#post war obkk night time
cool-thymus · 1 year
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"It was just a bad dream. You're okay now."
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zuzu-draws · 3 months
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Cranky post war 'bito :> his grump is truly when his Uchiha side shines!
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bansenshukai · 2 years
2, 3, 4 and 13 obkk if you would please 83
oh god this is so late i'm sorry. these answers are going to be for a happy post-fourth war obito survives au:
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Kakashi -- he's got a lot of practice at this with himself. So he's pretty good at calming Obito down and getting him back to bed.
Obito -- shinobi, so he's good at dealing with stressful situations. At least in the moment. Once Kakashi's back in bed, Obito stays up for the rest of the night and keeps his Sharingan activated, and doesn't take his eyes off Kakashi until sunrise.
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Kakashi steals Obito's stuff all the time. Clothes, absolutely. But this extends to kunai, Obito's favorite modified shuriken holster, his fucking toothbrush--
Yeah Obito is possibly. Going a little insane. Sucks to suck, he shoulda picked an easier person to live with. Kakashi is the housemate from hell.
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Kakashi is more protective. He's lost Obito so many times at this point, that it has completely triggered his already sensitive paranoia. He manages to be rational about things like missions, but the minute Obito burns his tongue on takoyaki Kakashi's got his kunai out and the takoyaki flipped onto the fucking floor. Oops. Unresolved trauma who?
I don't think either of them need to be protected. Or both of them do, really. Kakashi from himself. Obito from the potential retaliation of shinobi seeking revenge after the war. They protect each other, always.
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
We all know it's Kakashi : ) Obito is perpetually stuck in either a state of blue balls or complete exhaustion.
Well, that is, until Kakashi takes a little too far and the thin thread Obito's hanging on by snaps. (which is what kakashi was really aiming for all along, anyway). rip bedframe.
from this ask game
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
one final playlist 😁😁 this one is for @butter--peanut and her fic/au kamui blues 😋
so fair warning, i don’t remember specific events from kb, only like three general plot points, so these could absolutely relate to other things in the story!! and it’s also why i didn’t name any too specific events lmfao
a lot of these are also mostly incoherent because i have a killer headache rn 🧡
Peace Be Still by The Hunts
it’s their relationship <33
Dirty Paws by Of Monsters And Men
so this one is less lyrics and far more the music in between; the uphill battle, the fight for growth, the climb of the mountain. it’s the wind whipping and pushing and the rock crumbling and continuing anyways. which to me, is a major part of kamui blues: obito’s shift in ideals and his redirection of his will to fight, both of them helping each other come to terms with themselves, pushing through the bleak times because they wanted to for each other.
Downhill by Lincoln
ough a sort of wry spin on obito’s hopelessness when kakashi’s trying to help him out of it, and perhaps a commentary on his recovery from it. mostly in the lyrics:
Because i went downhill at such steep incline
That my rearview mirror showed me only the sky,
And i laughed about it all night.
it also kind of touches on how kakashi affects him, i think. like how what he says sort of changes his perception/acceptance of himself, if only a little.
Thistle & Weeds by Mumford & Sons
obito’s nightmares of the people he’s killed, and his feelings about that. the hopelessness of it, until
But plant your hope with good seeds
Don’t cover yourself with thistle and weeds
which could be kakashi’s attempt at helping.
this song has a little darker tone to it with no real hopeful resolution imo, but i think it still fits! kind of both their trauma tbh, especially after konan’s death.
Valentina by The Hunts
ah this has post-war celebration vibes for the two of them :33 finally getting to live their happy lives together hehe
You taught me dear, to be courageous
YEAH!! agsjehaudhwhdja i love them
Bridges Burning by Wild Child
honestly i think this fits for both their longing for each other but the belief that they can’t possibly deserve the other; they’re too broken. but the song doesn’t sound hopeless to me, rather forgiving actually!! which they’ve gotta do to themselves before they can be with the other, and it’s what they teach the other too i think <333
Boreas by The Oh Hellos
obito’s growth, and kakashi’s role in that!! kakashi helping him realize he isn’t worthless; he has worth to kakashi, and that matters.
also outside of obkk, it’s juubi yamato sjakdhjsjd
m’Lover by Kishi Bashi
aghwhegshadhhs it’s them <3333 fuck this song fits them so well for this au :’))))))) both music and lyrics ahdajeijqd
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters And Men
And as the world comes to an end
I'll be here to hold your hand
Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart
same vibes as Dirty Paws, but with these added lyrics…..yeah 😭😭😭
Human by The Hunts
Trying by Cavetown
Remembrance by Balmorhea
umm ok i highly recommend the amv by kenney creates on youtube because that’s where i found this song and i cry every time i see it <3333 but i think this song also captures the same sort of feelings in kamui blues. just. everything about it i think. i can’t be coherent about this song i’m sorry i just <3333?/&;$&/):1773$;!:!(
Delilah by Florence + The Machine
the war!! juubi tenzo!! the fighting and coming to life and everything!!! this song is so full of determination and hope and accomplishment!!!!!
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos
I have always known you
You have always been there in my mind
But now I understand you
And I will not be part of your designs
I know who I am now
And all that you've made of me
I know who you are now
And I name you my enemy
this has always read as obito breaking free from madara’s control in any au, and it stands true here <3
Blame by Air Traffic Controller
THIS SONG. the beginning explanation and sadness into the bursting hope and joy and accomplishment….soooo obito it’s such an obito in kb song (as well as kakashi’s role in his growth)!! the lyrics all fit perfectly too of course <3
Passenger by Lisa Hannigan
also a end-of-the-journey song. they can rest easy. finally.
Frost by Coast Modern
ALSO A CONCLUSION SONG!!! idk why this song has just always read as a “take a rest. lay down. it’s over.” song <3333 maybe they have to keep going, until kakashi’s no longer hokage, but once there, it’s retirement <3333
Time Adventure by Rebecca Sugar
tbh i don’t remember why i put this in here! but i think it’s still fitting, especially when rinne rebirth
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
absolutely this is reanimated rin finally meeting kakashi in the woods r u kidding. nuff said.
Finch In The Pantry by The Arcadian Wild
this is rin and obito and kakashi reuniting towards the end 😭😭 and then the following peace and progression and stuff ofc
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jun-zhiyi · 6 years
Just some obkk cause I had nowhere else to post this.
Obito lives and reflects on some important moments with Kakashi.
1,061 Words
You cried the day that I left.
I could not see you, but your sobs were deafening as you sat there, watching me die with my own eye. I did not feel any pain, but I remember wondering whether the tears on my face belonged to you or me. After all of the years we had spent fighting each other, it was strange to me that when my time came, you did not want to lose me.
I did not want to lose you either.
The next time I saw you, your arm was through her chest.
You did not know I was there or that I was watching. Would you have seen my anger if you did? Would you have felt my pain?
The only promise you had ever made to me you had broken and the agony I felt was close to unbearable. I had so many questions, so much hatred burning through my heart because of you. Never in my life had I wanted to kill you more and I clung to that feeling for far too many years after.
When we truly met again, you still believed I was dead.
I could see the pain in your eyes as we fought, an inner conflict between your reluctance and vigilance raging inside you. I was a threat to your peace, but the rift I had created in your beliefs held you back from your duty. You could not kill me.
I did not understand why you had held back for me when you had already killed so many before or how you hesitated to kill me more than you did her. Why did you look at me the way you did when we were young? What did you still see in me?
I’m sorry I took so long to understand.
I should have changed sooner, but you were more patient than I remembered you to be.
Not everyone receives a second chance, but I suppose at some point fate had to deal us a good hand and we were given the chance to make amends, survive together, and make up for lost time. Sometimes we do not realize how much we have missed something, but when the war was finally over and I sat with you in the fields we’d abandoned so long ago, the memories of what we used to have came back to me. With the world at peace, we were finally given time to simply be and for once, I felt grateful for it.
We had come back together and I was home again.
Our traumas do not leave us even during times of peace, that was something I learned because of you.
The person I had met out there was different from the person I met behind closed doors, your heart tattered, full of the pain and regret you had finally let me understand. Even after a decade, your nightmares haunted you and there were too many nights that I had woken up to the sound of your sobs and the sight of your shaking body. There were too many graves, too many names of people you had lost after I had left. You were not haunted, you were plagued, your body weakened under the pressure of the guilt and sadness you’d gathered over the years. Your past was so full of anguish, I wish I had realized that sooner. I wish I hadn’t hurt you even more.
You eventually found solace in my arms.
I remember how you cried, how your agony had caught in your throat, and how you clung to me so desperately in hopes that somehow my presence could take away your torment. It caught me off guard, but you had left me no choice but to wrap you in my arms. I’d never seen you show so much weakness, but when I held you I felt you melt into me and as you did, I felt my heart melt into you. Eventually your body stilled and your sobs gave way to the even breaths that told me you had fallen asleep. That was the first time I realized I didn’t want to let you go. The first time I realized how badly I wanted to protect you.
We fell in love faster than I expected.
I don’t remember how we first kissed, but I remember the quiver in your lips and the trust in your eyes. How warm your cheeks were as I held them and how your eyelashes fluttered shut when my lips touched yours. You were so gentle, hesitant as if I would run away if you pushed me too hard, but there was desperation in my heart I did not realize I had.
Things escalated, as they do, but when I looked to my side to see your sleeping face beside me, I felt real, true happiness for the first time in decades. There was peace in your expression and for the first night in years you did not wake to the sound of your own pain, but to the warm sun against your eyelids. I remember your smile, how you leaned into me and how your skin was so soft against mine. You kissed me and so quietly I heard you utter words I did not know you knew.
“I love you.”
We’re together now. How many years have passed?
Your nightmares still wake you, but not as frequently as before. You still hide your face, but the best part of my day is when we come home together and I get to see your smile. You smile so much more than you used to.
I want to believe that this is true happiness. What else could it be? The feeling I get when I look at you, that warmth in my heart. Nothing compares to it and when I’m by your side, I feel as though the past that haunts the both of us is too far behind to cause us anymore pain. To know I had gone so long without this feeling is a tragedy, but I am with you now, for as long as time will allow me.
Perhaps I am just an old man in love, but when our stories finally end, I hope that we will still be together like this. Happy.
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cool-thymus · 2 months
Obito's reading list
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[if this post is about Obito's taste in literature then why is he asleep, and it's Kakashi doing the reading, you might ask? Well, i believe Obito's reading habits are healthy, while our boy Kakashi here can't simply put his smut down in the dead of night. Also, Obito might be woken up soon by... y'know]
Anyway, i was typing a reply to @hairybeardtongue 's idea about what books Obito would enjoy reading and got inspired ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ (my personal post-war Obito headcanons below the cut)
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Definitely! I can see Tobito going a full-blown Machiavelli mode. He must've read it in his villain era (that would explain some of his evil-but-proficient management choices).
But if we speak post-war, Obito will have to find his place again in the ninja world (which is still a mess despite Kakashi's impeccable hokageing). He'll need to catch up on all those years of denying the reality, break the delusions and prejudice he's been fostering all his adult life. I like to believe that he'll find solace in the written word and try to challenge the existing dogma. He might've lost his chakra privilege, but his mind is as sharp as ever, so why not have Kakashi deliver all the books and scrolls he requires to figure out the world he chose to save. In one of my post-war obkk aus Obito becomes a philosopher and provides valuable theoretical basis for Kakashi's and Naruto's executive hokage decisions. What if the guy who almost destroyed it all found a way to end the war-is-all-you-need dictatorship peacefully? (that would make more sense than brutally killing him for the second time, Kishi!)
As for leisure reading ("Pleasure reading!" Kakashi, please don't interrupt), I believe Obito'd enjoy stories about a wanderer who is always on the move and contemplates the world in all its beauty and messiness. (i'm thinking about Mushishi somehow xD) If the Sage of Six Paths published an autobiography, Obito would want to read it too probably. He might even enjoy Jiraya's Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi! Can you imagine how happy Kakashi'd be to learn that Obito finally decided to read his favorite author?! (he is this close to making him read the Icha-Icha series, who knows, maybe one day...)
Another curious aspect is Obito's seal-free heart, from now on vulnerable and open to compassion and strong emotions. Would that prompt him to read tragic novels to experience the catharsis of vicariously reliving grief, sadness, desperation, or hope? I think he might ("Return of the Crybaby!" dude, please). And whenever he's overwhelmed with his ideas destined to fix the society or sheds too many tears over some dramatic fiction, there's always Kakashi to lean on and rest while those nimble fingers massage his head so very soothingly.
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