#post my little selfie and like. there's no amount of likes or reblogs or replies that will make me go 'you know they're right i am pretty'
miss-smrxtiee · 4 years
“I’m sorry” from prompt list!!
-Truly Sorry-
prompt #13 “I’m sorry...”
Warnings: Swearing. TINY amount of angst
Summary: Eliana and Ethan get in a heated argument that causes uncertainty to grow in their relationships. How will Ethan make it up to her? - ONE SHOT
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long! I planned to have this posted 2 days ago but I’ve had some things come up in my personal life that caused me to hit the brakes a little on this but it’s finally here! Please like and reblog if you enjoy! It’s greatly appreciated💖 -S
Thank you @aylamwrites for the ask! YOU A QUEEN EVERYONE GO CHECK HER OUT! 💖🙌🏻 (Her OH fics are everything)
❤️-prompt list-❤️ (ask me!)
💖-full masterlist-💖
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Ethan’s POV
Guilt spreads through Ethan’s chest... Why am I so stupid! He looks across the room, his eyes settle on pictures of both him and his lover...
Why do I always push her away like that?
10 minutes before...
Eliana and Ethan were both in a very heated argument... I mean they have fights but this one was bad...
“You should calm down! It’s not a huge deal listen, I’m sorry Okay? You win.” Ethan says to a fuming Eliana.
“You’re not getting away like that! I’ve been trying so fucking hard these past few years to make you respect me! And one single thing changes that view and I have to listen to your lectures and all the stuff you hate about me! I’m sick of it!” Eliana rants. Ethan’s eyes widen. He can practically sees the pure anger rolling off of her.
Crap. She’s really getting mad about this... I need to calm her down so it doesn’t go overboard.
“E... I’m really sorry I haven’t respected you... I know I’ve been a dick these past few weeks but if you give me a chance I can make it up to y-“ Eliana cuts him off with her hand.
“That’s what you said before... I’m not sure if I can believe it again.” She sighed “Listen. I need some time to think... I know it’s sudden but I’m just gonna get a hotel for a while and process things. It just seems logical right now.”
Ethan’s eyes widen at her words. She wouldn’t just leave.. right? He looks at her as she packs a small suitcase of her clothes and toiletries.
Why am I so stupid...she shouldn’t leave me... god I’m such an ass...
After a few minutes she walks back into the living room with her bags. He frowns at her. “How long until you come back.” Ethan hoped she would realize she doesn’t need to leave. And that he loves her more then anything.
She shrugged her shoulders. “Awhile... I’m not to sure but if I find out I’ll text you. She said looking away from him. Not wanting to make eye contact
Shit.shit.shit.shit. I’m so stupid! Why do I always push her away?! Do something you idiot!
“... please don’t leave. I love you and I would do anything to make it up to you.” Ethan pleaded.
“I’m sorry Ethan, I need this space before we ruin this beyond repair. I’m doing this because I love you too.” Eliana looked genuine and Ethan just hung his head, not looking at her.
“..... ok, I love you. Please be safe. And text me.” He said. Eliana nodded and walked out, looking behind her shoulder as she turned down the hall.
Guilt spreads through Ethan’s chest... Why am I so stupid! He looks across the room, his eyes settle on pictures of both him and his lover...
Why do I push her like that...?
Eliana’s POV
As soon as she got into her car her tears started to spill down her cheeks. I can’t live without him. I have to fix this and taking a break is the only way. She thought to herself.
Eliana drives around aimlessly trying to clear her head. After awhile she gets checked into her hotel and just plops down on her bed with a groan.
The room wasn’t anything fancy, it’s the last thing she could get for a last minute reservation. It had a mini fridge for food, a nice sized bathroom with a walk in shower. Their was one bed that took up most of the room.
I should unpack but...
I need to go to bed... she hesitates to text Ethan and tell him she was at the hotel. It’s just gonna be awkward, he can wait.
After she brushes her teeth and changes into her pajamas, she gets nestled into bed, her mind drifts off wishing Ethan’s arms were around her. She missed his little snores and the rise and fall of his chest. It was comforting. I miss that grump...
She smiled to herself and repeated the phrase.. I miss that grump. She stayed up thinking for awhile but ultimately drifted off into a deep sleep, still missing his warmth.
Ethan’s POV
Part of him was hoping that she would run right back through that door and fling her arms around his neck and tell him she didn’t mean it. But of course, she hasnt.
She has a right to be mad... but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
Ethan stared at the door for what felt like hours after she left. He felt more upset then he has in a long time.
She’s gonna forgive me, right? He wasn’t sure how she felt. She had calmed down after his short apology that was still, even then, cut off.
Ethan’s hands ball into fists. I’m not giving up on us. I’m going to do everything I can’t to show her that I love that impeccable goofball...
He smiled to himself with a chuckle.
Impeccable goofball...
The next day...
Eliana’s POV.
She was pacing around her hotel room, not knowing what to do. I have to pull myself together... Eliana throws on a skirt and her blouse with her doctors coat on top. It was her signature outfit and she loved it to pieces.
She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror after doing her daily morning routine. She reaches for her hairbrush in her bag...
More digging
Where is it?
More digging
Ugh it’s somewhere
More digging
Eliana sighs and flops down on her bed, think of the night she left their Condo...
Last night...
I have to do it for us... Eliana says to herself as she scrambled around to grab the things she needed to leave.
This is for the best right? Yeah of course...
Eliana continues thinking on the problem at hand that she forgets her hairbrush on the bathroom vanity...
I can’t go to work like this...
Eliana thinks back on all of the smaller stuff she left whilst in a hurry to leave and get her emotions together...
She groans as she throws her head back. I’m gonna have to get my ass out of bed and go over there to get my stuff.
She stares at her phone, then at the clock, and then back at her phone and she sighs while calling Doctor Emery about letting her take a half day and be in at 8:45 instead of 5:45. She grinned as she agreed and hung up to gather her things and walks to her car.
She pulls into a parking lot to text Ethan so it won’t be as awkward if she showed up without warning.
Ethan’s POV.
He hears a ding from his phone and he pirks up seeing Elianas contact name pop up.
Eliana: Hey, I forgot a few things last night... can I drop in for 5 minutes and grab them?
Ethan looked at the desk knowing it was her work day and he had the day off and nothing else to do... nothing else to do.... aha! Ethan’s brain sparked with a brilliant idea. He quickly replies.
Ethan: yeah of course, you have the key so feel free to come right in and grab your stuff.
Ethan hops off the couch and gets to work right away to prepare for her arrival.
Eliana’s POV.
She sighed looking at his text. It’s gonna be awkward... she turned on her car and plugged her GPS into her radio speaker and her mouth drops a little.
I really drove a lot last night. She thought as her GPS showed how far their condo was from the hotel.
She groaned and pulled out of the parking lot, beginning her drive.
5 minutes later...
10 minutes later...
15 minutes later...
“You have arrived at your destination” the voice rang out through her car. Sending a shiver down her spine at what’s to come.
She pulls in the driveway and sighs as she steps out of the car. She grabs her empty bag she was going to fill and walks towards the door.
She inserts the key into the lock and turns the doorknob counter clockwise until it pops open.
She walks in and and makes her way to the living room.
Oh my god...
Her breath hitched at the state of the living room. She noticed it was dark but didn’t think much of it at the time she was walking in. Wow. She said to herself at the sight Ethan had set up.
“Hello beautiful.” Ethan said wrapping his arms around her waist as she stared dumbfounded at him and their living space.
15 minutes before hand...
Ethan’s POV.
This has to be perfect. Ethan thought for the 10th time since his call ended and he got to work. He quickly put together a fort he and Eliana already had “blueprints” for and he knew it by heart. He smiles to himself as he put pillows on the floor of the fort, thinking what was to come. He grabbed as many of her favorite snacks and placed them into the cushioned area of his fort.
He then thought about his plan and what he was going to do to tell Eliana that he wasn’t going anywhere and she shouldn’t either. I love her and I want her to realize I would do anything for her. He said to himself.
He had a few minutes before she was supposed to arrive. He walked around, to nervous to focus his mind on anything else but her. He found himself picking up their old photos together. Most taken by Eliana much to his distaste at the time. He sighed picking up a photo of him and Eliana watching House M.D on amazon prime. The photo showed Eliana’s expert selfie skills as her middle and index finger pointed up into a “peace sign” whilst winking with a slight show of her tongue sticking out at the camera. He was glaring at her in the background, clearly trying to focus on the show and not her shenanigans. But was also clearly failing. He sighed at the memory.
Binge watching night...
“Smileeee!!” Eliana said while taking several selfies of the pair.
“Rook, you gotta focus on the show...” Ethan said motioning to the screen.
“Oh please, you just wanna watch so you can say that you figured out the case before anyone else did...” she said with a smirk.
He glared at her, capturing the moment Ethan now held in his hands...
Eliana’s POV.
She continued to gape at the set-up. Her gaze wondering the giant fort with the tv hidden under, her favorite snacks, even her favorite pillow was stuffed in her spot she usually took when they built this same fort.
She looked back at Ethan who was smiling warmly at her from around her shoulder, his hands where still rapped around her waist and he spun her around to face him.
“I love you.” He said, not even a moment later she crashed her lips to his and they’re faces smiling wide as they parted. She threw her arms around his neck and he lifted her up and spun her around, eliciting a fit of giggles from her.
“E... I don’t even know how to tell you how sorry I am...” Ethan said while setting her down.
“Hey, I’m sorry too. I should’ve talked to you more about our situation and I might just be saying that because I practically died without you.” They both laughed and he took her hand and led her over to the fort and they both sat down. He handed her a glass of her favorite drink to ever exsist.... grape juice. She laughed as he handed her a wine glass of it. They clinked the glasses together.
“To new beggings?” He asked.
“To new beginnings.” She replied
“I have to be at work at 8:45 ya know.” She said raising her eyebrows while taking another sip “I can’t binge watch all day.” She said. “I also have to grab my stuff from the hotel...” She added shyly.
Ethan tapped his chin and quickly got up, placing his glass down and leaving her in confusion. “What are you doing?” She said before he disappeared around the corner. He looked back at her and smiled. “I’ll be back in a second.” She raised an eyebrow as he left. He returned a minute later with a grin on his face.
“What did you do?” She asked with her brows furrowed in confusion.
“I convinced Emery to give you the day off” he said proudly as she gaped at him. A second later her surprised face turns into a smile that matched his. “We can grab your thins tomorrow.” He added before kissing the top of her head.
“I can’t believe you convinced her, she never lets loose, I’ll also probably get beef from Zaid when I walk into work tomorrow..” they both laughed in usion.
(Switching To Ethan’s POV kinda randomly...)
Ethan grabs the remote as they both get comfortable in the fort and Ethan smiles as she snuggles into his side.
He tilts her head up to meet his gaze. “I’m going to spend this day very wisely my dearest.” He kiss her softly and she smiled up at him.
“And however are you going to do that?” She said with a teasing tone. He kissed her hand, looking into her eyes.
“I have many things planned, starting with rewatching that one episode of Hosue M.D and showing you how much I love you a little later.” He waggles his eyebrows and she snorts, leading them into even more laughter and she pops an M&M into her mouth. He knew it was her favorite and soon enough they where watching the same episode they where watching when she took the picture. But this time glaring didn’t even cross his mind, he only thought of how lucky he was to be with her in that moment. He made a vow to himself to do better and never to jepordize their relationship for no reason in the first place. He loved her now, her loved her before, and will continue to love her for many years of happiness to come. He thanked his lucky stars for the beautiful goddess laying in his arms. And couldn’t ask for anything more.
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caandlelit · 5 years
Saw you reblogging a post so can I ask for Bokoaka hcs?
i want u to know that this is the second time im typing these out bc i lost them the first time and thats why this is late
anyways yes i love them thanku for requesting
so theyre the sappiest couple
the most in love
the most domestic
in college, bokuto and kuroo share a dorm
and the sheer amount of times hes walked in on them making out on bokutos bed only to slap his hand on his eyes and blindly shuffle around for the door with the other is countless
konoha, walking inside to ask bokuto something only to see kuro sitting on the floor while staring blankly at his empty doritoes packet while akaashi and bokuto are entangled with each other:
" hey kuro dude are you okay "
kuro, tearing up: i have a chemistry test tomorrow and they wont leavE
they have a standing date
every saturday morning they get coffee before their respective classes because its the only free morning they share
every week without fail you'll see them tucked into the corner of the same cafe, bokuto talking animatedly while akaashi smiles at him warmly over his coffee and bokuto trying and failing miserably to be subtle as he hooks their ankles together
but akaashi just smiles wider and bokuto beams back helplessly
they share the bill and bokuto walks him to his class like he used to every day in highschool and kisses him goodbye and everything
theyre the type to have promise rings that bokuto pulled out on his graduation while kneeling under a cherry tree
its terrible
bokuto prides himself on being fucking hilarious and its been his daily goal to make akaashi laugh at least once a day ever since he made him laugh by accident the first time
in akaashis first year, he was telling some story about something he did in class while cleaning up after practice,
although konoha complained that he was yelling and gesturing wildly with his broom more than he was cleaning
and bokuto sees akaashi bite back a smile at one of the funnier parts of the story and his breathing stops
he catches himself and keeps talking, more exaggerated and trying to make it funnier while keeping an eye on akaashi's minute reactions
and then akaashi laughs out loud and bokuto stares, awestruck
like that was the goal but he didnt think hes actually succeed holy shiT
konoha ruins it
"woW akaashi i didnt knOw you were capable of showing human emotion-"
sarukui slaps the back of his head and stagewhispers "duMBASS"
and konohas like oW whaT diCKheAd
and then he sees bokuto still staring at akaashi and then hes like ooooohhhh
akaashi schools his face and hes like "respectfully shut up konoha-san" and bokuto just stares and smiles pathetically while konoha cusses akaashi out while also sounding proud of him in the background and thats when he first realizes hes falling
akaashi is a better texter than he is a talker cause he has time to formulate his sentences better than he already does
which makes his replies a little slower but they always make bo smile or laugh or occasionally sigh lovingly while staring at the text
while bokuto is just,,,the physical embodiment of 'need for speed'
texts half in emojis and also he'll take any short form of any word just so he can send his text faster
so "before" is often reduced to "b4"
and there is an over use of exclamation marks
and the word "heck" because he has younger siblings and he barely curses
"if i text faster then akaashi will see it faster and then he'll reply faster" he reasons
kuro retches
bokuto has made akaashi swoon at least once lets be real
akaashi cusses more than bokuto does this is a fact
bokuto refers to him exclusively as "bae" when hes around other people
then kuro says it to embarrass them and then kenma is saying it and then everyones saying it and akaashi cant even be mad at those puppy dog eyes
but also bokuto melts every time akaashi calls him "koutarou" so its fair
bokuto takes gym selfies dont even fucking try to change my mind
also hes as tall and tanned and muscled and fantastic as hercules himself
please dont talk to me about the anime he looked like a skinny lil punk
have some goddamned respect for the huge biceps akaashi keiji jerks off to for the love of god
big thanks to the fukurodani nationals matvh for delivering on a the golden buff guy bokuto moments i didnt know i needed until they were gone fuck karasuno lives
bokuto and akaashi bring back guyliner challenge their eyes would look amazing
@ furudate ill pay you
akaashi in big pants and bigger bomber jackets and bokuto in tight jeans and letterman jackets and both of them with snapbacks please and thank you
bokuto takes awesome selfies, snapchat is his most used app and he takes out the time and makes the effort to find good lighting
and he has streaks with everyone he knows including the managers and older teammates and friends he had in his first and second years and even some random volleyball opponents that hes still in contact with and hinata of coursE
because please
this is bokuto koutarou we are talking about
he is a social butterfly
his longest and most treasured streak is with kuroo
who he met in middle school during a match and they clicked so fast and so well that they exchanged snapchat usernames and started a streak that very day
when he adds akaashi, akaashi abruptly realizes
that he needs to up his fucking selfie game
and it takes a week before hes satisfied and thinks the picture is good enough to send
and its so pretty that bokuto lets out a strangled noise because hes almost as in love with the lighting bc of how it makes akaashis pale skin look all soft and pretty as he is with akaashi himself
bokuto and akaashi bring back guyliner challenge itd make their eyes look so good come oN
sign my petition
anyways i delivered now someone point me in the direction of fratboy bokuto bkak fics please and thankyou
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likeshipsonthesea · 5 years
though you're many years away by eyres, we carry our lives around in our memories by biblionerd07, young hearts, out our minds by junko, Geriatric Road Trip, 2015 by what_alchemy, Nightcall by thegrimshapeofyoursmile, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten by cosmicocean, Ghost Stories by hitlikehammers, And Shadows Will Fall Behind by leveragehunters, Lovecraft in Brooklyn by littleblackfox, where the dread fern grows by silentwalrus -all stucky and over on ao3. I hope you like them!
As previously explained, I’m responding to all fic-rec asks in my inbox for cleaning purposes, and woo boy this is a doozy. Thank you so much for the effort and the amount of recs here!!
though you’re many years away by eyres
When Bucky wakes up 68 years after crashing a plane into the Atlantic, his first question is about Steve Rogers.
He finds him in a nursing home outside New York City. But the story doesn’t end there.
In which, Erskine never made it out of Europe, Steve never got the serum, and Bucky is the one who wakes up in the future.
this looks very interesting! not typically the kind of fic i read, but i can’t wait to check it out regardless :)
we carry our lives around in our memories by biblionerd07
James doesn’t remember why he has a metal arm. The doctors say he had an accident and has brain damage. Sometimes he wishes he could remember. But every morning he gets to eat breakfast with his friend Steve, so it’s not so bad. James thinks he and Steve might be dating, kind of. It’s alright if he doesn’t remember everything. Steve doesn’t mind.
this fic seems similar to one i read like a year ago, and I remember that fic being really good, so i think this one will be too!
young hearts, out our minds by junko
Bucky posts a selfie of the two of them in bed to his instagram.
He hashtags it #goodmorningamerica. Sam Wilson and Pepper Potts retweet it to their twitter accounts.
i’m pretty sure i read this fic like right after i got into the mcu… like even before i got into the mcu, when all i knew was that the pretty blond boy someone kept reblogging to my dash looked sad and i had to know why.. anywho, this fic is lovely and fun and uplifting and thank you for reminding me of it!
Geriatric Road Trip, 2015 by what_alchemy
Bucky was the eldest of four.
this looks so wonderful i can’t wait to read it!! like with only the title and summary and very few tags i already know i’m going to enjoy it :))
Nightcall by thegrimshapeofyoursmile
“This is good,” James says a little surprised and his fingertips rest on a white space of paper while he looks at the black lines that form his face, half-hidden by his shoulder-long hair. It looks dangerous. It looks lonely. It looks-
“I mean I can give it to you and you–wait, what?” Little guy says in confusion, then knits his eyebrows together before it eases into something quite pleased. “Thank you. It’s just a quick sketch, but–I hope you don’t mind me saying that, but this metal prosthesis of yours is quite remarkable.”
“You have a strange taste in men,” James replies without thinking and when he realizes what he is doing he hands over the sketch pad as quickly as possible. He does not flirt with people nor does he try to find out more about their tastes that easily. Not anymore.
Little guy just smiles, looks at him with blue, blue eyes and says, “Well, what are your tastes, then?”
A.k.a The Winter Soldier goes out and finds himself his very own willowy boyfriend.
who doesn’t love a shrinkyclinks fics??? i can’t wait to check this one out!!
family means no one gets left behind or forgotten by cosmicocean
“Why did you think I wouldn’t like you for being gay?” Steve asks gently.
“You’re Captain America.” Eli’s got his teeth clenched and is resolutely looking ahead. “You stand for truth and justice and the American way. You stand for American morals. You stand for…” he shrugs awkwardly. “Not people like me.”
Steve blows the air out of his cheeks slowly, trying to figure out how to keep the anger out of his voice so Eli doesn’t think it’s at him.
Or, Steve comes to terms with his new world, and gains some children in the process.
okay was someone going to tell me there was a fic where steve rogers adopts some gay kids or was i just supposed to read about it in a fic recs by myself?!?!?!? okay that doesn’t really work bc you legit just told me about it BUT OMG I WANT TO READ THIS SO BADLY WHAT THE HECK.. thank you. so much.
Ghost Stories by hitlikehammers
Steve doesn’t like bullies, on principle. It’s less about justice, or decency, or righteous indignation; more about the look in the eyes of the people getting stepped on, the people getting trampled, the people getting lost.
So it cuts all the deeper, when Steve recognizes strength, precision, endurance, capacity: sees the pieces of himself not born but made, reflected in this body, this person, this weapon: the Winter Soldier.
It slices through Steve’s soul when he returns the Soldier’s gaze, and reads the only thing that lives in the deadness that pervades behind those irises in the night.
It’s not You can’t beat me.
It’s more You can’t stop them.
For the prompt: The AU where Steve Rogers sees the best in everyone, and it is that quality that brings him back the person he loves most in the world; where Steve reaches out to help the Winter Soldier on principle, but when the muzzle-mask comes off, he finds Bucky Barnes.
this whole concept??? beautiful. i cannot wait to read this
And Shadows Will Fall Behind by leveragehunters
The world was full of things no one could have expected.
Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes never expected to fall from a train into decades of torture and killing.
HYDRA never expected their perfect Winter Soldier’s programming to shatter.
And Bucky, who’d once been the Winter Soldier, who was now an auxiliary to the Avengers, never expected to look down from a rooftop in New York City, where he was keeping watch over the world’s most ineffectual aspirant supervillains, and see a tiny ball of angry sunshine. Fierce and fearless, he loosed feelings in Bucky that he’d thought were gone forever.
Bucky was determined to see him again. The better thing would have been to introduce himself. Not to stealthily follow him as he leapt across the rooftops, strong and agile, feet touching down like he was doing gravity a favour.
The world may have been full of things no one could have expected, but Bucky probably shouldn’t have been surprised when his tiny ball of fierce, angry sunshine dumped him on his ass.
listen this is a shrinkyclinks loving household and i am so excited for the tol-smol dynamic about to play out in this fic.. thank you
Lovecraft in Brooklyn by littleblackfox
Bucky shrugs. “My brothers wish me dead. But I have claimed this world as mine, and should any dare approach I will slaughter them, and their progeny.”“Oh,” Steve says weakly. “Well, it’s tough coming from a large family.”
umm okay, I , like steve, am mildly confused, but i will check it out bc why the heck not my dude
where the dread fern grows by silentwalrus
Sam’s gotta buy a wedding present, and nothing but elf booze will do.
i love magical realism and who doesn’t want bucky as a witch??? a must-read for sure.
AND WITH THAT we come to the end of this beautiful fic rec, thank you so much for all the recommendations, I can’t wait to check them out and I hope y’all (as in my followers, my dudes) get a chance to read them too!
(seriously this whole thing is beautiful, tysm *cries in gay* happy pride y’all)
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xswestallen · 6 years
I don’t think it’s necessarily a good thing, but I do think it’s natural to find validation on SM. I don’t think it’s something to shame Grant about, but I do think it’s something he needs to work on, because it’s not healthy. I’ve been there before, there was a time where I found validation on how many likes I got on a selfie on IG, (different than Grant, but still) but I worked on it, and now I don’t care. I know everyone is different, but I think it’s something anyone having issues with this
cont. can work on. Obviously I shouldn’t compare myself to him, because as a celebrity he gets much more hate, but I do think he needs to work on it a bit.
I agree and I can relate. I think at some point, everyone who uses social media gets too caught up in it and ends up relying on it for validation. It’s actually something I still struggle with. 
Just this morning, I was scrolling through the WestAllen fanfiction tag and found myself comparing the amount of notes I got on a fic I posted last night to a fic someone else had posted around the same time. I became ashamed of myself when the thought, “Yes! I got more notes than this other person!” came into my head. I had to take a step back and remind myself that writing fanfiction and posting on social media in general is not a competition. The number of likes, reblogs, retweets, views, kudos, or whatever isn’t important. What’s important is that I have fun, express my creativity, and make someone else in the fandom happy with my contribution. 
For me, when I catch myself getting caught up in the wrong reasons to be on social media, what I do is stop looking at notes, likes, reblogs, ect. for a while. It reminds me to appreciate making things for the sake of making them, not to win some nonexistent popularity contest. I love that Grant interacts with fans by replying to his Instagram comments, but I it might help him if he stopped looking at them for a little. Get away from everyone’s reaction and focus on what you want to put out.
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soggywarmpockets · 6 years
Just some info about me for new followers!
There are a few of you so I’m gonna make a little info post so you know what you’re in for.
I’m Colleen.
I’m gonna be 30 in, like, a little over a week. If my age makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block/unfollow or send me an ask or message asking me to unfollow you. I won’t be upset or offended and I want you to feel as safe and comfortable on here as possible.
I go to most cons around the Pittsburgh area, so you’ll see me around if you look. If you do happen to see me, come on over, introduce yourself and say hi. I’m also down for selfies and hugs if you want.
I have a decent amount of followers on here so if you don’t want me to reblog from you or I reblogged something from you and you didn’t want it reblogged, let me know and I will delete it and/or not do it again in the future.
I try to keep my queue running 24/7 except when I am at conventions or too busy to find content.
I have the originals only x-kit extension running on my computer so I don’t see reblogs. If you notice I’m interacting a lot with your original posts, this is why. I promise I’m not trying to be creepy.
I’m panromantic asexual and I deal with a fair bit of sex-repulsion so you typically will not find NSFW on here and if you do it will be explicitly tagged. If you post NSFW but don’t tag it, I’ll likely unfollow you for my own mental health.
I try to tag food and most triggers, but a lot of times I’m posting from Instagram and can’t get here immediately to tag so have patience and forgive me if I slip up.
In the fall I work as an actor in a haunted house and things can get a little creepy and gory around these parts, I try to tag accordingly, but sometimes I am not able to tag until later so if you’re sensitive to that kind of stuff unfollowing might be your best bet.
That’s all I can think of. I love asks and messages so feel free to strike up a conversation but don’t be offended if I don’t reply right away. Sometimes I get caught up in other things.
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kenobei · 7 years
so, i know you’ve probably seen too many losers’ club + social media headcanons, BUT what if each loser had one (1) site they’re most active on. hear me out:
BEN HANSCOM. you know for sure his book loving ass actually uses that book nerd site, goodreads. ben has a popular blog for book reviews, and he also blogs about architecture. but he’s a lot on goodreads, he’s that positive beam of light on your timeline, gushing about release dates and liking everyone’s statuses. his tbr has 2000+ books. he has the full amount of friends you can have on goodreads, and he’s a top reviewer. people really like his reviews because they’re well thought of, and even though he finds some books problematic or doesn’t like them, he’ll never completely bash them. ben also has a bookstagram, but he always forgets to update it so he’ll post a picture of his bookshelf like once a month.
BEVERLY MARSH. now my girl beverly. she’s on twitter pretty much 24/7. she posts a lot of rants, is involved in a lot of dumb drama but she’s never on the dumb side. she follows everyone back, but is quick to unfollow is some fuckery happens. because a lot of stuff happens to her, she’ll post a lot of little storytimes, always beginning with “you’ll never guess what happened to me…” bev is also that person who gets retweeted by celebrities, and they’ll reply to her too, and she really doesn’t know what draws them to her, she’s even followed by some. bev also changes her icon a lot, they vary from flawless selfies to crappy memes. she also changes her handle, it’s either her name, a variation of her name (e.g. meme, festive) or just something vague for the #aesthetic. beverly has a tumblr, but she doesn’t like it there and she’s online like once a year.
BILL DENBROUGH. what does our dear writer boy use? well, tumblr of course. bill won’t touch wattpad even if he’d receive 1k. he’s in too many fandoms to count and his fics are flawless, one of them has a cult. bill claims to be busy but he still manages to write a drabble a day. he’s inbox is full of prompts, and he plans to fill them all, simultaneously working on novel length multichapter wips. people leave kudos to him on ao3 even before reading the fic. he replies to every comment, and is open to ideas and always credits people. every fandom is dying to have him in a group chat, but sadly he hasn’t have time to be that active in any of them. bill tumblr is basically only his writing, but he also reblog other people’s fics and he loves moodboards, no matter how shitty. he’ll die if you make a moodboard for his fic. and whenever bill posts original writing, everyone is shook.
MIKE HANLON. mike is actually the most internet famous of the losers. he’s a youtuber, he began when was 12 and gained followers pretty quickly. he used to post acoustic covers of his favorite songs but nowadays he mainly just documents his life. he’s the nicest guy ever! truly an unproblematic fave! he does daily vlogs on his side channel, but he’s pretty active on his main as well, posting every thursday and Sunday. he’s always on schedule. he replies to his followers often with the nicest things, and his reactions to hate comments are g  o l d e n, they’re those things that people screenshot and get to trend on tumblr and twitter and instagram. one of them even becomes a meme (richie’s fault). mike’s not one for youtube trends, he never wants to write a book or go on tour, but he fully supports those youtubers who do. mike just wants to do what he loves. his channel is super funny, but there are discussions of serious topics like racism.
EDDIE KASPBRARK. eddie is the friendly neighborhood instagram addict. well, he’s not on instragram that much, but he has a large following that he gained almost accidentally. he posts a lot of pretty selfies, he’s the king of taking selfies actually. he has no bad angles. he doesn’t even need filters. he leaves everyone shook. the instagram is 90% of his selfies, actually, and his captions are always long and he’s ranting about this and that. he speaks a lot about gay rights, of course. beverly’s always commenting, adding her insightful thoughts, and she and eddie have full on conversations in the comment section. richie leaves a caps lock comment on every post. eddie blocks him three times a month. stan leaves a purple heart on every post, and eddie replies with a pink one.
RICHIE TOZIER. imagine a world where vine didn’t die because our richie tozier is a viner. his vines are quite absurd. no one really understands his humor, and when they do, they recognize the jokes are quite crappy. but richie has influential friends, like mike hanlon. richie actually has a youtube channel as well, but he mostly just vines since he’s so bad at editing. he appears on mike’s videos a lot, and people are either exhilarated or annoyed. they can’t fathom the fact that richie is friends with so many popular people. they catch on with his friendship with bev when richie takes over bev’s twitter. bev punishes him by posting a lot of unflattering pictures of him, but richie doesn’t mind. he’s also friends with that book nerd kid, ben???? richie starts to make vines where he walks up to ben and asks what’s he reading, and ben will answer something like “fifty shades of grey, but with chickens” even though he’s clearly holding the great gatsby. richie also makes cringy musical.lys. we don’t speak of those.
STANLEY URIS. stan is so lowkey on social media. he has tumblr for the sole reason of reblogging each and every one of bill’s fics, and it’s a joke among bill’s readers. like people will post “managed to reblog bill’s latest drabble before birdboystan!!!!”. stan has a private instagram and he has posted four (4) pictures: a blurry artistic selfie, a photo of a bird’s nest, an inspirational quote and an thing richie tagged him in. he gets follower requests every day, because he’s that guy eddie kaspbrak always replies to. stan never accepts any. he’s only let eddie, and for some reason richie, follow him. but you what is stan’s main place? pinterest. don’t tell me this boy doesn’t have the neatest and most aesthetically pleasing pinterest boards.
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lesbiansirius · 7 years
mutual(s) pining
a work brought to you by bunfox productions, aka yours truly and @lesbianremus! you can also read it on ao3, right here. big thanks to the lovely @nachodiablo who looked it over for us!
this is a prompt fill for the weekly prompt at @introvert-club. this week it was “internet crush”. anyone is welcome to participate, and use the tag #wolfstar introvert prompt for us to see! enjoy :) 
Some days, scrolling Tumblr is pretty boring. A flower, a transparent backpack, a dejected joke about depression, a dead Soundcloud link, nothing to inspire. Sirius is hunched over their laptop, watching the screen with their chin resting on their hand. A long discourse post they can’t be arsed to read, gifs from a show they don’t watch, and then.
Inspiration strikes.
It strikes in the form of two selfies. The person in them is standing in a sunny garden, curls spilling out from under a snapback, and smiling with their eyes closed. You can see lilacs blooming in the background. The person has freckles and a t-shirt with a whale on it, featuring the text “I’m a little overWHALEmed”. Same, Sirius thinks.
They click follow without even looking at the blog.
Remus squints at the tiny, seemingly innocuous, line of text on her dashboard. It’s sandwiched between a masterpost of transfeminine resources Lily’s reblogged (tagged #dead useful tbh #remus i told u joining tumblr wld be worth it) and a post from one of Lily’s friends about how Glinda the Good Witch is trans agenda (shows up at the beginning of Act 2 with a new name).
padfoot has started following you
Who the fuck is padfoot?
Remus quickly opens a new chat, typing in Lily’s url. She had made Lily show her how to do this chat business first, after changing the aesthetically horrifying default blog layout.
do u kno a padfoot
Lily, eternally both awake and online, replies immediately.
wtf is a padfoot
oooh hang on actually i think i do
ya they’re one of my mutuals. mostly posts vids of them singing and reblogs pics of animals, iirc
why are they following me??? i don't want to be followed!!
remus chill ffs. it’s not like stalking. they just see ur posts
i dont even have any posts! well except those pics marlene took that u INSISTED i put up here
ur welcome. i bet they think ur hot ;) ;)
remus when will u accept ur cute n give the people what they want!! (more selfies)
im unfollowing u
my dash would be more appealing w just the staff blog posts
im ignoring ur paltry attempts at threats. also, i just went and looked and ya i had the right person. u should check out their vids
its polite 2 at least LOOK at someone's blog if they follow u!! honestly remus my 86 yr old grandma is more social media savvy than u
Remus chooses not to reply to that. She does click on padfoot’s blog, though. Not because Lily suggested it, just because she’s curious. What about some boring pictures of her in a garden screamed ‘good content’ to this stranger? Maybe they’re really fond of lilacs, or something.
“What the fuck?” Remus says, glaring at the still shots of the youtube videos embedded on the page in front of her. Whoever padfoot is, they’re apparently unfairly attractive. Remus clicks play on the first video, half-hoping they’re an appalling singer to make up for the ridiculously good looks.
Two hours later, Remus’ phone buzzes, jolting her out of her Tumblr coma and back into reality.
did u die? Lily wants to know. Remus calls her.
“Why would you assume I’m dead?”
“I’ve been knocking on your door for the past ten minutes, asshole.”
“Oh,” Remus looks guiltily down at the headphones she’d put on three videos in.
“Well come open the door,” Lily gripes. “We’re late.”
“Can we be late for a thing that we scheduled between the two of us?” Remus points out, as Lily tugs her down the stairs. “You barely even gave me time to put on proper clothes,” she complains.
“We said pub at five. It’s not my fault you weren’t ready.”
“Actually,” Remus says with a self-righteous sniff, “it was. You’re the one who told me to check out padfoot’s blog.”
Lily pauses, looking over at Remus.
“Yeah, three hours ago.”
“Two and a half,” Remus mutters.
“Wow,” Lily smirks. “I knew they’d be your type.”
“Shut up,” Remus grumbles. “We’re going to be late for Weekly Lion’s Den Bitch & Moan.”
“I thought it was impossible to be late for something we scheduled between the two of us,” Lily says mockingly.
Remus walks off without her, ignoring the sound of Lily’s cackles following her down the street.
Sirius straightens up from the computer and looks for James. He’s in downward dog position in the kitchen area, because of course.
“Hey,” they say, “quick question.”
“I’ve told you a million times not to interrupt me while my arse is reaching for the sky.” James sounds a little strained, but he still manages to get in a sigh.
Sirius groans. “This is important!”
“More important than my spiritual health?” But James walks slowly into a forward fold, and Sirius waits for him to get upright, one vertebrae at a time. They tap their fingers against their laptop.
James reaches his hands up towards the sun – or in this case, the orange plastic lamp in their kitchen – then finally gives Sirius attention.
“Okay, what’s the quick question?”
“How long should you be mutuals with someone before casually striking up a friendship?” It’s probably not causal to even ask that literally two minutes after the person follows you back, but whatever.
James rolls up his mat and chuckles. “You’re talking to me, literally the least casual person this side of the equator.”
Sirius frowns. They’re used to James always giving advice. Admittedly, sometimes it’s bad advice, but nonetheless.
“You mean I have to use my own judgment? Eh.”
“When I’m your manager you’ll never have to do that,” James jokes.
Sirius doesn’t reply; they’re actually checking out the pretty stranger’s blog now. The title is ‘why are they forcing me to have a title’ and the bio just says ‘she/her’. The pictures are the only thing on the blog. Well, that didn’t exactly help. Tumblr friendships are usually based on mutual interest. Maybe they could strike up a conversation about lilacs?
“Okay, well, thanks for nothing,” they tell James. “I have nothing to go on, my crops are dying, and I haven’t even posted a video in a week.”
“But your crop tops are fine.” James winks and slumps down next to Sirius, looking over their shoulder at the mysterious whale person. “Wow, pretty.”
“I know! The only good thing on Tumblr today. I need more!”
“You need chill,” James says firmly. “Wanna go to the pub?”
Sirius closes the laptop decisively. “Always.”
“Let me change, I’ll be ready in a few.” James gets up, giving Sirius an unnecessarily detailed view of his ass in yoga pants. “And you should put on one of those crop tops.”
“But remember the last time you went out in yoga pants.” Sirius grins. “Worked out well, didn’t it?”
James shakes his head. “Not tonight, honey, I’m tired.”
“It’s hard work being popular.” Sirius shrugs.
They do take James’ advice to change into a crop top, because even if James isn’t up to being hit on, Sirius could use the validation. And they look fucking awesome in a crop top and fishnets.
It’s just a few days after payday, and the time of day when people are off work, so they only barely manage to get the last free booth. Sirius sits down on the edge of the sofa, strategically placing one leg over the other so they’re visible to the people who pass by. It might not be a whale pun or lilacs, but Sirius’ legs rarely fail them.
James returns with an ale for Sirius and his own awful lager with cordial in it. The pink makes it look pretty, but that’s its only redeeming feature in Sirius’ opinion. James sighs happily when he takes the first sip, though.
“Did I tell you about that movie I found the other day? It’s like a comedy about vampires and werewolves, it’s amazing.”
Sirius listens to James try to explain it, and they then spend a considerable amount of time discussing various vampire questions. Do they get boners, and how? Can vampires be vegan? Are there vampires working night jobs that no one knows about?
Their stomach is hurting from laughing by the time Sirius gets up to get a second round. When they get back, James isn’t alone.
Remus pushes the door open to The Drunk Carnation, holding it politely for Lily, in spite of what a pain she’s being today. It is Lily’s turn to buy the drinks, which cheers Remus up slightly. At least if she’s going to be mocked she can do it over some semi-expensive alcohol.
Once they’re seated, Remus quickly changes the subject away from Tumblr.
“So how’s your acting class going?”
“Pretty well,” Lily says, sipping at her Seven and Seven. “That creep still won’t stop asking me out.”
“I thought you were going to ask the cute clumsy one to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
Lily shrugs.
“I still might. It’s sort of hilarious watching him work up the nerve to talk to me, though. I’m not sure if I want to put him out of his misery yet.”
“You’re a cruel woman, Lily Evans.”
“Anyway,” Lily says, shrugging off what she probably considers a compliment, “you aren’t getting off that easy. What did you think of padfoot?”
Remus groans, dropping her forehead onto the table and nearly tipping over her can of PBR.
“They’re fine,” she grumbles.
“Someone’s got a crush,” Lily sing-songs. “Hang on.” Her tone of voice changes slightly, and Remus looks up, following her line of sight. She recognizes when Lily’s ‘cute person’ radar is going off. “Weirdly,” Lily continues, looking back at Remus, “that’s him. They guy from acting class.”
“Oh,” Remus frowns. “The creepy one or the one you’ve set your cap for?”
Lily snorts.
“The latter, Jane Austen.” Remus smiles over the top of her beer, but doesn’t reply. Lily looks oddly hesitant for a moment, before her expression clears. “We’re going to go say hi,” she says firmly. Remus groans, but let’s Lily tug her to her feet. “Oh stop moaning,” Lily says.
“I thought this was a dedicated romance-free evening,” Remus says self-righteously.
“It’s just a hello.” Lily strikes a pose as soon as they’re alongside the table, cocking one hip and tilting her head flirtatiously. “James. Fancy seeing you here.”
The man at the table starts slightly, looking up from his phone. He widens his eyes and nearly drops the poor phone into his drink.
“Lily? Oh. Wow, hi. Hello.” Remus stifles a smile as James glances over at her. “Erm,” he says, getting awkwardly to his feet and holding out a hand. “I’m James.”
“Nice to meet you,” James says politely, before his eyes drift inevitably back over to Lily. “Would you two like to sit?”
Lily looks over at Remus, raising an eyebrow. Remus sighs inwardly, resigning herself to a dull evening of playing third wheel. She knows Lily will go back to their table without protest if Remus asks her to, but she can also see that Lily is more interested in James than her conversation about him had let on.
“Sure,” Remus says, sliding into one side of the booth. She sits on the end, so Lily and James are forced to sit next to each other. Lily grins at her from across the table, and James looks to be a strange combination of thrilled and alarmed.
Remus is just trying to think of a way to excuse herself to give the two of them some time to talk, when someone else approaches the booth.
“I leave for two minutes and you’ve already replaced me,” the person says, heaving a dramatic sigh. Remus just barely manages not to jerk up her head, but she’s staring so intently at her beer that it’s possible she looks like some sort of deranged beer label design student.
Oh no, Remus thinks. I recognize that voice. James is babbling out some kind of protest and Remus’ stomach clenches up. Have we interrupted some kind of date?
Fortunately, Lily quickly takes charge.
“You’re too late. He’s mine now,” she says with a grin. James looks like he’s struggling not to combust on the spot, and Remus stifles a laugh. She’s grateful Lily’s given her a moment to get her equilibrium back. The stranger, padfoot, Remus’ brain helpfully supplies, slides into the booth next to Remus. She turns, friendly expression carefully propped up on her face, and smiles.
“Hello. I’m Remus. The extremely rude one across the way is Lily.”
“Cheers,” Lily says, sipping her drink.
“Sirius,” padfoot says with a grin, holding out a hand. Remus shakes it, trying not to look terribly star-struck.
I can be chill about this, she tells herself firmly. A tiny voice in the back of her mind is screaming that’s a GIANT lie, Lupin. Sirius is even cuter in person and they’re right there, nearly touching her and they smell really nice and it’s horribly distracting. She can’t even escape to the bar to get her head together because Sirius has just brought new drinks and Remus is now trapped against the wall.
“So,” she says a bit desperately, “how do you two know each other?”
Lily, who has apparently decided she’s fulfilled her helpfulness quotient for the year, just smirks at Remus over her drink and lets her flounder.
“How don’t we know each other?” Sirius waggles their eyebrows and grins. They then want to punch their own face.
James laughs nervously and glances at Lily. She is pretty, but he’s pathetic. Unlike Sirius, who’s the epitome of coolness right about now.
Remus looks a little pink. It’s adorable. “Oh, were you on a–”
“I beg you not to finish that sentence,” James cuts in. “Sirius is just being a dick. We know each other from school, way back.”
“Clearly this school thing is the way to meet people,” Remus says. Sirius laughs, possibly more than the joke warrants.
But Remus is wearing another t-shirt with whales, and is so beautiful, and Sirius feels like bursting into song. They’re lucky Remus and Lily didn’t turn up after a couple more beers.
“I like your shirt,” they say and nod towards Remus’ chest.
Remus looks down on her beer and giggles. “Whale whale whale,” she says, then looks up. “Get it?”
Lily groans on the other side of the table, but Sirius laughs again. They can’t seem to help it. This person is their kryptonite. “That’s funny. Do you have more of these?”
Remus tells them about the overWHALEmed t-shirt and Sirius pretends not to already know about it. James casts a smug glance at Sirius every now and then, but he looks too nervous himself to be gloating.
“What do you do for fun?” Remus asks, turned to Sirius, her leg almost touching their skin through the fishnets.
“I like singing,” Sirius says. “But it’s not too serious.”
“Ha–” Remus starts, and Sirius groans and buries their head in their arms. “Sorry,” Remus adds quickly. “I’m sure you get that a lot.”
“You have no idea.” Sirius lifts their head again and smiles. “Anyway. What do you like?”
Remus hesitates. “I write,” she says. “But nothing too– er, consequential.”
“Nice save.” Sirius braves nudging her arm with their elbow, and Remus looks at them and smiles.
Sirius doesn’t want to look away. Remus smiles like she’s holding back a much bigger smile, giving the impression that there’s just too much sunshine in her to contain. Sirius spills over.
“I followed you on Tumblr earlier today,” they blurt out. “I liked your selfies.”
Remus goes red. That was the last reaction Sirius had anticipated, but it’s not terrible. “I know,” she admits. “I don’t understand why, though.”
Because you’re beautiful. “They were very aesthetically pleasing pictures,” Sirius improvises. “I was so uninspired and then I saw them and it was good content, what can I say.”
Remus is shaking her head. “Not as good as your singing.”
“You checked out my blog?” At this point, the point where their arms are touching feels like burning, but it’d be weird to move now. Also, Sirius doesn’t want to.
“I don’t have more than ten followers, of course I get curious,” Remus says defensively. She’s not moving her arm, either.
“Really?!” Tumblr really is a hellsite. Remus, no more than ten followers? Atrocious.
“Yes?” Remus looks puzzled.
“You don’t want more?” Sirius is grappling with this concept.
“Not really.” Remus shrugs. “Anyway, I listened to a bunch of your songs, and I really liked them. You should be the one with more followers.”
“Thank you.” Sirius doesn’t know what else to say.
Lily clears her throat. “Excuse me for interrupting what I’m sure would have been an incredibly drawn out flirting process, but I’d like my best friend back, so if you could just exchange numbers now that’d be great.”
Sirius makes a surprised exhale, and Remus moves her arm back at lightning speed. “I will murder you,” she says calmly.
Lily just smiles at her. “Sure, but let’s get drinks first.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus mutters. “May I get out?”
Sirius gets up and gives way, watching with amusement at how James tries not to die when Lily passes him in closer proximity than he could possibly have hoped to have her. They say goodbye, and Lily and Remus start walking away before Sirius finds their bearings.
“Wait!” They take a few long steps to catch up. “Actually, Remus, I’d like that number, if you want to give it to me.”
Remus raises her eyebrows and her mouth opens slightly. How she’s making “flummoxed” look hot, Sirius has no idea.
“Sure, yeah.”
Lily looks extremely smug as they exchange numbers. Sirius is not looking forward to the look on James’ face when they get back to him.
Remus gives them one last barely-contained smile before her and Lily leave, for real this time.
Sirius looks at their phone and starts laughing. Remus saved her number as ‘whale endowed’.
Yes, Sirius has definitely been struck by inspiration.
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sorcyress · 7 years
State of the Social Media, 2017 Hi friends!! It's been a loooong time since I last checked in about this, and Russia has made an update Weirdly Relevant, so let's talk social media! I'm gonna post this everywhere I mention, except on Twitter where I'll just link it, because I do not hate my twitter friends that much. SO! I use social media! Let's talk about which and how. This is going to be a real-person post, which means long and rambling. I may make a tl;dr for Facebook. Livejournal:(KDSorceress) WELL OKAY FINE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. I WON'T USE THIS ANYMORE. Okay, no, realistically I have given up on online privacy *and* my Russian-speaking-friend who uses LJ doesn't seem to be bailing, but given that EVERYONE ELSE has pretty much finally bailed...it's time to drop it entirely, and that's a bummer. So I'm gonna turn off cross-posting (MASSIVE WINCE) and abandon the place I've updated at least once a month for the last 161 months1. That's over thirteen years, my livejournal is old enough to start its own livejournal. But it's okay because I'll be finally fully transitioning to... Dreamwidth:(Sorcyress Wooooo! Open-source! Community-controlled! Transparency and not randomly deleting journals and not run by a government that thinks Teh Gay is a major league problem and why was I on elljay in the first place? Anywho, DW is where I put long-style thoughts, and Real Serious Life Stuff! It's my (new) home. I have never given up on longform personal blogging, and I still love it more'n anything, and I want the rest of you to return to it. Meanwhile, you can also find Real Serious Life Stuff on... Twitter:(@Sorcyress) This is where I have been dumping my serious stuff in sortof the immediate, because...I...also don't have attention for longform blogging right now? Please see my eighty part tweet-saga on "does Kat have health insurance and/or medication for their ADHD this week?", which I have been performing 140 characters at a time for the last six months. Also, there's a *lot* of selfies. If you wanna see my face, you gotsta follow my tweets. Tumblr:(Sorcyress My Tumblr is an uncoordinated cesspit, and I mostly just reblog stuff that I theoretically want to follow up on later somehow, but then don't. I really should stop using Tumblr. You are welcome to follow me there, I provide no original content and very little original commentary, but you might still find my curation cool or useful or something. Meanwhile, on the offline side of the internet you have... Facebook:(Firstname Lastname, go ahead and ping me privately if you want it) Facebook is what I use to speak to lots of people at once --lots of "hey I need a thing from y'all" but also it's the place where my party ideas show up and invites and stuff. I also post a weirdly high amount of genderstuff, because I remain eternally thrilled that Facebook lets me set my gender accurately and my pronoun correctly. Anyways, because Facebook has my wallet name attached instead of my handle, I also behave all delicately and professionally and whatnot. This means I don't swear on my own page2, and don't link to my handle! Places I am no longer include: deviantART, Sluggy.net, any other forums...Iunno. The rest of the world I used to be on? Oh yeah, OKCupid, which isn't really social media and I never really used it, but I've pretty much wholly abandoned it. And that one bounty-hunter3 website that a certain subset of my friends list is thinking of, yes I still have an account, every few months I'll post a thing, but I hardly ever read or do anything else. Places I am not currently that you probably are: Instagram (I haven't gotten around to it), Pintrest (I fundamentally object to their screwing up of Google Image searches), Snapchat (Technically I have one, every few months I remember to look at my sister's timeline, but I do not "get" it like at all) Separate from social media, if you wanna get in touch with me, you can... Text me! After two decades of fundamentally hating telephones, I finally got a tiny-pocket-computer-that-incidentally-makes-phone-calls and I like it very much. I like getting random texts, and will do my best to respond, if whatever my job is allows it. IM me! I still looooove instant messanger, even though I'm not always the best at using it. When I am on the computer, I have access to GTalk and AIM (username on both: kdsorceress), when I'm on the phone, just GTalk. Call me? Please...um...I mean, I like having phone calls very rarely with a smallish subset of the People I Like, so please don't randomly call me for conversation without pinging me otherwise first? But if that's a thing you like, I mean, try pinging me and we'll see! Skype me! (Or Google Hangouts or whatever --the kleenex problem is coming for you, Skype.) I especially like utilizing this for the "I'ma work on cleaning my room and you work on cleaning your room" type stuff. Last big Skype chat I had, Tailsteak was inking or something, and I made a LEGO set! (my skype is Sorcyress, my google is kdsorceress) Email me! Oooo, I love getting emails! I am _absolutely terrible_ at replying to emails. You will not bother me if you send me reminder emails to reply to your email. Seriously. It is good for me! (kdsorceress at gmail dot com) Is there anything I'm missing? If you wish to get in touch with me on a social media I didn't specify, go ahead and email me at [insert appropriate email here]. Or leave a comment or whatever! Yay social media! ~Sor MOOP! 1: Except two, back in 2005 because I was being a petulant and sulky baby. 2: My grandfather objects, and again, I try to pretend that Facebook is professional even though I have it locked up pretty tight privacy wise. Of course, it's sFB, so those privacy settings could randomly change any day now. 3: I am very clever! Do you like how clever I am?
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secret-rendezvous1d · 8 years
QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BLOG - all 50, love! xx
1. How long have you had your current blog? - 2 and a bit years; 3 years on October 26. 
2. How long have you had your current URL? - About a year and a half? I know I changed it a while back.
3. Do you have any blogs other than this one? - I have a personal blog, yeah. It’s @aspersonalasitgets if you want to give me a follow. :)
4. Would you ever consider running a blog with someone else? - Not really, no. I’m really independent so I prefer to work on my own with my own content.
5. What is the overall theme/concept of your blog? - Literally just Harry Styles, One Direction and writing. Hahaha.
6. Do you primarily use a computer or your mobile device to access tumblr? - I think I spend the same amount of time on both computer and my phone; I used my computer when I’m writing stories and I used my phone when I’m reblogging and out and about in public.
7. How do you feel about blogs that only use the mobile view (generic) themes? - I honestly don’t care? It’s what we all feel comfortable with. It’s not all about the theme or anything.
8. How many blogs do you follow atm? - A little over 3,000 but the majority are ones that barely post or use their accounts so I need to go through and re-sort that out.
9. How many followers do you have atm? - 13,070. 
10. Do you have any accounts blocked? - I do, yes. 
11. How do you feel about getting messages? - I absolutely love receiving messages from everyone. Feedback or just requests or even just general messages. I love it.
12. How many messages do you get daily on average? - A range between 1-15.
13. Have you ever gotten anon hate? - I have, yes. 
14. Do you send others messages/anons? - Of course. It’s always lovely to make sure people know they’re loved and appreciated.
15. Do you reply to all of your messages? - Most definitely. 
16. What is something we will never see on your blog? - On this blog, you’ll never see things that are unrelated to One Direction. It’s a purely One Direction blog so you’ll never see things based on other bands or people.
17. Have you ever reached your daily post limit? - Surprisingly, no. 
18. Do you ever post selfies? - If I ever feel confident enough with a specific selfie, yes. Although, the display photo on my personal blog is a selfie.
19. Do you go by your real name on your blog? - I do. I’m not creative enough to go by another name.
20. What does your URL mean? - It’s based on the “and if you like have secret little rendezvous’” line from Perfect - my favourite song ever, I think.
21. Have you ever changed your URL? - Yes. Which was very hectic because I had to change all of my links in my Masterlist which took forever, haha!
22. Did you have a different tumblr account before your current one? - I did have one ages ago - but, I can’t remember the URL or using it, haha.
23. What do you think is the best way to gain followers? - Just being yourself, being lovely to those who talk to you, and, posting the content that people enjoy reading/seeing/reblogging.
24. Have you ever had to unfollow someone? - Yes.
25. Have you ever completely changed your blog (the theme/concept/content)? - Not really, no. But, I’m thinking of changing my theme.
26. Have you made any friends through tumblr? - A whole load. And, I love them all very much.
27. Have you met anyone in person that you first met through tumblr? - Me and Caitlin - @horanandstylesaremyonlyreason - have spoken about meeting one day. But, I haven’t met anyone. I did get stopped in the street once, though. 
28. Do you ever real personal information on your blog? - Not real-life personal information. I only ever give out my social media accounts and the occasional story.
29. Have you ever started a romantic relationship with anyone from tumblr? - Nope.
30. Does your blog contain any mature/sexual content? - I write smut, so, definitely some sexual and mature content.
31. Do you make gifs? - I have no idea how to make them.
32. Do you make graphics/art? - I’m by no means artistic. I can only write, haha.
33. Is your blog mostly reblogs or your own content? - A bit of both, really. Maybe more writing then reblogs but I do reblog a whole lot of stuff.
34. Do you use XKit? - No.
35. Do you tag your posts? - I do, yeah. To keep them in categories and whatnot on my blog for when I need gifs or photos in the future.
36. Have you ever had to block a tag? - Not at all.
37. Name a blogging pet peeve of yours. - I don’t really have a blogging pet peeve, to be honest.
38. Have you ever posted a video or audio of yourself? - Once. A long time ago, haha.
39. Do you follow any blogs that don’t follow you back? - I do, yeah. But, it doesn’t both me, at all.
40. Do you follow everyone back? - Sometimes, I do, yeah. 
41. Pick one of your favorite mutuals and say something nice about them. - @horanandstylesaremyonlyreason; I love you. I love how you love Niall. I love how we can share story ideas and just ‘scream’ together when things happen. And, I really enjoy it when we can share sneak peeks to one another’s stories.
42. Is there a certain time of day you’re on tumblr the most? - I suck at schedules.
43. Do you use the queue? - No, but, I’ve been meaning to start.
44. Would you say you are different on tumblr than you are in person or on other social media? - Definitely. I’m so shy in person.
45. Have you ever gotten advice from another tumblr member? - I have, yes.
46. Have you ever given advice to another tumblr member? - I have.
47. Do you feel like you know your way around tumblr well? - I guess so, yeah.
48. Do you ever clear out your likes? - Nope.
49. What is your favorite thing about tumblr? - Meeting incredible people, sharing my talent and my writing style, and, talking to people that share the same interests as me.
50. What is your least favorite thing about tumblr? - The horrid people and the hate that comes with hiding behind the Anon identity. xxx
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