biodiversityday · 1 year
Inspire global actions towards the International Day for Biological Diversity 2023 on May 22nd.
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Get the International Day of Biodiversity 2023 communication and campaign materials!
22 May, The International Day for Biological Diversity has gained global prominence through the efforts of the United Nations, governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, non-governmental organizations and concerned individuals. Each has highlighted their innovative solutions to the biodiversity crisis to the forefront of global conversations on sustainable development.
Although every Biodiversity Day carries its own special significance, this year’s global celebrations bring with it a renewed sense of hope with the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP 15.
United Nations Biodiversity
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librarycard · 1 year
the funniest thing that ever happened in the post2020 supernatural fandom was the movement arguing that headcanoning sam as trans was transmisogynistic
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jenneysacademy · 1 year
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22 May - International Day for Biological Diversity
International Day for Biological Diversity is observed on 22 May every year to increase awareness and understanding of the issues of biodiversity. 
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#BiodiversityDay #BiologicalDiversityMatters #ProtectBiodiversity #CelebrateNature #SustainableFuture #ConservationEfforts #biodiversity #BuildBackBiodiversity #AgreementToAction #KMGBF #HarmonyWithNature #30by30 #ForNature #ActionDecade #post2020 #jenneysacademy #catering #hotelmanagement #cateringandhotelmanagement #trichy #cateringcollege #JAHM
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canhochungcu123 · 1 year
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Top 5 du an can ho chung cu TPHCM chuan bi mo ban 2023
Top 5 dự án căn hộ chung cư TPHCM chuẩn bị mở bán 2023  
Sau một khoảng thời gian dài im lặng, cuối cùng thị trường bất động sản cũng phục hồi và đang có những tín hiệu tích cực. Có thể có nhiều chủ sở hữu đầu tư sẵn sàng chuyển tiền cho các dự án chung cư từ phân khúc trung cấp đến cao cấp. Tại bài viết này, chúng tôi đã tổng hợp top 5 dự án căn hộ chung cư TPHCM đang mở bán đến năm 2023. Hầu hết các dự án này đều sở hữu một vị trí vô cùng đắc địa và đến từ những chủ đầu tư uy quyền hang đầu tại Việt Nam. Hãy cùng theo dõi nội dung bên dưới để xem đó là những dự án nào và nên mua, bán căn hộ TPHCM nào?
Chung cư Glory Heights - Vinhomes Grand Park
Chung cư The Crest Residence
Chung cư 9X An Sương - Hóc Môn
Chung cư Elysian Lò Lu Quận 9
Chung cư Avatar Thủ Đức
Xem tiếp bài viết: https://bds123.vn/top-5-du-an-can-ho-chung-cu-tphcm-dang-mo-ban-2023-post2020.html
#bds123 #blogbds123 #banchungcu #chungcutphcm #canhotphcm #muabancanhotphcm
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hobingetik · 5 years
ada banyak mimpi yang terpaksa dilebur dan dikubur, karena logika sadar bahwa segalanya sangat tidak mungkin.
ada banyak harap yang sengaja dimatikan, karena sadar kapasitas diri cuma manusia biasa.
memilih untuk mengikuti arus, berjalan sesuai mau takdir, karena sudah berulang kali sakit dan kecewa dengan keyakinan dan ekspektasi yang telah dibangun.
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sapphos-bee · 4 years
New things to ask companies and colleges at an interview:
How did you respond to the Covid19 pandemic?
How did you respond to the Black Lives Matter protests in May/June 2020?
These will be sure to tell you a lot about the company's, or College's, values and how they treat and accomadate staff/students
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for-ever-hiraeth · 4 years
Was will ich? Wohin will ich? Und vor allem warum? Ich will nicht mehr die ganze Zeit konsumieren, ich will kreieren, ich will beitragen. Aber das dunkle, miese Geheimnis und die größte Unsicherheit ist meine eigene Überzeugung, dass ich dazu nicht in der Lage bin. Und das ist das Problem. Ich sehe mich nicht als erfolgreich, ich würde es aber gerne sein. Ich bin durchschnittlich schlau (glaube ich zumindest) aber ich wäre gerne schlauer. Ich wäre gerne die Überfliegerin. Die, die alles auf der halben Arschbacke hinbekommt und dabei noch aussieht, wie frisch aus der Maske. Ich will Expertin sein, in meinem eigenen Feld. In meinem, ganz allein. Doch ist das Feld die Blumenwiese im Süden, in der ich alleine umher tanzen möchte, oder ist es das noch nicht erkundete Polarfeld im Norden? Oder beides? Oder nichts von alledem. Ich weiß es nicht, aber ich will es. Und weil ich es nicht weiß, will ich keine Arbeit investieren. Ich will keinen Schweiß vergießen, für eine Sache, die noch keine Bezeichnung hat. Ich will mich nicht strecken für das oberste Regalbrett, denn es könnte Staub herunterfallen. Ich will mich nicht darum scheren, was andere denke und Ihnen doch ganz doll gefallen. Ach ja und währenddessen verändert sich alles konstant. Die Welt rastet kurz aus und alle schwören sich, dass es danach anders wird. Dass wir wieder mehr aufeinander Acht geben und uns nicht mehr aus den Augen und Umarmungen lassen. Dass jeder Mensch jeden Sonnenstrahl genießt und wir im Ringelrein durch den Regen tanzen und dabei einen großen Kreis bilden! Einmal um die ganze Welt! Und wenn wir die Kette schließen, dann wird plötzlich alles gut. Weltfrieden. Klima. Demokratie und Kapitalismus. Das wird alles ganz anders. Und doch ist da diese Nostalgie, diese Sehnsucht nach dem Alten. Der Ordnung, die es vorher anscheinend gab und die Strukturen, die uns Halt gaben in unserem Hamsterrad. Komisch, nicht wahr? Doch wusste ich vorher nicht wohin und währenddessen nicht warum und danach werde ich immer noch nicht wissen, was ich denn nun wirklich will.
E.A., Mai 2020
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reportwire · 2 years
California man pleads guilty in post-2020 election bombing plot
California man pleads guilty in post-2020 election bombing plot
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A California man pleaded guilty Friday to plotting to blow up the state Democratic Party’s headquarters in what prosecutors said was the first in a planned series of politically-motivated attacks after the defeat of former President Donald Trump. Ian Benjamin Rogers, 46, of Napa, pleaded guilty to conspiring to destroy a building by fire or explosives, possessing an explosive…
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heavybubble · 3 years
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Due to COVID our building is not open to the Public for POST in person visits. Please check with the individual artists to set up an appointment for a personal studio visit.
Stay safe, wear your mask, get vaccinated and maybe we can all see eachother for a festive POST in October.
Thank you for you understanding.
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stellauntalan · 3 years
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Due to COVID our building is not open to the Public for POST in person visits. Please check with the individual artists to set up an appointment for a personal studio visit.
Stay safe, wear your mask, get vaccinated and maybe we can all see eachother for a festive POST in October.
Thank you for you understanding.
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thewealthrace · 4 years
Defining the Post-2020 NextGen Consumer
Defining the Post-2020 NextGen Consumer
With the events of 2020 as our backdrop, we set out to capture how people are seeking happiness and wellbeing today, and how this is driving new behavior and expectations towards brands. Our approach combined a mix of methodologies to produce a unique view of the post-2020 consumer. Our in-house Culture + Trends team, along with our leading-edge Illume Network and global Advisory Board, have…
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boklysten · 4 years
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Mer läsning med posten idag! Senaste numret av Antik & Auktion #post2020 #tidningspost #antikochauktion #nr1 #2021 #boklysten #boklystenpirjo https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0keZ8pvW2/?igshid=5hynk528knsu
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marcogiovenale · 4 years
luca maria patella, "sotto il pino", per "che fare? / what is to be done?", r.a.m. 3 aprile 2020
luca maria patella, “sotto il pino”, per “che fare? / what is to be done?”, r.a.m. 3 aprile 2020
LUCA MARIA PATELLA Sotto il Pino, 03/04/2020, Roma. Contributo #25 dal progetto Che fare ? / What Is To Be Done? di RAM radioartemobile a cura di Cecilia Casorati, regia di Karolina Liusikova e Luca Vitiello.
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Che fare ? / What Is To Be Done?
Quando l’arte non si fa vedere, si fa sentire.
Questa semplice frase riassume in maniera compiuta il senso…
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hobingetik · 5 years
Tuhan, aku ingin menyerah dari semua ini.
Menyudahi segala yang aku tahu belum sempat aku selesaikan.
Tuhan, aku mengaku lemah dan kalah pada banyaknya kejadian yang harus aku hadapi.
Aku juga tahu, bahwa sudah terlalu banyak kecewa yang kutebar pada mereka yang mengharapkanku.
Tapi aku sadar, aku sudah tidak lagi mampu rasanya menjalani semua.
Aku sadar tak punya bekal apa-apa untuk menghadapmu, tapi terkadang menurutku jalan terbaik bagiku ya dengan menghadap-Mu.
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gammm-org · 4 years
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chalk mirror displacement / robert smithson. 1969
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elliotconnor · 4 years
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I spent the weekend putting together the first of a mini-doco series which will explore some of the fascinating items in my natural history collections. 🔎 Please take a look, and let me know what you think of it. Hopefully, I'll get a new episode out every week from now on, so make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel for updates... https://youtu.be/7xXTM3FhlHg #4EverWild, #humannatureprojects, #NatureNeedsYou, #youthforourplanet, #forestiscalling, #chimpchamps, #RememberEarth, #Biodiversity2020, #Post2020, #findyouwild, #CoalitionWILD, #youth4biodiversity, #youth4post2020, #IamGYBN, #naturesrights, #RightsofNature, #LostandFound, #NatureForAll, #biodiversity, #animals, #conservation, #Earth, #green, #animalrights, #nature, #wildlife, #environment, #climatechange, #sustainability, #landscape, #photography, #eco, #naturenow, #BBCWildlifePOTD #safariLIVE #tamroncreates, #Attenborough, #OurPlanet, #Documentary, #film, #naturalhistory, #PlanetEarth, #CabinetofCuriosities (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAW9Uv7gHHB/?igshid=mefbv1wl6jp2
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