend. She would be a great ally when it matters.
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cieloclercs · 1 year
heyyy can i get a lover, you should’ve come over (also, love this song it hits so hard) for an f1 driver or atp player
i’m 5,3” with short brown hair (floppy curtain bangs), brown eyes and freckles just across my nose. i love classics, history, geography, english and politics in school, and i’m currently rereading the heroes of olympus series. jewelry is my favorite thing in the world and i love wearing novelty earrings, i don’t really wear make up just some occasional mascara. i love to read and write, and obsess over fictional characters and sportspeople in my spare time. my favorite music artists atm are the smiths, jeff buckley, the cranberries, fleetwood mac, hozier and the cure. although i don’t really believe in astrology, i am such a cancer and get very emotional about things. my family and my friends mean more to me than anything else in the world and one of my main goals in life is to be the kindest, best listener i can possibly be <3
tysmm and i love your writing <3
i ship you with oscar piastri!
— ok so a lot of my reasoning for this is that in another writer’s celly i was shipped with oscar piastri, and girl YOU SOUND JUST LIKE ME WHAT ??!! 😭 but like after reading it it made so much sense ?? i’ll explain:
— first of all you sound adorable, like i’m building up a picture in my head and you and oscar look so cute together 🥹 obviously he’s not the tallest, but he’s still significantly taller than you, and you can bet he’s gonna tease you about it at every given opportunity 😭 (he’s such a little shit i’ll stand by this till i die) also i feel like he’d absolutely love your freckles !! like one of those slightly cliche moments where your s/o traces the freckles on your face ?? you know one of those moments ??? yeah, that’s oscar with you 😭 cue him zoning out trying to count them and you catching him just staring at you and he blushes so hard 🤭🤭
— the more i learn about oscar piastri the more i can picture him with a super intellectual s/o, not just because of the vibes, but also because i think he’d take a genuine interest. not a lot of people would be interested in things like classics and history (i mean in my opinion it’s literally the coolest thing ever but from experience not everyone agrees 😭) and oscar definitely thinks you’re like the coolest person on earth 😭 he’ll ask you loadsss of questions about it just so he can hear you talk 🥹 and you can bet he’ll try to learn as much about it as he possibly can so he can impress you 😏😏 the man is a SIMP
— i don’t know whether a lot of other f1 fans think this ??? but i feel like oscar has surprisingly diverse music taste 🤔 like i can definitely picture him being into some of the old classics rather than current mainstream music (à la sebastian vettel) so i feel like you guys would have LOADS in common when it comes to music. oscar is definitely a huge blur fan (idk why he’s giving damon albarn vibes to me) BUT his guilty pleasure music is the smiths and fleetwood mac !!!! he’s a soft boy at heart 🥹 he’ll literally make you custom playlists and buy you vinyls if you’re into that stuff (pro boyfriend behaviour honestly)
— i feel like oscar will quite often be the voice of reason in your relationship. i mean we’ve all seen how chill he is (he genuinely reminds me of kimi he’s just completely deadpan 😭) so when you get emotional about something he’s always there to talk you down and help you feel better 🥹 and he’d be such a good listener too !! this man will literally sit and let you rant for HOURS if you need to without losing concentration 🥹 i also feel like oscar sometimes bottles things up ?? so when you can sense he’s doing that, you always try to coax him out and get him to talk to you about whatever it is that’s bothering him. you guys genuinely tell each other everything. you’re his confidant, and he yours 🤍
— + bonus head cannon !! sometimes oscar will surprise you or turn up at yours a day or so early after his races, and every single time he’ll bring you a new piece of jewellery from whatever country he’s just been in: whether it’s your favourite novelty earrings or a necklace or bracelet from one of those independent jewellery stores (the best jewellery imo) and he’d love just seeing your face light up every time !! 🥹 it’s not a particularly expensive gift, but you both love the authenticity of it and how personal it is to you ❤️
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haroldgross · 7 months
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/oscars-2024-final-call-2/
Oscars 2024 (final call)
What a great year for film. Surprise after surprise, despite the various delays and strikes and controversies. The breadth of the subject matter, the quality of the performances, the brilliance of the execution, the intelligence and  emotional impact of the writing is truly exciting.
Admittedly not all of the films had all of these things. And only one can win in each category. And, yes, some of this will come down to industry politics as it does in all awards situations, but the stack to choose from is high enough quality that we shouldn’t be dealing with any feelings of betrayal, only disappointment for our own selections. And, yes, I’m preparing for my own on that front.
Also, I’m going on the record with my picks and predictions, as has become my habit. If nothing else, it helps keep me honest with myself! As usual, I’ll follow up with the results and my hit-rate.
Actor in a Leading Role
Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction)
This category was locked for a while, and then came Giamatti with The Holdovers. It’s a great performance, perhaps his best. And Giamatti is a likeable guy as a surprisingly likeable character in a film full of nostalgia. For a while it looked like he might overtake Murphy, but the final big awards going to Murphy suggest that isn’t a possibility. If there is an unexpected announcement I wouldn’t be upset, but I’d be surprised. And, honestly, I think Murphy’s Oppenheimer has much more road to travel and with much greater challenges.
My choice: Cillian Murphy Likely winner: Cillian Murphy
Actress in a Leading Role
Annette Bening (Nyad) Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things)
Another packed category, to say the least. Bening’s Nyad is really amazing, but she’s a hard character to bond with. You cheer her on, but she isn’t very likeable, which doesn’t help in awards season. Hüller and Mulligan are also both fabulous in their respective roles. But this category has been a Stone vs. Gladstone battle from near the start. Frankly, I think Stone is the more complex and interesting and effective performance. But Gladstone does huge work with near silence at times, which is no small feat. It has been a toss up until recently. At this point, I think Gladstone walks away with the statuette. It is certainly earned, but it isn’t my pick.
My choice: Emma Stone Likely winner: Lily Gladstone
Actor in a Supporting Role
Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things)
This was an easy category. Brown is the only contender that made me pause. Gosling was fine, but it wasn’t a brilliant performance so much as a fun one. Downey’s work was layered and twisted and believable and flooring. He is the unspoken spine of the movie in many ways that don’t become clear till near the end. And while much credit goes to Nolan on that, a good deal is at Downey’s feet as well.
My choice: Robert Downey Jr.  Likely winner: Robert Downey Jr.
Actress in a Supporting Role
Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple) America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)
This has been Randolph’s from the start. As good as the rest were, Randolph owned that screen and lifted the story in ways that the others didn’t get the chance to do.
My choice: Da’Vine Joy Randolph Likely winner: Da’Vine Joy Randolph
Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest) Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall)
Directors had quite a range of movies in style and topic this year. But anyone who can make a 3 hour movie that is mostly talking about physics, philosophy, and politics fly by in a tense and entertaining way has my vote. I say this having loved most of the rest. I think Lanthimos and Scorsese underdelivered in some ways, but Triet’s effort was brilliant…and absent Oppenheimer I may well have voted for her. But Nolan’s the far favorite here and well earned.
My choice: Christopher Nolan Likely winner: Christopher Nolan
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
“American Fiction” — Cord Jefferson “Barbie” — Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach “Oppenheimer” — Christopher Nolan “Poor Things” — Tony McNamara “The Zone of Interest” — Jonathan Glazer
Of course the big controversy here is Barbie. There just is no real justification for it being forced into this category. It would have been its consolation prize, and may still be. But, honestly, it just doesn’t have the same amount of meat on the bones as the others and, in an honest world, it doesn’t have a chance. But it still may upset. Of the remaining, I’m leaning toward Oppenheimer again. Poor Things is great, but imperfect (and probably too odd for the Academy). And American Fiction is satire in a way that also slaps some of the hands that must vote for it. But it does have an edge having secured the BAFTA, and folks want to give it something. But I’m betting on the Oppenheimer wave.
My choice: Oppenheimer  Likely winner: Oppenheimer
Writing (Original Screenplay)
“Anatomy of a Fall” — Justine Triet, Arthur Harari “The Holdovers” — David Hemingson “Maestro” — Bradley Cooper, Josh Singer “May December” — Samy Burch, Alex Mechanik “Past Lives” — Celine Song
This is one of the tougher categories. I don’t think Maestro or May December deserve the honors here. But the remaining three are all impressive. However, since we’re forced to pick one, the question comes down to whether Holdovers or Anatomy get it because they couldn’t pick up other rewards. Certainly, the smart money is on one of those two. To my mind, however, Past Lives is the best script overall, though Anatomy really is a close second and may just get it.
My choice: Past Lives Likely winner: Anatomy of a Fall
Best Picture
American Fiction Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Past Lives Poor Things The Zone of Interest
Honestly, there is no perfect answer for this category. Past Lives is one of the quietest, sweetest movies I’ve seen in a long time. It reminded me of The Farewell in that, but with much more control. Anatomy of a Fall is unexpectedly gripping, despite being a tale told in a very clinical way. Killers of the Flower Moon is an important story lost to most classrooms, and it is laid out with massive talent and scope. Poor Things is a wild fantasy with a sledgehammer of a point. American Fiction is clever and delivered wonderfully. Barbie, Holdovers, and Maestro likewise. And Zone of Interest, even with its late surge, is also in Best International which is where it is more likely to win.
But purely from an overall craft point of view, accepting that all of these films belong in the category, Oppenheimer has more of the points in the same bucket than any of them, despite some script weaknesses. It grabs you and never lets you go for 3+ hours. There isn’t a weak performance in there. The technical aspects are impeccable (even if you disagree with the booming sound levels, they were done for a reason). It is the best picture of the lot, even if some of the others are ones we’re more likely to come back to more often.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
International Feature Film
Io Capitano, Italy Perfect Days, Japan Society of the Snow, Spain The Teachers’ Lounge, Germany The Zone of Interest, United Kingdom
I was very frustrated this year by not being able to see most of the nominees in this category. Given the chatter, however, I think the likely winner, for sheer audacity if nothing else, is Zone of Interest. Also, it’s a way to give Hueller her due since Anatomy of a Fall isn’t likely to pick up much. Zone has multiple nominations and, other than sound, isn’t likely to win any of them either. But it speaks to its level of quality.
My choice: The Zone of Interest Likely winner: The Zone of Interest
Animated Feature Film
The Boy and the Heron Elemental Nimona Robot Dreams Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
What a fabulous range of flicks, though as of the ceremony I’ll only have seen trailers of two of them. Spider-Man continues to wow audiences and awards (like the Annies). It is the smart choice. But Boy and the Heron may well pick it up for the sentimentality and farewell to Miyazaki…but how many times can you cry “last film” and have folks believe you?
My choice: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Likely winner: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Documentary Feature Film
Bobi Wine: The People’s President The Eternal Memory Four Daughters To Kill a Tiger 20 Days in Mariupol
Five challenging stories told with skill and emotion. Four Daughters is by far the most inventive, but it has issues as a movie. My guess is that 20 Days will take this. It is topical, ongoing, and brings us all into the story by showing us the expanded view behind the images we all saw during the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. That doesn’t take anything away from the others, but universality and continuing story help it stand out.
My choice: 20 Days in Mariupol Likely winner: 20 Days in Mariupol
Live Action Short Film
The After* Invincible Knight of Fortune* Red, White and Blue The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar*
This may be one of the few areas where the voters will be willing to give Netflix a serious nod. Let’s face it, there just aren’t many venues to produce and show shorts in mainstream media. Not only did Netflix give Anderson a home to show off his work (a collection of several Roald Dahl stories) but financed it. That alone should get them a nod. But the truth is, the result is utterly wonderful. Not that Knight of Fortune isn’t also solid, and should be sought out, but Henry Sugar is packed with production values and story and acting that puts it well above the rest.
[* = was able to see it]
My choice: Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar Likely winner: Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
Documentary Short Film
The ABCs of Book Banning* The Barber of Little Rock* Island in Between* The Last Repair Shop* Nai Nai & Wài Pó*
These are wonderful in their way and should also be seen. Barber for its tale of entrepreneurial success and overcoming systemic racism. Island in Between for its perspective. ABCs for a reverse look at the issues in a way that just might get through. And Nai Nai for its delightful humor (even through the credits) and warmth. But only Last Repair Shop has the scope and range that marks a solid documentary. The connection to music is attached to each person in different ways and with different meanings but with an overall goal that is brought together at the end. It is the richest of the bunch and will brighten any dark day.
[* = was able to see it]
My choice: The Last Repair Shop Likely winner: The Last Repair Shop
Animated Short Film
Letter to a Pig Ninety-Five Senses* Our Uniform Pachyderme War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
I’ve only managed to catch one of the nominee’s as the ceremony comes around. But from what I’ve read, War is Over is the far favorite, and has a great pedigree in previous nominee Dave Mullins. It also won the Annie earlier this year.
[* = was able to see it]
Likely winner: War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
Film Editing
Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Editing made Oppenheimer. It set the pace and kept multiple time lines straight. It switched visual formats and managed not only not to make a hash of it all, but to be almost invisible and yet still impactful. None of the other films come close, and the Editors guild thought so as well.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
El Conde Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things
While the winner is somewhat a given, El Conde should have given it some run for its money. It is an odd and wonderful film in B&W and uses the screen in wonderful ways. It is almost certainly the one almost no one will have seen. Let me suggest you should (with the caveat that it is a bit weird and violent). But Oppenheimer takes on all the challenges the other films had and then some.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
Production Design
Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Of all the nominees, Poor Things has the most interesting, inventive, and widest range of effort. Barbie comes a close second on those points. The other options recreate worlds seamlessly, which is no small feat either. And of those, Oppenheimer had the most challenges with varying time periods and shifting between B&W and color filming. But all that said, this is one of the places Poor Things can win and the will is there as well as the delivery. Oppenheimer may well surprise and continue its sweep, but this is one spot where there is a very worthy competitor that could overcome momentum.
My choice: Poor Things Likely winner: Poor Things
Costume Design
Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Similar to and related to Production Design, Poor things is the likely awardee. Barbie, however, may get one of its consolation prizes in this category.
My choice: Poor Things Likely winner: Poor Things
Music (Original Score)
American Fiction Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
If there was any movie made by its score this season, it’s Oppenheimer. This was by design. Most of the score was ready before the movie began filming. Nolan knew that it would be a character in the film and it is part of the reason it moves as well as it does from start to finish.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
Music (Original Song)
“The Fire Inside” from Flamin’ Hot “I’m Just Ken” from Barbie It Never Went Away” from American Symphony “Wahzhazhe (A Song For My People)” from Killers of the Flower Moon “What Was I Made For?” from Barbie
Per usual in this category, I don’t really have a favorite or that much invested. But I like Eilish and she’s been picking up earlier awards in the category, so I’m happy enough to go there.
My choice: “What Was I Made For?” Likely winner: “What Was I Made For?”
Makeup and Hairstyling
Golda Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things Society of the Snow
There are so many good choices here, but Maestro has picked up the awards outside the Academy, so I’m going with that.
My choice: Maestro Likely winner: Maestro
The Creator Maestro Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Oppenheimer The Zone of Interest
I’m picking this one on faith and based on many interviews and samples. I haven’t had the chance to catch the film yet. But everything I’ve heard and heard about the film makes it clear that Zone of Interest is the right choice here. Absent that, I would have probably gone with Maestro. As much as I loved Oppenheimer’s sound, the levels were too brutal to reward it to my mind. But it still may surprise.
My choice: The Zone of Interest Likely winner: The Zone of Interest
Visual Effects
The Creator Godzilla Minus One Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Napoleon
Yes, it’s ironic, but my pick for this one is the one flick in the category I didn’t get to see yet. But from those that have and from all the write-ups, it seems pretty clear. Creator may sweep from behind on this one, but Godzilla has quite the wave in viewers and press pulling for it.
Likely winner: Godzilla Minus One
0 notes
denimbex1986 · 8 months
'...Andrew Haigh‘s “All of Us Strangers” is poised to be the next fantastical film that makes the academy’s voters sit up and take notice. Part romance, part ghost story, the film is loosely based on Taichi Yamada‘s 1987 novel “Strangers.” The story follows Andrew Scott‘s Adam as a writer struggling with his latest project who forms a relationship with Paul Mescal‘s Harry. As their relationship progresses, Adam finds himself drawn to his past and visits his hometown only to find his parents (played by Claire Foy and Jamie Bell) just as they were the day they died, 30 years ago.
The film has received rapturous praise and currently sits on 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Many of these rave reviews made special mention of the writing.
David Rooney (The Hollywood Reporter) noted: “In Haigh’s script, the circumstances of their separation at a formative time in Adam’s life are written by a cruel stroke of fate. But many queer audiences cut off from their families after coming out will recognize the urge on both sides to rewrite fractured history and share words that were never said.”
Wendy Ide (ScreenDaily) observed: “Haigh’s elegantly elliptical screenplay was adapted from a 1987 Japan-set novel, titled ‘Strangers,’ by Taichi Yamada… All of this chimes, first and foremost, because of the quality of Haigh’s gorgeous, perceptive screenplay. But there’s a harmony in the craft here that complements and elevates the writing.”
David Ehrlich (Indie Wire) opined: “Haigh tells this potentially maudlin story with such a light touch that even its biggest reveals hit like a velvet hammer, and his screenplay so movingly echoes Adam’s yearning to be known — across time and space — that the film always feels rooted in his emotional present, even as it pings back and forth between dimensions.”
Not surprisingly, “All of Us Strangers” is high up on our Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar chart. It currently sits just outside our predicted five nominees...
This would be Haigh’s first-ever nomination and “All of Us Strangers” would become just the 10th fantasy film this century to reap a bid for its writing and only the fifth adapted screenplay to do so...
...Haigh’s would be the first fantasy film nominated in Adapted Screenplay since 2004. It certainly deserves to be — and there is another reason to believe he can pull off the nomination, too. Acclaimed writer-directors often find nominations in writing categories for films that are snubbed in other categories. It’s a nomination to make up for skipping over them in other categories such as Director or Picture.
We don’t think “All of Us Strangers” will compete in either of those categories so a nomination for Adapted Screenplay could be the perfect way for the academy to recognize Haigh’s work and film. This has happened several times before. In Original Screenplay: Rian Johnson was nominated in 2020 for “Knives Out,” Paul Schrader was nominated in 2019 for “First Reformed,” and Mike Mills was nominated in 2017 for “20th Century Women.” In Adapted Screenplay: Johnson was nominated for “Glass Onion” in 2023, Maggie Gyllenhaal was nominated for “The Lost Daughter” in 2022, and Greta Gerwig was nominated for “Little Women” in 2020. Haigh’s potential nomination would fit right alongside these bids.'
0 notes
kitewithfish · 2 years
Wednesday Reading Meme - Nov-9-2022
What I’ve Read So, I have finished nothing that was traditionally published in the last week, but I have read a non-trival amount of fic, and worked thru a lot of books that I hadn’t actually had a chance to finish yet. For the finished things, I’m trying to pull back into the format I used for recc’ing works, because if I preserve more info, then it’s easier to find things if they are later taken down
Title: The Legend Of Liob by Killbothtwins Fandom: Star Wars Clone Wars Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38656698 Length:19K Summary: The Republic sends a combat photographer to be attached to the 212th until further notice, citing the need for a morale boost. The clones make up a fake clone, citing the absolute fact that it is very funny. Somehow, these two things save the galaxy. Why I love it: I love Cody’s point of view on this fic, as he tries desperately to reign in the nonsense that several thousand bored soldiers get into while playing a joke on their newly assigned war correspondent.  I love the original character’s general willingness to do what she can to help the clones out and use public opinion to help them. The troopers of the 212th are having some fun in the middle of some of the worst possible things that could happen to a person, and it is truly hilarious. This is just a very fun fix it fic!
Title: Triumvirate by celinamarniss Fandom: Star Wars ex-canonical pre-disney works by Timothy Zahn Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1494842 Length: 77K Summary: (Mine) Mara Jade and Prince Luke Skywalker of Naboo are given as concubines to Admiral Thrawn. Surprisingly, this works out well. Why I love it: Welp, I did not expect a threesome where Thrawn the meat in a Luke and Mara sandwich, but, hello, we are here. It’s a bit kinky, a bit dark, a bit sweet, a bit of an AU
Title: Seeking Shelter By sphagnum Fandom: Original work Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15648981 Length: 7k Summary: Guns down, gentlemen. Oscar protocol. The betas lowered their rifles instantly, pointing them at the ground in front of Max instead of his chest. Max took a deeper breath in, his tension easing a bit as he moved past the part of the plan where he might just get shot dead before he had a chance to try to bargain. It had always been a risk; it had just seemed like a better death than slow starvation. Why I love it: I unrepentantly adore writing where characters are operating thru a hard language barrier. In this case, one character has a form of fictional virus-induced aphasia and it’s really well written and interesting to see the world thru his eyes while also getting the dialogue of the people around him.
What I’m Reading: 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson - book club, descriptive heavy but interesting. Someone I love who typically has deeply different reading tastes than me truly hated this book, and I took that as the recommendation that it usually is.
Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Film by Lee Clark Mitchell - Reading for the Great Queer Supernatural Rewatch - we’re thinking about westerns and masculinity! And how that genre of work says things about The American West as a setting and what it means for the kind of masculinity that the characters of Supernatural are dealing with. Related to the third chapter, we also watched Stagecoach (1938) which had some fascinating elements to it in terms of writing and an ensemble cast. (It was the first movie in which I found John Wayne to be charming and a good actor - I normally get deeply grossed out by him!) The racism in Stagecoach felt generic, by which I mean, it’s an inherent part of the genre and cannot be removed, but was also not pointed or with a lot of motivation behind it. Racism as wallpaper. Had a nice long discussion with a friend of how that compared to the John Carter of Mars novels that they’re currently reading, which really wants to pound into your head that the Martians cannot actually feel love and are terrible people who deserve to be conquered. Compared to Stagecoach, where Geronimo is a boogeyman and the Apaches are portrayed with all the inhumane violence of a twister, the John Carter novels are far less palatable to us. But I have a sneaking sense that Stagecoach’s racism has a longer tail because as a viewer of the film, you have to accept The Bargain that a Western movie is making in order to get any pleasure from it.
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir by Jeremy Barlow - a bit spare. I recall that this was a means to publish plots that had been cut short by the end of the Clone Wars cartoon, and it’s a got a little bit of that feeling - I keep thinking that this would be better with performances behind the characters.
Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell - continues great! I'm about halfway thru and the main couple, who started the novel by trying to pull off scam to fake a mental bond that would put one of them permanently in control of the other, are now in a situation where the power dynamic has swapped! The whole thing is running on a basis of trust, admiration for each other's deeply different skill sets, and a solid basis of unacknowledged lust, so it's pretty much catnip.
What I’ll Read Next
Library books in the house Maul: Lockdown - Joe Schreiber The Whale Rider -Witi Ihimaera Tiger's Daughter - K Arsenault Rivera Riot Baby - Rochi Onyeuchi The Silence of the Wilting Skin - Tlotlo Tsamaase An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon
Recently purchased and need to read: NK Jemisin's The World We Make, Frey Marske's A Restless Truth, California Bones
Newly purchased: Even Though I Know the End by CL Polk - this apparently started life as a Destiel fic and I didn’t know that and I have Polk $11 for the good of the fandom collective even before I got into the book
Also newly purchased - To Seek and to Find by Tamryn Eradani - I found this on a list of books that had started their lives as Supernatural fanfic and I bought it almost as an act of solidarity - I’m hopeful that it’s good, but if it’s not, it’s still only $5.
Own but reminding myself - Penric's Demon! Get on that! Fansplaining podcast just described it as Venom but in the middle ages, good god, ride that like you stole it. 
0 notes
itsclydebitches · 2 years
It FEELS weird that R freaked out at a talking mouse when her dog can take down a mech, and I think that's mostly because RWBY has failed to do the appropriate world-building to let us know what is and is not normal in the setting. We don't have a good feel of Remnant, so Maidens, magic birds, and talking mice don't feel out of place compared to the other weird stuff in Remnant. If the show spent more time establishing the world, these out of place elements would actually feel out of of place.
This exactly. I mean, we certainly can give the writing the benefit of the doubt here. It reminds me of a scene in Jupiter Ascending where Jupiter freaks out about Caine's gravity boots and is shocked when he can't really explain how they work... until he points out that she probably can't really explain how her phone works either. It's a way of highlighting that this New Thing isn't actually any weirder than the Normal Things you're used to, it's just the fact that you already are used to them that blinds you to how weird/complicated/incredible it actually is. Little having the intelligence and ability to speak isn't really that far removed from Zwei having the intelligence and ability to obey Oobleck's command to take out the White Fang, but because Ruby has only experienced one of those things before, the other feels shocking at the start.
But it doesn't feel shocking for the viewer. Because as you say, Remnant has so much weird shit in it that there's no baseline for us. We have no sense of when something is Normal Remnant Weird vs. Abnormal Remnant Weird until a character reacts to it... and then we're left with those questions like, "Why is your uncle transforming into a bird horrifying but your sister transforming into rose petals isn't? Why is Oscar shooting a beam magic but Weiss shooting glyphs isn't? Why is a talking mouse worth screaming over but you live in a world with human-like pets and peers with various animal traits?" I'm of the opinion that a fantasy world should either have hard and consistent rules, in which case both characters and audience know precisely when something is #off, or loosey-goosey rules where anything goes and, crucially, no one really questions it. The Umbrella Academy is pretty good about that, actually. (It's on the brain since I just posted about it a few minutes ago.) Everything in that show is so weird, but the characters know everything is weird, so when they encounter a sibling who's a floating cube, or a black hole in the basement, they might side-eye it for a hot second, but they don't actively try to claim that this is fundamentally different than all the other weird shit they live with. Weird is normal.
RWBY doesn't do that. Because yeah, we don't know the world and its (barely established) rules well enough to have a sense of everyone's expectations and bias. One moment the characters are acting like Remnant Fantasy People (haha Zwei arrived in the mail) and the next they're acting like Real People In The Real World (holy shit talking mouse!). It flip-flops too often for the audience to get a handle on that baseline... because it doesn't really exist. In classic RWBY fashion, things change to serve the latest Volume/episode/scene. I also don't think it helps that Ruby has not reacted to everything else weird that's going on. It's probably just the scene being isolated, but we haven't yet watched her freak out about waking up on an impossible island. She doesn't react to the time loop-y forest except with very normal sounding frustration. Doesn't look at the clearly abnormal bird screaming beside her. Stares considerately, but not surprisingly, up at the giant-ass tree. Barely even gives the cheese plant a second glance. And (though this is definitely pushing the fourth wall a bit) doesn't react to Little's very intelligent, person-like gestures to hand the cheese over. Ruby in this scene is totally apathetic towards the entire weirdness of the island, so by giving her a strong reaction to Little speaking, it sends the message that this is by far the WEIRDEST THING AMONG ALL THESE WEIRD THINGS
...when, you know, it's really not. Especially when we factor in Ruby's experience with her dog, the faunus, literal magic, and soul-bearing androids.
If I were tweaking things (working under the assumption that we can't re-write RWBY to establish this long-term worldbuilding) I'd have her actually freaking out over everything she saw, this totally new and alien world causing her brain to misfire for a bit, with a talking mouse just being the last straw in a very large, understandable pile.
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Hey so, my dog of 18 years, my old pitbull named Oscar, who've I had for the majority of my life is about to be put down. I was wondering if you could maybe write some Adler, Woods, and Mason comforting the reader? Sorry. If you uncomfortable doing so that is TOTALLY OKAY! I dont want you to feel pressured to do this!
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that 🥺 I've had some rough pet passings in the last couple years too, so I understand. It's no pressure at all sweetie 💖
But I know you gave Oscar a great life and I'm sure he sends his thanks for all the good times you shared and hopes you'll remember them when you're feeling down after he passes 💖
You know, Adler's had some extremely rough times himself
Some quite recent, as a matter of fact
He tries his best to keep you sane, just as much as you try for him
So whenever you're feeling down he's always around to offer some comfort
Adler's quite the smooth talker, so while he can't make everything go away, he at least will try his best to talk you through what's going
He's got an "I know things are tough now, but I promise they'll get better" speech at the ready
It's predictable, but it usually helps
However, he's always down for some cuddling to keep the sadness away
Otherwise, he's pretty reliable for a comforting hand holding, an arm around the shoulder, or some pats to the back
Sometimes he's a little awkward, but all gestures are made in kindness and support
If anyone knows what it's like to go through hard times, it's Alex
He's gone full years of his life where his mind wasn't even his own
Few things hit harder then the loss of one's own self, so he understands best when others suffer with grief too
Alex has always been a quiet guy, so that's how he approaches these kinds of situations
When things are this heavy, words are rarely necessary
He gives the best Dad™ hugs, and won't hesitate to pull you in and hold you so you can let some stuff out
He'll get you anything you need in the meantime while you sit together:
A blanket, some water, a tissue...
He may try to cheer you up or get your mind off of things, but he has no problem sitting for hours and letting you do what you need
When it comes to handling emotions, very few think to call Frank first
And while it's true for most that he wouldn't be much help, you are one of the special few that he would bend over back to cheer up
He would be the one to have something if a comfort care package on standby
It's not as fancy and refined as it sounds, but he at least has objects at his disposal to grab and throw together to bring to you
Woods has seen his best friend go through hell and has droves of his own men brutally killed and tortured in front of him
He may not be great at expressing it, but he knows how it feels to hurt and grieve
He'll offer to talk about it with you, and would like to walk you through what he does when times get him down
He's a surprisingly sympathetic ear when it comes to the people he loves and he'll do whatever he can to try and keep your focus on the good or funny times so that that bad ones don't seem so dark <3
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opheliafm · 2 years
Tumblr media
*  ──  (  jessica  vu  ,  twenty-two  ,  cis  woman  ,  she/her  )  welcome  to  hilton  hills  ,  ophelia  hoang  !  as  a  well  -  known  socialite  and  daughter  of  an  oscar  winner  ,  we  can’t  believe  you  traveled  all  the  way  from  los  angeles  in  order  to  spend  a  few  months  here  .  you’ve  made  quite  the  name  for  yourself  in  the  tabloids  as  being  -  aloof  and  -  quick-tempered  ,  but  all  we  have  seen  is  how  +  compassionate  and  +  resolute  you  are  since  you  arrived  a  few  days  ago  .  if  we  were  to  compare  you  to  anything  ,  it  would  be  gripping  onto  your  sense  of  self  with  tight  fists  ,  ordering  fresh  flowers  to  hotel  rooms  ,  sunshine  disguised  by  cloud  .  make  sure  to  unpack  in  time  to  make  it  to  the  bonfire  tonight  !  i  hear  they  are  going  to  play  be  sweet  by  japanese  breakfast  just  for  you  !  [  elle  ,  26  ,  she/ her  ,  gmt  ]
pinterest . stats . spotify . 
hello!! i’m elle / ella whichever you prefer ! i’m from the gmt and fun fact — i have never been early to writing an intro in my life ! ophelia is a brand new muse of mine so pls excuse me while i work her out a bit when we get things going. if you’re interested in plotting pls hit that like and i’ll come to you on disco (or lmk if you prefer im and i can do that too!). 
full name: ophelia arden hoang  nicknames: fee, lia birthday: november 18th horoscope deets: scorpio sun, leo moon, cancer rising.  hometown: los angeles, california  enneagram: 8w7 tropes: lonely rich kid, spoiled sweet, the stoic, defrosting ice queen, the woman wearing the queenly mask. mbti: enfj ( the protagonist ). 
background (drugs tw, addiction tw) 
ophelia’s dad was a total 90s heartthrob. a former child actor who had been plucked from complete obscurity by a talent scout in long beach. think: equivalent of a former mickey mouse club member who took some more serious roles as he grew older, posters on teen girls bedroom walls across the nation he even once capitalised on the love and adoration and had a single titled ‘ready for your love’ by the age of nineteen.
her mother... was a complete nobody in the eyes of the media. her parents had grown up on the same street and somehow kept in contact even when her dad’s career catapulted to new heights. he’d invited her along for a few weeks at a beach house he was renting in hilton hills whern their friendship developed into something more in between the deep talks and late nights spent on the beach. ophelia followed along 9 months later and the headlines weren’t so kind. 
somehow, though, their little patchwork family made it work. lia’s fondest memories are of her father’s big heart and her mother’s kindness. always. her mum went to live in his la home and looked after lia during the day while pushing him to audition for more roles in dramas as she knew he had potential. and she was right. by the age of 23, her dad had stood on a stage as one of the academy’s youngest recipients of an oscar. 
lia would be the first to admit that the oscar wasn’t just the pinnacle of his career but also the start of a downward spiral that she’s far too young to remember. because whilst he’d dedicated the award to his newborn daughter, he’d also dabbled with hard drugs at the afterparty. it was the catalyst for a whole lot more. 
little lia was a bright, bubbly thing! she was the first to offer to put on a play for her parents (and her grandparents when they visited) and v much the self-described leader of any group activity through elementary school. but what she loved most were her summers because every summer her parents would take her to that beach house (now owned) in hilton hills and she’d spend the entirety of it in the sand.
not all was perfect behind closed doors, though. as the pressure of her dad’s drug habit started to take its toll and lia would often come home from school to the sound of her parents yelling at one another. she went from bright and bubbly to bitter and lonely surprisingly fast. 
by the time she turned fifteen, her father had been in and out of rehab three times. lia internalised a lot of her feelings about it, particularly when she’d start to get questions at school. questions had always mostly been about her father’s career rather than her or her mum but fifteen was the age where they really started to grind her gears. she was struggling at home, struggling at school due to it and had no outlet for where to put the anger. ‘fuck off and mind your own business’ practically became a slogan.
it was around this time that lia also started to act out. stealing her dad’s credit card to sneak into clubs... hanging out with people at school who she knew her mother would disapprove of... she even got kicked out of her fancy prep school. 
she moved out by eighteen and didn’t look back... but she did continue the partying and other bad habits that seemed too difficult to drop. until she turned twenty and her father came to visit. it’d been the fourth time in rehab that stuck. he’d been sober for a year and they had a genuine heart to heart. ophelia wouldn’t necessarily call it a wake up call but it did make her reassess her own behaviour and the path she was on.
lia’s been trying to turn her life around after the past two years. she’s still incredibly outspoken, but she tries to use her platform for good. she’s probably more known for her instagram account these days than the pictures that used to heavily feature in the tabloids of her out partying. she’s thought about maybe following her dad’s footsteps into acting but has honestly been a bit terrified to take the plunge!? which might just be the first time she’s ever been scared at trying something new? so right now she’s doing what she knows best - spending a summer on the beach to readjust. 
lia’s got a heart of gold behind a little closed off shell. she can be hard to get to know but once she lets you in you pretty much have a teammate for life. she’s loyal babes!
big helper energy. you have a project you need a hand with? a person to tell you the best lighting for your photo? she’s got your back.
she gives me big shayla wang vibes from the summer i turned pretty. she’s ambitious and knows what she wants from life but also compassionate and loving. 
still has elements of that kid who liked to boss her friends around lead. catch her organising your bunch trip and booking all her trips herself rather than getting an assistant to do it. girlie loves to be organised! 
still likes to have a good time every now and then... just not every night of the week. catch her on your table when she’s drunk and dancing. 
she’s a whole 5′1 but will put her whole mind, body n spirit into an argument. 
wanted connections
childhood friends // lia’s a summer transplant and has been all her life to hilton hills. even after she moved out of her parents place, she still couldn’t bring herself to not make the annual pilgrimage to the place she’s always considered more of a home. i’d love someone who has been there through it all? we can explore whether that’s like... strained or whether they’ve just always rolled with the punchs! i think it could be cute if they were a little group who met up...? but this is super open. (0/4) 
former party friends // lia was a mess from the age of 15-20 exclusively. your muse and her would meet up and have the best damn night of their lives over and over. i think this could be fun if it’s put a strain on their friendship orrr maybe they just meet up to party on occasions like no time has passed at all? (0/1)
a summer fling // or it’s supposed to stay as that! super relaxed, just good vibes when they meet up (0/1)
someone to do brunch with / confidants / old friends / gym buddies / former flames / flirty friends / an ex or two / someone she bumps heads with / secret friends / unlikely friends / distant relations / frenemies
literally..... anything lmao we can work anything in! 
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babybluebex · 4 years
hey bestie could you do a tom holland x reader where their at the oscars?
of course!! i love how this turned out (and in like so little time? oowee i wish i wrote this fast normally hehe)
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nominee [tom holland x reader]
➽ pairing: tom holland x fem!reader (y/n) ➽ word count: 1.3k ➽ summary: you have big news for your boyfriend after he wins best actor at the oscars.   ➽ warnings: explicit language, pregnancy ➽ a/n: i am manifesting so hard... masterlist/taglist in bio!
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The auditorium was buzzing with conversations at every corner, and you could only look around you and stare. You were surrounded by so many people that you had idolized for years-- and Harrison and Harry and Sam, you supposed-- and it felt surreal to even be here at all. The Academy Awards were a big deal, especially to your boyfriend and his friends, and you could feel Tom shaking with excitement. You still remember when the nominees were announced: Tom had careened through the house, yelling incomprehensibly until he landed on the bed where you were still very much asleep. “The fuck do you want?” you had mumbled, and Tom had grabbed your face and kissed your head. “You’re looking at Best Actor nominee,” Tom had said, and you were awake and yelling with him. 
You looked to Tom to see him leaning forward to talk to Harrison over Harry, and you laid a gentle hand on his knee. Your touch made him pause his conversation, and he looked to you with pure excitement in his brown eyes. 
“Thank you for coming,” Tom whispered. He took your hand and raised it to his lips, and he kissed your knuckles. “It means so much to me, baby.” 
“Did you think I would miss this?” you laughed. “The Oscars, Tommy! If nothing else, I get to hang out with Ciara!” At the mention of her name, Ciara tuned into your conversation, her earrings swaying, and she smiled widely. “But, really, babe. I’m so incredibly proud of you, in a way that words just can’t express.”
“Yeah, Tommy,” Ciara grinned. “You’ve done so well.”
Tom’s cheeks turned red with the praise and he smiled again, and he softly kissed your cheek. “Go give Anthony and Joe a kiss,” he told you. “They deserves it as much as I do.” 
“You’re giving me permission to kiss Joe Russo?” you laughed. “Best boyfriend ever.”
“Oh, please,” Tom scoffed. “I know that you’d leave me in a heartbeat if Joe offered.” 
You kissed Tom once more and quickly stood up, and you moved past him, Harrison, and Harry and gave Anthony Russo a quick kiss on the cheek. “Hi, Tony,” you said with a smile. “Congratulations on everything. And you too, Mr. Joe Russo!”
Joe turned to you and extended his hands, and you wrapped him a big, tight hug. “Congrats, both of you,” you said. “This movie means so much to a lot of people, man. You deserve all of the awards possible.” 
Joe pulled out of the hug and briefly kissed your cheek. “Congratulations to you, dear,” Joe told you, holding your hands tightly. You were aware of the press flashing pictures of the both of you, and you knew that tomorrow’s headlines would read Tom Holland’s Girlfriend and Joe Russo Are Our Ultimate BFF Goals or some shit equivalent. “Tom is a hell of an actor and a gentleman. I’m happy for you both.” 
You smiled and whispered, “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course.”
You leaned in and cupped your hand by his ear, sure that Tom was watching you. He was surprisingly good at reading lips, and you wanted to keep the surprise. “I’m pregnant,” you whispered. “And I’m going to tell Tommy tonight.” 
Joe laughed, and he said, “Your secret is safe with me, babe. Go back and give your man a big kiss; he needs it.” 
You nodded and kissed Joe once more, and you moved back to your seat. The custom Dior dress gave you a bit of a struggle, but Tom’s hands caught you and helped you settle back in the seat. You quickly put your hand on the back of Tom’s neck and kissed him, and Tom laughed before kissing back. “Kiss for the cameras, huh?” he asked. 
“No,” you said. “Just for you. You know that, if it was for the cameras, it would be a lot more than that.” You took Tom’s hand and held it tightly as the lights dimmed back down, signaling the return from commercial break. Tom’s foot was shaking as it usually did when he was nervous, and you laid a gentle hand on his thigh. It was flattering to know that even your gentlest touch helped soothe Tom, and he let out a heavy breath. 
“And the nominees for Best Actor are… Tom Holland, Cherry!” There was raucous applause as clips from the movie played on screens all around the auditorium, and Tom’s smile was a mile wide. The other nominees were announced, but you hardly paid attention. You knew Tom was going to win. You just knew it. 
“And the winner is… Tom Holland, Cherry!”
Harrison and Harry were yelling like typical boys and slapping Tom on the back as he edged out of the aisle to accept his award, and Ciara grabbed your hand in excitement. “I told him!” she exclaimed. “I told him that he’d win, and he didn’t believe me!” 
Tom glowed underneath the stage lights, and you smiled as you watched him fiddle with his pockets. Dom and Nikki had twisted his arm last minute and convinced him to write an acceptance speech, and you could tell that he was thankful for it. “Oh, wowie,” Tom said, and you laughed at your goofy man. “This is amazing. Umm, big thanks to the Russo brothers for directing this movie and helping me perfect this performance. It’s such an important story to tell and I only hope that I did a good job. I guess I did. Hell… Thanks to Ciara Bravo, the best co-star anyone could ask for, and my brothers and parents for standing behind me the whole way, and-and, who else? Oh, God, they’re flashing the light at me-- Y/N! Thank you, baby, I love you so much, thank you for tolerating me whining about the heat and my itchy haircut and-and everything, I love you to pieces.” 
Tom hugged you so tightly that he lifted you off the ground, and you saw tears in his eyes. “Are you crying, Best Actor?” you giggled, wiping his tears from his cheeks. 
“Marry me,” Tom said quickly. 
“What?” you asked, even though you had heard every word he said. “Marry you? Tommy, really?” 
“Fuck, I never wanna live another day without you,” Tom said, his hands tight on your waist. “Wait, the ring… Shit! Dad has the ring! Harry, doesn’t Dad have--” 
“Tommy,” you said quickly, putting your hand on Tom’s face and directing his erratic attention back to you. “You’re gonna be a dad.”
Tom blinked. He didn’t seem like he fully grasped what you had said. “I…” He said finally and swallowed heavily. “I am? Me?”
“Yes,” you laughed, your heart racing a mile a minute. “You, baby.” 
“You-You’re--” Tom stuttered, and he raked his fingers through his gelled hair. “I am!”
“Yes,” you nodded quickly. 
“You’re what, mate?” Harrison asked, leaning over to speak to Tom, and Tom let out a gleeful, almost maniacal, laugh. “Y/N--” Tom began and laughed again. 
Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to say the words for a moment, you turned to Harrison. “I told him that I’m pregnant,” you said, earning you another laugh from Tom. “And I think I broke him, to be honest.” 
“Joe! Anthony!” Tom called. “I’m gonna-- We’re having a baby! Ciara--”
“I heard,” Ciara said, hugging you around your waist. “Congratulations. And what’s this I hear about an engagement?”
Tom turned back to you, as if remembering that you were the biggest factor in the baby and engagement equations, and he clutched your face and kissed you. It was a deep and long kiss, one that attracted cameras, and you giggled. “Thank you,” Tom whispered. “Thank you, Y/N, thank you.”
“Well, it’s sort of your fault,” you chuckled and pecked Tom’s lips again. “Oh, really?” Tom said with a smarmy smile. “You told me that you were on the pill.” 
“I am!” you said. “I mean, I was.”
“Whatever,” Tom laughed. “One way or another, we’re having a baby. Doesn’t matter who’s fault it is.” 
“Tom!” A reporter called. “How do you feel about winning Best Actor?”
“It’s amazing,” Tom replied, still gazing at you. “But not the best news I’ve heard all night.” 
“Well, you seem happy about something,” the reporter said. “Care to share?”
“Yes, I actually do care,” Tom said, and he clutched your hand. “I won’t be sharing this for a while.”
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Happy Birthday Old Man
Nathan Bateman x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Nathan’s feeling nihilistic on his birthday— mostly hating on his looks. You show him how wrong he is.
A/N: AhH I’m so excited for my first Nathan fic 🥰 thanks for pushing me to write the fic for worshiping Nathan’s bald head and beard @writefightandflightclub ! I’m hoping I did ok with Nathan’s characterization 😫This is all for Oscar Isaac’s birthday which also happens to be on MGG’s birthday!! So that’s why there’s two fics tonight! Happy birthday to Oscar Isaac 🥰 Requests are open and thanks for reading!
Warnings: Nathan having an existential crisis about his age— and implied age gap, one sexual innuendo, heavy drinking
Main Masterlist Word count: 1.1k
Something was wrong with Nathan, much more than usual. Though some people would say that there’s always been something wrong with him, mainly due to how big his ego can be.
His ego seemed to have taken a bit of a bruising though by the skittish way he had been acting all day. At first you had thought you had maybe done something to make him even more aloof than he already was. But, he usually would’ve been much more brusque with you, he seemed more somber today.
Today happened to be his birthday, you assumed that must be the culprit for some reason. Though, normally when a holiday he despised came around to be celebrated the day was filled with blunt jokes about consumerism and commercialization.
He had been typing away all night and well into the morning which, again, wasn’t that odd of behavior for Nathan. But, it was the stench of alcohol that permeated through the stark halls and the sad eyes he flashed you that let you know that something was off.
When you had first gotten into a relationship with him you had given him the ultimatum to not drink so heavily as you were afraid he would drink himself to death with the sheer amount he had been consuming. The compromise was a hard one to reach, but he had eventually agreed as you were the only person he had ever wanted to truly stay before. He had surprisingly taken your words to heart, only drinking a glass of wine at dinner now and maybe a glass extra when you two were feeling a bit more fancy.
After you had thrown away the empty bottles you made your way into his office where he was still typing away furiously as if he was trying to take out his feelings onto the keyboard.
When you took your usual place perched on his lap with your chest facing his own he tensed, like he had only done the first few times you had done this. Now that you had been together for quite some time your place on his lap was a sure thing, either clothed or naked most of the time.
You didn’t push him to speak, you only moved closer to his chest to wrap him up tighter and began to rub circles with your thumbs on his head.
You were quite used to silence around Nathan as he found great solace in it at times, this was a different type of silence though. This was a silence so stark you could feel it creeping all the way through you, making you shudder slightly. When he felt your shoulders rumble from the shudder it was as if something in his mind clicked to remind him that you were there and he spoke just a little,
“I’m old…” Ah, he was having an existential crisis because it happened to be his birthday. He never had wanted to celebrate it and you respected that, only putting a little bit more effort in on the day by cooking his meals instead of Kyoko. Though his words concerned you, you had been with him for a few years now and he had never voiced his concerns about aging out loud
However, he always was a bit nihilistic so you weren’t that surprised that once he reached a certain age that his impending mortality would slap him in the face instead of letting him live in blissful ignorance thinking of himself as some sort of god. Though, you would still not characterize him as old.
“You’re not old.” You said simply not wanting to hide behind flowery language, you knew he wouldn’t appreciate that.
“You deserve someone younger, someone who’ll be around to take care of you longer.” You scoffed a little, a little irritated that he thought you needed to be taken care of. But, you knew he meant well, he knew you could take care of yourself as you had shown him time and time again. It was just a very Nathan way of phrasing it.
“Well you’re sure a sap today, Nathan.” You joked in hopes of lightening the mood. Instead you were met with a glare from Nathan that made you quiet again, resuming stroking his head.
After a while of tense silence he spoke again, “Why would you want to be with someone like me? I’m an asshole with a bald head and a graying beard.”
“Thought you would know by now how much I
love that beard of yours- and your bald head.” Was your response while you moved your hand up to the top of his head to stroke it. It wasn’t like he had never voiced his insecurities to you before, but that was when he was wasted before you guys had gotten together, he definitely didn’t remember it. You moved your other hand to simultaneously stroke his wiry beard before speaking again, “And- your my ass hole and I love you for it.”
You lent down to kiss his nose lightly. Normally he would have wrinkled it and pulled away while calling you a sap, the fact that he didn’t made you frown a little. He definitely was feeling down if he didn’t have a crack back at your remarks. But, you continued to try to comfort him as he had not moved away from you.
You lent down again to kiss right between his furrowed brows set deep with worry. Sighing lightly he let his furrowed brows relax some, hopefully helping melt some of the other tension he held in his body.
You lent down again for the third time to kiss right on top of his head lingering a bit longer than you had for the previous ones. In your head you were imagining whispering praising phrases about how much you loved his bald head and beard, maybe someday he’ll be open to listening to all of the praises you had for him.
Until that time you tried communicating your praises through your touch and your eyes as you looked into his own deep almost onyx irises. Once you could feel him relax into you, like he finally trusted your words you decided to try and cheer him up again, “Happy birthday, old man.” And, this time I finally got a laugh out of him.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
Nathan Bateman (new tag list):
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digressions21 · 3 years
The Adam Driver Complex
I’d like to preface this by saying that this isn’t really about Adam Driver, but more of an outpouring of thoughts and feelings towards fame and why so many people want it. I recently graduated university and will soon be starting my first job in the ‘real world’. My job is nothing to do with acting, nor does it have any way of making me rich and famous. This fact has caused me to deep dive into despair over the fact that I am not famous, and probably never will be.
The Adam Driver part of this comes from a Fan Fiction story I read a month ago, after I discovered how amazingly written a selection of stories based around the Star Wars characters ‘Rey’ and ‘Kylo Ren/Ben’ are, of which Driver plays the latter. Fan Fiction can be a bit of a cesspool at times; however, it is a guilty pleasure. Anyway, I read a story where Rey was a clothes designer to the stars, and Kylo Ren/Ben was a famous actor who she designed. I won’t go into detail about the story, but they of course ended up together engaged and happy, after some initial drama. It is not a new formula, and I have read similar stories hundreds of times. However, this story stuck with me. This version of Rey was a relatively normal girl just doing a job she loved – she was not initially rich or famous, just a ‘normal’ person. Upon entering her relationship with the famous actor she became known, and discussed things such as the Oscars with her famous now-fiancé. When I finished the story I felt surprisingly melancholic, so I went on a drive to a park and thought about why I was upset but this story which was good, but perhaps shouldn’t have caused such a reaction in me. I realised that it bummed me out because I would never be that Rey character, I would never meet and fall in love with this character based around Adam Driver, and I would probably never marry him. But why would I? I don’t know Adam Driver, and though I am sure he is lovely, I am confident that he is very happy with his wife and family. So, why am I still bothered?
I realised that it wasn’t some infatuation with Adam Driver that was getting me down – it was the fact that I am not famous enough to have the opportunity to meet a person like him. Of course, one doesn’t need to be famous to meet a famous person, but it definitely makes it easier. Now, I have developed a complex with the actor Adam Driver, through no fault of his own. Whenever I see him online or in a film I am reminded of my inability to have the same opportunities as him or be as famous as him. More annoyingly, whenever I see an actor in a film that he is in, I relate this complex to them and am reminded once more! (For example, Lady Gaga is in the new House of Gucci film – which looks fantastic – however, she stars opposite Driver, and now when I see her it all comes back to me). It is starting to become a little dramatic.
This led me to another question – why would I want to be famous? I have a lovely life surrounded by great friends and family, opportunities related to my passions, and a positive-looking future. Additionally, I value my privacy, something which celebrities often seem bereft of due to the demanding and insidious nature of social media and paparazzi (this word reminded me of Lady Gaga, which reminded me of Driver – it’s hard to escape this cycle). Sure, being rich must be nice, and it must be great to provide for your family easily, but it takes hard work to get there, I’m sure. I’m not a particularly gifted actor, and I don’t really want to make the sacrifices needed to become an Oscar-winning actor either. My career in amateur acting came to a slow end after an unsuccessful audition at a drama school in London. So, if I can make these conclusions, surely this should quell my sudden desire to become famous enough to meet Adam Driver, right?
Wrong. I cannot seem to escape this complex. I find myself trying to think of ways I can become famous on the sly, whilst progressing through my everyday job. Dreams of a famous agent seeing me on the street and stopping me, because I look like the perfect person to cast in some blockbuster movie, and of course they don’t need to audition me – they can already tell I’ll be perfect! However, this sounds like the plot for another Fan Fiction story, which is what got me into this trouble in the first place.
I know that I am not the only person in the world who feels this compulsion to be famous and walk the red carpets but feels like I lack the opportunities (and if I’m being honest, talent) to get there. This reminder does make me feel better, along with the fact that the majority of people in the world are not famous and are very happy. I am reminded of a quote from Rainer Maria Rilke, from the book of hours, which states “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final”. I hope that one day this feeling will slowly fizzle away, so I can appreciate the accomplishments that I do make in life, even if they probably won’t involve being famous and meeting Adam Driver on the red carpet.
I often remind myself that there are many people who were considered the crème de la crème in terms of fame and reputation one hundred years ago that are probably forgotten now. It is this idea of not being remembered that underlies this entire issue, as of course none of us wants to be forgotten. However, you can be the most famous person on the planet, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll be remembered in three-thousand years’ time (unless you’re somebody like the Greek figure Achilles, who is still discussed in 2021). Homer’s epic the Iliad focuses heavily on this concept, that the names of men “fall likes leaves”, and the downfall of many heroes within the story is that they care too much about their kleos – their glory and reputation. The fact that this poem discusses a topic which bothers people thousands of years later makes me feel good – our feelings of insignificance are not original, and they don’t need to be our downfall. That is why I wrote this piece, in case there are other people out there who have complexes of their own – perhaps yours is based on another famous individual, such as Brad Pitt or Kermit the Frog. Whatever the case, I have made peace with the fact that from time to time this feeling of insignificance may plague me, even when I am doing well in my life. I mean really, we are all insignificant in the grand scheme of things – will Adam Driver be remembered in three-thousand years’ time? Maybe! He is a pretty great actor – but who is to tell. It is unlikely any of us will be remembered that far into the future, and that’s ok. As long as we are having a good time in the here and now and making a positive impact on the planet I think we are going to be ok. Even if that positive impact is something as small as writing a blog post on why the idea of Adam Driver is causing a bit of drama in your life right now.
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haroldgross · 8 months
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/oscars-2024-final-call/
Oscars 2024 (final call)
What a great year for film. Surprise after surprise, despite the various delays and strikes and controversies. The breadth of the subject matter, the quality of the performances, the brilliance of the execution, the intelligence and  emotional impact of the writing is truly exciting.
Admittedly not all of the films had all of these things. And only one can win in each category. And, yes, some of this will come down to industry politics as it does in all awards situations, but the stack to choose from is high enough quality that we shouldn’t be dealing with any feelings of betrayal, only disappointment for our own selections. And, yes, I’m preparing for my own on that front.
Also, I’m going on the record with my picks and predictions, as has become my habit. If nothing else, it helps keep me honest with myself! As usual, I’ll follow up with the results and my hit-rate.
Actor in a Leading Role
Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction)
This category was locked for a while, and then came Giamatti with The Holdovers. It’s a great performance, perhaps his best. And Giamatti is a likeable guy as a surprisingly likeable character in a film full of nostalgia. For a while it looked like he might overtake Murphy, but the final big awards going to Murphy suggest that isn’t a possibility. If there is an unexpected announcement I wouldn’t be upset, but I’d be surprised. And, honestly, I think Murphy’s Oppenheimer has much more road to travel and with much greater challenges.
My choice: Cillian Murphy Likely winner: Cillian Murphy
Actress in a Leading Role
Annette Bening (Nyad) Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things)
Another packed category, to say the least. Bening’s Nyad is really amazing, but she’s a hard character to bond with. You cheer her on, but she isn’t very likeable, which doesn’t help in awards season. Hüller and Mulligan are also both fabulous in their respective roles. But this category has been a Stone vs. Gladstone battle from near the start. Frankly, I think Stone is the more complex and interesting and effective performance. But Gladstone does huge work with near silence at times, which is no small feat. It has been a toss up until recently. At this point, I think Gladstone walks away with the statuette. It is certainly earned, but it isn’t my pick.
My choice: Emma Stone Likely winner: Lily Gladstone
Actor in a Supporting Role
Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things)
This was an easy category. Brown is the only contender that made me pause. Gosling was fine, but it wasn’t a brilliant performance so much as a fun one. Downey’s work was layered and twisted and believable and flooring. He is the unspoken spine of the movie in many ways that don’t become clear till near the end. And while much credit goes to Nolan on that, a good deal is at Downey’s feet as well.
My choice: Robert Downey Jr.  Likely winner: Robert Downey Jr.
Actress in a Supporting Role
Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple) America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)
This has been Randolph’s from the start. As good as the rest were, Randolph owned that screen and lifted the story in ways that the others didn’t get the chance to do.
My choice: Da’Vine Joy Randolph Likely winner: Da’Vine Joy Randolph
Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest) Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall)
Directors had quite a range of movies in style and topic this year. But anyone who can make a 3 hour movie that is mostly talking about physics, philosophy, and politics fly by in a tense and entertaining way has my vote. I say this having loved most of the rest. I think Lanthimos and Scorsese underdelivered in some ways, but Triet’s effort was brilliant…and absent Oppenheimer I may well have voted for her. But Nolan’s the far favorite here and well earned.
My choice: Christopher Nolan Likely winner: Christopher Nolan
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
“American Fiction” — Cord Jefferson “Barbie” — Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach “Oppenheimer” — Christopher Nolan “Poor Things” — Tony McNamara “The Zone of Interest” — Jonathan Glazer
Of course the big controversy here is Barbie. There just is no real justification for it being forced into this category. It would have been its consolation prize, and may still be. But, honestly, it just doesn’t have the same amount of meat on the bones as the others and, in an honest world, it doesn’t have a chance. But it still may upset. Of the remaining, I’m leaning toward Oppenheimer again. Poor Things is great, but imperfect (and probably too odd for the Academy). And American Fiction is satire in a way that also slaps some of the hands that must vote for it. But it does have an edge having secured the BAFTA, and folks want to give it something. But I’m betting on the Oppenheimer wave.
My choice: Oppenheimer  Likely winner: Oppenheimer
Writing (Original Screenplay)
“Anatomy of a Fall” — Justine Triet, Arthur Harari “The Holdovers” — David Hemingson “Maestro” — Bradley Cooper, Josh Singer “May December” — Samy Burch, Alex Mechanik “Past Lives” — Celine Song
This is one of the tougher categories. I don’t think Maestro or May December deserve the honors here. But the remaining three are all impressive. However, since we’re forced to pick one, the question comes down to whether Holdovers or Anatomy get it because they couldn’t pick up other rewards. Certainly, the smart money is on one of those two. To my mind, however, Past Lives is the best script overall, though Anatomy really is a close second and may just get it.
My choice: Past Lives Likely winner: Anatomy of a Fall
Best Picture
American Fiction Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Past Lives Poor Things The Zone of Interest
Honestly, there is no perfect answer for this category. Past Lives is one of the quietest, sweetest movies I’ve seen in a long time. It reminded me of The Farewell in that, but with much more control. Anatomy of a Fall is unexpectedly gripping, despite being a tale told in a very clinical way. Killers of the Flower Moon is an important story lost to most classrooms, and it is laid out with massive talent and scope. Poor Things is a wild fantasy with a sledgehammer of a point. American Fiction is clever and delivered wonderfully. Barbie, Holdovers, and Maestro likewise. And Zone of Interest, even with its late surge, is also in Best International which is where it is more likely to win.
But purely from an overall craft point of view, accepting that all of these films belong in the category, Oppenheimer has more of the points in the same bucket than any of them, despite some script weaknesses. It grabs you and never lets you go for 3+ hours. There isn’t a weak performance in there. The technical aspects are impeccable (even if you disagree with the booming sound levels, they were done for a reason). It is the best picture of the lot, even if some of the others are ones we’re more likely to come back to more often.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
International Feature Film
Io Capitano, Italy Perfect Days, Japan Society of the Snow, Spain The Teachers’ Lounge, Germany The Zone of Interest, United Kingdom
I was very frustrated this year by not being able to see most of the nominees in this category. Given the chatter, however, I think the likely winner, for sheer audacity if nothing else, is Zone of Interest. Also, it’s a way to give Hueller her due since Anatomy of a Fall isn’t likely to pick up much. Zone has multiple nominations and, other than sound, isn’t likely to win any of them either. But it speaks to its level of quality.
My choice: The Zone of Interest Likely winner: The Zone of Interest
Animated Feature Film
The Boy and the Heron Elemental Nimona Robot Dreams Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
What a fabulous range of flicks, though as of the ceremony I’ll only have seen trailers of two of them. Spider-Man continues to wow audiences and awards (like the Annies). It is the smart choice. But Boy and the Heron may well pick it up for the sentimentality and farewell to Miyazaki…but how many times can you cry “last film” and have folks believe you?
My choice: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Likely winner: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Documentary Feature Film
Bobi Wine: The People’s President The Eternal Memory Four Daughters To Kill a Tiger 20 Days in Mariupol
Five challenging stories told with skill and emotion. Four Daughters is by far the most inventive, but it has issues as a movie. My guess is that 20 Days will take this. It is topical, ongoing, and brings us all into the story by showing us the expanded view behind the images we all saw during the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. That doesn’t take anything away from the others, but universality and continuing story help it stand out.
My choice: 20 Days in Mariupol Likely winner: 20 Days in Mariupol
Live Action Short Film
The After* Invincible Knight of Fortune* Red, White and Blue The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar*
This may be one of the few areas where the voters will be willing to give Netflix a serious nod. Let’s face it, there just aren’t many venues to produce and show shorts in mainstream media. Not only did Netflix give Anderson a home to show off his work (a collection of several Roald Dahl stories) but financed it. That alone should get them a nod. But the truth is, the result is utterly wonderful. Not that Knight of Fortune isn’t also solid, and should be sought out, but Henry Sugar is packed with production values and story and acting that puts it well above the rest.
[* = was able to see it]
My choice: Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar Likely winner: Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
Documentary Short Film
The ABCs of Book Banning* The Barber of Little Rock* Island in Between* The Last Repair Shop* Nai Nai & Wài Pó*
These are wonderful in their way and should also be seen. Barber for its tale of entrepreneurial success and overcoming systemic racism. Island in Between for its perspective. ABCs for a reverse look at the issues in a way that just might get through. And Nai Nai for its delightful humor (even through the credits) and warmth. But only Last Repair Shop has the scope and range that marks a solid documentary. The connection to music is attached to each person in different ways and with different meanings but with an overall goal that is brought together at the end. It is the richest of the bunch and will brighten any dark day.
[* = was able to see it]
My choice: The Last Repair Shop Likely winner: The Last Repair Shop
Animated Short Film
Letter to a Pig Ninety-Five Senses* Our Uniform Pachyderme War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
I’ve only managed to catch one of the nominee’s as the ceremony comes around. But from what I’ve read, War is Over is the far favorite, and has a great pedigree in previous nominee Dave Mullins. It also won the Annie earlier this year.
[* = was able to see it]
Likely winner: War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
Film Editing
Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Editing made Oppenheimer. It set the pace and kept multiple time lines straight. It switched visual formats and managed not only not to make a hash of it all, but to be almost invisible and yet still impactful. None of the other films come close, and the Editors guild thought so as well.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
El Conde Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things
While the winner is somewhat a given, El Conde should have given it some run for its money. It is an odd and wonderful film in B&W and uses the screen in wonderful ways. It is almost certainly the one almost no one will have seen. Let me suggest you should (with the caveat that it is a bit weird and violent). But Oppenheimer takes on all the challenges the other films had and then some.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
Production Design
Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Of all the nominees, Poor Things has the most interesting, inventive, and widest range of effort. Barbie comes a close second on those points. The other options recreate worlds seamlessly, which is no small feat either. And of those, Oppenheimer had the most challenges with varying time periods and shifting between B&W and color filming. But all that said, this is one of the places Poor Things can win and the will is there as well as the delivery. Oppenheimer may well surprise and continue its sweep, but this is one spot where there is a very worthy competitor that could overcome momentum.
My choice: Poor Things Likely winner: Poor Things
Costume Design
Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Similar to and related to Production Design, Poor things is the likely awardee. Barbie, however, may get one of its consolation prizes in this category.
My choice: Poor Things Likely winner: Poor Things
Music (Original Score)
American Fiction Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
If there was any movie made by its score this season, it’s Oppenheimer. This was by design. Most of the score was ready before the movie began filming. Nolan knew that it would be a character in the film and it is part of the reason it moves as well as it does from start to finish.
My choice: Oppenheimer Likely winner: Oppenheimer
Music (Original Song)
“The Fire Inside” from Flamin’ Hot “I’m Just Ken” from Barbie It Never Went Away” from American Symphony “Wahzhazhe (A Song For My People)” from Killers of the Flower Moon “What Was I Made For?” from Barbie
Per usual in this category, I don’t really have a favorite or that much invested. But I like Eilish and she’s been picking up earlier awards in the category, so I’m happy enough to go there.
My choice: “What Was I Made For?” Likely winner: “What Was I Made For?”
Makeup and Hairstyling
Golda Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things Society of the Snow
There are so many good choices here, but Maestro has picked up the awards outside the Academy, so I’m going with that.
My choice: Maestro Likely winner: Maestro
The Creator Maestro Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Oppenheimer The Zone of Interest
I’m picking this one on faith and based on many interviews and samples. I haven’t had the chance to catch the film yet. But everything I’ve heard and heard about the film makes it clear that Zone of Interest is the right choice here. Absent that, I would have probably gone with Maestro. As much as I loved Oppenheimer’s sound, the levels were too brutal to reward it to my mind. But it still may surprise.
My choice: The Zone of Interest Likely winner: The Zone of Interest
Visual Effects
The Creator Godzilla Minus One Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Napoleon
Yes, it’s ironic, but my pick for this one is the one flick in the category I didn’t get to see yet. But from those that have and from all the write-ups, it seems pretty clear. Creator may sweep from behind on this one, but Godzilla has quite the wave in viewers and press pulling for it.
Likely winner: Godzilla Minus One
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