#Papillary Thyroid cancer
skylerlovesyou · 2 months
help a disabled butch and their butch household out, if you feel inclined.
i’m on the low iodine diet right now to prepare for treatment, and it’s hell. i’m so ready to eat normal foods again.
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madhere · 11 months
Me today: I’ll be so productive today
Doctor’s office: The oncologist has an open spot today at the end of the day
Me: I’ll do nothing all day besides await for this ONE appointment!
(I had this joke in my head the entire day but was awaiting for the result before posting… I DON’T NEED RADIATION!!!!)
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4 months since my surgery and I thought I was doing good for some time. And then my health started declining rapidly. I tried to keep all the normal things I usually do, work out 5x a week, count calories, work, socialise, take care of my pets. But honestly I hardly have any energy. My body feels so unwell that I hardly make it through the day. I am having a really hard time adjusting to the thyroid hormone medicine and while I find the right dosage I have to cope with this version of myself. And I often find myself frustrated, wanting the energy to do everything and not feel exhausted. I am 26 for fuck sake, you know? I wanna live and I can't.
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atassociation12 · 6 months
The American Thyroid Association® (ATA) is the professional home for clinicians and researchers dedicated to thyroid health. Learn more and join us.
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delajoy · 2 months
E lá se foram 16 dias desde a cirurgia.
A primeira semana, o repouso é total. Não é ficar acamada, claro. Mas precisava ficar quietinha dentro de casa sem fazer qualquer tipo de esforço, resumindo, sofá e streaming de séries e filmes.
No 7ºdia voltei ao hospital para tirar e refazer o curativo. A segunda semana foi mais tranquila, já consegui cozinhar, organizar algumas coisas, mas ainda dentro de casa em tempo integral. E agora na terceira semana, voltei a trabalhar, home office ainda 😅 (em casa desse jeito, só na pandemia mesmo). Mas é bom e, é importante respeitar totalmente.
A recuperação tem sido boa!
É necessário seguir fazendo uma massagem sob a cicatriz 3 X ao dia por uns 5 minutos. E essa parte estou devendo, pois é a parte mais desconfortável. Preciso focar nisso.
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Para ajudar na cicatrização estou usando a fita Mepform, recebi as orientações no hospital no dia do curativo.
Esperando ansiosamente estar 100% 🙏🏻
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lady0mandy · 8 months
Good news! My lymph node scan came back normal. I'll still need the total thyroidectomy soon but I should be in the clear after that!
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ameliagiovanna0 · 6 months
Long story short, I was blindsided by a papillary thyroid cancer diagnosis two days ago. It's stage one and ridiculously treatable, but it's a hell of a thing to take in right now
Last week, I had surgery to remove the middle and right lobe of my thyroid because of some growing and uncomfortable nodules. Well, those nodules and the surrounding lymph nodes turned out to be cancerous.
I go back in for surgery on Jan 26 to have the rest of my thyroid (and cancer) removed. I have to wait for the swelling from my first surgery to subside before we do it again. Then, I start radioactive iodine therapy. I don't know what that entails yet. But I have a wonderful doctor and support system (aka my mom). I'm so thankful it was caught as early as it was. Not exactly how I wanted to spend 2024, but oh well.
Surgery, treatment, and post-op hormone regulation will probably be hell for a while. But eventually, I'll be fine. It's just a lot. Especially on top of already having six other chronic illnesses. Something tells me I'm going to be in for a rough ride for a while.
Even now, I had to tell my bosses, and saying "I have cancer" out loud feels so weird. I don't even know if it's sunk in yet. Granted, it's only been like 48 hours
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bad-blood-animal · 3 months
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Regarding the future of certain projects TLDR they are on hold due to my health
Hello everyone and good day/evening/night. Not that I'm super active on Tumblr anymore outside of my projects, but I figured I would explain that these projects are now on hold until further notice. My plan was to continue to translate SINo content. I have a few EoS character gacha messages finished, as well as some job/weapon stories. Summaries of Aoki's streams. Break down of lore exclusive to the JP server. Chapter 7 of Act of Desire nearly done for a few characters. I had planned to scan and maybe try to formulate a team to translate the official movie pamphlet and the light novel. I spent my time on Tumblr from the start of the game in JP gushing about this game, and it still means a lot to me, but in regards to editing, scanlating, translating, ect. It's gotta be on hold. Medical vent: For two years, I had drastic changes in my body. This included a cyst that needed to be surgically moved inside of my body. Eczema, suddenly, with no history of skin conditions. Hormonal changes. Two years of it being hard to swallow, my throat always hurting, and having a cracked voice. Two years of never having energy, always tired, constantly having throat and ear problems. A few weeks ago, I went to do a check-in in regards to the cyst removal almost two years ago. Apparently my thyroid had gotten so large that my doctor noticed right away. Blood work, ultra sounds, several tests later, we're looking at a papillary thyroid cancer diagnosis. It's a scary thing to hear, but it can be treated. Mine is contained to the thyroid. Sadly, I won't even be able to book my surgery until the end of April. This has understandably taken a toll on the ones close to me, so I ask that people who know my circle respect them. This is not the end or a goodbye from me. There's so much I want to do and share with you all, but it is beyond my capabilities for awhile. Thank you all for all the support over the years. This site from my dinky little preci0us m3tal days before SINo came out to now, to the people who supported my writing and art before I started tl projects. I thank all of you. Whether we are friends, followers, or just passerby's I got a lot of love and support over these years. I will be back better than ever soon. I will need a removal surgery of my thyroid first. I will share a few things I did manage to finish in the coming days [job/weapon story-wise].
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twinhearted · 6 months
ok i may or may not have concerned a few people with the last few posts so i'll elaborate.
i've had cancer since 2021. specifically papillary thyroid carcinoma, which is technically the "best" kind of cancer to get because treatment is usually easy, but it was almost deadly by the time they caught it, affecting around 40 of the lymph nodes in the surrounding area. after a very invasive surgery and radiation therapy i was in remission for awhile.
blood test results from a few months ago revealed a potential recurrence. last week i was at the hospital almost every day while they ran several exams trying to figure out what's going on. today i received the results of the tests: i have at least one very suspicious lymph node that needs an ultrasound and, if it turns out to be large enough, a biopsy. the lymph node wasn't concerning at all two months ago, when i last had an ultrasound.
so yeah, i technically am not confirmed to be out of remission, but it's the only explanation that medical professionals have come up with thus far. i am not doing very well, hence my recent joke posts and ask replies. i've had a lot of traumatizing experiences in my life and cancer is probably in my top 5.
thank you for your support, and i'm sorry to concern you guys.
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skylerlovesyou · 4 months
i got diagnosed with thyroid cancer yesterday, and i have mixed feelings about it.
usually i use my other blog to vent but i’m feeling the need for validation i guess
on one hand, it’s papillary thyroid cancer, it’s incredibly treatable and the prognosis is so close to 100% that i’m feeling like it’s silly to be scared about it.
on the other hand, it’s fucking cancer and it’s by the grace of whatever power fuels the universe that i found it when i did. i don’t know what my life’s gonna look like, but i know i’m gonna be really tired for a long time, and i already am chronically ill. i’m just already so exhausted and i’m gonna be having to recover from another surgery (i already had most of my thyroid taken out) and also adjusting to synthetic hormones that i’ll be on forever. i’ve already done a lot of grieving for my abled body, so that part isn’t unfamiliar. i just forget a lot of the time that i’m allowed to be upset about this.
i’m gonna have to do the surgery, and the treatment, and it’s gonna suck and i’m gonna have next to no money from the time i’m going to have to take off work. it’s a lot. i’m 21. i’m overwhelmed.
thank god i have the best friends in the fucking universe because i don’t know what it would be like right now if i didn’t.
anyways, at least i’m gonna get a sick ass butterfly tattoo on my chest after this is all over. (the thyroid is a beautiful gland in ur neck that looks like a butterfly) that’s gonna be sick as hell.
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chxckens · 8 months
they biopsied some lymph nodes in my neck today which wasn't fun. they suspect a recurrence of my papillary thyroid carcinoma. if that's true, then i'd have two active cancers- this one as well as the metastatic adrenal cancer. who else out there is doing it like me!!!
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cherrylicious-dreams · 10 months
how did you find out you had cancer?
Um so I don't know how to explain it but I felt like something was not right with my body. I had some weird symptoms that I thought were caused by anxiety, like having difficulty swallowing pills, really big mood swings, skin rashes and oh non anxiety related I gained weight even though I was active regularly and was counting calories etc. So I decided to go for a regular check up, I had blood drawn and everything was normal, but I was still feeling weird and went for a thyroid ultrasound and my doctor saw something weird, asked me to go get a biopsy to check it out and well two days later I got an email saying I had cancer. The weirdest thing was the hormone that was supposed to show signs that I had cancer was completely normal, so if I didn't get that biopsy I wouldn't know and I could've find out too late.
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reynanghugot · 9 months
[23:19PM] Kamusta na nga ba ako? It's been weeks since the last time na nag life update ako. Siguro nga sobrang dami kong pinagdadaanan lately. Sabay-sabay. Hindi ko alam saan mag po-pause, saan titigil, saan mag tutuloy-tuloy.
Kung mutuals tayo sa ibang soc med alam niyo hindi talaga ako okay and thank you for checking on me from time to time. Sabi ko nga sa inyo diba, ako pa ba? Kayang kaya ko 'to.
01. Work Update - yun na nga. I'm still an active employee and yet wala pa kong resignation na naipapasa dahil sa di ko alam kanino ipapasa as usual LOA pa din ang tagging ko sa work.
02. School Update - as usual, consistent president's lister tayo mare. I am working so hard na maka graduate talaga on time and di magka problema next academic year. Di pa ko enrolled pero that's okay, extended naman. Ewan ko, may takot din kasi sa end ko pero kaya ko 'to, ako pa ba?
03. Health Update - nakakatakot, nakakaba. Blood test nanaman next month to check my cancer eme sa katawan ko if mag zi-zero siya since nag RAI ako last month. Yung stress, yung anxiety di ko maiwasan pero shempre kayang kaya ko 'to, ako pa ba?
04. Family Update - mom got sick to the point na nahihirapan siya maglakad (so far, mejo okay na but still tuloy-tuloy pa din ang pagpapa gamot niya), tapos yung isang kapatid ng lola ko namatay (isa sa pinaka close sa family namin) due to papillary thyroid carcinoma which is same sa sakit ko. Alarming? Yes sobra, kasi nasa family talaga namin yung sakit ng cancer and acceptance is really the key aside from healthy living nalang para maiwasan. Despite ng mga problema na yan, happy and proud din ako kasi yung brother ko ga-graduate with Latin Honor. Yes, Magna Cumlaude and sobrang proud na proud ako sa kanya.
05. Relationship Update - kami pa din, walang bago. eme!
Ayun lang naman, sana okay lang kayo. If nahihirapan din kayo sa life minsan laban lang! Baka di lang para satin yung araw. Baka sinusubok lang tayo. Baka bukas okay na uli. Kaya wag susuko. Aja!
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myhealingera · 3 months
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Two weeks after this photo was taken, I received a phone call that nobody ever wants to receive.
I was dealing with a slew of health issues: an inability to lose weight, hair loss, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue so intense that getting out of bed felt like a miracle, and severe brain fog. My joints were in so much pain that I found myself using a heating pad for most of the day.
I consulted my aunt, who is a pediatrician, and she reviewed my recent blood work. She observed that my TSH levels were consistently borderline high, often surpassing the normal threshold. Encouraged by her insight, I visited my OBGYN and shared my symptoms. She ordered hormone testing and referred me to a rheumatologist, given that lupus runs in my family. The results indicated elevated TSH, DHEA, and C-reactive protein levels.
I then saw a remarkable rheumatologist who conducted over 120 tests. All came back normal except for my thyroid antibodies, and I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hands. Around this time, my neck began to swell, feeling as though something was stuck in my throat. My primary care physician scheduled an ultrasound, which revealed swelling in my neck and a lymph node, and identified a nodule or "ectopic" tissue.
Returning to my primary care doctor, I was told my lab results were normal and advised to follow up in a year, despite continuing to experience swollen lymph nodes and being told that the neck nodule was unrelated to the swelling. At this point had been to urgent care 3 times, completed 3 rounds of steroids, a z-pack, and tested negative for mono, Covid, and strep.
Despite my tendency to avoid conflict, something felt off, and I knew I wasn't okay.
I requested a referral to an endocrinologist, which I received, but they couldn't see me until after Christmas. Not wanting to wait, I found another endocrinologist who could see me on Halloween. At my first appointment, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. She ordered a biopsy "to be safe," emphasizing that a finding warrants investigation. Even at the hospital for my biopsy, the PA questioned its necessity given my primary care's advice to wait a year.
On 12/22, my endocrinologist informed me that the biopsy results were suspicious for thyroid carcinoma. I returned on 1/5 to discuss the findings.
They had sent my sample for Afirma testing, a genetic test for medullary thyroid cancer, due to the unusual results and the aggressive nature of the potential cancer.
I was then referred to an ENT, who suspected the nodule might actually be a lymph node. A CT scan confirmed this suspicion, revealing a lymph node suspicious for thyroid cancer, yet with no nodules on my thyroid itself.
The decision was made to remove the lymph node, with intraoperative pathology consultation to decide whether to also remove the thyroid.
On 2/24, the lymph node was removed, but pathology was indeterminate, leading to the decision not to remove the thyroid.
The following week, I was informed that my results had been sent to a larger university hospital for further analysis and a second opinion, an ominous sign according to my ENT.
Ultimately, it was confirmed as papillary thyroid cancer that had begun to metastasize to the lymph nodes, indicating occult thyroid cancer, typically undetected until it spreads to the lymph nodes. Likely, there are microcarcinomas on my thyroid undetectable by imaging. Thus, another surgery is required.
My complete thyroidectomy is scheduled for 4/24.
Honestly, none of this truly sank in until I received a call from the hospital's oncology department to schedule a radiation consultation for post-surgery RAI treatment.
It’s been an incredibly tough start to the year, to say the least.
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Learn about the different types of thyroid cancer, including papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic. Explore this comprehensive guide to gain insights into the diverse nature of thyroid cancer.
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