photosbyjez · 1 year
Rush Sculptures -- Fan Of... #219
Hi all 😁 Feel free to join in this weekly challenge whenever you find yourself thinking, “I’m a fan of…” (see below for how-to). This week’s Fan Of… These two rush sculptures, a centaur & a unicorn, can be found near the Kelpies, just before the Kelpies Hub Car Park. This is also my post for Natalie’s PPAC. How To Join In Create a Fan Of… Photo Post. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my…
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chateau1 · 1 year
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gaytravelinfo · 2 years
Come From Away - Providence Performing Arts Center
Come experience Broadway’s COME FROM AWAY, winner of Best Musical all across North America, at the Providence Performing Arts Center February 21-26, 2023. This New York Times Critics’ Pick takes you into the heart of the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high, but uneasiness turned into…
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throughdigitaleyes · 9 months
Lindsey Stirling Snow Waltzes Through Providence
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Lindsey Stirling played to a Sold Out Providence Performing Arts Center on Thursday night (12.14.23) as she blew through town on her Snow Waltz Tour.
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There’s not much that can get me in the holiday spirit quite like a Lindsey Stirling Christmas Show. They’re family friendly displays that epitomize exactly who Stirling is as a performer; showcasing incredible choreography, wildly impressive/absolutely nerve-racking aerial acrobatics, beautiful costumes and her always jaw-dropping musicianship (duh), she brings her fans on a Christmas journey that celebrates every facet of the holiday.
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While this year’s show is likely the most different I’ve witnessed because of the new selections she’s playing from ‘Snow Waltz’, it also maintains many familiar touches. The amusing bits that always get such genuinely joyous reactions from the crowd (such as the toy instrument medley and the tour manager Christmas tree interludes) still pop up throughout the set. They keep even the youngest of fans engaged during costume changes, and paired with Stirling’s heartfelt stories, guide us through her stunning display in a way that understands the whimsy of Christmas without ever abandoning the true reason for the season.
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Highlights in a Lindsey Stirling show, for me, are always in the moments that show just how absurdly talented a musician she really is. ‘Angels We Have Heard on High’ is definitely one of them, and was a highlight in both of the previous Christmas shows I’ve seen Stirling perform. But this year it was even better, following her breathtaking arrangement of ‘O Holy Night’. Then there were two of her show-stopping original compositions off her newest Christmas album, the titular ‘Snow Waltz’ and ‘Ice Storm’, two rockin’ pieces that absolutely blew me away.
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CLICK HERE to see More Photos from the show on Facebook, and Have a Very Merry Christmas!
All photos ©Timothy Patrick Boyer, 2023.
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tchistorygal · 2 years
Weekend Coffee Leathers for You and Me
Weekend Coffee Leathers for You and Me
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almostasenior · 2 years
Sweet Home And The Garden Of Life
Connecting cities and neighbors
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lesbianbroadwaynerd · 6 months
So on Thursday I went to see the National tour of frozen at PPAC (its the closest I'll get to Germany) and it was incredible, the first show I went to that I actually wanted to go to (long story) and so stagedoor after I missed both Caroline and Lauren but then I went back the next day and when I tell you the gay panic I felt when Caroline walked out that stage door, I really hope she didn't notice me staring at her and I may have been hallucinating but I'm pretty sure when she handed me back my playbill she called me honey and it was a surreal experience. But then afterwards my mother being my mother wanting to document my state of ecstasy and pulls out her phone and is telling me something and I see Caroline and Lauren right behind us walking to their car and I kinda flipped out saying to her "THEY'RE RIGHT THERE" so now I feel inclined to dm them on Instagram and apologize for flipping out but they probably didn't even notice but if they did if nothing else maybe it made them laugh
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camp-counselor-life · 2 years
Nonprofits: the myths
I feel like there are a lot of myths out there about nonprofits, especially around the holidays when a lot of people are giving. So here are my answers to common myths surrounding nonprofits.
There is one kind of nonprofit - False. There are multiple kinds of nonprofits, with the biggest being 501c3 (charitable orgs) and 501c4 (civic and political orgs). According to this website, there are 27 (!) types of nonprofits. Even within 501c3s there’s a lot of variation, because that’s where orgs that we traditionally think of like Girl Scouts go, but also churches, hospitals, and private foundations.
All nonprofits cannot be politically active - Half false. Some types of nonprofits have more or less restrictions on their political activity, like lobbying or whether they can endorse a candidate/politician. Some nonprofits have multiple but separate arms to accomplish their political needs. Planned Parenthood that provides healthcare to low income women and accepts tax exempt donations? Couldn’t endorse Biden. Planned Parenthood Action Committee (PPAC) that is a 501c4? Few political restrictions.
Nonprofits must spend all of their income annually - False. Nonprofits are allowed to keep some revenue from year to year for unexpected expenses, or years when expenses exceed income. They can have investments as well. They just must report their expenses and income on a 990 form (see below).
It is good for nonprofits to always be under 20% overhead - False. A good nonprofit balances using money for programs with using money to pay staff a living wage. Many nonprofits that spend 20-30% or less of their revenue on overhead often means they seriously underpay staff and lack necessary resources (staff or physical) to carry out programs. Is it bad that certain nonprofits ridiculously overpay CEOs? Yes. But that program staffer who makes $3/hour less than living wage? Should be paid fairly. Chronic underpayment and under resourcing leads to high burnout and turnover, which is good for nobody.
Restricted donations are the best thing for a nonprofit - Often false. Nonprofits know what they need better than most donors. For example, if someone gave a 10k restricted donation to STEM at my council that could only be used for program supplies, like, that is not a good use of that money. It would be better used to pay camp staff (for example) because I can get nowhere without the support of my staff. I can buy tablets or Chromebooks, but I need people to use them. Trust your favorite nonprofit to spend money wisely.
Nonprofits can’t charge for their programming - False. Nonprofits are allowed to charge for things, like membership, admission to their venue, or for special events. Many museums are nonprofits and can charge, and many nonprofits charge for events as well. This is often subsidized by fundraisers or grants, but not entirely paid for. For example, for most of my events at work, the kid’s fees cover the event expenses, but my salary and the building costs are paid for in other ways (cookies, grants, donations, etc). Sometimes we also get grants/donations to subsidize events though, especially if we’re working with underserved groups or we want to put on a really big event.
Nonprofit finances are a mystery - False. Nonprofits are required to publish their recent finance reports on their website. You can also find them in the form of a 990 form on this website (Candid) as well as many others. 990 forms must be freely available and they’re really interesting. Like, my council spends about two-fifths of it’s expenses on salaries. Salaries are expensive! And we still have low pay, but that’s another issue.
So what does nonprofit mean then? Nonprofit basically just means that we don’t pay out profits to shareholders or board members. There’s tons of ways to be a nonprofit, some better than others, but hopefully this is a little overview of what nonprofits are truly like.
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prathamswar · 2 months
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namansharma0950 · 3 months
ジェット燃料灯油価格: 最新の傾向、データベースの洞察、予測
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リアルタイムのジェット燃料価格を入手: https://www.analystjapan.com/Pricing-data/jet-kerosene-174
リアルタイムのジェット燃料価格を入手: https://www.analystjapan.com/Pricing-data/jet-kerosene-174
Call +1 (332) 258- 6602 1-2-3 Manpukuji, Asao-ku, Kawasaki 215-0004 Japan
Website: https://www.analystjapan.com
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photosbyjez · 1 year
Floral Clock -- Photographing Public Art
Floral Clock -- Photographing Public Art
Hi, all 👋 My latest post for Natalie’s #PPAC. This Floral Clock is a large-scale, decorative timepiece in Edinburgh. It can be found by the stairs leading down in to West Princes Street Gardens & has been created from flowers since 1903. I took the shots below at different times & you can see that this is a fully functioning clock 😃
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gaytravelinfo · 2 years
Annie - Providence Performing Arts Center, Rhode Island
Annie, the iconic Tony Award-winning musical to play the Providence Performing Arts Center January 31 – February 5, 2023. Sponsored by the Providence Tourism Council Part of the Encore Series Encore Series Media Sponsor: Cox Media. Tickets for the Providence engagement of the iconic Tony Award®-winning musical ANNIE are on sale now at the PPAC Box Office (220 Weybosset Street, Providence, RI…
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freepressjournals · 6 months
India’s Growing Reliance on Oil Imports Signals Concerns for FY24
As we approach the end of the financial year 2023–24 (FY24), India faces a sobering reality: its dependence on imported crude oil is on the rise, potentially reaching unprecedented levels. According to recent data released by the oil ministry’s Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell (PPAC), India’s reliance on imported crude surged to nearly 88% in the period from April to February, indicating a trend that could see FY24 surpass the record high levels of the previous year.
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Despite efforts to bolster domestic production, India’s self-sufficiency in crude oil dwindled to just 12.3% during the April-February period, a decline from 12.8% in the corresponding period of the previous financial year. This decline in self-sufficiency is primarily attributed to stagnant domestic crude oil output coupled with escalating demand for fuel and petroleum products.
Over the years, India’s reliance on oil imports has been steadily increasing, barring a brief respite in FY21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic-induced slowdown. The country’s dependence on imported crude stood at 85.5% in FY22, with previous years witnessing a similar upward trajectory. Despite governmental aspirations to curtail this reliance — with targets set as early as 2015 to reduce oil imports to 67% by 2022 — the actual dependency has only surged, making the Indian economy susceptible to global oil price fluctuations and impacting various economic indicators such as foreign trade deficit, foreign exchange reserves, and inflation rates.
In response to this escalating dependence, the government has been advocating for alternative energy sources such as electric mobility and biofuels to mitigate the reliance on costly oil imports. Efforts to augment domestic crude oil output through incentivizing exploration and production contracts and opening up new areas for hydrocarbon exploration have also been intensified. However, these measures have yet to yield significant offsets to the burgeoning demand for petroleum products.
India’s refining capacity, exceeding 250 million tonnes per annum, positions it as a net exporter of petroleum products despite being one of the world’s largest importers of crude oil. However, the widening gap between domestic production and consumption underscores the urgency for sustainable solutions to balance energy needs and economic stability.
As we navigate the complexities of India’s energy landscape, the trajectory of oil imports in FY24 will be closely monitored, bearing implications not only for the energy sector but also for broader economic indicators and policy directions. Efforts to diversify energy sources and enhance domestic production remain imperative in ensuring energy security and economic resilience in the years to come.
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tchistorygal · 2 years
Coffee and Tea and a Little Bit o' Me
Coffee and Tea and a Little Bit o’ Me
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Tổng hợp: Giá dầu tăng vọt 3% nhờ nền kinh tế Mỹ duy trì mạnh mẽ
Kết thúc ngày giao dịch 25/1, giá dầu tăng khoảng 3% lên mức cao nhất trong gần hai tháng sau khi dữ liệu cho thấy nền kinh tế Mỹ tăng trưởng vượt dự kiến trong quý IV/2023, thúc đẩy triển vọng tích cực về nhu cầu tại quốc gia tiêu thụ dầu lớn nhất thế giới. Ngoài ra, căng thẳng tại Biển Đỏ tiếp tục leo thang làm gia tăng rủi ro gián đoạn thương mại toàn cầu, cũng góp phần củng cố lực mua trên thị trường. Chốt phiên, giá dầu WTI tăng 3,02% lên 77,36 USD/thùng. Dầu Brent tăng 2,99% lên 82,43 USD/thùng.
Theo báo cáo sơ bộ lần 1 của Cục Phân tích Kinh tế Mỹ, tổng sản phẩm quốc nội (GDP) quý IV/2023 của Mỹ tăng 3,3% so với quý trước, cao hơn nhiều so với dự báo tăng 2% của các chuyên gia kinh tế. Tăng trưởng kinh tế Mỹ vẫn mạnh mẽ bất chấp áp lực từ môi trường lãi suất cao, củng cố kịch bản “hạ cánh mềm” của nền kinh tế lớn nhất thế giới. Kỳ vọng vào sự tăng trưởng tích cực của nền kinh tế Mỹ sẽ thúc đẩy nhu cầu dầu là động lực mạnh mẽ hỗ trợ giá dầu tăng cao.
Lực mua trên thị trường cũng được thúc đẩy bởi triển vọng nhu cầu dầu tích cực của Ấn Độ, quốc gia nhập khẩu và tiêu thụ dầu lớn thứ ba thế giới. Theo dữ liệu từ Cơ quan Phân tích và Kế hoạch Dầu khí (PPAC), mức tiêu thụ nhiên liệu của quốc gia Nam Á này trong năm tài chính 2024 - 2025 bắt đầu từ ngày 1/4, dự kiến sẽ tăng 2,7% lên 238,954 triệu tấn, so với ước tính sửa đổi là 232,561 triệu tấn cho năm tài chính hiện tại. Trong đó, nhu cầu xăng trong nước dự kiến tăng 5,4% lên 39,2 triệu tấn, nhu cầu dầu diesel dự kiến tăng 2,7% lên 92,4 triệu tấn.
Đáng chú ý, căng thẳng địa chính trị tại hai khu vực sản xuất dầu hàng đầu thế giới vẫn tiếp tục leo thang, làm gia tăng mối lo ngại gián đoạn nguồn cung trên thị trường. Tại Biển Đỏ, hãng vận tải khổng lồ Maersk cho biết các vụ nổ trong khu vực đã buộc hai tàu do công ty con của Mỹ vận hành và chở quân nhu của Mỹ phải quay đầu khi đi qua eo biển Bab al-Mandab ngoài khơi Yemen. Trong khi đó, lãnh đạo Houthi tuyên bố nhóm này sẽ tiếp tục nhắm mục tiêu vào các tàu có liên kết với Israel, cho đến khi viện trợ đến tay người dân Palestine ở Gaza.
Tại Nga, máy bay không người lái của Ukraine đã không kích vào nhà máy lọc dầu Tuapse với công suất 240.000 thùng/ngày thuộc sở hữu của Rosneft ở miền nam nước Nga. Đây là cuộc không kích thứ tư nhằm vào mục tiêu cơ sở hạ tầng năng lượng lớn của Nga trong tuần qua, làm tăng thêm mối lo ngại về nguồn cung năng lượng toàn cầu, đặc biệt trong bối cảnh xung đột tại Trung Đông vẫn diễn ra căng thẳng.
Giao dịch hàng hoá
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Manulife Investment Management Enters Minority Partnership with Parreira Almond Holding Company
Manulife Investment Management has unveiled a minority partnership with Parreira Almond Holding Company, LLC (PAHC), a family-owned firm specializing in almond hulling, shelling, processing, and marketing. The partnership is expected to facilitate future growth for PAHC and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, RPAC, LLC (RPAC) and Parreira Almond Processing Company, LLC (PPAC). In addition to…
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