#posting rules
flufftober · 9 months
Asks from the main post
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@furoruisa, it's a maze cut out of a cornfield and often created for fairs or special festivities. You can often see these in movies or TV shows, especially during the Halloween season. If you google it I'm sure you'll find some great examples, but just to give you an idea:
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source and source
Hope this helps 😊
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@jinxxlyricc (hope you'll see this, tumblr won't let me tag you) yes, absolutely - just make sure it fits any of our prompts and just post it on the 31st. It could even fit the prompt of that day - I mean, going out to do trick or treating is certainly a dream come true for most kids, right? 😉
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Codywan Remix Challenge: POSTING INFORMATION
Hi, Remixers!
We’re getting close to posting day and you know what that means: time to go over the steps to posting your remix! 
When to Post: 
Posting occurs on Monday, Sept. 5th. Everyone posts on the fifth!
Where to Post: 
You can post pretty much anywhere you want, as long as your remixee (and the mods) can see the fic. However! There’s an ao3 collection set up for the event: CodywanRemixChallenge. You’re welcome to post to the collection, which will open on September 5th (most likely, it'll open late Sept 4th to make sure everyone can post when they want). 
You can also post here on tumblr! If you do, please tag and notify the event, so we can be sure that you completed your remix. 
How to Post: 
When posting on Tumblr, please include:
A rating
Any major archive warnings 
The name of your remixee
A link to the fic you’re remixing
The tag for the event (codywan remix challenge 2022)
A shout-out to the event @codywanremixchallenge (so mods and your remixee can find your remix) 
You can include any other information you find pertinent, as well. PLEASE @ both your remixee and the event. We don't want to miss your story!
Additionally, if you post on AO3 (and we hope you do) please:
Gift your fic to your remixee
Mark your fic as inspired by the remixee’s original 
List the name of your remixee and the name of the fic you remixed 
Use archive warnings and rate the fic
Post to the collection
If you have any questions about these processes, please reach out to us.
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baziutawrites · 2 years
hey just a friendly tip, don’t tag oc stories in x reader or x y/n bc a lot of people will just skip over it and not read it and some find it aggravating :( /nm /lh
Thank you for your input, babez! ❤️ Will correct them asap, sorry for the mistake.
If any of you have some other insight, please feel free to message me cuz I'm not quite fluent in tumblr and people's preferences here. 🙏
EDIT: 💪 Allright, did the thing. If u notice I missed some, let me know.
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emo-56 · 1 year
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garf :3 💜💙
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despazito · 11 months
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Adult website and period tracker
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DEVASTATING the lyric you've been mishearing is better than the real one
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spitblaze · 3 months
I don't see people gas up gnc and butch transfems nearly enough, can we get a fuckin round of applause for gnc and butch transfems
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a few of these i had lying around. idk
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mega-gaymer-party · 1 year
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bisclavaret · 1 year
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a day late to my 6 years on t anniversary ✨🏳️‍⚧️ a short comic about looking back
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flufftober · 1 year
would you still reblog works that combine prompts?
Yeah, absolutely 😊
What we do in these cases is to reblog on the earliest day you used. So let's say you combined days 5, 18, and 27, then we'll reblog on day 5 and leave a note in our form that your entry also goes for days 18 and 27. If you post that fic earlier than day 5, we'll schedule it to be posted on day 5 and once again leave a note in our form.
Hope this answered your question 😊
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skyberia · 8 months
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workarounds to having a vampire as your partner in crime
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demigods-posts · 2 months
the biggest thing thalia and percy have in common is not their being a child of the big three gods. but their unmatched adoration for annabeth chase. because listen. these two will fight each other any chance they get. but the second you speak ill on their girl. it's on sight.
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bixels · 15 days
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It's crazy how Dungeon Meshi's manga can feel more cinematic and emotional than the anime to me, even when they're practically the same. Compared to the anime, this moment is such a heartbreaking gut-drop. The way Kui uses negative space and flat compositions to create a sense of horrific stillness is so key.
The way the text (Senshi's monologue) is sequestered to an empty corner of a panel or huddled away from the edge of its text box is not only a great way of showing Senshi's headspace (fearful, isolated, dissociating), but creates a visual representation of pause, as if you hold your breathe after each line. The first panel puts us directly in Senshi's perspective too (compared to in the anime, which puts us as an outside observer over Senshi's shoulder). The detail of the door and bricks so effectively implies that he stared at it for so long, waiting and hoping, that its image is burned in his memory. The wood grain, the brick arch, the number of rivets. The lack of dialogue in the second panel shows a moment of realization too –– "he's dead" (also a great example of the Kuleshov effect). And it's that pause that creates a beat and sets a great rhythm to his headspace, like a music rest: "He never came back." (oh god.) "I'm all alone." Finally, the third panel's negative space, cropping Senshi, shows how truly alone he feels. Without his family, the world ceases to exists. Under shock, he traps himself in a 1-foot radius, too scared to even perceive a world outside its boundaries; a world that can hurt him, kill him, make him disappear with it. There is only his body, the stone beneath his feet and against his back, his thoughts, and that awful bowl of soup.
Even though they're a series of flat images, there's an implicit reading of silence in Senshi's realization and horror. Kui influences your experience to slow down and take your time.
Compare this to the anime, which fills every shot with dialogue. The pacing is fast; we never get to sit in silence like we do with the manga. The horizontal frame allowed the boarders to add Senshi, turning the composition into an over-the-shoulder shot, which takes us out of Senshi's POV. They also added a zoom-out in shot one, which adds unnecessary energy to a very somber scene. The tightening on Senshi as a close-up reaction shot also dulls the moment. In the original panel, Senshi stares ahead at the empty space to his left as a shadow surrounds his mind. It not only shows how Senshi's senses are dulling and his world is shrinking (setting up panel three), but shows how terrified Senshi is of what's in front of him, how the air itself becomes pitch black and opaque, how Senshi is surrendering himself to fear. The pacing is understandable and necessary; this episode packed a lot of story content together. It's just a shame because it really (imo) deflated one of the most nauseating moments in Dungeon Meshi.
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Hot take maybe but I think Bertie would be FAR more likely to survive the first two months of Dracula than Jeeves would be. Bertie has a healthy sense of self-preservation. Jeeves consistently underestimates how dangerous a situation might get (Steeple Bumpleigh, the club book) because he’s overconfident about his level of control over any given situation. He'd handle Dracula masterfully if they faced off in England, but on Dracula's home turf? Much more doubtful.
I realize this might be a tough sell, so I will explain further (or it's not a tough sell, and I'm going to explain further because I want to). (criteria taken from @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula) Without further ado.
Would Jeeves and Wooster survive Castle Dracula?
Jeeves' survival will depend on how long Dracula finds him more entertaining than irritating. On that basis, I don't think he's long for this world. On the one hand, he has a huge wealth of knowledge about English society and culture that he can recite perfectly from memory. That should buy him at least a little time with noted teaboo Dracula.
On the other hand, he would be absolutely no fun as a vampire plaything. Jeeves cannot be got. Sneaking up on him while he's shaving will yield zero reaction (though that's at least good for his short-term survival--given that, although he DID take the crucifix from the old woman out of politeness, he certainly isn't going to wear it. The rules of fashion don't go out the window just because you're in a spooky castle). Then, although managing the whims of rich jerks is not an insignificant part of a valet's job, Jeeves usually does this by bending his employers to his will. Dracula is not the sort of employer this will work on. It'll just add insult to injury when on top of being impossible to scare, NOW Jeeves is telling Dracula that his favorite cloak is several centuries out of fashion and he's not allowed to wear it anymore.
Jeeves will 100% go exploring in the areas he was told not to go-- though to be fair, he MIGHT actually get away with this, what with his superpower of appearing in rooms without being seen or heard. Said superpower might save him from the brides as well (though this is by no means guaranteed). Since I find it doubtful that Dracula would come to rescue his annoying ass, not being noticed is his best defense.
There are a couple other things working in Jeeves's favor; the question is just whether they'll be enough to save him.
He DOES know shorthand, and could try to send coded letters. He might even have the foresight to squirrel away some extra stationary where Dracula can't find it. But could he get them posted? Would it even do him any good?
He certainly has enough cultural literacy to figure out what his new boss is pretty quickly. If he didn't chuck the crucifix out the carriage window, he might start carrying it around in his pocket.
Psychology of the individual, sure, but the individual in question is a 400-year-old vampire who lives in an isolated castle in a foreign country and is regarded as a terrifying mythological figure in the surrounding villages. Jeeves has never come up against anything this alien before, he's cut off from his normal resources, and opportunities to play people against each other are limited.
He probably has enough upper body strength from all that shrimping and fishing to climb the wall, so he COULD escape if he wanted to, if he survived long enough. It's just, again, that overconfidence, and also Dracula has a vast library full of rare old books that are entirely at his disposal. He's keeping his eyes and ears alert for potential escape strategies, of course, but I don't see him being as desperate to get out as Jonathan was.
There are just a lot of "depends on"s here, and I'm not convinced that luck would shake out in Jeeves's favor, all things considered.
Bertie is so perfect for the job of Castle Dracula Prisoner it's like it was made for him. Think about it. Being held against his will in big manor houses comes more naturally to him than breathing. He's afraid of things that are scary. A lifetime of dealing with Aunt Agatha has made him the world's preeminent expert in "curl[ing] up in a ball in the hope that a meek subservience [will] enable [him] to get off lightly." He will NEVER go exploring in places he's been warned away from if nobody is forcing him to (Rev. Aubrey Upjohn's office notwithstanding. There were biscuits in there). He's both fun to talk to and easy to toy with (and extremely English). A+ prisoner. Dracula adores him.
In my opinion, Bertie is at Castle Dracula either because Aunt Agatha got some wires seriously crossed and thinks he’s going to meet an eligible potential bride (I mean, there are certainly brides there), or because Dracula has something Aunt Dahlia wants him to steal (far less likely, given that one of Dracula’s THINGS is famously not owning anything silver). Either way, he's shown himself entirely willing and able to escape down drainpipes if a sitch gets too scaly.
He DOES take the crucifix, and DOES wear it (which is what will save him during the shaving scene, because you KNOW he's going to jump a foot and cut himself like the dickens). He's read enough supernatural goosefleshers to be genre savvy about terrified old women cryptically pushing crucifixes into one's hands. I also think his sunny disposish endeared him to the villagers, and they were particularly vehement about urging him not to go. He doesn't speak German or Romanian, but he's empathetic enough to recognize Pure Terror. So by the time he actually gets to the castle, his imagination is already running wild and he's plenty aware that he is in imminent danger.
I think the biggest risk to Bertie will be the brides; whether or not he's susceptible to trances, if he thinks they're trying to marry him, it's against the code of the Woosters to turn them down. But that only becomes an issue if he comes face to face with them, which, luckily, I think is unlikely on account of the aforementioned "won't go exploring" (and if he did, Dracula would definitely rescue him).
I'm inclined to say due to his drainpipe-escape habits that he WOULD be able to climb the wall and MAY attempt to sneak into Dracula's room to look for the keys if his desperation grows to outweigh his fear. Whether he does or not, though, he does NOT have the stomach to attempt shovel murder, and therefore won't get magic brain fever, and may very well simply walk out the front doors when the people come to take the boxes away. OR he climbs his way out like Jonathan did. Either way.
When Bertie tells this story at the Drones later, Tuppy will say that no doubt it's been greatly exaggerated and all that probably happened was that he spent a couple months in an oldish house entertaining a weird loner.
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mintybreakfast · 10 months
I'm breaking at least two of my rules right now.
But that song is actually pretty good. It should bring people together. That's my hope anyway.
Rose colored glasses
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