#spot the concerned doggos
cool-thymus · 1 year
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"It was just a bad dream. You're okay now."
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vaspider · 9 months
Happy new years! I just wanted you to know that seeing your posts about tucking in your anxious doggos has helped out the anxious sweetie pie I'm looking out for immensely. We don't use a weighted blanket for her, but she can sleep soundly when the neighbors are making loud noises (even fireworks and wild partying) if she's tucked in, snuggled up by humans who care for her. She also no longer licks herself enough to get raw, concerning spots, which was a problem her owner's struggled with for a long time.
I left this sitting at the top of my inbox for a while so I could see it and it would make me happy. :)
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wildgirllz · 1 year
this is super random thought that i had about Bucky, i shared it to people before but never put on asks/requests... so could you write something like this?
Imagine you getting a new roommate. Or should I say roommates because you did not expect Bucky would move in with certain adorable fluffball named Alpine. You don't mind though, you always wanted a pet but never had the chance to adopt any. And having Alpine around feels like she's your pet as well.
Your relationship with Bucky wasn't the best or the worst. It was neutral. Mostly because Bucky himself was quite reserved. He is either not at home (possibly in some sort of mission with Sam) or he's curling up with Alpine somewhere within the shared apartment. But that don't mean that y'all are not secretly pining for each other ;)
One day, you came back home from work to see Bucky pacing around anxiously. Turns out Alpine was missing, he can't find her anywhere. So they decided to went out to search for her.
You found Alpine first, she was being chased by an unleashed dog. Your poor baby was running for her life. Not thinking twice, you try to catch up with her and scoop her up to your chest before stumbling on the ground. You ended up hovering over the cat, protecting her from the feral dog. Indirectly getting yourself bitten/scratched on your shoulders, your back, any spot that was exposed to the dog. You were bleeding due to the unrestrained strength from the dog's attacks, but you mind was more concern of the cat in your arms.
When Bucky saw this. How you were literally sacrificing your body for Alpine; well he almost went full winter soldier mode. Like... no one touches "his girls". No one. But he managed to hold it back (cause we don't want to hurt the doggo) and of course, saves the day.
And the next following days were just how Bucky clings to you and do every little thing for you so you don't have to lift a finger when he's around.
You pull out your mug, he would take it from you and get your coffee done before you could stop him. You open the cabinet door in the storage room, he'd take the vaccum out before you could reach out to it. He made sure that your breakfast, lunch and dinner was on the dot; of course he was the chef of all the amazing dishes served to you.
It was nice and all at first but its not like you were paralyzed or something. And its been nearly 2 weeks. Your wounds were almost healed. You wanted to do something at least but apparently Bucky thinks that you needed rest.
So you kinda raised your tone, "i can't even make grab myself snack from the kitchen now? Whats next, Bucky? You'll bathe me? Or better yet you'll help me to get off? Cause god forbid I can't even turn on a fucking vibrator because I'm 'severely injured ' "
You were spouting all the things that you thought he wouldn't have the guts to do, just to make him stop doing literally everything for you. But turns out he was more than willing to do exactly what you just proposed.
Maybe he don't even need to use the vibrator. Maybe his fingers were enough, or his mouth, or his cock.
This is how I imagined it in my head, but feel free to write in your own way though! Have a nice day, love ♡
Girl look at that request 💀 you’re insane
Here you go!! <3
(I most definitely did not do your request justice im so sorry)
Let Me Do It Myself
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It had been nearly two weeks since you saved Alpine from the unleashed dog, and Bucky had been hovering over you ever since. At first, it was nice to have someone taking care of you, but now it was starting to feel suffocating.
You were sitting on the couch, trying to work on your laptop, but Bucky kept interrupting you. Every time you tried to do something, he would jump up and do it for you. It was driving you crazy.
"Bucky, please," you said, exasperated. "I can get my own glass of water."
"I just want to help," he replied, looking at you with concern.
"I know, and I appreciate it, but I need to do things for myself. I'm not helpless."
Bucky looked at you for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay, I understand. But if you need anything, just ask."
You nodded, relieved that he seemed to be getting the message. But over the next few days, he continued to hover, always ready to jump up and do things for you. You were starting to feel like a burden.
One evening, you were making yourself a sandwich when Bucky walked into the kitchen.
"Let me do that," he said, reaching for the knife.
"No, Bucky," you said firmly. "I can make my own sandwich."
"I just want to help," he repeated.
"I know, but I need to do things for myself. I need to feel like I'm not completely helpless."
Bucky looked at you for a moment, then sighed. "Okay, I understand. But please be careful."
You rolled your eyes. "I will."
As the days passed, you tried to assert your independence, but it seemed like every time you did, Bucky was there to pick up the slack. You were starting to get frustrated.
Then, one day, you snapped.
"I can't even make grab myself snack from the kitchen now?" you said, your voice rising. "What's next, Bucky? You'll bathe me? Or better yet, you'll help me to get off? Because God forbid I can't even turn on a fucking stove because I'm 'severely injured.'"
Bucky looked at you, his expression unreadable. "Is that what you really think of me?"
The passion between them was palpable, the tension wrapping around them tight like a cord in the small bedroom. The thundering rain outside its windows provided the perfect background music for their highly charged moment.

Bucky Barnes had just crossed a line, pushing his luck with pushing the boundaries of her patience, and now he was paying the price. She was angry and she had every right to be. 

'You always do this,' she said, her voice tight with frustration. 'You always think that you know what's better for me than I know for myself.'

'No, I just,' he stumbled over his words, her anger turning him on. 'I don't want you to get hurt.'

She huffed in response, pushing his chest away from her and not even trying to hide her scowl. He stepped back and let his hands slide off of her body, feeling the loss of her warmth instantly.

She knew that her frustration was only turning him on more, which only made her angrier. She wanted to take control of the situation.

' You don't get to make decisions for me, Bucky,' she said, her voice softer this time around, though still firm with her assertion.

He swallowed, his throat actually running dry, his body responding in a way that only she could make it. He stepped closer to her, his hands sliding around her waist before he pulled her into him. 

She expected him to say something in response, not to take her in his arms and bring his lips down upon hers.

Their mouths moved together as if they had done this a million times, each stroke and caress of their lips only making them hungrier for more. His fingers ran up her back, squeezing her closer and further teasing her already sensitised skin.

The taste of him consumed her, making her forget why she was even angry with him in the first place. He let out a groan of satisfaction as her hands ran through his hair, both trying to deepen the kiss.

Finally when they did pull apart, both of them breathing heavily, their eyes connected, neither wanting to break the contact.

He leaned down again, his lips running down her neck, her moan vibrating through his body as he left a trail of gentle kisses. She arched into him as his tongue ran over her collarbone, his hands exploring her body as he moved lower. 

He groaned when his fingers touched her between her thighs and her body instantly reacted, pressing against him, desperate to feel the pleasure his hands were giving her.

He pulled back and looked at her, their eyes still connected as each of them tried to take the other in. His face was filled with admiration and appreciation as he said, 'You're so beautiful.'

He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her again as he lowered her onto the bed, his body following hers as her hips moved against his. For a moment, he paused, his lips still connected to hers, a question in his eyes, asking for her permission. 

Her eyes answered for her when she let out a soft moan, pushing herself against him even more, pressing his body into hers. 

He responded by pushing himself in, their bodies melting together as he started to move, his hips moments surging upward with each thrust. His hands still moved around her body, both bracing for the intensity of the pleasure, and caressing her soft curves, taking in the sensation of her body against his.

'God, you feel so good,' he said, his words barely audible over her moans of pleasure.

The intensity built as they moved together, each of them finding their release moments later, Bucky burying his face into her neck and calling out her name as his orgasm swept over them.

They laid there, their bodies still connected, until finally Bucky rolled off of her and laid on his back next to her. 

He reached over and gently brushed her hair away from her face, a satisfied smile gracing his face. He paused for a moment, just taking her in, before finally speaking.

'I'm sorry for trying to make decisions for you,' he said softly, regret laced into his voice. 'I just want to take care of you and make sure that nothing ever hurts you. I love you.'

“I love you so much, Bucky.”
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blu3-j · 1 year
How about everyone from Welcome Home has a sleepover with the human Reader who just arrived in the neighborhood! What would happen if, while the reader is sleeping, he starts crying or says something like this in his sleep: "Please stop this hurting me" (poor reader is having a nightmare). Of course, his puppet friends are going to wake the reader up, but when the reader wakes up he says "no, look over there in the corner there's a monster and he's going to devour me" and after that the reader faints and goes back to sleep..
How would the puppets react? What would happen?
(( Sorry if it's confusing, it's just that I have Sleep Paralysis sometimes when I'm woken up by having a nightmare I see this scary entity that terrified me in my sleep next to me in bed, it's so scary because it seems so real, sometimes I I simply go back to sleep as if nothing happened and I don't remember that accident. ))
Night Horrors
Reader with Sleep Paralysis x Welcome Home Crew
(Headcannon List!)
Oh, goodness! I’m so sorry to hear that, fellow stranger! Well, know that all of the Welcome Home crew would be deeply concerned for you and check up on you the next morning! They care for you so so much! Know that I care for you so much, too! We may be strangers, but I still care! It must be so scary.
This dude would just look in the corner you made comment to and investigate
No fear, whatsoever
I can imagine him laughing when seeing nothing and saying aloud to anyone listening “Silly, silly! There’s nothing here.” And just go back to whatever he was doing before he went to check up on you.
Has had experience investigating scary things in the dark to comfort Barnaby
His eyes would go wide and he’d freeze instantly.
This guy may be a jokester, but he’s not much of a fan of horror
Watching him would be like watching those online gamers play horror games, honestly
He’d slowly turn around and either jump anyway, or he’d walk the other direction repeatedly saying “nope nope nope nope” the entire time
Wally would have to comfort the poor doggo
She’d freeze up for a moment and just stare at you as you fell back asleep
The entire time she would just heavily debate on whether or not to look
“D-don’t worry, Y/N, I’ll be your knight in shining armor!”
She’d attempt to go into an acting bit to convince herself to be brave for you
You could hear her sigh of relief outside of the building when she didn’t see anything
Would no doubt refuse to sleep without you or anyone else in the room, though
Girly would go wide-eyed and dart around to look, ready to beat the shit out of whatever you saw
Don’t underestimate her, because of her games with random and possibly made up on the spot rules, she’s a lot stronger than she looks and she knows it
She’s more of a fight person than flight, fawn, or freeze
Upon seeing nothing there, she would turn back around and pat you on the head with a smile on her face
“Oh, Y/N, you silly billy! Your eyes must have been playing tricks on you.”
Once she was sure you weren’t having anymore nightmares, she’d skip off to do what she was doing before
Instant panic
This bird is a scaredy bird
She would instantly curl up under the blanket with you and do her best not to look in the corner
She’s shaking so hard, it’s a wonder you didn’t wake up
If she got brave enough, she would rush over to the phone and call somebody over (most likely Howdy) to check the corner for her
No fear
He wouldn’t walk over, but he would definitely look in the corner to make sure there’s nothing there
He’d chuckle when there really wasn’t anything there and then tuck you back in
Like Wally, he’s had experience checking for scary monsters in the house for Poppy and Sally (Sally rarely ever called him to check on something, but he’s had to in the past)
Additionally, he runs a bodega store. There must of been times that were scary as shit
I mean, think about it! He’s most probably heard some things outside or seen things in his store while closing up or during the night when he’s supposed to be sleeping plenty of times!
He’s got to be brave, at least for investigating
Maybe not as much for confrontation, but I can imagine he may know how to stand his ground (albeit a bit shakily)
Like most of the others, he would freeze up a bit
Only for a single moment, though
Then he would turn around
When he saw nothing, he breathed a sigh of relief
Depending on how close the two of you are, he’d either lightly glare at you (I doubt it from thinking he’s a huge softy, just a bit grumpy and intellectual), or “smile” at you
“Smile” as in his eyes would scrunch up the tiniest bit in that special way a person smiles at another and raise his eyebrows a bit
Due to his permanent frown, he can’t really smile at you, but he tries on occasion!
For the rest of the night, though, he’d be a small bit on edge
Poor guy would instantly run and call for Frank
If Frank can’t come, he’d attempt to wake you either to assure him there’s nothing there or to run to another room to sleep for the rest of the night
He’s definitely a flight guy, but that doesn’t mean he won’t still try to protect others!
He’d do anything to keep his friends/significant others safe!
Even if it means facing his worst, scariest fears!
Yes, I’m putting Home in here since they technically count as a character of Welcome Home
That, and Home needs some love, too!
Home would instantly be able to know there’s nothing there
But don’t be fooled! If they were able to breathe like a human, their breathing would have stopped for a moment
Home would tuck you back in with something they can control
If they can’t tuck you back in, they’d squeak out a loving “goodnight.”
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ailendolin · 22 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x03
Spoilers for 2x03 under the cut
noooo not a flashback to Elendil and Berek. My heart breaks every time at the broken, "Please," because Berek is all Elendil has left of his son
Berek being a good horse and kicking that orc straight into a tree
Black Forest? Welcome to Germany, Berek. Seriously, though, that means spiders, right?
Fuck of course it does
But it also means Isildur so that's good. Berek proving to be the ultimate horse once more (sorry, Asfaloth and Shadowfax, I love you too)
come on, Isildur, time to get the hell out of there. I've seen Alien and I know how this ends
eating lunch while watching this was not one of my better ideas
ugh this is honestly making my skin crawl
this cave is my own personal nightmare and I hate it
kudos to the sound design, though, for making it even scarier than it already it
thank god they're getting out of there
I hope Isildur tells Elendil one day that him setting Berek free is what saved him from certain death by spider
aaaand we're back in Numenor. I've always been an elf girl but Numenor is beautiful and I love Elendil with my whole heart (also met Lloyd last year as well and he's such a lovely person)
Miriel! I love that Elendil is her eyes now. Those two are so great together
someone woke up and chose violence today. Literally
Miriel meeting anger and grief with kindness. My heart
I do not like Pharazon and I do not trust him
nooooo Earien did not take the Palantir, did she? Girl, why would you?
aw, Glüg going, "We are safe here. We have a home." That is so sweet. I like this guy. They all just want to lay down their weapons and live
omfg is that an Uruk family? Does Glüg have a partner and child? My heart! I can't. This is everything. I love this show so much
Damrod's in the house and the music slaps
yessss Disa went with Durin to Eregion. Now where is Elrond? I need my Elf-Dwarf Found Family back together again
i also want to punch Annatar in his pretty face just for existing
just saying but that one lock of hair falling into Celebrimbor's face is very distracting
Durin doesn't trust Annatar one bit and I'm loving it. He trusts one elf and that is Elrond
"Funny. He's never mentioned you." I'm cackling
Haha Durin knows very well that Elrond would never call him wise. This is so funny. Annatar is laying it on way too thick and Durin is looking right through him
noooo they cannot leave Eregion yet, not until Elrond gets there and they reunite
Celebrimbor, why are not all your alarm bells ringing when Annatar tells you Gil-galad forbid the making of more rings and doesn't know Annatar is with you? Again, where is Elrond? We need someone to talk some sense into all these stubborn elves
nooooo not Celebrimbor straight up lying to Gil-galad
ah okay, it is not lying. He is just granting him and Annatar the space to complete their work. That's okay, then
Brimby, I love you, but you are a rubbish judge of character and need new friends. Take Berek for example. He would take one look at Annatar and kick him across the room
ooooh that drinking seen gives me flashbacks to the Dead Marshes. Do not follow the little lights, Isildur
it's just a flesh wound lol
even I know not to pull out knives. Who is this girl?
okay, she's called Estrid
Pelargir is beautiful
Isildur's having a not good, very bad day, isn't he? Poor guy was just trying to be kind
I was just wondering when we'd see Arondir again and there he is! Finally!
but what about Berek?
oh no, not Bronwyn. I'm going to miss her. Where is Theo, though?
spoke too soon, he's there as well and not doing too well it seems - does he blame Arondir for Bronwyn's death?
Durin standing before his father is such a sombre scene. And he's actually apologising and telling him about his concerns - progress!
Arondir blames himself for Bronwyn's death - of course he does
I love that he stays with Theo even though Theo clearly does not want him there
doggo spotted in the background. Doggo spotted!
oh gods, Theo and Isildur teaming up the rescue Berek? That won't end well, will it?
I am sorry but I do not care about Estrid. I want Bronwyn back
fuck, I wrote that before the mark was revealed but good to know I'm a better judge of character than most people in this show (not you, Elrond and Durin)
okay she's burning it away but does she do it because he never wanted it or does she do it to better infiltrate? I'm sorry but I do not like her and I do not trust her
ah we're back to rescuing Berek. Let's see how disastrous that will go
yes, Theo, what the fuck are you doing out there in the dark?
"Lose your mum?" Ouch
the Ents are here, right? That tree chopping was focused on for a reason and we all know the Ents don't like that
btw someone is going to save the other horses, right? Right?
oh Miriel is looking gorgeous. The way her clothes look like a mosaic is so beautiful
Earien, what are you doing, girl?
okay, the way Elendil's, "Silence!" echoed? *shivers*
what the fuck does Earien think the Palantir is? A bowling ball?
Miriel, you're not doing yourself any favours here, sweetie
and neither are you, Elendil, by touching the magic bowling ball
the way Elendil is trying to reach Miriel - I can't
fuck yeah Eagle to the rescue
can he please eat Pharazon and his merry band of idiots? I swear that would be so funny
okay, that did not go as I wanted. Shit
the boyfriends are back at making rings and Durin is not happy
no no no do not let Annatar add the mithril. Celebrimbor, I swear to the Valar ...
fuck this is bad. On the chance of repeating myself: where is Elrond? None of these people should be allowed to do anything without him being there to talk sense into them
okay that little smile between Celebrimbor and Annator was cute. They're still in the honeymoon phase so I get it
and that's it for the first three episodes. I honestly need more Elrond in the next one. So many bad things wouldn't happen if someone would just listen to him
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princessdimondheart · 2 years
It’s The Dog | Chapter 2 | Ghost x Dog Handler! OC
Pairing: Ghost x f! OC
Warnings: None really, language, is dog poop a warning??
Edited: No
A/N: An extra long chapter for the wait. ~3k+! I'm finally on Spring Break!! I’m not certain what to name my OC so I’m just gonna leave her nameless (for now, maybe idk). However, she is a Latina (Mex) so her name is of Hispanic origin. She's 21, and Ghost is 30-32, so... age difference. As for her rank of Sergeant, she's freshly pinned. Debating whether I should name her dog Riley…. I did in the end lol
Ch.1 | Ch.2 [Here] | Ch.3
Title banner ©️ Me
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The last mission was long and hard, but Sergeant Canis was certain that she and her dog were going to be fine after a good rest back at base. They were waiting on the other side of the huge hill again for an exfil. She had just called over her radio and was waiting a response back. Although their work was done for the time being, both she and her dog were actively searching the top of the hill for any signs of enemies that they may have missed. She glanced to her dog. He had his ears on a swivel and his nose was twitching as he tried to scent out any bad guys to bite. 
Without a doubt was Canis proud of her doggo. He’d been working extra hard this mission and rightly deserved lots of treats and pets. 
Hmm… maybe I’ll cook him up a steak-
Her train of thought was cut off by the grainy- yet somehow clear- sound of her radio going off. 
“Charlie-04, what’s your status? This is Tango-06”
“Tango-06, this is Charlie-04, requesting exfil to RTB. The LZ is clear.” Canis provided their coordinates to the pilot. 
“Received. ETA in 6 minutes.” The helicopter pilot responded. 
Not long after, the helicopter was landing nearby and blowing hot air and dust all over the place. Luckily she was wearing sunglasses and her dog had to funky goggles that sometimes made her giggle at the sight of him. Both quickly made their way into the helo and they were off back to base. But just before they could properly settle in one of the exfil crew was calling her name. 
“Sergeant Canis, sir, you have an incoming call. Permission to switch to private comms?” 
“Go ahead.” She was a bit confused. 
Who the hell’s calling me at a time like this??
Once the comm was switched it was then that she heard him. 
“Sergeant? How’s it goin’, love?”
“Well, hello there, Captain…”
This was going to be a long day for Canis, she was sure of it. 
Ghost was waiting next to Soap a little ways off from the tarmac, when a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft landed on the runway. It began to taxi towards their standing location. Several minutes later the plane began to unload its cargo. If he was to be honest, Simon was excited for a dog to join the team. He had always liked them when he was younger but was only ever able to admire them from afar. His father would have never allowed one in their home. 
He could hear dog barks getting closer as the crate transporting the dog was unloaded. Ghost spotted the crate and could just make out the silhouette of a German shepherd dog. His eyes moved up when he saw a figure walking up next to the crate. The person placed their hand on top of the crate and pat it a few times, most likely to calm the canine down. It didn’t seem to work.
When they got close enough, Johnny voiced his concern. 
“Is the dog good?” He was worried the dog was going to bark itself to oblivion. Even with the muzzle the dog had on, he kept barking. 
“Riley? Oh, yeah. He does this when he notices we’re not at the same base as before. He’ll get used to this base eventually, so when we comeback from missions in the future he’ll just be sleeping.” Riley? “I think he does this to freak everyone out. So are ya?”
“Freaked out? A bit, lass.” Johnny chuckled, then remembered the dog’s name. “Did you say, Riley?”
“Yeah. It was his name when I got him as a two-year old. Why?” She looked between the two men. Mohawk guy was giving a knowing look to Mr. Broody. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the skull-clad man in the eyes. His presence was intense. He didn’t acknowledge his younger teammate. 
Johnny grinned, “No particular reason. Just glad to have you and Riley on the team…”
“Oof, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself there.” She gave them her name. “But you guys can call me Canis.” 
Canis and Soap shook hands. “Name’s Johnny MacTavish but you can call me Soap since we’re the same rank.” Letting go of her hand, he gestured to Simon. “This here is Ghost. I just call him L.t.”
The lieutenant grunted in greeting before reaching out his hand for a shake. His hand was warm against her cooler fingers. They were definitely much larger than hers, but given her height, everyone’s hands were bigger than hers anyways. Canis steeled herself and looked him in the eyes. His lids drooped and she couldn’t see his pupils in the darkness, but she could see that his eyes had a softness in them yet not completely. He was still wary of her being there, all new and whatnot. Her cheeks began to warm as the stare held on. His hand was in hers for a few seconds longer than normal, and when Ghost noticed he immediately let go. His mind had wandered off like hers did. Her eyes drifted to Riley who had finally relaxed his barking during their little introduction. She didn’t see Ghost flexing his hand behind his back. 
Ghost’s own cheeks had warmed, but he shook the feeling away. “Let’s go. The Captain is waiting for us.”
He turned and led them to the building, not turning to see if they were following them or not. 
Once in the cargo bay of the main building, Canis clipped the leash onto Riley’s collar which clearly read: DO NOT PET; and let Riley walk out on his lead, letting him quickly do his business on a grassy area just outside, then cleaned up after him. She had trained him to go on command, which was convenient for her whenever they were on time sensitive missions. 
They walked for a short while until Ghost stopped in front of a frosted glass top door. Canis could make out that the lights were on but she couldn’t see if anyone was inside already. Ghost knocked on the wooden part of the door and waited until a muffled answer told him it was okay to enter. Upon hearing it, he opened the door and held it open for his two sergeants. Soap pat his thanks on Ghost’s shoulder, while Canis whispered her thanks. Ghost could just hear it but his hand gripping the door began to sweat. Riley took a moment to sniff the tall man. Curious. 
Captain Price was sitting behind his desk like usual. A young man closer in age to Canis was sitting across from him. Both looked over to them as they came inside the decent sized office. Extra chairs lined the far wall, which Johnny was taking the time to move them in front of the desk. 
Price called her name. “Or should I call you Canis now?” One of his thick brows twitched upwards in question. “Running with the wolves now, love?”
Canis grinned at her new Captain. “You know me, Old Man. I’m always one for having a pack.” She gave him a little wink. A short laugh escaped her blush pink lips. 
“You two know each other well?” The only person Canis did not know looked between them. Johnny also had a slightly confused look to his face. 
“Quite, Old Man and I go back since I was in the womb to be honest.” Canis looked at him. “Umm…?”
“Oh! Gaz on missions and Kyle while on base.”
“He’s like an uncle to me, Kyle.” Canis sat down. Riley and the other two doing the same. 
“Her father and I used to run missions together.” Price gave his two cents. “He’s an Army Ranger. Good man. Retired now.” The others looked at her in awe. The Army Rangers were the elite of the elite and were definitely people that any military man should inspire to be. His face turned contemplative. 
“Any reason why you’re in the Air Force and not following in your father’s footsteps?” It was a legitimate question, but it made Canis tense at the words. 
“Well, you know him, Old Man. I wanted to piss him off… He’s a better Ranger than he ever was a parent.” Price’s brows furrowed, then she mumbled off a, “Chair force my ass…” 
The situation with her father still made her upset so she said nothing more. She did not want to dampen the mood any more than it had already had. 
It was quiet for a second until Johnny broke it, asking her a simple ice breaker question. “So, your doggo know any tricks, lass?” Johnny flashed her a grin. His eyes darted to the diligently sitting German shepherd. 
“A trick, Soap?” She smiled back. 
“Salute your superior, Sergeant.” She grinned at Soap while his face flashed a look of confusion at the other three. Gaz looked equally confused but Price had a small smile on his face, and he couldn’t gauge Ghost’s reaction because of his mask. 
“Umm… the Captain?” He wasn’t sure what she meant. His fellow Sergeant shook her head and tilted it towards her four-legged partner. Riley sat perfectly still, his brown eyes staring at the man. “The dog?”
“Ah… okay, then.” Soap then brought his hand up in a salute and waited, but only for a moment. 
Riley lifted his large paw as high as he could and placed it in front of his eye before setting it down. A doggy salute. 
Soap blinked and yet still couldn’t believe it. Riley had saluted back at him. Captain Price had chuckled at the antics going on and Gaz let loose a “Woah!” Ghost only titled his head a bit but he was definitely amused by this. If anyone had looked closely, they would have seen the skin by his eyes crinkle just a bit. 
Riley wagged his tail and turned his head to his designated mother as if asking: “I did good right? Okay, now where’s my treat, human?”
Canis tossed him a piece of chicken she had in her pocket. Riley snapped at it mid air with a sharp snap of his jaws. She was proud of her friend. This was not something that was explicitly taught when going through handler training, but was a trick that Canis taught Riley to do as a way to boost morale on long haul missions with her previous teams. The boys had loved it so it stuck. “Good boy.”
“Wait, why does Johnny have to salute Riley? He’s his superior?” Gaz almost raised his hand to ask, his upper body moving towards her. Soap leaned closer, too. 
“Well, any MWD is a rank higher than their handler.” Canis replied, her face turned serious. “It’s like that to prevent any handler from abusing their dogs. Imagine punching your Captain… yeah, it wouldn’t go down well.”
“Well said. Now, get settled. Tomorrow we’re going to do a mini training session with all of you and with Riley. I want to see how well you perform.” Price stood from his chair. “I also want those of you who haven’t worked with a dog before to get used to them and see what they are capable of, at least in principle. You’ll get the idea once we’re out in the field.”
A chorus of ‘yes, sir’s and everyone stood up.
“Did’ya bring any special equipment with ya that we could use for tomorrow?” The Captain continued. His attention focused on Canis. 
“Equipment?” She believed she knew what he was talking about. “Yes, sir. I’ll have it prepped in the morning.”
“Good, miss.” Then he exited first. 
Canis grabbed a hold of Riley’s lead before he could wander off with the rest. Riley began sniffing everyone as they walked out the door. He sniffed the longest at the person who stayed behind. 
Ghost let his hand be sniffed by Riley. The dog was taking lots of breaths, his nose twitching with each inhale and exhale. His lips twitched when he saw Riley’s tail move side to side. It was 100% a pleasure making a dog happy. Taking Riley’s friendly posture as a queue, he pats him on the head. Riley’s butt wiggled with his tail wags, and he tried to lick Ghost’s hand even through the muzzle. 
Canis stood there and let the interaction happen with no interruption, despite the ‘DO NOT PET’ in bold on his collar. This would be the only exception. It was good for Riley to interact with the team as soon and as often as possible. It would help them trust her dog more while on a mission. She smiled at the two. It was sweet. 
Ghost looked up sensing eyes on him. His cheeks burned again. He felt a little silly forgetting that Canis was still there waiting on them. And here he was loving on her dog. A good dog, but still. He coughed lightly and with a final pat on Riley’s head, Ghost turned and left the room.
Canis shrugged and smiled knowingly once he was out of the room. Then she led Riley out as well and made their way to their designated barracks. 
The following morning Canis woke up early due to Riley licking her hand. His whine to be let out had her shooting out of bed. She did not want to miss his queues to be let out like before when they were first partnered together. Those were not good moments for them both. 
Canis dressed in her combat outfit sans her heavy gear load out. She attached the leash to his collar, not forgetting to grab his favorite ball- foregoing his muzzle, and led him from her room to an inner courtyard she saw in passing the night before. Now that the sun was rising, she could see that the courtyard was open with a few benches along the wall. The middle had green grass that was in need of a cut soon. The grass was wet so it must have rained in the middle of the night. There were a few bushes that appeared to have flowers on them but since it was early fall, they had begun to shrivel up and a few had already fallen. 
Canis led Riley to a corner of the yard to do his business. She didn’t want him going all over the place- and not wanting to be discourteous to others. Riley did his business and she cleaned up after him like a responsible handler would and deposited the bag in a trash bin. Then she let him loose and threw his ball to the other side of the courtyard, slowly making her way after it. Riley bolted after the ball, mouthed on it where he got it and ran back for her to throw it again. They played like this for a few minutes. 
She should have realized that he was somewhere behind her before Riley ran past her with a yip. Ghost would always be silent, under all circumstances. Canis made a quick turn to see Ghost sitting on a small bench with Riley’s ball firmly clenched in his skull-gloved hand. Riley’s backend wiggled with the intensity of his tail wagging. He barked a few times, urging Ghost to ‘throw the ball already!’ 
Ghost looked at her. A beam of sunlight passed over the courtyard, illuminating Ghost’s brown eyes into a deep honey. Their identical colored eyes locked in a way that had her taking a deep breath. She nodded her approval to him with a smile and he chucked the ball. Riley was like a bullet trying to get it. 
Canis made her way to where Ghost sat. He scooted over just enough to let her sit next to him. He was manspreading so her knee was lightly touching his thigh. Both of their legs twitched but settled against each other when neither of them said anything. Riley bounded over with his happy self, ball in mouth. He plopped the ball back into Ghost’s open hand again then took off once more when he threw it. 
“He really likes you.” Canis chuckled. “It usually takes him longer to warm up to new people on the teams we’ve joined up with.” 
“Mmm…” Ghost fiddled with a loose string on his black sweater. “I guess I have a way with dogs, then.”
He was teasing her. She looked up at his much larger frame. “Oh, Lieutenant… Riley here can turn at the drop of a single word.” 
He didn’t doubt her there. Ghost’s stomach twitched at her unknowing use of his name. He’d definitely have to get used to that. 
When Riley came back with his ball, Canis had him heel between her legs. “Watch the door, Riley.”
Riley’s ears perked up at the order and his head turned on a swivel to the door. His hackles rose and his lips curled in a silent snarl. Ghost could see that his eyes had an intensity that wasn’t there before while they were playing ball. Riley was a serious dog and he could turn so easily. 
“Release!” After a few seconds, Canis threw his ball into the air and Riley lunged at it breaking his command. He was back to his happy tail-wagging self. It amazed Ghost how easily he transitioned between his working mode and calm mode. Although, he hadn’t seen the full extent of Riley’s abilities, yet. 
Canis looked at her watch. “I should be getting our gear ready for our training session soon… I still need to feed Riley.” She went to stand then turned to Ghost, “I’ll see you later, sir. It was nice seeing you interact with Riley. We can do it again if you want?”
Ghost looked her in the eyes, “Yeah, I want to.”
She gave him a small smile then returned her attention to Riley and reattached his leash to his collar. As they walked back inside, Ghost lowered his gaze to a large paw print imprinted into the wet dirt a few feet from him. The blades of grass glowed as the sun moved higher into the sky. 
Ch.1 | Ch.2 [Here] | Ch.3
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tacozrg00d · 1 year
You know what? Have my W.I.P Papyrus angst ish for my story The Aftermath
“Hey %!0~3^?”
A bright mass of red and a speck of gold sit in a secluded area surrounded by white.
“Yes, 9^974V$?”
The gold looks to the red, tilting itself in a seemingly curious manner.
“Do you ever feel like- like you-”
The red slumps, unable to find the words to properly explain what they are searching for.
“C’mon 9^9$, you know I can’t feel~”
Gold titters at this remark amused that even after all their time together, Red still can’t grasp that they are an empty shell.
“...that's what scares me…”
Red turns away from Gold, almost ashamed that they are comparing themself to Gold's situation.
For the first time in a while, Gold sounds genuine.
“I- I feel like I’m not feeling this- this world- this life- anymore.”
Papyrus went on walks regularly, it was essential to keep his bones as healthy as they can be after all. Except, his walks weren’t entirely because he enjoyed them. If he didn’t go on his morning walk then his best friend wouldn’t have anyone to hang out with!
Papyrus would do anything to keep his best friend happy, even if he couldn’t feel happy anyway, it was the intent that counts. Whenever he couldn’t sleep he would go out and chatter to his SOUL’s content with his flowery friend always intently listening to him.
This night, however, Papyrus was hoping to avoid him. The day had been a bit of a catastrophe and he knew his friend was already watching. There was no point in seeking a metaphorical ear to rant to if he had seen everything. So, the skeleton kept to the more open, public, busy side of Snowdin.
Unfortunately, he didn’t account for the lack of things to distract him. He had planned a calm walk to clear his thoughts, not drown in them, yet that was what this walk was doing. He had looped past the Gyftmas tree for the second time when he spotted a familiar monster with a lit treat stomping out of Grillby’s bar.
Inwardly Papyrus wanted to turn and walk off. Still, when he pushed his boots slightly too hard into the snow, it caught Doggo’s attention instantly. The canine's head turned quickly to the noise, reaching to his side where Papyrus knew he had pocket knives.
“Who's there?!?”
Papyrus started to wave his hands slightly to make himself known. “IT’S JUST ME, DOGGO-!”
Doggo relaxed and tucked his hands into the pockets of his shorts, no longer reaching for the knife on his belt. “Papyrus? Didn’t expect to see you out so late! How’re you holdin’ up…?”
The skeleton stopped waving his hands and instead started shifting from foot to foot, half out of nervous energy and half for Doggo to be able to still see him.
“I AM ‘HOLDING UP’ QUITE WELL, DOGGO! HOW ARE YOU?” Even if Papyrus wanted out of this situation as fast as possible, it didn’t excuse being rude.
Doggo’s eyes seemed to scan Papyrus before he huffed out a chuckle and pulled out another dog biscuit from his pockets. “I’m holdin’ an’ that’s about all a monster can do these days.”
He watched as Doggo lit the treat, thankful for his inability to smell the smoke from this distance. After a bit of silence, Papyrus realised his quietness would make the canine weary.
He regretted asking as soon as the words left his teeth. Noticing Doggo's halt in movement, he glanced at the other sentry and saw concern rather than suspicion.
“Well- The only sentry station in Waterfall is your brothers since Undyne was- is usually able to handle patrols there on ‘er own, so we don’t have many leads. We are waitin’ on word from New Home though, t’ see if she jus’ went to visit Asgore.” Doggo stopped talking to send a quick glance at the bar. “D’ya wanna talk somewhere else?”
Papyrus stopped fidgeting before remembering why he was doing so in the first place. “SURE…”
Doggo leads the way and Papyrus silently follows. They walk with a comfortable silence until they come across Doggo’s sentry post.
“Papyrus- yer a good kid- but I’m gonna have to be honest with you about somethin’.” Papyrus tensed, unsure of where this would go.
“You and yer brother are on da top of ther list. Everyone knows ya hang with her fer trainin’ at the end of da day, and your brother has the only station in Waterfall.”
The canine paused as Papyrus struggled to not spill out confessions. “But I don’t think yer guilty.”
Before he could even sigh of relief, he picked up the unsaid remark. It was accusatory, he was accusing Sans of doing something.
He was just making this situation even more problematic to dig out of wasn’t he, he was causing the people around him trouble.
“Look, Papyrus, I didn’t mean ‘nything drastic. It’s just- suspicious, y’know? No one even knows anything abou-”
Papyrus squeezed his sockets closed, refusing to listen anymore. Sure he knew Doggo had disliked his brother, at the very least, but-
Doggo sighed and Papyrus could hear him throw and light another biscuit.
“Okay- I believe ya.” A chuckle. “If anyone knows anything about ‘im, it's you.”
The skeleton opened his sockets and crossed his arms. They had made it to one of his puzzles sometime during the conversation.
The sentries stood in silence, save for Papyrus’ shuffling. “Yer sumthin’ else, Papyrus-” A paw is placed on his shoulder before Doggo turns around. “Don’t stress too much, the underground and guard need someone like you durin’ moments like this.”
Despite the guilt swelling up under his ribcage, in the middle of his SOUL, Papyrus couldn’t help but be thankful for the canine's words.
“Thank you” The skeleton heard Doggo pause, likely because of the shift to lowercase, before chuckling once again and going on his own way.
“Your puzzles might need some cleanin’, best thing we got in case we’re all too busy to notice a human-!”
Papyrus turned toward his puzzles that were, unsurprisingly, covered in snow. He decided that keeping his puzzles in check was the least he could do. The work was tedious, the snow melting into all the little crevices when he wasn’t focused. Luckily the thought of being careful kept his mind off the dark thoughts that had previously plagued him. Unfortunately, for him or for his friend, it wasn’t long before-
The skeleton halted in his movements, frozen to the spot. ‘What now? why now?’ Snapping back into reality, Papyrus sat on his knees and looked down at his flowery fiend. “HELLO FLOWEY! DID YOU WANT TO JOIN ME IN CLEARING MY PUZZLES? THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE-”
“YAWN- no offense papyrus, but don’t ya think you can take a break from puzzles?”
“Oooh-! Y’know what'd be real fun? SPARRING!”
Papyrus, who was waving gestures in an attempt to distract Flowey with a rant, froze. His eyes slowly glanced toward his friend to see a mockingly innocent smile.
A vine started fidgeting with a few of the snow poffs that surrounded the puzzle, threatening to topple them over. “Are you really going to just listen to the mutt that accused your brother of your crime? No one thinks you're capable of it, they all underestimate your potential. Maybe you can take this as an opportunity to build a name for yourself! Golly, I-” The flower stops his pushing as he’s nearly trampled by Papyrus standing. “HEY-! It’s rude to walk away when your best friends talking y’kno- EW”
The skeleton had run over to the edge of the trees and started emptying his magic reserves. Also known as vomiting. Flowey just stayed by the puzzle waiting for his friend to finish his disgusting and totally unnecessary activity.
— end w.i.p
I lost my outline for Sans’ part and my usual chapter set up is Papyrus, sans next sans, papyrus
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
A Hellhound's Loyalty (MC and Cerberus)
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This is the final part of A human's best friend is a Hellhound Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
This take place at the end of the Angelic event. and Inspired by the Ao3 fanfic Angelic Desecration by Scarlet_Streak
Summary: Finally knowing where you and Cerberus are hiding. The brothers head straight there, only to meet with a over protective Hellhound.
Warning: Swearing, Fighting, Demon brothers getting bitten, Blood, Emotional conflict and Cerberus best doggo
The sound of a crow shirking, grab the attention of the avatar of greed. He reach out his arm as the crow porch on it. His darken face stare down the tiny crow. And then....
"Stop staring that the damn thing and look at its memories!"
"Grrrr! I was gettin' to that! I don't seeing ya calling Lotan to search for MC!" Mammon whips his head and snap at Levi, before looking back at the crow and took a deep breath. "Kay' little guy.... Just hold still......" It stare into Mammon's eye as he looks and saw something that made his blood run cold.
Though to Mammon's emotion starting to act up, the crow squawk flapping his wings in a panic before flying away. Leaving a shaking Mammon. Asmo saw and try to reach out but Mammon spread his wings before taking off.
"Hey! Mammon!" Levi calls out, then he felt a hand grabbing on his jacket and lifting up. He looks to the side to see Belphie being carry too by Beel. Then in a flash Beel took to the sky. So did Lucifer and Asmo, with the latter carrying Satan. As all follow Mammon.
Once all the tail brothers touch ground, the winged brother land down then they look at a frantic Mammon looking around the shore of the lake.
"Where did that mutt taken them!" Mammon's voice seem to crack in fear, as he looks around.
"Mammon what exactly did you see. In the crow's memory?" Satan asks, while look around for himself.
"Cerberus carrying a pass out MC! They drown in the water and Cerberus save them and taken them somewhere-"
"Wait!" Beel sniff around and smell wet fur and human blood. Growing concern of the scent of blood in the air, Beel start following the scent and heading north.
Trusting Beel, all the brothers begin to tailing behind him.
After walking seem like a far enough of a distant from the lake. The brothers stumble across a mountain side with a cave. Walking closer they saw the rear end of Cerberus. sticking out of the cave. With further inspection without getting anymore closer they notice that Cerberus is asleep.
But what they really want to know is where did Cerberus hide you.
With all of the come to a conclusion that you we're in the cave, with Cerberus guarding the only way to get to you.
Mammon took one step forward before place a hand on his shoulder.
"We need to subdue Cerberus first before we do anything." Mammon scowl before taking a step back and crosses his arm. Then Lucifer looks at Satan and nodded. Which the fourth born understood.
He advance and quietly mutters a spell, but then a sound of a branch snap broke the silent of the night.
All head turns towards the source of the sound.
Asmo looks at his brothers with a shock expression and eyes widen open with a mouth hang open.
"ASMO!" Satan angrily whisper it through his teeth. Then, like lightning none of them could react quick enough when Cerberus swat Satan away to a near by tree with his massive paw.
They all whip their head back in front to see Cerberus scowling with fire coming out from all three mouth as Cer start barking at the brothers
All the winged brothers flew and scatter, leaving Levi and Belphie facing the hellhound.
"HEY! You can't just leave-" with quick reaction Belphie duck Levi down low enough to avoid Cerberus's paw.
Then the two demon's fall back, hoping that Cerberus follow or chase them, giving their brothers the chance to get into the cave. However Cerberus didn't move from his spot. And keep his guard in the entry way of the cave.
Risking his chance Mammon flew right into an open space where Cerberus's body isn't block the way. He was almost near the entry way when he felt a sudden pain in his leg.
Rus manage to grab Mammon by biting on his leg. Then he flings him, sending him flying through the sky and making him hit the tree with his face first.
Then Rus return his attention at the three hovering demons in front of him and his brothers.
Rus Stare down Beel, Cer with Asmo, and Bee staring down Lucifer.
"Cerberus......" Both Cer and Rus snarl at the call, with Bee narrowing down his eyes at Lucifer. "We just want to see if MC is okay, Beel said that he smell their blood." Cer slowly calms down, and as his face soften a little bit.
Asmo sees it and try to charms him. It didn't work, but instead causing Cer to growl at the fifth born before breathing fire at Asmo. Who quickly flew to the side.
Both Beel and Lucifer look over at right, breaking eye contact. And in instinct both Rus and Bee lunges forward far enough to grab Beel and Lucifer both by their legs, pulling them of the air then procced to shake them violently. Before throwing them on the ground. With Beel landing on his stomach and Lucifer on his back.
As Beel try to recover Cerberus left paw step down on the sixth born back and digging two claws onto Beel's back drawing blood, causing him to groan in pain.
Lucifer heard Beel, and quickly try to sit up only to met with Cerberus other paw pushing him back down on the ground, pinning him under his giant paw. As Bee tower over and stare down his former master.
Like the night he found Cerberus, they stare right through their eyes and into their souls. Now Lucifer can clearly see what the store owner said.
Cerberus is heartbroken. Like the night he lose his parent, being alone that night. It the same thing his feeling right now.
He was just seeking comfort, and you gave it to him while he was still under the curse.
And then Lucifer call you an attention seeker, when you clearly felt what Cerberus felt. And that broke his trust with Cerberus. The moment he told the hound that he shouldn't given you comfort.
He was in the wrong and now he has to fix it.
"Cerberus... You did a good job...."
The silences is deafening, as the growling stops.
Both Cer and Rus's eyes widen while still staring at the their respective demons
And Bee looks at Lucifer with a shock expression on his face. trying to let Lucifer sink in. Not even realize that Lucifer reach out and place his hand on Bee's nose.
"You did a great job comfort and protecting MC while we are not ourselves. Even though I didn't personally see it before, the way you are protecting them now from my brothers and I shows that you deeply care for them. With that I thank and I'm sorry for blaming you for disobeys when you are clearly just doing what you have been told and protect what's is important to me." Said it so softly, like the night he found him but with gentle look on Lucifer's face.
This wasn't like the Lucifer's angel self was. That was too nice and pure, I completely different being in the eyes of his hellhound, as he treated Lucifer like what Cerberus treats total strangers.
Defensive and aggressive. But now he can see the master that raise him, the master that though him about the importance of loyalty.
But he want his master and his brothers to do one thing, before he can truly trust him back.
Bee's face shifted in a neutral one, than lifted his paws off of Lucifer and Beel, then took a step back before turn around and head inside of the cave.
Satan finally recovers and helps his older brother with Belphie and Levi helping Beel back on his feet.
Then Mammon groan loud enough for his brothers to hear him, he purposely trying to get their attention.
Asmo sigh and took the bait, walking over to him and let him lean on his shoulder.
Once all are back standing they all walk into the cave.
Lucifer snap his fingers to set a light spell to better see into the dark cave.
There they saw you laying in between Cerberus's front legs fast asleep with a smile on your face, nuzzle close to the hound's chest.
While the hellhound has both left and right head on either side of his legs, with the middle head next to your sleeping form looking at you with soften expression his eyes.
All of them are happy that you're safe, but they want to check and see if you were okay.
Satan was the first one to step forward, and knee right in front of Cerberus, Bee looks at him and slowly raise his head with his eyes narrowed at the blond demon.
"Cerberus I know that you think that we abandon them, but is a completely misunderstanding, we we're under a curse that made us angels. We wouldn't never abandon them or you. So I please.... We just want to make them feel save again and know that we are our old self" Satan bows to Cerberus.
Bee looks up to the rest of the brothers.
Lucifer was the first one who bows, with the rest follow suit, all expect Mammon then he stiffed as Cerberus set his sight on him. And Rus let a low growl.
Belphie was the one grab Mammon at the back of his head and force him to bow.
There was a moment of silences, none of the brothers raise their heads.
Then Satan saw Cerberus move his paw giving him way towards you.
Satan nods, than crawl over to you and pull you towards him without waking you up. Then he position himself and lay your head on his lap.
He looks over you and sense that you are exhausted, and you almost uses up all your power to keep both spell up on you and Cerberus.
It was dangerous for you to keep the familiar spell on Cerberus for too long, especially with a hound his sizes. Luckily all you need right now is to rest.
Comfortable with Satan's action, Cerberus move back a little giving you two some space and for the brothers.
Seeing that your away from Cerberus. Both Mammon and Asmo rushes over and kneel beside Satan. As Asmo check your body for any injury, he saw a bit of dry blood on the top of your lip. He quickly grab a handkerchief out of his pocket and gently wipe the blood off.
Soon all the brothers gathered around you, with Lucifer sat next to Cerberus.
What seem like hours, you finally woke up, feeling a warm hand caressing your face. You flatter your eyes open to see a lazily smiling Belphie looking at you with his eyes close.
"Good morning, Cotton."
"Hey.... When did you get here?" You asks as you prop yourself up in a seating position. But a pair of arms around your waist stop you.
You look down to see it was Levi sleeping next to you. Then looking around you seeing the others are all asleep.
"I sense you waking up, and I wanted to greet you." Then Belphie move closer and lean on your shoulder burying his face on it with his arms wrap around yours. "You own me a week worth of naps."
"I'm sorry...." You mumble, causing him to look up and meet you're eyes.
"I'm been a bad partner..... You all were curse and I stayed away from all of you because I was so uncomfortable..... Hells I made it sounded worst just saying out loud." You start to tear up, you pulled your hand away from Asmo who was holding it, and try to cover your watery eyes.
"We don't hate you for doing that...." You to the side to see Satan talking, he reach out and wipe the tears off your cheek. "Curse are mean to discomfort humans. We understand that you are not comfortable with us when we start acting different. And dealing with our angel selves for a week add the fact we are all in the house. It must have been terrify for you, to the point that you felt isolated"
He leans in to kiss the top of your head "But know that you are not a horrible person for distancing yourself from us..... We completely understand" He whisper it to your hair, as he breath in your scent calming himself down.
"He's right!" You felt a warm breath coming from your side, as Levi mumble into your side. "I gave away all my collection.. all the years and hours gathering them.... Just went down the drain, I can't even look at my room without crying a flood." He bury his face farther into your side as he start to sob.
"We all hate what our angel selves did to our things." A deep voice from the back, startle you making you look back, and saw Lucifer leaning on Cerberus, right between Bee and Rus. As he stroke Bee's shout with ungloved hand with both head circle around him.
"Even making my hound scare of me for the wrong reason....." He glance down to look at Bee who has calm on his face, enjoying his master's comfort "I'm quit please that you two found comfort with one another, while we were all still angels.... For that I grateful for this beast to be by your side and keeping you safe." Cer leans towards Lucifer as he looks at the hellhound. "You three did a good job, for that I thank you"
Cer smiles at the first born before start licking Lucifer's face. With the latter trying to calm the energetic pup. However the two other pup assault Lucifer by nuzzling into him. With Lucifer try to keep his composure.
You watch and smile to see both Cerberus and Lucifer happy.
Then an annoyed groan, cut the cute moment. All four drop their smile and look over to Mammon with unpleased look on their faces.
"Great we're all awake, can we go home yet. Cause I need to make up for lost time...." You and Satan sigh while Belphie and Levi look at Mammon with disgust.
You all got up on your feet, and Beel drape his jacket over your shoulder. "Just to keep you warm until we get back home" He smile but then his stomach growls making him blush. But you pat him on the shoulder.
"How about once we get home, I'll cook ya your favorite dishes, as my way of sorry..."
You didn't need to do that, but Beel couldn't pass on a good meal, especially from you. So he nodded and lifted you up and have you sit on his shoulder. And all of you start heading back to the house with Cerberus right behind Lucifer.
"So, the right head is Cer, the middle is Bee and the left head is Rus." As you tell the brothers about how you gave Cerberus's heads all nicknames. With each head have a different reaction. Cer is very happy, Rus who plays it off cool, and Bee is neutral with the whole thing. But you know that he likes it, he's just acting like his Papa.
"Bee! the big boss of those three heads is name after a bug!" Mammon start laughing with Levi and Asmo holding theirs.
Bee start to grants
"Oh~ how adorable! Bee perfect for the most spoiled one!" Asmo comments
"Spoiled one?" You asks.
"Yes~ When he was a puppy and not as big as he's right now. I used to dress them up in cute puppy clothes and Bee was my favorite to dress up. While I dress the other two in suits. With Bee I always have him in a cute pink bonnet with a big pink ribbon as his collar."
You awe and look at the hellhound in question. But loses it when you saw Bee's piss off expression. But then Mammon join at Asmo's chatter.
"Yeah, I remember one of them is scared of Levi's figuring. And we uses it to scared him into running towards Lucifer study and hiding their all the while Lucifer was busy doin paper work. He couldn't finish them with a crying puppy jumping on his lap every five minutes"
You want to stop the two, when Lucifer place a hand on your back and tell you that he'll soon face the consequent of running his mouth on.
You did wait long when Bee snarl at Mammon and Asmo, which made both of their face turn pale. Before chasing the two demons.
You look back at Lucifer, with a pout on your face.
"Its good for all three. At least Cerberus is getting his exercise but his favorite babysitters.
Not want to argue with him, you and the rest of the brothers head home. While hearing Mammon calling for Lucifer to call of his hound.
Your just happy that everything is back to the regular chaos with Cerberus added in to the mix for now on.
And you couldn't have it any other way.
Tagging: @ice-icebaby@hobin-gnoblin @sayumiht @ashielle @prefesro @the-devilskid @breezethroughthesummertrees @death-metal-lord @yukihaie @burninsno @fandomtrashkiddo @kurisu55 @undertaker-02 @alyssatjuhhh @kaiitory@queen-aria-things @albtraum-kaninchen@breezethroughthesummertrees @peachifiedenbyfaux @idk-what-to-doo-oo @vallzxarii @breezethroughthesummertrees @snowy-dream-bunny @luci-slut @debo1701
Life gets better with a pet. Don't you agree?
Anyway thank you all so much tagging along this story :3
I'm so happy how well receive this fic has gotten. And So many of you like this so much T^T
Also Thank you with all the lovely reblogs/comments for this story. It really warms my heart that you guys enjoy this so far.
I love all the reaction you guys are writing.
If there's grammar or spelling error, please let me know.
Now will you excuse me, while I'll be writing the 666 followers fics. See you on the next fics. Its time to get dark😈
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hi! Could i request the brothers and undateables with a MC that has this massive guard dog who's really intimidating and aggressive towards whoever tried to lay a hand on MC but he has a huge soft spot for kids? Like, the MC is at rad and the dog is glaring at the demons but as soon as Luke enters the room he's running up to him wanting to be petted by the young angel and he's WAY more friendly with him (and his owner) than the others and he's protective of him as well as the MC. Bonus if the doggo dislikes Lucifer and Belphie with a burning passion lmao-
(my dogs LOVE children, they go crazy when they see one. they just wanna be pet😔👊🏻)
I respect that, pets can understand what's up about people. If my pet didn't trust someone on instinct then I wouldn't either
Your dog was massive! It was a guard dog you've had for most of your recent years. He was fluffy and bulky; perfect for softer moments and still able to appear threatening. He's been helping you feel safe and journey through the Devildom. Your dog HATED Everyone and it was fitting; whilst most of people in your social circle was kind to you and wanted your safety, they were powerful and many of them were demons.
Mammon has been chased around by your 'monster' dog. At one point you spotted him climbing up the walls to get away from the furious barks of your dog. Flying away when he got rushed after when he thought it was safe.
Levithan was too scared to go near you; he was already fearful of Cerberus and that was an actual monster dog! So he would mostly just talk to you through text or at a distance. Has even thrown food at you because he got scared by your dog snarling at him.
Asmo screamed whenever your dog tried to fight him. You felt bad whenever you saw our scared they got but your dog just wanted to keep you safe. Belphegor got mad at asmodeus for screaming but only ended up getting sat on because he tried to grab you. He ended up falling asleep but for awhile he was struggling to wiggle away from your dog's bottom.
Beezlebub was the closest one to sooth your dog, his hand did get bit but he's been able to groom your dog. He has handled Cerberus many times so your dog was but an easier challenge. But most of the brothers have learnt to not touch you if the dog can see or be more careful in their approach.
But simeon, Solomon and Lucifer were a one braincell trio. They believed they could do as they wish and be able to calm your dog. Solomon was just a smug idioit who thought he could get away with it meanwhile Simeon hoped being an angel would reassure your dog he was not a threat. You blame those dangerous shoulders of his.
Lucifer tried to be the alpha to your dog and ended up getting his foot chewed. He tried to shake your dog off his shoe but it only made him fall over. Your dog practically dragging him across the floor as it snarled at him.
Lucifer was absolutely humiliated. Diavolo and barbatos were smart enough not to intervene but all of the collectively got concerned when they remembered Luke. The child of all of them. Your dog was overly protective and could get aggressive if people got too confident.
Normally they'd never be around to see how soft your dog could be as he'd ignore Luke and focus on keeping you safe but you haven't seen the little angel in a few days. You could tell your dog was really missing him.
He doesn't understand why everyone is so wary of your dog. He can't help but grin whenever he sees you and your dog. Everyone watched in fear as Luke came skipping in, waving at you.
He grabbed your hand with excitement. Looking between you and your dog. Your dog ran towards Luke and Everyone in the room felt their blood go cold.
"Gummy! Hey boy! Have you been a good guard dog?! Have you?! Awww you're such a good boy!"
He's hugging your dog, squishing it's cheeks. You laughed as you glanced at the others, all staring in shock at how happy your dog was. It's fluffy tag wagging rapidly as Luke nuzzled against the dogs cheek.
"He missed you, Luke, did you miss him aswell?"
Luke nodded, unable to stop smiling as your dog licked his cheek.
"Simeon, you wouldn't mind me and Luke going out shopping, would you? I agreed to check out the-"
Luke puffed his cheeks and glared at you. Trying to appear threatening whilst your massive dog was snuggling him and giving him cheek kisses. Your heart never felt more soft but you took his glare, understanding his embarassment.
"'Merchandise' store by the food stand."
It was actually the plushie and kid toys store. Simeon clocked what you meant and nodded. "Of course, be careful you two, get me some 'merchandise' whilst you're there."
You took Luke's hand and Gummy followed, returning back to his serious mode. As soon as you left the hall your dog went protect node on a demon that accidentally bumped into you.
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batfoonery · 3 years
BatPets Headcanons
In honor of the Most Glorious and Beloved Bitewing (and Ace and Titus and Alfred the Cat and Goliath and Batcow.....) I wanted to share my thoughts on what pets the batfam has and should have.
Ahhhhhhh Bitewing! Our new beloved! We've only just gotten you but if you get whooshed away by bad writers I already know I will RIOT.
It actually makes perfect sense for Dick to take in a stray pup. His bro-son has the attitude and personality of a cat, so he already had that covered. And I can't see him paying high prices for a designer breed (bless him) so it's stray/shelter or nothing.
That being said, he also needs a young dog. Some people are made with the disposition to take in the older dogs with older dog needs, but Dick loves deeply and I can't see that he'd deal well with the shorter timeframe of taking in older dogs. So. Younger dogs, that he can go running with in the morning and play with in the park and nap with on the couch.
My man has taste, and also had a doggo as a kid. He's got a soft spot for all of Gotham's forgotten strays. I see him as being a pitbull kind of guy, but like. Also mastiffs. Anything big and menacing looking, but they always turn out to be utter marshmallows.
Totally the type to name his big scary dog Tinkerbell or Baby or something mushy like that. Likewise, Kori and Artemis (and probably Roy) all collect cutesy costumes and collars and leashes. Has the most cutsey giant dog.
The kind of dog that he can trust to take care of kids. If he's particularly concerned about a kid out on the street he can drop the dog off to stand guard until the kid's parent shows up. The dog is real gentle with the lil human, but scares off potential kidnappers.
The first of our exotics keepers! I feel like Cass would really appreciate betta fish. The way the swim and flit through the water, fins seeming to dance as they moved.... like tulle, like dancing.
She probably has several tanks. The first one she got was from Petsmart or PetCo or whatever. It irked her because she knows they don't tend to treat the fish well, but the local petshop's fish were all extremely sickly looking. After that she's hooked, for lack of a better word, and Bruce ends up learning way more than he ever needed to learn about importing fish (and paying for imported fish).
She's meticulous about their care. They've all got nice big clean tanks, and a companion to help keep them clean (different ones according to temperaments, snails for the easier going ones and shrimp for the more aggressive boys). They've got live plants and decorations to hide under, each tank a different theme to show off the fish. Has lowkey been considering getting a female for one of her favorite easy going boys (the first one, who has become a very soothing companion) because he's getting older and she'd like to be able to carry a part of him on.
His companion is an emotional support animal, with papers from his doctor and everything. Seems like he should be a dog person, but instead has a very big Turkish Angora. Her name is Mrs. Tuffles and he got her from a breed-specific rescue.
She's good for him because she disrupts his work and also helps provide a soothing presence when he has a panic attack. At night if he isn't in bed at a certain time she lays on top of whatever he's working on. If he's panicking she lays on his lap or chest and purrs (the added weight, the feeling and sounds of the purrs, held disrupt tension). She's a cuddly cat, and it tricks him into sleeping in in the mornings.
When he finds out that cats purr on a wavelength that encourages healing, and that there's evidence that they sit on humans and purr in attempts to heal/help them, he bursts into tears and startles the cat, who had been draped over his shoulders.
Got a bunny because she thought it would be an easy pet. She was very very wrong. It was from one of the neighbors in her building, because the mom of the kid who brought it home didn't want it anymore. It's a cute little lop, grey and brown.
She quickly discovers that bunnies are super dirty, and they absolutely stink. It bites her for the first week (and Tim and Jason and everyone else that isn't Damian, who somehow tricks it into loving him) and she seriously considers taking it to the shelter. But she doesn't. By week three, he's snuggling up on her feet and in her lap, and she decides that maybe he isn't so bad after all.
He didn't have a name when she got him, so she call him Mi-Mi. She doesn't tell Damian, but it's totally named after him because he reminds her of the way Damian had been when she'd first met him and the progression of their friendship over time.
Seems like a bird type of dude. Probably has a Cockatiel or two. They're very sassy birbs, and there's no way he doesn't enjoy that. One of them repeats words, and has picked up swears from Jason. It swears at Bruce every time he comes in Duke's room. Everyone except Bruce finds it funny.
The other one "dances" whenever it hears music coming from Cass's room. They're both very active and curious, he's contantly having to buy toys for them to rip apart. One of them nipped Damian's ear once, and Duke has never seen Damian look more offended in his life. It was probably the first pet that Damian hadn't been able to Disney-Princess.
They've probably got a dumb name pair. Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, etc. Personally I think he'd get a kick out of naming them Batman and Robin, just to fuck with Bruce. He probably then teaches the one who talks (Batman) to say dumb things like "I am the night! I work alone!" etc etc.
Has all the animal companions. Not pets. That makes them beneath him, which probably opposes his fundamental beliefs. This is my reminder to yall that Ra's started out as an eco-terrorist. Putting aside what he is or is not now, I like to believe that Damian was raised with a deep respect for nature and animals, he probably sees humans as just one particularly terrible animal species.
He has a wide array of companions as is. I'm good with them all, although I wish they'd bring back his dragon friend. :( I love the dragon friend.
I think he'd be the type to have axolotls too. They've got an interesting mythological basis and fit into the dragon theme. Plus the short story "The Axolotl" by Cortazar is a fascinating piece of mystical realism and I could see that he'd be intrigued by the species. They're endangered in the wild because of habitat destruction and invasion of foreign species that prey on them, but are easily bred in captivity. So I could see he'd keep at least one breeding pair, with the intent to someday bully Bruce into funding a project to save their natural habitat.
Doesn't have her own pets, because she doesn't want the responsibility on top of everything else she does.
But her apartment always has furry/feathered friends in it because she's constantly petsitting for the others when they have to go do hero stuff. She's basically like a step-mom for everyone else's pets. She's learned how to take care of tanks and whatnot as well, mostly for Cass. The axolotls are gross and she refuses to touch those tanks, but the bettas are kinda like cute grumpy old men. She likes to tease Bruce by telling him his grand-fish take after him.
Always has a variety of pet snacks with her. She is determined to be the overall favorite human to all the bat-pets. Competition is fierce between her and Dami, but she has an edge because Robin the Cockatiel seems to prefer her.
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Skeleboys find by pure chance at their closest friend or s/o a notebook with songs that they themselves compose and these songs are quite depressing. Maybe someone from skeleboys will ask them to sing or ask if everything is fine with his friend or s/o?
Pretty much everyone would be ok with that, because that’s not because you write something a little dark or sad that you are. As a writer myself who writes a lot of angst, I can relate ahah.
But here goes some honorable mentions.
Underfell Sans : He’s actually the only one who would be worry for you. But that’s not very new. Red is always worrying for pretty much everything that concerned S/O. He had never been this far in a relationship before so new day is a new challenge, and this is quite scary for him. Are you unhappy with him ? Are you sad ? Did he do something wrong ? He will panic for a day and then calm down when he realised you didn’t change.
Swapfell Papyrus : He’ll work really hard to make you sing. He is spying you, traping the entire house, trying to extort you against food. Of course, S/O will understand pretty quickly he read his notebook. If they sing for him, you will catch for the first time his little monster tail waggling in rythm. This is the first time you spotted he had a tail like a doggo.
Dancefell Papyrus : Of course, as a singer and dancer himself, he will try to make you sing. If you accept, he will kinda be overwhelmed and just cry like a baby because he is hypersensitive. You’ll have to sing more often to him after that.
Error : S/O entered the room when he was singing his song with an old crow-like voice. Error flustered and teleported out of reality to cringe in peace.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
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*sad fanta noises* Dad betrayed me for another Daschund..
(Now it is up to you to cheer fanta up!)
Characters: Sakurada Dori, Fanta
Genre: Fluff. Just a bit of Fanta.
1k words
Oh no! A betrayal! Well then, I guess it’s time for….. well, a short bit of pure nonsense! :D
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Fanta was happily trotting along with a brand new squeaky toy in mouth, wandering around for a nice spot to sit down to squeak his day away. The sun was nice and bright, a great day for a walk, but his mind wasn’t on a good walk right now. Fanta just wanted a nice, relaxing time, filled with pleasant squeaks and maybe a good patting from his favourite human, Dori.
In fact, he felt like a good petting right now! Fanta kept his toy in his mouth as he looked around for his owner, sniffing for his scent. He wasn’t in the bedroom, nor was he in the bathroom. Fanta continued onwards undeterred, knowing Dori couldn’t have gone that far today. Maybe he was in the living room, relaxing and maybe reading a book. Fanta squeaks his toy, tail wagging as he continued on his little search.
Fanta’s little body pops up from the hall as he finally smells his owner nearby, tail wagging in happiness that he found Dori. Even if he didn’t see him just yet, with a few more trots he’d be-
Wait, what is that other smell? Fanta tilts his head in curiosity at the new scent, an unfamiliar scent. That smelled like a new scent, definitely, and it wasn’t a treat kind of scent, or the scent Fanta sometimes got when Dori spoiled him with new toys to play with. It didn’t smell like a new person to greet either, it was like it was….. a new dog? Fanta was a little confused, he didn’t know there was a new dog. He was a good and very friendly dog though, so he still trots over to see where this new dog smell was coming from so he could say hi.
On arrival though, Fanta almost wished he didn’t come closer. There was his owner, sitting besides the nice and comfy couch, holding a dog so much like the doggy he sometimes saw in the mirror that would move at the same time as he did, except this one clearly had a different colour scheme. Did Dori replace him? Was he nőt the goodest of boys like Dori always told him? The terror, the anguish! Fanta sets down his newest toy, not feeling up to carrying it around and squeaking it. Maybe Dori’s new doggy friend would like it much better. Fanta was still going to be nice to this new dog, even if he felt utterly betrayed and heartbroken.
He trots away with tail drooping down, not bothering to look back at how jovial Dori was holding that just as excited little doggy. Now he really wanted a little pet from Dori, to cheer him up.
Fanta plops down on his bed, just staring and thinking. Why would Dori get a new doggy when he already had one? Where did it even come from, the super duper secret dog machine? Who knows, Fanta certainly didn’t. All he knows is that Dori was occupied with playing with this new dog and that Fanta had to be a good doggy and wait. But waiting was boring, and Fanta wanted a pet.
What could a little dog like him even do though. Fanta whines, continuing to stare. His gaze brushes over a little photo on the wall, and Fanta perks up. That was it! If Dori was busy, then he could go look for another source of pets! Fanta runs out, all the way to the front door and squirming himself through the doggy door that Dori had there for when Fanta needed to go potty outside. The dog heads to the sidewalk, and dashes across to the house across the streets, which he’s been to a few times for what Fanta understood as Dori’s friend.
He barks twice once he reaches the front door, sitting down and staring up at the formidable barrier, tail twitching in a restrainted wag as he waited. Fanta didn’t have to wait long of course, as a few moments later the door opens, and the young man blinks as Fanta finally lets his little tail wag in glee.
“ Fanta? What are you doing here, where’s Sakurada?” Kento asks, Fanta just raising a paw in the air and waving it, tongue sticking out as Fanta cooled himself down the sudden dash he had over here. Kento smiles and bends down, Fanta barking happily as he received a little scratch in the good spot by Kento. Kento simply smiled in what Fanta hoped was happiness at being graced by his cute and very sudden appearance, and when Kento had sat down besides him, Fanta hopped up onto his lap to continue the attention he wanted to get. Kento was happy enough to give it at least, and Fanta ignored any other parts of life as he settled.
It must’ve been ages before activity picked up, as he dozed off somewhere in the midst of being pet, before he heard the all too familiar chuckle of Dori. Fanta perked up immediately to look at the sound, tail wagging as Dori came up to the pair, Fanta hopping off from Kento’s lap to seek the attention he desired even more from his favourite human person. His reward was even greater, Dori scooping up him and letting Fanta happily lick at his cheek in gratitude, Dori laughing and wiping off the trail he left.
“ There you are you nugget! I thought you were just in the yard, when did you get here? Were you all lonely without me Fanta?” Sakurada asked him, but Fanta was more concerned about giving his daily bundle of love. He even made sure to go twice as lovable, just to make sure Dori knew he loved him! Dori simply laughed more, Fanta getting even more excited and happy that Dori was happy. “ I’m sorry I ignored you Fanta! I’ll make it up to you, okay? Maybe you can try on the bee costume too, you’ll be cute!” He chirps, and after bidding Kento a thanks and a farewell, they head back. Fanta could still smell the scent of that new dog, but that didn’t matter right now! Right now he had Dori’s attention and all the pats he could ask for, and that made him the happiest little dashchund in the world.
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viking-raider · 4 years
Scaredy Cat! *fluff*
Summary: You’ve been dating Henry for a short while, but things are serious. After being away filming Nomis, Henry’s impatient to see you again, and goes straight over to see you after landing, but he ends up having a problem with your roommate. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 1,546
Rating: G - Fluff, Ailurophobia (Fear of Cats), Cotton Candy Goodness, Scaredy Cat!Henry, Puppy!Henry, Childhood Trauma, Hurt/Comfort
Inspiration: This Anon ask (x) The Cat in this story is based off my cat, Midnight.
Author’s Note: Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans, @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @the-freak-cassie-131, @heelsamizayn, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog, @badassbaker, @mrsaugustwalker, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe, @severuined, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @bellastellaluna, @wondersofdreaming, @thisisntmyrightera, @michelle-1185, @winchwm, @royallylazy, @sofiebstar, @worldicreate, @agniavateira, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @witches-of-discovery-a, @xuxszx, @ayamenimthiriel, @keiva1000, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @itsreigns, @constip8merm8, @scorpionchild81, @mylifefallingupthestairs, @onlyhenrys, @luclittlepond, @ellixthea, @lebguardians, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier, @cherrybloomn, @p3nny4urth0ught5, @iloveyouyen, @hollydaisy23, @mcuimagination, @psychosupernatural, @sweetlybigdragonn, @whitewolfandthefox, @moviemonzy, @the-soot-sprite, @hell1129-blog, @trippedmetaldetector, @captaingothgirl1996, @dont8mind8me8eue, @peaky-marvel, @desperate-and-broken21​, @monstersnmoney​, @dancingwendigo​, @redhot-mystacism​, @thereisa8ella​, @black-ninja-blade​, @oddduckthatgirl​, @rosewinx​, @henrythickcavill​
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You let out an excited squeal at the knock at your flat door, knowing it was your new boyfriend, coming over to spend some quality time with you, after being gone filming Nomis, in Canada, for several weeks. “Henry.” You beamed, so super excited to see that scruffy face and those wild curls of his, that you bounced into his thick arms, melting into his warm body and burying your nose into his thermal sweater, taking in his amazing and masculine scent.
“I've missed you so much, y/n.” He whispered into your hair, easily picking you up.
The pair of you had met through mutual friends several months before, and really hit it off. You spent a lot of time either at his place or outings, like hiking or music concerts or restaurants. But, Henry was too impatient to see you, and came straight over to your place, after his plane landed, he'd only been inside your flat, once, and that was only for a second.
“I missed you too.” You replied, kissing him. “How was your flight?” You asked, as he set you back down on your feet and came inside, closing the door behind him.
“It was really good.” He smiled, toeing his shoes off. “It's even better to be back home,” he told you, taking a seat on the couch. “getting to see you.” He added, smirking, a wild glint in his blue-brown eyes, and making you blush.
“It's good to see you too, Puppy.” You chuckled, your cheeks warming up and turning bright pink. “Would you like some wine?” You asked, trying to pull yourself together again.
“I'd love some.” Henry nodded, licking his lips and watching you, knowing the effect he always had on you.
“Okay.” You giggled, turning on your bare heels and going into the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of white wine and two glasses. You had just gotten the cork out of the bottle, when you heard the most unmasculine sound, between a squeak of surprise and a yelp of terror. You put the cork down, “Henry?” You called out his name, padding back into the living room and finding him standing on your couch, one leg slung over the back of it, like he was ready to run and looking down at something sitting between the couch and coffee table, a look of pure terror and fear on his surprised face. The object of his fear? Your domestic short-hair, 4kg, tuxedo, cat, Midnight. “Are you okay?” You asked him, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent the amused grin making your lips twitch, and a giggle.
“You,” Henry gulped, eyes glued to the black and white cat. “have a cat.”
You blinked at him, something dawning on you. “Are you allergic to them?” You asked, worried that he would be, you felt dumb for not making sure first.
“No.” Henry replied, his tone short and eyes wide as Midnight moved, to lick his paw. “I was attacked by my Gram's cat, when I was a little kid, and I haven't liked them, since.” He explained, setting his foot down on the floor, at the back side of the couch, and swung his other leg over, putting the couch between him and Midnight.
“Oh.” You answered, still trying not to laugh, but the need to laugh at him melted away, watching a horrified flare in his face and eyes, and the way his massive body jerked, like he'd been hit, seeing Midnight jump up onto his vacated spot on the couch. It made your heart hurt and feel horrid, seeing this big, strong and gentle man, shrink in size, before you, because of the feline. “It's all right, Henry.” You told him, your voice soft and gentle, like you were trying to soothe and frightened child; in a sense you were, you were trying to pacify that little child in Henry, that had been hurt all those years ago. “He won't hurt you, he's a good kitty.” You promised him, using your body as a buffer between the gentle giant and the ferocious cat; you rested your hand on his wrist. “He probably just wanted to meet you, and get a belly rub.”
“Then, gnaw off my hand.” Henry huffed, eyeballing Midnight with a look of concern and accusation, of his implied maiming.
“No.” That you did chuckle at, squeezing his hand. “He's the cat version of Kal.” You laughed.
“Don't insult my dog, like that.” Henry said, looking down at you, clearly offended by the comparison.
You laughed again, shaking your head at him, this man with arms as thick as your body and towered over you, like a mountain. “Here, sit.” You tugged on his arm and pointed to the floor. “Trust me.” You said, softly, when he looked down at you, dubious.
“If he bites me, I'm biting you.” Henry commented, sitting down.
“Don't threaten me with a good time, Henry Cavill.” You giggled, sitting down between his long legs and made a hissing noise, getting Midnight's attention. You patted Henry's thick thighs as he jerked, hearing Midnight's inquisitive meows and as he jumped up on the back of the couch, perching there for a moment, before smoothly landing on his paws between your and Henry's legs. “Who's my good fur baby?” You cooed at Midnight, making him meow again and rub up against your legs and body.
You scratched Midnight's head, moving your fingers down his neck, over his arching back to scratch his butt. “See? Good Kitty.” You smiled back at Henry, still using your body as a sort of shield for Henry's nerves.
“Your kitty, that's why. He likes you.” Henry said, his hands gripping your hips and pulling you closer to him, trying to hide himself behind you, peeking at Midnight from around your head.
“That's a good point.” You nodded, crossing your legs, knowing Midnight would climb into your lap and lay down, which he did; purring, like a jet engine. “But, I know, something else about him, that you don't.”
“He's secretly on that top five, most wanted list, for cat related murders.” Henry deadpanned, his face blank with seriousness.
“No.” You laughed, shaking your head at him. “He's got nickname in my flat building, T.C, Totally Cool, because he's super chill.” You reached back, wrapping your hand around Henry's wrist and pried his hand off your hip, chuckling has his long fingers twisted in the waistband of your sweats. You untangled his fingers from the fabric and carefully rested his big hand on Midnight's back, feeling his arm strain and tense, twitching against your palm as his rested on Midnight's soft black fur. “See, he's only purring louder. That's a good thing, they only purr, when they're happy.” You smiled back at him, still seeing his very horrified face, but his eyes were slowly losing that life-long fear. “and, you still have your hand, too!” You chuckled, resting back against his chest as he, very, slowly pet Midnight.
“Yeah.” Henry smiled, relaxing and finding he liked your cat. “So, how long have you had him?” He asked, looking at you.
“He turned eleven, in January.” You told him, turning your head and kissing his scruffy jawline. “I got him from a shelter, when he was three.” You explained to him.
“That's a long time.” Henry remarked, smiling at you, then gasp, his body and hand jerking away. “What the fuck.” He snapped, looking at his hand, for a bite mark, and you giggled at him, patting his cheek and kissing the other one.
“He licked you, you silly Puppy.” You informed him, gently taking his licked hand in yours and rubbing your thumb over the teeny bit of saliva, on the top of his hand. “He likes you. He only licks the people he likes, and approves of.” You explained, patting Midnight on the head.
“Oh, so, he'd have bitten me, if he didn't like, and approve, of me?” Henry frowned, staring at his licked hand.
“No, Hen. He would have just ignored you.” You snorted, shaking your head at him. “But, he licked you, so, you passed the Midnight Test.”
“It felt so weird.” He replied, relaxing again. “Like, sand paper.”
“Cat tongues are rough, like that.” You told him, making a kissy face at your cat. “Their tongues are like, built-in, brushes, for when they clean themselves.” You elaborated, letting Midnight lick your hand, in example. “It doesn't hurt, it just feels really strange. Especially, if you're only use to licks from a doggo, like Kal.” You grinned, nuzzling Henry's neck.
“That's not so bad.” He smiled, resting his cheek against your hair, and holding his hand close to Midnight's face; which made you smile and get butterflies in your stomach, and let him lick the top of his hand, chuckling at the feel of it.
“So, you cool with cats now?” You asked, looking up at him.
“I'm cool with your cat.” Henry replied, scratching Midnight between the ears. “I'm still a scaredy cat with other ones.” He chuckled, kissing you on the lips.
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rabbithub · 3 years
Haunted Painting!AU: Day 4
(Oh? I make Diavolo have empathy? I make Diavolo have empathy like the doggo? Oh! Oh! Jail for author! Jail for author for one thousand years!
Also, (artist almost dies rip))
"First, you have to find five treasures." Diavolo explained. "You know what these treasures are."
"...Vanitas, right?" You ask. "I read up on those-"
Your phone buzzes. You know your devilish muse doesn't mind you looking at your phone at this point.
[Owner][Day 4]
'Vanita paintings are a style of still life paintings that represent the emptiness of life. These motifs may seem mundane, but can mean something profound. Many of these motifs have many interpretations, but I have a few examples.'
'A musical instrument (i.e. trumpet) means transience of life.'
'A candle or lamp represents life's fleeting length.'
'A book or scroll means the futility of earthly knowledge.'
'A crown or jewel means vanity of wealth.'
'Lastly, a skull may mean mortality or death.'
'Ah... I'm a fra id I am to o la te, m y sp iri t is at ex ha u st ed. He ru le s ov er de a th as the re ap er hi ms e lf, an d no ne ca n be st hi m at hi s ga me.'
'I wi ll at th e le as t gi ve hi m a pl ac e in my ga ll er y af t er a ll th is. An ar t is t sh ou ld fi nd h im th er e.'
'Ye s, my bo y. I ha ve a ni ce, da rk ro om f or yo u.'
[Landlord][Day 1]
'I don't know what possessed me. I took it.'
'I ended up here, in this familiar studio. Where I found this painting. I'm in a nightmare.'
'So why did I take it? Will I see my family again? He whispers to me, perhaps confusing me for the woman who's studio I plundered the painting from. Please, lord. Forgive me. I wish I had paid mind to my art lessons.'
You put your phone away and set to work. You go back to your room to sketch the lamp, but decided to take it with you as well when you finished. "It might come in handy." You muse, exiting the room.
You sketched a crown hidden in the vines, the trumpet held by a cherub, and a skull on a shelf in the studio. You notice a person shaped stain below the easel, but broke focus away to go through a door.
The room is dark, and you can't see. "Wait, my soul lights up when I paint, right?" You ask yourself. "Then I can use that to light the lamp." Gathering your soul onto the brush, you light the lamp. You feel a little weak and your chest hurts a little, but you can see better. There's a diary in the fireplace, and you sketch it before picking it up.
...There's a missing spot there? You set your dimming lamp to see frames of almost similar paintings, with a empty space between them.
You phone buzzes...
No matter how many I paint, nothing compares to him, nothing is his equal.
My time is running thin, please paint him before my time runs out.
You rush out before the light fades, the door slamming shut behind you. "I...I found all five." You say, turning to face Diavolo.
"...your face looks pale." He states. "What happened in that-"
"It's-" You sigh as you cut him off, looking down. "It's not really important right now." When you look up again, the canvas showed his feet.
"Put everything you gathered on the bed." He says, that worried tone still in his voice. "I'll let you choose the colors this time."
You raise the paintbrush, your soul alighting it...
Somehow, you felt an ache in your heart. Something didn't feel right...
You have been calling all morning, but your sister is not answering. You thought she overslept, and started to do your laundry.
Quickly, you reached your car and drove to the hospital.
You finish painting the motifs, trembling; you picked gold for the trumpet and crown, purple for the book, and red for the lamp and skull.
"Bene." Diavolo answers. "Take a short break while I prepare."
"O-okay." You respond, stepping away from the canvas and sitting down. You realized that you were feeling drained- perhaps painting was draining you life away? 'I'm not going down without a fight.' You tell yourself, looking up as you see Diavolo with the motifs surrounding him.
"I will hide one of the treasures, and you will paint it here." He explains as you stand up. "Shall we begin?"
You step up to the canvas, nodding. "Yes." You answer. "Let's."
You hold back from speeding as you drive to the hospital, the feeling growing worse and worse. You have to get there as quickly as possible. "Hang on, sis." You say under your breath. "I'm coming."
You pant growing more exhausted. The first round was over. You watch as Diavolo looks you over. "We've only just started." He says, his voice soft with concern.
"I'm getting tired." You say, looking at your phone.
[Researcher][Day 4]
'I've heard of spirits going into the possessions they loved in life- I've collected a good number of these items, as a matter of fact. Perhaps these motifs appear due to being a manifestation of his memories, and I'm starting to realize-'
'Of course! This may have to do with the painting's painting as well! But where is her presence in all this? My body is getting weak from all this?'
'Somehow, my soul is stronger than my body is... I have a feeling the black splotch might have to do with the artist. I will rest for now, but whoever is next might be able to lift this curse. Maybe I'll wake up again, one way or another.'
The dying text looked different this time, not glitchy but... Different. "You know, the others haven't been able you live through this." You answer. "You'll live forever, but I can't." Your voice sounded resigned, making Diavolo stare at you with indifference-
No. This wasn't indifference, it is concern. He seems to shake it off. "... let's begin the next round." He said, sounding... remorseful?
You nod, lifting your alighted brush.
You burst through the hospital doors to the receptionist's desk, rattling off you were a relative and your sister's room number. The receptionist calms you down and says she'll talk to the doctor.
You sit in the waiting room, nervous. You felt like throwing up, but you hadn't eaten anything. It felt like forever until you saw a chaplain approached you. You heart drops.
You barely process the events; you were explained what had happened, you were taken to your sister's bedside where she was covered with a white sheet, and found yourself outside the room, blindsided. You notice-
It's him. You have a suspicion about it as he seems to weep openly to the doctors, but as he looked over to you, he smirked.
When there was a quiet moment with just the two of you, you whisper; "Why?"
He- the bastard that your sister was like once in love with until she realized what a monster he was, is still smirking as he gives his answer:
"If I can't have her, no one can."
You almost collapse, almost exhausted. Your brush is dimly lit, earning you a concerned look from Diavolo. "Well, it's over for me." You say, your tone somewhat defiant. "You won- I'm sorry you're nowhere close to finished."
He looks at you, his arrogant look seemingly to have faded. "You... You're not giving up this easily, are you?" He asks.
"I wouldn't if it wasn't for my body." You answer, focusing on the inky, body shaped stain on the floor. "My only other regret is that sister is going to be sad seeing me so soon- oh well, I guess it's a win either way."
"..." Diavolo doesn't say anything, for a moment. "You and a couple others listened to me- and you never gave up. You remind me of another artist, she seemed to be as morose as you. I wonder where she went..."
Your phone buzzes. "I think I know." You answer, knowing that soon after, you'd join your sister...
'My fellow artist? Will you listen? Will you let me regale you a tale of this portrait of mine, of the vivid, horrible week we spent together, and our'
No? You look up, seeing Diavolo holding a skull with a dim flame in it; the flame growing brighter. "I'm not letting you die like this, with neither of our ends of this unfulfilled." He says, his eyes full of angry tears. "We're going back to the beginning."
You were confused; he was trying to torment you the past few days, and now he was trying to save you?! "Just rest now." He said, eyes defiant to your possible death. "I will fix this."
You pass out as you hear a woman's voice speak;
"...and of her final days...?"
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I find myself increasingly concerned with the direction Legends Arceus is taking the relation between humans and Pokemens. No, I'm not talking about the bit with Pokemans attacking the player directly when you don't have your own Pokeymans ready, that was going to happen eventually, but just... the Sinnoh myths had stories about humans and Pokemon being so close they were considered the same sort of being, there's marriages, what have you, coming from thousands of years back. But this game apparently taking place only some hundreds of years ago... and it's "before Pokemons and humans lived together uwu"? The fuck? I feel like the games have been significantly moving away from humans and Pokemon being equals of a sort who both benefit from being together to Pokemons being some superior beings who humans benefit from but not vice versa and Pokemans are the superior creatures who humans should grovel in gratitude to and put up with all the shit from while never daring to burden them in any way. See gen 7, where living in haaaaarmony means having their lives and culture corralled by some asshole fairies because people can't be arsed to fight the ultra beasts, except the trainers who're forced to become kahunas fight the UBs themselves anyway (where they're forced to become fanatical enough about fighting to become strong enough to do so, but they're not even expected to be strong to fight UBs it's to lead their community... don't try understanding it just eat fairy shit and get excited for more fairy shit I guess). Why not just have a culture of the trainers who want to be strongest, or who have the greatest talent, being lauded as UB-fighters and becoming community leaders as well? Naw man, doing everything as the fairies want is haaaaarmony. Humans can't be strong enough with their Pokemon teams to fight the UBs, but have to be strong for other reasons ordained by The System, but then the ordained stronk humans have to fight the UBs anyway. But the fairies help, I guess. I fucking hate fairies man. Fucking elves of the Pokemon world. Smug sparkling fucks, fuck em I keep forgetting about the ride Pokemon but it still feels like the humans are supposed to bow and scrape to earn the gift of basic movement services so I don't think it really counts Gen 8 I don't know as well but it seems to go like this: Doggos are responsible for all good, their trainers or whatever their human companions are might as well not even exist. The postgame story is about those eeeeevil humans thinking they have some relevance to the doggos or something, eeevil I must say, so they have to do something evil to prove that.... um, something. Just some dumb shit that feels like a strawman argument against humans having any place in this world. Grovel to doggos.
Gen 6 was around the point where the weird cynicism started to creep into the franchise, mostly ORAS's weird abandoned ship segment, but it's pretty clear of this... aside from one random ace trainer or something late in XY who asks you, humans benefit from Pokemons, but how Pokemons benefit from huamn??? huh??? You're expecting an answer from him but he's just like, I bet you can't think of anything huh, hmmm??? Grovel, human.
You compare this to gen 5, and I'm not even talking about the Plasma plot (which was clearly bait on Plasma's part to get the public's sympathy anyway), but things like using Excadrill to dig out the mines. The 'drills were getting to do what they loved- dig- and being treated well by the humans in exchange for digging this spot in that way as directed. An equitable relationship that produced resources. This sort of thing existed as a counterpoint to N and Plasma's stated beliefs that humans were nothing but horrible for Pokemon and that they could never live together... Ironically what the later games are leaning towards, except that there is a way, and that's for humans to go fuck themselves. And again, Sinnoh's old myths, as well as any other myths that involve people and Pokemon together going back thousands of years.
I'd really thought the idea of this series was that Pokemon and humans were practically made for each other, that they were together from the very beginning. Raising Pokemon allows them to have a crafted moveset including TM and tutor moves, gain EVs, use held items aside from the few random ones they find in the wild... it's baked into the game itself completely incidentally. But no, I guess it's a Pokeyman's world and humans are just intruding on it somehow. What the fuck. Sigh.
I'm hoping that "Pokemans are so dangerouse man" line is just about the red-eyed frenzied Pokemon and that we aren't going into all Pokemons attacking humans and humans living forever at their mercy and deserving to scrape and grovel just to survive their onslaught.
By the way, my autistic retard fanfiction: First off, when the wall breaks and the doggo statues are found that make everyone realise who the "real" heroes are (something we can THANK Bede for by the way, because if he hadn't destroyed a priceless cultural artifact Eternatus would have gone off unopposed... but no one ever acknowledges this, as Bede is shat on and disowned by Rose for following what Rose taught him and then forced to trune out by trunny granny. figures she's a fairy trainer, I fucking hate fairies)- the idea that the doggos alone are the "real" heroes is actually a misconception brought on by people/society's tendency to elevate Pokemon, similar to why people bought PLasma's bullshit back in Unova. So when Eternatus is starting its nukes, people are just waiting for the doggos to get going and beat it... but when Hop sees the doggo statues, his budding professor brain immediately sees the truth- both the doggos and their human trainers are needed to unlock the true power of the sword and shield items. This even makes some sense with the game mechanics, as Pokemon typically can't use items more complicated than a berry... so with Leon and co busy fighting the dynamax mons and knowing no one would listen to him, Hop turns to the only person he can ask- you, who saw the doggos in the foggos at the beginning with him, to go retrieve the items so the doggos can actually do their thing. Also, Rose was radicalised and groomed by some crazy apocalypse cult, an ironic inversion of his supposed grooming of Bede (here he actually has a heartwarming father-son relationship of sorts with him). They pushed him to push the darkest day plan up like he did, convincing him there's a desperate energy situation but secretly just wanting the maximum apocalypse-ness out of a single action (while possibly believing themselves that there's an energy crisis but that the real solution is to destroy shit so less people and things use energy). So there's that. In the end he's taken to jail, but it's not some absurdly mundane ending where he just gets arrested for apocalypse crimes, rather he's being questioned for what he can tell them about the cult, on understanding that he was coerced into this, and that he can pay for his crimes by giving information on the cult itself. Bede relates this to you with some concern for his sort-of dad. The Swordward and Shieldbert plot (I forget if that's their actual names but whatever) has the two bros asking you to aid in investigating the apoc cult while preparing to accept their destiny as the doggos' masters. You see, they've been raised for this, learning all about Pokemon companionship but having no actual close contact with Pokemon at all (to prevent any Pokemon from forming a bond with them closer than what they'd have with the doggo- your first Pokemon is special, after all). Book smart but street dumb, in other words. You know, as opposed to some inexplicable dumb shit because Mother 3 ruined an entire generation of game writers. They call on the doggos to battle the baddies and are disappointed they go to you and Hop instead of them, but ultimately accept it. Afterwards, Hop contacts Sonia with a request... soon he has the two brothers over to choose their very first Pokemon. Swordbro was going on about Swordog's nobility and Shieldbro about wanting to touch Shieldog's fluffy mane, so Hop has out a Yamper and a Wooloo, presented as a choice, but he knows exactly which one they'll each choose. This is another manifestation of his potential as a professor- not only doing the professor thing of handing out first Pokemon, but considering what Pokemon they'd work well with. Isn't that nice? Also there's something in there about Bede's long lost identical twin who's also being used as a pawn by the apoco-cult but I'll explain that later
My idea for the origin of the Pokemon world as we know it- Arceus didn't create Pokemon, or the world itself, but it is responsible for the way the world is now. Once upon a time, when humans and Pokemon were one kind of being, there was too much strife and disagreement among the groups and nobody was learning their lesson, so Arceus got fed up and split the world into two types of beings that would have to get along in order to thrive. It instated the "rules" of Pokemon battles, that attacks have set damage ranges and types have well-defined interactions, that attacks in battles only deplete some abstract hit points level instead of causing the damage they "should" for what they are (this doesn't apply to wild-on-wild predation necessarily, so it's a privilege enjoyed by Pokemon being aided or advised by a human). Outsider beings- aliens, maybe ultra beasts, etc- are "converted" into Pokemon when they enter "Earth"'s airspace, which is why even beings from the furthest depths of space follow the rules and biology of earthbound species. These "rules" require Arceus' powers but don't rely on its constant action, so it can be captured and hang out with a trainer for a while, play by its own rules to see how things are going, without disrupting the system. I'd never expected anything even vaguely like this to turn canon of course, because it's so specific and particular to the sort of ideas I tend to have, but... not like this man
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closer-stars · 4 years
It Just Takes A Little Pull - Yunho
Member: Yunho (with mentions of Mingi and Yeosang) Genre: Fluff Requested: Yes @atinyxtopia AU: High school (Prom) Word Count: 3k Content: It’s High school. Prom things. Kind of a slow start. Female reader. Boys being fun boys.  Note: I have not thought of prom since I left high school so this was an interesting thing to write. I tried my best and I hope it reaches your standards.
A part of you wished your school accepted both girls and boys, it might have saved you from spending double on events such as school fairs, fundraising events, prom. Unfortunately, you went to a school that was exclusively for girls. Yunho was also at an exclusive boys school. Truth be told, a part of you also wished that your school accepted both girls and boys just so you could see him more. Alas, you could only see him after class hours or on weekends-- at least you had something to look forward to. 
You were part of the varsity, while he was on the dance team. Both of you were a world or two apart for a good majority of your school years. You’ve heard of your fellow schoolmates fawn over his skills and face more than one. Deep down, you actually considered him your school’s representative heartthrob. The same could be said for you on his side. Boys have come to respect your skill and often talk about you in their hallways. In the end, you both knew each other by face and reputation but that’s all. 
Some of your friends have wondered just exactly how you became friends with him. It was always the same story. Yeosang’s sister was your senior captain, you crashed at her place one time, from there you met Yeosang and then you met Yunho. 
“Crap, I’m so sorry!”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry!”
Yunho and you ended up crashing into each other. Only thanking each other’s fast reflexes for being able to avoid falling over. A quick glance at each other’s face then either of you bolted in the other direction, too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Unnie, who’s the other guy? I thought you only had one younger brother?” You asked, as you towel dried your hair. 
The older female looked up at you after a moment or two, she was always a sucker for these dramas. “Hm? Oh! That’s Yunho. I think he’s sleeping over tonight since he and Yeosang has a project or something. Dunno with that kid.” She said with a shrug. 
Play it cool. “So that’s Yunho..” You mumble. You knew who he was but it was always from a distance. 
“Sang. You didn’t tell me you have a twin sister.”
The boy looked at the human embodiment of a golden retriever in surprise, a bit of annoyance on his features as he had to pause his video game. “Yunho, what are you even talking about?” 
“I saw another girl earlier??” He explained, gesturing at the direction of where he saw you.
“Dude, that’s my sister’s teammate.” Yeosang explained, mentioning your name. That’s when it clicked in Yunho’s mind. That was you. 
“She looks cool.” 
“I’m more concerned for your head if you think we look alike.” 
“Think you can introduce me to her?” 
A yell from Yeosang and Yunho looked up at him in concern. Yeosang dropped the gaming console in disappointment before turning to the male.“I’m blaming you for making me die.”
Yeosang did follow through with Yunho’s wish, after plotting with his sister that is. How else do you get insanely active people to bond? Food. Their mother had left them money for the night while she had to go on a business trip. What were the chances that the both of you would sleep over at their place on the same day? 
From that day on, the rest was history. You and Yunho were now pretty inseparable (as inseparable as you guys could be that is). The both of you would talk to each other whenever possible, much to the teasings of your friends because hey, what’s so funny? Why are you smiling while messaging something? Do you have a crush? 
You were finally one of his admirers, eventually catching feelings for him. It was hard not to and you could see why he had a fanclub or two in other schools. Did he return those feelings? You weren’t sure but you were happy with how the both of you were now. 
Fast forward a year later and the friendship has become one of the strongest friendships you have in your high school life. Both of you are now at the fated year level where the main topic of discussion would be prom. 
“Hey, do you have a prom date already?” Your best friend asks you as you ate your lunch thoughtfully. You look at her with suspicion. “What?”
“You have plans of setting me up with someone?”
“Why would I have plans? Also does that mean you haven’t asked Yunho yet?”
Your bottom lip juts out and you continue to eat, thus causing your best friend to groan. 
“My godd, you’ve known Yunho this long and you haven’t asked him?! Hey, did you even know he doesn’t entertain any of those love confessions anymore?” She complains to you. 
Confused eyes look at her for saying such things. “What does that even have to do with me?”
She shakes her head. “I’m just saying, ask him. If he’s not available then I can ask my brother, Hansol to go with you.” 
You flash an ‘okay’ sign at her, mouth full with noodles. Your free hand then reaches for your phone. 
[KKT: Dancing Doggo] Hey are you free on February 21 5PM to 10PM? It’s my prom, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?
Your best friend watches as you compose the message and before you could even stop her, she had already pressed send for you. “Hey!” A tone of mild annoyance was clear in your voice as you try to bring your phone away from her. 
“Believe me, you’ll thank me later.” She says with such a grin, you might as well have called her the devil incarnate. Your phone buzzes almost immediately making you jump. Without another word, both of you huddle around your phone. 
[KKT: Sonic] Yeah! Of course I’m willing! Are you free also on March 6, same time? Same reasons. Hehe. 
That was when your best friend suddenly tackled you into an almost bone crushing hug. “I told you!” A hand is then placed over her loud mouth as you try to hush her. 
[KKT: Dancing Doggo] I’d be honored! It’s a deal then! :)
Maybe having to pay double for two proms wasn’t that bad then. 
The fateful day of your own prom arrives and you were actually pretty nervous about it. You’ve worn your own share of skirts and dresses but it was never this extravagant or feminine as your prom dress. A high-low skirt that starts below your knees down and ends just brushing above the floor when you’re in heels. The color matched your skin tone well, making you practically glow under the lighting. Your hair and face was all made up and to be honest, you were surprised that you could look like that under that much makeup and hair spray. A small part of you worried that the color you chose wouldn’t go well with Yunho but even before you could say your worry, he reassures you it was no problem. “Besides, if it doesn’t. I can pick the color for my prom.” He joked to you a few weeks back. Your mother takes a few photos of you before letting you go. 
You head towards the lobby that’s sprinkled with your own classmates in dresses that are just as beautiful if not more, along with a few familiar faces from Yunho’s school and others in suits that fit them nicely. You sent Yunho a message wondering where he is and just as you did so, you immediately spot him by the elevator, with Yeosang. 
“Yunho!” You call out, speeding towards the two boys and they look up at you both in shock. Your eyes lingered on Yeosang’s amusing reaction, it was rare to get a big reaction from him so having him look at you with eyes wider than him being caught eating his own sister’s food was fun. While on the other hand, Yunho was gazing at you, clearly dazed. He’s had his share of harbouring romantic feelings for you but to see you in such a dress that gracefully brought you out of your comfort zone had him at a loss for words. 
You squish Yeosang’s cheeks together much to his annoyance then shift your attention to your partner for the night. You look at his suit properly and find yourself breathing a sigh of relief. “At least I picked a color that suits you well too.” You say as you pin the boutonniere on his suit carefully. 
“Hey, I told you I’m lucky boy.” He points out as he slightly bends lower to not give you a hard time. His statement makes you hit his chest lightly. 
“Whatever, Yunho.” You return with a roll of your eyes. Yeosang excuses himself as he finally spots his prom date, who was surprisingly your best friend. “Yeosang! Tell her she owes me an explanation.” He looks at you, confused at the vague wording but knows better than to pry. He nods before making his way to her, leaving the both of you alone. 
Some of your peers slowly start to enter the venue. “Should we follow them or do you want to stay outside a little longer?” asks Yunho, turning to you. 
A small hum of thought slips through your red lips. “Let’s go! I want to see how they made the place.” You reply with an excited grin. Your partner for the night then offers his elbow for you to hook your hand to. 
“M’lady.” he jokes and for a moment he swears your giggle actually sounded cute. Your hand shyly holds on to the crook of his arm. 
“How cheesy of you.” 
“It’s prom. Might as well make the most out of it.”
He was right. For the entire night, the two of you exchange laughter and sassy remarks, ultimately becoming the life of your table (much to the embarrassment of your best friend and Yeosang. Athletes and dancers in one table might have been too much for her heart to take). He made you join the games that were sprinkled throughout the event (you guys won and Yunho wasn’t going to let you forget that). His presence was enough to make your stomach hurt from laughter. There was something in how he interacted with those around him that made them feel at ease. A small voice in your head thought of how you were perfectly fine keeping these feelings to yourself as long as you don’t lose him. The only time both of you mellowed down was during the meal proper. It wasn’t anything over the top but it was fancy enough to let you know the organizers put enough thought. 
The much awaited slow dance had come-- as if it weren’t obvious by the cheesy lightings and song choices by the DJ. Some couples have made their way to the dance floor, excited to have some sort of “moment” with their partner. You didn’t say much, being fine in your seat as you watched the others dance. This wasn’t going to pass with your partner though. In fact, he stands up first and offers his hand. You look at the hand that comes up to your view towards the owner of the outstretched hand.
“Let’s dance. We’re not leaving this place until we get to dance.” Yunho says firmly. 
“Fair warning, I don’t have feet like you do.” You return as you take his hand and stand up. 
“I got you. Don’t worry.” He reassures, flashing you that charming smile that has managed to get the girls to squeal earlier in the games. He leads you to the dance floor, guiding one hand to rest on his shoulder (thank god for heels), the other hand laced with his. His free hand then rests on your waist and for the first time that night, you felt conscious of how you looked in front of him. You had to admit, the dress, makeup and hair you had on tonight was lovely but to be under his gaze at such close distance for who knows how long has made a pink hue dust your cheeks, and you were sure that wasn’t blush. 
“Just follow my lead okay?” He says softly. His feet then slowly step to one side, letting you follow him. Just below his breath, soft enough for no one to hear but loud enough for your ears only, he counts to the tempo of the song, helping your ears tune in to what he hears. He’s done this in the past with you, with songs that he covers: all of which were fast paced. A slower paced song such as the one playing on the speakers was new to you. You have songs that you’ve shared in the past where you can pay attention to it as a whole then pay attention to what beats he catches underneath all the layers. This time though, you had nowhere else to distract yourself with. After getting the hang of the motions, you look up at him and find him gazing at you softly. “Got the hang of it?” 
You nod, trying your best not to look at his lips. He smiles again, proud of you for having done so. “We can stay like this for another song or two if you want. I know you’re tired of being in heels for the past few hours.” He reassures. 
“I’m fine. I promise. Maybe another song wouldn’t hurt.” You return. One song was enough for you to feel light headed from how close the both of you were, much more when you get a whiff of his cologne. The cloud nine feeling ends soon, with the MC letting the rest of the night be upbeat songs. You breathe a sigh of relief, wanting to give your feet a break from having to almost be on your tiptoes for the entire night. Yunho leads you out of the dance floor, and out into the lobby where the cool air helps you breathe easy. 
Some familiar faces were already outside too. From the looks of it, you could tell that Yunho also recognized them, judging from how jumpy he started to be. “Oh, Mingi’s here too huh?” He muses. Uh-oh. That meant one thing. The group was about to only have one brain cell for the remainder of the night. 
Both of you make your way to their table, the girls having the couch and the heels off their feet-- which you quickly followed once you sat down. The boys on the other hand sat opposite their side. Both having either iced tea or iced coffee with some snacks. Yunho then introduces you to the rest of his friends. You knew the girls too from another class. The rest of the night was once again filled with laughter. As some of the boys decided to try to fit their feet into the heels, some using the heels as a phone. Hell, Mingi tossed a heel at Yunho and they quickly hit the whoa. The girls, including you, found entertainment and embarrassment at their antics, even going as far as teaching them how it feels to be a girl at the worst times. 
One by one, the people in your table leave. Either to be picked up by their parents, or up into their rooms in the hotel. It was only you and him left once more. Your coffee was watered down and half empty. Yunho’s bottle of water wasn’t any different from yours. A comfortable, yet slightly awkward silence goes over the both of you. 
“Thanks for--”
“You first-”
“You fi-”
Pause again. 
Then Yunho gestures for you to speak first. “Thank you for coming with me. I had a lot of fun tonight.” Your heart races as you speak. You hope this isn’t from the coffee and rather from the nerves of being just alone with him like this. “I’m sorry also for having you to bring me out of the venue when it was your type of music playing… I know you like to dance to those songs too..”
“I should be the one thanking you for inviting me. Even if you didn’t, I would’ve invited you to my prom.” He confesses, ears bright red as he does so. He rubs the back of his neck as he finds the next words. “Don’t worry about the music part. I can always play those songs in my free time and there’s still my prom. More chances to embarrass you too.” 
“Jung Yunho.”
“What?” He laughs at the sight of your stern face. “You know your strict face isn’t scary to me. You love me too much for that.” You hate how right he is, you also hate how he doesn’t know just how right he is. 
He looks at the clock then helps you into your heels. “Let’s get you back to your parents. They’re probably wondering where their little princess is.” He teases again which causes him to receive another whack on his arm. “What? You do look like one tonight!” You slowly push yourself to stand up. The pain of being on your tiptoes rushing back. He holds you gently, making sure you don’t wobble. 
“Easy there. I know you’re strong but even you got your limits.” He accompanies you to the elevator. 
“How about you?” 
“What about me?”
“How are you getting home?” 
He glances at you, somehow catching himself off guard with the change in distance. Why was it only now that he gets surprised by how close your face was to his. Heels really are something. 
“Oh, Yeosang and I got a room too. Are you worried about me?” He teases, batting his eyelashes at you. 
“Yunho, I swear--”
Before you could finish your words, the doors of the elevator slide open and both of you immediately enter. 
The ride up was a slow one. Both of you didn’t know that your rooms were on the same floor too, only on different sides of the building. 
Somehow, a part of you was hoping for something. You didn’t know what it was but you wanted something to happen. The same goes for Yunho. His hand immediately then holds you back gently. 
“I need to tell you something.” He says softly, his eyes downcast. Your stomach drops at his body language. Did he like someone else? Was he leading you on this whole time? 
“I actually wanted to tell you this earlier but there wasn’t really a good time for me to say it.” The words were flying a mile a minute. He could’ve beaten Mingi when it came to fastest speaker at this point. “I just really wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you. Not.. as friends but as something more.” He explains. His eyes steady on you, with no sign of his signature mischievous glint in his eyes. 
It catches you off guard, a little too lost for words because, Jung Yunho? He has a crush on you? Are the feelings mutual? He takes your silence as something else and drops his hand. “If you don’t feel the same way, that’s totally fine. We can stay as friends. I just.. Felt--”
“Jung Yunho, I like you too.” You immediately blurt out. 
His face brightens up at your words and he wraps his arms around you in relief. “We don’t have to be officially together if you want. We can just take it slow or just--” 
His lips feel nice against your own. The taste of the chocolate he ate earlier is still apparent. “You talk too much.” You say simply when you pull away and for the first time that night, he was speechless.
“I’d love to be your official girlfriend, you dumb butt.” 
“Your lucky dumb butt.”
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