#pouring dry pre workout into your mouth
lithiumrox · 4 months
gorgug with the potion of giant strength is literally just tommy shriggly
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dcbbw · 4 years
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” “I can’t get enough of you.” “Let’s have a lazy day. Just you and me.” Driam 😍
Thanks for the ask, @ao719! And THANK YOU to my pre-readers adn idea bouncers  @sirbeepsalot and @choiceslife
Parts of this answer/fic are NSFW
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Liam woke up reluctantly; he wanted a few more minutes of sleep, of being snuggled against Drake’s warm skin. The Queen was in Sweden on a goodwill mission; she was due to return tomorrow evening. Time was short for the King and his lover, and Liam wanted to savor every minute of it.
Sunlight struggled against closed curtains to light the room. Liam opened one eye and saw Drake’s side of the bed was empty. Liam opened both eyes, a frown of confusion on his face. His hand patted the sheets.
He pulled himself up on an elbow, staring at the empty space before sitting up fully in the bed. He listened for sounds of movement from the bathroom, but silence met his ears. He swung his legs over the side to the bed, the thud of his feet swallowed by the plush carpeting.  He rose from the bed, crossed the bedroom, and walked down the hall to enter the kitchen.
Liam looked at the clock; 7:30am. Swallowing over the sudden lump in his throat, the monarch began preparing a pot of coffee to brew. The hot beverage had just begun to percolate, filling the common areas with its distinct aroma, when the chamber door opened.
It was Drake, wearing a white tee shirt and black basketball shorts. A towel was slung around his neck. He was slightly sweaty, the sheen of perspiration glistening on his arms and legs.
He had been working out. He hadn’t left. For some reason that pissed Liam off even more.
Drake’s lips split in a grin at the sight of Liam. He made his way to Liam, close enough that Liam could clearly see the stubbly hair covering Drake’s jawline.
“Good morning,” he said softly, running his fingers through Liam’s hair.
Liam stepped away from Drake to pour himself a cup of the hot coffee. He was spooning sugar into the mug when he looked over at Drake.
His eyes flat, and his lips pressed together, he asked a question. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
Drake was standing next to him at the kitchen island, pouring coffee. He shrugged.
“You were sleeping so soundly, figured I’d get up and get a workout in. Maybe cook breakfast if you’re hungry enough.”
“You should have woken me up!” Liam said stubbornly. “You know we’re on borrowed time! While the Queen may know of our affections for each other, she is not approving of it. I need to spend every free moment I can with you while we’re not under prying eyes.”
“We are always going to be under prying eyes! Whether she’s here or not. The only thing different with her being gone is whose bed we’re sleeping in,” Drake replied in a calm voice.
“Drake, everything’s different with her gone, and you know it! And I don’t want reminders of our reality until it’s time.”
“Your reality, Liam. I wake up alone damn near every morning. What we have is a fantasy, you know that. Stolen moments that don’t last nearly long enough. Memories to hold us both over until next time, whenever that is. So, not sorry for sticking to my routine and not falling back into the what-if’s and what you’ll do’s game you insist on playing, because it’s not gonna happen!”
Liam’s eyes were flat and sparkling with unshed tears. “I’m sorry I had to choose a Queen. I’m sorry I didn’t stand up for us. But I had to, Drake. I’m bound to Cordonia, you know that. A King must have a Queen!”
“I know all that, Li. I KNOW IT! And I’ve accepted it. Maybe it’s time you did too.”
Liam set his mug down on the counter a little harder than necessary. “Forgive me for wanting to spend my limited freedom with you. Please, carry on with your routine.”
Liam entered his bedroom, feelings of anger and disappointment flooding him. He paused, looking around:
The wedding portrait on the wall. The Queen was a beautiful vision in white. Her smile demure, her eyes devoid of emotion.
The two walk-in closets on either side of the four poster, canopied king-sized bed, one filled with designer dresses, shoes, and expensive perfumes.
The silk robe that hung on a door hook in the bathroom.
He looked down at his hand. The simple gold band on his left ring finger.
This was his life now.
He hated it.
He sat heavily on the side of the bed … her side. With a frustrated exhale of breath, Liam laid back across the bed. His eyes stared unseeingly at the canopy arched above. He felt his heart breaking, and a lump forming in his throat as he choked back sobs.
He loved Drake so much; too much. Drake was all he saw, all he wanted. If he could, he would go back in time and refuse the Crown just as his brother Leo had. He would stand up to his father, turn his back on his country, and seize the love and happiness that seemed destined to elude him.
The King sighed through broken breath.
No, he wouldn’t.
He could easily abdicate now if he truly felt the love he claimed to have for Drake. He would divorce his Queen and free them both to be with others who could provide them what they couldn’t they give each other: love, unconditional and unrestricted; respect, not resentment; loyalty to each other, not Cordonia.
But he wouldn’t.
He would stay in his loveless marriage, secretly hating those who had put him in this position. Hating himself for not removing himself from it.
Liam wondered if he was truly in love with Drake, or merely what Drake represented: the freedom to be himself. Liam wondered if it was love, or merely the thrill of the clandestine that kept him lusting after Drake. He ran his fingers through his hair; there were too many thoughts, not enough time
And then the tears fell … tears of anger, frustration, and confusion. He didn’t realize how loudly he was sobbing until he felt the bed shift and the pad of Drake’s thumb gently brushing his wet cheek.
“Hey, hey,” Drake soothed. “What’s all this for?”
Liam shook his head helplessly. “I don’t even know,” he choked out.
Drake eye’s searched Liam’s tear streaked face: his eyes squeezed tightly shut as water leaked beneath his lids, the redness coloring his cheeks and nose, his hands randomly wiping his never-drying face. With a sigh, Drake stood so he was in front of Liam’s legs. His fingers grasped the waistband of the King’s pajama bottoms and yanked them down over his slim hips until they pooled at his ankles.
Liam felt fabric brushing against his skin, and cool air on his genitals. His cheeks burned with embarrassment at being his most vulnerable: naked and crying.
In front of Drake.
Because of Drake.
Was this a punishment or a penance?
Drake stepped away to pull off his tee shirt and remove his basketball shorts; he pushed his tennis shoes off. Once he was naked, he knelt in front of Liam to pull his lover’s pants completely off. In a soft voice, he urged Liam to sit up. Reluctantly, Liam pulled himself upright. His reddened eyes widened slightly at the sight of Drake’s naked body.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking a shower. Come join me.” Drake’s eyes were pleading, his voice soft.
In the oversized shower, the men stood under the beveled square rainfall showerhead, watching each other as hot water poured over their hair and their bodies. Liam’s hand tentatively reached out, his fingers raking across Drake’s chest. He felt the silkiness of wet chest hair against his fingertips. His words were hesitant when he finally broke the silence between them.
“I’m sorry, Drake for not loving you enough. Not then, not now. I’m sorry for forcing you to live my fantasy and not respecting your need to live a reality.”
Drake listened, his face stoic at Liam’s words. He stepped forward until not even the shower spray could find a crevice to stream hot water down the fronts of their bodies. His hand cupped Liam’s cheek. “I am in love with you. And I love you enough to accept that Cordonia is bigger than the both of us. Does it suck sometimes? Yes! But I’d rather be on the fringes than without you at all.”
Their lips crashed together, tongues twisting and curling together. There was a desperation in this affirmation of their love, of their refusal to be torn completely apart from each other. Wet hands gripped slick shoulders; ragged breaths escaped their mouths when they broke away to come up for air. Drake’s teeth pulled at Liam’s lower lip, scraping at soft, full flesh. Liam’s hands splayed over Drake’s cheeks, his eyes drinking in the face that filled his mind and haunted his thoughts.
Liam’s lips found the hollow of Drake’s throat, his mouth sucking and pulling almost painfully at the skin. There would be marks; neither cared. Somewhere in the backs of their minds, they knew they had until tomorrow morning, but it didn’t register.
All they had was now. Now to say I’m sorry. Now to say I love you. Now to claim each other, to remember each other this way when Liam went back to being King and husband, and Drake went back to being his best friend.
Liam sank to his knees, the tiles cool and damp against his kneecaps. Droplets of water fell in his face and eyes, blurring his vision slightly, but he didn’t need to see; his mouth sought and found Drake’s erect cock and with a moan, his lips wrapped around the shaft, swallowing what he craved.
Drake’s head fell back at the sensation of being wrapped in warm wetness, water pelting his now marked throat; he stretched his arms out, his palms flat against the shower wall. He braced his legs when he felt his hands sliding down the wet surface.
Liam’s head moved rhythmically along Drake’s length, his tongue coiling around the shaft, occasionally sliding along his slit to capture salty pearls of pre-cum. He heard Drake’s hisses and moans, and it spurred his efforts. He relaxed his jaws so he could deep throat his lover, feeling his cock slide deeper into his mouth as his nose pressed against heavy, low hanging balls.
Drake’s hips ground against Liam’s face as he whispered directives:
“Go slower … lick my balls … oh yeah, take it all … suck the head … “
Liam did all Drake commanded, his tongue flattening against the underside of the shaft as his hands gripped Drake’s hips.
Drake felt his release building and stepped away from Liam. The King looked up at him with pleading eyes, begging for more. “I can’t get enough of you, Drake,” he whimpered.
Drake’s eyes left Liam’s face long enough to find the lubricant, hidden away on a shelf filled with shampoos and body washes. Once he had it in his hand, his eyes met Liam’s again.
“Oh, you’re about to get more,” he promised as he helped Liam stand.
Their lips met again, not as desperate this time. The edginess that propelled them before was gone, replaced with a calm that came from knowing there would be a next time for them. They broke apart, Drake spinning Liam so he faced the wall. His head dipped and he left a trail of kisses down Liam’s back. Goosebumps erupted in their wake.
One of Liam’s hands braced him against the wall; the other wrapped around his cock, slick with water and pre-cum. His stomach clenched in anticipation when he heard the tube open; his legs spread when he felt the slick head of Drake’s cock run along his crack before prodding experimentally at his entrance. Drake groaned, and Liam hissed as Drake entered him.
Liam’s head fell forward in relief and satisfaction at being at Drake’s mercy.
But he knew Drake would always grant him mercy.
Drake’s strokes were long and slow at first, giving them time to adjust to each other. But soon enough, too soon for Liam, they became quicker and harder. Liam’s hand skimmed along his shaft, the skin smooth and wet, in sync with Drake’s pace. The slapping of wet skin filled the glass enclosure; Liam felt Drake’s fingers dig deeper into the flesh of his hips. Drake’s breathing was unsteady and his thrusts uneven as he began chanting Liam’s name. Liam’s strokes became quicker and shorter as he tightened his fist around his cock.
With a roar, Drake pulled Liam back against his hips, his cock releasing his seed inside of Liam’s cavity. Liam moaned as he felt Drake throbbing inside of him, followed by Drake’s head falling forward, his forehead pressed against Liam’s back, droplets of water from his soaking wet hair sprinkling Liam’s skin. After catching his breath, Drake sank to his knees, his hands sliding down Liam’s legs.
“Turn around,” Drake commanded.
Liam complied eagerly, his eyes rolling up in his head when Drake’s mouth engulfed his cock. Liam stumbled backwards until his back met the shower wall; his hands fell in Drake’s hair, guiding his lover up and down his shaft. When Drake’s tongue hit the base of Liam’s cock, Liam felt his muscles tense and his balls tighten before he ejaculated, his seed spilling down Drake’s throat. He let out heavy pants as his eyes slowly opened. Drake was still on his knees, looking up at Liam with a smirk.
“I love make up sex.”
After the lovers had properly showered, bathing each other tenderly and with soft kisses everywhere, they were lying in bed, Liam’s head laying against Drake’s chest. He found his breathing falling in sync with Drake’s heartbeat.
“I love being like this with you. No sneaking, no having to rush and hurry.”
“Hmmmm … you know, I never did make us breakfast.”
“Let’s order from the kitchen. And then let’s have a lazy day, just you and me,” Liam suggested.
Drake quirked an eyebrow. “If this is our last day of freedom, not sure how lazy it will be. I may have to put you to work.” He tugged on Liam’s manhood.
Liam looked up, his lips puckered for a kiss. “I’m your willing servant, love.”
Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @wannabemc2 @jared2612 @katedrakeohd @hopefulmoonobject @custaroonie @liam-rhys @jovialyouthmusic @thequeenofcronuts @amomentofsinclairity @bobasheebaby @ao719 @sashatrr @marietrinmimi @ladyangel70 @gardeningourmet @umccall71 @angi15h @romanticatheart-posts @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @blznbaby @tabithacarlisle @emceesynonymroll @bbrandy2002 @ab1901 @janezillow @debramcg1106 @radlovedreamer @jessiembruno @lodberg @thecordoniandiaries @ramseyandrys @caroldxnvxrs @princess-geek @burnsoslow @annekebbphotography @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @emichelle @indiacater @loveellamae @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @zaffrenotes @bebepac @liyanin @soheila-1996 @dibberdipper @choiceslife @ac27dj
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raybyanothername · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Knifeplay, Porn With Plot, Alternate Universe - Mob, Bottom Jason Todd, Top Dick Grayson, Begging Summary:
When Jason agreed to throw fights or the mob, he was not expecting this. Jason had definitely Not had 'ass in the air, face on the floor' on tonight's bingo card. But he's not exactly complaining either...
Favored to Win
Jason doesn't have time to question it when two guys jump him outside the gym. He's sort of busy trying to knock their jaws off ya know?
He'd just finished a three hour work out though and they had chloroform. The bastards.
When he comes to, Jason finds himself on a very nice rug. It's seriously the softest thing he's ever touched. Softer and more comfortable than his own bed, which is probably more of an indictment on his bed than anything really, but still...
"Are you gonna fondle my rug the whole night?" A familiar voice pulls Jason's mind from the fog of fluffy goodness and his eyes immediately snap to the man sitting on the edge of a large wooden desk.
The room is empty, which normally Jason would find insulting, but… Dick Grayson is standing over him, smiling that creepy ass chipper grin of his.
"What the fuck do you want?" Jason spits out. He sits up, finding his hands bound with zip-ties. Well. At least Dick isn't completely underestimating him.
"Just wanted to chat with my favorite boxer is all!" Dick gesticulates out, pushing off from the desk to step closer. He crouches down, bringing Jason to eye level. His lips are pulled wide in a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat blush.
They're moist too. Plump, pale pink slivers of muscle that are wet. Dick licks his lips, slow and intentional.
Jason looks away, biting on his bottom lip. Dick chuckles and raises a hand to trace a finger down Jason's jaw, "How are you doing Jaybird? I hear that last fight took a lot out of you."
"Yeah," Jason snorts and tosses his head back to shake off Dick's hand. He glares as he turns his head back to look at Dick, "I threw the fight like you wanted."
"Well, yes, of course," Dick chuckles again and his hand takes a firm hold of Jason's chin to keep him from looking away, "But that doesn't mean I can't be worried about you."
Worried. Yeah. Dick's thumb presses into his bottom lip, rubbing over the chapped skin. Jason's breath hitches.
"I wouldn't want my favorite boxer to end up damaged goods after all…" Dick teases as he leans closer, breath puffing over Jason's neck.
A shiver runs down Jason's spine and gooseflesh appears where Dick's breath blew over bare skin. Jason gulps. He can feel the stiffening of his cock as Dick continues to rub his thumb over Jason's lips, slipping in to his mouth to hold his tongue down.
"Would you like me to take care of you, Jason?" Dick murmurs into his ear and Jason hates himself for moaning. He bites down on Dick's thumb.
Dick's hand moves lower, wrapping around Jason's throat. He squeezes lightly, eyes narrowing as Jason's lips curve up in a grin, "I thought you were gonna take care of me, *Dick*?"
"I will," Dick huffs and shoves Jason backwards onto the carpet as he stands up. He shrugs off his jacket and begins to to roll his sleeves up, cuffing them above his elbow, "But first, we have business."
Jason lays back on the floor, raising his arms to slip his hands behind his head. It's not so comfortable with his wrists bound, but it gives him a good view as Dick reaches for one of the knives on the desk.  His throat bobs at the possibilities.
"I need you in top shape for your next match," Dick gestures with the knife. He kneels over Jason, blade trailing over his chest. Dick's settles with a knee between Jason's legs, the other foot rooted beside Jason's ribs
Jason takes a breath, stills himself as Dick's blade swipes over the thin fabric of his third favorite shirt, tearing it with a silent ease. Inches of skin are revealed slowly and the blade swipes back up, ghosting over flesh.
"The bruises are healing nicely," Dick tilts his head to the side, blade skimming closer over the toned skin of Jason's abdomen.
The bruises that were once purple and blue have healed to a dull red. Jason's breath speeds up as aching muscles come in contact with cold steel.
Dick chuckles as Jason struggles to keep himself from shivering, "Don't worry, Jase, I won't hurt you." He holds the knife up, letting it swing between two fingers above Jason. He smirks, "Much."
"We both know you just wanted to look at my chest," Jason plasters on a snarky grin and watches Dick's hand wrap tightly around the blade's hilt. A muscle in his hand twitches and Jason ignores the throb echoing from his cock.
Dick presses the point of the blade to Jason's throat, just below his Adam's apple. It bobs. A trickle of blood slides down his throat and Jason groans.
"You don't know anything but what I tell you Jason," Dick reminds him, the blade curves up, the blunt side scratching along Jason's jawline. "Isn't that right?"
"Whatever you say," Jason murmurs. His eyes flutter, he focuses on the veins running atop Dick's hands. His knuckles are nearly white. Jason gasps, "If I beg will you fuck me for once?"
A chuckle is his only answer. Dick's knee presses forward between Jason's legs, applying pressure. Jason squirms beneath the contact, hips twitching.
Dick leans down, lips ghosting over Jason's ear, "Why don't you beg and find out?"
Jason sees his chance. His hands move quick. The zip-tie securing his wrist gives him leverage over Dick's neck as his fingers grip the man's hair. Jason pulls Dick's mouth over to his own, holding him there.
The blade in Dick's hand is pressed flat against Jason's chest as Dick responds to the forceful kiss. Jason is annoyed at how swiftly Dick overtakes him, tongue swiping over the skin of his cheeks as he sucks on Jason's own tongue.
"I think I'll count that as begging," Dick grins down at Jason as he yanks him away by his hair. Jason's chest is heaving and he whines when Dick stands up.
Dick brings the knife up to his lips. There is a smear of blood along the tip. Jason glances down to see a thin slash over his left pectoral. Dick's tongue slips out to lick up the blade.
"Please?" Jason croaks as he swallows, eyes focused solely on the way Dick's tongue twists as it swipes upward.
The blade is dropped onto the desk. Dick tugs Jason's sweatpants down to his knees. He circles Jason's body - bare but for tattered remnants above the knee and still shiny with sweat from his workout.
Twitching against his stomach is Jason's hard length. The cock visibly throbs as Dick crouches low again, this time with his knees planted on either side. His lips stretch out, teeth glinting in the light as he smiles, "I suppose I could inspect my merchandise a little…closer."
Jason yelps as Dick tacks him in hand, grip firm. He grunts and whines as the fist works him up and down. Dick's palm is dry and even as pre-cum leaks from his tip Jason watches Dick thumb the would-be lubricant onto the wrong side of his hand.
"Fuck," Jason breathes out, hands clenching into the soft rug as he thrusts up into Dick's bare hand. The pain mixes with the pleasure, like the throb of a bruise beneath an ice pack.
Dick chuckles, "If I knew you were this easy, Jason, I would have fucked you months ago." Jason glares at him through his eyelashes as he pants. Dick leans over him, hair falling his eyes. His hand releases Jason's cock and moves to the hands restrained above Jason's head. "Tell me, do you want me to fuck you, Jason?"
With his hands crushed against the floor and his dick now pressed firmly between their chests, Jason's head snaps forward in quick nod. "Yeah," he croaks. Dick raises a brow, snaps his hips forward to drag his own erection against Jason's thigh. Jason gasps, "Please?!"
"Good boy," Dick chuckles as he flips Jason over.
This was not at all how he expected his evening to go. Jason had definitely Not had 'ass in the air, face on the floor' on tonight's bingo card.
There's a snap of a flip lid and then Jason feels a cool liquid being poured over his hole. He shivers as some of it drips onto the underside of his balls.
He is definitely Not complaining either though.
Dick's fingers slide over him, coating them and Jason's ass in the lube before Dick's thumb presses against his hole.
"Dick~" Jason whines as Dick inserts his first finger. Dick's other hand moves to Jason's hip. All attempts to thrust back are subverted by the hand and Dick's legs locking Jason's between them.
"Sh…" Dick kisses the base of Jason's spine as he adds a second finger.
Jason groans and his hands fist in the rug again. His cheek is pressed firmly into the fabric. It's wet from his drool and Jason finds himself mouthing at the damp fibers as Dick scissors his fingers inside him.
It takes an obscenely long time, at least twenty minutes, for Dick to stretch him. Jason would blush at how easy he relaxes under Dick's quick motions, but… well… He's been working himself open nearly every night since Dick put him on the Wayne family's payroll.
The bastard is too pretty. It's a fact.
"Should I ask why you're so…ready for me?" Dick's taunt is emphasized by his nails digging in to the flesh of Jason's inner walls. The fingers bending inside him have Jason whining as knuckles push at his insides.
Jason would snark back, would absolutely love to, but his brain is getting absolutely no blood. Every drop is pumping into his throbbing dick.
"You want me now, Jason?" Dick asks as he withdraws his fingers. Jason gasps. His back arches. Dick chuckles and Jason flushes. He hears the sound of the belt buckle and the zipper. Jason's hole clinches around air.
All the anticipation has his whole body shaking and Jason moans long and deep as Dick pushes into him for the first time.  Jason tosses his head to look over his shoulder up at Dick, "You feel a hell of a lot better than my fingers."
Dick's eyes are wild, pupils blown so wide Jason can't see even a sliver of the blue. His fingers flex on Jason's hip. That is the only warning Jason got before Dick began to thrust, hips snapping forward harshly and with vigor.
Jason meets his thrusts, pushing back against Dick with enthusiasm. They slam together in rushed, sporadic movements. The familiar ache of bruises spreading from where Dick is gripping Jason's hips.
When Dick leans over him to glide his teeth over Jason's neck, their angle changes. Jason gasps as Dick hits at his prostate. He feels the curve of Dick's lips against his neck as the man grins and soon he's unraveling. White streams splash up against his chest and his ass clinches around Dick's cock.
Dick pauses, letting Jason clinch around him before making short, shallow thrusts until he too climaxes. He slips from Jason with a groan. Dick stands, limp cock still out, as Jason collapses onto the rug.
Jason's eyes flicker up to him, brows scrunched low in a glare, as Dick begins to laugh. The cum leaking out of Jason's ass is dripping onto the floor.  Dick smiles, tucks himself back into his pants, "It's a good thing that's a white rug."
If you liked this fic and are feeling generous: https://ko-fi.com/raybyanothername
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xteenwolfwritingsx · 7 years
You Know Better - Part 24 – The After
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Story Description: Peter and the reader develop a slow relationship.
Part Description: What happens after your tryst with Peter.
Warnings/Labels: None? @snipsnsnailsnwerewolftales
Approx. Word Count: 1,700
A/N: I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER. I’m an awful person. I’m not giving up on this though I promise!
Story Masterpost
You look at yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath. After cleaning up and changing into the more comfortable clothes in your workout bag, you’re strangely nervous about leaving the bathroom. How are you supposed to act around Peter now? Was this a one-time thing to satisfy curiosity? Are you a thing now?
Only one way to find out, you suppose.
Peter has slipped sweatpants on and is standing over the stove, dish towel thrown over his shoulder, some pre-made frozen fajita mix sizzling in a skillet and filling the room with a deliciously spicy smell. His hair is messy and you can remember what it felt like to run your fingers through it.
“This won’t take long,” he says once he sees you standing in the kitchen. “Coffee is brewing too.” He points with a spatula towards the pot sputtering out black coffee. Before Peter you’d never drank coffee at night, but it’s become a habit now. It was a reason to stay a little later, an excuse to spend a little more time with him.
“Thanks.” You pour yourself a cup and help yourself to his fridge for the creamer. Somewhere along the line he started buying your preferred brand of creamer. You’ve never mentioned noticing it to him, but it still makes you smile. “You normally make your conquests dinner afterwards?” you joke with him. He scoffs, turning his eyes to watch you as you make your coffee.
“Most women want the whole production of dinner before,” he chuckles. “I’m not usually much of a ‘morning after’ kind of guy if that’s what you’re asking.” He taps his spatula on the side of the skillet and sets it aside. He walks up next to you and suddenly you’re afraid to look up at him. The heat between you hasn’t seemed to diffuse much. You can feel your face flush and those damn butterflies haven’t gone anywhere either. “Is that what you think you are?” he asks lowly, voice dropping down and sending shivers down your spine. “A conquest?”
Your throat constricts and when you try to swallow, it feels dry. You have a rebuttal in your mind, something quip-y and cute to snark back at him confidently as you stir your coffee. You want to stand tall, shoulders pulled back and make it look like his being right next to you, with a damn finger curling over your shoulder even, doesn’t affect you. Too bad your mind can’t make your body cooperate with that image. Instead, that teasing finger gives you goosebumps and your head hangs low, just staring at your coffee.
“I don’t know,” you mumble, cringing internally at how small and pathetic it sounds. You really hadn’t meant to start a conversation on the topic yet and are not mentally prepared for it. You’re not even sure what it is you want out of all of this.
“Well,” he drawls, his finger tracing higher up to your neck and jawline. “That’s not the word I would personally use.” You finally look at him, his familiar smirk somehow comforting. “But whatever you want to call yourself is your business.” His fingertip slips up your jawline once more before he retracts his hand from you. “If you want to be racy about it though, I’ve always like the term harlot,” he chuckles, the humor clear in his voice as he steps back away from you. “Always had a nice ring to it.” He throws you a wink and you have to laugh, relieved you weren’t actually going to have this conversation right here and now.
“If I’m calling myself an old-fashioned prostitute, then you owe me some money,” you joke back with him as he resumes stirring dinner. He shrugs.
“A good whore would have collected ahead of time.” He flips the burner off and tosses the dish towel from his shoulder to the counter. 
“Touché.” You smile at him and sip at your coffee, pleasantly surprised at how casual and easy everything suddenly feels.
You both fix your plates and sit down at the table, conversation slipping back into the familiar topic of training. Peter insists that you need another outdoor cardio session despite the temperature rapidly dropping. You stare at him angrily across the table and all he does is tilt his head and shrug cockily at you.
“You’re trying to kill me and I hate you,” you tease, putting your fork down and wiping your mouth with a paper towel.
“You know, for some reason I have a hard time believing that tonight.” His foot extends out and brushes against your leg. You try to keep a tough face, but you can’t help the smile that comes out.
“Don’t let it go to your head,” you say even as you press your leg back against his foot in return. “There’s still plenty of time for you to make me hate you.” He chuckles at you and shrugs one more time before standing up to take care of the dishes.
You lean back in your seat, sipping at your coffee, content to just watch him for a minute. You muse over how everything feels pretty much the same even though it should feel different now. Something had actually happened. You kissed him. You slept with him. Things should be different, shouldn’t they? Where are the awkward silences and the confused, uneasy glances? Where is the feeling of dread?
“You’re staring,” Peter states without even looking back at you.
“You stare at me all the time,” you counter with a smirk.
“I’m your trainer. I’m supposed to watch you.” He puts the dishes in the sink and runs some warm water over them.
“That your only reason?” Peter turns the sink off and swivels on his heels to face you. He watches as you put your coffee down and unconsciously straighten up a little. He smirks and tilts his head, his eyes sliding down your body, brows raising suggestively.
“Maybe not the only reason,” he admits. Your stomach still flutters even though you were having sex with the man not even an hour ago and you have to bite your lip to keep from smiling like an idiot. You almost hate how genuinely happy you feel right now.
“So when are you going to make me go running?” you ask, changing the subject.
“Let’s see how this whole dead body situation plays out the next few days and I’ll let you know.” You nod and stand up, reaching your arms over your head and stretching your back. Your shirt rises up over your abdomen and you try not to notice the way Peter’s eyes dip down to your skin.
“I should get going,” you announce once you’ve brought your arms back to your sides. It’s dark and it’s getting late and tonight especially, you don’t want to overstay your welcome.
“Alright.” His voice is a little too plain, his expression a little too stony, like he purposely froze the expression he had when you spoke, not wanting you to see it change. He nods and starts walking towards the living room.
You stand still, confused for just a moment before you realize. Were you supposed to spend the night? Did he want you to? Suddenly nervous and fidgety, you follow him to the living room in a rush. 
“Peter,” you call out after him. “I just didn’t think I should stay,” you try to explain as you get close to him. “I mean I don’t have my things and we’re… well we are-” Peter cuts you off by turning sharply on his heel causing you to almost run into him. He puts a finger on your mouth and you close it quickly. His lips are tinted with humor.
“You need to relax,” he tells you in a small laugh, his other hand coming to your hip. His voice drops down lower, closer to a whisper. “This doesn’t have to be complicated.” The finger on your lips shifts up your jaw until his hand cradles it. “Okay?” He leans down, presses his body to yours and your mind goes foggy.
“Okay,” you manage to mutter, your eyes stuck on his lips tilting up just slightly, amused. Your eyes close when he dips forward and pulls you to him. The kiss is slower than the previous ones, less frenzied.
Without the worry of time or interruptions, with the months of buildup already satisfied, everything slows down. His lips glide over yours almost tenderly as both of his hands slip down to your lower back. You breathe in deeply through your nose, hit with his scent that’s all too familiar and almost overwhelming.
You let your hands trail up his chest, feeling the muscle beneath his t-shirt and fisting the fabric in your hands near his collarbone before splaying your palms over his shoulders. His hands drift down over your ass and give a playful squeeze.
The kiss pauses, both of you opening your mouths, but not pulling away just yet. You take the moment to catch your breath, to try to stop the tingling running through your body. Peter’s tongue teases your bottom lip before he kisses you again.
“See?” he whispers into the kiss. “Not complicated.” You pretend you don’t make a small whimpering noise when he pulls away. He grabs your jacket off the floor where you had both left it discarded. He hands it out to you and you take it from it. You stand there like a complete fool for a moment, mind still hazy and unsure of how to form words. “You better get going,” he prompts. “That rain we’ve been having is finally turning into snow.”
He makes sure you have everything before walking you to the door. The air is cold and crisp, the temperature having dropped down since you got to his place. It sends chills along your skin as you step out.
“Keep in touch?” you ask playfully, turning to face him. He scoffs and rolls his eyes causing you to chuckle. 
“We’ll see,” he dryly jokes. You watch each other for a few seconds, expressions and eyes softening. You want to reach out and kiss him again, but resist. Instead, you settle for a smile before leaving his doorway.
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Pine Oil: A Potential Panacea?
Table of Contents
What Is Pine Oil?
5 Benefits of Pine Oil
4 Uses of Pine Oil
Composition of Pine Oil
How to Make Pine Oil infusion
How Does Pine Oil Work?
Is Pine Oil Safe?
Side Effects of Pine Oil
Pine trees are often adorned with festive decorations and set up as a focal point during the Christmas season, but did you know that their fragrant and pointy foliage can also be a source of a valuable essential oil known as pine oil? Read on to find out more about pine oil, how it benefits your health and how you can make it at home.
What Is Pine Oil?
Pine oil is a colorless to pale-yellow essential oil that may have a fresh, balsamic or turpentine-like odor, depending on its source.1 It should not be confused with pine nut oil (also referred to as pine seed oil), which is a vegetable oil commonly used for cooking.
Pine nut oil is derived from the seeds of the pine tree,2,3 whereas pine oil is extracted from the needle-like foliage of pine trees through steam distillation.4 Several species of pine are used to extract pine oil, some of which include:5
Dwarf pine needle (Pinus mugo) — A tall and shrub-like tree harvested from the Swiss Alps. In Europe, this plant is used to help alleviate skin and scalp diseases.
Long leaf pine or turpentine (Pinus palustris) — This tree, which can grow up to 150 feet, originates from the United States and is widely used for the distillation of American gum spirits of turpentine.
Scotch pine or Norway pine (Pinus sylvestris) — This high, evergreen tree has a reddish-brown and deeply fissured bark that grows pairs of long, stiff needles. Largely produced in the Baltic states, the essential oil from this species is a hypertensive, tonic stimulant.
5 Benefits of Pine Oil
Pine oil has antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal,6 antiseptic and antirheumatic properties.7 It works as a good decongestant and expectorant for respiratory ailments as well.8 Pine oil is also valued for its ability to help:
Soothe muscular stiffness9
Ease rheumatic pain10
Speed up wound healing11
Protect against airborne pathogenic microorganisms, like Aspergillus and Penicillium genera fungi12
Fight against free radicals with its antioxidant properties13
Pine oil is also a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent,14 which makes it a potential substitute for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that come with many side effects. Checkout my NSAIDS: The Painful Truth Behind Painkillers infographic for more information on NSAIDs.
4 Uses of Pine Oil
Pine oil is not only valued for its health benefits, but also for its practical uses. This essential oil can be used as:15
Fragrance — You can use a few drops of pine oil as fragrance when making your own soaps, detergents, lotions, candles and ointments.16,17,18
Insect repellant — To protect your wool sweaters from moths and other insects, pour 10 drops of pine oil onto small pieces of untreated wood. Place the pieces of wood in your closets or drawers.
Air freshener — Eliminate the awful smell of cigarettes and stale air by adding four drops of pine oil to a cup of water. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle, shake it well and spray it to instantly freshen up your room. Avoid spraying it on furniture.
Massage oil before and after exercise — Create your own pre- and post-workout massage oil to inhibit or soothe strained muscles. Add three drops of pine oil, juniper berry oil and rosemary oil in 2 ounces of jojoba oil.
Composition of Pine Oil
Pine oil is composed primarily of terpene alcohols. Its major component is a-terpineol, but it also contains the monoterpenes carene, a-pinene, β-pinene and limonene. It also has dipentene, a-terpinene, borneol, borny acetate and camphene, among others.19,20
How to Make Pine Oil infusion
Pine essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of fresh pine tree twigs and needles. Sometimes sawdust from the hard wood is also used. 21 For a simpler mixture, however, you can make an infusion oil. To make your own infused pine oil at home, follow this easy do-it-yourself guide from Leaf:22
Harvest fresh pine needles from a pine tree. Do not use pine needles that have fallen to the ground, as they may grow molds and spoil your essential oil.
Wash the pine needles with warm water and mild detergent soap to remove impurities. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with clean paper towels.
Using a mortar and pestle, gently bruise the pine needles.
Pour sweet almond oil in a large-mouth jar, and then add in the pine needles.
Cover the jar tightly and gently shake it to coat the pine needles with almond oil.
Store the jar in a warm room with an ambient temperature of at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight.
Shake the jar at least once a day for seven days. After a week, put the jar in a dark storage space — for example, inside your cupboard — and allow it to age or ferment for at 10 to 14 days. Do not shake the jar during this time period.
After 14 days, sift the oil through a piece of cheesecloth or fine-mesh cotton gauze to remove solid particles. Squeeze cheesecloth to get remaining essential oil.
Transfer your homemade pine oil in a dark bottle. Cover with cap tightly to keep it fresh longer and to avoid contamination.
Keep in mind that homemade essential oils should not be ingested. You should also discard homemade pine oil after 10 to 12 months.
How Does Pine Oil Work?
The most common ways to administer pine oil are orally, topically and through inhalation. In aromatherapy, pine oil is indicated and used for cuts, lice, excessive perspiration, scabies, sores on the skin, arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, common colds and flu, and fatigue.23,24 ,25
If you're going to use pine oil topically as a moisturizing oil to improve skin condition or as a liniment for muscle pain relief, I recommend doing a skin test before applying it to large portions of your skin. It should also be diluted with a carrier oil.
Is Pine Oil Safe?
Pine oil is generally safe except for isolated reports of sensitizing reaction in some individuals. Dwarf pine oil is a common cause of contact dermatitis, although this is only true in oxidized oils.26 This is why you should make sure you only buy pure, high-quality essential oils from trusted sellers and manufacturers.
Discard old and expired bottles of pine oil. If you are planning to get pregnant, are already pregnant or breastfeeding your child, I advise against taking pine oil or any kind of essential oil without the consent of your doctor.
Side Effects of Pine Oil
While pine oil has low risks of toxicity in humans, inappropriate dosage, improper application or use of low-quality and oxidized variants may cause skin rashes, eye irritation, gastrointestinal issues, severe aspiration and respiratory distress.27,28,29
As a safety precaution, do not integrate pine oil or any type of essential oil in your treatment protocol without seeking expert medical opinion. Consult your holistic health care practitioner about this matter, so you can be guided accordingly.
Again, for simple dermal applications, I recommend doing a skin test first. Apply pine oil on a small area of your skin. Wait for 24 to 48 hours to see if redness or any sign of irritation will occur before using it on larger parts of your body.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/24/xdjm18-herbal-oils-18mcsa-pine-oil.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/pine-oil-a-potential-panacea
0 notes
jakehglover · 6 years
Pine Oil: A Potential Panacea?
Table of Contents
What Is Pine Oil?
5 Benefits of Pine Oil
4 Uses of Pine Oil
Composition of Pine Oil
How to Make Pine Oil infusion
How Does Pine Oil Work?
Is Pine Oil Safe?
Side Effects of Pine Oil
Pine trees are often adorned with festive decorations and set up as a focal point during the Christmas season, but did you know that their fragrant and pointy foliage can also be a source of a valuable essential oil known as pine oil? Read on to find out more about pine oil, how it benefits your health and how you can make it at home.
What Is Pine Oil?
Pine oil is a colorless to pale-yellow essential oil that may have a fresh, balsamic or turpentine-like odor, depending on its source.1 It should not be confused with pine nut oil (also referred to as pine seed oil), which is a vegetable oil commonly used for cooking.
Pine nut oil is derived from the seeds of the pine tree,2,3 whereas pine oil is extracted from the needle-like foliage of pine trees through steam distillation.4 Several species of pine are used to extract pine oil, some of which include:5
Dwarf pine needle (Pinus mugo) — A tall and shrub-like tree harvested from the Swiss Alps. In Europe, this plant is used to help alleviate skin and scalp diseases.
Long leaf pine or turpentine (Pinus palustris) — This tree, which can grow up to 150 feet, originates from the United States and is widely used for the distillation of American gum spirits of turpentine.
Scotch pine or Norway pine (Pinus sylvestris) — This high, evergreen tree has a reddish-brown and deeply fissured bark that grows pairs of long, stiff needles. Largely produced in the Baltic states, the essential oil from this species is a hypertensive, tonic stimulant.
5 Benefits of Pine Oil
Pine oil has antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal,6 antiseptic and antirheumatic properties.7 It works as a good decongestant and expectorant for respiratory ailments as well.8 Pine oil is also valued for its ability to help:
Soothe muscular stiffness9
Ease rheumatic pain10
Speed up wound healing11
Protect against airborne pathogenic microorganisms, like Aspergillus and Penicillium genera fungi12
Fight against free radicals with its antioxidant properties13
Pine oil is also a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent,14 which makes it a potential substitute for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that come with many side effects. Checkout my NSAIDS: The Painful Truth Behind Painkillers infographic for more information on NSAIDs.
4 Uses of Pine Oil
Pine oil is not only valued for its health benefits, but also for its practical uses. This essential oil can be used as:15
Fragrance — You can use a few drops of pine oil as fragrance when making your own soaps, detergents, lotions, candles and ointments.16,17,18
Insect repellant — To protect your wool sweaters from moths and other insects, pour 10 drops of pine oil onto small pieces of untreated wood. Place the pieces of wood in your closets or drawers.
Air freshener — Eliminate the awful smell of cigarettes and stale air by adding four drops of pine oil to a cup of water. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle, shake it well and spray it to instantly freshen up your room. Avoid spraying it on furniture.
Massage oil before and after exercise — Create your own pre- and post-workout massage oil to inhibit or soothe strained muscles. Add three drops of pine oil, juniper berry oil and rosemary oil in 2 ounces of jojoba oil.
Composition of Pine Oil
Pine oil is composed primarily of terpene alcohols. Its major component is a-terpineol, but it also contains the monoterpenes carene, a-pinene, β-pinene and limonene. It also has dipentene, a-terpinene, borneol, borny acetate and camphene, among others.19,20
How to Make Pine Oil infusion
Pine essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of fresh pine tree twigs and needles. Sometimes sawdust from the hard wood is also used. 21 For a simpler mixture, however, you can make an infusion oil. To make your own infused pine oil at home, follow this easy do-it-yourself guide from Leaf:22
Harvest fresh pine needles from a pine tree. Do not use pine needles that have fallen to the ground, as they may grow molds and spoil your essential oil.
Wash the pine needles with warm water and mild detergent soap to remove impurities. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with clean paper towels.
Using a mortar and pestle, gently bruise the pine needles.
Pour sweet almond oil in a large-mouth jar, and then add in the pine needles.
Cover the jar tightly and gently shake it to coat the pine needles with almond oil.
Store the jar in a warm room with an ambient temperature of at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight.
Shake the jar at least once a day for seven days. After a week, put the jar in a dark storage space — for example, inside your cupboard — and allow it to age or ferment for at 10 to 14 days. Do not shake the jar during this time period.
After 14 days, sift the oil through a piece of cheesecloth or fine-mesh cotton gauze to remove solid particles. Squeeze cheesecloth to get remaining essential oil.
Transfer your homemade pine oil in a dark bottle. Cover with cap tightly to keep it fresh longer and to avoid contamination.
Keep in mind that homemade essential oils should not be ingested. You should also discard homemade pine oil after 10 to 12 months.
How Does Pine Oil Work?
The most common ways to administer pine oil are orally, topically and through inhalation. In aromatherapy, pine oil is indicated and used for cuts, lice, excessive perspiration, scabies, sores on the skin, arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, common colds and flu, and fatigue.23,24 ,25
If you're going to use pine oil topically as a moisturizing oil to improve skin condition or as a liniment for muscle pain relief, I recommend doing a skin test before applying it to large portions of your skin. It should also be diluted with a carrier oil.
Is Pine Oil Safe?
Pine oil is generally safe except for isolated reports of sensitizing reaction in some individuals. Dwarf pine oil is a common cause of contact dermatitis, although this is only true in oxidized oils.26 This is why you should make sure you only buy pure, high-quality essential oils from trusted sellers and manufacturers.
Discard old and expired bottles of pine oil. If you are planning to get pregnant, are already pregnant or breastfeeding your child, I advise against taking pine oil or any kind of essential oil without the consent of your doctor.
Side Effects of Pine Oil
While pine oil has low risks of toxicity in humans, inappropriate dosage, improper application or use of low-quality and oxidized variants may cause skin rashes, eye irritation, gastrointestinal issues, severe aspiration and respiratory distress.27,28,29
As a safety precaution, do not integrate pine oil or any type of essential oil in your treatment protocol without seeking expert medical opinion. Consult your holistic health care practitioner about this matter, so you can be guided accordingly.
Again, for simple dermal applications, I recommend doing a skin test first. Apply pine oil on a small area of your skin. Wait for 24 to 48 hours to see if redness or any sign of irritation will occur before using it on larger parts of your body.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/24/xdjm18-herbal-oils-18mcsa-pine-oil.aspx
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