#trying grayscale and dramatic lighting
cool-thymus · 10 months
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"It was just a bad dream. You're okay now."
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habken · 1 year
Right now this is my favorite Blog on Tumblr. You are so talented and your style is really beatiful. I want to ask if you prefer drawing bkdk black and white or in colors.
Thank u so much :) <3
Thank you that’s so sweet ! :’)) I guess I like colour vs b&w/monochrome for different reasons.
I enjoy bright colours and find the process really fun, I love rendering and trying to experiment with colour and lighting. I’m not the best with colour yet and I’m still learning but that’s part of what makes me fun for me!
On the other hand, grayscale/monochrome work is both quick and looks great imo. I like working with tones and I feel like they’re easier to mess with to make them look more dramatic without having to think too hard on lighting which is nice :)
So no real big preference, just whatever I feel in the moment when I’m drawing, think about what I’m trying to convey, and time constraints
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tintapermanen · 1 year
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[ID: Two versions of a digital fanart of Vash from Trigun Stampede showing him shoulder-up. He has a deep frown and is soaking wet. There is light dramatically illuminating him from behind. The first version is colored. His front is cast by purple shadow. The second version is in grayscale. End ID]
grayscale practice + trying to get that gradient map feeling in paint tool sai :^) painting stages up on my instagram highlight
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lord-shitbox · 7 months
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part 2 of this ask
📝Process for hurt mezu drawing 
here are the steps i dug out of an art server's wips channel lol
1. initial sketch
2. refine sketch. thats lines now babey. (omitted "the sleeves are KILLING ME WAHHH" stage that led to this)
3. grayscale, to use with gradient map (this is a more polished grayscale than I started with, i dug the working file out to get better images)
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4. find nice gradient map (ended up being the same one I'd used for the piece i made right before. the goal is to make what's essentially an underpainting, not to color the whole thing with one map)
5. tweak and add colors that arent in the map with hard light layers & also sneak in a layer for special effect and atmospheric/ scenic perspective while you're at it
6. shading & more finishing effects. pretty much all of the shading was done with hard light layers! the only non-hard light layers I used for the shading were the particle effect layers & like one faint glow layer to fix some values. blood was done with linear burn
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✨Inspiration for hurt mezu drawing 
the coloring method (grayscale -> saturated gradient map underpainting -> additive color adjustments) is something I tried out with the piece i'd made right before (the one where gozu is holding mezu from behind) & turned out really well, so I wanted to keep going with it
I also wanted to draw them angstily again because it'd been a very long time. like half a year at least. angsting them is very enriching for my soul so I try to do it regularly, this one was overdue
subconsciously referenced the poses in the initial sketch from this old thing (feb 2021). i love doing this. all my for-fun works recycle old elements in some way. my favorite game is "what old art reminds me of what im doing rn" im so good at digging stuff out of my archives for it. everyone loves when i do this
the gangi-kozou panel also
i went through a "shade in bold red-orange & dark blue with hard light layers" phase in like..april/may of 2021. i still like that stuff a lot so I wanted to revisit it
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💚Things you like about hurt mezu drawing
repasting the link there but the sixth image in the process is essentially the final so you can just look at that
the colors are nice!! I'm real happy with using more saturated colors n I think the warm vs cool balance works really well
the sleeves (man being dramatic on the sand meme)
no like fr look at the 2021 piece's kimono sleeves vs the one I just did 2.5 years later. so satisfying
Gozu's expression came out nice
i think the claws and flash lines successfully added Emphasis to Gozu's expression & the piece overall
the poses … the drama …. the brush textures are also good
⏳Things you’d do differently with hurt mezu drawing
add in a liiitle more contrast...aka use a wider range of values. Some lighter lights and darker darks. I miss my 2021 hard neon lighting
a bit more distinction between the characters and the background also
the composition isn't bad but it could be better. Should've thought more about the way the eye would flow around the image in the drafting stage (solid b&w color block thumbnails are good for this)
Moar Sparkles. (I put a solid amount of large & low opacity light bubbles in there & some finer brighter dots especially around the claw stems, but I think more clusters of tiny bright lights on the characters themselves would've gone hard)
💌Some favourite feedback on art
as the wise man Austin Kleon once said: keep a "praise file" of all the positive feedback you get (if you've never read "Steal Like an Artist," you must). so. i am prepared for this question hold on
tastes like sugar glass
multiple people have told me my art is soft & dreamlike
jayce you reblogged my touchstarved art with nice tags on april 10th ive got that saved love uou
umm theres a lot...anytime someone keysmashes or feels emotional because of my art i get happy ,,, lys messaged me about the hurt mezu piece that made me happy also,,,,,there is so much joy in the world
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birdmenanime · 2 years
ok this is the last fic for the night because i have class. in 6 hours. uh oh
the whole thing under the cut
He doesn’t know when Karasuma and Takayama’s talks on the rooftop became so common, but it got to the point where every other day he found himself standing a few feet away from him. They’re talking about something nauseating or confusing, as usual, and before Karasuma can try and throw a wrench at the mess, the chimes of the school bell ring. Whatever, I’ll decipher it later.
Karasuma turns to go, before he misses 5th period, again, before a hand grabs at his wrist. He twirls around, confused, coming face to face with Takayama.
Takayama doesn’t answer, only keeps staring, eyes boring into the other. The attention causes heat to rise in Karasuma’s cheeks. If he squints, maybe, just maybe, a light dusting of color is on Takayama’s face as well.
Out of the corner of Karasuma’s eye, Takayama’s free hand lifts from his side, before landing gently on the other’s cheek. 
But before Karasuma could even process what was happening, a surge of energy erupts from the marking on his back, and a blackout’s shadow begins to form high above. 
Karasuma can see Kamoda’s blackout stick its bald head out, and for some reason, Karasuma is more annoyed than usual about it. He swears he even hears Takayama sigh, before letting go. He quickly transforms and flings into the sky.
Karasuma stands still, not quite getting what just happened. A minute later and Sagisawa bursts from the roof door dramatically, shaking Karasuma out of his thoughts. Above, the blackout is already disintegrating. 
Takayama never elaborates, and Karasuma never asks.
In this dream Takayama smiles, his grayscale hair shifting with the nonexistent breeze. It makes Karasuma’s heartbeat so much faster. 
He flips upright, slowly, the ever-shifting light moving with his jet-black wings. 
“Why?” It’s more of a question for himself, for his psyche. Why, out of all the things he can dream about, does he dream about his missing friend? He looks around at the white expanse, taking in the millions of floating feathers. What weird symbolism is this supposed to portray? 
“Karasuma,” The dream Takayama speaks, snapping the teen out of his thoughts. 
Takayama’s face is suddenly close, close enough that their noses bump as Takayama slightly cocks his head, shadows flickering to the left of his face. Without color in this world, Takayama’s irises are completely white. His friend’s breath puffs onto Karasuma’s lips as he whispers: “You’re not dreaming.”
Karasuma startles so much that he falls out of his seat. A few of his classmates look over in curiosity, he’s sure one laughs, but Karasuma ignores them, shakily getting up and sitting back down. 
He barely pays attention in class anymore anyways, but he spends the rest of the day replaying the dream in his head.
He grabs Takayama by his stupid wingmass collar and pulls him down so their eye level. From aside, he hears Sagisawa squawk, but he doesn’t give a shit. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He can see Takayama’s red eyes widen up close. “Why do you think you can just decide everybody’s fate like this?! Who do you think you are?!”
“Shut up! I’m pissed off! I don’t want to hear anything from you! I’m so sick and tired of you running around and doing whatever the fuck you like! Do you even know what damage you're causing?” He can feel his brain split with a searing headache. “You left. You were missing, Takayama! For months! You could’ve been dead, for all we knew! Did you and your prophecy ever think about that?” He practically spits out the last word, blood boiling. Takayama has the audacity to look confused. Confused! It’s just like him to not even understand what he’s done to them. To him. The thought only has Karasuma even more pissed, twisting his hands further into Takayama’s wingmass collar as he feels something unrecognizable bubble in his chest and pull-
Before Karasuma can act, he’s ripped away from Takayama and being held in the air by his wings by Kamoda.
“That’s enough, Ei-Chan.” He says, face laced with concern. “I think he gets it.”
Karasuma blinks a few more times, watches as Takayama slowly comes back to life, getting out of Irene’s grasp. 
“I wasn’t done.” Karasuma croaks, voice cracking, but the feeling in his chest fizzles out. He tries to grab onto it and remember what exactly he wasn’t done with
The realization has Karasuma flushing the deepest red he could get. He was going to kiss him.
“Woah! Calm down!” Kamoda remarks as Karasuma starts wiggling in embarrassment and breaks from Kamoda’s grip, flopping unceremoniously on the ground. 
Just let me rot here.
“I just,” Karasuma lets out a shaky breath after his rant, his shoulders trembling. “I don’t even know who you are anymore. It’s like all of your humanity has just...vanished. You’re my friend, and…” He swallows the lump in his throat, before looking up, his eyes watering. “Are you even still in there?”
And Takayama stares at him, blankly. With that same deadpan expression, he’s had since they’d found him. He quietly lifts his hands up, and Karasuma’s voice doesn’t kick up in time to question it as they land on either side of his face, gently cupping his cheeks. Takayama keeps staring, and his eyes furrow the slightest amount in confusion, before readjusting back to normal. He wipes away a budding tear from Karasuma’s eye.
And then he leans in. Karasuma’s eyes stay open as Takayama slowly plants a ghost of a kiss onto his lips, before quietly backing out. 
The Bellwether blinks, processing. His head starts to scream in a headache, in confusion, as it rapidly tries to understand what it means. And in the process tears start to stream out of their own volition. “Why did you do that?”
Takayama’s face is completely neutral, blinking as if he doesn’t even know he’s awake. “I don’t know.” He admits.
The honesty only makes Karasuma cry more. He lets out a confused, broken sob, before he swallows it back up with a large sniffle. Get it together, his brain screams at him. Get it together!
He presses his head into his knees, taking ragged breaths into they even out. He grits his teeth, and forces the bubbling anxiety and grief down, down, until he’s okay. He’s still crying, but it’s better than before. He looks up.
On Takayama’s face, he can see hints of panic and confusion as he states: “I kissed you”
“I noticed that.” 
Karasuma wants to explode. “You think I know?!” He sniffles loudly, wiping at his nose with his wing massed arm.
The other doesn’t seem to hear him, instead staring at his hands. “Why did I…”
It snaps something inside Karasuma. “Could you at least try to think before you act on your instinct? For once?” He’s tired of it. He’s tired of picking up the pieces of his fractured heart and mind every time Takayama did just whatever the fuck he wanted. It makes his blood boil, and if Karasuma was just a bit more of an asshole, he’d sock Takayama in his stupid, impulsive, face.
The teen in question tries to hide his face. He needs to go...he doesn’t even know. Process. Cry some more. Sleep for a million years. “Just...Just save it. I don’t. I don’t even want to talk about this right now.”
He stands to leave, wiping his knees and unfurling his wings, when he hears it.
“What does it mean when you want to kiss someone?”
Karasuma twirls around on the foot he was about to launch off with. “What?” 
The wild-haired teen pouts, eyebrows furrowed as he genuinely thinks. “What does it-“
“I heard you the first time,” Karasuma hisses, heat flaring up. “But why are you even asking this?” 
“I kissed you.” Takayama says, again, slowly, for the second time that day.
“I know, I was there.”
Takayama stands up, his wings fluttering around him, wrapping themselves swiftly around his form.
“Do you-“
“Are you seriously asking me this?! Why do you think you kissed me, idiot!”
“I don’t know-“
“Well how the hell am I supposed to know if you don’t?”
“Why do people kiss?” Takayama’s red eyes are fully open, curious, desperately trying to figure something out.
“Because-“ Karasuma balks, flushes, trips over his own words as he plays it in his head. “Because they like each other.” 
Takayama thinks for a moment. “I like our friends. But I wouldn’t want to kiss them.”
“It’s...It’s a different form of ‘like,’ Takayama. You’ve had people confess to you, they asked you out, they liked you.”
“I know, but I didn’t get it.”
“Oh my god, are you 10?!” Karasuma yipes flails his arms around. “They wanted to date you! You kiss someone when you want to date them, hang out with them, all of that! Kissing is intimate between couples, so friends don’t do it!”
“We’re friends.”
“I know.”
“So why do I want to kiss you?”
“Like I said, Takayama, I don’t know-“ He chokes on his words as he processes Takayama’s question. “You want to kiss me again?” 
Takayama seems just as shocked as Karasuma is, the silence falling on them both. It’s unfair how fast Karasuma’s heart is beating, right now. The wild haired boy shifts, for a moment, glancing off to the side before asking:
“...Can I?”
Could he? Should he? Wasn’t Karasuma crying over him a mere 5 minutes prior? His throat still burns hot from the sobs and he’s sure his cheeks are stained with tears. 
But Karasuma cares more for Takayama than he could have ever imagined. More than he could’ve ever bargained for, going as far to travel across the world and stick with him through his delusions of a prophecy. Sagisawa has teased him relentlessly over this, over the past few months, but Karasuma had never listened. It hurt to think about. He didn’t have time to nurture wounds for a boy that left with no remorse. Instead, he pushed all those feelings down, far down, into his subconscious and hoped they’d never resurface. But who was he kidding, all it took was a glance and a smile for everything to come racing back, traitorous heart and all.
“Okay.” He surprises himself when he says it, his ears burning. “I don’t know how to kiss someone.” He refuses to think about the fact Takayama was his first kiss, and that he cried immediately after.
“I...don’t either.” Takayama nods. “I kinda just...went off instinct.”
“You barely touched my lips, anyways.” Karasuma grumbles, hoping it’ll quell his thundering heart. “Not much of a first kiss.”
The other smiles a bit at the jab. “I’ll try to make it up to you.”
“You-!! You can’t just say smooth stuff l-like that out of nowhere, you’re going to kill me!” Takayama only smiles again, takes a small step forward. Karasuma takes a deep breath, before he screws his eyes shut (nose wrinkling) as he anticipates Takayama to lean in.
It doesn’t really work. Takayama puts too much force into the kiss, and they end up smacking their foreheads together, causing Karasuma to grunt as pain blossoms from his nose. 
“S’okay,” He replies, scrunching his face and rubbing at his nose. “Too much force, though.” Since when did this turn into a lesson? This is a bad idea. He knows it, but his heart betrays him by continuing to flip at the sight of the other.
They stand there awkwardly for a moment until Karasuma grows impatient.
“So what does this mean!?”
Takayama blinks. “Hm?”
“What does this mean for us!” His face is heating up, again. “Because I absolutely refuse to just walk away like this didn’t just happen without even talking about it!”
Takayama shrugs. 
“Don’t just shrug!” He screeches, before smacking a hand on top of his face. “Ughh, of course this has to be difficult. Okay, look. I won’t say I don’t,” he coughs, “enjoy kissing you.” He ignores the shadowed grin emitting from the other. “But...I don’t think either of us are in the position to date right now. Especially with this prophecy thing and whatever else is going on with you, and like.” He gestures frantically in the air. “These past 10 minutes have been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I honestly don’t know what to think of you right now. And I don’t want to date someone when I can barely understand what they’re saying. Communication is important, you know! The key to any base of a relationship! And I don’t think we have that. A relationship is more than just kissing and physical affection or whatever. And I’m not saying I wouldn’t want to date you, it’s just, I don’t want to date you if nothing about us is going to change. I don’t want you to think you can continue to go off the deep end and continue to keep me in the dark, and then just turn around and kiss me whenever you feel like it. It doesn’t work like that, I don’t work like that,” Karasuma huffs, feeling more energy drain out as he talks. “But I honestly don’t expect you to shift away from the prophecy anytime soon to think about a relationship, so I think it'd be better if we just...didn’t, for now. Until things are figured out; our feelings, our future, the fate of the world, the prophecy, all of that. Understand?”
He looks over to Takayama, whose face is hidden in shadows. “...I understand.” It’s a whisper.
Karasuma lets out a sigh, before slowly reaching out and grabbing Takayama’s hand, focusing on what to convey that words just can’t quite express. He thinks by the end of it, what he’s settled on is a promise. It’s both terrifying and freeing. Karasuma tears his eyes away from their conjoined hands to look into the other’s eyes, and Takayama seems almost...sad. Bittersweet, perhaps. 
They don’t talk about it for almost two years. 
The Bird Club had long returned back to Tokyo, all attempting to adjust back to normal life (as normal as it can be, being seraphs known all across the world). 
It starts with a bouquet of flowers on his desk. Karasuma had opened the door of his room after a grueling day of schoolwork and hashing out plans with Barbara, only to spot them. Red roses adorned with black and white Calla Lilies, green leaves spilling out from the sides.
The window was open, the breeze making the curtains billow around the gift. There’s no tag, but there doesn’t need to be one. 
Karasuma stares quizzically at it, feeling his face flare up as he gently takes one of the petals in hand. Glancing out the window, he’s expecting to maybe see Takayama up in the sky, or even sitting on his roof, but the 17-year-old is nowhere to be seen. Karasuma huffs. What is he up to…?
The next day after that, Takayama shows up at his window, knocking politely on the glass.
Karasuma scowls, putting down his book and then going to open the window. “Yes?”
Takayama hands over a plain, white box. “For you.”
“Hm?” He places it down on the counter for a moment, then carefully opens the lid to reveal a slice of chocolate cake. “You brought me cake?”
“Mhm,” The other teen smiles, “As a treat. You’ve been working hard.” And with it, he extends his wings and kicks off into the air, leaving Karasuma to smile thoughtfully, as he lifts the fork inside the box, and cuts into it.
It becomes a trend, where every couple of days, Takayama hands or leaves behind a small treat or gift for him. Sometimes they were random items (geodes or shiny pebbles, assorted seashells, crabs or sushi), but other times they were actual gifts.
“Good morning.” Takayama greets, a few months later, as Karasuma yawns and closes the door to his house.
“You’re here early.” 
“Mhm.” He hands over a small lidded cup. “Here.”
Karasuma peers at it, an eyebrow raised. “What’s this?” He takes a sip. “You got me coffee?” 
Karasuma takes another sip. “How’d you even know my order?” 
“Well,” Karasuma says, “Thank you. I really needed one.”
“I actually...have one more gift,” Takayama admits.
The taller teen reaches his hand forward, tenderly brushing a lock of hair behind Karasuma’s ear. And then he’s leaning down to press their lips together. Karasuma’s eyes flutter closed as he exhales through his nose. Takayama breaks it a few moments later, but doesn’t stray far, resting his forehead on the other’s. “Have we figured it out?”
Karasuma starts to question his statement when Takayama’s memory flashes across his eyes. I don’t think either of us are in the position to date right now...Until we figure things out. 
He takes a sharp intake of breath. “I don’t know, have we?”
“I think I have.” Takayama responds. 
“W-well,” Karasuma’s confidence sputters as his cheeks burn, “U-uhm-“
“Karasuma,” The other doesn’t give him the chance to finish his thought. “I like you.” 
Karasuma lets out a small squeak, his heart thundering against his ribcage so much he’s afraid it’ll break through. It doesn’t help when Takayama takes one of Karasuma’s hands into his own, fingers smoothing over his knuckles. 
“If you’d let me,” Takayama continues, voice soft, “I want to take you on a date.” 
Karasuma swears something in his brain snaps, and he’s left gaping for a moment in shock, before snapping his jaw back up and blurting out: “Okay,” his voice cracking at the last note.
He watches as the other’s face breaks into a blinding smile. 
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cryptocollectibles · 2 years
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This is just a post of some jpeg results of messing with artificial art programs by using Chris Gethard to run through many different prompts being shared on /r/StableDiffusion/. Samples of some of prompts used:
Comedian Chris Gethard portrait, jack davis style, plastic, grayscale, pencil art, blue highlights, orange highlights, octane render, unreal 5, dramatic lighting
Comedian Chris Gethard 1980's Derth Vuder space villian robot guy action figure in Star Wars themed toy packaging with Chinese writing
Chris Gethard as The Mighty Thor
Chris Gethard as Son Goku from Dragonball Z, head shot, dynamic, ultra detailed, heroic, Sebastião Salgado, 8K, HD
Chris Gethard as a superhero painted by Alex Ross
Chris Gethard is Gross Pointe Blank
Chris Gethard head portrait, painting style of Joe Jusko
A wrinkled 80-year-old grey-haired Chris Gethard looks like an old man after 3 hours each day of makeup
There is many different free GUI’s as alternatives to DALL-E and Midjourney, where all that is needed is an NVIDIA GPU.  The above images were made with GRISK and some with Windows GUI, both perfectly made for first time users who just want to check out what this AI art stuff is about.   There also seems to be a beta web option called Dream Studio by StabilityAI.
Some Extras:   Chris Gethard in style of Superhero drawn by Bill Sienkiewicz both regular and “sketchy” style added to the prompt.
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Then trying out different Grand Theft Auto prompts for both Chris and Shannon O’Neill.  Shannon turning out amazingly bad ass, Chris literally got shorted his pants rolled up.
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Enjoy your nightmares with “Bethany Hall from Dragonball Z, head shot, dynamic, ultra detailed, heroic, Sebastião Salgado, 8K, HD”
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piercethelenn · 2 years
Track two — At the Bus Stop.
Warnings: Mentions of stalking, Y/N is low-key insane and Heeseung is mean(?), light swearing. || Word count: 1250
The term “guilty pleasures” might sound familiar to you, everybody has at least one after all, even if they seem insignificant enough to be overlooked at first, until the moment when you start to question whether other people will be able to understand your attraction towards them. For Y/N’s case though, denominating it a “guilty addiction” felt more adequate, as it had become vital for her, to the point where her attachment was able to influence her in levels that a normal and healthy “liking” would never. Her days were tinted in a gloomy grayscale until the very moment she was able to satisfy her needs; however, it was not possible to do so every day, and the absence of her daily dose caused a painful feeling of abstinence that exponentially impacted her mood in a negative way.
Well, I might be over-exaggerating the issue, but what I’m trying to say is that Y/N really, really liked Lee Seokmin’s voice.
It all started at the beginning of the semester, when our main character left her parent's house behind and moved to a different city in order to finally attend her desired college to pursue music. She had always hated the feeling of being lost in an unfamiliar place, so the first thing she did after the last box of her belongings had been unpacked, was to explore her new surroundings. Off she was, heading to nowhere in particular on a busy morning; coming from the small, quiet town her family had resided in since forever, she felt both amazed and slightly bothered by the fuss.
At some point, a few blocks away from her place, she stopped on her tracks under the shadow of a particularly big tree to check the map on her phone, in search of places of interest near her current location. She could have missed it, given the loud roaring of the car’s engines and her own focus on the screen of her device, but she heard it loud and clear: a honey-like voice that flooded out of an open window she was standing near to.
As if under a spell, Y/N unconsciously blocked her phone and returned it into her pocket, gazing at the exposed brick walls of the house that stood before her. It felt like love at first-hear, dramatic as it sounded; she had never heard a voice so pretty, enough to dethrone the white noise of her mother’s windchimer as her favorite sound.
Coincidentally, a few days after her first encounter with the anonymous singer, she found out that her new workmate Lee Seokmin, vocal coach of the STV academy, lived in the exact same house. When Y/N started some small talk with him on her first day at work, she admitted being new in the city and living alone, so he, as the gentleman he was, gave her his address and contact number in case she had an emergency someday.
At first it had been difficult for Y/N to connect both voices to the same person, because during lessons, Seokmin’s voice sounded more clear and slightly high-pitched in comparison to the one she heard coming out of the window that day. She was not an expert, since singing was not her area of interest in the music field, but she adjudicated Seokmin’s sleepiness in the early morning as the reason why his voice sounded different.
Of course she liked every facet of Seokmin’s angel-like vocals, but she could not help but have a slight preference in his raspy and deep tone; it just felt so much more intimate, she could almost visualize herself sitting on the kitchen counter, comfortably dressed in her favorite pajamas, admiring the man’s look of I-just-woke-up in all its splendor and natural beauty as he made breakfast for the two.
However, she could only dream of her hormonal teenager fantasies, as if she had helplessly fallen into a parasocial relationship with a famous celebrity, because the sad reality was that Seokmin and Y/N were just co-workers, and he was totally unaware of the fact that she would walk every morning a few blocks more than necessary just to take the bus at a stop located close to his house, even if there was one literally in front of the apartment complex she now resided in with Yeojin, her best friend.
Y/N had committed the huge and seemingly irreversible mistake of telling her friends about her doings, earning a life-long teasing in return. Jay had been the only one who got worried, fearing that the pianist might become some sort of creepy stalker, but she assured him that there were no ill intentions behind her actions, all she did was walk past Seokmin’s house to hear him sing, there was no harm done, right? It is not as if she had tried to take a peek inside his house from the window or anything, she knew better than that.
Of course Jay had not been convinced in the slightest, but Y/N had fallen in too deep and there was no cure for her odd addiction. She could not help but come back for more, as if listening to the man’s voice was the only stimulus capable of making her hypothalamus go brrr and produce considerable amounts of dopamine.
一What do you want?一 Heeseung asked from inside his room, not bothering to open the door even after his older brother's knocking. He was too busy doing his eyeliner to get up from his desk anyways. 一If this is about your stupid academy, no thanks一 The loud music muffled his voice, but the tone of annoyance was clear enough for Seokmin to catch.
一Are you sure? It’s really fun, actually!一 The eldest of the siblings knew it was not worth trying, since talking to Heeseung was like talking to a wall, or a door in this particular case, but a part of him had hoped this time would be different. 一I just know the kids would love to meet such a talented vocalist like you!一. He now understood completely the way Anna felt in that one Frozen scene, it was not cool at all (pun intended).
The door suddenly swung open in a rather aggressive motion, making Seokmin take a step back and stare at his little brother in expectation. On his part, Heeseung simply narrowed his eyes and frowned at him 一As I told you the last time you asked, and the one before that, I don’t sing anymore一. He slammed the door in the older man’s face and turned up the volume of the speakers in his room; a clear sign to make Seokmin take his leave with a sigh of defeat.
It was not easy to deal with a grown-up college student who acted like a rebellious teenager, but the vocal instructor was blessed with the gift of unlimited patience, so he tried his best not to take his brother’s misconduct to heart. Regardless, he could not help but wonder at what exact point did things take the wrong turn; Why was Heeseung studying music if he rejected every opportunity given to him to expose his talents to the public? Was he not confident enough? And most importantly, what did Seokmin do to be treated so coldly by his own family?
As always, there was no result in pondering about those things, so he resigned, yet again, and walked down the stairs with heavy steps.
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Taglist: @boowoowho @ckline35 @sxndmemes (Send an ask to be added!)
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gardenerian · 1 year
hi! your most recent mickey gifset is so gorgeous omg would you be able to explain how you did the black and white coloring for that?
ahh hi thank you, i really loved making that one!! definitely happy to help. here are a couple of methods to try (hint, second method is the most fun!):
first, there's the black and white filter!
(i am assuming you know where to find these setting but if not, please report back and we can do a more in depth tutorial!)
so after adding the filter, we end up with a grayscale image like this:
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kinda meh, ya know? not bright or contrasting at all. it's literally just a black and white coating. so then you wanna adjust the curves, levels, brightness, and exposure. brighen that bitch up! i especially like to work with levels in black and white bc it's so dramatic. so now we have this:
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looking better, yeah? now head to selective color. here you really wanna work with the black, neutrals, and white. for this one, i upped the black, decreased the black within neutrals, and decreased the black within white. and we get.......
(again, lmk if you want like. a video of this ksjdfh i am bad at explaining things!)
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yeah! looking good my man. now, you can go back and adjust any curves or other light settings as you want. but! another cool thing you can do in selective color is ADD COLOR to your blacks/neutrals/whites. so maybe you want something like this:
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for this, i just added magenta and cyan to the black, decreased the yellow, and upped the whole saturation. but that's just something you can play around with!
NOW. method number two.... gradient map:
the gradient map. well. it maps onto the light of the image. which i think makes for a more dramatic result.
for this one, color the gif FIRST. so do it how you normally would. i end up with this:
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not my best but we're going for speed here aksjdfh
okay, now add your map! you want it to go from black to white:
there are three settings for the map: perceptual, linear, and classic. i could not begin to tell you what each one means, but try each one to see how it looks! i usually go with classic or perceptual, which you can see here:
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pretty sweet! now i just tweak my usual settings: curves, levels, brightness, exposure, selective color. and we get:
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lol the screencap makes it look like mickey's missin a tooth but! i am happy with this result.
there ya have it! one other cool thing about gradient maps is you can change the colors!!! here's black to red:
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i hope this helps! i am happy to go into more detail about the exact settings and process when it's not 9:45 pm on a wednesday asdjkf just let me know what you might wanna see!
happy giffing!
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wouldwillwood · 1 year
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One of the few songs you can listen to in Will Wood's 2022 "In Case I Make It Album" is White Noise. I've never really understood this before because it all seemed so confusing to me the first time I listened to it, but I've recently re-listened to it a few weeks back and I really wanted to write some sort of paragraph and analysis of the song from my perspective, considering there wasn't much annotations on the Genius Lyrics website. So I'm taking that chance to do a take on this entire song for the (possibly?) first time.
I'd like to put a trigger warning for suicidal thoughts, as the song contains messages and metaphors that I perceive may suggest suicide.
Everything that I say here is merely how I understand the song and how I view the meaning of the metaphors used in this song.
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1. The Symbolism of White Noise
The white noise that is mentioned throughout the entire song is suicidal thoughts or the voices in your head that are disturbingly intrusive. When you hear white noise or static on the TV, it gets really annoying and irritating the more you listen to it. In my perspective, it's the exact same thing with suicidal and intrusive thoughts.
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2. The Lyrics
The lyrics have so many metaphors and words that have could give out the message of suicidal thoughts or the feeling of depression (or any similar position of vulnerability, in that matter.)
All the lyrics in my understanding
✧ ˚  ·  ★  . *ੈ✩ ‧ ₊ ˚ ✧ ˚  ·    . ⋆ ★
They paint the walls with colors that You’re not meant to notice Beiges and browns, off-whites and grayscales Fluorescent lights to shine on The eggshell ground This is the introduction of the song, I feel like this part gives us a little vision of the setting or surrounding he's in. Imagine an empty white room. I think this could resemble someone's mindscape, or could specifically be Will Wood's mindscape. I think the "empty room" isn't exactly "empty." Because there are things you notice in it like the different shades of white (reference to the 3rd line of this verse.) It's sort of like our brain. When you're "thinking about nothing" there's also everything. It's like a void with everything and nothing at the same time. Which is very confusing, but it's the best I can explain. Another easier version of my explanation about this verse is basically just finding the little things in space of emptiness. Distracting yourself with things in the space you're in. Trying to find meaning in it.
They fill the halls with tunes you can't get into your head 4/4 and Dorian, wrote 'em for ignoring 'em Yeah, it sorta sounds like a retro top-40 but wrong You're not meant to sing along. It's not that kind of song, it's white noise. I find this part of the song still a bit confusing to me. But I think I have a good take on this. 4/4 is a common time signature in music, you kind of hear it on a lot of songs. Dorian or "Dorian mode" is a type of melodic behaviour that consists a lot of minor notes in it's structure. And because of the minor notes and keys in the Doric mode, it makes music sound melancholy or dramatic. Some synonyms for melancholy are related to sadness, depression, sorrow, etc. I think when the song says "wrote them for ignoring 'em" I like to think it means that the music they wrote could be thoughts they made up, but ignore them for some reason. The part that says "It kind of sounds like a retro top-40 but wrong, you're not meant to sing along. It's not that kind of song, it's white noise." can be connected to my last lyric analysis. The song mentioned in this verse can probably symbolize very strong and suicidal thoughts, but you're not meant to listen to them. Because they're simply just noise.
And it’s personality’s a lack of identity It makes no statement, but does so quite loudly I think this might be my absolutely worst lyric take yet, but sometimes I find that there are some people who think about depressive thoughts, and start to distance themselves or become quiet. I think this line could be an example of when people do that thing.
It’s an "aesthetic" I mean "an anesthetic" And it’s an experience for your seventh sense, yes This is one of my favorite lyrics next to the "does it cure cancer" one. This may come off as weird but I find a lot of beauty in vulnerability, not in a sense where I would make depression aesthetic. But it's just something that really opens up a lot of perspective and vision about these type of topics. An anesthetic is used to numb or take away your senses from your body, but since I know this song is full of metaphors, we can take this in a non literal sense, and say that a certain subject of this verse numbs your senses. I don't believe in a seventh sense, however it is said that a seventh sense could be some sort of connection to your mental space or something similar to that. I think with these bits of information, I'd like to think that this verse could say that there's some sort of appealing feature about the numbness of your senses. Not being able to feel something is just somehow relaxing and pleasing, it's a confusing feeling to explain, but the most I can say is that sometimes everything feels better if there was nothing at all.
Does it cure cancer? (Yes, it cures cancer!) Wow! It begs the question, just to tell you the answer This part of the song can be interpreted in multiple different ways but there's this one thought me and a friend shared about this line. I think the interaction between Will Wood and the "people" in this very specific part of the song can symbolize a person and the voices in their head. My take on this part of the verse is that this could be the said person either trying to entertain themselves or trying to twist their thoughts (possibly with facts versus reality.) It's an interesting lyric, and hard to understand but that's what I like about it. This lyric kind of seems like lying to yourself. There is obviously no cure to cancer, so the voices are lying to you. Let's say you were depressed and you keep asking yourself if you're okay. There are situations where the mind wants to deny that fact and it goes "Yes, you're okay." Another reason why I think this lyric is about a person and the voices in their head is because of how the last line was structured. "It" begs you the question and tells you the answer. "It" can be referring to both the person and the voices in their brain, or just the person as a whole. You ask yourself a question, and you're the only one who can answer it.
Well, if you walk the walk, can you talk more? (Shh! Quiet.) I think my interpretation of this lyric is the person thinking to themselves if they should commit (suicide) so their thoughts could stop and finally silence and not disturb them anymore.
You fill your head with thoughts you find you can't even feel Try to make room in your skull but it's full of them All of the things that you think and think about thinking I know it's hard, but they’re not who you are They're white noise The final part of the song. I think the first line could mean numbness and emptiness of the suicidal thoughts the person is having. The second and third line following, telling that there's too much of these suicidal thoughts to think about to the point it's the only thing that fills their head. But the last 2 lyrics trying to reassure the person that they're just intrusive and unnecessary thoughts (white noise).
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Choosing Gray For Your Kitchen Cabinets
Why gray kitchen cabinets are the new design trend that will never grow old.
Gray is the new black! Kitchens are transforming with this stunning neutral hue, styling timeless chic and sophisticated impressions for years to come.
Years ago, bright hues and deep shades dominated kitchen designs. But bold colours can quickly tire out of fashion.
While once considered a drab colour range, gray has transformed the décor of many kitchens, exuding elegance and unparalleled class while offering that subtle yet stylish finishing touch on any home.
Gray kitchens boast effortless sophistication; they manage to contrast bright grayscale walls and cabinets with splashes of vibrant colour for a modern chic appeal. Together with minimalist hardware and understated accents like white counters or subway tile backsplashes, Your kitchen merits an impressive statement.
Now, what makes gray so special? Firstly, it serves as the ideal canvas that allows your imagination to play freely combining a variety of textures and accessories such as wooden boards, painted glass doors and marble countertops – making every design look distinctively gorgeous.
Grey’s subtle touches also match any interior design style without overpowering space and offer extensive dissimilation options when remodelling or decorating existing buildings without much extra effort required.
Its penchant for serene environments promotes relaxation, which often results in productive vibes conducive to creativity – perfect for inspiring culinary masterpieces! Gray is simply more than an inviting colour that adds flavour to cover up negatives while gaining positive energy when mixed into your environment- It works!
Gray cabinetry adds interest and sophistication
With a little bit of extra work, gray cabinetry can add sophistication and personality to any kitchen. You can add a splash of colour to highlight your cabinetry by painting it a different colour. Adding accent lighting can also help draw attention to specific features of your kitchen, such as polished chrome handles. And by adding a touch of lighting, you can create a warm atmosphere that will make cooking and entertaining a pleasure.
It’s easier to maintain than white
There are many benefits to choosing gray for your kitchen cabinets. First, this colour is neutral, which means it doesn’t attract dirt or other stains. Second, gray has a wide range of shades that fit well with any kitchen style. You can choose a gray colour based on your design ideas and then choose the hardware and paint colours to match. The process can be fun and involves choosing the finish and style of the hardware set.
It’s more dramatic than white
Grey kitchen cabinets are a striking option if you want to create a more dramatic look. It’s also less likely to be boring than white. The warm tone of gray will work well with many different accents, including a warm wood floor. If you’re worried that gray is too muted, you can try accent lighting. This method will emphasize certain features of the kitchen, such as polished chrome handles or dark knobs.
It’s a neutral colour
This colour has a neutral tone and will match most decors. The undertones of gray paint can make them appear warmer or cooler, so you should be aware of these variations when choosing the paint for your kitchen cabinets. To help you choose the best shade, use a white piece of paper to detect any undertones.
It’s a great choice for modern, rustic, or contemporary style space
A modern, contemporary, or rustic style space can look amazing with grey kitchen cabinets. This neutral colour works well with the whites and other neutral colours in the space, making the space feel bigger and airier. Grey walls can make a space feel larger, too. A brightly coloured worktop or light floor can really make a grey kitchen pop. However, be aware that grey can look flat in certain lighting conditions. To avoid this, add some texture. For example, a rustic kitchen could look beautiful with grey cabinets, white appliances, and wood grain.
It’s a great choice for large kitchens
A grey kitchen can be very elegant and classy. The gray colour can also be considered neutral because it can be influenced by other colours. It can be warmer or cooler depending on the undertones. For instance, blue undertones give gray a steely hue, while red undertones give it a putty tone. This is one reason why gray kitchen cabinets are a great choice for large kitchens.
It’s a great choice for green walls
Grey kitchen cabinets go well with green walls. The colour is versatile, and you can use it to make your kitchen feel more spacious. You can also use accent lighting to highlight specific features of the kitchen, such as the shiny handles of the cabinets. For a contemporary look, you can opt for a black accent light to complement the gray cabinets. Accent lighting also brings an ambiance of sophistication to the kitchen, which makes it look more aesthetically pleasing.
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The kitchen is often the heart of the home, so it makes sense that it would play such an integral role in your house’s overall look and feel. It’s also a space that people spend a significant amount of time in, so it must look its absolute best. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is proud to offer Kitchen Design and Renovations in Vancouver, BC. We believe that a well-designed kitchen can transform the way you live, and we’re committed to helping you create the perfect space for yourself and your family. Whether you’re interested in updating your existing kitchen or building a brand new one, we can help you achieve your dream kitchen. We’ll listen carefully to your ideas and preferences, and together we’ll figure out which options will work best for you. Once we’ve determined what you’d like to see in your new kitchen, we’ll put together a detailed proposal outlining everything we propose, including a breakdown of the estimated budget and timeline. If you decide to move forward with our proposal, we’ll begin working immediately to bring your vision to life.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How to Save Money on Kitchen Remodel Costs?
If you plan to remodel your kitchen, here are some tips that may help you save money on a kitchen remodel costs.
Do your research.
You must first do your research before you start any kitchen renovation project. This will help you to have a clear vision of the kitchen you wish to remodel. Also, research can help you to identify cost-saving opportunities.
Make a budget.
Once you have a clear vision of what you want, it’s time to make a budget. This will allow to budget how much money you’ll spend on the project. You must also stick to your budget in order to avoid going overboard.
Look around for discounts and deals.
Deals and discounts are always a good idea when shopping for appliances or materials. This will allow you to save money on kitchen remodeling costs.
Find a reliable contractor.
When looking for a contractor to work on your kitchen remodel, you must find one who is reputable and has a good track record. Reputable contractors will be able to provide high quality workmanship at a competitive price.
Do it yourself.
If you have the necessary skills, you may be able to do the work yourself. This will save you money and give you satisfaction knowing you did it yourself.
Following these tips can help you save money on your kitchen remodel costs.
How do I work out my budget to renovate my kitchen?
These guidelines can help you determine your budget.
Begin by estimating the cost for materials required to remodel. These materials include countertops.
Find out the average labor cost in your local area. Add this number to your budget.
Add the total value of all the labor and materials required to complete your job. Divide this number by the area of your kitchen. That gives you the estimated cost per square foot.
Subtract any savings you anticipate from doing some work yourself or buying materials at a discount.
To cover unanticipated costs, include a contingency amount of 10-20%.
These are just estimates. Consult a professional contractor to get an accurate estimate of the cost of your kitchen remodel.
These guidelines will help to create a budget plan for your kitchen renovation. Your actual costs can vary depending upon the materials you select, the scope of the project, and other factors.
Are Kitchen Remodeling Costs Worth it?
Remodeling your kitchen is a great way of improving the appearance and feel of your house, but it can also prove costly. There are many things to consider when remodeling your kitchen.
There are many factors that you need to consider when deciding whether or not remodeling your kitchen is a good idea. The first is the value of your home. If you plan on selling your home shortly, you’ll want to ensure that the remodel cost is recouped in the sale price.
The cost of the remodel is another factor to consider. high-end kitchen remodels can cost upwards of $50,000, so it’s essential to ensure you have the budget to cover the costs. You may not need to worry about the cost if your goal is to sell your home.
Last, think about how often you’ll use the new kitchen. Your new kitchen should be able to handle large gatherings or cooking large meals. You may be able to do a less extensive, but more expensive, remodel if you don’t plan on using the kitchen as much.
These tips will help you start if there are no clues.
Decide whether you want to build new cabinets or replace existing cabinets. The cost of a kitchen remodel can increase significantly if new cabinets are added. You will also need to get rid of all existing cabinets if you want to replace them all.
Pick your colours carefully. Colour choices can affect the overall appearance of your kitchen, so choose wisely.
Decide whether or not you would like to change the flooring. If you’re planning on selling your house soon, it might be a good idea to keep the flooring intact. A freshly painted concrete slab can give off a “new” feel.
Consider adding additional storage space. Add cabinets, drawers, shelves or other storage options to your kitchen.
Lighting is important. Recessed lights installed above the sink, stove, and refrigerator can brighten dark corners in your kitchen.
Add Appliances. Energy consumption can be reduced by replacing an old fridge with a modern model. It can also boost the resale value of your home.
Be sure to include enough outlets. The majority of kitchens only have one or two outlets. This means that you won’t have an outlet to plug in your blender, mixer, or any other appliances.
Don’t forget the water lines. Hidden behind walls and floors are water pipes. Before beginning any work, ensure you check for leaks.
Eliminate clutter. It’s likely that your kitchen is already overcrowded. But, try to keep it organized. Clear away anything that isn’t essential.
Get estimates from several contractors. You can compare prices from multiple contractors by comparing square footage, the material type (cabinets, vs. stones), and the number and size of doors and windows.
Check out financing options. Many people finance their kitchen renovations. This allows you to avoid paying interest on your payments.
You should have a clear idea of how long your house will stay. Your kitchen should be updated more often the longer you live there.
Keep track of every detail. You can keep track of every detail by using a notebook.
Plan ahead. Take time to sketch out what you want to see in your kitchen. This will make it easier to visualize the whole thing.
Where do pots & pans belong in the kitchen
Pots and saucepans should be stored in the cupboard directly above the stove. This allows them to be easily accessed when they are needed and helps keep your kitchen clean and clutter-free. You might also want to consider a pot rack that will help you keep your pots & pans organized and in easy reach.
Can a stove/refrigerator and a refrigerator be side-by-side?
If there is enough room for both appliances, they can be placed side-by-side. It is not a good idea in kitchen design. It can cause wasted space in the kitchen and make it cramped. It is better to put the stove/refrigerator in different places in the kitchen. This creates a more efficient workflow, and the kitchen feels larger.
According to Burgin, some hinges have this feature built-in, but it’s an add-on cost for other models of about $5 retail, adding up to $350 to $500 for an entire kitchen, depending on size. (hgtv.com)
It’s a fantastic thing about most home improvement projects: no matter the job. It often seems like the last 20% is the most difficult. (familyhandyman.com)
Keep 10 to 25 percent of List 2, depending on the budget. (familyhandyman.com)
In the Pacific region (Alaska, California, Washington, and Oregon), according to Remodeling Magazine, that same midrange central kitchen remodel jumps to $72,513, and a major upscale kitchen remodels jumps up $11,823 from the national average to $143,333. (hgtv.com)
Experts also recommend setting aside 20 percent of your budget for surprises, including unpleasant demolition discoveries. One is water damage, the electricity that is not up to code, or other budget-spiking gotchas. (hgtv.com)
External Links
Cost vs. Valuation 2021
Cost vs. Value Project: Minor Kitchen Remodel
Choosing Kitchen Appliances | HGTV
HGTV: How to Create a Kitchen that’s Great for Entertaining
Do’s and Don’ts for a DIY Subway Tile Backsplash Installation
Create an Open, Craftsman-Style Kitchen (DIY)
Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas That Will Refresh your Home
How To
How to design a kitchen you’ll love cooking in for years to come
Kitchen design should combine aesthetics with practicality. So that your kitchen is a place you feel at ease, can cook delicious food and entertain friends and family, and where you can unwind after a long day, you should plan carefully.
These are some ideas to help you design your dream kitchen.
You should choose the layout that best suits you. The three most popular kitchen layouts are L-shaped, U-shaped, and galley. L-shaped kitchens are great for entertaining and can easily accommodate multiple cooks. U-shaped kitchens work well for families that spend a lot time in the kitchen. They offer ample storage and counter space. Galley kitchens make small spaces more manageable and efficient.
Consider the different options for cabinetry and make sure you are choosing high-quality products. There are many options to choose from, depending on your budget. You will reap the benefits of investing in high-end cabinets. They will last for a longer time, look better, provide greater protection against temperature and humidity changes, as well as being more durable.
You should choose a color scheme you feel happy with. You can choose your favorite color, or a combination of both. Choose a palette that brings color and life into your kitchen. It could be bright colors or soft pastels. You should make sure it matches your rest of the room.
Look for a harmonious balance between beauty, function, and style. It’s not necessary for your kitchen to be beautiful all of the time. Sometimes it is more important to think about functionality than appearances. However, you don’t need to forget about decorative elements. Use a mix of glass, chrome, brass, ceramic, stone, wood, etc., to create an interesting focal point.
Create a comfortable environment. Comfort should always be the first thing you consider when designing your kitchen. You’ll spend a lot of time in this space, so it needs to feel inviting and welcoming. You can relax after a long day by adding seating and lighting fixtures.
You must not forget about storage. You need plenty of storage space in your kitchen for all your cooking equipment, utensils and dishes. So, when planning your kitchen remodel, consider adding additional cabinet space.
Include a pantry. You can store and organize food items in a dedicated pantry. Plus, having a separate area where you can stockpile extra supplies will prevent clutter from building up around the rest of your kitchen.
A new flooring option might be worth considering. You can make a big difference in the look and feel of your kitchen by choosing the right flooring. There are many choices. For small spaces, it may be possible to have the same flooring throughout the house.
Plan for expansion. A lack of space to grow is one of the biggest errors people make when remodeling kitchens. You can add a walk-in closet or sliding doors to your existing countertop space if you are thinking of expanding.
You should ensure that there is enough light. Being able to see your work is the best way you can enjoy your kitchen. So, if you plan on using your kitchen as a family gathering place, ensure you leave lots of natural sunlight streaming through the windows.
Energy-efficient appliances are recommended. When remodeling your kitchen, energy efficiency is a key consideration. This means you should replace your old appliances with energy-efficient models.
Be smart about your budget. Do a thorough analysis of your finances before you shop for kitchen appliances or cabinets. The best way to narrow down your options is to know what you can afford. This will save you time and money in the long term.
Define a place for entertaining. No matter if you like hosting dinner parties at home or entertaining friends over drinks and food, having a designated dining space will provide a place for your guests to gather and socialize.
You can incorporate an island. An island is a great addition for any kitchen.
The post Choosing Gray For Your Kitchen Cabinets first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/kitchens/choosing-gray-for-your-kitchen-cabinets/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=choosing-gray-for-your-kitchen-cabinets
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bombyxluna · 4 years
Omega Mammon X GN!Human MC 
This is more of an intro to the series, which is why is a lil bit longer and more explanatory.
We’re here to break sub gender norms! 
I don’t know how many parts this will have but I want it to be angsty.
No NSFW yet :P
CW: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Talks of heats/ruts/sub genders
The Devildom is, for a lack of a more fitting word, strange. Though, you suppose, being surrounded by demons should be. 
There’s too much you don’t understand still. Three months have passed since you arrived - or were kidnapped? the jury is still out on this one - and it feels like an eternity of time and too little all the same. 
Demons, as it turns out, have very different customs and rituals from humans. So do angels. You are in the least thankful for the classes, but every other student in them seems well versed in the basics, while you float about unsure of what’s happening. Hell, even Luke knows more than you, and he hates demons. Not to mention he’s a child. Double low blow. 
The classes would be going a little bit better if you only had time to actually study for them. Though you do suspect that Diavolo doesn’t actually give a shit about grades and this entire school is a mockery to appease his peaceful plans, you're still stuck in what’s basically hell and having to go to what’s basically hell’s undergrad school. Great. 
The least you can do is prod around for some demon knowledge. You know, just in case. Because things are getting weirder by the day, and sometimes it feels like it’s all an ongoing inside joke you’re not really a part of.
Also, because of them. 
Living with demons wasn’t exactly unexpected, but living with the Seven Rulers of Hell - well, six of them, was. 
Despite initial impressions, you’re quickly figuring out there’s more to each of them than the public eye could see. Something lurking below their perfectly crafted personas, that is reserved only for the ones in close proximity to them. Only for family.
You’re not family, but you’re definitely in close proximity. 
It’s easy to tell how much they hide behind masks. Lucifer, as far as everyone else knows, it’s the always serious and stern big brother that will never crack a joke or play around. The entire foundation of that statement could be torn down with one single picture you had, of him playing with Cerberus. 
Leviathan, despite actively trying to kill you over a book series since - no, you’re not over it - is more than the shut-off otaku who is otherwise known as the Admiral of the Devildom’s marine. He is also clumsy and shy, and he goes on tangents about what he likes, and he is friendly. 
Satan, known as the hot-headed brother who has a tendency to overwork himself into humor changes and explosive arguments, is a reserved person, a cat lover, an erotica reader, and an absolute dork. 
Beelzebub, though he whines about food a lot, is far more than just the hungry brother who also happens to be a jock. He’s a carebear, a very attentive listener, has great movie recommendations, and an amazing cook. 
Asmodeus, who may look lust-driven and shallow to the onlooker, but is caring, a hopeless romantic, a good friend and brother, and even a little insecure. 
And then there’s Mammon.
At first, you didn’t know what to think of him. He acted high and mighty, too strung up in his high horse to look at a human such as yourself. When Lucifer put him in what was basically the task to babysit you, it’s safe to say you were annoyed. 
But then, you started to pick up on things. Small things. Unnoticeable to those who aren’t looking, but that become increasingly clearer once you realize them. 
He’s clingy. With his brothers, with you, even with his credit card. Though he never lets himself linger, when he hugs you, it’s tight and crushing, like he needs to be as close to you as possible. When your arms brush together as you walk about, he blushes. 
His brothers tease him. A lot. To the point, it’s painful to even to you sometimes. He laughs through it all, but you can see the drooping at the corners of his mouth, and how the giggles don’t reach his eyes.
And he’s scared. At least, that’s what it seems like to you. He puts up a front of being this big, angry, scary, and powerful demon such as his brothers, and though you certainly don’t doubt the powerful part, the angry and scary seem faulty. 
It’s intriguing. One day he’ll be all over you and the next he’ll act like he barely knows you, avoiding your eyes and only answering in curt answers. Sometimes his PDA is off the charts - he’ll throw arms around you, stick close, pull you closer when you’re walking together - and others he acts as the smallest of touches burns him like it pains him to be so much as near you. 
And there is that smell. It lingers on him but not on his brothers, like a perfume stronger than anything else. It doesn’t make any sense, though, because you’re pretty sure it’s not perfume. You’ve seen him spray himself before leaving in the mornings and it’s not the same smell. It’s something else, a light waft that emanates from him in waves, but no one else seems to pick up on. 
He’s a puzzle that refuses to fall in place, and all you want to do is figure him out. 
Solomon sits down in front of you with a loud gruff, dropping a small pile of stacked books on top of the wooden table in the library. The librarian shushes him when the sound echoes through the empty halls. Asmodeus hot on his trail, carrying nothing but a bag. He sits down as well, eyes all but sparkling.
“MC!” He sings. The librarian shushes him. 
“Hi, Asmo,” you make space on the table, putting your bag on the chair next to you.
“Ready to cram years of demon biology in one afternoon?” Solomon asks. He smiles wickedly as if he thinks it’s actually possible to do so, and you feel a little bit like a prey caged in by a much, much more astute predator.
You asked for help with the subjects, and maybe you’re already regretting it a little. “Sure,” you answer, trying to sound determined. 
He smiles. “What are you seeing in your class?” 
Solomon picked different classes for the year, and while you were fine with not doing whatever the hell goes on in advanced alchemy, it’s a little bit of a bummer to not share even one class with the only other human around. 
“I’m not… really sure,” you slouch on the seat, ready to give up. Why can’t the world be like the movies and you can spend an entire year just looking out the windows and being pretty? “Subgroups? Or sub genders?” 
“Oh,” he says softly, flipping through one of the heavier looking books. 
Next to him, Asmodeus is pulling out a notebook filled with post-its and notes made in glitter pens. You suspect he didn’t come to lecture you, and that suspicion is confirmed when the notebook is discarded as soon as it showed up, apparently being pulled out only because his bag was on the smaller side and his pink switch-like video game was at the bottom of it. He sighs dramatically, lowering the music coming from it, and laying his chin on Solomon’s shoulder.
Yeah, definitely not here for you. 
Solomon slides the open book towards you, marked on a page titled Subgenders then starts flipping through the next. 
Asmodeus watches as you read over the basic introduction. 
“It’s not hard,” he says, voice bubbly even though the words game over can be read on his screen, “It’s a little tricky to separate, but you get the hand really quickly.”
It’s not actually all that hard to figure things out. Solomon, despite the borderline chaotic ways he chooses to explain things, is a fairly good teacher. You manage to grasp the three sub genders and the differences between them in no more than a couple hours - a record if you’re being honest. 
And Solomon had been right. It’s not hard to separate them. Alphas are, generally speaking, the “dominant” gender. They’re easier to anger and natural born fighters. They experience ruts, can mate, and have knots. Most of the royal court are alphas.
Omegas are the “lower” gender - though according to Solomon, the idea that one is lower to the other is being more and more fought againts and discussed in the realms - they’re conflict solvers and are seem as sweeter and more fragile. They experince heats and self lubricate. Most of the common demons are omegas.
Betas are a middle ground. They don’t have scents as strong as alphas or omegas, and aren’t easily affected by ruts or heats. They can still mate, however, and are often seem as level-headed and good right hands for alpha leaders. They’re rare. Barbatos is one of them.
And then there’s the Apex, the “alpha of alphas” as Asmodeus described them. An alpha so powerful he stands above all others, in the top of the “food chain.” That’s the category that fits Diavolo.
“So… what are you then, Asmo?” You ask, folding your arms above the book Solomon had highlighted to you.
Asmodeus perks up, bright as ever. “I’m an alpha, of course! Can’t you tell?” He gestures to himself, manicured nails gleaming under the bad lighting. 
“What about you?” You turn to Solomon. He hadn’t mentioned anything about humans having sub genders, but you kinda wish that was possible, although you couldn’t tell why.
Asmodeus pulls Solomon closer by the arm and beams. “He’s my omega!”
Solomon shrugs him off with a low chuckle. “Don’t make me slap you.”
“Kinky,” Asmodeus points a finger to him, smiling wide. He pulls Solomon again, by the shoulders, and lowers his turtleneck, revealing a bite. “I didn’t lie, though.” 
Solomon pushes him off with a scowl, covering the mark with his hand. “Yeah, yeah.” He waves Asmodeus off, adjusting the clothing.
You chuckle at them but say nothing. It’s clear Solomon doesn’t want you to.
Asmodeus pays his scowl no mind, resting his head on Solomon’s neck. Solomon sighs. “I’m not anything. Humans don’t have sub genders. We didn’t evolve to them, so we end up in somewhat of a grayscale. The closest thing to us would be betas.”
“Then we… claiming and that stuff… we can’t do it?” Your eyes trail to Solomon’s neck, but the bite is covered. 
“Not really,” he sighs, “this was an exception.”
“And why’s that?” Asmodeus hums, leaning over Solomon. Their faces are almost touching. 
Solomon sighs again, an amused smile playing on his lips. “Because I’m a demon’s whore.”
Asmodeus smiles, so much that little dimples show up at the corners of his lips, and he claps. “I love you so much.” 
You roll your eyes, making a vomiting sound when they kiss. Lowering your gaze, you read over the title of one of the chapters. 
“Hey,” you look up again, catching their attention, “what about your brothers? Mammon has a different scent, is he an omega?”
Asmodeus splutters, looking exaggeratedly shocked. He chuckles, strained. “Of course not!” He waves hands in front of himself, almost hitting Solomon in the face, “We’re all alphas.”
“Oh,” you say. It doesn’t make sense. None of the others have a scent like Mammon’s. It’s a little sweet, but seems clouded, slightly sour in the corners. 
“I don’t get it,” Asmodeus muses, tapping a finger to his chin, “humans don’t really feel our scent, how can he be different?”
His gaze is closed off on you, analyzing a little too much. It makes you feel like an ant under a magnifying glass, “I uh… he just does.” 
Solomon stares at you but doesn’t comment on it, even if it looks like he wants to. 
Asmodeus hums in thought, gaze still sharp on your every movement. Then, he smiles, almost artificial in its wake, “Well, whatever!” He slaps a hand to the table. At this point, the librarian gave up on shushing you.
Solomon is still staring at you. You move a little. Being watched like this makes you feel kind of squeamish.
Asmodeus is staring at Solomon, and then at you, resting his head on a palm. He hums again, stretching his arms over his head, and then he’s up, pulling Solomon with him. “We should get going!I wonder who’s on dinner duty.”
You blink. Dinner was still far away. Your study session just got cut short, and while you have no idea why, it feels like it’s your fault.
As you close the book and gather your things alongside them, the word seems to call you again. “Being an omega sounds painful, though,” you close the book, “heats and all.” 
Solomon scoffs. He closes his notebook, sliding his bag over a shoulder. “That makes it more fun.”
Asmodeus tsks, waving Solomon off, “Don’t listen to him he doesn’t have a soul.” 
Solomon neither confirms nor denies this statement, instead only giving you an amused chuckle and a tilt of the head. 
The feeling that you did something wrong, crossed a barrier you weren’t supposed to, clings to you. But still, it makes no sense. 
There’s something different about Mammon. You have to figure out why. 
The first thing you notice is that you’re missing a pillow. You’re back from a week filled with classes, ready to drop in bed and sleep the entire weekend when you realize something seems off. You look everywhere, but the pillow is nowhere to be found. 
Then, a couple of days later, the thin blanket you keep for movie nights and long study sessions is gone. 
It progresses like that. The throw you use to warm your feet. Your favorite stuffed animal. A fluffy winter jacket. 
When you ask, fed up with this little prank, none of the brothers seem to know where your things went. 
Your pact with Mammon is still somewhat fresh, but you find yourself going to him, if not for a solution, maybe to complain. 
The door is open when you arrive, pushing it inside without ceremony. 
“Mammon, you’re not going to believe-” 
The words die on your throat. There, spread on top of his bed, twisted and fluffed together into a carefully crafted bundle - no, your mind provides, a nest. This is a nest - are all your missing items, and, sitting on top of them with a flushed face and big eyes, is Mammon. 
Turns out you were right. 
“MC, I, I…” Mammon fumbles upwards, all but stumbling in the mess of blankets and pillows he has apparently snatched not only from you but from his brothers as well. There are even some pillows you don’t recognize, cow patterns all over them. 
“Mammon…” it’s all you can say. You have never dealt with this before, but the answer to your question was clear as day, right in front of you. 
Omegas nest when stressed or needy. Came Solomon’s voice, a memory from the lecture just a week before. 
“You’re an omega.” You say, in a surprised whisper, cogs turning on your mind and finally fitting with each other. 
Mammon’s face falls and his breath hitches. “How do you know about that?”
“In class… we went over the basic biology of demons and…”
He gulps audibly, eyes darting to the floor. “Then you know.”
You can almost feel the question marks forming around your head. “Know what?”
“How disgusting this is,” he gestures to the nest. His face is still reddened, voice bordering on wet, “I took your things without telling and I… I used them, my scent is all over them and now… I’m sorry, MC.”
“Mammon…” you reach towards him, but he steps back.
“You probably want them back, right?” He chuckles dryly with no real humor. “It’s okay, I get it. People don’t like when omegas get all needy, I know that.” He scratches at the back of his neck, a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes tugging at his lips. “You can take them, I’ll just…” he points to the door, “yeah.”
And then he’s gone, leaving behind the same smell you came to associate with him, only much sour in its wake. Your pact mark burns, glowing a faint yellow tone. You stand next to his bed, confused and feeling like you managed to fuck up even more.
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findmeinpops · 4 years
FindMeInPops’ 12 Days of Christmas: Day Twelve - Southside Archive Secret Santa
Merry Christmas Liz ( @worriestothewind​ )! Here we have a festive friends-to-lovers oneshot for Female!Reader x Sweet Pea. I hope you enjoy reading this and that you have a wonderful festive season; I wish you all the best for the new year (and decade!). Harry x 
P.S. Thank you @southsidearchive​ for organising the Secret Santa, it’s much appreciated.
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Prompt: Friends to lovers
Ship(s): Sweet Pea x Female!Reader
Rating: T
CW(s): Cursing, alcohol
Gifted: Liz ( @worriestothewind​ )
@riverdalebingo​ : A Christmas Bet
Reindeer Games: Prancer - Parties
As Y/N was pushing the pins into her hair to hold up her half-up half-down do, she could only think about how little she wanted to go out tonight. Every year the Southside Serpents held a festive party in the Whyte Wyrm - she had no clue how they could even afford the place considering their low budget but it probably did not hurt that FP, the current leader of the Southside gang, was brothers with the owner.
Y/N had joined the Southside Serpents three years ago so there had only been three parties since Y/N had first been permitted to go, and she was rather glad that she had only ever been roped into attending one of them; every other time she had been quite happy to stay at home, curled up in bed. Her best friend Sweet Pea had voluntarily attended each one, unfortunately for her, so she had been left at home alone to entertain herself. But this time he was dragging her along with him.
“I still can’t believe you persuaded me to go to this party,” Y/N complained, casually strolling out of her ensuite bathroom and standing in front of Sweet Pea, hands on her hips in the only act of defiance she could muster right then. He drew his eyes away from his phone, looking up from his position on her bed, not batting an eyelid at her half-clothed state.
It was an almost amusing contrast to see Sweet Pea in the setting of Y/N’s room; the floral pink duvet cover against the fully-black biker look, that Sweet Pea seemed to have had ever since he left the womb, would have been shocking to most. To be fair, his dark attire wasn’t all that different from Y/N’s typical outfits of choice, but she had an affinity for all things pink, pastel, and floral when it came to her decor and belonging, only preferring grayscale when it came to clothes.
Y/N and Sweet Pea had been best friends since birth, or near enough; they were both Serpent legacies, but Y/N’s family was somewhat more stable than Pea’s. When Sweet Pea hit the ripe old age of six months, his father took it upon himself to high-tail out of Riverdale to go and live with his pregnant mistress. A single, working, new-mother, his mom often resorted to leaving Pea with the Y/L/Ns’ and the pair became fast friends. They grew up together and, although they did occasionally venture outside of their partnership, they were each other’s closest friend. And it was for this exact reason that Sweet Pea had no reaction to Y/N standing in front of him in only a black mini skirt, fishnets, and bra.
“We need to leave in half an hour. Are you going like that?” Sweet Pea commented dryly.
“Pea,” She moaned, continuing to complain just in case he would allow her reprieve from their plans.
“It’s up to you, but I think FP may have something to say about your outfit of choice.”
“Pea, please?” She pouted, clasping her hands in front of her chest.
Sweet Pea sighed, dropping his phone between his crossed legs. “I believe we had an agreement, sweetheart.”
“Yes, and I will be forever grateful that you are not forcing me to go to the New Year’s party or any other Serpent festive gathering for the rest of this year, but,” Y/N crouched down, a hand on each of Pea’s knees, “would you not much rather be curled up with yours truly, hot chocolate, and a Christmas comedy on the TV?”
She tried to pull her most enticing puppy-dog face--which nine times out of ten melted Pea into a puddle at her feet, but not this time.
“A deal’s a deal.” He gave her a pointed look which softened slightly when he saw genuine disappointment flicker through Y/N’s eyes. “Hey,” he placed his hands on top of hers, running his thumbs over the back of them, “I’ll be there and I promise we can be back here by one am. I’ll even try to persuade your mom to let me sleep over and we can cuddle with hot chocolate and a comedy then.” The placating smile he offered did nothing as she rolled her eyes, pushing up from her position.
“You don’t need to persuade my mom to do anything.” She wandered over to her dresser, picking up her makeup bag before plopping herself down on the floor in front of the full-length mirror attached to her wardrobe. “She fucking loves you.” And didn’t Y/N know it.
‘Sweet Pea is such a nice boy’, ‘why don’t you date Sweet Pea’, ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful if Sweet Pea was my son-in-law,’ – Y/N never heard the end of how much her mother adored Pea but what her mother (or Pea for that matter) did not know is how much Y/N and her mother were in agreement in wishing that Pea would date her.
For as long as they’d been friends, Y/N had known that she loved Sweet Pea, but it was not until a moment in their teens, when she had had the sudden urge to grab him by the neck and crush his lips to hers, did she realise the love was no longer solely platonic.
Y/N had a crush on her lifelong best friend and he did not have a single fucking clue.
She had briefly entertained the thought of initiating something between them but the potential of losing Pea over such a thing was a devastating concept and so the idea was killed in moments. Regardless, Y/N knew that Sweet Pea had a huge crush on Toni, not that he had told her this, but she had noticed the way he smiled at her - that was the smile of a boy who was crushing on a girl.
Each time Y/N saw that smile, there was always a small twinge in her gut but she was determined to make her best friend happy, no longer caring that it would not be with her. Sweet Pea deserved to be happy.
“But she doesn’t love me as much as I love you.” He sent her a faux sickly-sweet smile in the mirror, forcing her eyes to roll yet again.
Drawing on her eyeliner, Y/N could not stop her mind from imagining him meaning it the way that she secretly hoped he would. No, she had to reprimand herself, Sweet Pea had been with her through thick and thin, spent many evenings soothing her as she sobbed over this and that as well as always having her back. She loved him regardless of context and, because of this, she wanted and needed him to be happy – if Pea wanted to be with Toni then she would make it happen.
“I fucking love you.” Their little phrase left her lips as she finished up the liner on her second eye.
“And I fucking love you,” he replied, as they shared a genuine smile before delving back into their respective tasks – Y/N applying minimal makeup for the forced exertion from her home and Sweet Pea texting whoever.
Riding on the back of a motorcycle in a skirt was never really the best of ideas, but it was a dark December evening and no one would see. But what Y/N had not considered was how bad of an idea it was to ride on the back of a motorcycle, in the middle of December, at night, in fishnets and a skirt.
“Holy shit, I’m freezing,” she exclaimed, jumping from the seat as soon as Sweet Pea turned the engine off.
“Yeah, probably not the best of our ideas,” Sweet Pea reasoned, sliding off the seat a lot more smoothly. He placed a hand on either of her arms, rubbing his hands up and down her clothed skin, trying to create a little heat.
“Our idea? Please, I wanted to take the car but no, we were already late so you wanted to freeze my tits off.”
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at that before gripping her wrist in one hand, pocketing his keys with the other, and all but dragging her towards the bar door.
“I’m freezing, my legs are going to fall off, and I do not want to be here.” Y/N continued to complain and Sweet Pea could only compare her to a toddler having a tantrum.
They stopped just shy of the closed door, muffled music and chattering could be heard on the other side, and the glow of multi-coloured lights could be seen through the frosted panes of the windows. It all looked rather cozy and, if there weren’t fifty other people in there, Y/N would have probably been quite happy to enter.
“Stop being dramatic, we had a deal. These parties normally suck--”
She opened her mouth to interrupt but a slight glare from Sweet Pea stopped the words in their place.
“--but my bestest friend in the whole entire world is here and you’re going to make the experience so much better. Then, we will go home, maybe catch a lift with someone since I quite like your legs being attached,” he spared a glance to her goose-bump covered skin, “and we will drink hot chocolate and watch a movie.”
He took one of her hands in his, neither of their fingers particularly warm, and began to push on the door before stopping and turning back to face Y/N. “Oh, and Toni’s here.”
Ah, how could she forget her plan, although she wasn’t entirely sure why Pea thought that this would be an incentive for her to enter, he had no idea that she was aware of his crush. Y/N was going to somehow get her best friend to ask out Toni by the end of the night, whether she said yes was out of Y/N’s control, but she would be sure to get Sweet Pea to confess... somehow…
With a small smile now gracing her lips, they both pushed through the door into the large bar area, welcoming the overwhelming warmth that hit them as well as the tangy smell of alcohol. Hog Eye, the owner of the Whyte Wyrm, had strung fairylights along the walls and a small Christmas tree sat on the bar, adorned with the same multi-coloured lights and several red shiny baubles. People were scattered all over the large room, drinks in hand, and loudly chatting away as Bing Crosby was crooning out ‘White Christmas’.
Y/N hummed along as she handed her coat to Sweet Pea to hang on the coat stand, nodding a silent thanks as she continued to take in the room. It was whilst doing this that she spotted several bunches of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, and then she had her plan. Now she just had to lure Toni and Sweet Pea over to one of the many bunches of mistletoe. She began to search for Toni but the latter had already spotted them and was waving them over to where she stood with a small group of her friends.
“Let’s join Toni,” Sweet Pea spoke before Y/N had the chance, sending a nod towards the fellow Serpent.
“Hey guys, cold out isn’t it?” Toni greeted each of them with a hug once they made their way through the crowd. This was not too much of a feat, though, as they tended to part easily for Sweet Pea as he towered over most people.
“Sure is. This idiot decided to ride on the bike wearing fishnets.” Sweet Pea knocked Y/N with his elbow, sending a kind smile to let her know he was only joking.
“Sure, sure, my fault, I know.” Y/N rolled her eyes goodnaturedly, bumping her best friend back with her hip.
“Well, at least it’s warm in here, you’ll be alright in no time,” Toni replied before pulling on the arm of a tall redhead beside her, who turned away from her current conversation. To say Y/N was shocked to see Cheryl Blossom in the Whyte Wyrm would be an understatement. It had been a few years since they had all graduated from Riverdale High, but Cheryl had always been an incredibly preppy individual, to put it kindly, who had deemed herself higher than most others around her. She and her brother, Jason, had practically ruled the school, hardly sparing a glance to others, particularly the transfers from Southside High who were made bottom of the food chain. She had obviously come a long way from her time in high school.
“Sweet Pea, Y/N, I’m sure you remember Cheryl.” Cheryl wiggled her fingers in a small wave and offered a sheepish smile as they were introduced. “She’s a ‘trainee serpent’, so to speak. FP is considering her for the initiation.”
Both Y/N and Sweet Pea’s eyes widened comically. Tonight was full of surprises. It was one thing for the Cheryl they knew to willingly surround herself and be associated with Serpents, but for her to also desire to become a Serpent - perhaps she had hit her head.
Cheryl must have noticed their expressions as she was quick to pull her hands together in a pleading gesture. “I know and I sincerely apologise for the unacceptable and truly horrible way I treated you and your fellow Serpents throughout our time at Riverdale High. I promise that I have changed my ways since graduation and, with the help of TT, I hope to show you how true this transformation is.”
“Of course, I’m sure we’ll see more of each other through Serpent business, but we can always hang out. It’s a regular thing we do with Toni,” Sweet Pea answered for both of them, swinging an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, signalling for her to nod her agreement.
“Brilliant.” Cheryl grinned.
A slightly awkward silence settled around the four of them, something that was most likely due to all of their being unsure how to act with Cheryl around. Y/N’s eyes flitted around the room, not knowing where to land, trying to avoid having to make stilted conversation. Her eyes just happened to catch on a particular bunch of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling above the bar.
Being in such close proximity with Pea heated her skin, something that was putting Y/N off of the whole scheme she had created, but the look that appeared on Pea’s face each time he saw Toni reappeared in her mind; she wanted only the best for him and for him to be happy and, because of that, she would continue forward with her plan.
“I don’t know about you, but I need a drink” Y/N broke the silence, and relief noticeably appeared on Pea and Toni’s faces, Cheryl seemingly oblivious. Pretending to notice Toni’s lack of drink in hand, you added, “Toni, why don’t you join us at the bar.”
Pea’s eyes narrowed slightly, trying to work out why she had intentionally omitted Cheryl from the invitation but seemingly settled on ignoring it for now, he released his arm from around Y/N’s shoulders before chiming in, “yeah, I’ll cover this round.”
“And I’ll stay here and make conversation with my soon-to-be fellow Serpents.” Cheryl did not seem overly bothered about her exclusion, smiling and nodding before making her way across the room to a group of younger Serpents.
Y/N led the three of them over, placing herself at the front of the group so she could strategically lead them over to the right-hand side of the bar where the mistletoe hung. She settled herself at the very far end, resting her arm on the sticky surface so that Toni and Sweet Pea would be forced to stand together at her left.
“Y/N, Sweet Pea, nice to see ya,” Hog Eye greeted, coming directly to the trio, bypassing a few already waiting patrons.
Y/N and Sweet Pea had helped out Hog Eye quite a bit over the last year. The Ghoulies, before they were run out of town, had made an attack on the Whyte Wyrm, destroying half of the bar, and the pair had been a part of a few Serpents who had helped reassemble the place. Veronica had pitched in the money necessary, due to feeling guilty about her father being partially responsible for the attack, so Y/N and Sweet Pea just offered some manpower, as well as occasionally taking up some shifts at the bar while Hog Eye was recovering from injuries he sustained during the ordeal.
Nevertheless, Hog Eye had been incredibly grateful and had no qualms ignoring the already waiting customers to serve them. “Toni too, I see. What can I get you three?”
“I’ll have a bourbon, please, Hog Eye, you know how I like it,” Y/N replied. “Pea’s driving so he’ll just have a coke?” Sweet Pea nodded to her question. “And Toni, what do you want?” Y/N turned to Toni who seemed distracted but requested a Jack and coke at her prompting.
As Hog Eye was pouring the drinks, Toni zoned out again, slowly gaining a mischievous twinkle in her eye paired with a not-so-hidden grin. “Y’know, Y/N, you’re looking hot as hell tonight.”
Y/N turned bright red at Toni’s words, and she wanted nothing more than to hit her head on the bar counter in embarrassment. A similar, but more subtle, pink dusted Sweet Pea’s cheeks. It was also joined by a small smirk.
“Um, thanks I--”
“Yeah, you look amazing, let me take a photo of your outfit. And Sweet Pea! Sweet Pea can be in the photo as well.” She was talking so frantically that neither Y/N or Sweet Pea really understood what was going on so when Toni suddenly gripped Y/N’s arms and spun her around for the picture, Sweet Pea had to grab Y/N by the waist to stop her toppling over.
“Perfect! Just perfect!” Toni exclaimed, pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket. “Now Y/N just move a little closer to Sweet Pea.”
“Do you know what the fuck is going on?” Sweet Pea whispered into Y/N’s ear, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. She shook her head in answer but also to rid herself of the odd sensation, she could use that bourbon now.
“And smile!”
Toni took the photo. The pair began to move apart from the too-close position before Toni stopped them with a hand, that mischievous look taking over her entire face.
“Would you look at that!” She feigned surprise, tilting her head to the ceiling. Y/N and Sweet Pea followed suit, freezing at what they saw. Shit.
“Mistletoe. You know what that means?”
“No, Toni you were--”
“You’re under the mistletoe, you have to kiss.” Toni seemed to be enjoying Y/N’s squirming, but Y/N was more concerned about Sweet Pea unwrapping his arm from around her waist and pulling away, taking it as rejection. Although it was nothing short of what she expected, it still stung.
“No, Toni, I think Y/N wants you to come here.” Sweet Pea stepped back, motioning Toni over. Y/N could almost scream in frustration, this was not going how she had wanted it to go.
“No, it was supposed to be you and Toni under the--”
“Guys, just get on with--” Toni tried to interrupt Y/N, but Sweet Pea stepped in.
“Wait, you were trying to set me up with Toni?” Y/N swung around to face him, now incredibly concerned that he had taken offence. She had not considered Sweet Pea might consider her scheming overstepping.
“Yes, I just wanted to see you happy and I know you have a crush on--”
“Me? Have a crush on Toni?” Sweet Pea’s eyes were almost bugging out his head.
Their outbursts had gained the attention of a few of the nearest Serpents whilst Hog Eye was trying his very hardest to hold in laughter, his face beginning to resemble a tomato.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to--”
“I thought you had a crush on Toni!” His exclamation caused Y/N to freeze, both of them oblivious to the listening ears and the amused smiles of the entire bar.
“You--I--What?” Y/N could not believe a single word that she was hearing. How had he gotten the idea that she liked Toni? Y/N had noticed how he had always smiled when they approached her and whenever she was mentioned in conversation the same look reappeared; how else was Y/N supposed to interpret this?
“As entertaining as this is, we would all appreciate it if you both shut up.” Toni’s words brought their attention to the silence that otherwise filled the room and the fact that every pair of eyes were trained on them. If Y/N had been embarrassed before, it did not compare to how she felt now.
Heat filled her entire body, and not in a good way, her face radiating as she chewed at the skin on her lower lip. Sweet Pea was hiding his embarrassment somewhat better, but pink still tinged his cheeks and the tips of ears.
“You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss!” a shout came from somewhere in the small crowd.
Sweet Pea shot a glare in the heckler’s direction before he took a step closer as Y/N was still frozen in shock, reaching his hand to cup her cheek, gently tilting her head upwards to face him. His thumb smoothed over her warm cheek as he scanned her eyes for any form of protest--there was some hesitation but also a hefty amount of want. The same thumb ran over her lower lip now, his ring cold on her skin as he pulled her slightly bruised lip from between her teeth. Pea’s gaze left her lips, meeting hers and silently asking for her permission. After a nod, so small that only he would have seen, he brought his other hand up to her unoccupied cheek, guiding her face up so they met in the middle.
Sweet Pea wasted no time in pressing his lips to hers, unable to believe that this was happening and savouring the moment. Y/N broke out of a trance, bringing one arm up to wrap around his neck, threading her fingers through the short hairs at the nape of his neck, ensuring he would not pull away quite yet. It was too soon.
Her lips were on fire, but it was the sparks that spread from their connection through all the nerves in her body that racked her with shivers and set her akin alight. Her other arm settled against his chest, clenching the material of his jumper in her fingers as one of Sweet Pea’s found its place at her waist, pressing her against him, trying to get as much contact as possible.
And then Y/N began to move her lips in a gentle caress, Sweet Pea following suit. There was no rush or urgency, they had time but also a passion as they poured their love for one another into this kiss. The pair moved almost in opposites, caressing each other in turn. Y/N took a gasp of air so Pea seized the chance to run the tip of his tongue along her lower lip, not needing to deepen the kiss further, but savouring the feeling, her touch, her taste, when they were no longer connected. Y/N moved to wrap her other arm around his neck but a loud clearing of a throat registered, triggering Y/N to remember just where they were.
She leant her forehead against Sweet Pea’s chest, her cheeks turning even redder whilst her lungs were still trying to catch up, snickers beginning to filter through to her ears. How could she forget where they were? She probably would have allowed them to progress to a full-on makeout session, without intervention, completely oblivious to the audience they had gained.
Sweet Pea pressed a kiss to the top of Y/N’s head, the hand not on her waist smoothing through her hair. The contact of his skin sent a shiver down her spine, her body obviously not registering their audience.
Once she finally caught her breath and calmed down, she pulled away enough for Sweet Pea to press a small kiss to her nose. An involuntary grin took over her lips and stayed in place as she finally twisted her head to look at the Serpents gathered around.
A chorus of cheering and wolf whistles broke out. Toni still stood behind her, only now joined by Cheryl, who had wrapped an arm around her waist; the former wore an incredibly smug expression whilst the latter simply looked thoroughly entertained. Fangs, on the other hand, who stood a few metres from them, had a slightly childish pout on his face aimed solely at Toni.
“Told you I could do it tonight,” Toni simply said in answer to his expression. “You’re going to have to pay up.” She held her hand out, making a ‘gimme’ motion.
“I don’t have the money on me right now! I was so sure…” the last part seemed to only be spoken to himself.
“You bet on us!” Y/N cried indignantly, wrapping her arms around herself, interlocking her fingers with Pea’s at her waist.
“Only last week,” Toni placated, as if that made it any better.
“If it’s any consolation, Y/N,” Hog Eye spoke unexpectedly. He was leant casually against the wall behind the bar, a smug smile that rivalled Toni’s, adorning his face, “me and yer’ mom have had one going for years.”
“My mom!” Y/N was not angry, per se, but more frustrated with the fact that everyone seemed to have been in a secret conspiracy, even her mom.
“Just don’t tell her about all the mistletoe I put everywhere.” Hog Eye began to full-on belly laugh when Y/N’s eyes bugged out of her head. The rest of the bar, still listening, joined in too.
Y/N twisted back around to properly hug Sweet Pea, wanting to fully gauge his reaction. It seemed she was not alone in her embarrassment, but by the chuckles that were beginning to vibrate through his chest, he was finding the humorous side of things. Y/N sighed. She supposed it was all good-natured.
Y/N‘s gaze flickered over Sweet Pea’s face, taking in the small smile, the slight flush to his handsome features and the twinkle in his forest green eyes. He was truly gorgeous.
“I fucking love you,” she whispered to him, smoothing a lock of his hair back from where it had fallen into his face.
“And I fucking love you.”
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Super excited for more Backfire chapters!! 💖 Also DX. Is a thing it's happening i t s h a p p e n i n g
Y e s it’s going to be so great!!!
Also I’m just. going to use this ask for my other catch up chapter of Backfire since it’s one of my favourites
(Previous Chapters)
Uxie’s powers aren’t just limited to his lake, and affect all memories which could be traced back to the Time Gears. It’s easy to imagine the mental catastrophe this could cause in the mind of someone who’s spent nearly their entire life looking into them. In his defense, Uxie was really mad at Grovyle.
Azelf was anxious. He had everyright to be, of course, after what he’d heard from his siblings’ telepathy.
“I’ve finished at LimestoneCavern,” Uxie had said, “Ditto was trapped when time froze. Iput the time gear back, but nothing’s changed yet. I don’t know how long it’llbe until everything’s back to normal.”
“Nobody was at TreeshroudForest,” Mesprit had said, “There were hardly any ferals, andthere was no one at the end. I’m worried. I don’t know if she left of her ownaccord or not. I hope she’ll be back when time starts working here again.”
As worried as he was about Ditto,it was the state of Treeshroud Forest that had him particularly wound up. Andso, unfortunately, Azelf found himself teleporting off the central island helived on to its smaller, much more volcanic neighbour. He struggled his waythrough Dark Crater to reach the lesser-known sixth time gear.
In the heart of an almost-activevolcano, Azelf didn’t have much of a chance to admire the time gear held aloftby a quartet of obsidian spikes. He was here on business. So he raised his headand called out to the time gear’s guardian.
“Darkrai! Are you here?”
The room got the slightest bitdarker.
“Unfortunately,” came a voicefrom behind him, and Azelf turned to see the dark-type lurking in the shadowsbehind him.
Azelf did not jump; he frownedand ignored Darkrai’s thirst for drama. “Is everything okay?”
“Last I checked, we weren’tsupposed to leave our gears.” Darkrai snapped, “Don’t tell me you actually sealedyours in crystal?”
“That was a rumour,” Azelf saidcalmly. “We used it to draw the thief out. It worked, everything can go back tonormal now.”
Darkrai scoffed. “Too bad. Youshould have sent him my way.” He gestured to his own time gear inches above itslake of magma. “I’d love to watch a grass type try to get his hands on that.”
A rather large bubble of moltenrock burst right under the gear and sent a ripple across the lake.
“Right.” Azelf said, barelypaying attention to Darkrai’s faux querulousness. If he wanted to be needlesslydramatic, who was Azelf to stop him? “You’ve heard Cresselia’s gear was taken?”
“I found the wanted poster in abottle and read all about it. I’m sure she’s been insufferable about it.”
“Do you know where she is?”
Darkrai was silent for severallong seconds.
“How long has she been missing?”He asked, his tone much more careful now.
“We don’t know,” Azelf admitted.“There was no trace of her when Mesprit returned her gear. Do you have any ideawhere she could be?”
Darkrai frowned. “No. Have youchecked with Dialga?”
“You know it’s not that easy.”Azelf sighed, “We’ll keep a lookout for her. In the meantime, the threat may begone, but be careful, okay?”
At first, Azelf thought he’dmisread Darkrai’s look, but no. The other pokemon sneered at him.
“You too,” Darkrai said, and thecave lit up once more.
In a handful of seconds, Azelfnoticed a few things.
Darkrai was no longer in front ofhim, nor was he behind him. Darkrai was gone – as was the time gear. There wasa hole torn through time and space right beside it, which disappeared thesecond Azelf saw it. An overwhelming stillness had surrounded him. A wave ofelectric grayscale raced across the lake towards him.
Azelf didn’t have a chance tocall for his siblings. He didn’t have a chance to run. All Azelf could do wasscream as the wave hit him full-force.
A bubble of magma sat in themiddle of the lake, under where the time gear had been, frozen half-popped.
Chatot, currently, had twoPokemon under house arrest in Team Relic’s room.
Riolu had decided to tryrepeatedly to throw himself out the same window his partner had leapt from, asif that would miraculously reunite them in anything but the afterlife. As soonas the first lights hit, Corphish had gathered a team of water types to do theunfortunate deed of searching for the two. They had come back empty-handed, andDugtrio just so happened to realize that the currents at thattime last night could have carried them right across the bay towards themystery dungeon known as Brine Cave.
Experiencing that dungeon wasn’tsomething Chatot would wish on his worst enemy. But Riolu had been determinedto go reunite with his partner, so inevitably Chatot had made the executivedecision that there was no chance the boy would be leaving the guild.Especially with the still significant possibility that Vulpix, as a fire type,hadn’t survived her fall.
The other Pokemon was Dusknoir,who was much more understanding. He didn’t have any explanation for what hadhappened and seemed genuinely shocked when they only asked him to stay in theguild until they knew more about it. Chatot would deal with whateverimplications there were with that situation when he had a moment to think. Fornow, the Guild was closed to outsiders, the other apprentices had left up thecoast in search of anything, and the Guildmaster had gone toscour Brine Cave just in case. Chatot, as the head of intelligence, had stayedbehind to dig through files.
Well, officially he had beenasked to stay behind and rest. His injuries weren’t nearly that severe,however, and Chatot saw no reason why he couldn’t be productive.
Vulpix had seen something beforeshe jumped and had done so to push Dusknoir out of the way. When she’d savedGrovyle as well, the ledge they’d been standing on had been attacked. Thosewere the facts. Someone had tried to assault and kill the Pokemon from thefuture, and Vulpix had been an unfortunate extra casualty. The questionwas why?
So Chatot found himself buried inhundreds of mission reports and wanted posters as he tried to figure out whathe was missing when it came to Grovyle and the Great Dusknoir.
For a grass type, Grovyle hadhorrible sun tolerance. Breeze would be annoyed and embarrassed, but her’swasn’t much better – though, she was a fire type, she didn’t need thesun. It was just a nice and pretty bonus that could sometimes make her firetype moves stronger. Most grass types, on the other hand, would probably wasteaway and die without the sun.
Apparently, Grovyle was anexception to a rule that really shouldn’t have any of those. And Breeze was nota fan of that at all.
Most of the plants beside thedried riverbed they’d been traveling along were withered and dead. As soon asthey’d found a patch of shade, Grovyle had requested they stop for a rest.Breeze had tried to sit beside him, she really had! She was tired too, and he’dbeen so nice throughout the whole trip so far. He’d given her every healingitem they’d come across – which, admittedly, was only an oran berry and acouple heal seeds – and had double-triple checked to make sure she wasn’thaving any issues with their pace. He hadn’t been anything like the Pokemonwho’d nearly killed her and Dusk.
Unfortunately, vouching forsomeone’s second chance and actually giving it to them weren’t the same thing.As much as she tried to ignore it, Grovyle still terrified her. Every time shelooked at his leaf blades, all she could think was how he’d easily he’d thrownher and Dusk aside every time they’d tried to fight. She’d been knocked outbefore he’d struck her partner’s neck, but Breeze could picture it anyway – shehad been just outside the door when he’d told Chimecho all about it, becausehe’d thought she was worried enough about him without having to learn detailsabout how Dusk had nearly gotten his throat slit while trying to revive her.
So while Grovyle called for abreak in their journey to rest, Breeze lasted all of one minute waiting besidehim before she’d anxiously made an excuse and wandered off to ‘scout ahead.’
Breeze kept her head down as shefollowed the cracked, dry dirt further inland. Her tails dragged behind her andknocked bits of sand into her footprints. The wind from earlier had died downand left the smell of the ocean replaced by the scent of dust.
It wasn’t fair to Grovyle for herto be acting like this. Breeze knew that. He barely had any idea what was goingon, but he’d still tried to help her. She should at least be able to return thefavour instead of wandering off to who-knows-where because she was scared forno reason!
Breeze felt her eyes sting andstarted trying to blink away tears as she took another step forward – andautomatically stumbled back as her eyes and nose burned. Severalsteps back, for the first time, Breeze looked up and really took in where shewas.
She was on the edge of asandstorm, frozen in place mid-air. The wind didn’t blow. The sky was dark –the only light came from back the way Breeze had come. It reflected off eachfloating sand particle and speckled the ground in front of her with tiny silversparkles. A trickle of motionless water ran to her left, through weeds and mudthat were still fresh – but frozen. A lone magikarp was stuck mid-air, barelyabove the water, frozen in a desperate last jump to freedom.
Everything was frozen.
Breeze practically threw herselfback into the sunlight, back into the dust-scented wind, back onto the dry andcracked ground. She could feel her body tremble as she stood on the edge of thefrozen time and she nearly collapsed.
That was why the riverbed wasdry. That was why the plants had been dead, and the sun was so intense. Thisriver had probably come from the same spring Mesprit’s lake did. It was at theedge of Northern Desert and Quicksand Cave. Time was still destroyed here,thanks to Grovyle.
Breeze dropped to the ground andrubbed her face with a paw. What was she thinking? Dusknoir was right. Chatotwas right. Everyone was right. This was stupid. Just because he didn’t rememberit didn’t mean it didn’t happen. Grovyle had been trying to destroy the world! Shecouldn’t just ignore that. She couldn’t get distracted by the fact that he wasnice now, when he had no idea who she was or what was going on. If he ever gothis memories back he’d start again, and he’d attack everyone again, andeveryone would be hurt because she’d been an idiot.
There was a shadow cast over her.Breeze froze, waiting for Grovyle to speak – and then she realized that theshadow was nowhere near his body shape. The scent sunk in past the dust amoment later.
“Cha-haw-haw, what’s this?”
Breeze felt her breath catch inher throat. Very slowly, she turned – and Team Skull towered over her.
Breeze swore.
“Well isn’t this a surprise,”Skuntank said. He took a step forward, and Breeze braced herself. “Boys, itlooks like we’ve run into a friend.”
“I’m not your friend, you rottenjerk.” She snapped and let a fire spin build up in her throat.“Leave me alone.”
“Why? Who’s going to make me?”Skuntank replied. “You’re all alone, brat. We watched you walk here.”
“All the more reason to leave mealone,” Breeze growled. “What are you even doing here? Don’t you have anythingbetter to do?”
“I could ask you the same thing,”he said, “Come on Vulpix, help an old friend out.”
Breeze steadied her paws and spatthe fire spin right in Skuntank’s awful face before she duckedunder him and ran back the way she’d came.
“ Agh, boys -”Breeze was already out of earshot.
Her pounding paws dredged up moredust as she fled back the way she’d came. But she saw the shadow over herbefore she saw Grovyle’s rest stop.
Breeze tucked and rolled, dartingto the side as Zubat swooped down where she had been only a second before. Thestink hit her before Koffing did – but they both hit her hard. Breeze flippedand tumbled, her leg catching on a dying root and sending her right on herface. She felt a paw press down on her back.
“No Guildmaster, no cowardlyRiolu, no one coming to help you.” Skuntank said and leaned in as Breezesquirmed. “So why don’t we have that conversation now?”
“Get off.”
“Why does this matter to you?!”She tried to push herself up – Skuntank pushed down harder, and Breeze didn’tmanage to stifle a pained gasp when his claws dug into her still fresh scabs.
“Because we’ve heardthe stories your Guild’s been putting out,” he said, “And how they’d offer up ajuicy reward to bring you back. So what was so important that you had to leaveyour Guild last night, huh? ”
“I didn’t run away, you idiot! ”Breeze squirmed again – if she could just flip over, she could roar, andthat would get them all far enough away from her that she could run again. “Andif you try to ransom me back to them, you’re not going to likewhat the Great Dusknoir does to you.”
Skuntank laughed again, and hiscronies joined in. “Why would an explorer like Dusknoir still care about aweakling like you?”
“He’s already saved me fromyou once, you think he won’t do it again?” She snapped, “Backoff, or you’ll have to deal with him.”
“That implies he knows where youare,” Skuntank leaned in, “if we shoot enough supersonics yourway, no one will believe anything you say. And you’ll talk then, too – so whydon’t you make this easier for yourself?” One of his claws hooked under herpersim band, “Tell us why you’re here.”
Zubat cleared his throat. “Uh,boss?”
Skuntank huffed. “What?”
“We’ve got company.”
Breeze had a brief, hopefulsecond where she was sure Dusknoir or the Guildmaster or Dusk or someone washere before Grovyle sprung out of the ground in front of her and clockedSkuntank square in the jaw.
Breeze scrambled out of his gripthe second she could, ducking behind Grovyle when he landed. “What are youdoing?!” She whispered, “They’re poison types, you’re a grass type, areyou insane?! ”
“Get ready to run,” He whisperedback.
Skuntank recovered from the blow,with Koffing at his side and Zubat ducked behind them. Breeze had a terrifyingsense of familiarity as she shuffled a few steps back.
Except, Team Skull didn’timmediately attack. They stared. “G-Groyvle?!” Zubat choked out.
“How do you know?” Breeze snappedback, “You don’t even have eyes!”
“You’re running around with theTime Gear thief?” Skuntank stared at her as he shuffled back. Breeze shot apanicked glance at Grovyle, who just looked confused.
“Y- no?” She said.
“The what thief?” Grovyle said.
Skuntank still looked shocked –and then his expression dropped. He chortled, and his cronies joined in. “I’llbet you’re worth a pretty penny.”
There was no chance for Breeze tospit back any flames – barely a chance for Grovyle to grab her and pullher down – before Koffing and Skuntank spat their noxious gascombo at them.
The pressure in Breeze’s noseturned from stench to sand, and Grovyle’s dig dropped them ina small, crooked hole.
Breeze coughed and wheezed,hacking up a few tiny flames. They smouldered and died in the sand, and theirsmoke hung heavy in the air. In the flicker of dim light, she saw the purpletinge around Grovyle’s nose and lips – and that he wasn’t moving, either.
“No,” she choked out, “no, no,come on.” She crawled forwards and nudged him with a shaking paw. “Why wouldyou do that? You – you’re a grass type, they had every advantage againstyou, why –” The smoldering bile she choked up this time had apurple tinge. “Why didn’t you hide behind me? You could’ve run. You could havesaved yourself. You – you could have…”
Breeze’s breath shook. Shethought then, about Grovyle asking why did you save me? Shethought of all the healing items he’d passed her way. He could have let herdrown. He could have abandoned her when she was unconscious – he hadn’twanted to stay, but he had. He could have let her suffer and kept the berriesfor himself. He didn’t know anything - he could have lookedafter himself.
But he’d chosen to look after herinstead.
A familiar sense of helplessnessclawed at Breeze’s heart and she didn’t like that at all.
“Help!” she choked out. TeamSkull didn’t matter – she could talk to them, not fight, and they’d take herhome. It was better than letting Grovyle die. It was better than doing nothingwhen he’d been trying so hard for her. “Please – please! HELP!”
Breeze choked up another poisonedfireball, and for a split second, she saw something floatingon Grovyle’s other side. She couldn’t make out the colours or details, butthere was something there.
“Help,” Breeze said again,“please.”
There was a heavy moment ofsilence. Breeze flattened herself down and coughed on the smoke from her ownfires.
“Alright,” a feminine voice said,and the tunnel lit up.
Dusknoir sat in the corner of aroom, a book in his hands and a panicked Riolu pacing around him. He’d tonedout every word the boy had said. Genuinely, he didn’t care. He, unfortunately,knew better than anyone how resilient Breanna and Grovyle could be.
Besides, Darkrai wouldn’t havebothered to target his sableye if the two were actually dead. And as far asprisons went, he’d certainly had far worse. If something came up, it would beno issue to escape before the situation turned serious.
A sudden silence struck him asodd, and Dusknoir looked up to see what had finally silenced the Riolu in frontof him.
The answer, apparently, was aDimensional Hole floating in the middle of the room.
Dusknoir mentally cursed, slowlyrising and inching towards the door. “Riolu,” he said, “you need to go getChatot.”
“Do you know what that is?” Theboy asked, his voice raw.
“Yes,” Dusknoir said, and floatedforwards, ready to grab and throw the Riolu the second anything changed. “Fornow, go - ”
The dimensional hole tossed outtwo prone forms and a significant amount of sand.
Riolu lunged for them at the sametime Dusknoir tried to snatch him. Riolu’s arms wrapped tight around a badlypoisoned Breanna. He pulled her away from Grovyle – fainted and unstable, worseoff than Breanna was – and nearly sobbed onto her shoulder.
Breanna held him back, tearing upas well. She looked up at Dusknoir. “Get help,” she croaked.
Dusknoir stared at her as hebacked out of the room and didn’t say the thought that stuck out in his mind –he hated the familiarity of this.
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kureru-elric · 5 years
I need to gush about Promare a bit now that I’ve seen it twice so here’s a bunch of things I loved about the movie (SPOILERS):
the goddamn animation? the way everything moved in this film was gorgeous
the COLORS holy fuck this film knew when to be bright and cheerful and when to be dark and sad and it all blends so seamlessly with each scene. there were moments I was completely in awe of the colors, especially the background art
THE MUSIC OH MY GOD listen I love Hiroyuki Sawano a lot and so should you the man is a musical genius. the way each scene had the exact perfect song attached, the way they switched songs whenever the tone changed and it didn’t feel too sudden. i love every song on the ost but some favorites are Kakusei, Inferno, Ashes, and fanFAREpiZZA. Yes that is the actual title, yes it’s one of the best songs on the ost, fight me
everyone and their mother has compared galo to kamina but honestly i liked galo more he’s a big himbo but his heart is always in the right place and he’s just so nice i’m ????
lio is still my fav tho he’s the perfect blend of “hardcore murder twink” and “soft boy” he cares a lot about his people but he’s also an unstoppable badass ALSO he’s really pretty and i’m a sucker for his character design
aina and galo’s relationship is wholesome. they have a great “annoying sibling” vibe and i’m so glad the movie didn’t try to force any romance with them (there was one moment where i thought they were gonna and they didn’t thanks studio trigger)
also aina and heris’s sibling relationship was nice
SPEAKING OF the moment heris leaps off the ship and lands on Aina’s plane! the pose! the dramatic wind! 10/10 cinematography
the small touch of having the guy in the pizza place mention that the cook makes them perfect every time and it turns out he’s a burnish, giving him a perfect outlet for his flames. it’s little details like that i love
meis and gueira are the embodiment of the “i’ve only known him for a day and a half but if anything happened to him i’d kill everyone in the room then myself” meme when it comes to lio. they love him so much it’s sweet
galo and lio’s development as “”friends”” is great
that cpr scene lasted WAY longer than it needed too but it’s one of the best moments in the film. the grayscale lighting except for the flame! galo’s desire to do anything to save everyone! him handling lio so tenderly! the gentle music! “did you save me?”! I LOVED IT
also A+ to the writers for galo’s little freak out afterwords cause he wasn’t freaking out over kissing lio he freaked out over starting a fire. so in character, so sweet
kray gradually loosing his cool
kray really did just have the worst day ever didn’t he? so funny
i liked all the side characters really i’m a little sad they didn’t get a little more character development but i’m not mad, it’s a movie they have little time. remi is 100% my type
they pulled a chekhov's gun with the burnish cpr thing that was well done
did i mention that galo was first introduced along side a bunch of bright rainbow lights? subtle
“i didn’t get naked for fun” exCUSE ME
i should mention the dub vs sub thing too cause BOTH ARE REALLY GOOD but i’m siding with the dub a little more cause i actually wanted to watch the movie not the subs. Billy Kametz as galo was a 10/10 choice even if i just hear josuke all the time, and Jonny Young Bosh as Lio was sooooo good
crispin freeman as kray was so nice it’s good to see him back doing anime stuff again
the 3DCG was so well integrated into the movie half the time you didn’t notice it AND it was pretty so this is a big point towards CG in anime
can we talk about how the singalong at the end of the movie (if you saw it in theaters) was just a GaloLio amv? 
i just really loved the movie and i think you all should see it too
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tainbocuailnge · 5 years
If you don’t mind, can you tell me what’s great about Nagao Kagetora’s card art? I think she looks pretty and her art is good, but I I don’t know enough about art poses and anatomy to put my finger on why.
sure i love talking about art
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like with most of takeuchi’s stuff the design is just really good. takeuchi doesn’t colour his own art but he still decides on the colouring of the design so I think it’s worth bringing up. he’s been on a black & white kick lately with okiter & lakshmibai’s final ascensions and kagetora continues that trend. it means there’s a good balance of light & dark going on that supports the shape of the design. making the inside of her hair black means the sleeves stand out against it and having the outside of the hair be white means it makes her head stand out against her torso. the alternation of white head/black torso/white waist/black legs makes the design as a whole feel balanced. your eye is drawn to her face but not so much that the rest of the design falls away. the red inside of her skirt and minicape and the yellow sash support the outline of her body in colour while reducing the overall contrast with the rest in terms of values (as you can see in the grayscale version) and it makes the thing feel more cohesive overall.
kagetora shows a bit of gratuitous skin but the side cutouts are tasteful and correspond to the approximate fashion she draws inspiration from, and it doesn’t compromise the plausible viability of this outfit for battle. plenty of long flowing fabric means the design has a lot of presence, but because of the open fronted skirt you can still easily read her pose, which is energetic and shows off her personality as elegant but somewhat eccentric figure while obscuring as little of the design as possible. compared to like, pako’s art she looks stiff but that’s because pako always takes incredible care to make dynamic and powerful poses occasionally at the cost of the design’s readability. the composition of this card is playing it very safe but that’s okay because it does what it has to do without being boring about it. I’m not a fan of the excessive particle effects on this art, but again takeuchi doesn’t do the colouring so that one’s not on him. 
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the most notable thing about her final art is the angle. this kind of subtly from above angle is pretty hard to pull off, especially when you’re trying to incorporate this much flowing fabric into it. to draw this angle takeuchi had to foreshorten both vertically (her body) and horizontally (her arms) and it means the art as a whole has a lot more energy than her regular ascensions even though it’s essentially the same pose. the swords surrounding her reinforce the high angle and the fabric of her sleeves is used to fill the space between the swords. the balance of black & white in her design shows its value here too, the bright white of her shoulders and face draws your eye while the white of her skirt gets to blend in with the blue. 
if i had to criticise anything it would be that it’s still a pretty modest attempt at this angle and it’d be even more powerful if takeuchi just pushed it a bit further, and the yellow sash trails off kind of aimlessly at the front and it’d look better if the end of it was in frame/it was folded over itself a little more dramatically to really enforce that perspective. I’ve added a sketch to show what i mean. even so the concept is very good and it’s executed well enough, and it shows a clear attempt at doing something different and more complicated than usual when my main gripe with takeuchi has forever been that he plays it way too safe. 
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jamiebluewind · 6 years
Bluewind's Massive List Of Fic Recs
Here are some of my favorite fics. Please be mindful of the tags on the fics as I was unable to note them all myself. Let me know if any are abandoned, if a link doesn't work, or if you just want to share a fic I might want to add to my list ^_^
Also, I didn't have time today to add all the Tumblr ones, so click here to see all the fanfiction under my fic rec tag.
Also also, if you get a minute leave a little comment on the fics you enjoy (especially for the AO3 writers who tend to rarely get noticed if at all).
The Hidden Rose by jamiebluewind (wc 10196): Warning! Please read the tags! Roman will be okay. He can handle the self loathing building up inside of him. He can ignore the weight pressing down on his shoulders as he plasters on a convincing fake smile. He can hide his pain from the others. He'll be okay... until he's not.
A Different Side Of Hogwarts by notalwaysthevillian: Four boys travel to a magical school to learn to be wizards. A brave muggleborn, a nervous pureblood who doesn't quite fit in, an intelligent loner with his nose always in a book, and the friendly ball of fluff that keeps them all together. Can they survive their classes and everything that seems to try and pull them apart?
In The Witch's Nest by a_forgotten_note: Virgil is considered bad luck. Nobody wants to adopt him and everybody who does returns him due to the fires that always happen around him. Then one day, two loving men come into his life and show him what he never knew existed. They do their best to teach their new son how to use his magic. One could expect no less from the two Ilvermorny professors.
To Build a Home by AValorousChoice: Nobody ever wanted Virgil. Nobody had ever shown the slightest bit of interest in adopting him. He never believed he was good enough for a loving family. Then one day, Patton and Logan walked into the orphanage and changed everything. (I love this one so much. Angst and fluff and well written)
This Love Hate Relationship by insanelycoolish: Roman has followed The Witching Hour since he was in high school. Last time they were in town, Roman not only got to meet the lead singer of the band, he kissed him as well. The band (Virgil included) is in town once more. Roman drags along his friend Logan for moral support as he tries to find the answer that's been plaguing his mind for a year: Will Virgil remember him and their kiss?
Keep Him Safe by Whatwashernameagain: Warning! Adult content, so please read tags! Officers Logan and Roman are unlikely friends. Roman is a flamboyant flirty rainbow and Logan is... decidedly not that. When their regular stop closes, they decide to try out a new place. The pastry shop is owned by a sweet bubbly man that quickly pulls in all who meet him with his genuine kindness. However, pain can be hidden beneath a smile. Meanwhile, a gang is quickly growing in power. (a mixture of fluff, angst, and dark undertones)
A Lesson in Practicality by ResidentAnchor: Four seemingly random strangers all answer an ad to move into a downtown apartment. After a few month together, they all realize they've been hiding a secret from one another... they each have a unique special ability. Can they keep living their day to day lives in a house full of superpowered humans? Will their powers bring them together or cause a rift between them? And how long until somebody starts running around in tights?
Patmalian by patentpending: Patton loves Logan more than anything. He just doesn’t understand why his friends are lying or why they’re saying there’s something wrong. He’s not obsessed or deluded. He’s just in love. Desperately, terribly, helplessly in love. (will stomp on your heart and you will say thank you)
Out Side Observations: The sides become real. Thomas is left scrambling as he tries to figure out how to handle the situation. The sides are not much better off. (linked to current newest chapter so yall would have the links to all the previous ones)
Illuminated by altruistic-skittles: Most humans are born with a soulmark that glows in the presence of their soulmate. Some are platonic. Some are romantic. Those without one or with a faux one are often treated badly by society. This is the story of a group of men trying to find where they belong.
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by I_Live_In_A_Trash_Can: Warning! Dark themes so please check the tags! Three superheroes face off against vilian Nightmare. Patton tries to become friends with a lonely guy named Virgil.
Partial Prints by satan_copilots_my_tardis: Warning! Basically all the warnings so check the tags! Patton is a serial killer who feeds victims to Virgil who is a monster who eats people, Deceit is a demon, Roman is a muse, and Logan is the poor human caught in the middle. (for god sakes read the tags)
An Unconventional FamILY by EmPhoenixCat: Warning! Dark themes so check the tags! Human Logan adopts a vampire (Remy) and a werewolf (Roman). Virgil is a good kid despite being possessed by a morally gray demon.
Another Line That Comes With Age by SmolTownFangirl: Warning! Graphic depiction of violence so please read the tags! Roman takes care of his 3 sisters despite his dad being king of the assholes. Patton and Logan are teachers. Virgil is their son.
We'll Be Together Never (Forever) by Lady_Akuma_Wolf: Warning! Extreme abuse/neglect so please read the tags! Patton befriends a mostly elective mute outcast said to be Soulless. However, Patton believes Virgil's soulmate is just shy (unlike his own dramatic soulmate Roman). Virgil isn't use to kindness especially since his own parents are abusive assholes.
Could You Imagine by FebruaryFun: Imaginations take physical form. Logan is not taking very good care of him imirage Virgil and needs a helping hand.
Blank by Shay_Nioum: Logic is gone. There's only Apathy. The other sides are heartbroken.
A Whole New World by mandeebobandee: Virgil and the others were just watching a movie. Now he's lost in the real world.
Fanged Friend by Demon_Wr1ter: Warning! Graphic violence so please read the tags! Virgil is a vampire with three great roommates. Now all hell is breaking loose and he's scared of killing one of his friends.Fangs by TessaTheDreamer: Warning! Assault so please read the tags! Logan was turned into a vampire. At least he's already a nightowl.
The Seeds We Sow by ResidentAnchor (wc 67435): Warning! Graphic depiction of violence so please read the tags! In one kingdom, magic is embraced. In another, it's outlawed and those with any magic are executed. Prince Logan has to travel to the other kingdom for a meeting.
Even Nobody Has A Tale To Tell by AlliDaMeme: Warning! Abuse so please read the tags! Roman isn't happy with who he's being paired with for a group theatre project. Virgil the dark loner. Patton the boy that always smiled. Logan the nerd who skipped two grades. Dex the dangerous delinquent. What none of them realize is that everybody has a story to tell and not all of them are happy.
Behind the Yellow Door by FangirlOfPower: A story of Deceit's adventures in the Light Sides' version of the Mindscape. He's usually very confused, especially by idioms that are taken literally.
Family Matters by IRegretNothingAndEverything: Warning! Abuse so please check the tags! Virgil runs away from an abusive home only to be scooped up by a strange collection of two adults and the runaways who became their children. Now if he could only save his little brother.
Ceremony of Innocence by Acantha_Echo: Warning! Abuse, violence, and isolation, so please check the tags! Sir Roman is captured by the evil warlock terrorizing the lands. Locked away in a cell with his only company being a kind man in glasses and the handsome servant who brings them food at night, Roman struggles to find a way to protect the kingdom and save the others.
The Witch's Secret by Arcadian_Skye: Roman rushed back to meet with the other sides. He was going to regret fighting the dragon witch with so little time to spare before brainstorming with the others. Pain. Glass breaking. Darkness. Will the injured prince find someone worth fighting for?
Blanketverse by SoDoRoses (FairyChess): Wet Blanket and Life Of The Party: Roman wants to host a party in his realm. Virgil feels like a wet blanket (when he's not worried about having a panic attack). Personal Space: Patton won't go near Logan and Logan worries why.
adventures in gender by riverblujay: Virgil discovers they're nonbinary. They're later joined by Roman resulting in the two bonding.
It's Still a Good Life by IsaacTheGreat69: Logan is in pain after a breakup. Virgil is supportive. (Analogical)
Silk Gloves by Dorktapus42: (more of a jacksepticeye/markiplier egos fic with mentions of Sanders Sides). A hectic day in the life of our favorite silent grayscale boy, Jameson Jackson aka JJ.
Powerless by patentpending (wc 187953): Warning! Graphic depiction of violence and mental abuse so read the tags! Almost everyone in the world has a superpower. The unabled 0.04% are treated as lesser and subjected to bigotry. Virgil has tried to fight back against the system that oppresses people like him, Patton, and Logan. When Patton’s bakery is targeted in a hate crime, he finally snaps. With the help of a mysterious sponsor, Virgil becomes a villain, ready to remake a broken society. The only thing standing in his way is the world’s most powerful superhero: The Prince.
Overworked and Underpaid by IsaacTheGreat69 (wc 7349): Thomas has been really busy and hasn't been seeing his friends. Virgil gets hit hard by the stress.
A Stitch a Day Keeps The Bad Thoughts Away by ShadeCrawler (wc 8407): Virgil has found serenity in knitting. Whenever he knits, he tries to make the other Sides a gift. It never ends well.
Love and Other Fairytales by SoDoRoses (FairyChess): Wickhills is a town that never stays in the same place forever. The people there do there best to keep themselves safe when surrounded by fae and other magical creatures. Not all beings are kind. Not all gifts are wanted. Not all paths are safe.
lavender for luck by lovelylogans (wc 66391): (LAMP) Virgil's uncle castes spells, reads fortunes, and listens to houses talk just like Virgil's father when he was alive. You see, the Fae family is born with both magic... and a curse. Those who fall in love with a Fae and have that love returned all die, so Virgil refuses to ever take that risk.
How not to be an idiot about your feelings by Tiili97 (wc 5475): After staying up for 3 days studying, Virgil convinces Logan to get some sleep. Logan wakes up the next day not remembering that he had randomly kissed his roommate on his way to bed.
The Low Light by a_forgotten_note: Warning! Graphic violence and sexual conduct so please read the tags! Logan is a cold-hearted vampire who runs a funeral home with the help of Patton who takes care of the daytime business. Patton's boyfriend Roman is... there. While out walking the graveyard, he happens upon a boy being stalked by a ghoul. Virgil survives and gets entangled in the world of nether creatures and the sudden influx of vicious ghouls in the small town.
Second Chances by callboxkat: (Sequel/series page) Roman is homeless and just trying to survive. With no room left at the shelter, he was tossed out and left to fend for himself on the streets. A former high school rival offers to help.
The Last Days by EdgyCatSkull (wc 10383): Warning! Major Character Death so please read the tags! Patton, Logan, and Roman have lived in their apartment together for years, along with a fourth reclusive man. While the three grew closer, the other never even told them his name. But one day, the man they had started referring to as simply Anxiety came out of his room and began to bond with the other three men. Maybe there is a reason, but one Virgil would rather leave unspoken. With Roman's play coming up and everybody seeming very happy, it would almost seem like things would finally work out for them... almost.
Of Course by A_Travis: Anxiety existed in a gray area of not good or bad. Just gray. When he lends a hand to the others, he only has one response.
Lovesick by Jackfruit: Roman can smell lovesickness and Logan REAKS. Logicality
Ever After by creativenostalgiastuff: Virgil is death and must guide souls to the afterlife. (very sad)
What? by just-an-anxious-mess: The sides are acting strange
Chemically Imbalanced by NyxWordsmith: Warning! Read the tags! Roman’s first mistake was taking Mr. Sanders History class, expecting an easy ride. His second mistake? Hitting on his son. (very lose adaptation of the sides and so much angst)
Stains of a Soul by sanders-sides-fics: Warning! Abuse so read the tags! Virgil is torn. He loves writing to his soulmates and the marks on his arms from their replies. His parents don't. They called having three soulmates unnatural. He's punished. Insulted. His pens are broken. He just wants to make his parents proud.
Scribbles by SketchyNebula: Virgil watched as the ink appeared on his arm followed by a second and a third. His soulmates. He would never muddy their relationship with his presents, but as he watched the happy colors take up every last inch of blank space on his arms, he couldn’t help but be happy that fate chose him to be lucky enough to witness it. The unfolding of this relationship was going to be something akin to a fairy tale and if that was the only light in his dark existence that fate would grant Virgil, then he would take it without regret.
Silence and Duality by xaandiir: Warning! Read tags! Children make mistakes and the Sides were no exception. When Thomas was young, they locked up the one who was hurting him. They thought they were only protecting Thomas. Now that Fear is out, they have to face he consequences of their decision.
On Impossibility by theotherella: Student body president Logan is in a precarious balance of power. In order to save the football team, he was forced to cut the unsusessful theater program. Roman hates him for it. Virgil isn't too happy either. Logan is fine.
A Virgil Affliction by creativenostalgiastuff: Warning! Read tags! Thomas has high anxiety over his friends moving. Virgil becomes overwhelmed with all of the changes in Thomas’ life. He struggle to cope and starts taking it out on everyone and everything. What will help them get through this tough time?
Innerworks by Prplzorua: Warning! Author may not be able to finish! Because of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on.
Inks and Tallies by Skittlesun: Roman has an odd tattoo client asking for tally marks
Sleeping on Secrets by novusavis: Virgil is worried his curls will make the other sides not take him seriously, so he tries to hide them
Splat! by Listless_Songbird: Patton hears a curious noise coming from Roman’s room and peeks in to investigate
Mimicry by On_Sonnshine: Warning! Dark themes and violence so read tags! Virgil looks broken as he confesses something terrible that happened. Roman sees red.
Patton Will Fight You by RLCinderella: Virgil talks bad about himself. Patton did warn him. (Pure fluff)
Wynken, Blynken and Dad by SilversEdge: Virgil is having trouble falling asleep, so Patton decides to help (Pure fluff)
Neuro Logical by musicmuse0609: After being insulted by Roman, Logan decides to do some research to figure out why he's so different. Discovering the reason only seems to cause him more stress than before.
Love hurts by TheGhostOfBenjamin: Warning! No comfort so read tags! A merman falls in love with a human. One needs air, the other doesn't. How far will he go to get to his loved one?
Everyone can leave by Vampirtulpe: Warning! No comfort so check the tags! The sides and Thomas have been stuck on an imaginary island for months. Roman is convinced that he will find the exit, but what if everybody doesn't want to leave?
Must Be Dreaming by rosesandstuff: Remy loves kissing his boyfriend, Roman. However, when it’s obvious there’s something much weighing on Roman’s mind, Remy stops so they can talk.
Unspoken by IronWoman359: Warning! Read tags! Virgil stomps off in a downpour after he and Logan have a fight. When tragedy strikes, will Logan get the chance to make amends.
Noose - Oneshot by imthederpyfox: Virgil walks into the woods with a rope and a piece of paper. A noise in the distance startles him.
Love at firtht thight by shiverfawkes: (analogical) Virgil is use to not being taken seriously. He has a strong lisp which causes "s" to sound like "th". Then he meets a boy at his new school who changes that.
Silence Is Your Loudest Scream (I Don't Know Why You're Hiding) by maxiswriting: Roman is an actor. He can hide the truth behind a wall of convincing lies. The dark thoughts aren't there. He's fine and happy for the others. Everything's fine. (LAMP)
Lessons by DemonicPresence (wc 2732): Roman loves guitar. Logan doesn't understand why.
High Five by periwren: Virgil is a shy lonely school kid that always gets picked on. His classmates have made it a new game to jump scare him and eventually it all ends in tears.
Cat's out of the Bag by YouDontKnowMeIDontKnowYou (wc 2262): After wandering into the imagination to find Roman, Virgil turns into a cat. He's not happy about it. Hilarity ensues.
Nail Polish and Princes by novusavis (wc 3207): Virgil has trouble with his hands shaking. It makes it impossible to cleanly paint his nail, so he decides to ask Roman for help.
The Kind of Pain That Doesn't Hurt by warcatscat: Warning! Read tags! Roman has bad habits. He knows that. He knows they're not good for coping. But when everything else is so deeply overwhelming, what else can he really return to besides old habits. They die hard, right?
The Betting Pool by Skittlesun: Drama teacher Roman Hart and music teacher Virgil Knight have this little game they like to play. The objective? Make the other blush first. Place your bets!
Did You Lock The Door? by periwren: Warning! Sexual situations so read tags!Patton and Deceit just want to fool around without the other finding out, but the other sides keep spoiling their fun. Hilarity ensues.
The Smell Of Leather Jackets And Alcohol by Sp00nhater: Warning! Extreme child abuse so please read the tags! Virgil and Roman are very different. Roman is popular and loud. Virgil is a quiet loner that's feared. A class protect forces them to work together and brings some dark truths to the surface.
It's Only Logical by TSTrashCaptain: Warning! Sexual conduct and past abuse so read the tags! When Logan (a florist with a PhD in botany), decides to hire someone to work the counter in his flower shop, he assumed it would be no big deal. His life would continue to be calm and as predictable as Roman unsuccessfully flirting with the emo owner of his favorite coffee shop. He could never have expected what a disruption one single Dad could make to his neatly ordered life.
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