#post apocaliptic
hypostatic-oath · 10 months
I've started playing Honkai Star Rail and I love how dramatically silly it lets me be. So far I have stolen mail, searched garbage cans, entered a closet to become one with the darkness, waxed on about how life is just a road to death to a terrified guy (somehow that seemed to make him less terrified), bowed in respect to a dumpster, investigated an inconspicuous lamp so many times it got mad at me, investigated a trash can so many times it insulted me, and felt bad for two different trash cans and several sandbags (I believe my Trailblazer is going insane from putting up with me). All this not counting with the countless dialogue options with NPCs around the world that allowed me to be incredibly dramatic (think almost Fischl style) for no reason (you can bet I took them). However, I cannot jump or climb, and fights are turn-based... we respect our opponents in Star Rail (and die. A lot).
What I conclude from this is that while the Traveler has a moral code (and some standards) when dealing with interpersonal interactions but isn't bound by physical restrictions or conventions (stairs? The Traveler does not understand that concept. Fair fights? Please, they don't have time for that), the Trailblazer is the exact opposite. The physical rules may hold them but their only ties to social rules or convention so far have been March and Dan Heng saying "hey, maybe don't fight the guards" and "hey, you can't just accept random jobs".
It also might be because the Traveler is a thousand year old entity that has been through A Lot (has learnt the power of friendship, but is too tired to take the long route) and is on a serious mission while the Trailblazer was quite literally Born Yesterday with the sole purpose of housing a massive problem inside their body (walks and fights like a Normal Person bc they're mimicking everyone else, but is absolutely unhinged) and is just having fun with tjeir newfound existence.
Either way I love both of them and they're basically cryptids but in different ways.
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apocalypse-lover · 2 years
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Images from the music video 'Q?' by Reol
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zwintrew · 2 years
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I present to you, TAO. He is a character from a webcomic that my friends and I are planning, and that's all I'm allowed to comment about him for the moment.
I needed to practice my Lineart, and since someone in that group was very insistent that I draw something about this project ( If you're reading this "E" suck it <3), I decided to draw the four protagonists and upload them to my media.
So expect 3 more of these in the future.
That's all for today. Thank you and Good night!
Les presento a TAO. Es un personaje de un webcomic que mis amigos y yo estamos planeando, y eso es todo lo que se me permite comentar sobre él por el momento.
Necesitaba practicar mi Entintado, y como alguien de ese grupo de amigos insistió mucho en que dibujara algo sobre este proyecto (Si estas leyendo esto, chúpame la pija "E" <3), decidí dibujar a los cuatro protagonistas y subirlos a mis redes sociales.
Así que esperen 3 más de estos en el futuro.
Eso es todo por hoy. ¡Gracias y buenas noches!
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koiisure · 7 days
Since everything is different would Jason had died to the chaos or a hero incident like usual
Also how are the villians in this anyways???
Jason is most likely a hero/chaos incident [the guy was posessed]
Villains most likely would like,,,work in like black market stuf. This is a world that is broken, theres only so many still habitable zones. Food is scarce people are dying, they have to stay alive somehow. Also for sure there would be territorial fights too w villains. [those who are brave and stupid enough to do that]
like the biggest threat to everyone is still teh Chaos. They have a common enemy, so villain vs hero clash thing woudlnt be that common. its more liek Hero vs a posessed Hero/villain.
tbf a distinction between hero and villain is harder to make in this world, they are all just trying to survive.
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spiraledecadente · 9 months
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art8code · 1 year
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Piotr Krynski ArtStation
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PREDICA 2023 EL CALENDARIO GREGORIANO,Predicas cristianas del 2023 profe...
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Picture of today‘s boredom (which I totally didn‘t almost forget to post)
King and Gold reunion (in some soft of post apocaliptic city? And no, King isn‘t an superhero wanna be, he‘s wearing metal pieces and his king robe, ironically just looks like it tho. And Gold is a little older too))
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prctty-birdie · 24 days
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Ashley Johnson (the original voice of Ellie Williams in The Last of Us game Part 1 &2) as Anna, mother of her character in the HBO series;
I made this Gifset on April, 2 of 2023 and since then it`s been (infecting) rotting at my drafts - since I forgot what was supposed to be written in this post - but anyways, here i go.
I watched most of this show all alone, but the final and the rerun of ep. 8; i got the opportunity to watch in the night of release with my family reunited (mom and stepdad) and it was such a surreal feeling! To have the chance of do it and comment with them about the logistics and experience such surprise at the few seconds of "Look for the Light". I just wish i could live inside that moment forever.
Also my mom is a nurse, just like Anna and it was priceless; just to witness her watching this last episode and talk about how this apocaliptic universe would be in reality.
I miss it so much....
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phoenixriaartemis · 3 months
Another random thought that it's not that much and also not that important and pretty obvious but just curious.
So since canonically humans can enter the Danceverse(no this is not the same as the post about more humans trapped in the danceverse)Taking the example of Give That Wolf a Banana is there any kind of selection roulette as to which Danceverse humans ends up.Like Idk a human got transported and it just get into a random danceverse or because of their personality or likes they got transported to a danceverse that fit them better.
"You are joyful,likes cute things and extraordinary childhood things?ok you go to Wackygroove...Gothic and likes horror?Eternyx...Has a thing for western and cowboys theme or apocaliptic?Wasterra then"
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otterfool · 3 months
Since this blog basically became a smosh blog, let's talk about the latest smosh games video
I wanna preface this by sayin that I enjoyed this video and I'm looking forward for the series. Using Jenga as a tool to decide the various actions a character can take, is very cool and also very intuitive, I imagine, for those that don't know much about DnD (as a dnd player myself many times I was puzzled during sword af on why a 14 caused such an outcome instead of another). It also matches the vibe of the series since it's a post-apocaliptic scenario where every step you take can be the last one
I saw already some people saying "wait...why is this getting the video format but not SwordAF?" and I totally agree with that. I whole heartedly believe that SwordAF was done a disservice by being relegated by just audio especially because everyone (maybe except shayne) use a lot of body language to express what their characters feel/do/want etc...I mean, Koda literally slices people by dancing so
This is gonna be the unpopular opinion corner (I think). Let's preface by sayin that I'm not a Damien girlie (boyo in my case?) so I don't have that bias that probably some people have here on Tumblr. Also, I don't hate him either so there's that too
With that out of the way, i feel that having another DM other than Damien for this series is a good thing. What I noticed listening to SwordAF is that Damien as a DM tends to jump into the situation while its happening so to make a joke or to make laugh his co workers. This makes sense, he's playing with his buddies so it's understandable that he wants to jump in and riff with them, but, in my opinion, that steals some magic away from the characters and from the narrative wich is something that, in the new series, would be a downside since most of it is based on suspense (and we're also seeing new characters for the first time so leaving them be freely flashes them out better)
Also, let's not speculate much on the behind the scenes. It seems weird and we don't have the full picture. I'm sayin this cause I saw comments like that can be summarized with "why is Spencer here but not Damien" implying there is an animosity between the 2
Being a DM is hard, so I wouldn't be surprised if Damien just straight up refused the gig
That's all I gotta say. Reminder that this is the opinion of a guy. Stay hydrated and chill
P.s. this all blog started as a place where I can share my Beatles hot takes, how did it become a smosh blog?
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apocalypse-lover · 1 year
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spicylove4ever · 11 months
Winter King's past with Betty.
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This reveals pretty much what was the whole thing between this "Simon" and Betty. Or rather implies.
For a starter, this Simon most likely never got briefly cured by that anti-magic creature, therefore THIS:
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So, if Betty never made it to the future, then she stayed in the past, which means she:
Died. Eventually. In a span of 50 or a few more decades. We can only guess how that happened.
Maybe tried to help him find a solution.
Maybe ran from Simon or got separated from him since he was getting crazy.
Maybe stayed around to help him held his sanity for longer along with investigating a solution.
Maybe perished in the war while Simon survived in part thanks to the Crown.
In any case, that was one hell of a ride with lots of drama and angst.
What is sure is she stayed in the past and eventually died after having more doses of:
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That sure made a number on their relationship.
So, since she died in the past and likely was dead by the time Simon met Marceline, who is more present in his life as Winter King (there is no Ice Betty, only the little Marceline) and considering their relation was kind of damaged by then and then Simon had watched her die and then had to move on in order to survive in the post-apocaliptic escenario he was on along with Marceline, his feelings about Betty are definitely different.
Which leads to a big difference with the other Simon.
Winter King Simon had a closure in regards of Betty and moved on, while Cured-from-the-Crown Simon had no closure because he never knew what happened so he made that portal to say his final words and that brought Betty with him.
Now, we can make all kinds of theories of what was like before she died, but, as stated before, that sure was one hell of a ride and most likely Winter King Simon is not confortable thinking of them as a couple. I mean, he does remember her, after all that time, but he's cold about her for whatever happened between them and thanks to that he does not pay tribute to her memory with a Ice Betty.
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zwintrew · 2 years
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Now here is Emily, a kid who will need a helping hand with everything if she wants to live in the apocalyptic world she was born. If only our protagonist knew anything about raising a child.......or being patient......ESPECIALLY Issac-But we will talk about him in a future post!
Only two to go.
That's all for today. Thank you and Good night!
Acá esta Emily, una niña que necesitará que le echen una mano con todo si quiere sobrevivir en el mundo apocalíptico en el que ha tenido la desgracia de nacer. Si solo nuestros protagonistas supieran algo sobre criar a una niña…….o ser paciente……ESPECIALMENTE Issac-Pero hablaremos de él en un próximo post!
Quedan solo 2.
Eso es todo por hoy. ¡Gracias y buenas noches!
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nwarrior777 · 3 months
to my fellow wolf's rain fans who go all ears then someone says "wolf's rain!" (its me i am one of) - just wanted to bring my post canon au rotating in my mind 24/7
pls Nature give me time to do some art about it
spoilers for canon, so little about au under the cut
setting: our times, wolfs appears due to world going to end
wolfs needs to find not only chesa but other flowers (each coded by rainbow pride flag colors) to break the circle of apocaliptic ending worlds and then they do, they finally find true paradise, world saved, everyone live happy life
The plot, if it would be the thing, is wolfs finding flowers one by one, and having some struggles like royals being royals etc. That royals from original are business elite who wants to find some solution so save only themselves, which involves some ritual with wolfs, like there is some poem prophesy about that they need, and it's like, heart of wolf who know how paradise is felt [who is in love], the eye of wolf who know the road, etc
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