#post-thyroidectomy care
atassociation12 · 6 months
The American Thyroid Association® (ATA) is the professional home for clinicians and researchers dedicated to thyroid health. Learn more and join us.
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myhealingera · 3 months
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Two weeks after this photo was taken, I received a phone call that nobody ever wants to receive.
I was dealing with a slew of health issues: an inability to lose weight, hair loss, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue so intense that getting out of bed felt like a miracle, and severe brain fog. My joints were in so much pain that I found myself using a heating pad for most of the day.
I consulted my aunt, who is a pediatrician, and she reviewed my recent blood work. She observed that my TSH levels were consistently borderline high, often surpassing the normal threshold. Encouraged by her insight, I visited my OBGYN and shared my symptoms. She ordered hormone testing and referred me to a rheumatologist, given that lupus runs in my family. The results indicated elevated TSH, DHEA, and C-reactive protein levels.
I then saw a remarkable rheumatologist who conducted over 120 tests. All came back normal except for my thyroid antibodies, and I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hands. Around this time, my neck began to swell, feeling as though something was stuck in my throat. My primary care physician scheduled an ultrasound, which revealed swelling in my neck and a lymph node, and identified a nodule or "ectopic" tissue.
Returning to my primary care doctor, I was told my lab results were normal and advised to follow up in a year, despite continuing to experience swollen lymph nodes and being told that the neck nodule was unrelated to the swelling. At this point had been to urgent care 3 times, completed 3 rounds of steroids, a z-pack, and tested negative for mono, Covid, and strep.
Despite my tendency to avoid conflict, something felt off, and I knew I wasn't okay.
I requested a referral to an endocrinologist, which I received, but they couldn't see me until after Christmas. Not wanting to wait, I found another endocrinologist who could see me on Halloween. At my first appointment, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. She ordered a biopsy "to be safe," emphasizing that a finding warrants investigation. Even at the hospital for my biopsy, the PA questioned its necessity given my primary care's advice to wait a year.
On 12/22, my endocrinologist informed me that the biopsy results were suspicious for thyroid carcinoma. I returned on 1/5 to discuss the findings.
They had sent my sample for Afirma testing, a genetic test for medullary thyroid cancer, due to the unusual results and the aggressive nature of the potential cancer.
I was then referred to an ENT, who suspected the nodule might actually be a lymph node. A CT scan confirmed this suspicion, revealing a lymph node suspicious for thyroid cancer, yet with no nodules on my thyroid itself.
The decision was made to remove the lymph node, with intraoperative pathology consultation to decide whether to also remove the thyroid.
On 2/24, the lymph node was removed, but pathology was indeterminate, leading to the decision not to remove the thyroid.
The following week, I was informed that my results had been sent to a larger university hospital for further analysis and a second opinion, an ominous sign according to my ENT.
Ultimately, it was confirmed as papillary thyroid cancer that had begun to metastasize to the lymph nodes, indicating occult thyroid cancer, typically undetected until it spreads to the lymph nodes. Likely, there are microcarcinomas on my thyroid undetectable by imaging. Thus, another surgery is required.
My complete thyroidectomy is scheduled for 4/24.
Honestly, none of this truly sank in until I received a call from the hospital's oncology department to schedule a radiation consultation for post-surgery RAI treatment.
It’s been an incredibly tough start to the year, to say the least.
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mauswife · 10 months
Embarrassed about your poll but I am considered obese (BMI 33) but I have lost 40-50 pounds over the past year and one day I would like to simply exist in the 'overweight' BMI category, hopefully this time next year another 40-50 pounds will come off. I'm ashamed of the anti-fat people and ashamed of the pro-fat people. One side yells, it's gross to be fat! And the other side yells, being skinny is literally impossible if you've ever been fat!
dude the bmi thing pisses me off. im 5'11 and not on the willowy thin side at all, ever since i was sick and had my thyroidectomy i have surgically induced hypothyroidism which doesn't help the fact that im built like i carry sheep on my shoulders and babies on my hips all day. now i retain more pillowiness or whatever (ive been extremely thin before, it looks weird with my proportions tbh i look like a gibbon) and im just trying to accept that. but every time i put in my weight and height i get that my bmi is overweight, which i can tolerate i guess because i suppose my mass is QUITE SPLENDID but sometimes ive gotten obese? but im not, and have never had a doctor advise me to lose weight because im obese. like im literally just a large person.
on top of it ive done keto and intermittent fasting and lost ranging from 50lbs immediately post-cancer to another ~20lbs when i really focused on my diet and it still will tell me im a fat fuck. u really can't win out here with the bmi calculator
as a tall/big girl i can tell you like. narrowbrained people are just conditioned now to have the beauty standard be knobby skeletal people. and no offense at all to the knobby skeletal people. but what im saying is when you interact with healthy normal people they really don't care and will find you attractive as well. it's the terminally online weird people with body dysmorphia and outward-projected insecurity that ever say any of that shit.. everyone knows obesity is unhealthy. literally just do your best but don't hate and kill yourself over it. i wish that was easier to say and a lot easier to do. i struggle with it too
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arshhospitals · 6 days
Best General Surgery Clinic in Gaya Bihar — Arsh Hospital
In the landscape of healthcare, where precision, expertise, and compassion intersect, Arsh Hospital shines as a beacon of hope and healing for those in need of general surgery services in Gaya, Bihar. Renowned for its commitment to excellence and innovation, Arsh Hospital offers a comprehensive range of general surgery procedures performed by skilled surgeons using state-of-the-art technology and techniques. With a patient-centered approach and a focus on optimal outcomes, Arsh Hospital has established itself as the premier destination for general surgery care in the region.
Comprehensive General Surgery Services:
Arsh Hospital provides a comprehensive range of general surgery services to address a wide spectrum of surgical conditions and concerns. From routine procedures to complex surgeries, the hospital offers expertise in various specialties, ensuring that patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs. Some of the key general surgery services offered by Arsh Hospital include:
Laparoscopic Surgery:
Arsh Hospital specializes in laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, which involves making small incisions and using specialized instruments and a camera to perform surgical procedures with precision and minimal tissue damage. Common laparoscopic procedures include appendectomy, cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), hernia repair, and bariatric surgery.
Gastrointestinal Surgery:
The hospital offers expertise in gastrointestinal surgery, including procedures such as gastrointestinal tract resections, colorectal surgery, bowel obstruction treatment, and surgical management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diverticulitis, and gastrointestinal cancers.
Endocrine Surgery:
Arsh Hospital provides specialized care for endocrine disorders requiring surgical intervention, including thyroidectomy (thyroid gland removal), parathyroidectomy (parathyroid gland removal), adrenal gland surgery, and surgery for endocrine tumors such as pheochromocytoma and neuroendocrine tumors.
Breast Surgery:
The hospital offers comprehensive breast surgery services for the diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant breast conditions, including breast biopsy, lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reconstruction, and sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer staging.
Soft Tissue Surgery:
Arsh Hospital performs a variety of soft tissue surgery procedures to address conditions such as skin lesions, cysts, abscesses, lipomas, and soft tissue tumors, utilizing advanced techniques to achieve optimal cosmetic and functional outcomes.
Patient-Centric Approach:
At Arsh Hospital, patient well-being and satisfaction are top priorities, particularly in the realm of general surgery. The hospital’s patient-centric approach is grounded in compassion, communication, and collaboration, ensuring that patients and their families feel informed, supported, and empowered throughout the surgical process.
Arsh Hospital’s team of general surgeons, nurses, and support staff is dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses the unique needs and concerns of each patient. From pre-operative education and preparation to post-operative recovery and follow-up, every aspect of care is tailored to optimize patient comfort, safety, and outcomes.
Why Choose Arsh Hospital for General Surgery?
Arsh Hospital boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced general surgeons who are experts in their field, with specialized training and proficiency in a wide range of surgical procedures.
Advanced Technology:
The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art surgical technology and instrumentation, including laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgical systems, enabling precise, minimally invasive surgery with enhanced visualization and dexterity.
Comprehensive Care:
Arsh Hospital offers comprehensive general surgery services under one roof, providing patients with seamless access to evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care for a variety of surgical conditions and concerns.
Compassionate Care:
Arsh Hospital prioritizes compassion, empathy, and respect in all interactions with patients, creating a supportive and healing environment that fosters trust, confidence, and peace of mind throughout the surgical journey.
Arsh Hospital stands as a beacon of general surgery excellence in Gaya, Bihar, and beyond. With its commitment to precision, expertise, and patient-centered care, the hospital continues to transform lives, restore health, and inspire hope for those in need of surgical intervention. If you’re seeking general surgery care in Gaya, trust Arsh Hospital to provide the expertise and support you need for a successful and smooth recovery.
Arsh Hospital
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swasthmedicare · 1 month
Revolutionizing Patient Care Through Thyroid Surgery at Swasth Medicare
Introduction to Thyroid Surgery
Thyroid surgery, a crucial aspect of head and neck surgery in Noida, involves the removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. This gland, located at the base of the neck, is essential in regulating various metabolic processes through hormone production. At Swasth Medicare, under the direction of Dr. Shikha Rani Patel, thyroid surgery addresses conditions such as thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, and benign thyroid nodules.
Detailed Explanation of the Procedure
Thyroidectomy, the primary type of neck and head surgery for thyroid issues, can involve a total, partial, or lobectomy approach. The choice largely depends on the specific thyroid condition. At Swasth Medicare, Dr. Shikha Rani Patel utilizes advanced techniques to ensure minimal discomfort and optimal outcomes. Each surgery, integral to head and neck surgery in Noida, is performed under general anesthesia, with strategic incisions that minimize visible scarring and enhance recovery.
Innovations in Thyroid Surgery Techniques
Swasth Medicare embraces the latest innovations in head and neck surgery, significantly improving thyroid surgery outcomes. These innovations include precision surgical instruments and robotic-assisted technology, which enable Dr. Patel to conduct procedures that are less invasive and more accurate, reducing recovery times and improving surgical precision.
Benefits of Thyroid Surgery
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Opting for thyroid surgery at a specialized center like Swasth Medicare, known for its expertise in head and neck surgery in Noida, offers numerous benefits. It effectively alleviates symptoms caused by an enlarged gland, such as neck pressure, difficulty breathing, and swallowing challenges. It is a definitive treatment for removing cancerous thyroid tissue, crucial in preventing the spread of cancer. For hyperthyroidism patients, surgery provides a permanent solution, especially when other treatments are inadequate.
Potential Risks of Thyroid Gland Surgery
Thyroid surgery, a significant procedure in the types of neck and head surgery, carries potential risks, including complications such as bleeding, infection, and damage to the nearby parathyroid glands. Another significant concern in the risks of thyroid gland surgery is the potential for nerve damage affecting the vocal cords. However, with the innovations in head and neck surgery, such as enhanced imaging and nerve monitoring, Dr. Patel at Swasth Medicare effectively minimizes these risks.
Comprehensive Post-Surgery Care
After undergoing thyroid surgery at Swasth Medicare, patients receive tailored post-operative care, crucial in managing the risks of thyroid gland surgery. Care typically involves pain management, wound care, and hormone replacement therapy if the entire thyroid gland has been removed. Regular follow-ups ensure that recovery is on track and that any complications are addressed promptly.
Extended Recovery and Long-Term Health Management
The recovery process post-thyroid surgery, a core part of head and neck surgery in Noida, involves detailed patient education on home care and lifestyle adjustments to support healing. Dr. Patel's team at Swasth Medicare provides ongoing support and monitors patients through regular visits, ensuring optimal health management long-term.
Reassurance for Potential Patients
For those considering thyroid surgery, Dr. Shikha Rani Patel at Swasth Medicare represents the pinnacle of care in head and neck surgery in Noida. Her expertise and the clinic’s commitment to the latest innovations in head and neck surgery ensure the highest standard of care, effectively managing both the benefits and risks of thyroid gland surgery.
Q1: What innovations in head and neck surgery are used during thyroid surgery at Swasth Medicare? A1: Swasth Medicare employs the latest in surgical innovations, including robotic-assisted surgery and intraoperative nerve monitoring, which are pivotal in enhancing safety and precision.
Q2: What are common risks of thyroid gland surgery? A2: Common risks include bleeding, infection, and potential damage to nerve and parathyroid glands, which are carefully managed using advanced surgical techniques.
Q3: How does thyroid surgery fit into the broader types of neck and head surgery? A3: Thyroid surgery is a specialized procedure within the broader scope of head and neck surgery, targeting the thyroid gland to treat various disorders, including cancerous growths and hormonal imbalances.
Q4: Why choose Swasth Medicare for thyroid surgery in Noida?A4: Swasth Medicare is renowned for its expertise in head and neck surgery in Noida, offering advanced surgical techniques and comprehensive care, making it a preferred choice for thyroid surgery.
Q5: What preoperative tests are required before undergoing thyroid surgery?A5: Preoperative testing may include blood tests, thyroid function tests, an ultrasound of the neck, and sometimes a fine needle aspiration biopsy to assess the nature of the thyroid issue more accurately.
Q6: Can thyroid surgery affect my voice?A6: There is a small risk of affecting the nerves that control the voice, which can result in voice changes. However, at Swasth Medicare, advanced nerve monitoring techniques are used during surgery to minimize this risk.
Q7: What diet should I follow after thyroid surgery?A7: Post-surgery, patients may be advised to follow a soft diet initially to ease swallowing. Dr. Patel and the nutritional team at Swasth Medicare will provide detailed dietary guidelines based on individual recovery needs.
Q8: How long do I need to stay in the hospital after thyroid surgery?A8: The length of hospital stay can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and individual recovery, but typically, patients may stay from one to three days.
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healyhcaresposts · 2 months
Piles Treatment In Hyderabad
Prathima Hospitals, situated strategically in Hyderabad, Telangana, stands tall as a beacon of excellence in the realm of healthcare, particularly in general surgeries. With prime locations near Kachiguda and Kukatpally, Prathima Hospitals has garnered a reputation as one of the best destinations for individuals seeking top-notch medical care and surgical interventions. This essay delves into the myriad facets that make Prathima Hospitals a premier choice for general surgeries in Telangana.
Establishment and Vision: Prathima Hospitals emerged with a noble vision to provide comprehensive healthcare services to the community, backed by a team of proficient medical professionals and cutting-edge infrastructure. Since its inception, Prathima Hospitals has been steadfast in its commitment to delivering superior healthcare solutions, encompassing a wide spectrum of medical specialties, with a particular emphasis on general surgeries.
Infrastructure and Facilities: At Prathima Hospitals, the amalgamation of state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced medical equipment fosters an environment conducive to optimal patient care. The hospital is equipped with modern operation theaters, intensive care units, diagnostic facilities, and round-the-clock emergency services, ensuring that patients receive prompt attention and care at all times. The seamless integration of technology into medical practice augments the precision and efficacy of surgical procedures, enhancing patient outcomes and recovery rates.
Specialized Medical Expertise: Prathima Hospitals boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in various domains of general surgery. These seasoned professionals bring forth a wealth of knowledge and expertise, coupled with a compassionate approach towards patient care. Whether it's routine surgeries or complex interventions, patients can rest assured knowing that they are in capable hands at Prathima Hospitals. The multidisciplinary approach adopted by the hospital fosters collaboration among specialists, enabling comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment plans for each patient.
Comprehensive Range of Services: Prathima Hospitals offers an extensive array of general surgical services catering to diverse medical needs. From minor procedures to intricate surgeries, the hospital covers a wide spectrum of conditions, including but not limited to:
Laparoscopic Surgery: Prathima Hospitals specializes in minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures, which entail smaller incisions, reduced post-operative discomfort, and faster recovery times compared to traditional surgery.
Gastrointestinal Surgeries: The hospital excels in gastrointestinal surgeries, addressing conditions such as appendicitis, hernias, gallbladder disorders, and colorectal ailments with precision and expertise.
Thyroid and Endocrine Surgeries: Prathima Hospitals offers comprehensive care for thyroid disorders and other endocrine conditions, including thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy, and adrenal surgeries.
Breast Surgeries: The hospital provides advanced breast surgical interventions for conditions such as breast cancer, fibroadenomas, and breast cysts, employing the latest techniques to ensure optimal outcomes and aesthetic results.
Vascular Surgeries: Prathima Hospitals specializes in vascular surgeries aimed at treating arterial and venous disorders, including varicose veins, peripheral artery disease, and aneurysms.
Patient-Centric Approach: At Prathima Hospitals, patient satisfaction and well-being take precedence above all else. The hospital endeavors to create a nurturing and supportive environment wherein patients feel comfortable and reassured throughout their medical journey. From compassionate nursing care to personalized attention from healthcare professionals, every aspect of patient experience is meticulously curated to instill confidence and trust.
Emphasis on Quality and Safety: Prathima Hospitals upholds uncompromising standards of quality and safety across all facets of its operations. Stringent protocols and quality assurance measures are implemented to mitigate risks and ensure optimal outcomes for patients undergoing surgical interventions. From pre-operative assessments to post-operative care and follow-up, every step is meticulously executed to uphold the highest standards of healthcare delivery.
Community Outreach and Education: In addition to its clinical services, Prathima Hospitals actively engages in community outreach programs and educational initiatives aimed at raising awareness about health and wellness. Through health camps, seminars, and workshops, the hospital endeavors to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to lead healthier lives and make informed healthcare decisions.
Conclusion: In essence, Prathima Hospitals stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of general surgeries in Hyderabad, Telangana. With its unwavering commitment to quality, expertise, and patient-centric care, the hospital continues to set benchmarks in the healthcare landscape, earning the trust and confidence of patients and healthcare professionals alike. As a testament to its relentless pursuit of excellence, Prathima Hospitals remains at the forefront of innovation and advancement in the field of general surgery, ensuring superior outcomes and holistic well-being for all those entrusted to its care.
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head-neck-care · 3 months
Understanding Thyroid Cancer Surgery: What You Need to Know
Thyroid cancer is a condition that affects thousands of individuals every year, leading many to seek surgical intervention as part of their treatment plan. Understanding thyroid cancer surgery is crucial for patients and their families to make informed decisions and navigate the journey toward recovery. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of thyroid cancer surgery, from its types and procedures to post-operative care and long-term considerations.
Types of Thyroid Cancer Surgery
Thyroid cancer surgery typically involves the removal of part or all of the thyroid gland, depending on the extent and nature of the cancer. The main types of thyroid cancer surgery include:
Thyroidectomy: This procedure involves the complete removal of the thyroid gland and is often recommended for more advanced or aggressive forms of thyroid cancer.
Lobectomy: In cases where the cancer is confined to one lobe of the thyroid gland, a lobectomy may be performed to remove only the affected lobe, preserving the function of the remaining thyroid tissue.
Near-total or subtotal thyroidectomy: This involves removing almost all of the thyroid gland while leaving a small amount of tissue behind, usually to maintain some thyroid function.
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Techniques such as endoscopic or robotic-assisted thyroid surgery are becoming more common. They offer smaller incisions, reduced scarring, and faster recovery than traditional open surgery.
Procedures and Precautions
Before undergoing thyroid cancer surgery, patients will typically undergo a thorough evaluation, including imaging tests, blood work, and sometimes fine-needle aspiration biopsy, to confirm the diagnosis and assess the extent of the cancer. It's essential to follow pre-operative instructions provided by the healthcare team, which may include fasting before surgery, discontinuing certain medications, and arranging for transportation to and from the hospital.
During the surgery, the surgeon will carefully remove the affected thyroid tissue while taking precautions to avoid damage to nearby structures such as the parathyroid glands and recurrent laryngeal nerves, which are vital for calcium regulation and vocal cord function, respectively. Advanced techniques like intraoperative nerve monitoring help enhance surgical precision and reduce the risk of complications.
Post-Operative Care and Recovery:
After thyroid cancer surgery, patients will require diligent post-operative care to support healing and manage any potential side effects. This may include:
Pain management: Medications or techniques to alleviate discomfort at the surgical site.
Monitoring thyroid hormone levels: Since the thyroid gland plays a crucial role in hormone production, patients may need thyroid hormone replacement therapy to maintain optimal levels.
Follow-up appointments: Regular check-ups with the healthcare team to monitor recovery, assess thyroid function, and address any concerns or complications.
Lifestyle adjustments: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management, can promote overall well-being and support recovery.
Long-Term Considerations and Conclusion :
Thyroid cancer surgery is often successful in treating the disease, especially when diagnosed early and managed comprehensively. However, patients must remain vigilant about their health and attend follow-up appointments as their healthcare providers recommend. Long-term considerations may include:
Ongoing monitoring of thyroid function.
Surveillance for recurrence or metastasis.
Addressing any potential long-term effects of surgery, such as scar management or voice changes.
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Prashant Pawar if you have any further questions or need more information about thyroid cancer surgery or related topics. We are here to support you on your journey towards understanding and managing thyroid cancer.
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sufrgery1 · 3 months
Understanding Thyroid Surgery Cost in Hyderabad -TX Hospitals
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Understanding Thyroid Surgery Cost in Hyderabad
Thyroid disorders have become increasingly prevalent, necessitating surgical intervention in some cases. For individuals considering thyroid surgery in TX Hospitals ,Hyderabad, it's essential to understand the associated costs and factors influencing them. Here, we delve into the intricacies of thyroid surgery cost in Hyderabad, providing insights and guidance for those seeking medical care.
Factors Affecting Thyroid Surgery Cost
Several factors contribute to the overall cost of thyroid surgery in Hyderabad:
Type of Surgery: The nature and complexity of the thyroid surgery significantly impact the cost. Procedures such as thyroidectomy or lobectomy may vary in expenses based on the extent of tissue removal and surgical technique employed.
Hospital Charges: The choice of hospital or medical facility plays a pivotal role in determining the overall cost. Premium healthcare facilities may entail higher charges compared to government or general hospitals.
Surgeon's Fee: Experienced and reputable surgeons typically command higher fees for their expertise. Surgeon fees constitute a substantial portion of the total cost, reflecting their skill, training, and track record.
Pre-operative Evaluations: Diagnostic tests, consultations, and imaging studies conducted before surgery contribute to the overall expenditure. These evaluations are essential for assessing the patient's condition and planning the surgical approach.
Post-operative Care: Expenses associated with post-operative care, including hospital stay, medications, and follow-up appointments, should be factored into the total cost.
Anesthesia Charges: Anesthesia administration during surgery incurs additional charges. The type of anesthesia used and its duration influence the cost.
Additional Services: Miscellaneous expenses such as laboratory tests, blood transfusions (if required), and specialized nursing care may escalate the overall cost.
Thyroid Surgery Cost in Hyderabad
In Hyderabad, the cost of thyroid surgery can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, the cost ranges between INR 50,000 to INR 2,50,000 or more. However, it's crucial to obtain personalized cost estimates by consulting with healthcare providers directly.
Booking Thyroid Surgery in Hyderabad
To schedule thyroid surgery in Hyderabad, individuals can conveniently book appointments through various channels. One such method is by contacting the provided number: 9089489089. This facilitates direct communication with healthcare providers, enabling patients to inquire about the procedure, discuss cost estimates, and secure a suitable appointment slot.
Why Choose Hyderabad for Thyroid Surgery?
Hyderabad boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and skilled medical professionals specializing in thyroid disorders and surgeries. Patients opting for thyroid surgery in Hyderabad can benefit from:
Advanced Medical Technology: Hyderabad's hospitals are equipped with cutting-edge technology and equipment, ensuring precision and efficacy in surgical procedures.
Specialized Expertise: The city is home to highly qualified surgeons with vast experience in performing thyroid surgeries. Patients can trust in the expertise of these specialists for optimal outcomes.
Affordable Healthcare: While maintaining high standards of care, Hyderabad offers competitive pricing for medical services, making it an attractive destination for individuals seeking cost-effective treatment options.
Comprehensive Care: From pre-operative evaluations to post-operative follow-up, healthcare facilities in Hyderabad provide comprehensive care, ensuring patients' well-being at every stage of the treatment journey.
In conclusion, understanding the factors influencing thyroid surgery cost in TX Hospitals ,Hyderabad empowers individuals to make informed decisions regarding their healthcare needs. By leveraging the city's healthcare resources and booking appointments promptly, patients can access quality treatment for thyroid disorders, promoting better health and well-being.
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jahnvikhurana · 4 months
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Expert General Surgery Services at Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital, Haryana
Introduction: When it comes to surgical interventions, having access to skilled general surgeons is crucial for addressing a wide range of medical conditions effectively. At Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital in Haryana, we take pride in offering comprehensive general surgery services delivered by experienced and dedicated professionals.
Importance of General Surgery: General surgery encompasses a broad spectrum of procedures aimed at diagnosing and treating various conditions affecting the abdomen, digestive tract, skin, and soft tissues. From routine surgeries to complex interventions, general surgeons play a pivotal role in improving patients' health and well-being.
Expertise of Our Surgeons: At Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital, our team of general surgeons brings years of experience and expertise to the table. Trained in the latest surgical techniques and equipped with advanced technology, they are capable of handling diverse surgical cases with precision and compassion.
Comprehensive Surgical Services: Our hospital offers a wide range of general surgery services, including but not limited to:
Abdominal Surgeries: Our surgeons are skilled in performing abdominal surgeries such as appendectomy, cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), hernia repair, and bowel resection to address various gastrointestinal conditions.
Endocrine Surgeries: We specialize in thyroidectomy (thyroid gland removal) and parathyroidectomy (parathyroid gland removal) for the treatment of thyroid and parathyroid disorders.
Breast Surgeries: Our surgeons perform breast surgeries, including lumpectomy and mastectomy, for the treatment of breast cancer and benign breast conditions.
Skin and Soft Tissue Surgeries: We offer excisional biopsies, skin lesion removal, and wound debridement procedures to address skin cancers, cysts, abscesses, and other soft tissue abnormalities.
Emergency Surgeries: Our hospital is equipped to handle emergency surgical cases, including trauma surgeries, appendicitis, bowel obstructions, and perforated ulcers, with prompt and efficient care.
Patient-Centered Approach: At Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital, we prioritize patient-centered care, ensuring that each individual receives personalized attention and treatment tailored to their unique needs. From pre-operative consultations to post-operative follow-up care, we strive to provide compassionate support and guidance every step of the way.
Commitment to Excellence: Our hospital is committed to maintaining the highest standards of excellence in general surgery. We adhere to strict protocols for patient safety, infection control, and surgical outcomes monitoring to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.
Conclusion: If you are in need of expert general surgery services in Haryana, look no further than Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital. With our team of experienced surgeons, comprehensive surgical services, and patient-centered approach, we are dedicated to delivering superior care and helping you achieve the best possible outcomes. Schedule a consultation with us today to discuss your surgical needs and embark on the path to better health and well-being.
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thyroidectomy-blog · 5 months
Thyroidectomy Surgery at TX Hospitals,Banjara Hills in Hyderabad
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For those considering thyroidectomy surgery, at TX Hospitals Banjara Hills in Hyderabad offers exceptional medical facilities, and 9089489089 is your gateway to book this critical procedure. This article provides insights into the thyroidectomy surgery services in Banjara Hills and guides you on how to secure your appointment.
Thyroidectomy Surgery in Banjara Hills:
Banjara Hills features advanced medical facilities for thyroidectomy surgeries, addressing conditions such as thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, or large thyroid nodules. The experienced surgical team ensures a thorough evaluation of each patient's condition, tailoring the surgery to individual needs.
Why Choose Banjara Hills for Thyroidectomy Surgery:
Expert Surgeons: Banjara Hills boasts a team of highly skilled surgeons specializing in thyroidectomy procedures, ensuring optimal surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Cutting-Edge Technology: The medical facilities in Banjara Hills utilize advanced technology for precise thyroidectomy surgeries, including minimally invasive techniques that enhance patient comfort and reduce recovery time.
Comprehensive Care: Beyond surgery, Banjara Hills provides comprehensive care, including pre-operative assessments, post-operative monitoring, and ongoing follow-ups, focusing on patient well-being throughout the treatment journey.
Book Now :
To schedule a thyroidectomy surgery in Banjara Hills, simply call 9089489089. This dedicated hotline connects you with healthcare professionals who guide you through the appointment process, answer queries, and provide necessary information.
How to Book:
Dial 9089489089: Call the provided number to speak with the booking team. Consultation Appointment: Schedule a consultation to discuss your condition and determine the need for thyroidectomy surgery. Confirmation: Receive confirmation of your surgery date and any pre-operative instructions.
TX Hospitals ,Banjara Hills in Hyderabad is an excellent choice for thyroidectomy surgery, offering outstanding medical facilities and experienced surgeons. To secure your thyroidectomy appointment, call 9089489089 today. Your journey towards optimal thyroid health begins with a simple phone call, ensuring your well-being is the top priority.
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thyroidectomy-surgery · 6 months
Navigating Thyroidectomy Surgery: Your Guide to Top-Tier Hospitals in Hyderabad, TX
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Embarking on the journey of thyroidectomy surgery requires careful consideration of the medical facility you choose. In Hyderabad, TX, you'll find exceptional hospitals that stand out for their commitment to excellence in thyroid care. Explore the key highlights of these healthcare institutions and discover how you can easily secure your spot for thyroidectomy surgery by calling 9089489089
Cutting-Edge Technology for Precise Procedures
The hospitals in Hyderabad, TX, pride themselves on employing cutting-edge technology to perform precise thyroidectomy surgeries. Advanced diagnostic tools and surgical equipment contribute to accurate procedures, minimizing risks and enhancing the overall surgical experience for patients.
Board-Certified Thyroidectomy Specialists
Opting for thyroidectomy surgery in Hyderabad means entrusting your health to board-certified specialists. These hospitals house a team of skilled and certified thyroid surgeons with vast experience in performing successful thyroidectomies. Patients benefit from the expertise and dedication of these professionals throughout their surgical journey.
Patient-Centric Approach to Care
Hyderabad's top hospitals prioritize a patient-centric approach, emphasizing clear communication and tailored care plans. From the initial consultation to post-operative recovery, patients receive compassionate support, ensuring that they feel informed, comfortable, and confident at every step of their thyroidectomy journey.
Hassle-Free Booking Process
Securing your spot for thyroidectomy surgery has never been easier. By dialing 9089489089, you can initiate a hassle-free booking process. The hospitals have streamlined their booking procedures, making it convenient for patients to schedule their surgeries and consultations with minimal effort.
Comprehensive Thyroid Health Education
Beyond the surgical aspect, these hospitals in Hyderabad, TX, are committed to educating patients about thyroid health. Informative sessions and resources are provided to help individuals understand their condition, the surgical process, and the post-operative care required, empowering them to actively participate in their healthcare journey.
Thyroidectomy surgery is a significant decision, and choosing the right hospital is paramount. In Hyderabad, TX, the combination of cutting-edge technology, certified specialists, patient-centric care, easy booking procedures, and comprehensive education makes these hospitals the preferred choice. Take the first step towards thyroid health by calling 9089489089 to book your thyroidectomy surgery and experience excellence in medical care.
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ankita1 · 1 year
General Surgery Hospital in Sonipat
Haryana Multispeciality is a trusted destination for general surgery hospital in sonipat. The hospital provides comprehensive and cutting-edge surgical care for a variety of medical issues thanks to a team of talented doctors and cutting-edge facilities. The hospital offers skilled diagnosis, treatment, and post-operative care for procedures ranging from thyroidectomies to appendectomies, hernia repairs to gallbladder operations. Haryana Multispeciality Hospital ensures accurate and successful procedures by using cutting-edge technologies and upholding strict safety protocols. The committed staff of medical specialists prioritises patients' well-being and works to produce the best results, making it Sonipat's top option for general surgery.
Contact us today too know more :-
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Uttam Nagar Specialist General Surgeon
General surgeons play a crucial role in providing comprehensive surgical care for various medical conditions. In Uttam Nagar, these specialists are highly skilled medical professionals who diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of surgical conditions. Whether it's a routine procedure or a complex surgical intervention, Uttam Nagar Specialist General Surgeons possess the expertise and experience to ensure optimal patient outcomes.
Introduction to Uttam Nagar Specialist General Surgeon
General surgeons in Uttam Nagar are trained to address a diverse range of surgical issues affecting different parts of the body. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to perform both elective and emergency surgeries. These surgeons work closely with other healthcare professionals to provide coordinated and multidisciplinary care to patients.
What is General Surgery?
General surgery is a medical specialty that focuses on surgical procedures involving the abdominal organs, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and colon. General surgeons also handle surgical interventions related to the breast, thyroid, skin, and soft tissues. They possess a broad understanding of various surgical techniques and apply their expertise to diagnose, manage, and treat a wide range of conditions.
Importance of General Surgeons in Uttam Nagar
Uttam Nagar Specialist General Surgeons play a crucial role in the healthcare system by addressing a wide range of surgical needs. They are at the forefront of diagnosing and treating conditions such as appendicitis, hernias, gallbladder disease, breast tumors, and gastrointestinal disorders. Their expertise ensures accurate diagnoses, precise surgical interventions, and post-operative care for optimal patient recovery.
Qualifications and Training of a General Surgeon
Becoming a general surgeon requires extensive education and training. After completing a medical degree, aspiring surgeons undergo a residency program focused on general surgery. This rigorous training equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform a wide range of surgical procedures. Many general surgeons also pursue fellowships to specialize in specific areas such as minimally invasive surgery, trauma surgery, or surgical oncology.
Common Procedures Performed by General Surgeons
Uttam Nagar Specialist General Surgeons perform various procedures, ranging from minor outpatient surgeries to complex operations. Some common procedures include appendectomies, gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy), hernia repairs, colon surgeries, and thyroidectomies. They may also perform biopsies, excisions, and tumor removal surgeries.
Types of Conditions Treated by General Surgeons
General surgeons in Uttam Nagar are trained to diagnose and treat a wide array of conditions. These may include gastrointestinal disorders, breast cancer, skin tumors, appendicitis, hernias, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. They also address conditions such as pancreatitis, thyroid disorders, trauma-related injuries, and perform emergency surgeries when necessary.
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Thyroidectomy in Bangalore
The Thyroid gland is Butterfly shaped organ located in the neck. It just sits on the windpipe, below the Adam’s (isthmus). This gland is responsible for the secretion of a hormone called “Thyroxine” which controls the body’s metabolism. And the gland is essential for maintaining normal health. Though the gland normally works without any trouble and no major complications happen. But, in some people, the thyroid gland does not function well. Doctors investigate the problem and decide the line of action accordingly. If the problem can be cured by giving medicines, then they follow that path. But, if they feel that surgical intervention is needed, then they perform Thyroidectomy.
Dr. Athira Ramakrishnan is a well-known ENT Surgeon/Otorhinolaryngologist in Bangalore, primarily catering to Head and Neck Surgeries. Her key specialization is in Transoral Robotic Surgeries and related Oncology procedures. With her super-specialty, she also brings an overall experience of more than 15 years as a specialist. For the past 10 years, she has been working as a Consultant ENT, head and neck surgery, with Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore, conducting Transoral Robotic Surgeries. Dr. Athira Ramakrishnan obtained her medical qualifications from famous institutes in India. She graduated from JIPMER and did her Postgraduate in ENT at PGIMER in the year of 2006. She had great hand–on training in Ear surgeries, endoscopic surgeries, and head and neck surgeries. Her area of expertise is endoscopic sinus surgeries, ear surgeries, thyroid, and parathyroid surgeries, laryngeal and oral laser surgery, and head and neck cancer surgery. She has been working as a Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgery in Fortis Hospitals since 2015. She can perform several complex surgeries including thyroidectomy. She is trained in preoperative counseling management, surgery, and post-operative rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients as well. Along with her regular duties, she has been involved in clinical research as a part of the training program.
The surgery may be performed due to several reasons.
Goiter: It is the increase in the size of the gland. When it happens, the thyroid gland compresses the windpipe or the food pipe. In both conditions, surgery is necessary. Even if the gland doesn’t put any pressure, it causes a cosmetically unacceptable appearance.
Lump in the gland: Sometimes, the thyroid gland develops single or multiple nodules or lumps. It is more prone to develop in people after the age of 50. Studies say that more than 50 percent of women and around 30% of men get nodules after this age. The problem is assessed by performing various clinical examinations and tests. A needle biopsy is performed to check the nature of the lump. Accordingly, the treatment is decided.
Overactive gland: If the gland secrets excessive hormones, then surgery is needed.
Depending on the nature of thyroid disease or the location of the thyroid lesion, any of the following methods is used:
Hemithyroidectomy: It is the removal of one lobe of the thyroid and the isthmus.
Total Thyroidectomy: It is the removal of the entire thyroid gland including both lobes and the isthmus.
Near Total Thyroidectomy: Occasionally, a very tiny amount of thyroid tissue is left after surgery. It is done to protect important structures that are very close to the thyroid gland.
In traditional surgery, an incision is made in front of the neck. But the scars are mildly noticeable. Dr. Athira Ramakrishnan assesses each case clinically based on an ultrasound scan and other diagnostic tests she gives an option for a keyhole surgery or “Endoscopic Thyroidectomy”. Many patients undergo this procedure on the thyroid gland without any complications every year. Dr. Athira is one of the best for Thyroidectomy in Bangalore. Visit Dr. Athira for the best thyroidectomy treatment and care.
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drmanastripathy · 2 years
FAQ related to Thyroid Surgery | Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout | Dr. Manas Tripathy
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In this Blog, Dr. Manas Tripathy, Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout answer some of the frequently asked questions about Thyroid Surgery.
Q. Which are the thyroid conditions considered for surgical treatment?
A. Some of the thyroid conditions like goiter, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, or thyroid nodule are treated with surgery. Depending upon the severity of the condition and part of the thyroid affected, thyroid surgery – Thyroidectomy (removal of partial or complete thyroid) is considered.
Q. When is the Surgery considered for treating thyroid conditions?
A. Surgery is considered when the patient starts experiencing any of the following situations due to thyroid conditions –
Obstructed airway
Difficulty in swallowing food
Advance cancer stage
Un-successful medical treatment
Q. How long is the hospital stay after Thyroid surgery?
A.  The patient stays in the recovery room following the surgery and is shifted to a normal room depending upon health status. The patient may be asked to stay in the hospital for a day or two and be discharged. Patient resumes the regular work from the next day of the surgery.
Q. When can the patient resume his normal life post-surgery?
A. Patients can resume their normal activities after returning home.  Strenuous activities like physical workouts/lifting heavy items/impactful sports etc should be started only after consultation with the surgeon during the review visit.
Q. What are the complications of thyroid surgery?
A. The complications experienced are –
Hoarseness in voice is experienced temporarily for some days.
In case of complete thyroid removal, the patient is prescribed thyroid hormone replacement therapy for a lifetime.
In case parathyroid glands are also removed along with the thyroid then calcium supplements are prescribed to maintain the calcium levels in the body.
Q. How long will the surgical pain last?
A. Like any procedure, the patient will experience discomfort and pain for some hours after thyroid surgery.  Analgesics will be prescribed for a few days to overcome the pain during the recovery period.
Q. What preparation should be done by patients for surgery?
A. Patients can do the following preparations for making the experience of the whole process of the surgical treatment a wonderful one.
Scheduling the surgery after discussing with the family members to ensure their availability and support in all means, during the recovery period.
Inform the close family friend and office team about the surgery & recovery period.
Follow the instructions given by the surgeon and nursing staff of the hospital and after discharge in relation to wound care, review visits, and post-surgery follow-up medication.
For further queries consult Dr. Manas Tripathy, Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout , Bangalore.
For more updates visit: www.drmanastripathy.com or reach us @ +91 8150000200
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aiimspatna · 2 years
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