#posts this at like 10 pm when everyones asleep lol
1moreff-creator · 7 days
DRDT Rulebreakers!
It has come to my attention that MonoTV seems to be lacking in its responsibilities as a killing game host, in particular regarding the punishment of vile, despicable rulebreakers. Apparently, it’s willing to let breaches of rules go if they’re, quote, “funny.” This is unacceptable.
So, since I was rewatching DRDT for other purposes anyways, I decided to make a list of every participant who’s broken a rule so far. You’d be surprised at how many there are, given there are only three rules they can break. “No violence against MonoTV”, “no sleeping outside the dorms during nighttime,” and “no significant property damage outside of murder.” And yet, all of them have been broken at least once. Here are all the instances of this happening.
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Rule Number 5: “Nighttime” is from 10 pm to 8 am. During nighttime, sleeping outside of the dorms is prohibited.
Rulebreaker: Rose
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To the surprise of no one, I imagine. If I’d given you three guesses as to who broke this one, your guesses should have been “Rose, Rose and Rose a third time.” Indeed, Ms Lacroix takes the dubious honor of being the first person to break a rule after the students were given their monopads. As in, she literally breaks the rule in the scene the rules are handed out, in CH1 EP2. Right after the nighttime announcement, she falls asleep while standing. For shame.
Thin Ice: Ace
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(Ignore the numbers)
I mean. Top right does say nighttime, and he is in fact sleeping. I feel like we could forgive him for this one given the situation, but I suppose it’s up to the jury.
Rule Number 6: Violence towards MonoTV is prohibited.
Rulebreakers: Levi, Arei
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Levi is the only person who actually got punished for breaking a rule, and that’s especially funny considering he is the only one who did it before the rules were actually presented to the students lol.
Arei, meanwhile, has no excuse. While strangling a robot that doesn’t require air to breathe is a generally unadvisable as a genuine method of inflicting harm, it’s still very much violence against MonoTV. I actually can see no reason why she wouldn’t be punished for this. I guess she must be the mastermind! /j
Thin Ice: Nico, Charles, J
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Nico holding MonoTV by the tail wasn’t an inherently violent act, but it still could cause harm.
Charles, in a twist of fate, got jumped by MonoTV, which isn’t a violation in itself. However, if he fought back at all… it’s curtains. Unconfirmed, but possible violation, hence he’s on thin ice.
Finally, J didn’t actually attack MonoTV in a way that matters, but she basically attempted to murder it with her remote. Watch it, young lady.
Rule Number 7: Significant property damage is prohibited. This rule may be waived in the case of committing a murder.
Rulebreakers: Teruko, Xander, Whit
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Teruko: Could anyone use this to commit a murder? The materials these things are made out of are really cheap. This hammer is plastic. Oops. I already broke it...
Whit: Jeez, you trip and faceplant into the wall once and [Charles] will never let you forget it.
Whit is the latest student to be confirmed a vile rulebreaker, and as you might expect, the reason this post exists. He admitted to face-planting on the computer lab wall, and MonoTV admitted it only let it slide because it was funny. This implies the rule was broken, meaning even small things like that count as “significant” property damage.
And with that, we can confirm Xander as a rulebreaker too. No surprise, he’s the Ultimate Rebel for a reason. He actually has multiple counts of breaking this rule, with the elevator doors, but the most straightforward case is the table he broke while arm-wrestling Ace.
Finally, we have Teruko, who has broken this rule in more situations than just one. I chose her breaking the plastic hammer provided to everyone (CH1 EP1) because it’s the most straightforward, but there’s also the icing gun which breaks in her hands when baking cake in CH1, possibly a plate later in the same scene, and probably more. See, this is why Xander was in the righ-
Thin Ice: Ace's Attacker/Nico
(Aka whoever actually broke the fan)
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(I could get images without numbers. I'm not going to)
This one's an interesting grey area. The property damage rule can be waived "in the case of committing a murder," but what about attempted murder? Since the murder wasn't successful, should the person who broke the fan be punished for it? Up to interpretation.
And that’s as far as it goes (unless I missed something which I most likely did). So, while Ace, J, Charles, Nico, and maybe the Ace attacker (if they’re not just Nico) are all on thin ice, Rose, Levi, Arei, Teruko, Xander, and Whit, are all rulebreakers! And are hereby BANNED from the DAYCA-
Wrong fandom sorry.
These six are all rulebreakers, and are thus liable for execution and/or mastermind allegations. Do with this information what you will.
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THE ABC’S OF YOU (ty for the tag, @romanarose ❤️[sorry for the late reply lol i worked all weekend 😭])
Age - 30s (trust me, that's all you need to know lol)
Bed Size - queen
Cat names - don't have any cats. am sadly allergic 😢
Dog names- my puppy's name is Hazel, but if i had named her on my own it'd probably be something nerdy like Hermione or Princess Leia.
Essential start of your day- COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Favorite color - depends on the day lol. either green or blue.
Ghosts exist - nah.
Height - 5'8"
Instrument you played in school - i played the piano for 5 minutes when i was 16, does that count?
Kids- none. don't want any either, my sister's kids are enough lol.
Mood- idk...stuck? not sure how to describe it tbh.
Night Owl - i used to be but i get up too early for that now and am usually asleep by like 11:30 these days lmao 😭
Overnight Hospital stay - when i had my gallbladder removed 10 years ago, my heart rate was high and they couldn't figure out why so they kept me for like a fucking week. they never did figure it out, i pm just told them i was leaving. 🙄 (fyi, my PCP did figure it out tho. i had an overactive thyroid lol).
Pet peeve - lol i have many, but the only ones i can think of rn are: when someone asks me a question from across the room and then says 'HUH????' in the middle of my response and i have to repeat myself; when someone is in the same room as me and will just randomly talk to me without saying my name or asking if i'm in the middle of something bc they assume i'm just sitting there listening to them the entire time apparently (both of these happen at work regularly and it drives me fucking insane).
Quiet time hobby - podcasts, writing, reading, playing video games badly.
Right or Left handed - righty.
Siblings - one older sister.
Top 2 TV - of all time i'm assuming? weird that it's only 2 lol. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and LOST (if i could add a third, it'd be Firefly).
Vacation- i went to St. Augustine last year for the first time. it was so fun, i love seeing old shit 🥰
Worst day of the week- monday 😭
XBox or PS4- lol can tell this is old. PS5. 😜 (i do have an xbox too i just haven't used it in a while)
Yummy food you like- i have an addiction to chips. specifically pringles and baked lay's.
Zoo favorites - i love the big cats, they're so gorgeous. also elephants, but they're not usually at zoos lol.
Start a new post or Reblog, and tag your friends!
I think Romana already tagged everyone I'd think to tag so lol imma abstain. But please feel free to do this and tag me in it! 🥰💖
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kingintodreams · 6 years
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my miku calendar reminded me that its mikus birthday!! here’s her in her Ribbon Girl outfit
if you like my work consider supporting me through ko-fi!
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softearfquake · 3 years
TW- Sexual scenes, Explicit language, Mentions of cheating
Pairing- Boyfriend!Hyunjin x Female!reader x Bestfriend!Yeonjun
Word Count- 2,209
A/n- I wanted the narrator to kind of have their own thoughts so there are some times where they put their own views/opinions???? Let me know if i should do a pt. 2 and give me feedback. I wanna know what i can improve in since it’s my first fan fiction. Thank you and enjoy! <3
A/n || 04/21/22- okay so i came back to reread my first ff and edited a few things that could have been written better or that had grammar mistakes. i truly apologize for not making a pt. 2 i genuinely wrote this bc it just popped up in my head and it was secretly one of my daydream fantasies lol. so i didn’t really have anything in mind for pt 2 and i still don’t. if i ever do i will post if immediately. i’m still active on here but i’m too lazy to update my recs list ;(
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You loved him. The way he looked. The way he talked. The way he would make you feel warm and tingly when he kissed you. The way you would do stupid things just to see him laugh and smile. The way he would always keep a cabinet filled with your favorite snacks. The way he would caress your hair till you fell asleep. The way he would always come to your shows and make time in his schedule for you. The way he would always praise you and show you off to everyone. The way he would always tell you that he loved you every morning and night. He made you happy. But not right now all he made you feel right now was betrayal and sadness. How could he? Did he ever love you? How long has he been doing this for? What did you do wrong? Was it because you didn't give him enough love? Attention? What was it? What was it that she had that you didn't? Is it because she's prettier? Or because you always gave more time towards your fans than him? Was it because of that one time you had gone out to the movies with Yeonjun without telling him first? You just didn’t understand why.
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It was 10:15 pm, and your choreographer, Son Sungdeuk said that you could go home early and practice more tomorrow. You got changed and put your dance clothes in your duffle bag and left. You went to your car and got in. You looked at your phone:
Hyunjin ❤️
9:21 pm
I miss you :(
10:17 pm
I miss you too :(. I’m on my way right now though! Sungdeuk-oppa let me leave early so i’m bringing pizza home to celebrate :D
You stopped at a pizzeria. Bought a large pizza and got back on the road. The pizzeria was only 10 minutes away from home. You were excited to finally see your boyfriend after such a long and tiring day. All you wanted to do was cuddle up with him and eat pizza while watching a movie and then fall asleep in his arms. When you finally arrived at home and parked your car, you checked your phone before you stepped out of the car to see if Hyunjin had replied back. He didn’t. He must’ve fallen asleep, you thought. I mean after all it’s not like you were the only one who was working hard for their comeback he could’ve chosen to sleep earlier but instead he chose to wait for you. He deserved it, you thought. He’s too good of a boyfriend. Almost a little too good?
You put your earphones on and put your playlist on shuffle ‘I See Red’ by Everybody Loves Outlaw started playing loud enough to block out any noises. You walked upstairs towards your apartment, taking out your keys carefully enough to not drop the pizza or make any noise that’ll startle Hyunjin from his sleep. You unlocked the door and opened it. And there he was. Hyunjin was awake to your surprise. Awake and on top of another woman on your couch. The way he was looking at her was the same way he looked at you when you made love together, a pair of eyes that looked at you with so much love as if that were the last time he could ever see you. The way he was thrusting her was in such a loving way. The way her mouth opened and let out moans that were being muffled by your music. It disgusted you. You gripped the sides of the pizza box so hard, almost crushing the box. They didn’t notice your presence.
“Hyunjin” you said in an unsteady voice
Hyunjin turned to look towards you. His eyes widened, clearly surprised by your presence. He said something but with your music being loud you weren’t able to hear it. But you could tell what he said when you looked at his lips. The same lips that touched hers. “Y/n” he said as he parted away from her. You quickly looked away, your vision blurring up from the tears you were trying to hold back.
“Uh I-i’m sorry I’ll come back later.” Congratulations, you managed to push the words out of your throat without breaking down. You placed the pizza box on the ground and left the apartment. Walking as quickly as you could. You ran down the staircase while letting out silent tears. You got in your car and finally let out all your sobs and tears. Then a knock on the window next to you interrupted you.
“Y/n open the door please. Please let me explain.” Hyunjin said. You looked at him straight in the eyes. He wore those worried full eyes, the ones he would look at you with when you would overwork yourself, when you were in pain, or sad, when he would say that everything was going to be okay. But is it going to be okay this time Y/n? Soon his face started to blur once those tears started to take over your eyes once again. You started your car and drove off. Hyunjin tried to run after you, screaming your name but was unable to catch up. You didn’t know where to go, you couldn’t go home, and you really didn’t want to bother your friends right now. Oh Y/n, always thinking about other people first, when will you ever learn.
All you wanted right now was to not feel anything and act like nothing happened. So now here you were in a late night bar drinking yourself away. Your phone rang and rang:
Hyunjin ❤️
10:36 pm
Missed Call (3)
Hyunjin ❤️
10:37 pm
Missed Call (7)
Hyunjin ❤️
10:45 pm
Missed Call (2)
Hyunjin ❤️
11:16 pm
Y/n please baby answer
Let me explain please
Hyunjin ❤️
11:17 pm
I called Yeonjun. Please at least tell him where you are
Please take care of yourself
I love you
You let out a laugh filled with pain as you read Hyunjin’s last text. He loves you? Now that is hilarious. And then you got a call:
11:18 pm
Yeonjun 🥰 is calling...
Answer Deny
You were contemplating whether or not to answer. But you wouldn’t want Yeonjun to worry if you didn’t answer so you took a big deep breath in and answered the call.
“Hiiiiiiiii” you said enthusiastically. Trying to hide the pain Y/n? Don’t you think that Hyunjin already told him what happened. Or do you think that he’s capable of lying about this just like he lied about loving you? Or is it just the alcohol?
“Y/n are you okay? Hyunjin told me what happened. I’m coming to pick you up” he said sounding extremely worried and out of breath.
“Yeonjunie what are you talking aboutttt. Of course I'm okay.” You said giggling. Clearly sounding drunk.
“Are you drunk? Y/n are you serious you can’t be drunk in this state”
“Well you’re no fun.” you said your tone changing from cheery to a disappointed tone
“I’m coming to pick you up, stay where are you”
“How do you know where-”
“We track each other y/n” he said, sighing. “Stay there, I'm on my way” he hung up and you groaned, resting your head on your arms.
‘Great first my boyfriend cheats on me and now I probably disappointed my best friend. Im so stupid’ you thought. A few minutes had gone by and you fell asleep when all of a sudden you were startled from your deep sleep by someone shaking you. It was Yeonjun who had those same worried eyes that Hyunjin did earlier.
“Y/n.” he hugged you tightly. Pressing your face against his chest. “Ugh, you reek of alcohol”
You playfully pushed him off and giggled, “shut up.”
“I’m so sorry about what happened.” he cupped your face, looking you in the eyes with guilt. Once again hugging you tightly.
“It’s fine, Yeonjun.” He stood there hugging you for what seemed like hours.
“Come on, let’s go home” he pulled you by the hand making you hop from your seat.
“Yeonjun, I can’t go home”
“I know we’re going to my house”
You guys got in a cab. You rested your head on his shoulder while looking out of the window next to Yeonjun. You never noticed how beautiful he looked. I mean you knew that he was attractive and beautiful and handsome but not this way. You stopped looking out the window, all you could do was stare at him. He turned his head to look at you, catching you staring at him.
“What?” he said with a puzzled look
“I can’t look at you?”
“No, you creep” you guys laughed together. He gave you a sorrowful smile and then kissed the top of your head. And then rested his head on yours. You finally arrived at his house. Thanked the driver and got out of the cab. You were barely able to even stand up. Yeonjun had to guide you up the stairs. When you finally arrived at his apartment you slumped yourself on his couch. He sat right next to you and held your hands.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
You put your head down and shook your head no while playing with his fingers.
“What do you want to do?”
You shrugged.
“Wanna watch a movie while eating snacks?”
You shook your head yes. He brought you a fuzzy white blanket for you guys to snuggle in, your favorite snacks, and drinks. He put on a Disney movie and soon it ended. There was a long silence one it ended. In that silence all you could think of was Hyunjin, you missed him, you wanted him here with you, you wanted today to simply be a bad dream. But you knew that it wasn’t a dream and you knew that you couldn’t forgive him no matter what. You needed something, someone to make you forget this pain that you were feeling right now.
“Yes Y/n?”
You scanned his face for a few seconds before going in for an aggressive kiss. Yeonjun pushed your face away.
“Y/n what are you do-”
“Just kiss me”
He cupped your face going in for a kiss. His lips were so soft and tasted like strawberries. The kiss kept deepening and stayed like that for a while. Soon after you started placing small pecks down his jawline to his neck. You placed your hand on his clothed length which was already hard. Rubbing your hand against it while nibbling on his neck, he let out small moans. You unbuttoned his pants and pulled his underwear and pants down his average but thick length springing up in front of your face. The tip being so pink from how hard he was made you wet. You gave his tip a few small kitten licks while looking up at him. His face flushed red from embarrassment at how horny he was for his best friend. He asked you to take all your clothes off and lay on the couch. Quickly you removed all your pieces of clothes and laid down, not wanting to waste any time from how eagerly you wanted him inside of you.
He removed all his clothing as well and then hovered over you. Positioning his length to finally enter your core, he pushed in slowly enough to make you feel every single inch opening you up. You moaned at the way his length stretched you. Soon every thrust started becoming faster and faster making a chorus of moans come from the both of you. Soon enough you both came and laid next to each other once again with a long silence lingering in the air.
“Yeonjunie?” you rotated your body to face him
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while. And I'm not sure if this is the right time but with what just happened I don’t think that I can hide it from you anymore.”
“Yeonjun, what is it?”
“Y/n I’m in love with you”
You sat up and stared at him, “What?”
“I've liked you ever since you became a trainee at BigHit. But when we started getting closer and became best friends I fell in love with you.”
You grabbed your clothes and started changing.
“What are you doing?” he said as he sat up to look at you with confusion.
“I have to go”
“Y/n please I’m sorry. Let’s just forget that I said anything.”
“Let’s just forget that you said anything? Are you fucking serious right now Yeonjun. I caught my boyfriend fucking cheating on me and let you fuck me and you take that as an invitation to confess your love to me?”
You stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door. Tears that you didn’t even notice were there started rolling down your face.
Ahhh Y/n. You lashed out on the wrong person. Not only did you lose your boyfriend today but your best friend too. So what are you going to do now?
Copyright © 2021 softearfquake. All rights reserved.
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years
all -5's please!
thanks for asking anon! before y'all continue reading this, i want to warn y'all that it gets heavy at points, as aster lore often does. i put warnings before each triggering topic followed by dots in case you want to avoid reading those responses! happy learning 💜
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
cans all the way!!! super cold soda cans have the best carbonation... soda bottles go next! i find once you've poured the soda into any sort of cup a lot of the carbonation goes away with it and i dont like that >:(
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
bold of you to assume my dyspraxic ass was good at anything during pe. i have very little upper body strength (even after years of gymnastics conditioning trying to build it up), and i couldn't catch or throw a ball until i was like 15 bc my shoulders like to dislocate whenever i use them djnnfnn. also didnt realize until i was an adult that my eyes have totally different prescriptions so my depth perception was garbage the first 20 years of my life which is probably why my left eye is lazy now 😭
but once high school hit and i was able to do gymnastics for all my pe credits thru my homeschool program i did great! lmao
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
ok i know ayn rand is disgusting but anthem kind of changed my life when i first read it. id never seen a writing style like that before and i honestly think it influenced my own writing style a lot!!!!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
on my laptop! i cant handwrite anymore after my arm injury and writing was already pretty hard before that bc my fine motor skills.... are not so good. learning to type opened up a whole new world for me, im a pro at it now!
25. first song you remember hearing?
is it super weird if i say "a cruel angel's thesis", the neon genesis evangelion theme song? one of my first memories is hearing that song and watching that anime. i was probably like three? Thats Not For Children Mom. but i mean. i guess i turned out ok (lmao) so its FINE!
30. places that you find sacred?
empty beaches. especially when its a little cold out. the ocean seems to stretch endlessly and you can feel the sand between your toes and everything is so quiet and loud at the same time. and then the sun goes down and the tide rises and you're just a little convinced its gonna swallow you right up. you feel so small.
the louisiana bayou at night. it feels like you shouldn't be there. there are spirits roaming the streets. one day when i being babysat at my mom's friend's house i looked out the window and saw a pair of glowing red eyes. i'm not sure if anyone believed me.
35. average time you fall asleep?
that is a LOADED question lol! my sleeping schedule is so weird bc im just now being treated for bipolar after years of being in denial about it and i have a delayed sleep phase + severe sleep apnea. so uhhh. really depends. but when i just follow what my body wants and don't worry about responsibilities i usually pass out around 3/4 am and wake up around 3-5 pm.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
drugs m, pregnancy loss m
when i was 12 i nearly skipped another grade and went straight to high school instead of grade 8. i would have stuck with it too, but i was being bullied really heavily at my school (partially bc i was considered a prodigy i guess). it was a small alternative school that encouraged weed smoking. i once found a bud on a desk and everyone tried to act like i wouldnt know what it was even though my mom grew weed medically when i was growing up and supplied like. the entire midwest or whatever. but i went along with it because i didn't want to put a target on us. *shrugs* middle school was hard for me lol. i eventually left the school because the principal mentioned my mom's recent miscarriage in front of everyone. between that and the bullying i just couldn't deal anymore i guess.
the school ended up being closed a year later because of shady stuff. my mom and i kinda saw it as karma i guess
sorry! that story is kind of a bummer!
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
ohhhh i think... i think i love science fiction and fantasy equally! especially stuff that weaves the two together, so like science fiction with fantasy elements or fantasy with science fiction explanations! superhero stuff is great too ofc!
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
😳 i dont... remember .... djdnfn my memory is mostly blank spaces tbh..but recently! fandom shitposts i think!
55. favorite fairy tale?
rapunzel hits hard. also the little mermaid.... yeah
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
oh defs slice of life! but like... a slice of life that romanticizes the mundane 💜 there's so much beauty in normal things. ive had such a strange life that i kind of cling to it i think
65. any permanent scars?
a facet of my ehlers danlos syndrome is that i scar easily, and that the scarring is often abnormal and extensive. pretty much every open wound i have ever had has left a scar on me.
the biggest ones i can list: (tw for abuse mentioned, an allusion to self harm (im ok now))
the discoloration on my right foot from stepping into a pot of boiling water when i was an infant
the gouge on my knee when i fell on it walking when i was 4
the eye shaped scar i have on my right hand from touching a lightbulb when i was 8 (idk what i expected lol)
the place where my bone chipped when i fell out of a tree house when i was 11/12
another gouge on the same knee from falling between the tumble track and the floor when i was 13
the four inch long and inch 1/2 wide flat keloid on my left arm that i have from the surgery to repair my broken arm from where they inserted a titanium plate and screws when i was 15 and the inch long keloid i have from where they tried to insert a rod instead (bone was too misshapen, they did surgery too late)
various scars that i dont wanna say where they came from, but im extremely mentally ill so u can probably guess
the keloid i have on my right arm from my mom biting me when i was 17
another burn mark on my right arm from dropping a glass jar of queso hot from the microwave (again, idk what i expected -_-)
70. left or right handed?
left handed! but i can use my right for most thinks since my left never fully regained function. i still hold a needle and write with my left hand but everything else i can now do with my right!
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i mean. i must've been six? i remember my mom kept all my baby teeth in a little unicorn resin jar. i wonder if she still has it 🤔
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
jewel tones!!!! i live for glamour 💕
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology!!!! love fairy tales, but theres just something about things people have Believed in. its so special to me. so sacred.
90. luckiest mistake?
something really scary happened last year and the police got involved. i was determined to not be at fault, but im so lucky that no one got hurt and that the person who could have blamed me was on my side and advocated for me 🥺💜
95. favorite app on your phone?
mmmm probably either Hellsite (affectionate) or picsart. i love picsart so much. MEME EDITING??? ON MY PHONE... immaculate
so sorry this got so heavy at points x.x
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cockbiteproductions · 4 years
all prime numbers in the Misc section and all multiples of 10 in the other sections
we shall go backwards as the question list was posted backwards...... (and also why i rbed it.... why is it backwards? i dont know but i love it. edit: now that ive seen question 1 it looks to me like one of those forum profile copy pastes where you fill out the entire thing and put it in your profile.)
200: My crush’s name is: hmm...... well. i would rather not say!!!! they could see this post!!!!!!! and we do not want that happening.......
190: My 1st job was: lifeguard in the summer after 9th or 10th grade i think? it was decently fun. i grew up swimming competitively so the swimming part was a breeze. the remembering what to do if someone is drowning part? a bit harder. memory bad. what to do if someone has a potential broken spine/head injury when they’re in deep water? i don’t know bud. but it involves 3 whole people to get them out. 2 in the water, one person at all times holding their head in line with the rest of their body, the other one strapping them to the board (these two people in the water switch off, too) and then one person standing on the side of the pool looking very concerned. also don’t tell anyone but sometimes if i had like a 6 am shift i would get really groggy and almost fall asleep on the stand.
180: Marriage is: whatever people make of it but unfortunately bogged down with like a lot of societal expectations. to me it just sounds like hanging with your “best” friend until you die but a lot of other people interpret it differently.
170: What did you do yesterday? LOL wouldn’t it be nice if i remembered. wait no i do remember. i woke up “early” and watched a dnd livestream and struggled through buffering from my shit wifi. then i took a nap. then i had a chipotle burrito that was way too spicy. and i played a lot of minecraft. and i wrote a bit. and i also did like another 2-3 pages of the codecademy html intro course im working on.
160: Soul mates: nope. [taylor mason voice] i don’t believe in the concept of a soul. you are compatible with some people more than others and that’s based on your values and interests and personality. nothing Soul about it. it’s fun in fanfic and fiction though, but that’s because it’s fiction.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes..... i like brown hair! but blonde is nice too.
140: Mac or PC: clown face emoji. mac. It’s A Unix System. more convenient for me. my current mac is a giant piece of shit though. though i think that’s my own fault for keeping all my old files from my old mac. shoulda started over. i think i might try to get this one factory reset or something.
130: Wal-Mart or Target: idk walmart. i go there a lot during college. walmart just has a larger selection. i used to go to target a lot as a kid though because my mom liked it more. i think it’s like slightly more bougie?
120: Gay Marriage: fuckin go for it pals. sad that it took as long as it did to become legal.
110: My Neighbors: they are nice i think. the ones to the right are teachers or something. the ones to the left are.... idk. their kids were like maybe 5 years older than me and my brother when we were growing up though and sometimes they would indulge in us tiny annoying kids and hang with us
100: Cried in front of someone: when the finale of the clone wars came out a few months ago and i was sobbing and i ran into the living room to tell my roommate and friend that i was sobbing. i was sobbing. i also recorded myself watching the entire eps and i Sure Was Sobbing.
90: Texted: actual sms text, yesterday in response to a friend who texted me a tik tok. instant messaging like 20 minutes ago to milo. i havent responded yet because im answering this and i cant multitask for shit.
89: Who makes you laugh the most: me obviously. i think i’m fucking hilarious. me aside, @redvsblue​ is the funniest person on this planet. also my friend holly irl who shares my incredibly dumb sense of humor. also you!
83: The most difficult thing to do is: hmm........ in general or for me personally? idk..... a lot? i am not a very courageous person. so i guess being brave.
79: First time you had a crush: >:( not appreciating this line of questioning that lines up with the prime numbers/mult of 10. i will not be saying as they ALSO follow me on tumblr. though they don’t use it often. shout out to middle school.......
73: Tomorrow: hopefully wake up around 1 pm at the latest. make a plum smoothie. play some more minecraft and get more netherite (new update slaps). do more coding tutorials. get some writing done. the same ol same ol.
71: Next Summer: hopefully i will have a job lined up for the fall and the pandemic is Over. i would like to just [do nothing] for the last summer Ever before job starts. if i don’t have a job then it’s Job Hunting Time.
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: what the fuck...... like in a bad way? good way? cry of laughter? sadness? me, probably. my own damn brain be like “well it’s time to think about Yourself and be sad!” i know. very narcissistic of me. also dave filoni (director, producer, writer on clone wars).
61: My Car: not really mine. i just use it. beige 201? toyota camery. my brother tried to convince my dad he needed it more than i did last school year. my brother, who lived on campus in boston and flies to school from nc when he goes there, needs the car more than me, who lived off campus and drove to and from school to get back to nc, thinks he needed the car more than me. what a guy.
59: The movie I cried at was: last movie huh......... when was the last time i saw a movie? idk probably the rise of skywalker when leia died. i don’t know. i sure as hell didn’t cry at cats.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: i am vegetarian.
47: Who’s your best friend: @worthyghouls​ i guess. but also concept of “best friend” is so weird. No Best Friends. just lots of people i am good friends with. feels weird to all my other friends to pick One of them and be like “well i like you more than everyone else” :)
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: only in the vaguest vaguest vaguest sense. i would like to graduate with my bs degree. i would like to live in a city (doesn’t have to be a super big one. where im at rn is fine). i would like to have my first or second job i feel comfortable doing related to the degree i am getting. i would like to live in my own apartment (with roommates)/not with my parents. i would like to not be rent burdened. i would like my roommate to know how to take care of a cat or be okay with helping me learn how to take care of one. i would like to have a cat with said roommate. and that’s about it tbh. not very ambitious, i know. i just want a simple life......
41: Have you pre-named your children: bold of you to assume i will have children. no. if i ended up with child it would be like that tag on ao3 called “accidental baby acquisition” and i would name it on the spot.
30: Actress: hmm..... lauren marcus. lauren lopez. does fiona nova count if she’s going to be in rvb zero? also lindsay jones. aubrey plaza. idk. not many actresses i follow from project to project. it’s more i will see them in something and appreciate them in that role immensely. 
20: Holiday: halloween is pretty chill. just getting candy from strangers? dope. scary aesthetic? amazing. i also like christmas just for the sole fact that i get time off from [life].
10: Restaurant: a favorite restaurant??? who has one of those???? i sure don’t. and i’m not gonna say something cringey like olive garden or mcdonalds. i simply do not have one.
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themaddielorian · 5 years
Tagged by my love @m00kieblaylock 🥰❤️
1. Name: Madison but I go by Maddie (if you like Madison more you can use that!)
2. Zodiac: gonna go ALL out! Aries sun, Leo moon, & Scorpio rising (♈️ & ♏️ fit me best)
3. Height: 5’7
4. What time is it: 6am. I should 100% be asleep 🙃 (just doing this befor sleep)
5. Favorite musician or group: a couple rn! Hozier is number 1! Also Dermot Kennedy, Bright Eyes forever (& Conor’s associated acts), Lady Gaga, Fall Out Boy, Stevie Ray Vaughan (born & raised on him, his music feels like home, I can tell one of his songs just from a couple seconds of his guitar 🥰)
6. Favorite sports team: basically the only time I EVER get involved in any kind of sports is during the Olympics, and even then I only like certain events. So, I guess the women’s gymnastics, the swimming teams, & the snowboarders (primarily the USA teams because it’s pm the only time I feel patriotic lol)
7. Other blogs: uh does Instagram/Twitter count? If so, Twitter is wastelandmaddie and Instagram is wasteland_maddie come say hi!!
8. Do I get asks: No! I mean, I got DMs when I was trying desperately to sell the Hozier tickets, but nothing before or since
9. How many blogs do I follow: 34 but I’m pretty picky lol
10. Any tumblr crushes: I’m pretty sure everyone I’ve found everyone I follow who’s posted their picture to be incredibly pretty. I can’t remember if I’ve seen that any of the people I follow are guys? But the ladies are absolutely killing it
11. Lucky number: idk if I have a “lucky” number, but my favorites are 5 and 25 🤷🏻‍♀️
12. What are you wearing right now: well that’s very forward! It’s very cold here! Wool socks, leggings, sweatpants (my leggings aren’t thick), a long sleeved shirt, and my favorite super baggy Kings of Leon crew neck sweatshirt (it’s literally SO cozy and a really pretty light teal/turquoise color)
13. Dream vacation: I’ve wanted to go to Santorini, Greece for YEARS. It looks absolutely STUNNING. And also Ireland. I’d want to go all over. Beach sides, cliffs, the mountains, the plains (I’m from the plains here in the Midwest but Ireland’s look so much GREENER and more lush), take me all over. No Blarney Stone though, I will always skip that one...
14. Dream car: I like Subaru’s?? I guess they’re really safe. The kind of SUV ones look nice, and would be practical for having dogs (important consideration). Otherwise, I think Mazda’s are adorable
15. Favorite food: I never get sick of pasta. Even just like the simplest of pasta. Homemade mashed potatoes are to die for (best part of thanksgiving). One food I’ll always miss is my great grandma’s Belgian waffles (Omfggggg, SO worth waking up super early for), and this Danish pastry, passed down from my other great grandma on my dad’s side called Kringle. Idk how to describe it, but my great aunt used to make it every time we visited and she would literally have to slap my dad’s and my hands away from the hot pans because we loved them so much 😂
16. Drink of choice: just water!! I have a 32oz Yeti and refill it multiple times a day. I also fell in love with chamomile tea recently, and for soda, Mr Pibb is obviously the best, followed by Dr Pepper
17. Languages: just straight up English. When I’m having a bad migraine, sometimes that fails me 🙃 I know a few random words in different languages, but not more than that
18. Instruments: I actually used to be pretty good at violin! But forced every day practice and waking up really early during grade school (like 4th-6th grade) killed my desire to play. I wish I had held out, it’s one of my favorite instruments ☹️
19. Celebrity crushes: Hozier, Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Robert Downey Jr, Edward Norton, Niall Horan
20. Random fact: i once owned 10 guinea pigs by accident........ so I got a guinea pig when I was 18, my mom got her a companion, it wasn’t a female like the humane society said. They ended up up having a litter of 3 and the humane society fixed the dad... but didn’t tell us about the necessary quarantine period. We ended up with a second litter of 5 before the first litter was fully grown. We ended up finding homes for them all (a lot of them went in pairs bc we took them all to an actual vet to have their gender checked and for some reason the majority were male)
I tag: @hozierinthewoods @hozierisginger and idk anyone who else wants to do it lol
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about me tag
thanks for tagging me @madeitwang I'm sorry I'm late again 😩
The rules are:
Tag the person who tagged you.
Answer the questions.
Tag 10 people.
How tall are you?
5'4.5"-5'5" I can't remember honestly lol (~164-165cm)
What color and style is your hair?
I have my dad's hair 🙄 it's dirty blonde/light brown/streaks of red/idk wtf it is honestly 😂 it's soooooo thick and wavy/sometimes curly. And I'm growing out a pixie cut so it's in the super short bob stage now 😂
What color are your eyes?
Technically they're green but they change to grey or blue depending on my mood and/or color I'm wearing.
Do you wear glasses?
Sure do! I have legal blindness on both sides of my family so I was doomed to have terrible eyesight from the beginning.
Do you wear braces?
Not currently. But I did have them in my early teens for a little over 2 years.
What is your fashion style?
Whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it. I range from dressing like a guy, to wearing heels and flowy dresses/skirts, to vintage style, to super casual and sporty, and literally everything in between.
Full name?
Alyssa. That's all you're gettin' folks 😉
When were you born?
July 15, 1998 at 9:46 or 9:48 pm (I can't remember rn lol)
Where are you from and where do you live now?
Born and raised in Ohio, USA and I haven't left. No matter how dumb this state is I love my people too much 😂
What school do you go to?
(stalkish much!) I graduated high school a year early and did a little bit of a Cosmetology program but I had to drop out for personal reasons. I don't think I'll go back to school honestly. But I'm not opposed to it so we'll see.
What kind of student are you?
I studied hard, get really good grades, was totally against people copying my homework, but I like never answered questions unless I was forced to because I was paralyzingly shy 👍 I was a nerd with quite a few friends actually. My school life wasn't too bad honestly. I was homeschooled most of it so that could be why 😂
Do you like school?
I did! I love learning and I sometimes miss the studying aspect of school.
Favorite subject?
Chemistry, English, and some aspects of Math.
Favorite TV show?
Psych, Monk, Bones, Star Trek (specifically Next Gen and Voyager. I loved Deep Space 9 but we don't talk about the last season 😒), He Is Psychometric, 911, Drake & Josh, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman, Crossing Jordan, Rizzoli & Isles, uhh there's probably more but I can't think right now. I love crime/murder/medical shows 😂
Favorite movie?
Anything Marvel, specifically Guardians, Black Panther and Spiderman, anything Disney, specifically Big Hero 6, Lilo and Stitch, Beauty and the Beast, Tangled, and Lion King, How to Train Your Dragon trilogy, RV, Get Smart, Avatar, I Am Number Four, 13 Going on 30, Father of the Bride 1 & 2, Inception, omg my stupid brain there's so much more but I cannot think 😩
Favorite books?
*crosses arms* *huffs* I'm not answering this no matter how much you beg. I just can't.
Favorite pastime?
Writing, crocheting, painting my nails, listening to music and dancing around my room, video games specifically with my best friend, baking and I'm starting to love cooking, idk I find something new I live really often so it ranges 😂
Do you have any regrets?
Doesn't everyone? Not really into opening old wounds so I'm not gonna talk about it but I have quite a few tbh.
Dream job?
Oceanographer. I love the ocean and everything in it. It's been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. But I'm not in a post to have a job like that so only for my daydreams I guess 😊
Would you like to get married?
If I can find someone who's actually able to tolerate me for such a long time and in such close proximity all the time, then hell yeah! I've always wanted to get married and have a family. But I gotta find somebody first 😂
Would you like to have kids?
YES. I love children and have always had a strong desire to be a mother. I'd probably suck at it knowing my nature but I want them anyway 😊
How many?
That's not something I would decide on my own. I'd make the decision with my partner. But I'd love to have a lot. I'm an only child so I definitely don't want to just have 1.
Do you like shopping?
Hardware store? Check. Anywhere else? 😩 Noooooo. I usually hate it tbh.
What countries have you visited?
None 😒 but there's sooooo many on my bucket list.
Scariest nightmare you've ever had?
I have the horrible ability to have recurring dreams/nightmares and remember most every one I've ever had and can wake up and continue once I fall back asleep too. So I have a lot because I also used to have nightmares a lot in my childhood. Basically anything involving my family's life being threatened, being tortured, being hunted and killed, you know the bad stuff. Which is weird coz nothing really scares me irl 😂
Any enemies?
I don't think so! But if you have a problem with me feel free to fight me 😂
Any significant others?
As mentioned in a previous tag game, I am a single Pringle 😂
Do you believe in miracles?
Not really, no. Sometimes my mind can be changed, but for the most part, no.
How are you?
Pretty chill tbh. This is my first day without a headache in over a week so I'm happy about that. And uh, yeah life's not too bad. Could always be better, but it's cool 👍
I shall tag: @soulclub @uwujpgs @kaptain-k-pop @mylifeinhopeworld @teddybear-shownu @royalbinu @ilikeeverythingonmypizza @13-scoups @chogiwamypace @jusgyeom
As always, don't feel pressured to do this and I'm sorry if you were already tagged or don't wanna be tagged in stuff (please let me know!) And anyone else who sees this and wants to do it, just say I tagged you ❤️
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blueeyedbesson · 6 years
Taking You: Chapter 10
10: Trust Fund Baby
Series Masterlist Masterlist
A/N: In this chapter, they time skipped a few months. So it's pretty close to Christmas and Abby and corbyn have been together for a few months shy of a year
"Are you coming with us to the shoot tomorrow?" Corbyn asked as he rested his head in my lap. I began playing with his hair and he smiled up at me.
"That depends." I smiled. "Do you want me to?"
"Of course I do." he smirked.
"I would love to come watch my baby do his thing." I giggled and kissed his nose.
"Good. Because I'm gonna be on set all day & I don't think I'd want to leave you for like, 12 hours."
"Yeah. You know what would happen if you left me that long." I smirked, causing him to sit up.
"Well I'm glad you're coming with us then."
"Me too." I smiled and yawned.
"You should get some sleep babe. Our call time is 6 AM." he stood up and yawned too.
"I don't want to sleep. I want to keep playing with your hair."
"I know Abby. But we really do need sleep."
"Well, can you sleep with me?"
"I thought you didn't want to?"
"Not like that." I giggled and patted the spot next to me. "I meant sleep next to me. I want to cuddle and play with your hair until we both fall asleep." I pouted, giving him the face he has never been able to resist. He smirked and shook his head.
"You know I'm a sucker for that look." he chuckled and climbed into bed with me. "Wait, I should go change into something more comfortable. Be right back." he kissed my forehead and ran out. This gave me some time to change too. I searched my room for anything he may have left laying around and I found a pair of his sweatpants.
"These should do." I smiled and replaced my shorts with Corbyn's sweatpants then changed into my favorite white tank top.
"Those are my pants, aren't they?" Corbyn chuckled as he stood in my door way.
"No. Definitely not." I giggled and looked at him.
"Abby, they're like half a foot longer than you are. Of course they're mine." he smirked and walked over to me.
"I know. I just love your clothes. They're comfortable and they smell like you."
"You're really lucky I love you." he chuckled and carried me over to my bed. Once we were under the covers, I cuddled up to him and he played with my hair.
"Why does your video shoot have to start at 6?" I whined while closing my eyes. I heard Corbyn chuckle lightly.
"I don't know. I guess it's because our director thinks we can get most of it done tomorrow. Let's hope we can though so days after it won't be too long."
"Okay. Goodnight Corbyn." I smiled and drifted off to sleep.
"Goodnight my love."
The next morning, Corbyn woke me up around 5. I opened my eyes and smiled at him.
"Good morning bean." I smiled, placing a kiss on his lips.
"Good morning jelly bean." he chuckled and stood up. "I made you some french toast and orange juice."
"You're the best." I smiled and climbed out of bed.
"I still can't believe you stole my sweatpants." he chuckled while walking out of my room. I followed him and jumped on his back.
"I'll give them back if you give me piggy back ride down to the kitchen." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Okay fine." he chuckled and held me tight while he went down the stairs. Everyone else was already in the kitchen. Corbyn set me down on the counter and handed me my plate.
"I was kidding about giving these back." I whispered and took a bite of my french toast.
"Good morning lovebirds." Jonah chuckled from his spot at the island. "I was wondering where my roommate disappeared to last night. Now I know."
"You hush." I smiled and pointed my fork at him. "Corbyn, can I wear your shirt today?"
"You're actually asking to wear my clothes instead of taking them first?" he asked in shock.
"Of course you can." he chuckled and kissed my head.
"You guys are cute." Jonah remarked while sipping his coffee.
"Yeah. I know." Corbyn and I replied at the same time, earning laughs from the others. I finished my plate and got off the counter.
"That was fast." Daniel smiled.
"You think that was fast? That wasn't even her fastest time eating french toast." Jack smiled. "She's the best."
"Jack Robert Avery, you weren't supposed to tell anyone that. It's so embarrassing."
"I think it's pretty cute." Corbyn chuckled and washed my plate.
"Of course you would." Zach yawned and washed his own plate. "This is too early to be up."
"I know. But we'll be on set & that means we'll have fun. So we might finish before we know it." Jack assured him.
"Hopefully." I smiled and looked at Corbyn. "I'm going to go get dressed now. See you in a bit." I walked out of the room and went up to my bedroom. How exactly do you dress for a long, possibly hot, day?
At the video shoot, their director told them what they were going to do. I sat with Aubrielle and Angel as we each admired our boys.
"I am so proud of all of them right now." Angel gushed as her view remained on Daniel.
"Me too. They've come so far since they all met."
"So have we." I smiled and looked over at the scene they were filming. Daniel was in the car and they were getting ready to start. "So Angel, how is it dating Daniel?"
"It's great. He's the best boyfriend ever."
"Yeah I bet." Aubrielle smiled. We both looked over to her. "He's a sweet kid. He seems like he's a great boyfriend."
"He really, really is." Angel gushed. She must really be in love with him.
"Hello." A brunette girl greeted as she walked over to us. "I'm Belle."
"Hi. I'm Abby."
"I'm Angel."
"And I'm Aubrielle."
"I know." she smiled. "I know that sounds creepy but I'm a huge fan of the boys and I follow all of their families on Instagram."
"Belle? Hmm. That name does sound kind of familiar." I smiled and looked at her. "Are you Xo_belle?"
"Yes. That's me." she squealed excitedly.
"Sweet. I see your posts all the time." Aubrielle smiled.
"Yeah me too." I smiled and looked at Angel.
"Oh I think I recognize you. Are you the girl who posts all the edits of the boys on belloftheball?" Angel smiled.
"Yeah. That's also me." she replied, making me smile.
"I love the edit you made of all of us like 2 weeks ago."
"Really?" she asked and I nodded. "Thanks. I worked really hard on it.
"It shows." Angel smiled at her.
"So what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I'm in the video." she beamed.
"What part are you going to be?"
"I don't know yet. But hopefully it has something to do with Zach." she giggled and instantly turned crimson.
"Belle, we need you for your shoot!" the director called from the car.
"I'll probably see you later. It was nice meeting you girls." she waved and skipped towards the director.
"That was adorable."
"Yeah. I wonder if she'll get a scene with Zach."
"Me too. I think she really likes him."
"As long as she doesn't like Daniel or Corbyn or Jonah, it's all good."
"We can't forget about Jack. He has a girlfriend too, remember?"
"Oh right. Sometimes I completely forget about that." I smiled, suddenly remembering that my brother had a girlfriend.
"Sometimes I forget my brother has a girlfriend too."
"Same." Angel replied, making us all burst out in laughter. We sat and enjoyed the rest of the shoot. Around 7 PM, the boys finished and we headed out to Chipotle for something to eat.
"I'm glad we have tomorrow off." Corbyn smiled and put his arm around me. "I have an entire day planned for me and Abby."
"Oh, you do?"
"Yes but it's a surprise so don't even ask me to tell you what it is."
"I wasn't gonna ask but okay. You keep it to yourself." I smiled and we all ordered our food. It came like 20 minutes later, which is pretty quick for Chipotle. "So Zach, did you meet Belle?"
"She was a girl in the video."
"There were a lot of girls in the video shoot today. I don't think I learned any of their names."
"Oh. Well I'll show you her the next time you shoot the video."
"Sounds good."
"Jonah, I just got mentioned in something on Twitter. Care to explain this?" Aubrielle said as she showed him her phone. He set his fork down and looked at the screen. His eyes got wide and he shoved the phone back in her hands.
"There's nothing to explain."
"Clearly there is. Why is this girl holding your hand?"
"Woah. What girl?" I asked. She showed me her phone and my jaw almost dropped.
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"Who is that Jonah?" Aubrielle demanded an answer.
"That's Tatum. She's the girl-"
"Wait, Tatum? As in, the girl who's in the video you guys were shooting today? The girl who's in your scene?"
"Yeah. That's her."
"Jonah, were you cheating on me?" she asked, nearly in tears. Silence came from the rest of us. "Seriously Jonah? You had to go and cheat on me?"
"I never said I did."
"Yeah well, you never said you didn't cheat either."
"I didn't cheat. I swear."
"That's bullshit."
"Hey, language. There's children at the table." I nodded towards Zach, who just so happened to still be eating his food.
"I don't care about my language. Jonah, can we talk outside?" she sighed and stood up. Jonah nodded and they disappeared through the front doors of the restaurant.
"If he cheated on her, I'm gonna kill him." Corbyn shook his head angrily.
"I'm sure he didn't cheat, babe." I tried reassuring him but we all saw the pictures.
"This sucks. They were so good together." Daniel also shook his head.
"Is Jonah stupid? He got a great girl like Aubrielle and he decides to throw that away?" Jack balled his fist.
"Relax Jack. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself." I sighed and looked at my plate. I suddenly didn't have an appetite anymore.
I hope for Jonah's sake that he didn't cheat. Because if he did, Aubrielle will find everything she can to destroy him.
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Liked by Xo_belle, corbynbesson, jonahmarais and 176,935 others
abbyavery: muy caliente 🤤🔥 @corbynbesson
corbynbesson: te amo, mi amor pero puedo recuperar mi sudadera con capucha? imzachherron: in case you don't know spanish, he said "I love you, my love. but can i have my hoodie back?" lol abbyavery: @corbynbesson lo siento pero no   corbynbesson: @imzachherron you suck 😒 abbyavery: @corbynbesson  te amo corbyn  BbyAngMarais: when and how did you two learn spanish? abbyavery: @BbyAngMarais google translate   corbynbesson: @BbyAngMarais google translate  BbyAngMarais: @abbyavery  @corbynbesson oh brother
Tags:  @ijustreallylovethem @samithepixie @averysgarl@jackaverybabe @trustfundshawn @lovableherron @beautybesson@jackaverx @scenteddanielseavey @beccagraceseavey@dolantwinmagconwhydontwestan-de @lilah-or-lily@dailydoseofherron @hales-a-bells @obsessedlittleangel-deactivated @zaddydaniel @brizzebesson@ramenavery @splendidseavey @smilingseavey @ilovejackavery @polaroidseavey @poutyavery
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augmented---fourth · 6 years
The day of top surgery - my experience
Now that I am one week post op (Double Incision Top Surgery), I thought it may be useful to document my day of surgery, since that day gave me a lot of anxiety.
Note #1: the only other surgery I have had was my wisdom teeth so I was very nervous about anesthesia, having an IV (not sure why lol they just freak me out), and general recovery and the emotional and physical feelings post op.
Note #2: I had surgery at Faulkner Hospital in Boston, MA with Dr. Richard Bartlett 
Note #3: This is not a medical fact just my experience as an individual.
Day of Surgery
10:00 AM My mom drove me from home to the hospital
11:25 I was called in to the pre-op room as soon as I walked in to check in and get my wrist band
11:30 My nurse came and introduced herself. My mom stayed in the waiting room while I changed and answered some questions about allergies (super important because I happen to have a latex allergy, so the hospital puts a sign on your bed and room so everyone treating you knows!)
After I changed into the surgical gown, socks, and underwear the nurse put a warm blanket on me once I laid down in the bed.
At this point, I was starting to really feel nervous. No doubts about top surgery - just worried about pain, recovery, and feeling foreign. Going under really worried me as well.
IVs gross me out so much, but again my nurse was beyond kind and distracted by chatting with me. My mom then came back to the pre-op room. Nurse 1 then went on lunch and another (again, very kind) nurse gave me my pre op meds: some painkillers, anti nausea, anti anxiety, some Tylenol. I also got an anti-nausea patch and then signed some forms.
Roughly 1 PM
Nurse 1 came back and my surgical team came by - my mom got to meet everyone and she was so impressed with the entire staff, especially my surgeon. I know her meeting my surgeon relieved her doubts. My mom left and Dr .Bartlett marked up my chest and put some of the anti-anxiety meds in my IV. Mom came back, we held hands and said goodbye.
2 PM I went to the OR (surgery was scheduled for 1:10)
In the OR, one of the members of the surgical team showed me that she put a blanket on the latex gloves so no one would grab them - only latex free gloves were out. The team all said hello again and help me roll onto the OR table. I’m pretty sure the anesthesiologist put something in my IV and then told me to take a breath from the oxygen mask as he put in on my face. That’s all I remember!
5:30 My surgery was over and I went to recovery to meet my mom. Apparently I woke up and told the nurse I was so hot but I don’t remember a thing. I fell back asleep.
6 PM I woke up again and the nurse asked if I was still hot. I was confused because I didn’t remember being hot and waking up before
My mom said Dr. Bartlett told her the surgery went incredibly well - took the expected 3.5 hours with no complications or issues. He attributed this to the fact I am young and healthy and because I listened to ALL his pre op instructions (not taking my meds, even HRT. Trust me the hormone crash from the past 2 weeks has sucked but it is worth it if it makes surgery go well!)
Between 6-7 PM I basically kept waking up and falling asleep. Keeping my eyes open was HARD. The nurse gave me water, Tylenol, a ginger ale, and a muffin and I got the muffin everywhere lol. Eating post op is HARD - between the medications and the oxygen tube, your mouth is so dry that when you chew things become a paste and its hard to swallow. Remember it is also ok to let your body drift in and out - you are in no rush. My mom and a nurse sat by my side the entire time.
I don’t remember being consciously aware of my chest yet. I felt no pain but I did look down at some point to notice that my chest was bound up A LOT. Again, no pain or discomfort yet - just feeling very very sleepy. One benefit of Dr. B is he doesn’t do drains! He hasn’t put drains in a bilateral top surgery patient in 2 years with no issues.
The nurse also took out my IV and asked if I felt ok to move from bed to a chair. I told her I just wanted to go home so I felt ready to try. Once I did, I changed into my shorts and zip hoodie and my mom left to get the car and I got wheeled out!
7:10-8:10 PM legit slept the entire car ride - reclined in the front seat
Once I got home I told my mom (and aunt and uncle who are visiting) that I felt pretty ok. My mom got me settled in a lounge chair and I was still pretty sleepy. I kept going in and out of sleep. My mom made me some toast but I wasn’t hungry and only ate half and drank some water. I fell asleep with toast in my lap. It is important to choke something down at least because of the pain meds.
10 PM: I said goodnight to my puppy - he could tell something was wrong and being the sweet boy he is he let me kneel and give him a gentle goodnight pat. I took 1 of the pain meds I went to sleep ( I wasn’t in pain but i didn’t want to take up with pain)
Throughout the night I kept waking up to adjust my blanket or position or drink water but I slept from about 10 PM to 5:45 AM
I’ll continue to post a bit how I heal, mostly to help myself to look back on when I feel like healing is getting hard, but also as a resource to help others!
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365day2021 · 3 years
Day 157
Woke up around 9 and got to work a little after 950. I did the iPhone 12 PM that I left from last night which ended up being useless cause there was condensation on the back on the device. Allen actually noticed it cause Face ID failed post repair and he looked around and saw it. So I had to re-do it and KGB the display while also doing some privacy training. Got everything done and good to go and then took my 15 while everyone was at a quick tips session with Hen. Went outside and said hi to the many people coming through at 1130. Then it was download time and half of it was taken up by Gaby’s stretching us up. But anyways to start the day I was supposed to be queue but I kinda messed my leg up last night from cactus (idr if I wrote about that or not so oh well) and told Reid about it and like I can definitely still walk and bend my knee but it just felt off and he changed me to iPhone Repair so yeah. It was me and Chris then me and Kaleb and it wasn’t too bad at all. Pretty chill and then for lunch I went to Las Palmas with Allen. We sat in and ate and I got my usual fried chimichanga and just talked about work and some other life things like movies and his past AT&T job. We left when it started drizzling at the perfect time and then went back. Next block was OP which was pretty basic. Then my last was repair again so pretty easy day. That wasn’t too bad either with me and Lynda finishing it off. The last hour I did very minimal work, helped Madison bring iPad cases from backstage up front and a very VERY little laser lining. Also had a little chat with Olivia that i’ll write about either soon or another day on my other blog. Outside of that everything was good to go so I left with a majority of people at 630. Walked out with Madison, Hannah, and a bit of Lynda like she was a couple steps ahead of us but would laugh at some things I said lol. But yeah went home, watched the last episode of the metagame doc and then the new leffen godslayer one then went to the couch. I think I fell on and off asleep for about 2 hrs and now it’s 1130 and just moved to bed like 10 minutes ago. I’m pretty tired
0 notes
strgaykids · 7 years
Alphabet soup tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @seungmickey @straykayayaya <3 ty for tagging me cuties 
A age - 16
B birthplace - Chicago, Illinois
C current time - 7:24 pm
D drink you had last - Water
E easiest person to talk to - bff
F favorite song - atm i think it might be let the world be destroyed 
G grossest memory - Kid throwing up in hallway
H hogwarts house - Ravenclaw 
I in love? - lee felix amirite
J jealous of people? - Ye its natural 
K killed someone? - nope
L love at first sight or should I walk by again? - love at first sight
M middle name - my chinese name, jiarui
N number of siblings - none
O one wish - tbh world peace 
P person you called last - mom lol
Q question you are always asked - why are you so loud? lmaooo
R reason to smile - It takes less muscles than frowning :^)
S song you sang last - XIANG YI GE HAI CAO HAI CAO HAI CAO HAI CAO idk what its called lmao its been stuck in my head
T time you woke up - 6:00am then fell back asleep after like 20 min lol
U underwear colour - blue
W worst habit - biting nails
X-rays - just when i need to for dentist 
Y your favourite food - potat
Z zodiac sign - Aquarius 
ive seen like everyone do this already lol so im not going to tag anyone new but feel free to say i tagged you
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Episode 8- “Slytherin is dead, hoes mad, what's new”-Autumn
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ALRIGHT professors I was sitting really pretty and y'all really had to go put me with these people I haven't been on a tribe with... -_- okay, I've been on a tribe with Kevin but what if he, Dan and Joanna have some kind of power alliance, I feel like a sitting duck!!  THIS... is not cute lol. But on the more positive side I feel like Dan, Kevin and Joanna are all really strong players and maybe we can skate by without going to any tribal councils. Also, I feel like poor Max is a goner because I think he's grounded again. I just really hope that Lily makes it out of this alive!  I feel the same about Landen and even Owen (as long as he doesn't come for me, LOL jk love you) but at the moment Lily is the person I want to see at the end of this game!! 
4 minutes later
I was about to go to bed before all this happened... now catch me jumping into everyones PM's...  I swear, I NEVER talk to everyone like I have been in this game, I really want to do good and make it far and I'm stressed that this swap is going to send me packing! 
23 minutes later
So I have this OCD thing where I can't log off of skype until I answer all my messages and these people reply too fast, especially Joanna.  But okay, I'm feeling REALLY good about this tribe.  Everyone is nice and talkative and obviously I'm going to be on the bottom and the easy vote but....  Kevin seems happy enough to see me so maybe if we do have to worry about tribal I won't be in danger????   I like them all a lot though and I like that Joanna is a Harry Potter superfan so I can talk about books and movies with her. 
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Your girl got too hopeful that it was merge. Can there just be like one round of this and he t to merge already, plzzzzzz?  Also. 1. Very pleased to still be on hufflepuff 2. Love that I’m still with landen. I overall really trust landen at least for a while and in this current moment. Things can change especially with me still paranoid about actually knowing 5 people now 4 (we miss you Jess) people in the game when I told landen I only knew 2. Sooo. Really excited to have to opportunity to talk with autumn again. She is a tru icon and it will be nice to catch up. And I’m laughing and loving that I’m still on a tribe with Owen. After clearly voting for him in the last tribal I’m gonna have to really talk to him in PMs now. I feel like the 4 of us could be a really strong tribe and hopefully do well at whatever the next immunity is but I can’t count on that. I know landen has my back but after voting for Owen at the last tribal it would make a tribal with us 4 realllll interesting. Excited for what is to come and trying to remain positive despite having my heart ripped out without merge. Hoping this next challenge is a fun one or Casanova because I’d love to start playing again. Haha. 
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me: I'll never leave Gryffindor for Hufflepuff and you can't make me 
also me: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/57/88/40/57884096081b0494e51028e2942bfefd.
gif Totally forgot the part where Hufflepuff doesn't lose? Soooo maybe this is good- I can play nice with all my frenemies, we can kick back a bit before I have to slit throats, and it'll just be all good. I mean it needs to be all good cause I have a thesis to finish sooooo this back to back tribal energy has to stop I rebuke it. I also rebuke it because then I'm GUARANTEED next boot and I'll be damned. But yeah it's nice over here, everybody's all happy and relaxed and shit. It's truly a vibe and don't tell Gryffindor I said that hahaha also lmao at Jacob giving me my first vote because we been knew! And there is literally nothing that men can surprise me with at this point so go for it. Not to mention everyone wanted Jacob out, literally the entire time which is why the vote was unanimous?? There was just an order of operations and I respected that; hence why it took it so long. Me being the first to say Jacob's name four rounds ago wasn't earth shattering then or now but sure I'll take the credit for it. I said his name before it became cool to say his name but it did actually manifest lol so I'm good over here. Slytherin is dead, hoes mad, what's new
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I was so blackout I don't even remember if I wrote a confessional last night... ANYWAY, we swapped!!! I'll talk about that more in a second, but can we first just take another second to STAN JACOB C GETTING VOTED OUT!!! I knew the psychic telepathic messages I was sending to Kevin would have my cute bb getting rid of Jacob for me, what an ANGEL. I stan One Kevin and ONE KEVIN ONLY. I'm so happy Jacob is gone because I know he would've come for me at the merge, not only that but he would've been an independent variable I wasn't prepared to deal with getting thrown into the mix of the war of houses and cross-tribal alliances that's about to probably go down. Onto the swap! Putting us into 3 tribes of 4 was SO ugly, you know that.... I'm literally going to kill Dan for even putting that out into the universe, I know it was already decided but it's still his fault for cursing and jinxing it. NEGATIVE VIBES. That being said, I also got onto Hufflepuff for the 3rd time in a row, which is GREAT because Hufflepuff is basically the blessed tribe and the BEST tribe! You all know I'm the ultimate Hufflepuff and now I have the tribal record to prove it. Not only that, but I've got to spend 3 tribal stages with Lily and I've honestly just gotten really close to her, I really appreciate talking to her about life, college, friendships, travel, hobbies, etc. She has a great strategic mind and is so wonderful socially. I just can't make it clear enough how much I enjoy and respect her as a friend and ally in this game. You always need a constant in Survivor and for me, Lily is that constant. So ending up on a tiny tribe of 4 where 2 votes means literally half the vote and a whole world of difference, having Lily and I together means a lot to me. It also means, bar any crazy spells, Lily and I have a lot of power and influence on this tribe should we go to tribal (which I won't allow, I'll kill all 8 people on the other tribes if I fucking have to. I am NOT going to tribal with 4 people in a game where spells and advantages run rampant. Someone's getting swapfucked.) As for the other 2 people on this tribe, I'm really glad we got Owen, actually. I know that probably comes off as a surprise and yes I am very nervous about what he might do to try and come for me and Lily if we go to tribal (hence why we CANNOT go), but like I said in my confessional last round, doing damage control with Owen and getting a better read on his game is going to be essential for my survival during the merge, he needs to feel comfortable with me. We both fell asleep that day and didn't catch each other at the right time to talk about it, so I'm *REALLY* glad I swapped with him to just have a few extra days to sort of nail things down. Of course that also brings me to Autumn who I'm just really really glad to have here for the same reason as Owen. I discussed how Autumn was a crucial vote I'm going to need, in that I want to work with her and Juls moving forward and I need to get to know her. Autumn and I have already bonded over a lot of things and it's been great to talk to her, I can't wait to get to know her even better and hopefully work with her in the future. This tribe was set up perfectly for me to use it as a vantage point for setting up an excellent merge; but I can't deny that in terms of going to tribal, it's going to be VERY difficult to survive and also VERY difficult to vote someone out who I deem essential to my game, so yeah... I'm really hoping we don't go. With the challenge performance record of the 4 that are here I don't think it's going to be hard to avoid an immunity loss, so that's good. Looking forward to what the future holds! Marshmallow moves! 
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new tribes hm.. um, only happy to see jules <3 jk i love chips and max BSSBSN but mac is grounded so i see this taking a toll on some of these challenges, and i literally Cannot see myself voting out jules of chips so uh. hehe! it’s really funny that chips and i have been together since the beginning though, the way i would literally die for that man.. unreal. he’s just the absolute sweetest :pleading: but in another note, WOO! made jury bitches! now all i need is these tribes to merge and i am SET. 
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Seriously this entire tribe responds SO fast I can't keep up, LOL. I'm excited for the challenge tomorrow.  I really think that we are going to have an advantage because these people are literally always around and typing something when I send a message so maybe we'll win.   Also, I'm not sharing this with them but if Max is still grounded that might give us ANOTHER advantage of him not posting stuff.  I don't want to tell them this and for them to all get lazy though, so.. I wish these people would stop asking questions in the tribe chat so I could finish my search, grrr. I don't want to sign this off until I finish in case I find something because I want to write about it! I'm really sad that Lily and I aren't on the same tribe anymore, I copy and pasted the spreadsheet we've been using to search to a separate one since we can't compare notes this round -_- grrr nothing, okay I'm heading to bed but at least I know I have enough confessionals this round. 
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This challenge makes me want to die
16 minutes later
I refuse to lose this challenge. Will I be going to "school" on 4 hours of sleep? Yes. But I haven't missed a single one since 10 am (and as i'm writing this is 1 am). I'm not losing this challenge. I'm not voting these people out.
1 hour later
another hour.... another chunk of my sanity gone
50 minutes later
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So like we all know by now, I have a big mouth and told my tribe about Max getting grounded shortly before the swap.  No idea if he still is or not but that would be nice for this challenge. Also if I woke up at 3:45 AM and we lose I'm going to be MAD!! 
5 hours later
UGH look at me actually talking a lil in the great hall instead of sleeping, I missed Landen :( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET.  US.  MERGE! 
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the way i stayed up 24 hours...only missed TWO...and still lost because NO ONE ELSE PUT THE CONSISTENCY AND EFFORT THAT I DID....if these people vote me out it's riggamorris....yall better give me most robbed juror....or cutest harry potter fan that's fine with me too EWFJIWEJIWF
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So I feel like I contributed a lot to the last challenge but shout out to Kevin and Joanna for fucking holding it down over night! I definitely still contributed the least so I’m blessed that we won! I’m really praying for merge tonight, but I really feel like there’s gonna be one last round and a merge at 10. I’m worried that another person will join the jury that I don’t have a great relationship with. But at the same time, I don’t want Jules to be voted out because I do feel like she is loyal to me. I’m hoping chips goes honestly ahhaha we NEVER have a great relationship in games. OH and I have such a soft spot for Ruthie, like I love her spirit and her energy, but she also knows I can get to the end and have a good shot at winning (RIP @ me getting robbed in TS: RvR a few months ago). She is someone I want to keep close because she’s GREAT socially, where I’m not, but I’m also keeping an eye on her bc I played her last time. 
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If this isn’t the last tribal before merge I might lose it. Now will be the time to tell if my lack of experience in tribals will bite me in the butt. Excited to see what this advantage is tonight as well. Hoping that max isn’t voted out just yet as I see him as someone who would vote with me and be honest with me in merge. I also think some people might want to vote him out before myself or another one of my allies so he would be helpful to have around. I still feel the strongest trust with Ruthie and landen. I hope it’s a while before they would want to turn on each other. I need to touch base with Kevin and see where he is at. I also think chips and juls would be really great allies in this game despite voting differently at the tribal we attended together. I’m ready for the next stage of the game and if it isn’t time for that yet I might go crazy. 
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I HATE IT HERE! I HATE THIS FOUR PERSON TRIBE THING AND HOW MAX WANTS JULES OUT! i don’t think anyone understands that i would literally lay down my life for jules and i refuse to let them go anywhere. literally Not on my fucking watch!!!! this vote is literally gonna kill me and max is like i trust you the most :heart: well yea.. because u know ur in danger.. funny how this is the first time we’ve talked game NNN. anyways. i live max but in order for jules to thrive he’s gotta go!
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WE WON IMMUNITY !!!!! I DIDNT STAY UP FOR 24 HOURS FOR NOTHING !!!! I AM SO HAPPY !!!!! I hope the merge is after this 
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It's like I just single-handedly annihilated, you know, every ORG bitch in the building Like, like, I'm Julesy Minaj, Julesy Lewinsky, Julesy the Ninja, Julesy the Boss, Julesy the Harajuku Barbie Like I mean I don't even know why you girls bother at this point! Like, give it up, it's me! I win! You lose HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh shit hahaha, yo
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toxururira · 7 years
alphabet tag game
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @gs0uls​ fdkfjdf thank u for tagging me i lov talking abt myself
im just gonna tag @versacejins @1dalgom @yichor @seoub   thats all i can think of rn sorry, u dont have to do it + sorry if i tagged u and u already did it LMAOO 
A: age | 20
B: birthplace | ohio, usa
C: current time | 9 pm
D: drink you had last | water rip
E: easiest person to talk to | hayami and logan
F: favorite song | uhhh rn its a-cha by suju
G: grossest memory |  my grandpa owns a few houses along a canal and u can go fishing right off the edge of it, and my Baby Child ass (i was like 7) was running along the canal barefoot as fuck and i stepped on fish bones and they went into my foot ksdfjksdf and when i STARTED SCREAMING IN PAIN my mom and step dad didnt even come get me like i was on the ground SOBBING and they made me get up n stumble to them like bitch i got fish bones in my foot!!! anyways, my step dad had to get them out and it was The grossest thing that has ever happened to me to this day.
H: hogwarts house | slytherin bitch Hehe
I: in love? | yes w yesung duh
J: jealous of people? | not really? i dont have a reason to be lmao
K: killed someone | no what the fuck
L: love at first sight or should I walk by again? | do u know how long it took me to understand this
M: middle name | nikole
N: number of siblings | 4, a half brother from my mom and 3 half sisters from my dad
O: one wish | to stop being so Fuuuucking unstable like im Tired!! also i want everyone to fall in love with me .  thats two wishes but if i had to choose one ill go for the second
P: person you called last | my grandma 
R: reasons to smile | yesung     idk
S: song you sang last | likey by twice dont @ me 
T: time you woke up |  like 5 am even though i didnt fall asleep until like 2 am but then i came home and napped from 3 pm until like.  2 hours ago
U: underwear color | grey lol
V: vacation destination | i really wanna go to germany, nyc, california  anywhere in california LMAO, and china preferably like   Shenzhen
W: worst habit | toUCHING MY FACE
X: x-rays | i had to get an xray on my chest/ribs once   idr why 
Y: your favorite food | anything chicken bc its that one food that u LITERALLY cant fuck up like its always good
Z: zodiac sign | scorpio 😔✊
Ultimate bias: yesung kangin and kyungwon.  and chanyeol but i havent been as into exo lately so i havent been giving him much attention :( 
Favorite kpop song: Rn Its Still A-cha by Suju    Sorry
First kpop song:  stop it by bap skfjkdsf
Favorite kpop album: exodus 
Hard or soft fan: mostly hard but i get Ultra Soft for kangin 
Favorite kpop company: idk i dont rly care abt companies .  ill just say sm since 2/3 of my ult groups are from sm LMAOO
Backstory of how I got into kpop: i was dating this guy named tj and he was a FAT kpop stan (which i ?? oddly didnt find out until like 3 months into our relationship) and he Loved BAP and was obsessed with yongguk (which is weird because he was/still is friends with yongguk’s sister but anyways) he made me listen to bap and i really liked them n then he made me listen to bts too then i just     got sucked in I Guess oddly enough i dont stan Any of the groups Now that i stanned back then  like i dropped literally all of them i m just a   fat Exol Elf HIgh  . 
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nightgnome · 7 years
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @diaryofanobsessivefangirl @societyneedstocrumble @trisk-alien @pre-successful ... you guys make me feel so special!
1. nicknames: Kat 2. gender: Cis female 3. star sign: Libra 4. height: 5′6 5. time: 2:04 pm 6. birthday: I don’t put my birthday online :) xoxo 7. favorite bands: Too many... but lately I’ve been listening a lot to STRFCKR and Ok Go... I love my Sufjan Stevens Pandora station when I need to chill. 8. favorite solo artists: Sarah Harmer 9. song stuck in my head: “Wild Thing” by Dear Ears 10. last movie i watched: The Better Angels 11. last show i watched: lmao The OA, for the 1 millionth time 12. when did i create my blog: December 2016 13. what do i post: This blog? Mostly beautiful things, heartbreak, folkart and art reference 14. last thing i googled: "crown of head symbolism” 15. do i have any other blogs: I have like 10 blogs that I use with varying degrees of frequency, then some other URLs that I really wish I could just give away (I hate deleting things) 16. do i get asks: Infrequently. 17. why i chose my url: Because I blog at nighttime. And I’m a fae creature. 18. following: 485 lmao I have lots of interests 19. followers: here? 133 21. average hours of sleep: 8 22. lucky number: I don’t believe in luck. I make my own numbers. 23. instruments: guitar 24. what am i wearing: pigtails (always pigtails), fuzzy socks, yoga pants, and a burgundy knit sweater 26. dream job:  being me ;) 27. dream trip: roadtrip across the US with my kids 28. favorite food: ice cream 29. nationality: American... Irish heritage 30. favorite song right now: “Like a Fool” by Keira Knightly
Lay some personal knowledge on me, my buddies! @aurel1us @warm-human @love-affair-with-fandoms @ofcoloursandthings @lordganondorfdragmire @professor-percy @missingprairie @pershingchampion @lordhellebore @robb-greyjoy @cafeleningrad @lesbianfarmersmarket
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Feb 12 Dancitron Movie Night - The Dark Night
Prowl screamed at Harvey Dent.
After the movie there were very educational and completely hypnotizing videos about Earth science. The ones on biology taught Prowl many new science facts and the ones on physics and cosmology taught Prowl zero new science facts but many new Earth-history-of-science facts.
ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *The door to Dancitron is open, Soundwave has everything arranged per usual, and is catching a moment of peace and quiet. No warrants necessary.* Swoop 8:20 pm *stumbles in sleepily, as if this is the bedroom he doesn't have, rather than someone's place of business* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *There goes the peace and quiet.* Swoop 8:21 pm *yaaaaaaaaaawwwns and streeeeeeeeetttches* BIrd? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[No.]] Swoop 8:22 pm *overwhelmed with sadness* where bird? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm [[She said, and he quotes: "Bird not want mushy hug stuff, hearts, nothing. Got own snacks."]] [[She did not tell him where she went.]] Swoop 8:23 pm *looks absolutely baffled and heartbroken* *what is this and why is it happening* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[There there. She'll likely be around next time.]] Swoop 8:24 pm *is the kind of distraught that only an exhausted child can be and plops down right where he's standing in front of the door to Dancitron* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *Shakes his helm and uses a feeler to nudge Swoop inside and to one side.* Swoop 8:25 pm *is a limp noodle* Bevel 8:26 pm *good thing he was moved or she'd have definitely tripped over him when she walked in* Swoop 8:26 pm *chirps at Bevel* *someone needs to witness how upset he is* Bevel 8:26 pm *chirps back and crouches down to pat him* Hi, Swoop. Swoop 8:27 pm *is the physical embodiment of a lip wobble* Her Bird not here Specs 8:27 pm *the dragon drags in a passel of treats. energon cookies and gummis and mercury drops and rust sticks, oh my!* ((...rabbit pls)) ((THERE WE GO)) Bevel 8:28 pm *frowns sadly for Swoop's plight* She will be here next time I bet. Swoop 8:29 pm But But Me Swoop not see Bird in forEVER ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Soundwave nods to Bevel and the dragon before settling himself down.* Bevel 8:30 pm *pings Soundwave hello* Yeah but that means when you see her it will be even better! Swoop 8:30 pm :C *flops uselessly forward* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((10 MINUTE WARNING)) Specs 8:31 pm *the dragon waves at Soundwave, and continues piling treats on the designated Food Area. she may have made more than she ought to have. maybe. * Bevel 8:31 pm Do you want me to sit with you tonight? Swoop 8:32 pm *nods and makes grabby hands at Bevel without looking up* Bevel 8:32 pm *will sit on the floor NOT in front of the door but near Swoop then* Swoop 8:33 pm *slooooowwwly pushes himself over to Bevel in the approximation of a pile* *can't dinobot properly without a pile* Bevel 8:33 pm *accepts this fate* Swoop 8:34 pm Tomorrow is Valentine day Bevel 8:34 pm Is that the candy holiday? Swoop 8:35 pm YAH Me Swoop want to present for Bird but no bird : < Bevel 8:36 pm You should give it to her tomorrow, yeah? On the right day. Swoop 8:38 pm *siiiiiiiiiiighs and flops over onto Bevel* Me Swoop LOVE Her Bird ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm ((WARNINGS: Violence and blood, death, clowns, body horror, immolation, sexism, flashing lights, standard Batman mythos stuff.)) Bevel 8:41 pm *comforting pat, she has no idea what to say about the topic of LOVE* FakeProwl 8:41 pm ((pencil tricks)) Swoop 8:41 pm *leans into the pets* Specs 8:41 pm ((the worst sort of magic trick lbr)) FakeProwl 8:41 pm *arrives just in time, takes his seat.* Swoop 8:41 pm *takes Bevel's hand, tilts his head back, and tries to make her hand scritch his jaw* Bevel 8:42 pm *Swoop's being non-destructive and sad tonight, so skritches he will get* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm [[Starting off with a bang, isn't it.]] *Soundwave nods to Prowl. Good evening.* FakeProwl 8:43 pm ... Well, I can already see where this is going. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm [[Indeed.]] Specs 8:43 pm ((fun game for today: is the audio lagging, or is my brain lagging)) Swoop 8:43 pm *is basically watching the screen upside down because he is MUCH more interested in getting scritches right now* Specs 8:43 pm ((the joys of withdrawal)) Bevel 8:44 pm *keeps Soundwave's advice in mind, so she'll just silently watch the movie for now until she has an idea of what it is Prowl and Soundwave think is gonna happen* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm ((the audio is a bit rough today, i'm sorry. i forgot to test the rabbitcast quality before posting up and i didn't wanna kick everyone out and make y'all come back in so i could reset)) Specs 8:45 pm ((oh, thank god, it's not my brain)) ((I mean, it sucks that your cast is having issues, but. I was freaking out over here lol)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm [[Quite the answer.]] Swoop 8:45 pm *giggles just the tiniest bit while nudging against Bevel with his crest* FakeProwl 8:45 pm Very well choreographed. *nods. yep. that's where he thought that was going.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm [[...Take the grenade out of your mouth, fool.]] FakeProwl 8:46 pm Spit it out. *shakes head. moron.* Swoop 8:47 pm *yawns and streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetches out* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Sees the dragon hasn't got a perch tonight. Motions to them and then the couch's arm?* Bevel 8:48 pm *is she gonna be turned into a mattress tonight?* Swoop 8:49 pm *yis* *is an excellent blanket, very toasty warm* Specs 8:49 pm *the dragon doesn't need to be asked twice. have the fanciest arm rest, soundwave. * FakeProwl 8:49 pm ... Has nobody noticed that the bat-shaped spotlight is shining from the police department's roof? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm [[What do you mean?]] *Soundwave stretches a feeler back toward the bar once the dragon has got comfy and pulls over a bowl filled with the kinds of food they said they eat. Zori was a busy bug today.* [[And these imitators are lucky they have not been hurt worse.]] FakeProwl 8:51 pm I mean, why is the mayor saying the police are close to an arrest when it SHOULD be obvious that the police is—I'd say "tacitly," but a spotlight isn't very tacit—the police is overtly calling on him to help do their job. Specs 8:51 pm For me? *that's a rhetorical question- who else eats that food here? but the dragon is astonished and delighted nonetheless* Thank you, Soundwave! Bevel 8:51 pm *Swoop being warm is gonna make her so uncomfortable since she runs hot herself but she'll tolerate it for a little while* FakeProwl 8:51 pm I mean, yes, politicians lie—but typically not that stupidly? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[You are welcome, dragon. It is the least we can do after so many of your contributions.]]
[[Perhaps he intends to - as the phrase goes - throw the police under the bus?]] Swoop 8:52 pm *unless Bevel erupts into flames, Swoop is going to consider this a very neutral room temperature and continue trying to get increasingly stronger scritches* FakeProwl 8:52 pm Hm. Maybe. *... looks around. not many people here this week.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm *Why on Earth is the servant human walking into a.... wow.* Specs 8:54 pm *the dragon loafs right up and starts snacking. she's pleased.* Bevel 8:54 pm *she'll just subtly sharpen the tips of her fingers for better skritches* Swoop 8:54 pm *is a happier lump now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm *Glances down at the dragon.* [[What else would you require to be as comfortable here as our kind?]] Swoop 8:57 pm Him punch *sleepy* FakeProwl 8:57 pm Heh. Impressive show. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm [[Rather. [][][]Razzle-dazzle.[][][] But without the evidence tampering, he suspects.]] Bevel 8:57 pm That was great. Ha FakeProwl 8:58 pm ... Hm. He DOES say he "makes his own luck." I hope he's NOT referring to evidence tampering. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[There - he asked your question.]] Swoop 9:00 pm *giggles sleepily at the other sleepy person on screen* *points* *looks up at Bevel to see if she sees him point* FakeProwl 9:00 pm Hm. Internal Affairs. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[What is that?]] Bevel 9:00 pm *nods and grins* You gonna fall asleep too, Swoop? Swoop 9:01 pm NoOO Bevel 9:02 pm Ok. Swoop 9:02 pm ((ordinary citizen with $$$)) Specs 9:02 pm *the dragon looks even more surprised- and pleased* Well. Honestly, I am pretty comfortable as is. I had gotten used to eating beforehand, and it's not as though it's uncomfortable here for me... *she's already loafed up, or else she'd be the fuzziest arm rest around* I could bring my own cushions, but that seems a little rude... FakeProwl 9:03 pm The people in a police department who look into it when an officer is reported for wrongdoing. Swoop 9:03 pm *sees hand holding on the screen* *decides he wants to hold hands* *grabby hands at Bevel* FakeProwl 9:04 pm Arguably, the most important part of the department. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm [[Ah. Then the implication is that the police are still filled with corrupt members.]]
*Soundwave considers the bit about the cushions. He then nods and opens a bridge overhead. A bit of fishing around with a feeler and he's got some of the ones sent to him by anons in the past.*
[[You may use these. They catch on his points.]] Bevel 9:05 pm *Swoop can have her right hand* FakeProwl 9:05 pm Filled with corrupt members—and that Harvey Dent was responsible for investigating and prosecuting them. Swoop 9:05 pm *holds Bevels hand but looks at all the laughter on screen* FakeProwl 9:05 pm *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* Specs 9:06 pm *the dragon perks up* Thank you! Thank you! *she flies up, ready to take the pillow from him* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Jumps slightly and huffs LOUD* FakeProwl 9:06 pm *claps hands over mouth* Bevel 9:06 pm *startled laugh at the trick* Swoop 9:06 pm *takes a second ot process what he just saw and then EXPLODES laughing before sinking back into being a toasty blanket* Smokescreen 9:06 pm /PFPF-/ Wait how much did I miss Bevel 9:07 pm Hey, Smokescreen! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm [[Not very much. The Batman has imitators, the mayor pretends to want to arrest him, the - what was the abbreviation? District attorney? Wants to take down a mob, and this Joker is causing problems.]] FakeProwl 9:07 pm *he's still trying desperately to recover* Smokescreen 9:07 pm !! /Waving at Bevel! He was planning on sneaking in but this is fine./ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *Well, he's learned something new about Prowl's sense of humor today.* Swoop 9:07 pm *is a snuggle blanket holding Bevel's hand and watching the screen sideways* Smokescreen 9:07 pm Imitators? Like, people imitating batman or imitating like... Superhero stuff? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Imitating Batman.]] Smokescreen 9:08 pm ..... Pff- Bevel 9:08 pm *she's sitting by the door with a Dinobot flopped across her lap and holding one of her hands, hard to not notice who enters* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm *Ah - and the dragon is welcome to pluck said cushion out of those claws. Missed that one.* FakeProwl 9:08 pm *it just—it—FWOOP. and the pencil was gone. tadaaa* Smokescreen 9:09 pm /Smokescreen's going to sit with Bevel and Swoop! These are friendly faces after all/ FakeProwl 9:09 pm *okay. okay. okay. he's recovering. okay. whoooo.* Swoop 9:09 pm *blinks owlishly at Smokescreen* Specs 9:09 pm *its GONE. her cushion now. the arm rest is now Soft™️ and Fancy™️* Bevel 9:09 pm *she'd been hoping to convince Chimera into a cuddle but Swoop is acceptable* Bevel 9:10 pm *shudders a little mentally now that she's actually thought about the "trick"* Specs 9:11 pm ((my mom finds the "the CIA had a program back in the 60's" the funniest part of this movie.)) Smokescreen 9:11 pm Cats? ... Is Catwoman in this one? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm @P: [[...He knows that you work to cover up your laughter, but - it IS good to see that again.]] Swoop 9:12 pm Pyeongchang is Olympics ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm *As close as he can get to "you're adorable"* Smokescreen 9:12 pm Oh yeah! How are the Olympics, Swoop? What are the olympic fights this time anyway ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm [[She is not until the next one.]]
((why does she find that funny?)) Smokescreen 9:12 pm ...... he's not dead is- oh Swoop 9:13 pm *sleepily* Me Swoop like Olympics ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm [[One should never take for granted that a dead mortal enemy is dead.]] Smokescreen 9:13 pm /Patpatpat Swoop/ Bevel 9:13 pm You should always make sure. Smokescreen 9:13 pm That's the best advice I've ever heard from you Sounds Specs 9:13 pm ((mom used to work in logistics for the DOD, among other things. mom knows a lot of shit about government programs.)) ((mom has friends who I am actually forbidden to mention psychic powers to because they did accounting for MKUltra.)) ((it was That Bad from any way you put it)) Swoop 9:14 pm *leans into Smokescreen's patpats* *needs ALL the attention to make up for Bird not being here* FakeProwl 9:14 pm *he's trembling again* *TRYOUTS* Smokescreen 9:15 pm /Petpetpetpet Swoop. He likes giving attention so it works out!/ Specs 9:15 pm ((the tl;dr is unfortunately that "nothing in the american government works")) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm ((i'll buy that)) Smokescreen 9:15 pm ... Wait, that was a cell phone? How does it flip? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[It doesn't. Most now don't.]] [[...How clever.]] Smokescreen 9:16 pm Wait, really? Man- weird. Why not? The flipping seemed like fun. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[Though it does rely overmuch on an inattentive guard.]] Smokescreen 9:17 pm There are some really easily distracted guards out there, you know. /Not talking about himself, no way./ Bevel 9:17 pm *or a guard change if you want to be careful* Specs 9:18 pm ((augh this shit again. LET US KNOW WHAT THEY'RE SAYING, YOU COWARDS)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Folds his hands and rests his chin on them. He is most interested in seeing this next plan played out. The Bat human does come up with wild things.* FakeProwl 9:18 pm I think it's a very realistic expectation that the guard would accept that at face value and move on. Swoop 9:18 pm *perks up at someone jumping off a building* FakeProwl 9:18 pm He might have improved it by bringing a second person with him, on whom he could stand on the other side of having a conversation, so that the guard would be less likely to notice him pass. Swoop 9:18 pm Him swooping Specs 9:19 pm *the dragon perks up at this too* A human can fly? Swoop 9:19 pm *sleepy happy chitters* Specs 9:19 pm ((YES! SUBTITLES! BLESS!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm ((specs - it depends on who does the captioning tbh. the company i have freelanced for does not allow you to translate. you have to write "speaking spanish" or "speaking foreign language" unless they pay to have a separate service done for the translation bit. they might also not have actually provided the translation to the captioner) FakeProwl 9:19 pm ((i wasn't looking, what did the subs say)) Specs 9:20 pm ((oh. well, that Sucks. I understand, but it sucks.)) Swoop 9:20 pm Explode ((literally everyone should know who batman is at this point. HOw many people ON PLANET EARTH could afford what just happened?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm [[Yes. It is always good to add a little insurance.]] *Re: the second person.* ((also idk what the subs say i was looking at the cats sorry ;;)) Specs 9:22 pm ((something about "where are the cops? what do we pay them for?")) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm [[The Joker correctly pegged him as a - "squealer".]] Swoop 9:23 pm What county is? FakeProwl 9:23 pm ((this is the same universe as superman, they might assume batman is a superhero, not a rich dude)) Smokescreen 9:23 pm County prison, I'm guessing? Swoop 9:23 pm what county Smokescreen 9:23 pm Uhhhh Bevel 9:23 pm Gotham? Smokescreen 9:24 pm Gotham's a city, not a county, right? Specs 9:24 pm Well. That's one way to do it. Bevel 9:24 pm *shrugs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[A county is a small portion of a larger political area.]] FakeProwl 9:24 pm Well, she's dead. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[...Primus, they're trying that many at once!?]] Smokescreen 9:25 pm ... Clean streets? What does that have to do with this though Swoop 9:25 pm *bonks Bevel with the top of his helm* Specs 9:25 pm There's ambition, and then there's biting the flank of a sea serpent. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *He's - he's honestly amazed at their nerve. And admiring. Some of those people probably got involved for reasons that could have been prevented if they didn't have the misfortune of slipping through assorted cracks, but some...* Bevel 9:25 pm Like New Praxus is a smaller part of Praxus? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm [[Something like that. He is not sure what makes a city different from a county. It is a human invention.]] Bevel 9:26 pm *blinks at Swoop, whaaaaat?* Smokescreen 9:26 pm Wait Harvey Dent Oh. OH. Bevel 9:26 pm No spoilers! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm @Sm: [[No spoilers.]] Smokescreen 9:26 pm I'm not gonna spoil anything! Swoop 9:26 pm *takes her hand and holes it up to his helm* FakeProwl 9:26 pm *glances at Soundwave* A county is several cities. Swoop 9:26 pm *is suddenly torn between scritches and holding hands* : < FakeProwl 9:27 pm A state is several counties. Bevel 9:27 pm *will wait for Swoop to decide* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm [[Hmm. Thank you. He will log that.]] Smokescreen 9:27 pm ... What's the difference between a state and a providence? Bevel 9:27 pm Thanks, Prowl. Swoop 9:27 pm *looks DISTRAUGHT up at Bevel* Smokescreen 9:28 pm provence Provence I mean frag Actually I'm not sure There's weird geographical terms on Earth Smokescreen 9:30 pm ............. That sure is a face of a bright future Bevel 9:30 pm *tries to pull her hand free so she can pet Swoop's helm then* Swoop 9:30 pm *lets her hand go but whines* Specs 9:30 pm *looks at smokescreen* I feel like you're somehow spoiling things without spoiling them. Smokescreen 9:30 pm Wait I don't mean to It's just like... I don't recognize that human's face at all. Bevel 9:31 pm *frowns at Smokescreen* Shhhhh. *caves to Swoop and offers him her left hand for holding* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Shifts a little. He's... feeling a little uneasy about this. The Joker has already proved that he thinks ahead.* Smokescreen 9:32 pm .... I'll try to keep quiet Swoop 9:32 pm *takes her and but still looks like a :C until the scritches start* Smokescreen 9:32 pm PROVINCES that's the term I was thinking of frag- are they just another word for states or something Bevel 9:32 pm Why would they have two words for the same thing? Smokescreen 9:33 pm Humans have a lot of words for the same thing Bevel 9:33 pm *have skritches Swoop* Specs 9:33 pm Oh no. Smokescreen 9:33 pm !! /Will help give Swoop scritches/ Swoop 9:33 pm *is getting x2 scritches and suddenly there is an explosion* *is still exhausted but is happier* Smokescreen 9:35 pm PPFPfff- can you imagine how those people are feeling? Just like "Man Bruce Wayne is so selfish!" Specs 9:35 pm I do believe that's the point, Smokescreen. Bevel 9:36 pm This is a different story. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm *This isn't the same story as the last time. Is he pulling a Garak?* Smokescreen 9:36 pm I know. but it's pretty funny to think about Swoop 9:36 pm KNife Smokescreen 9:37 pm knifeboot Specs 9:37 pm Oh, knifeboots. Classic humans! Bevel 9:37 pm That is a good place to keep a knife. Swoop 9:37 pm jump Specs 9:38 pm Hm, he doesn't seem to be flying this time. Swoop 9:40 pm *perks up* *he heard the word burn* *what are we doing* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm [[...How do you get fingerprints from a shattered bullet embedded in stone.]] FakeProwl 9:42 pm By removing and reconstructing it. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Have you done that? What he is doing.]] Specs 9:43 pm Someone's going to get in trouble, or a new job. Ah, bribery. Trouble, then. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *HARD TREMBLING.* [[/Amateur./]] FakeProwl 9:43 pm Indeed. Specs 9:43 pm *THAT gets an ugly laugh from the dragon* Bevel 9:43 pm That did not go over well. FakeProwl 9:44 pm *huffs* Smokescreen 9:44 pm Pffff- That's why no one connects the dots, I'm guessing Swoop 9:44 pm *didn't follow the scene but giggles at the guy's face before leaning back into Bevel's hand* FakeProwl 9:44 pm Reconstructed a bullet? Mentally, not physically. Never to find a "fingerprint." *covers audials* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *Is still shaking a little. He cannot -believe- that human was foolish enough to - to-- just the going about it in person was bad enough; the rest of the idea--* *Will make a note to limit bagpipe music around Prowl as soon as he finishes recovering.* [[What - what did you find? Reconstructing.]] *And mentally. Wow...* Bevel 9:47 pm Humans can trace bullets back to their guns and stuff, right? Can we do that? Specs 9:48 pm Oh. Swoop 9:48 pm Me Swoop have gun FakeProwl 9:48 pm Of course we can. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Oh. A sacrifice?* Bevel 9:49 pm Blasters? Not bullets. Swoop 9:49 pm Dinobots have swords FakeProwl 9:50 pm Among other things, I reconstructed them to find the shape and size of the bullet. Actually reassembling the bullet is a far more reliable way to figure out its caliber than guessing based on the damage it leaves behind. Specs 9:50 pm ((ow. withdrawal + these lights is not a great thing)) Smokescreen 9:50 pm You got a sword? I've got a practice one- they're pretty cool, right? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm ((i'm sorry ;;)) FakeProwl 9:51 pm *looks down.* And yes, blasterfire can be traced back much the same way as bulletfire. Slightly different process. Bevel 9:51 pm I have a lot of swords, Swoop. Specs 9:51 pm ((it's not your fault! it's not like you stole my medicine, lol)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm [[...He isn't.]] Swoop 9:51 pm *looks sleepily amazed at Bevel* Bevel 9:52 pm Could you trace back blasters built into someone? *sorry Prowl she's curious* Blasters leave energy traces behind, right? *skritches Swoop some more and grins* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *Shakes his helm.* FakeProwl 9:54 pm It depends. Some blasters, even inbuilt blasters, are mass-produced. If there are no aftermarket changes... *falls silent* *that was not okay, Dent.* *that was very unacceptable.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm [[...What assurance does he have that the Joker will stop if he stops?]] Smokescreen 9:56 pm ... What kind of aftermarket changes are you talking about? FakeProwl 9:56 pm He has none. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm [[If the Joker simply wants to watch the world burn, why not unmask him and then keep going?]] Specs 9:56 pm Exactly. FakeProwl 9:56 pm I suspect he's run the math. Bevel 9:56 pm *but if there were... most of the built-in blasters she's seen have been modified in some way but all of them draw on energon the same way everything else does so... she's thinking* FakeProwl 9:56 pm There's a five percent chance Joker will stop if he turns himself in. There's a zero percent chance Joker will stop if he doesn't. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[Hmm.]] *Those are some long odds.* *Glances over at Bevel. Why is she thinking so hard about blasters? Is she in trouble for something he somehow hasn't heard about...?* Smokescreen 9:59 pm Harvey Specs 9:59 pm *blinks* Swoop 9:59 pm ((the very cleft chin makes that hard to buy, buddy, but good try)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Tilts his helm.* Bevel 9:59 pm *one hopes not, Soundwave, but she's not saying anything for now* Swoop 10:00 pm *this is too quiet for him* *starts shifting this way and that to get comfortable for sleep time* Specs 10:00 pm ...Why do humans DO that? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm [[A kiss is not a sufficient answer to that question.]] FakeProwl 10:01 pm Ah. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm [[...Ahhhh.]] Smokescreen 10:01 pm P-pfpff Specs 10:01 pm Oh! That's. Wow. Smokescreen 10:01 pm I kinda like this Harvey so far Bevel 10:01 pm So he was not going to shoot that human either way. FakeProwl 10:01 pm I would like to point out that that does not excuse the fact that he was interrogating a prisoner with a gun to his head. Smokescreen 10:01 pm Did he have to get that coin custom-made Specs 10:02 pm No, he wasn't. Smokescreen 10:02 pm how long was he waiting for someone to notice that gag Bevel 10:02 pm ((mmm i love these chicago chase scenes so much FakeProwl 10:02 pm The fact that he wasn't going to shoot him doesn't make such behavior any more acceptable. He made him fear for his life. Bevel 10:02 pm *nods* FakeProwl 10:03 pm Such torture interrogation methods are both ineffective AND immoral. Swoop 10:03 pm *hears crashing noises and peaks one optic open* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm [[No, the general population would not accept that as a reason.]]
[[He has seen such coins before. Cybertronian, of course. He does not know how they were acquired. Jackpot disliked telling his secrets, even under duress.]] FakeProwl 10:03 pm *sharp laugh* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm [[And Vortex was not as competent as he liked people to believe.]] Bevel 10:03 pm Torture is a bad interrogation method. *doesn't work and y'know it's really wrong* Swoop 10:03 pm *sleepy giggles* FakeProwl 10:04 pm *Sorry, the—"he's going to need something a lot bigger"—and then something a lot bigger* Specs 10:04 pm *blinks* Please tell me that "Jackpot" was not a counterfeiter. Please. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[Not at all. He was a gambler.]] Specs 10:05 pm There is something very wrong with Primus' sense of humor. Smokescreen 10:05 pm A gambler? Like- that's what he did? Is that just... Something you can do, just like that? Swoop 10:05 pm Him Smokescreen *yawns* gamble ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Shrugs.* [[He claimed to have made a living off of it before the war.]]
*Looks at Swoop. So he's heard those rumors too, has he?* Smokescreen 10:06 pm Yours does? I've been thinking about going by some casinos my Dad owns- maybe I'm just destined to do it after all! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm [[...How is he going to catch them on foot?]] Smokescreen 10:06 pm run very very fast? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm [[......Oh. Never mind.]] Swoop 10:06 pm *sleepy blinks at Smokescreen, making no connection to anything he just said* FakeProwl 10:06 pm *watching that vehicle explode was inexplicably satisfying.* Smokescreen 10:06 pm ... What does your me look like, Swoop? Swoop 10:06 pm Blue FakeProwl 10:06 pm *goodbye forever, you ugly hunk of junk.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm *Puffing. That's going to stay with those newbuilds for a while isn't it.* Specs 10:07 pm Oh, that looks painful. Smokescreen 10:08 pm Blue? Just... Blue? Wait, did he look liiiiiike- /Quickly switching to his own blue paint job- maybe Swoop's in a similar universe somehow?/ Specs 10:08 pm *the dragon licks at the joints of her wings. just IMAGINING how it might feel to get clotheslined by metal wires is freaking her out.* Swoop 10:08 pm *points at Smokescreen's chest* Blue Smokescreen 10:08 pm Oh! Cool! Then it's definitely destined for me, neat! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Watches the dragon. Offers a hand?*
[[...That is an -incredibly- ill-advised move.]] Bevel 10:08 pm Is there a me in your universe, Swoop? *curious, she's only found one other Bevel before and it was not... not technically an alternate* Smokescreen 10:08 pm ... Do you know if he's actually any good at the whole gambling thing? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm [[Though it does seem to have turned out well.]] Swoop 10:09 pm *looks back and forth between Bevel and Smokescreen* *yaaaaaaaawwwns* FakeProwl 10:09 pm Hah! Bevel 10:09 pm *skritches some more* Swoop 10:10 pm *chirps and closes his optics* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *...Must get a modification like that for his visor.* *SITS UP* Smokescreen 10:10 pm Wait Gordon is ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm [[The Gordon human lives?]] Bevel 10:10 pm Yay! FakeProwl 10:10 pm Aha. Clever. Smokescreen 10:10 pm How Specs 10:10 pm *the dragon shakes herself a bit, and chirps at Soundwave- and is then distracted by RANDOM DEAD GUY LIVING* What? Smokescreen 10:12 pm but what if he escapes that fast FakeProwl 10:12 pm *... snrrk.* Specs 10:12 pm *snickers* A dragon would bite him for that. Smokescreen 10:12 pm ...... FakeProwl 10:12 pm *why is the joker so funny.* Swoop 10:13 pm *because anarchists are the best dontcha know prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Oh no. Oh, no, no, no. They did this with Vehicons a few times.* FakeProwl 10:14 pm *no no, most anarchists aren't funny at all.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[Heh.]] Smokescreen 10:15 pm HEH was he here the whole time ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm [[Evidently.]] Smokescreen 10:16 pm ... Hey, I don't know if rich humans have teleportation devices or something Specs 10:16 pm ((...I just watched the cat open my minifridge and start poaching my chicken nuggets)) ((I'm glad to know that her lack of appetite is not due to sickness?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm ((that is one clever cat)) FakeProwl 10:18 pm *... would really like to see the Joker proven wrong about people. Would really like the movie to say he's wrong.* Specs 10:18 pm ((it's also a cheap fridge and the nuggets weren't secured.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm *Folded hands again.* Bevel 10:20 pm *tries to gently pull her hands away from Swoop* Swoop 10:20 pm *the sleeeeepiest of whines* Bevel 10:20 pm ... Specs 10:20 pm ... *hisses* FakeProwl 10:20 pm They should have listened to his complaints much earlier. Bevel 10:21 pm *Christmas lights... lights. Oh no.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[You have no idea.]] Smokescreen 10:21 pm That cop is pretty awful ugh ........ Specs 10:22 pm ((I have now taped my fridge shut)) Bevel 10:22 pm *shooshes Swoop quietly and pulls her hands away, she needs to get a datapad* Specs 10:22 pm ((this is what my life is like now. a taped fridge.)) Swoop 10:22 pm *rests his head on Bevel's chest and makes sleepy sad borb noises* Smokescreen 10:23 pm .... Specs 10:23 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *And there it is.* Smokescreen 10:23 pm Why does everyone have to put these things in other people Specs 10:24 pm He's too foul for the Eaten. FakeProwl 10:24 pm ... Impressive bomb for such a small space. Smokescreen 10:24 pm why do you gotta put keys or phones or whatever inside someone why is that something you think "I NEED to do that" Bevel 10:24 pm 😔 Swoop 10:25 pm *doesn't online his optics but giggles at the sounds of exploding* Smokescreen 10:25 pm ... the marvel cinematic universe? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[Most mechs have more free space inside of them than they expect.]] Smokescreen 10:25 pm Trust me, Sounds, I know. Bevel 10:25 pm *shushes Swoop, not the explosion to laugh at* Smokescreen 10:26 pm That space is kinda helpful as a second subspace though FakeProwl 10:26 pm *... monogamy is still weird.* Specs 10:27 pm A coelom is a terrible thing to have. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[Coelom?]] Swoop 10:27 pm *snuggles closer to Bevel, sighs and relaxes into sleepy land* Specs 10:28 pm ...I guess it's an organic subspace? But you don't put things in it. Because that kills people. Bevel 10:28 pm *sadly starts poking at her blaster idea on the datapad she pulled out with her dinobot blanket* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[Ah. Like the bomb.]] Specs 10:28 pm Like the bomb. Smokescreen 10:28 pm Man, humans don't have nearly enough subspaces. We barely get enough space either- but humans have almost nothing. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm *Soundave pings Bevel. Concern ping.* Specs 10:29 pm When you're made of meat, you can't really put things in the meat. Meat needs to be meat. Smokescreen 10:30 pm ....... Bevel 10:30 pm *pings Soundwave back curiously* Smokescreen 10:30 pm Show his face come on! Show the face of the future of gotham there we go yeppp ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Recoils a little in disgust. Eurgh. Exposed organic insides.* FakeProwl 10:31 pm ... I'm fairly certain that ought to be bandaged. What kind of terrible hospital is this. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[It was. He tore the bandage away.]] Smokescreen 10:31 pm Gotham has terrible services all around Specs 10:31 pm *the dragon's face is FIRMLY beneath her tail now.* Swoop 10:31 pm ((I love how he looks in this movie but that boy gonna die of infection)) Smokescreen 10:32 pm ... They did say he refused them- why wouldn't they just sneak one on? Specs 10:32 pm ((infection, necrosis, just generally having exposed bones...)) Smokescreen 10:32 pm Is there just a pile of removed bandages under his pillow or something ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm @B: [[Are you all right?]] Specs 10:32 pm You can't exactly "sneak" a skin graft onto a person. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm [[Mechs must have the right to decide their medical future... even if their decision is. Disagreeable.]] [[...Wasn't the Lau human on the top of that pile?]] FakeProwl 10:33 pm Yes, he was. Smokescreen 10:33 pm They do? Specs 10:35 pm *blinks at smokescreen* Did you not? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[Do you want random strangers deciding what medical procedures you are and are not allowed to have? You already resent the key implanted in you. Would you like them to decide you don't deserve your fuel pump?]] Smokescreen 10:36 pm I mean, I've been kinda dragged into medical care a number of times. I mean, sure, it was a good idea, but I probably wouldn't have gone myself. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[Or to have fun finding out if swapping your gears will leave you functional without asking you permission?]] Smokescreen 10:38 pm I don't want that, Sounds- It sounds like a good idea to have it be a right, I just didn't know it was actually a norm. Specs 10:38 pm *blinks at smokescreen again* That's actually concerning. Bevel 10:38 pm @SW: *looks at him from across the room, confused, before she remembers he's probably picked up on what she is thinking* Built-in blasters use energon to power them. If you pull energon from someone it has traces of their spark energy for a little while. Can we trace that like we do bullets and non-modified blasters? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm @B: [[...He has no idea. Prowl might.]] *And if not, he might be intrigued anyway.* [[That fleshbag is absolutely a schemer.]] FakeProwl 10:39 pm Oh, don't listen to that rubbish. *talking to the screen.* Smokescreen 10:39 pm Does it really sound that bad? I mean- I think there was probably one time where it ended really bad, but for the most part, medics are usually trying to help and know a little bit better about how your frame will maybe not die. Bevel 10:40 pm @SW: Do you think he would mind me asking? You got worried and Prowl does not like me very much. He might think I was trying to do something bad. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm *Points at the screen.* [[That part is somewhat true. Not quite in the way he explained it. But it is.]] FakeProwl 10:41 pm Wow. What a novel thought. Introduce a little chaos and things become chaos. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm [[No, no. Not that. The plan part.]] @B: [[He did not know why you looked worried. And Prowl may not like you, but if he has not told you never to speak to him, it is worth being curious. If cautious and respectful. Perhaps explain your reasons as you ask.]] FakeProwl 10:42 pm His "plan" argument is nonsense. ... pffp. *the button thing.* *he's going to control himself this time. he's fine.* Bevel 10:43 pm @SW: Ok, if you are sure. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[Not entirely. Mechs rarely cared when low-caste and no-caste bots were destroyed or murdered. That was considered acceptable and normal. When they kidnapped Sentinel, however, suddenly everyone--]]
*His thought stalls. It's been interrupted by the sight of that 'telecomunications project'.* [[...Were those screens...?]] *Soft vent of admiration.* [[They -are.-]] FakeProwl 10:46 pm Exactly. They rarely cared when /low-caste/ and /no-caste/ bots were destroyed or murdered. Not because it's part of a "plan." It's got nothing to do with "plans." It's got to do with who society values. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm *...Quietly getting Ideas.* FakeProwl 10:47 pm Shooting the people that will make everyone panic most is not how you solve that problem. *looks at Soundwave.* No. Bevel 10:48 pm @Prowl: Hey, Prowl, can I ask another question about blaster tracing? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Looks at Prowl with a sharp helm turn that clearly marks his guilt.* [[...It would be useful.]] Specs 10:49 pm *the dragon grins* Do it, Soundwave. Smokescreen 10:49 pm Don't encourage Sounds Specs 10:50 pm Can't hurt. u_u FakeProwl 10:50 pm So would going into the neighborhoods with the top five highest crime rates, lining the citizens up against a wall, and shooting them in the head one by one. "Useful" does not mean "acceptable." ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm *...Can't think of an argument. Is quiet.* *Will sit and watch this boat situation while Bevel asks. At least, he thinks she asked. He felt a comm signal.* Bevel 10:52 pm Oh no. FakeProwl 10:52 pm *might have missed bevel's question. he's fully focused on the movie.* Smokescreen 10:54 pm ... So isn't this the railroad track philosophical thing? Bevel 10:54 pm I bet they have their own switches. He just said it was for the other boat. *she's focused on the movie now, she'll ask again when things calm down* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[Not... quite?]] Smokescreen 10:56 pm I mean- it's like... Whether or not everyone'll be offlined, or if one boat will be but the other people are responsible for that death FakeProwl 10:59 pm *disgusted at how quickly and easily dent fell* Specs 10:59 pm *to be fair, pain is one HELL of a drug* FakeProwl 11:00 pm *physical or emotional, no excuse.* Specs 11:01 pm *fair enough* FakeProwl 11:01 pm *mutters* He named himself Batman because he got attacked by bats. And he's just spent this whole movie getting attacked by dogs. Next movie he's going to be calling himself the Dober-man. Smokescreen 11:02 pm ALSO Also Sounds- you got any plans of showing the really really old Batman movie? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm *Tries not to huff. Fails.* Smokescreen 11:02 pm .... /Trying not to laugh/ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm *Edges forward.* Bevel 11:02 pm *lowers her datapad to really focus on the movie* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm [[He did it once before.]] Smokescreen 11:03 pm You did? Aww, I missed it. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Oh, quiet again. Are they going to give it to the criminal...?* FakeProwl 11:03 pm Hah! Specs 11:03 pm *the dragon chirps. excellent move!* Bevel 11:03 pm *shrieks happily* FakeProwl 11:03 pm *that was a triumphant hah* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm *SCOOT* Smokescreen 11:04 pm COME ON don't hurt them good FakeProwl 11:04 pm HAH! *fist pump* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm *Slumps backward slowly.* Bevel 11:04 pm *cheers* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *He's - glad. That neither boat chose to--*
[[No. No, no. Both sides were at peace. Don't let--]] Smokescreen 11:05 pm about time bruce FakeProwl 11:05 pm ... Of course, to their knowledge, they just doomed two boats instead of one, but. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Slumps further.* [[They live. Good.]] *Oh, but Dent. And up again.* FakeProwl 11:10 pm Oh, you poor, petty, weak little thing! You lost the person you love most! How TERRIBLE! Come back when you've lost your top hundred and talk about how it's impossible to be decent when you've lost that! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm *Slow glance.* Specs 11:11 pm *flattens out, and makes a mental note not to piss off prowl EVER* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm @P: [[Top hundred?]] Smokescreen 11:11 pm Rachel lost her life you aft ... He wasn't THAT good even FakeProwl 11:11 pm You pathetic, fragile thing. Smokescreen 11:12 pm And like... Considering Batman lost his family, it really doesn't hold up ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *Not the newbuild. Not the newbuild.* Bevel 11:12 pm *whines, no not the kid* Smokescreen 11:17 pm a dork knight Specs 11:17 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm [[There is one more part to that tale, but he will not play it for a couple of weeks. He has something else in mind for next time.]] Bevel 11:18 pm What is it? Specs 11:18 pm Thank you for the movie night, Soundwave. *the dragon is still flat and subdued, but that was a dark ending.* Smokescreen 11:18 pm Oooh? What kinda thing? Can we have a hint? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm [[No hints. He doesn't know, himself. Rumble has been previewing these, not him.]] [[And you are welcome, dragon.]] FakeProwl 11:18 pm *deep breath in. heavy sigh. all right. he's done being angry at dent.* Bevel 11:19 pm Oh ok. Smokescreen 11:19 pm Awww. Fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[But... he thinks he knows something that can take the edge off the night. He found a short tape from a most unusual universe recently.]] Smokescreen 11:19 pm You did? What kinda universe? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[It is. Difficult to describe.]] Swoop 11:20 pm *is going to be a blanket for bevel or the floor, whichever works* (night!)) Specs 11:20 pm ... Smokescreen 11:20 pm ........ Romanticons Bevel 11:20 pm ... FakeProwl 11:20 pm @Soundwave «More, undoubtedly. To get an exact number I'd have to go through everyone I know and like who's been killed and rank them against everyone else I knew at the time to see how highly they were ranked.» Bevel 11:20 pm Cyberheart. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Shudders. What an alternate.* Smokescreen 11:21 pm I'll have to call my Megs a Romanticon later- I'm sure he'll LOVE it Feeljack Bevel 11:21 pm Flirtimus. *giggles* FakeProwl 11:22 pm @Soundwave «I wasn't going to do that math while I was shouting at the screen. It's definitely over a hundred.» *stares at screen. slowly grimaces in pain.* Smokescreen 11:22 pm And Hugatron ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *...He wants to be horrified, but he set up these two once before. Other versions of them anyway.* Bevel 11:22 pm *covers her face oh ew no* FakeProwl 11:23 pm *full on disgusted scowl* ... That was unpleasant. Smokescreen 11:23 pm Also also Sounds- I can give you some documentaries from that one universe I mentioned to you if you want Bevel 11:23 pm That was gross. Smokescreen 11:24 pm That gave me way too many new nicknames for Megs Specs 11:24 pm *the dragon rolls over onto her belly and plays dead* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[Wasn't it just.]]
@Prowl: [[He is - that is a large number.]] *He can't apologize. He's not the one who killed them. And he doesn't know why they died. But Prowl is upset, and he knows how much his few hurt him, so... at least an acknowledgment.* [[May there be no more for a long time.]] [[And now that he is no longer suffering the knowledge of that timeline alone, you may talk amongst yourselves for a short while. He has music he would like to hear.]]
[[Smokescreen - he will take those documentaries later.]] FakeProwl 11:27 pm @Soundwave «Yes, well. There were a large number of deaths. A war happened.» @Soundwave «... "May there be no more for a long time." Bit of a self-serving wish, isn't it?» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm @P: [[No less sincere, for that.]] Specs 11:28 pm It's amazing that you managed to find a video that being shot is preferable to watching. *the dragon is fleeing now, before he finds another one* Good night! See you next time. 😄 Smokescreen 11:28 pm Aww, night Specs. FakeProwl 11:28 pm *okay they're singing about quantum theory now, he's watching the screen.* Bevel 11:28 pm *ok, now that the movie is over... oh right, Prowl never replied. she's gonna hope he was distracted by the movie since it got so tense there at the end* Smokescreen 11:28 pm ... Did Swoop already fall into recharge Bevel 11:29 pm @Prowl: Can I ask you another question about tracing built-in blasters? *nudges Swoop a little from where he's passed out against her* Yes. FakeProwl 11:29 pm ... They're singing. *that's his only reply to bevel right now, he's trying to keep up with the lyrics.* Bevel 11:29 pm ...*ok, she'll wait* Bevel 11:31 pm *she can also message him later after the movie over comm channels when there's no science music* *or moral quandries in movie form* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *...The tiniest headbangs. It is tradition.* Bevel 11:32 pm *giggles, she saw that* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Shh. Shh. It's not dancing in public. It doesn't count.* ((AND NOW MY FAVORITE it's been in my head for like. two weeks)) FakeProwl 11:34 pm ... Right. Built-in blasters. What? Bevel 11:34 pm Yeah! FakeProwl 11:34 pm *... or maybe not. slowly looks back at the screen.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm ((i'm cackling)) Smokescreen 11:35 pm /Staring- he wants to kind of understand organics a little bit!/ Smokescreen 11:35 pm Sounds, is all this stuff true? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm *Nodding while swaying.* Smokescreen 11:37 pm /Can't help but laugh a little seeing Sounds sway./ Bevel 11:38 pm *claps* FakeProwl 11:38 pm *prowl just learned SO MUCH about evolution* Bevel 11:38 pm I will ask later, Prowl. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm [[...Perhaps he should see about adding these to the curriculum...]] FakeProwl 11:38 pm *distracted nod* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm *Feeler claws clicking. Why not.* Smokescreen 11:39 pm You think this kinda thing would be good for teaching for sure? Bevel 11:39 pm *amused ping to Soundwave so he knows she's not annoyed or bothered that he's found some neat music to distract Prowl from what she's trying to ask* FakeProwl 11:39 pm ((... did he sing this song backwards)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm [[Music and lyrics tend to be easily remembered for many beings. It would feed them the information in a way such mechs could remember easier than blocks of text.]] [[It would not work for all, but - for some.]] FakeProwl 11:40 pm ((or at least lip sync it backwards for the video)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm ((i think so)) FakeProwl 11:40 pm ((that's amazing)) Bevel 11:40 pm ((That's impressive Smokescreen 11:41 pm Yeah, I definitely agree with that! Having other options for learning stuff would be helpful, at least. Videos, texts, activities they can do... That kinda thing's important. Bevel 11:42 pm And they keep using music that is catchy so can follow along really easily. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *Helm bob.* [[He agrees. All must be given a chance for more than they were offered by the broken systems present before.]]
[[He will play four more. Then he must retire for the night.]] Bevel 11:43 pm *hums along to the music* Smokescreen 11:44 pm Absolutely! I have a few different things in my own plans, but these kinda specific resources wouldn't be hard to include at all. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:44 pm *Motions to Bevel and Smokescreen.* [[The both of you are free to dance if you wish.]] Smokescreen 11:44 pm It's hard to dance and watch though! /One of his legs has been wiggling in time though!/ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:44 pm *Nods. That's fair. Just offering the option; he knows it is hard for him not to move with it.* Bevel 11:44 pm I do not know the moves though. Smokescreen 11:45 pm ... Man this part is great for valentines day Bevel 11:46 pm *claps in time, that's easy* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[He will not tell anyone that if you don't.]] *To Bevel. Soft huff.* Bevel 11:46 pm *grins* Smokescreen 11:46 pm ... This just applies to organics, I'm guessing, right? /Mostly looking at Bevel- he's not asking Soundwave anything like that after last time/ FakeProwl 11:47 pm *waits till they're between songs to say,* @Soundwave «Unless you have objections, I'm staying the night.» Bevel 11:48 pm I think so, yeah. *nods to Smokescreen* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm @Prowl: [[...Why would he object?]] *Taking moments as he can have them, remember? Especially right now.* [[Please, do.]] FakeProwl 11:49 pm @Soundwave «I don't know. Work? Emergencies? A desire to actually get some sleep tonight?» Smokescreen 11:49 pm That makes sense! Can't say I ever heard this kinda thing with us before. Bevel 11:49 pm I mean, um, Cybertronians are not carbon-based lifeforms like most organics, so I think a lot of this stuff might not apply to us really. Smokescreen 11:49 pm Yeah, that's what I was guessing, but having someone to back me up is nice! Bevel 11:50 pm *grins* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm @Prowl: [[...He plans most of his Mondays hoping he will have the opportunity to spend those nights with you. Next morning's work and rest cycles are planned with respect to that wish. Emergencies will be what they are when they want to be what they are; he will deal with them if they interrupt. When he needs the night to himself, he will let you know - and as politely as he can.]] Smokescreen 11:52 pm OH OH OH FakeProwl 11:52 pm *there's no break between these videos. they're going to kill prowl. he's going to die sitting here with his optics wide fixed on the screen* Smokescreen 11:52 pm /He can't help but dance to this one!/ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm *Not quite the little death he'd hoped to cause, to be honest.* FakeProwl 11:53 pm *... okay this one's catchy but it's not teaching hm anything new about science. just about how humans find it.* *he's going to TRY to focus on something other than the song, Soundwave's got a pending message.* FakeProwl 11:55 pm *never mind, two people are singing at once now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *Soundwave records Smokescreen's dancing. He's already got the song.* Smokescreen 11:57 pm /If you wanted dancing footage any Disney related music would work- Still, he's having a blast dancing and humming along to this!/ Yesterday Smokescreen 11:58 pm /Okay now he can't help but kinda sing along- waiting for the subtitles can be tricky!/ Bevel 12:00 am *best way to get her to dance would be to literally just put up videos of people dancing* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am @P: [[Oh - this last one, he thought you might like. Specifically.]] FakeProwl 12:01 am @Soundwave «As opposed to the others??» ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *Tiny motion to the screen. He'll see.* Smokescreen 12:02 am !! /He's not sitting down, he can keep dancing to this./ ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *Streeeetch.* Bevel 12:05 am That was fun. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am [[Good. He would have been disappointed if it'd bored you all.]] Smokescreen 12:05 am That wasn't too bad, Sounds! /Finally stops dancing./ Bevel 12:06 am People should sing education stuff all the time. *now knows more about some subjects than she did before!* FakeProwl 12:06 am *well, for prowl, that was more a history lesson than a science or math lesson. still, good to learn about one of Earth's geniuses.* *okay now he's got to mentally rewind to whatever it was soundwave said however-long-ago and reply to it. where was it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:06 am *Oh, he expected Prowl knew the math itself already. It was meant to be history.*
[[They do. There is an entire Schoolhouse of Rock out there as well.]] Smokescreen 12:07 am They have an entire schoolhouse like this? That's pretty amazing! ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am [[So he is led to believe.]] Bevel 12:07 am That sounds awesome. Smokescreen 12:08 am That sounds amazing- kinda like... A dance school, but it actually teaches you other things too or something? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am [[Perhaps. He thinks there may be a second one not located in a housing building, but must do more research.]] FakeProwl 12:09 am *okay he found it.* @Soundwave «... Ah. Good. Then I have hope you've also planned for the possibility of not getting much recharge.» ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am @Prowl: [[He may not see as far as you can]] yet [[but he -is- capable of predicting -that- response to his promised research.]] *Sheurmiours.* Bevel 12:13 am Soundwave. Can I have some help? *she's gonna dump Swoop off her and figures he probably doesn't want the sleeping dinobot just left on the floor* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[And now he must take care of cleaning the place. Those of you in need of transports home, simply ask Chimera.]]
[[Bevel, he asks that you take Swoop home through a bridge to his world before we return you to New Praxus.]] Smokescreen 12:15 am Thanks for the show, Sounds. You need any help cleaning up the snacks before I leave? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:15 am [[No, no. The matter of cleanup has already been arranged.]] Smokescreen 12:16 am ... Can I still take some of the snacks? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am [[Do so quickly.]] FakeProwl 12:16 am *prowl's already getting up to help clean. arranged-shmarranged he wants soundwave free ASAP* *steering away from the snacks.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am *Now who said HE was going to be the one cleaning it? He knows two pranksters who are still in trouble for the dating apps.* Smokescreen 12:16 am Thanks! And- I'm getting that one thing checked out soon. /Going over and immediately stuffing his face./ ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am [[Good. About time.]] FakeProwl 12:17 am *until Prowl's corrected, he's helping clean.* Bevel 12:17 am Sure, Soundwave. Smokescreen 12:17 am Is it, uh- easy for someone to tell how recent one of those marks might be? Bevel 12:17 am *will do just that, once she remembers how to maneuver a bot that's mostly all limbs* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am *He'll let Prowl carry on until the other two have gone. It'll cover for the 'arranged cleaning' bit.*
[[It should be.]]
*Will help stand Swoop up if Bevel needs.* Smokescreen 12:19 am Okay, cool. Thanks. /Grabbing an armful of snacks before he finally starts to go home/ Bevel 12:20 am *appreciated, she'll haul him back to his home universe and catch a bridge directly to New Praxus from there instead of coming back to the club* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *nods to Smokescreen and Bevel* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:22 am [[All right. You can stop that now. It's the twins' job tonight.]] FakeProwl 12:23 am Which twins? *Laserbeak is going to murder them if she has to clean so Soundwave can get laid with Prowl.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:24 am [[The two who aren't allowed to hear the missing salacious details he would like to know.]] FakeProwl 12:24 am ... Aha. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:25 am *Nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:26 am [[Shall we? You can whisper them to him once we are upstairs.]] *Pauses. Considers the gift.* *...Maybe not just yet. Prowl hasn't said anything about a decision about whether to stay or go.* FakeProwl 12:28 am *Prowl thought he'd already clarified his decision.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am *No, no. The OTHER decision.* FakeProwl 12:28 am *What other decision?* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:29 am *The big one. Capital letter D, regarding the uncertainty of their future after the lie to Smokescreen.* FakeProwl 12:29 am *Yes, that's the decision Prowl thought he'd already clarified.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:34 am *Evidently Soundwave didn't understand that memo. He'll just have to bite the bullet and ask next week.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:39 am *No. No. He's asking now. It's too much on his spark otherwise. He's not used to the strain of this kind of worry yet.*
[[...Does this mean he will not have to go? Like we spoke of the other night.]] FakeProwl 12:40 am ... I wouldn't be inviting you to interface if I was actively considering whether or not to dump you. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:42 am *Blip of alarm. But, like. In a good way. There's a bright blue set of scattered glyphs on his screen that mean assorted things like 'surprise' and 'delight' and 'contentment' and 'excitement'. Maybe a half dozen others.* FakeProwl 12:42 am I thought I'd— *... maybe he hadn't.* I want to stay with you, until and unless I determine that I no longer should. That doesn't mean the status of our relationship is in limbo. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am [[He still hopes that doesn't---]] *Shakes his helm. He made that clear the other time.* [[But that is - it's good. He is... happy. Knowing that it is not in limbo at this moment.]] FakeProwl 12:46 am *... should he mention that he had to think hard about it, for a little bit?* *... no. he knows.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:47 am *Yes. He definitely knows. He wouldn't have been so concerned otherwise.*
*He shuffles over to Prowl as quickly as he can move without officially breaking out of his usual pace and holds his hands out in a cupping position before pointing at Prowl. Imitate him, please.* FakeProwl 12:48 am *Hm? Okay. Cupping position.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:53 am *Soundwave had only knelt in front of Prowl once before, when offering Jazz's old and beaten virus as a way to reassure Prowl that he would never tear into Prowl's mind the way others had done.*
*It was not a pose he adopted lightly. It couldn't be; not for an ex-gladiator and carrier unit. To submit to somebody was to grant them temporary control of his life, and by extension, the lives of those under his protection. He hadn't fought for millions of years to escape from being owned or crushed beneath other mechs' wheels only to hand such a privilege to every unworthy spark in an attractive shell. He would rather be beaten until he couldn't pick himself up off the ground, then spit on their feet for good measure.*
*But there he was again, this time watching closely for a sign of acceptance as he pulled the promised gift out of subspace and offered it up. Held in one hand, a pair of brand new recreational cuffs fitting the precise physical specifications given, all cold black metal and red synthetic fur so thick and soft he'd caught Rigger silently wondering who he found worth the attention. In the other, a sturdy loop of squarish chain with Soundwave's key attached, silver on the outer surfaces and a sharp blue inside - a reminder of its origins neatly hidden in a color scheme Prowl could defend by pointing at the paint jobs of enforcers like Chase and Strongarm.*
[[These are yours. Do as you wish with them. He merely asks to test them for you before they see use on you - by him or others. Whoever you feel safe with, for that.]]
*Because he knows it's not always him.* FakeProwl 1:03 am *Kneeling? Why kneeling? Of all the times—Prowl had just said that their relationship wasn't on the verge of termination, that was hardly grounds for—*
*Oh. Oh, THAT kind of kneeling. With a gift held up like an offering. Well. When Soundwave said he wanted to "test them," clearly he meant up close and personally.*
*Prowl took the handcuffs in one hand, looking them over—they had to be expensive, lined with fur like that—and then slid the loop of the chain around his other wrist so he could take Soundwave's hand.* All right. Let's go test them.
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