#post ff9 feels :’)
jibanyans-chocobar · 7 months
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Whoa whoa whoa what's this, something not Octonauts or Ykw related? Bet you didn't expect that HAHAHA-
Sooo i made this for my mom so she could use it as a pfp because she is Vivi's number 1 fan i swear- (+She also likes cats so) (She's just like me fr)
This was- idk, this was chaotic and simple as hell, but you can't blame me, LOOK AT VIVI'S DESIGN, he has SO many details even if you draw him bust up (+ it was rushed) 😿 ALTHOUGH I'M PROUUUD HAHAHA-
Never expected to have to draw Vivi as a cat but here we are lol 🙀✨‼️
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bluefloret · 1 year
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@inkycompass​ waaaahh that’s good to hear! i haven’t really heard anything about the cc games (except TCB) so it’s been hard to get hype about them but if they have pretty good story maybe i’ll have to check them out sooner!
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licethelouse · 1 year
shout out to little guys who keep on going despite it all gotta be one of my favorite genders
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
I'm actually lowkey embarrassed that dissidia post got the attention that it did cause it's easily like, the lowest intellectual effort post I've ever made dbjdjf, so here's the follow up unhinged rant going over what I love about Kuja in Dissidia Duodecim.
Like I was saying, his writing in Duodecim is AMAZING, like everytime I think about it it blows my socks off. It would be so easy if just the whole game he was the Kuja he was during the plot of FF9, shallow, flamboyant, and callous, but they decided to pick up with his arc from the ending! Which is what I like to see in a spinoff like this, not just a rehash of old stuff but a continuation, a reiteration. And doing that also shows great grasp of what his character's about. Dissidia pulls from every mainline Final Fantasy game and isn't shy of the fact that not every game has the most complex villain. I often see Kuja too considered to be just a fun purely evil villain instead of someone with more meat on his narrative bones, which is insulting to me. Kuja isn't motivated by some deep darkness in his soul or a craving for violence and suffering like some other villains, all his actions were motivated by one thing, which was wanting to prove to his creator that he could create his own purpose and worth. It just happens that because he's insane, his methods to this is mass-murder and regicide. He loved life, and Gaian culture, and having a purpose, which is why he has those two massive changes of heart by the end, and is left feeling empty. The life he loved is ending, he scarred the planet that he loved, and the entire narrative he built for himself was null, its just over for him.
And that's where Dissidia picks up, because it understands that Kuja is not a being of darkness nor much of a sadist, he's just a guy who loved theatrics but had that beaten out of him by existential dread and now doesn't want to live anymore. And the only thing that would've given him any reason to live after his defeat, his brother - who was with him till the end and likely the only person from his world who doesn't want to kill him anymore - HAD HIS FUCKING MEMORIES ERASED. So what does Kuja do? He follows Zidane around and tries to help him, because like, literally he's just that grateful to him. Like??? That part's really important to me, cause it would be really easy to assume Kuja was bitter during his defeat, given his actions and apparent shallowness. But this game is SMARTER than that, and it understands that Kuja wasn't angry anymore, he was just empty and still deeply nihilistic. But actually given an opportunity to try again, he sticks to Zidane. Despite there no longer being an external incentive, AND ACTUALLY DESPITE FORCES WORKING AGAINST HIM. Like Kuja was placed on the Chaos side, surrounded by a sea of fellow villains who could produce all the bravado and destruction he used to enjoy, but he was so genuinely disillusioned with that afterwards, he goes out of his way to do right. Despite threat of annihilation by his peers and heroes he was trying to help! LIKE THE GAME GETS THAT HE ISNT JUST EVIL????? IT GETS THAT HE ISN'T JUST A SHALLOW SADIST????? It's fucking heaven-sent.
OH MAN AND THEN HIS INTERACTIONS BEYOND JUST ZIDANE! That interaction he has with Cloud is one of my favorite things ever, it's just fucking rich with characterization for him. And then you have him freeing Terra from her spell because, can you believe it guys, he felt honest to god sympathy and compassion!! Insanity!! And then that leads to his relationship with Kefka which is immaculate! Everything about their relationship helps reiterate Kuja's helplessness as a character and villain, and just makes me fucking DESPISE Kefka. But in the fun intentional way. He's such an abusive, manipulative asshole to him, and it stings like hell to see Kuja once again end up as someone else's pawn BECAUSE HE WAS WILLING TO SPARE ANOTHER FROM THAT FATE. Like it's horrible for him, but it deepens his redemption.
Ok, and last thing is his VOICE!!!!! JD CULLUM!!! JD Cullum, I owe you my life, your Kuja is so delightful! It's just perfect. It has this androgynous softness to it, he switches between the theatrical and honest lines perfectly, and he sounds annoying!! That part is so important to me, if Kuja had a generic sexy villain man voice I'd be so disappointed, but like have you heard him in NT? I don't know why he sounds so happy in that game (I think Zidane has his memories in that one...) but you can hear his stupid little smile behind some of those passive-aggressive one-liners, it's the best! I have Dissidia Duodecim emulated on my PC just for Kuja's lines.
Final Fantasy 9 is criminally underloved by Square, and Kuja as beloved as he is is so often misunderstood and mischaracterized by fans. Dissidia being the only other piece of official media he has a role in and getting it THIS RIGHT brings a tear to my eye. The game in general is just really above average for a silly crossover fighting game, I can't speak for the writing of every character, but I know my Sephiroth friend has moments from that game that give them psychic damage (/positive). And for me, the Kuja Guy, it gives me plenty as well. But also some negative psychic damage cause why tf does he look like that.
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ff9week2024 · 3 months
(Sorry, I'm posting this a little late on here:)
Thank you all so much for participating in FF9 week! I've been blown away by the work posted throughout July, I can't really put into words how it feels to see people put heart into the things they love about this game to celebrate it. But I've looked forward to seeing submissions through both Twitter and Tumblr daily and I cannot express my gratitude enough to people who posted or shared this event.
I'll continue to look out for any other posts submitted under the #FF9week2024 tag even with this event concluded! So if you're someone who has only just seen the event or had art planned but no time to finish- you are still free to participate in the event where your posts will be reblogged here!
This blog won't be going anywhere but will likely cease reblogs after July as it exists to archive posts only under the tag. However, I will likely try to repurpose this account for another anniversary event in 2025, or to promote other FF9-centric art/fandom events whether done by me or someone else.
Again, thank you all for participating in FF9Week! I hope to see you all for the 25th Anniversary!
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vierandancer · 18 hours
Top 10 favourite characters?
Hmmm. It's hard to rank them but I will try.
Fray & Sidurgu (FF14): I'm cheating immediately and lumping together my Dark Knight class husbands because I can. Also heavily influenced by @aethericsea's interpretations, but whatever. For Fray, I love a slight-obsessed-with-you dark side vaugely self-cesty ghost that scolds you when you don't take care of yourself. The Dark Knight quests are so healing for the WoL. It is the closest thing you get to actual therapy. Leading into my adoration for Sidurgu -- he is just a good guy. Does he fuck up? Yes. I love me some guys who fuck up and try to do better. He also has such faith in the WoL and such empathy for them. Like when you go back post-EW and check in, he's like "wow that sounds unbelievable but it's you so I understand." I'll tag Rielle in here as well, because I just love her story as well, and how she changes from a quiet, traumatized child into a sassy apple-eating healer who calls Sidurgu a chocobo's arse. I have so many feelings about the DRK fam you guys.
Garnet (FF9): Garnet/Dagger, my girl! Was I biased because she was the closest FF protag lass who looked like me? Yes. Am I still biased for that reason? Yes. But also, again (as I'll say 100x below), I adored her journey. I loved her dedication to her people, I loved her Mulan moment, I enjoyed her learning to be more formal through Zidane. I loved that she fucking drugged everyone's food and jumped from a tower and enjoyed the hell out of it. She's just so much fun even though I don't believe she would have worn a bodysuit THAT TIGHT. Praying every day for a FF9 remake announcement.
Zidane (FF9): Sorry Thancred, you were knocked out of the Top 3 by the original flirty blond rogue. FF7 was my first Final Fantasy, but 9 was the one I fell in love with. I appreciated Zidane's more upbeat and scrappy attitude, and of course, he was far from perfect (i.e flirting with the girl in the bar and then fucking up and mentioning it to Garnet) and had his whole questioning his existing thing. He's just really fun, damn it.
Thancred (FF14): Thancred is a fucking mess. I am partially biased towards him because of @aethericsea's interpretation, but a lot of it pulls from canon anyway. Again, I adore his growth and the journey he takes, his relationship with Minfilia, his struggles with what's obviously depression with a hint of alcoholism, and the fact that despite getting the cool animations, he still gets clowned on.
Alphinaud (FF14): Alphinaud barely has the step above Alisaie in this ranking, and only because of his shift from ARR into Heavensward. Alphinaud changes from a bratty snoot who sends WoL around like a living weapon to truly loving them like family. He is so mature and respectful and I love it when he sees his earlier mistakes in others.
Alisaie (FF14): Alisaie's growth is more subtle than Alphinaud's, but I love the balance she brings. She feels like a genuine teenager more than Alphinaud does sometimes and I adore her vulnerability. I also love her calling the villains out, even if it makes me panic from time to time for her safety.
Tataru (FF14): Tataru is such a supportive friend to the WoL and just an excellent 'run the house while you adventure' NPC. I am SO glad they play into her boss babe entrepreneur mentality as the story proceeds.
Cloud (FF7/7R): I respect the impact FFVII had on gaming. The original 7 was the first Final Fantasy I ever played and what inspired me to want to be a game designer! Plus, like Noctis, I appreciate Cloud being 100% done with everyone. Sadly, never beat 7. I beat 7R though!
Rikku (FFX/X-2): Again, didn't play a lot of X and it has been like 20 years since I played X-2, but I adore her. What a girl's girl.
Noctis (FFXV): The only reason Noctis is down at #10 is because I haven't played FFXV personally, but I've seen clips with him via @starrymused and I appreciate his attitude. Someone just let the man fish and not be a protagonist.
And @starrymused's Tidus because we will be interacting soon as well, and he's good lad who is also a himbo jock like Meiko.
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sen-ffxiv · 1 month
Dawntrail msq post 97 dungeon
That was fun if a little harder than previous dungeons this xpac. I like that everything feels learnable so far.
-ooooph, guess you really can't go home again. "To where have I returned" is just so well acted, with such a feeling of heartbreak for Erenville.
-Did we travel to the future?
-Sphene is so pretty. Also smacking me with ff9 easter eggs. It's surreal compared to everything else that's happened.
-lol so are she and zoraal ja married? is this because he was jealous of Wuk Lamat and Koana?
-Wuk Lamat is ready murder her. Alisaie is on the same page as her. I love that they both get on so well.
-Okay not married lol.
-She's a little sus tbh.
-30 years woah...
Next time we explore the new town. This part has been really fun because I'm just trying to figure out what's up.
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doodlebless · 3 months
Hello! I'm sorry to sound like a TOTAL fangirl, but are you the same Angelbless that posted the 'I'm finally home' Zidane artwork from about 16 years ago? Because if so, I absolutely remember you!! I've been an FF9 fan since I was 12 and I remember loving your work on Deviantart! It's so nice to see that we both still love the game just as much today. I am absolutely honoured that you reblogged my art - feels like being noticed by a celebrity haha!! Your art has evolved so beautifully, keep doing what you love!! Have a lovely day :)
Hihi! Oh gosh, this caught me totally off guard, yes I'm the same Angelbless from Deviantart! I never thought for a second anyone would recognise me from there, haha!
And your Zidane art was so lovely, there's no way I couldn't reblog it! I love how FF9 just stays with us through the years, it's such a special game, my love for it will always be strong 💜
Thank you so much for the lovely words! I took a little trip down memory lane by looking through my old gallery, now I'm tempted to spruce up a few ideas xD
Have an absolutely wonderful day!
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val-of-the-north · 5 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers ❤️
Hi Val, we don't interact but I feel very honored every time you like my posts! xd
Heyyyyyyyy Fareeha! I already responded to this one here [x] BUT I still wanted to respond to this one separately!
Your drawings are great, for real. You have a pretty recognizable style and the expressions are always really good! It's only reasonable I'd appreciate your posts!!! Also, it goes without saying that they are often pretty freaking funny lmao.
Also, from what I was able to gather, you are a Final Fantasy 9 fan. And I looooooove FF9, so I can tell you have taste when it comes to that!
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thefinalboss387 · 2 years
Kuja Appreciation Post!
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I’ve loved the Final Fantasy series for most of my life. I got into them at a pretty young age - I remember being 13 years old and eagerly waiting for Final Fantasy IX to come out - and honestly this narcissistic pretty boy right here taught me a lot about myself and my own struggles, and still to this day remains one of my favorite characters of all time. Take a peek behind the curtain with me if you don’t mind FF9 spoilers and a really personal childhood story haha.
Kuja is a character that immediately stands out from a crowd. He has such a dramatic, theatrical way of carrying himself, he speaks very poetically, he steals the show and chews the scenery every time he shows up on-screen, he has an array of slammin’ theme music, he has a very distinct appearance - feathers in his hair, an exposed midriff, a thong....
As the game goes on, it becomes clear that Kuja was created as a pawn, a puppet, which very much parallels his own mass-produced Black Mages. Although Kuja is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy IX, Garland - Kuja’s creator - is very much the mastermind of the game, the man with the grandiose plan that was ultimately behind pretty much all of Final Fantasy IX’s events. Kuja was inciting war between all the nations of one planet to further Garland’s plot to revive another planet, all the while scheming to overthrow Garland and use his worst fears against him.
Although Kuja acts prideful and in control, he actually suffers from a deep-seated inferiority complex. He was created as one of many identical Genomes, a mere pawn to be used by Garland, and ultimately rejected his purpose. His rebellion against Garland - how he dresses, how he carries himself, how he speaks, everything I mentioned I liked about his character - was a desperate need to express his individuality and reject the purpose that was given to him.
When the game came out, I was a gay 13-year-old boy in a fairly homophobic community. I was bullied and ridiculed by my peers for being feminine, made to feel like I had to suppress who and what I was by parents who casually made homophobic remarks and threatened to disown me if I ever came out as gay, constantly uncomfortable in my own skin, constantly monitoring how much of myself I was safely able to express at any given moment... My fear of being gay caused me to pretty much suppress my entire personality. It felt wrong to express myself - any part of myself - because such a big part of me was “wrong”, so everything else about me must be wrong too. I became angry, bitter, depressed as all hell, but I felt too alone and too deserving of that loneliness to ever reach out for help.
...So, yes, I was naturally very drawn to an incredibly androgynous and theatrical male hyper-expressing his individuality as a form of rebellion against the purpose others forced upon him.
Although Kuja’s actual sexuality is never really overtly expressed, Kuja is the character that ultimately taught little teenage me that it was okay to be gay, that it was fine - and even something to be celebrated! - to stand out and be unique from everyone else around you, that I needed to embrace every facet of who I was and love myself for it. Now, I am also a pretty theatrical and extravagant person - whether that’s Kuja’s influence on my life talking, or my own personality shining through after the years of suppression and self-loathing, is probably up for debate.
It was a long, emotional, twisted road to self-love and self-expression for me, and I had a loooooong way to go after Final Fantasy IX entered my life... but Kuja really was where that all started for me. It is ultimately up to ourselves to give our lives meaning, to decide who we are and love that person, to create an environment and mindset where we can feel comfortable in our own skin. That’s not something that anybody else can give you.
But it can be amazing where inspiration to do those things can come from.
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fattybattysblog · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you for tagging me @residentdormouse I am procrastinating and this will be a great time filler.
How many works do you have on AO3?
58. I have been posting since 2017.
What is your total AO3 word count?
113,141 I mostly write shorter fics.
What fandoms do you write for?
Outside of Original Works, I mostly post Pokemon fanfic. Though I suspect JJK will overtake that in no time.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. The Journals of an Alien Mate - 218 2. An Odd Request and a Dutiful Butler - 82 3. Falling into a Lizard's Nest - 50 4. Shelter from the Storm - 28 5. Supervision - 23
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, I love responding to comments. Getting any comments at all is a big deal and I wanna let them know I saw them.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
"Too Late" ends with Hairi bawling her eyes out over the death of her boyfriend.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think the ending to We Meet Again is very happy considering everything around it. Thalia and Aokiji left on bad terms and run into each other again and at the end they make up and become friends.
Do you get hate on your fic?
When I was younger I got comments calling me cringe, but honestly I haven't gotten a single bad comment since. And those stories are still there sooooo....
Do you write smut?
All the time. Majority of my fics are smut. I love sex.
Do you write crossovers?
No... I'm really not into crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. And I do check on occasion when I get paranoid. Honestly, I think because I mostly write self indulgent OC stuff people don't care to.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Almost did once. They asked if they could but then about a year passed and they never did.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
In a sense. I RP with friends and write it out. My boyfriends write on occasion and feed me ideas. I never fully wrote something with someone.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't ship Canon/Canon very often. My top c/c ships are Franky/Robin and Geto/Gojo. i could eat those up for ages.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oeuf, all of them?? Most importantly, this big FF9 fic I have planned. Though I haven't quite started it yet. I really, really wanna write it. Like so much.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my smut is really sexy, lmao. I have been told I write fight scenes pretty well too which is awesome cuz I used to struggle with those like crazy.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things. On a real note, though, I feel that pacing is one of my weakest points.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If they're speaking another language, why not? If the whole fic is enveloped in that language (I.E. writing a fic about people in Japan) then the whole thing should be in one language.
First fandom you wrote for?
Zelda. But I'll be damned if you find that fucker.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
So far, my favorite fic is Sleeping Over because it's gentle, soft, and very comforting. How Nanami acts towards Hairi despite all her nervousness and embarrassment is precious.
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medicinemane · 1 year
Got tagged in something by @saint-14-inches and just figured I'd make a new post to keep it short
Last listened to: If you mean music, then something off the FF9 soundtrack, and if you just mean in general I had a stream running in the background while doing minecraft
Currently watching: Rewatching Clone Wars
Currently reading: Kind of dropped reading for a bit. Had been rereading LotR (hooray for the Two Towers wall), but once I finish building the library in minecraft I'm probably gonna reread the Amber series so I can transcribe it
Current obsessions: Probably minecraft and City of Heroes
Anyway, feel free to answer these and say I tagged you
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
Ff16 Blogging again: this time right after Drake’s Breath. Again, spoilers.
So, all things considered, that mission did go surprisingly smoothly. I’m a little… I dunno, disappointed that we didn’t get to see more of the Iron Islanders’ culture and just kind reduced their whole way of life to that one shitty dude. But again, I feel like the game did a lot of implication in that section that was… I dunno, more tasteful than I would’ve expected? And again, I’m glad to see Jill reclaiming some space in the story for herself (more please). Plus, the Liquid Flame boss fight was pretty fun. Although damn if I don’t feel like I’m breezing through the combat. I haven’t died since Benedikta/Geruda.
Okay, so Joshua and Jote. Again, I don’t know what happened to him that put him in the knowledgeable position that he’s in, and I’m very curious about that. And who is she? Why is she so loyal to him? Also, is he really just gonna go talk to Bahamut? That makes me very curious about that character, whom I don’t really know yet.
What most intrigued me in this sequence, though, is the Hooded Man appears at the crystal, but it’s not Joshua/Margrace. So like… who or what is that? Back at Drake’s Head, Ultima addressed Clive as “Mythos.” I feel like there’s some connection there, but I don’t know what it is yet, what that means.
And then, okay, I said in the last post that they were really setting Annabella up and that she had been curiously absent. But now here she is again and like… this woman knows something. She’s more than we know about her yet. She’s the Hojo to Ultima’s Sephiroth… something is going on with her and there’s something about this Olivier kid and that’s connected to the Hooded Man… (cos they’re all her children—Clive, Joshua, and Olivier—and something more than blood connects them).
It’s there. I can feel it, but I don’t know how to tease it out yet. I think I’m at roughly the halfway point? Which makes me wonder where it could possibly be going.
Like, it’s got some flaws. But I don’t think I’ve been this pulled into a Final Fantasy story since… what… FF9, maybe? (13 and 15 were both like “okay, I guess this makes sense, but I’m not gonna bother asking too many questions.” 12 was solid for a while, but started to lose me at the end. After the third playthrough, I feel like I basically get it now, but it didn’t stick the landing. 10 I really wasn’t into the first time through, and although I do feel like I appreciate it more now, it never got its hooks in me like this.)
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darnitgarnet997 · 2 months
Hello! I'm Garnet! My pronouns are he/him and I am a huge nerd.
Interests include:
Sonic the Hedgehog
FF7 or FF9
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
Lots of others!
I do a lot of art on here, please don't steal it lol
Feel free to ask me questions! I'm open to answering most things.
I'm also the creator of the Control of the Soul Kirby AU, and the Silly Squad Sonic AU
Cool cool, please be nice!
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
I feel like I haven’t made a post about Kirby in 12,000 years, anyone wanna read this powerpoint I made about Galacta Knight?
Everything About Galacta Knight Ever - Explanation and Analysis of All His Appearances
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For context I made it for friend’s on Halloween, hence the framing device of explaining my costume. It’s also a sequel to one I made the year earlier about Kuja FF9.
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crystalelemental · 2 months
I decided to make this a separate post, in what was definitely a pre-meditated decision and not the result of forgetting to talk about it in the main post, talking just about the one thing I remembered in FF9: party split. You know. The thing that kept me from playing it for so many years.
The specific memory I had was of the initial split in Lindblum, when Dagger and Steiner leave. You're left with a worse DPS unit (sorry Freya, but you don't hit as hard) and no healer, have to wander to Qu's Forest just to pick up Quina, and only then did it feel like I could make any minor progress. And progress was minor, as enemies started to hit fairly hard in spite of my best efforts.
The party split itself feels a lot less dire than I remember it. The exploration component gets worse without active healing, but boss fights are unchanged, because Dagger's never there anyway. I figured this would be the end of it. I had made too big a deal of party splits.
What I was not prepared for was just how often party splits would occur in this game. Specifically, all the goddamned time.
It legitimately feels like you can't go two scenes without someone coming or going. Quina leaves just after Cleyra, Dagger and Steiner are back for a few minutes before Steiner disappears again along with Freya, then you get Quina back until she disappears for Eiko, etc etc etc. It just keeps happening. Even when you have party select, some characters just decide to be unavailable for certain portions.
On the one hand, this annoys me specifically. My response to RPGs is to pick favorites and stick to them very strongly. I want to play as Vivi and Freya, I don't care about the others as much. Having either of them rotated out is frustrating.
On the other, these splits and rotations are an interesting way to ensure characters get their screen time in meaningfully. An issue with 7 and 8 is that, despite constant availability, most of the cast feels flat. Vincent has no significance to anything, and I could not for the life of me find much to say about Selphie and Irvine. With 9 rotating the cast to give everyone specific time dedicated to them, everyone gets more time to shine. It also solves the FF12 problem, where I pick three characters (Ashe, Balthier, and Fran) and then don't bother with the other three ever until something happens and they need to rotate in and flail around uselessly hoping to revive someone else.
But flipping back, it retains the issue of EXP not seeming to apply to characters on the bench. FF7 did have backup characters leveling with you to adjust for their rotating moments. It was removed in 8 due to how the mechanics of that game made leveling up bad somehow, but there was no reason for 9 to continue this (much less the next two). The AP system doubles down on the problem, given how many skills there are to acquire. Particularly for Killer skills on offensive pairs, or the general status immunities.
While I'm still sorting out the emotional angle of it, I...think it was a smart call on the whole. I think party rotation does a lot for the cast as a whole. I do kinda take issue with how long some of these characters are gone for, though.
Steiner and Freya have absolutely ridiculous times away from the field. When we did have access to full party, they were wildly behind Amarant, which sucks because guess my least favorite of the three.
Healing is also something the game seems ethically opposed to. Not only does Dagger leave in Lindblum, but you get Quina, who knows 0 healing spells, and only learns White Wind when you reach the area it leaves for a while. There are so many stretches of game where there's just no healing available it's ridiculous. And this includes a segment where you have to make two parties, and Dagger has some chance to just not do anything. I do not appreciate this in a game with limited funds, where your only option is Potions, and the Potions work best in battle.
I just think there were some decisions about the who and when that could've been less irritating.
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