#Come From Away Providence Performing Arts Center
gaytravelinfo · 1 year
Come From Away - Providence Performing Arts Center
Come experience Broadway’s COME FROM AWAY, winner of Best Musical all across North America, at the Providence Performing Arts Center February 21-26, 2023. This New York Times Critics’ Pick takes you into the heart of the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high, but uneasiness turned into…
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cornerdreams-txt · 2 years
random little things that i think the mw22 cast would like.
simon riley; “ghost”
web weaving. gathering quotes and lines from books and poetry and history, collecting lyrics and artwork, then putting them all together in the theme of a person, a place, a thing, a memory, something. creating a piece of artwork centered around a single person’s experience with something they can recall. sharing an experience, emotions, memories, without ever having to say a single word.
john mactavish; “soap”
baking using ingredients he grew. knowing every rain shower the cucumbers got, knowing the strawberries were just picked a few minutes ago. taking seeds and making something out of nothing using soil and water and the sunlight outside his home, taking that something and making it into something more, and then holding it out in offering and gift for the people he knows. making his own food, and providing it as a show of his care for the people he’s around.
john price
photography. capturing a single moment in memory forever, keeping memories and emotions stored somewhere safe, so that their faces and the place and the state of the world just then is, even as the world changes neverendingly, never forgotten, and can be easily remembered. being able to keep a moment he holds dear in his pocket, hidden from the cruelty of wars and military force. a log of his own life, so he never has to forget the things he loves.
kyle garrick; “gaz”
origami. taking such an ordinary sheet of paper and folding it over and over and turning it and folding and unfolding and then folding again, until a personally created, holdable piece of artwork rests in his hands, something he made to keep his hands busy, something he can look at and know that he made that, no matter how many tries it first took.
astronomy. using the stars as his guide, knowing the story behind every constellation, being able to know exactly why the stars look as they do, knowing what lies beyond them and knowing what humanity is scraping their fingers along as they explore. flying at night and having more to think about than just his destination and the aircraft’s parameters or current performance. he knows that by heart. but the stars? that’s something else. knowing that he is made of stardust, and so is everyone else.
farah karim
musical theater. a story told through music, characters moving around stage, the different sets. the casts cycling through, the original recordings and covers and the sound of projecting voices echoing through the theater. the curtain calls, sound design, lights and tech crew. makeup and quick changes - over a dozen art forms coming together to create a single product.
kate laswell
making her own tea blends. taking care of plants to dry them in the sun when they’re ready, always leaving some for later. testing out what goes well with what, sharing the ones that taste the best with her wife. using natural medicinal properties for nausea, for headaches, dealing with cramps when they get bad. customizing teas to make the people she meets a tea that’s unique to that experience, every time.
archeology. seeing how people lived all those years ago, how humanity has progressed. ancient acts of kindness - the disabled living long lives, babies buried with the best that could be offered, pets being laid to rest with their owners, tombs telling stories about the people’s lives, gravestones showing how loved the individuals were. what daily life looked like what must have been forever ago. knowing that there will be kindness and love and war and good and bad and victories and everything that makes humanity what it is, for as long as humans have their feet on the ground.
alejandro vargas
marine science. the vastness of it all - the depth of the ocean and the strength of the currents. the diversity of life and how much such a simple substance, just water, does for the entire earth. the different terms, and especially coral reefs. how a formation worn away by time and current and sun and tides has become a central place of life and support for so many creatures. how colorful they are, how delicate, now beautiful and so incredibly necessary they are. how much there is to love about the planet he lives on.
philip graves
urban exploration. seeing everything that’s been left behind, abandoned by the people who were there before. admiring how nature has taken back these man-made structures, the wear and tear, the animals that call those places home, even if they were never meant to be there. the echoing of footsteps and voices, the light filtering through cracks in the ceiling. ivy and sunlight and dust, serenity and silence in a once bustling thing.
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housekonig · 6 months
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Her Majesty's Garden Party a Delight at the R4 Conference
World leaders took a break from their normal briefings, meetings, and seminars to attend a Her Majesty's Garden Party, hosted in honor of the R4 Conference. The former palace at Chandler Park in City-Center provided the perfect backdrop for an afternoon of laughter and conversations. Delegates and leaders were seen chatting away, sharing lighthearted banter, and discussing initiatives for a better and stronger region.
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[Heads of State and world leaders pose in front of their respective national flags]
The palace even released a photos, via the Royal Circulate and SiennaImages.
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The party was not just an opportunity for world leaders to come together—it was also an occasion to appreciate the arts, with live music and performances that kept guests entertained. However, their day isn't over since the conference continues this evening, where leaders will attend a "State of the Region" dinner, set to engage in further discussions on the most pressing regional challenges and opportunities.
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Bonus photos:
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The Kingdom of Vernick (@housekonig)
United States of Simerica (NPC Nation Version)
The Kingdom of SimDonia (@bridgeportbritt_
The Empire of Pierreland (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
The Trentallia Union (@trentonsimblr)
The Kingdom of Uspana (@nexility-sims)
The Ionian Union (@funkyllama)
Empire of Francesim (@empiredesimparte)
The Kingdom of Illyria (@the-lancasters)
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sotcwcrp · 4 months
In celebration of our January 14th - January 28th opening, we're going to be highlighting each of the clans, to give you a better idea of what they're like / how different they are from the books!
Starting today, we have;
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ART CREDITS: carnationcarnivore on discord!
Stay low. Stay quiet. It’s the first thing our kits learn, cradled by thorn bushes and nursed by our whole Clan. Prick your ears, lower your stance until your belly-fur brushes the peaty soil, let the only movement be your tail-tip as you stalk your prey through grasping brambles. This is not the forest of your elders’ tales, little one.
To be your eyes into Shadowclan Territory, Seabreeze a Shadowclan Dayguard is here to interview some of her clanmates! Take it away Seabreeze!
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“Alrighty, let’s get started then! How about you tell me a bit about ShadowClan’s territory? An overview would surely do, but feel free to go in detail!”
“It's quite the place! Very wet, full of plants, a textbook marsh you could say. A place you could really get lost in! There are other areas of course, the orchard and the glade, and a most definitely NOT haunted cabin!“ - Punchbuggy
From the lush sundew dotted fens to the shadowed highlands, Shadowclan’s territory is thick with plant life that creeps and ensnares those who pay no heed to the land. Flowers bloom within the gloom, thriving in spades along the shores of ponds, pools, and streams, which criss-cross the land and leave little fully dry. Tangled canopies and towering pines blot out the sky in quite a few places, creating the perfect conditions for a Nighhunter to track their prey in, shrouded by darkness (though one must account for any pools of water or muck, which the apprentices learn to traverse early). As for the Dayguards, who take a less furtive and more rough and tumble approach, the shining sun casts spaces such as the carrs and the abandoned Flood Camp in a golden glow. Aside from nature, Twoleg structures which have been long left to rot and be reclaimed by the ever crawling passage of time dot the landscape, providing both cover as well as intriguing spaces to explore. And hidden within one thicket, veiled by the dark on one half and dappled with light on the other, is Shadowclan’s camp. While it’s never quite as busy as the other Clans’, given opposing schedules of many Warriors, it’s still oft bustling with movement, music and dance, decorated with the art their Campminders create (both permanent and performance).
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“Let’s dig a bit deeper, what do you think? How about your favourite spot in the territory? It could be because of an important life event or just because of its scenery, I just wanna know why!”
"Stargazer glade is my favorite place! The starlight dappling the clearing is breath-taking to witness. I feel closer to the stars there, too, and my patron. Even if I'm not a nighthunter anymore, I still enjoy staying up late to trace constellations and count the stars there." - Plovertumble
Once lost to time and to myth, the site of Stargazer Glade was rediscovered two cycles ago in the midst of a four Clan wide epidemic. Or rather, the purpose of it was rediscovered. The glade itself seems ordinary enough, an open clearing hidden away by thick shrubbery and pines with intermingled branches, walling the space away. The sky, however, remains unobscured above. The yawning abyss of sky can be intimidating during the day, particularly for those used to having their back to cover, but during the night the entire glade comes alive. It almost seems to glow, wildflowers and vines edged in silver, the grass soaked in light. The monument which stands at the far end of the field, alone and imposing, reflects it back into the center of the space. This is why it was named Stargazer Glade, by ancestors whose names have been reclaimed by the elements, but whose pawsteps the modern day Shadowclan walk into when they travel to this once nigh holy space. Cats often bring gifts of flowers or trinkets, words or performance, to offer to their patron or pantheon when they feel the need to commune with Starclan. It’s often a private thing, praying, though families typically share their preference in who to revere before Starclan as a whole.
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“In line with my last comment about memories, any favorites of those on the territory? Memories I mean!”
“I'm afraid this one's a bit trickier, I've got many good and bad ones, but a favorite? Oh dear... Maybe when I gave Chanterellefall his name? Most of my best memories take place with him, or Mimiclull, so it's a constant shifting battle over which is the favorite.” - Oleandersnare
The relationship between mentor and apprentice is one that is viewed as particularly important in both of their lives in Shadowclan, and one that will often last into adulthood once the apprentice graduates. This is in part due to the close-knit culture of the Clan; not only does the mentor impart new skills, but their own experiences. For those who join the Clan young rather than being born into it (which is certainly preferred, as those who join later in life are expected to prove themselves and their new loyalties), their mentors become a touchstone, and many even find themselves falling into a parental role. It's become a trend to cement this bond when an apprentice and mentor are first paired at a kit's graduation ceremony. Together, and typically with little planning, the pair will come up with an alternative to the nose-to-forehead gesture that is unique to them. This new gesture will go with them as they journey through life together, being performed in significant moments such as ceremonies as well as for comfort, if the need arises. Shadowclan's proclivity for theatrics has also lent a paw to this spur of the moment idea which has become ingrained into their culture.
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“I’m sure we both can say that we’re pretty misunderstood as a Clan. Anything you wanna say about ShadowClan’s culture that might not be known otherwise?”
“You've got us wrong. Whatever you think of us— you’re way off, guaranteed. We aren't cunning and sly as foxes who only come out at night. We aren't aggressive carrioneaters. We have law; we have culture. We have cats who patrol day and night, a sense of morality, festivities and drama brought on by our campminders. Most importantly, we're as tough as ever and work as one to get things done; we're like a family.” - Chanterellefall 
Like a family is quite the apt description. ShadowClan, while frequently misconstrued as deceptive cats who prowl at night and nip the tails of passerby cats, are actually quite the vibrant band. From singing and dancing to plays and art, any form of creativity you can imagine is celebrated and appreciated. During the brightest hours of day and the darkest hours of night, the territory is silent, punctuated only by hushed murmurs and the soft snores of sleeping cats. Within ShadowClan, the song of nature takes the form of a lullaby. When the sun rises and falls, only then does the Clan come alive, every mealtime a festivity to remember. Each member is one part of the whole, loved like blood no matter the cat, with strength enough to move mountains.
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“Alrighty, here’s a question that might be more interesting. Everybody’s got different views, but I’m looking for your views on the council. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone!”
“Ahh, how forward of you - oh, it was only a joke. I've seen my team through times so dark that it seemed dawn would never come, and we've come out unscathed from it with a deeper understanding of one another, I believe, and of what it means to serve our Clan. In fact, most of us have continued on a tradition that goes back a few generations, of taking on the naming style of the Forgotten after Noctule's Wing's joining which has continued since he stepped down. Our Leader and Deputy? Ah, Russetstar and Warblercall, they've a passion for keeping Shadowclan safe and their heads held high. I can assure you of that.” - Vivid Skies
The council of ShadowClan wake during dawn and dusk, contrary to your standard Dayguard and Nighthunter. They oversee the Clan during its busiest times, taking on many the responsibility. ShadowClan healers are tasked with the health and safety of their clanmates, taking good care of the sick and injured. Rest assured, in the paws of even the apprentices, you will be tended to diligently. While there has been much hardship in recent moons, the protection of the council has kept the whole of ShadowClan safe. Warblercall, though strict and proud with a traditional view of the code, is a powerful and reliable figure among the ShadowClan higher ups, having recently brought forth a new rank, dubbed Gloamwatchers. Similarly traditional, Russetstar has proven her dedication through moons of leadership. Together, the council works like a well oiled machine, regardless of whatever trials and tribulations the Clan has faced— and will continue to do so through whatever is to come.
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brutclhonesty · 6 months
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well i hope you're proud of your big decision. i hope it's all that you want and more. now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before.
father: charles meyers mother: rachel franklin step-mother: lucy murray-meyers
her parents were two kids from crappy homes who found love and freedom in each other. they ran away together when they were sixteen, but then found out they were expecting a baby. while avett’s father wanted to become a big name in the music industry, he was forced to take whatever jobs he could find, leaving his girlfriend home with their newborn daughter.
after a few years of scraping and saving, it seemed like charles was going to make it big, & he began to be home even less, auditioning and playing gigs around the city when he wasn’t working. rachel had once dreamed of becoming an actress, but those dreams were lost in the reality of caring for avett, although the young woman began to resent her significant other for prioritizing his dreams over hers.
it wasn’t until avett was seven years old that her mother vanished one morning, taking everything except her guitar and a note apologizing to her daughter. from then on, it was just charles & avett, and the man very quickly realized he barely knew his own kid.
instead of taking that opportunity to get to know the bright, beautiful daughter he had, he hired a nanny and threw himself into work; rationalizing that he was doing it to provide for her, when in reality, all avett wanted was her father after losing her mother.
when avett became a teenager, it was clear her father never had any intention of being an involved, loving parent, and he enrolled her in a performing arts high school in new york. with a whole country between them, they grew further apart, until avett was only coming home for summers. christmas’ were spent at rockefeller center and seeing off-broadway shows, exchanging gifts with her friends and ignoring the ache inside of her when they left to see their families.
imagine her surprise when she returned home one summer to find her father had remarried- to a woman who was only a few years older than she was. as if that wasn’t a shock to the poor teenager, her new step mother was expecting a baby. avett decided then and there that when she graduated, she was moving to los angeles to become an actress and wanted nothing to do with her father’s do-over family.
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cluesi4 · 10 months
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Welcome to the world of Mynei, a world full of fantasy and magic. ((Blank settlements are for users to make up their own towns and cities.))
Wally and Y/n meet in the enchanted woods, a dangerous and unpredictable land that belongs to no royal or noble, only the brave or foolish step into such a place.
Saddler: A simple town with low-level monsters sulking about. There is not much but recently a grey-skinned alchemist and his blonde warrior bodyguard have settled here, providing aid and protection to those in the area.
Noi Wyr-
Oodalei: A city of the arts. Artists perform on the streets or in the city's grand theater. Recently there has been word of a new actress making a name for herself.
Xozua Trading Post: The trading center of Noi Wyr, you can get just about anything from throughout the Empire here. The leader is a strict but caring old woman and word has it she has taken in a four-legged creature as her heir.
Mallodale: A farming town with midlevel monsters in the area. ((This is Y/n's default hometown if you so choose.)) The crops here are the finest in all the land. There have been sightings of a blue dog around the apple orchard, looking for his little pal "Walls."
Mytan: The capital of Noi Wyr, the royal family's castle can be seen from miles away and you can find people from all walks of life here. Word on the streets is there is a trio of siblings working at a hotel, hoping for word of their sister.
Tyuloo: The Capital of Talmye, the island birds, Tamibul, are often sold and tended to here. A lot of them have been following a strange chicken-like entity with spots on her wings.
Seabi Isles-
Rukia: A humble port town that sells an abundance of fish. Adventures who come here seek the aid of the new cleric, who heals them and treats them to some baked goods. Oddly enough, she looks very bird-like.
Seabi- The capital island-city of the isles and trading capital of Mynei, you can find anything and everything here, they have an excellent delivery company, except for one clumsy newcomer.
???- A wild jungle island with ruined towns and statues, no sailor dares to step foot on this haunted island. Many claims to spot a mysterious woman with deathly pale skin and bright red hair, screaming wailing, and throwing pebbles.
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puppywritesthings · 2 years
Chained to the Rhythm (Camsco)
Summary: Bosco has the bright idea to choreograph a piece with both dancers handcuffed together. She even provides the cuffs for the occasion (because of course she has handcuffs on her). Camden thinks this is an absolutely terrible idea, trying to figure out the logistics of this until they get handcuffed together.
And Bosco can't seem to remember where they put the key.
ao3 link
A/N: WOOO!!! I got this done, finally.
once again, shout out to @ladystanden for suggesting the title and low-key inspiring the fic in the first place. camsco’s good shit, and good enough to have a little over 5k words..
fair warning: there is some smut.
“Oh, so you weren’t joking…” 
Camden couldn’t help but stare at a pair of handcuffs rhythmically twirling around Bosco’s slender fingers. Her mind tried to focus on literally anything else in the room, but anywhere she looked only drew attention to the shiny metal (or at least metal painted) restraints: one of the many times she hated the large mirror on the wall. There had certainly been odder things that she saw in the studio – all in the name of performance art– but this had to be one of the strangest.
The other girl only laughed as she draped it over one rung of the ballet barre. “See something you like, Cammy?” Part of them knew the effect that her newest accessory would have on the other girl. She came off as such a prude that they didn’t know how she’d handle being in the dressing rooms. “No comment, huh.”
“Of course you’d have those on you…” 
“Funny story, I thought I was going to be the next Houdini in high school. Turns out I like staying in the handcuffs more than I liked getting out, if you get my drift.” They winked, even though Camden knew exactly what she meant.
“It’s still a stupid idea…” The redhead blurted out as kept staring at the newest accessory. “And please don’t call me that,” She requested, knowing that it would most likely be ignored, much like most of her ideas around Bosco.  “Why’d you – Oh, never mind.” She crossed her arms, turning away from the other dancer. Asking why she even had those in the first place would be a dumb idea, almost as dumb as having two dancers’ arms cuffed together. 
Bosco already gave enough reasoning in class that day, and it made complete sense in their head. The cuffs would give the dancers a challenge: the close proximity and limited mobility making them share a center of gravity. They would have to rely on their partner, trust that the next step was going to keep them upright. 
To Camden, however, it just sounded like nonsense, like they just threw around technical terms to make themself sound smarter.
“Never mind what?” They smirked, “Come on, Cam Cam. What were you gonna ask?”
“It really isn’t any of your business now.” She huffed. “I don’t think I even want to tell you now that you mentioned it.” She knew it was a childish response, but what was the point in arguing with someone who always had the upper hand, and the height advantage.
“You know, I personally enjoyed it when you just stood there, flabbergasted, so how about we get back to choreographing this, m’kay?.”
The redhead nodded her head, letting out a beleaguered sigh. “One more question and I promise I won’t bother you for the rest of the rehearsal. Are we practicing with the cuffs or adding them in later?”
Bosco looked at her like she asked the dumbest question in the world, cocking one eyebrow as she untied her flannel from her waist and laid it on another part of the barre. “Well, I brought them for a reason, didn’t I? So could you be a dear and hand them over, Toyota Camry?”
Rolling her eyes, Camden leaned in to grab the cuffs, scooting them closer to her dance partner. Sooner than later, the worst-case scenario happened.
The cuffs sprung alive, ensnaring the two girls like a bear trap. Camden yanked on the chain. She tried to find a gap, thinking her hands were small enough to slip the cuff, but it was a feeble attempt to get free. Any more pulls and tugs only served as a reminder for her current predicament. She was stuck. “I didn’t mean to do this on –“
“Shit…” Bosco cursed under her breath, pulling against the chain and accidentally forcing Camden to get closer. Using her free hand, she rifled through her drawstring dance bag and scattered the contents onto the floor: her leotard, another change of clothes, a few packs of gum, and a Demon Slayer keychain. “Shit shit shit shit shit.” 
The redhead gritted her teeth as she was wooshed to her rival’s side. “What is it?”
“No, that’s not it… I remember holding it at some point.” They ignored Camden as she scrolled through every key on the chain like a rolodex. “That’s not it, not that’s not it! Oh, no no no no no no.”
“What. is it?”
“I can’t find the key.” Bosco admitted, still frantically messing with the keys on the ring. “I thought these were the quick release ones, but I might have grabbed the wrong one and–”
“You have more than one pair of handcuffs?” Camden exclaimed, her tone being a mix of genuine excitement and judgmental shock.
“Yeah. I do. I thought we already established that I’m a fucking freak, but that’s not important right now because at the end of the day, I might end up taking you home with me and I don’t want to explain all this to my roommate.” They pulled Camden along to another corner of the room as she pulled out her phone from her small yoga pant pocket.
“How am I supposed to text Daya with only one hand?!” Bosco asked, not in the mood for any responses.
“You can always ask Siri to – oh wait…”
They took a deep breath, letting that light abrasion take hold. Normally, she didn’t mind the jokes about her phone; hell, she’d even make them herself, but now wasn’t the time for that. “That’s… a very low blow. How dare you.”
Camden decided to ignore that comment; Bosco was one to talk when it came to low blows.  “What do you have anyway?” She asked without any of her previous malice. “Cortana? Alexa?”
“Just Google Assistant.” They huffed, finishing the text and messily tossing everything back into their bag. “I know that’s not fancy enough for your high, British, trust fund standards–”
“Knock it off.” Although the anger from that statement got her heated like a kettle on a stovetop, she just gritted her teeth and took a few deep breaths from her partially open mouth. “We’re getting way too off topic. Can we get back to choreographing? I don’t want to be here all day.”
“Anything you say.” Bosco reluctantly moved back to their position, bringing Camden with her in a feeble attempt to get back on track. “Well, I guess that makes things easier since you just have to follow my lead now… Not like you have a choice.” They laughed at their own joke as they tried to release some of the tension.
“So, if we lean a bit away from each other, that could be a part of it? You mentioned something about a shared center of gravity.”
Oh, she remembered. “I guess so. Do you wanna start out that way? Or do you want to do something else?”
“If we circle around each other like this, one… two… three… four.” The redhead took her free hand behind her back and demonstrated. The two of them continued to walk around each other, their steps slowly yet surely becoming synchronized; the tension between them could be cut like a hot knife through butter. The only sounds she could hear were the increasing speed of the footsteps and the sound of her heartbeat pulsing between her ears.
“That was unwarranted, you know.”
“What was?”
“That… comment about the trust fund.”
“What about it? Did it hit too close to home?” Bosco maliciously teased.
Camden scoffed, almost too stunned to speak at the moment. “How selfish do you have to be to think you’re the only person who had to work hard to get here?!” Could someone really be that dense? 
The accusation made Bosco stop, causing Camden to bump into them. She was ambitious, yes, and she would easily admit they had an ego. But selfish? Far from it. They needed to have this near delusional confidence; that way she stood out. That way people wouldn’t just see them as this girl from podunk Great Falls, Montana. She was someone with worth and substance who had as much right to be here as any other person with a BFA from a conservatory their parents probably paid tuition for.
“I understand that other people have to work hard, but some people need to work harder.” Without getting a response, she continued the walk-around.
As much as Camden hated to admit it, they had a point. 
Her parents were financially stable, — her father running part of the nightclub scene back in Camden Town — but they only paid for the plane ticket over. Everything else had to come out of her pockets. Objectively, it was an easier start than having to pay everything out of pocket…
She thought about all the hours she worked overtime and all the tables that didn’t tip. The times she tripped over herself with someone’s order like she came out of a cartoon. Even with all of that, it never felt like there was enough to keep her financially stable. She’d been warned to expect being poor by going into the arts, so why should the two of them even have been arguing about this?
“Like you would know anything about working harder.” Camden near regretted saying that, but quickly amended her trajectory. She took back control of the walk around.  “This dance piece is the only thing you seem to be passionate about, and look where that ended up.”
“I like to think of it as having a one-tracked mind. And look at us! We’re making progress. Oops. I mean look at me, since I’m so selfish and all…”
“I didn’t—I wasn’t thinking straight when I said that, okay?”
“I know what you meant.” Bosco prodded like the gadfly she was. “You’re no different than the guys I see with those fucking… Coach duffel bags talking about their season tickets to Pantages like they have all the gas money to go to SoCal and back.”
“That’s a lie and we both know it.” Camden said through seethed teeth, her anger being moved to the back burner of her mind.
“The best thing about this whole experience so far has been learning that you actually have a personality aside from being British.”
The redhead regained her composure as the wheels turned to think of a clever retort, but her dance partner just kept going, comparing her to a wind-up doll at one point programmed to dance and make everyone else feel bad about themselves. Either way, it was a double-edged sword. Try to stand up for yourself again, and Bosco would just use that against you.
They were far wittier than Camden, so she had to end up being direct. That was the only way.
“I think you’re jealous of me!” She accused, making direct eye contact with Bosco as her eureka moment outweighed any other needs.
Bosco stopped and tilted their head, looking at her condescendingly and patting her on the head. “I love your enthusiasm, but why would I be jealous of you?”
“…I have to use the bathroom.” An odd change of topic, but Camden bounced on one leg as she slowly and subtly inched the two of them closer to the door.
Before Bosco could say anything else, they wiped their hand on the side of her pants and just looked at Camden. Any witty remarks flew out of the window. “Why didn’t you go before we started rehearsal?”
“I thought I was going to make it through rehearsal, but I wasn’t expecting us to get cuffed together and for there not to be a key. And now I really need to go! My bladder is about to burst. Granted, it’s still my fault because I shouldn’t have chugged my water bottle on the car ride here --”
“As if this day couldn’t get any worse…” Bosco started to mumble under their breath, praying for something else to delay the inevitable and hoping Camden could hold it a little longer. Maybe Daya would have responded and said she’d be driving over with the key as soon as she could.  “It’s not like I have a choice, so go ahead, Carrot Top. Lead the way.”
And she did.
Camden led an unwilling yet cooperative Bosco out of the rehearsal room and into the hall. “I hope no one sees this.” They complained, making as little eye contact with as many people as possible. Don’t mind me. Just two girls handcuffed together. Typical Wednesday afternoon.
“What? Does the great Bosco have a sense of shame now?”
“No!” They denied as she did everything she could to keep her face from flushing. “It’s just that the public can’t consent to these things. Have you seen that one picture of the guy in a pup mask while his girlfriend’s got him leashed on all fours?”
Before they could get an answer, they were pulled into a single-stall bathroom while Camden locked the door behind the two of them. “So, are you gonna go, or were you bluffing?”
“About what?”
“With having to pee, silly.”
“I will.” The redhead pulled Bosco closer to the toilet, annoyed at the fact she’d lie about using the bathroom. “It’s just, I haven’t had anyone… with me… in here… before. I’m not making sense; I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re fine. I won’t look, I promise.” They quickly turned away from Camden and tried to focus on anything other than the other girl undressing. How could she not realize how heated this was? This whole situation read like some doujin she’d get for ten dollars at a convention, from the setup to where it was now.  Two girls handcuffed to each other, and –who would have thought– they’re stuck in a room after exchanging copious amounts of sexually-charged banter. Or at least she thought it was sexually charged. For all she knew, Camden remained oblivious to how this was affecting them. 
When the redhead sat down, Bosco did so as well, leaning against the bowl. “I didn’t want your arm to get tired… holding it up like that.” She wasn’t wrong, but it still felt like a flimsy excuse, making the tension between them more palpable. It’s not like I like you or anything, b-baka!
As much as she hated to admit it, she quite enjoyed this position. Leading Bosco around like a lost puppy and then literally seeing them in a position beneath her felt invigorating. A sick part of her waited for something like this to come where Bosco would finally admit defeat, making Camden the better dancer between the two of them.
The silence between them was awkward. Well, it would have been silent if it wasn’t for the sound of Camden relieving herself. Bosco tapped their foot against the cold tiles and leaned their head back to the stall, occasionally looking into Camden’s eyes and cursing this current predicament. “Look, Camden, I’m sorry.”
Camden was taken aback, stopping as her pants were midway up her legs and feeling through her pockets. “What was that? I couldn’t quite get that.”
“I said I was sorry. I’m sorry for underestimating you and thinking you were this overly perfectionist, rich goody-goody who can do no wrong. I’ve been a bitch since day one of knowing you, and that was just – I don’t know – unnecessary. Camden, if you don’t accept this right away, that’s completely understandable.”
She considered accepting their apology, but a small, fiendish smirk crept across her face. “Can you apologize one more time? I really need to take this moment in.”
“You don’t have to rub it in! Jesus…” Bosco stood up, letting their hormones nearly lead the way to her intended destination: on her knees in front of Camden. “I actually admitted I was wrong for once. Big whoop-de-do, do you want it on video?”
“Well… I’m sorry as well. I might have overreacted when we were doing that turn.”
“Overreacted? You called me selfish!”
“And I’m sorry for that. Genuinely… And I’d like to apologize for technically getting us into this mess. I touched them last… and then all this happened.”
“They were going to be on us eventually. Besides, they were my cuffs in the first place; and I lost the key in the first place; I should take full responsibility.” They paused for a second, looking Camden back in the eyes. “You’re too hard on yourself. You know that, right, Camden?”
She hated when they were right, but not as much as she used to. “Is it too much to say that I really kiss you right now?” Bosco blurted, covering their mouth with their free hand. “Who said that? The acoustics in this place are shit…”
Camden blinked for a minute, then lifted an eyebrow confused at the sudden confession. “What? Don’t do that. I know you said something.”
“I said the acoustics were shit. You don’t need to worry about it.”
“That’s a lie. Tell me what you said.” She ordered as if she didn’t hear them the first time.
“Alright. You got me.” They admitted, playfully defeated. “I guess all that arguing did something to me... or maybe it’s the hormones. Maybe both. Seeing you snap back and being dragged around made me think about things I haven’t thought about. Like... kissing you and – why am I getting nervous about all of this? I should be standing up soon.”
“No. Down there’s good.”
Bosco nodded her head and continued her confession, a feeling she hadn’t been familiar with in a while. They could just imagine themself in the booth, an awkward child talking about innocuous sins. They had no problem talking about their desires since smashing the shell of their Catholic upbringing, but talking about this to Camden – even if it came off as surprisingly chaste for her – was even more humiliating than a teenager buying condoms for the first time at the gas station, trying to hide them among the Twinkies and the local newspaper they weren’t going to read.
“As I was saying, I’ve been thinking about being on the receiving end of things… from you… I know this doesn’t make sense, considering… you know. I know that’s vague – receiving end of things. I’m so articulate – but this is sudden, and you probably hate me. For good reason.” They paused, realizing the weight of their words and overall redundancy. “I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I want you.”
“I wasn’t being a bitch when I was glad to see you had a real personality.” Camden gave Bosco a stern, doubtful look. “Alright, I was, but there was some truth to that statement.  I’m glad I get to see all of you, and I sort of want to see all of those hidden sides come out more often.”
“Wait -- was that why you proposed the cuff dance in the first place? To enact one of your wet dreams?” Camden partially joked. “Speaking of those…”
“Don’t tell me you wanna talk about your wet dreams… unless you want to.”
She shook her head.
“Then the answer is no.” ” A half-truth. “Just YouTube deep dives plus my own… acquired tastes lead to all of this. I’d be happy to indulge you in more of them when there’s a better time.”
Camden looked at the blonde in front of her, then at the cuffs keeping the two of them tethered together. “Now that you mention it, this is kind of hot… and it felt good seeing you on your knees.”
“And I thought I was the kinky one…” They quipped, turning away from Camden once again before being pulled back to face her. While they wanted to focus on her baby blues, their focus was diverted to jingling noises around her hand.
Camden waggled a bent bobby pin in between her fingers. “Just remembered I had this, and I’m surprised it worked.” She laughed through her nose.
“Why would you need a bobby pin for your hair, Little Orph—Camden?” Bosco quickly corrected; the nickname was childish enough anyway. “Thanks for getting us out.” They flexed the wrist that had been the cuffs around, hearing the rolling of their joints as she smiled back at her partner. “Is there anything I can do to repay you?
Camden smirked. The position of power she was given was just too much, and she planned on abusing that for as long as she could. “Of course, but you have to beg for it first.”
“Ah. Of course.” Bosco was tempted to sink back down to her knees, but she decided against that, wanting to have a little bit of control in the situation.  However, that was quickly refuted.
“I quite liked seeing you on your knees. Can you do that? For me?”
Who were they to refuse? She sunk back to her knees – the coolness and hardness of the tiles becoming a more familiar feeling -- while looking at Camden. They quickly took the well-worn hair tie out of their shaggy ponytail and placed it on their wrist, giving her full access to her curls.
“Please… let me repay you for this. Don’t let me wait! God, Camden… I want to repay you so bad, treat you the way you deserve. I’m sorry for everything. I wanna repent for every single shitty comment I’ve made about you today, or any day when I’ve gone home to complain about you. I want to kiss the ground you walk upon! I… please, let me make it up to you.”
She pretended to consider her constant apologies, knowing that she would indulge in their request anyway. Upon remembering she could use both of her hands, Camden threaded her fingers through Bosco’s hair and gave it a ruffle like she’d give to a dog passing by. Then she gave a small tug, yanking their head to made even more intense eye contact.
Upon leading the other girl to a standing position, she pulled Bosco into a kiss. It started sweet: soft lips touching ones still chapped and occasionally gasps for air as they’d pepper kisses onto each other’s necks. Sooner than later, the tension exploded as those kisses turned into tiny nibbles on the collarbone and Bosco letting everything happen all at once to them as Camden claimed their mouth with every inch of their tongue.
She then ran her hands down Bosco’s body, taking note of every curve and how those curves would feel even better if they were naked, laying down on either of their beds with skin touching skin. How Bosco flinched and whined when they touched certain places, knowing when to retreat and what made them tick. Recently, she learned one of them was pinned against the wall by someone a head shorter than them; another was how her fingers rolled their nipples after she yanked their crop top up.
She admired how someone who was so confident and bratty became so malleable, like putty in her hands. She only wanted to test that further. Camden added more marks around the breasts before latching her mouth onto one of them, sucking and licking the hard, sensitive nipple.
That seemed to be the trick. Bosco scrunched their face and tried to hold back a moan, forgetting that they were still on public property. “Put me in my fucking place, Camden.” They begged through several pants of breath once again looking away from Camden and waiting on further instructions.
“Oh, I will.” She smirked and gently pushed Bosco back to their knees; she then stepped back, pulling down her pants slow enough to tease. Bosco put their hands in their lap, fidgeting with the hair tie, half-tempted to bind her hands with it.
“In due time.”
“Well, it’d better be quick; we’ve been in here a while.” Bosco reminded as they waited for Camden to get it over with, rubbing their own thighs together in the process. “People might get suspicious…” It was a good thing the redhead locked the door earlier, or that they didn’t use the stalls in the locker rooms. They didn’t want anyone to walk in on them, then have to think of an excuse for something that obviously looked like oral sex.
When her pants finally reached her ankles, she strutted over to Bosco and said with a small smirk, “You know what to do, darling.”
The pet name taunted them as they ghosted two fingers along Camden’s slit while her other hand grabbed her thigh to keep balance.
“No hands,” Camden quickly amended, seeing Bosco’s desperation and devotion to the task.
“You spent an entire afternoon cuffed to me; I bet you can function without your hands a little longer.” She patted their head again while her free hand brushed Bosco’s off her thigh. “Besides, you haven’t earned that right yet.”
Oh, so I have hand privileges now… It was a good thing Bosco had that hair tie. They deftly put their hands behind their back, making a set of restraints from the tie, and nodded her head.  She inched closer to Camden, taking a whiff of her damp snatch.  “And you brought a second set of cuffs with you too? You minx.”
“Like I said—” Bosco tried to explain before she was cut off with permission.
“Less talking, more licking.”
The blonde smirked before slowly licking a stripe up her slit, her tongue collecting any wetness from her folds and lapping it up like a horse to water. She then thrusted inside of her, her tongue pumping in and out of her cunt. Bosco moaned, momentarily forgetting that they were on public property and that anyone could pass by. The redhead pulled them closer to her crotch while blushing beet red: a practical way to shut her up and give her more of what they wanted.
“God… fuck yeah… More,” she said as she was getting what was probably the best head in her life. Then again, her last partner hadn’t considered going down there at all and not with such dexterity as Bosco had. There wasn’t any denial that they had experience when it came to these things. “You think you’re all that and a bag of chips, but would someone this high and mighty be down on their knees like this?”
Before Bosco could respond -- asking if she meant all that and a bag of crisps --their head was shoved back into her cunt, reminding them of their current objective. They then put their attention on her twitching, pulsing clit, startling Camden in the process as she let out a high-pitched moan. “Right there… that’s it, you fucking whore. Such a good whore for me. You’re so eager.”
Camden never considered herself to be a sexual person -- at least not an overtly sexual one --, but even she was surprised at how well she was doing. If she knew rehearsal was going to delve into something like this, she could have been a lot more prepared. She could have brought some dental dams or at least put more thought into what she was wearing underneath her outfit. The things she wanted to do to Bosco, and vice versa, were near limitless as some sort of sexy revenge for all the times they’d annoy and vex her.
“Bosco, I’m…” She breathed out, “I’m gonna… you’d better clean me up well or you won’t hear the half of it.” She warned as she steadied herself on the kneeling girl’s shoulders. Before she could compliment their technique and urge her to keep going, she let go. The pleasure rushed through her and onto Bosco’s face like ecstasy.
Camden untied Bosco and helped them stand, gazing upon her masterpiece of hickeys, smeared makeup, and lipstick marks. “Hm… Bosco Constantino humbled. I could get used to that.”
The other dancer pulled their shirt back down and hobbled towards the bathroom mirror, licking whatever Camden was still on her lips and admiring the image they were seeing. “And Camden Wheeler taking action… I’d definitely get used to that.”
“My lipstick looks good on you; don’t you think?” She finished pulling up her pants and hugged Bosco from behind, enjoying the way her arm wrapped around the small of her back.
“Yeah. Can’t wait to see how mine looks on you.”
The two of them left the bathroom as fast as they could and returned to the studio. Neither of them could remember where they left off, so they decided to call it there. “I guess I’ll see you in class?” Bosco finished packing the rest of their dance bag as they were just about to leave the room, but was quickly stopped by a tug on the drawstrings.
“I think I could use a bit more rehearsals before then. Maybe at your place if you have room over there?” The redhead asked. “We can also have sex too, if you think that’s what I’m implying.”
“Sounds great.”
“You horndog!” She scolded, “Someone ought to have you neutered!”
“Spayed, actually.” Bosco took no time to correct her as she put her hair back up in a ponytail. “And bold of you to assume I’ll stop getting horny once I can afford bottom surgery.”
“I know. How bold of me to assume that,” Camden joked, now used to Bosco’s level of sarcasm enough to match it. “You simply know no bounds.”
“How dare you!” They joked back, swinging the cuffs around their finger like they had done earlier. “Saying I know no bounds when I literally brought handcuffs. For shame.”
“I’m just glad you didn’t forget these. It would be a shame if you left them and someone had to find these. I bet you’d have a field day wanting to explain this…”
“How could I forget?” Bosco tried not to think too much about the humiliation that would come from elaborating on this. “I need these for tonight. Today’s given me a lot more material to work with…” They winked, “If you get my drift.”
“I do. So, same time Thursday?”
“Tomorrow? Someone’s eager.”
Camden smirked, “Oh you have no idea.”
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Chained to the Rhythm (Camsco) - Puppy
Summary: Bosco has the bright idea to choreograph a piece with both dancers handcuffed together. She even provides the cuffs for the occasion (because of course she has handcuffs on her). Camden thinks this is an absolutely terrible idea, trying to figure out the logistics of this until they get handcuffed together.
And Bosco can’t seem to remember where they put the key.
ao3 link
A/N: WOOO!!! I got this done, finally.
once again, shout out to @ladystanden for suggesting the title and low-key inspiring the fic in the first place. camsco’s good shit, and good enough to have a little over 5k words..
“Oh, so you weren’t joking…” 
Camden couldn’t help but stare at a pair of handcuffs rhythmically twirling around Bosco’s slender fingers. Her mind tried to focus on literally anything else in the room, but anywhere she looked only drew attention to the shiny metal (or at least metal painted) restraints: one of the many times she hated the large mirror on the wall. There had certainly been odder things that she saw in the studio – all in the name of performance art– but this had to be one of the strangest.
The other girl only laughed as she draped it over one rung of the ballet barre. “See something you like, Cammy?” Part of them knew the effect that her newest accessory would have on the other girl. She came off as such a prude that they didn’t know how she’d handle being in the dressing rooms. “No comment, huh.”
“Of course you’d have those on you…” 
“Funny story, I thought I was going to be the next Houdini in high school. Turns out I like staying in the handcuffs more than I liked getting out, if you get my drift.” They winked, even though Camden knew exactly what she meant.
“It’s still a stupid idea…” The redhead blurted out as kept staring at the newest accessory. “And please don’t call me that,” She requested, knowing that it would most likely be ignored, much like most of her ideas around Bosco.  “Why’d you – Oh, never mind.” She crossed her arms, turning away from the other dancer. Asking why she even had those in the first place would be a dumb idea, almost as dumb as having two dancers’ arms cuffed together. 
Bosco already gave enough reasoning in class that day, and it made complete sense in their head. The cuffs would give the dancers a challenge: the close proximity and limited mobility making them share a center of gravity. They would have to rely on their partner, trust that the next step was going to keep them upright. 
To Camden, however, it just sounded like nonsense, like they just threw around technical terms to make themself sound smarter.
“Never mind what?” They smirked, “Come on, Cam Cam. What were you gonna ask?”
“It really isn’t any of your business now.” She huffed. “I don��t think I even want to tell you now that you mentioned it.” She knew it was a childish response, but what was the point in arguing with someone who always had the upper hand, and the height advantage.
“You know, I personally enjoyed it when you just stood there, flabbergasted, so how about we get back to choreographing this, m’kay?.”
The redhead nodded her head, letting out a beleaguered sigh. “One more question and I promise I won’t bother you for the rest of the rehearsal. Are we practicing with the cuffs or adding them in later?”
Bosco looked at her like she asked the dumbest question in the world, cocking one eyebrow as she untied her flannel from her waist and laid it on another part of the barre. “Well, I brought them for a reason, didn’t I? So could you be a dear and hand them over, Toyota Camry?”
Rolling her eyes, Camden leaned in to grab the cuffs, scooting them closer to her dance partner. Sooner than later, the worst-case scenario happened.
The cuffs sprung alive, ensnaring the two girls like a bear trap. Camden yanked on the chain. She tried to find a gap, thinking her hands were small enough to slip the cuff, but it was a feeble attempt to get free. Any more pulls and tugs only served as a reminder for her current predicament. She was stuck. “I didn’t mean to do this on –“
“Shit…” Bosco cursed under her breath, pulling against the chain and accidentally forcing Camden to get closer. Using her free hand, she rifled through her drawstring dance bag and scattered the contents onto the floor: her leotard, another change of clothes, a few packs of gum, and a Demon Slayer keychain. “Shit shit shit shit shit.” 
The redhead gritted her teeth as she was wooshed to her rival’s side. “What is it?”
“No, that’s not it… I remember holding it at some point.” They ignored Camden as she scrolled through every key on the chain like a rolodex. “That’s not it, not that’s not it! Oh, no no no no no no.”
“What. is it?”
“I can’t find the key.” Bosco admitted, still frantically messing with the keys on the ring. “I thought these were the quick release ones, but I might have grabbed the wrong one and–”
“You have more than one pair of handcuffs?” Camden exclaimed, her tone being a mix of genuine excitement and judgmental shock.
“Yeah. I do. I thought we already established that I’m a fucking freak, but that’s not important right now because at the end of the day, I might end up taking you home with me and I don’t want to explain all this to my roommate.” They pulled Camden along to another corner of the room as she pulled out her phone from her small yoga pant pocket.
“How am I supposed to text Daya with only one hand?!” Bosco asked, not in the mood for any responses.
“You can always ask Siri to – oh wait…”
They took a deep breath, letting that light abrasion take hold. Normally, she didn’t mind the jokes about her phone; hell, she’d even make them herself, but now wasn’t the time for that. “That’s… a very low blow. How dare you.”
Camden decided to ignore that comment; Bosco was one to talk when it came to low blows.  “What do you have anyway?” She asked without any of her previous malice. “Cortana? Alexa?”
“Just Google Assistant.” They huffed, finishing the text and messily tossing everything back into their bag. “I know that’s not fancy enough for your high, British, trust fund standards–”
“Knock it off.” Although the anger from that statement got her heated like a kettle on a stovetop, she just gritted her teeth and took a few deep breaths from her partially open mouth. “We’re getting way too off topic. Can we get back to choreographing? I don’t want to be here all day.”
“Anything you say.” Bosco reluctantly moved back to their position, bringing Camden with her in a feeble attempt to get back on track. “Well, I guess that makes things easier since you just have to follow my lead now… Not like you have a choice.” They laughed at their own joke as they tried to release some of the tension.
“So, if we lean a bit away from each other, that could be a part of it? You mentioned something about a shared center of gravity.”
Oh, she remembered. “I guess so. Do you wanna start out that way? Or do you want to do something else?”
“If we circle around each other like this, one… two… three… four.” The redhead took her free hand behind her back and demonstrated. The two of them continued to walk around each other, their steps slowly yet surely becoming synchronized; the tension between them could be cut like a hot knife through butter. The only sounds she could hear were the increasing speed of the footsteps and the sound of her heartbeat pulsing between her ears.
“That was unwarranted, you know.”
“What was?”
“That… comment about the trust fund.”
“What about it? Did it hit too close to home?” Bosco maliciously teased.
Camden scoffed, almost too stunned to speak at the moment. “How selfish do you have to be to think you’re the only person who had to work hard to get here?!” Could someone really be that dense? 
The accusation made Bosco stop, causing Camden to bump into them. She was ambitious, yes, and she would easily admit they had an ego. But selfish? Far from it. They needed to have this near delusional confidence; that way she stood out. That way people wouldn’t just see them as this girl from podunk Great Falls, Montana. She was someone with worth and substance who had as much right to be here as any other person with a BFA from a conservatory their parents probably paid tuition for.
“I understand that other people have to work hard, but some people need to work harder.” Without getting a response, she continued the walk-around.
As much as Camden hated to admit it, they had a point. 
Her parents were financially stable, — her father running part of the nightclub scene back in Camden Town — but they only paid for the plane ticket over. Everything else had to come out of her pockets. Objectively, it was an easier start than having to pay everything out of pocket…
She thought about all the hours she worked overtime and all the tables that didn’t tip. The times she tripped over herself with someone’s order like she came out of a cartoon. Even with all of that, it never felt like there was enough to keep her financially stable. She’d been warned to expect being poor by going into the arts, so why should the two of them even have been arguing about this?
“Like you would know anything about working harder.” Camden near regretted saying that, but quickly amended her trajectory. She took back control of the walk around.  “This dance piece is the only thing you seem to be passionate about, and look where that ended up.”
“I like to think of it as having a one-tracked mind. And look at us! We’re making progress. Oops. I mean look at me, since I’m so selfish and all…”
“I didn’t—I wasn’t thinking straight when I said that, okay?”
“I know what you meant.” Bosco prodded like the gadfly she was. “You’re no different than the guys I see with those fucking… Coach duffel bags talking about their season tickets to Pantages like they have all the gas money to go to SoCal and back.”
“That’s a lie and we both know it.” Camden said through seethed teeth, her anger being moved to the back burner of her mind.
“The best thing about this whole experience so far has been learning that you actually have a personality aside from being British.”
The redhead regained her composure as the wheels turned to think of a clever retort, but her dance partner just kept going, comparing her to a wind-up doll at one point programmed to dance and make everyone else feel bad about themselves. Either way, it was a double-edged sword. Try to stand up for yourself again, and Bosco would just use that against you.
They were far wittier than Camden, so she had to end up being direct. That was the only way.
“I think you’re jealous of me!” She accused, making direct eye contact with Bosco as her eureka moment outweighed any other needs.
Bosco stopped and tilted their head, looking at her condescendingly and patting her on the head. “I love your enthusiasm, but why would I be jealous of you?”
“…I have to use the bathroom.” An odd change of topic, but Camden bounced on one leg as she slowly and subtly inched the two of them closer to the door.
Before Bosco could say anything else, they wiped their hand on the side of her pants and just looked at Camden. Any witty remarks flew out of the window. “Why didn’t you go before we started rehearsal?”
“I thought I was going to make it through rehearsal, but I wasn’t expecting us to get cuffed together and for there not to be a key. And now I really need to go! My bladder is about to burst. Granted, it’s still my fault because I shouldn’t have chugged my water bottle on the car ride here –”
“As if this day couldn’t get any worse…” Bosco started to mumble under their breath, praying for something else to delay the inevitable and hoping Camden could hold it a little longer. Maybe Daya would have responded and said she’d be driving over with the key as soon as she could.  “It’s not like I have a choice, so go ahead, Carrot Top. Lead the way.”
And she did.
Camden led an unwilling yet cooperative Bosco out of the rehearsal room and into the hall. “I hope no one sees this.” They complained, making as little eye contact with as many people as possible. Don’t mind me. Just two girls handcuffed together. Typical Wednesday afternoon.
“What? Does the great Bosco have a sense of shame now?”
“No!” They denied as she did everything she could to keep her face from flushing. “It’s just that the public can’t consent to these things. Have you seen that one picture of the guy in a pup mask while his girlfriend’s got him leashed on all fours?”
Before they could get an answer, they were pulled into a single-stall bathroom while Camden locked the door behind the two of them. “So, are you gonna go, or were you bluffing?”
“About what?”
“With having to pee, silly.”
“I will.” The redhead pulled Bosco closer to the toilet, annoyed at the fact she’d lie about using the bathroom. “It’s just, I haven’t had anyone… with me… in here… before. I’m not making sense; I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re fine. I won’t look, I promise.” They quickly turned away from Camden and tried to focus on anything other than the other girl undressing. How could she not realize how heated this was? This whole situation read like some doujin she’d get for ten dollars at a convention, from the setup to where it was now.  Two girls handcuffed to each other, and –who would have thought– they’re stuck in a room after exchanging copious amounts of sexually-charged banter. Or at least she thought it was sexually charged. For all she knew, Camden remained oblivious to how this was affecting them. 
When the redhead sat down, Bosco did so as well, leaning against the bowl. “I didn’t want your arm to get tired… holding it up like that.” She wasn’t wrong, but it still felt like a flimsy excuse, making the tension between them more palpable. It’s not like I like you or anything, b-baka!
As much as she hated to admit it, she quite enjoyed this position. Leading Bosco around like a lost puppy and then literally seeing them in a position beneath her felt invigorating. A sick part of her waited for something like this to come where Bosco would finally admit defeat, making Camden the better dancer between the two of them.
The silence between them was awkward. Well, it would have been silent if it wasn’t for the sound of Camden relieving herself. Bosco tapped their foot against the cold tiles and leaned their head back to the stall, occasionally looking into Camden’s eyes and cursing this current predicament. “Look, Camden, I’m sorry.”
Camden was taken aback, stopping as her pants were midway up her legs and feeling through her pockets. “What was that? I couldn’t quite get that.”
“I said I was sorry. I’m sorry for underestimating you and thinking you were this overly perfectionist, rich goody-goody who can do no wrong. I’ve been a bitch since day one of knowing you, and that was just – I don’t know – unnecessary. Camden, if you don’t accept this right away, that’s completely understandable.”
She considered accepting their apology, but a small, fiendish smirk crept across her face. “Can you apologize one more time? I really need to take this moment in.”
“You don’t have to rub it in! Jesus…” Bosco stood up, letting their hormones nearly lead the way to her intended destination: on her knees in front of Camden. “I actually admitted I was wrong for once. Big whoop-de-do, do you want it on video?”
“Well… I’m sorry as well. I might have overreacted when we were doing that turn.”
“Overreacted? You called me selfish!”
“And I’m sorry for that. Genuinely… And I’d like to apologize for technically getting us into this mess. I touched them last… and then all this happened.”
“They were going to be on us eventually. Besides, they were my cuffs in the first place; and I lost the key in the first place; I should take full responsibility.” They paused for a second, looking Camden back in the eyes. “You’re too hard on yourself. You know that, right, Camden?”
She hated when they were right, but not as much as she used to. “Is it too much to say that I really kiss you right now?” Bosco blurted, covering their mouth with their free hand. “Who said that? The acoustics in this place are shit…”
Camden blinked for a minute, then lifted an eyebrow confused at the sudden confession. “What? Don’t do that. I know you said something.”
“I said the acoustics were shit. You don’t need to worry about it.”
“That’s a lie. Tell me what you said.” She ordered as if she didn’t hear them the first time.
“Alright. You got me.” They admitted, playfully defeated. “I guess all that arguing did something to me… or maybe it’s the hormones. Maybe both. Seeing you snap back and being dragged around made me think about things I haven’t thought about. Like… kissing you and – why am I getting nervous about all of this? I should be standing up soon.”
“No. Down there’s good.”
Bosco nodded her head and continued her confession, a feeling she hadn’t been familiar with in a while. They could just imagine themself in the booth, an awkward child talking about innocuous sins. They had no problem talking about their desires since smashing the shell of their Catholic upbringing, but talking about this to Camden – even if it came off as surprisingly chaste for her – was even more humiliating than a teenager buying condoms for the first time at the gas station, trying to hide them among the Twinkies the local newspaper they weren’t going to read.
“As I was saying, I’ve been thinking about being on the receiving end of things… from you… I know this doesn’t make sense, considering… you know. I know that’s vague – receiving end of things. I’m so articulate – but this is sudden, and you probably hate me. For good reason.” They paused, realizing the weight of their words and overall redundancy. “I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I want you.”
“I wasn’t being a bitch when I was glad to see you had a real personality.” Camden gave Bosco a stern, doubtful look. “Alright, I was, but there was some truth to that statement.  I’m glad I get to see all of you, and I sort of want to see all of those hidden sides come out more often.”
“Wait – was that why you proposed the cuff dance in the first place? To enact one of your wet dreams?” Camden partially joked. “Speaking of those…”
“Don’t tell me you wanna talk about your wet dreams… unless you want to.”
She shook her head.
“Then the answer is no.” ” A half-truth. “Just YouTube deep dives plus my own… acquired tastes lead to all of this. I’d be happy to indulge you in more of them when there’s a better time.”
Camden looked at the blonde in front of her, then at the cuffs keeping the two of them tethered together. “Now that you mention it, this is kind of hot… and it felt good seeing you on your knees.”
“And I thought I was the kinky one…” They quipped, turning away from Camden once again before being pulled back to face her. While they wanted to focus on her baby blues, their focus was diverted to jingling noises around her hand.
Camden waggled a bent bobby pin in between her fingers. “Just remembered I had this, and I’m surprised it worked.” She laughed through her nose.
“Why would you need a bobby pin for your hair, Little Orph—Camden?” Bosco quickly corrected; the nickname was childish enough anyway. “Thanks for getting us out.” They flexed the wrist that had been the cuffs around, hearing the rolling of their joints as she smiled back at her partner. “Is there anything I can do to repay you?
Camden smirked. The position of power she was given was just too much, and she planned on abusing that for as long as she could. “Of course, but you have to beg for it first.”
“Ah. Of course.” Bosco was tempted to sink back down to her knees, but she decided against that, wanting to have a little bit of control in the situation.  However, that was quickly refuted.
“I quite liked seeing you on your knees. Can you do that? For me?”
Who were they to refuse? She sunk back to her knees – the coolness and hardness of the tiles becoming a more familiar feeling – while looking at Camden. They quickly took the well-worn hair tie out of their shaggy ponytail and placed it on their wrist, giving her full access to her curls.
“Please… let me repay you for this. Don’t let me wait! God, Camden… I want to repay you so bad, treat you the way you deserve. I’m sorry for everything. I wanna repent for every single shitty comment I’ve made about you today, or any day when I’ve gone home to complain about you. I want to kiss the ground you walk upon! I… please, let me make it up to you.”
She pretended to consider her constant apologies, knowing that she would indulge in their request anyway. Upon remembering she could use both of her hands, Camden threaded her fingers through Bosco’s hair and gave it a ruffle like she’d give to a dog passing by. Then she gave a small tug, yanking their head to made even more intense eye contact.
Upon leading the other girl to a standing position, she pulled Bosco into a kiss. It started sweet: soft lips touching ones still chapped and occasionally gasps for air as they’d pepper kisses onto each other’s necks. Sooner than later, the tension exploded as those kisses turned into tiny nibbles on the collarbone and Bosco letting everything happen all at once to them as Camden claimed their mouth with every inch of their tongue.
She then ran her hands down Bosco’s body, taking note of every curve and how those curves would feel even better if they were naked, laying down on either of their beds with skin touching skin. How Bosco flinched and whined when they touched certain places, knowing when to retreat and what made them tick. Recently, she learned one of them was pinned against the wall by someone a head shorter than them; another was how her fingers rolled their nipples after she yanked their crop top up.
She admired how someone who was so confident and bratty became so malleable, like putty in her hands. She only wanted to test that further. Camden added more marks around the breasts before latching her mouth onto one of them, sucking and licking the hard, sensitive nipple.
That seemed to be the trick. Bosco scrunched their face and tried to hold back a moan, forgetting that they were still on public property. “Put me in my fucking place, Camden.” They begged through several pants of breath once again looking away from Camden and waiting on further instructions.
“Oh, I will.” She smirked and gently pushed Bosco back to their knees; she then stepped back, pulling down her pants slow enough to tease. Bosco put their hands in their lap, fidgeting with the hair tie, half-tempted to bind her hands with it.
“In due time.”
“Well, it’d better be quick; we’ve been in here a while.” Bosco reminded as they waited for Camden to get it over with, rubbing their own thighs together in the process. “People might get suspicious…” It was a good thing the redhead locked the door earlier, or that they didn’t use the stalls in the locker rooms. They didn’t want anyone to walk in on them, then have to think of an excuse for something that obviously looked like oral sex.
When her pants finally reached her ankles, she strutted over to Bosco and said with a small smirk, “You know what to do, darling.”
The pet name taunted them as they ghosted two fingers along Camden’s slit while her other hand grabbed her thigh to keep balance.
“No hands,” Camden quickly amended, seeing Bosco’s desperation and devotion to the task.
“You spent an entire afternoon cuffed to me; I bet you can function without your hands a little longer.” She patted their head again while her free hand brushed Bosco’s off her thigh. “Besides, you haven’t earned that right yet.”
Oh, so I have hand privileges now… It was a good thing Bosco had that hair tie. They deftly put their hands behind their back, making a set of restraints from the tie, and nodded her head.  She inched closer to Camden, taking a whiff of her damp snatch.  “And you brought a second set of cuffs with you too? You minx.”
“Like I said—” Bosco tried to explain before she was cut off with permission.
“Less talking, more licking.”
The blonde smirked before slowly licking a stripe up her slit, her tongue collecting any wetness from her folds and lapping it up like a horse to water. She then thrusted inside of her, her tongue pumping in and out of her cunt. Bosco moaned, momentarily forgetting that they were on public property and that anyone could pass by. The redhead pulled them closer to her crotch while blushing beet red: a practical way to shut her up and give her more of what they wanted.
“God… fuck yeah… More,” she said as she was getting what was probably the best head in her life. Then again, her last partner hadn’t considered going down there at all and not with such dexterity as Bosco had. There wasn’t any denial that they had experience when it came to these things. “You think you’re all that and a bag of chips, but would someone this high and mighty be down on their knees like this?”
Before Bosco could respond – asking if she meant all that and a bag of crisps –their head was shoved back into her cunt, reminding them of their current objective. They then put their attention on her twitching, pulsing clit, startling Camden in the process as she let out a high-pitched moan. “Right there… that’s it, you fucking whore. Such a good whore for me. You’re so eager.”
Camden never considered herself to be a sexual person – at least not an overtly sexual one –, but even she was surprised at how well she was doing. If she knew rehearsal was going to delve into something like this, she could have been a lot more prepared. She could have brought some dental dams or at least put more thought into what she was wearing underneath her outfit. The things she wanted to do to Bosco, and vice versa, were near limitless as some sort of sexy revenge for all the times they’d annoy and vex her.
“Bosco, I’m…” She breathed out, “I’m gonna… you’d better clean me up well or you won’t hear the half of it.” She warned as she steadied herself on the kneeling girl’s shoulders. Before she could compliment their technique and urge her to keep going, she let go. The pleasure rushed through her and onto Bosco’s face like ecstasy.
Camden untied Bosco and helped them stand, gazing upon her masterpiece of hickeys, smeared makeup, and lipstick marks. “Hm… Bosco Constantino humbled. I could get used to that.”
The other dancer pulled their shirt back down and hobbled towards the bathroom mirror, licking whatever Camden was still on her lips and admiring the image they were seeing. “And Camden Wheeler taking action… I’d definitely get used to that.”
“My lipstick looks good on you; don’t you think?” She finished pulling up her pants and hugged Bosco from behind, enjoying the way her arm wrapped around the small of her back.
“Yeah. Can’t wait to see how mine looks on you.”
The two of them left the bathroom as fast as they could and returned to the studio. Neither of them could remember where they left off, so they decided to call it there. “I guess I’ll see you in class?” Bosco finished packing the rest of their dance bag as they were just about to leave the room, but was quickly stopped by a tug on the drawstrings.
“I think I could use a bit more rehearsals before then. Maybe at your place if you have room over there?” The redhead asked. “We can also have sex too, if you think that’s what I’m implying.”
“Sounds great.”
“You horndog!” She scolded, “Someone ought to have you neutered!”
“Spayed, actually.” Bosco took no time to correct her as she put her hair back up in a ponytail. “And bold of you to assume I’ll stop getting horny once I can afford bottom surgery.”
“I know. How bold of me to assume that,” Camden joked, now used to Bosco’s level of sarcasm enough to match it. “You simply know no bounds.”
“How dare you!” They joked back, swinging the cuffs around their finger like they had done earlier. “Saying I know no bounds when I literally brought handcuffs. For shame.”
“I’m just glad you didn’t forget these. It would be a shame if you left them and someone had to find these. I bed you’d have a field day wanting to explain this…”
“How could I forget?” Bosco tried not to think too much about the humiliation that would come from elaborating on this “I need these for tonight. Today’s given me a lot more material to work with…” They winked, “If you get my drift.”
“I do. So, same time Thursday?”
“Tomorrow? Someone’s eager.”
Camden smirked, “Oh you have no idea.”
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52booksproject · 1 year
Book 30 Musicophilia
RNG gave me 781 General principles and musical forms and what do you know, there was an Oliver Sacks book in there. So, huzzah, it was time for bizarre medical stories that shed light on how the human brain works.
I don't know if you've ever read the first Jeeves novels by P. G. Woodhouse, but they were a series of short stories that Woodhouse built a flimsy narrative around to make it a coherent novel rather than just a set of mostly unrelated short stories. Musicophilia seems to be series of essays, but Sacks doesn't give us the flimsy framework to edit it into a coherent book really. Stories are often repeated as if we hadn't heard them earlier in the book, etc. Just a minor complaint that it makes a lousy coherent product, but fair enough, no one is reading Oliver Sacks for structure. Also, just as an asside, he sure liked to name drop. Leon Fleisher came by and played his piano once.
Earworms that don't go away for YEARS is one of the major problems discussed in the book. People actually think the music is playing outside of them until they eliminate the possibility they realize it's coming from inside their head. Many times, but not always, it's accompanied by profound hearing loss. Sacks thinks (forgive my lousy summing up) in some cases the lack of information from hearing bores the brain which picks up the slack by providing earlier music. Or something like that.
Also, many professional musicians, or just very musical people who have severe conditions like amnesia (one guy can't remember outside a roughly 1 second window- ouch!), dementia, etc seem to be their old selves when performing or listening to music. Some people with aphasia - an inability to speak from say, stroke, or something- can learn to say a few things using musical lyrics, which is a separate thing in the brain from the language center. Even the man who mistook his wife for a hat makes an appearance as he uses songs to help his daily routines of getting dressed, etc. even though he can't identify objects correctly.
SHOULD YOU READ THIS BOOK: Do you like medical "oddities"? Do you like music? Do you not like music and wonder why? This is definitely not a waste of time, if so.
I kind of drew a blank this week, so I present some of my favorite music, the Detective theme by Katsuo Ōno that I made into a midi. And if music sounds like crashing pots and pans to you, I'm sorry.
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warningsine · 3 days
When most college students walk into their residence hall, they are surrounded by other students their age. Beth Christensen is the youngest person in her residence – by about 50 years.
 “I’ve always believed that the most important things about people are not the facts about them,” Christensen said. “The people here may be 50 or 60 years older than me, but that’s not essential to who they are as people. I’ve come to appreciate that even more with the relationships that I’ve created here.”
Christensen, a graduate student studying collaborative piano performance at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory, lives in Claridge Court senior living facility in Prairie Village,  15 minutes away from campus. In exchange for residency, she performs concerts and provides regular live music for the residents. Christensen moved into Claridge Court in July 2023 to spend a year there as the student-in-residence. In doing so, she allowed Claridge Court to deepen their commitment to intergenerational programming, making them the only retirement community in the area to have such a partnership.
“It’s really fun to have a relationship with your audience as a performer,” Christensen said. “In the beginning, I wouldn’t do anything too out of the ordinary – I would bring a vocalist sometimes, or I would play classical music. As I got more comfortable, I would try new things and play more recent music. Sometimes people wouldn’t like it, and they let me know. Others love to see where the future of music is going. It’s fun to be able to ask what kind of music people want to hear and work it into my repertoire.”
As part of her living arrangement, Christensen is encouraged to immerse herself in the community. From yoga and chair volleyball to eating dinner and visiting with neighbors generations older than her, she’s become a full-fledged resident of Claridge Court.
“I’m just part of the community, and it’s awesome,” Christensen said. “There’s a lot of special connections I’ve made. My friend Pat was an educator, and I’m a piano teacher. She has great ideas about how to help kids who are struggling, and I can always ask her advice. We do puzzles together, take walks and go to dinner. I tell her about shows I’m watching. She’s been a great friend, and she’s just one example. I feel so nurtured by these friendships.”
Christensen’s presence at Claridge Court is the result of a partnership between the senior living facility and UMKC Conservatory. This is one of the many partnerships in the community that Claridge Court has fostered, as part of their commitment to intergenerational programming and giving back in the community.
“Part of what distinguishes the UMKC Conservatory from other nationally recognized institutions is our deeply rooted connection to the Kansas City community,” said Courtney Crappell, dean of the UMKC Conservatory. “This collaboration demonstrates our ability to offer community-centered learning opportunities to our students as we leverage the power of the arts to positively impact lives.”
The partnership is supported by Claridge Court residents Charlie and Mary Kay Horner, who have been deeply involved with the Conservatory. The Horners were part of the process to bring this partnership to life, including choosing Christensen as the student-in-residence.
“We are absolutely thrilled that Beth has become such an integral part of our community,” Mary Kay Horner said. “Witnessing the connections she’s made with the residents is incredibly gratifying.”
As a performer, most of the audiences Christensen plays for are filled with strangers. When she performs at Claridge Court, her audience is full of familiar faces. The unique experience of playing to a room of friends is something she cherishes.
“Knowing my audience so personally is something I’ve never experienced before,” Christensen said. “It makes the music more special; it’s been a really cool experience to play for an audience that feel likes family. They really care about me as a person and a musician.”
Rob Salierno, executive director of Claridge Court, says that the benefits of Christensen’s presence extend far beyond her musical talents.
“This unique partnership enriches the lives of both our residents and Beth, fostering invaluable relationships,” Salierno said. “Her musical gifts, meaningful presence and interactions significantly enhance the quality of life for everyone involved.”
Andrew Granade, associate dean of the Conservatory, has helmed the partnership for the Conservatory.  He believes the experience can be uniquely rich for the student-in-residence.
“As a UMKC student, you’re surrounded by a lot of people your age with similar goals and aspirations,” Granade said. “It’s such a rich learning experience to be out of that comfort zone and learn from people with life lessons to share and lived experiences that can expand your horizons in ways unimaginable.”
Christensen hopes her fellow residents at Claridge Court have valued the experience as much as she has.
“Music is such a connecting force. It bridges the divisions that exist between people,” she said. “Having the opportunity to make connections with a community that’s several generations older than me has been so special. These connections don’t make our differences go away, but it helps us really appreciate each other. It’s been such a beautiful experience.”
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Chapter 2: Coming on the Stage
Narrated by Qin Yi.
Narrator: Several days later, the Cloud Empire hosts a celebrity gala.
Narrator: Glittering lights have turned the banquet hall into a stage.
Narrator: All the dignitaries and VIPs are eager to rub shoulders with Mercury, who is in attendance.
Narrator: Fabulous chandeliers cast golden light around the hall and illuminate the vaulted ceiling.
Narrator: I have changed out of my black robes and am wearing a suit.
Narrator: Tonight, I am not "Fair One," but the heir to the Qin family, and the principal figure in this social setting.
Narrator: Not far away, someone is watching me closely.
Narrator: Stay calm. Be patient. Don't let all the preparation go to waste.
Narrator: Mercury stands in one corner of the hall, but remains the center of attention. Important people flock to him, like children to an attraction.
Narrator: I glance over, then turn back.
Narrator: It's about time. I make my excuses and take my leave. I saunter towards the exit. A well-dressed servant approaches.
Attendant: Mr. Qin, our CEO would like to meet you.
Qin Yi: You don't look like you're from Cloud Empire. Is your CEO...?
Attendant: Please come with me and you will find out.
Narrator: He leads me to a room off to the side of the hall. We don't speak. He opens the door, then excuses himself.
Narrator: The room is well furnished but a lot darker than the main lobby. Sitting in the shadows, upright as an arrow, is an enigmatic figure.
Narrator: He raises his head. The elf ears under his gray fringe appear for a moment. I adjust myself and let out a gentle gasp.
Qin Yi: Mercury? What are you...?
Narrator: I am not surprised, but pretend to be.
Qin Yi: I did not expect this, but it's an honor.
Narrator: His eyes narrow in the dim light.
Mercury: Was it your decision to perform that particular play?
Narrator: He mentions it, as if making small talk.
Qin Yi: Did you like it? It's an old tale, though quite well known in Cloud Empire.
Mercury: An illegitimate child, a bastard if you will, abandoned. Did you find my tale of early misfortune entertaining?
Qin Yi: No one cares where the hero comes from. The genius of the tale is found within the protagonist's revenge.
Mercury: Unfortunately, what I seek is not vengeance. What I want is far more than simple "revenge."
Mercury: Now that we've acquainted ourselves to each other, I believe our collaboration will be a happy one.
Narrator: There is the hint of a smile on his lips, concealing the cold majesty of his eyes.
Qin Yi: Collaboration?
Mercury: I need someone who can turn into anybody, and come and go anywhere without drawing attention to themselves.
Qin Yi: ...You know everything.
Qin Yi: I understand. It would be my honor to serve you.
Narrator: The tension in the room does not dissipate. If anything, it grows.
Mercury: What do you want?
Qin Yi: Everything I do, is with the purpose of furthering the fortunes of the Qin family.
Qin Yi: I realize the wealth and power you offer is far beyond anything I could achieve by myself. I am truly grateful.
Narrator: I look up at him, hiding nothing. He returns my look, without answering. His eyes are cold and clear, shining like ice.
Qin Yi: CEO Mercury, I offer you my loyalty, in return for all the wealth and power you can provide the Qin family.
Narrator: I lower my head.
Narrator: Everything is proceeding exactly as written in my play. Step by step, without the slightest deviation.
Narrator: But the powerful figure in this room sees through it all, all the costumes and the masks.
Narrator: Acting half from instinct, half from art, I bow deeply, a sheen of sweat on my back.
Qin Yi: I will not let you down.
Narrator: Deathly moonlight filters in through the window, throwing a latticework of crisscrossing shadows across the room.
Narrator: Like a great spider's web, a beautiful and fragile butterfly has fallen into it.
Narrator: I know Mercury does not trust me. Yet.
Narrator: My sole audience has yet to be convinced, but it matters little. I will write the next chapter and wait for the curtain to rise again.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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savvytravelers · 18 days
River Cruise Experts
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Sail Into Luxury: Embarking On A Journey Of Discovery
At Savvy Travelers, we understand that true luxury is not just about lavish accommodations or breathtaking views; it's about the sum of every exquisite detail coming together to create an unparalleled experience. That's why we take pride in offering our guests not just a cruise, but a journey of discovery that encompasses the very essence of opulence and adventure.
The Luxury of More
When you embark on a river cruise with Savvy Travelers, you'll discover that luxury knows no bounds. Our commitment to providing exceptional service and unparalleled experiences sets us apart, ensuring that every moment of your journey is infused with elegance and sophistication.
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One of the hallmarks of a Savvy Travelers cruise is our extensive selection of included tours. From exploring charming villages along the Rhine to immersing yourself in the rich culture of the Mekong Delta, our carefully curated excursions offer something for every type of traveler. Led by knowledgeable guides, these tours provide a deeper understanding of each destination, allowing you to connect with the places you visit on a profound level.
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onealballard91 · 22 days
Glazing 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Choosing the Right Window Glass
The Development of Glazing: From Ancient Strategies to Cutting-Edge Innovations At The Evolution of Glazing, we pride ourselves on being at the center of the ever-changing globe of glazing modern technology. With an abundant history going back to old times, glazing has seen impressive improvements over the years, driven by the need for improved aesthetic appeals, power effectiveness, and performance. Today, we provide innovative options that satisfy the varied requirements of our consumers, making sure that their glazing needs are not just fulfilled yet went beyond.
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Ancient Glazing Methods: The Birth of an Art Form. Glazing, in its earliest kind, can be mapped back to ancient people such as the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. These early human beings utilized natural materials like smashed minerals and oxides to create displayed glass, which they used to decorate their holy places and palaces. The methods used by these human beings were basic yet laid the foundation for the development of glazing as an art form. The Middle Ages: The Rise of Stained Glass.
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Rapid ahead to the Middle Ages, and glazing had actually progressed right into a highly intricate craft. Tarnished glass windows became extensive throughout this duration, adorning sanctuaries with their vibrant colors and in-depth layouts. Our group at The Evolution of Polishing understands the relevance of preserving this historic art form, and we are knowledgeable in the restoration and duplication of middle ages stained glass home windows. The Industrial Transformation: A Change In The Direction Of Efficiency. The Industrial Change brought about significant advancements in technology, consisting of the glass industry. With the innovation of the flat glass production process, polishing became a lot more accessible to the masses. This duration additionally saw the introduction of double-glazing, which supplied improved insulation and noise reduction. We at The Advancement of Glazing specialize in the setup of double-glazed windows, making certain that our clients' homes and workplaces benefit from boosted energy efficiency and sound reduction. Modern Innovations: Pushing the Boundaries. In the last few years, glazing has actually seen a transformation with the introduction of innovative innovations. We keep ourselves updated with the most up to date growths in the market to supply our clients cutting edge services that fulfill their evolving requirements. 1. Smart Glass: As innovation progresses, so does the glass. Smart glass, additionally called switchable glass, enables customers to control the openness of windows, making it ideal for personal privacy, energy effectiveness, and aesthetic purposes. By merely changing the voltage put on the glass, it can switch in between transparent, clear, and nontransparent states. Our team at The Advancement of Glazing is well-versed in the installment of clever glass, guaranteeing that our clients can enjoy the advantages of this innovative modern technology. 2. Solar Control Technology: With raising issue for power conservation, solar control technology has actually come to be a substantial focus in the glazing market. This innovation permits the policy of solar heat gain and glare, ensuring a comfy interior environment while decreasing the dependence on synthetic air conditioning systems. https://glaziers-kings-langley.co.uk At The Evolution of Glazing, we offer a range of solar control solutions, tailored to the particular needs of our clients. 3. Self-Cleaning Glass: Cleaning up windows can be a tedious and lengthy task. However, with the advent of self-cleaning glass, this chore comes to be a thing of the past. Self-cleaning glass is covered with a slim layer of titanium dioxide, which, when revealed to sunshine, breaks down dirt and organic matter, allowing rain to effortlessly wash it away. Our group is well-equipped to mount self-cleaning glass, giving our customers with a low-maintenance remedy for their polishing requirements. Why Choose The Evolution of Glazing.
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With the fast development of glazing technology, it is crucial to partner with a company that stays up to date with the most up to date innovations. At The Evolution of Glazing, we have the expertise, know-how, and experience to supply excellent glazing options that accommodate the special requirements of our customers. 1. Proficiency: With years of experience in the sector, we have developed our abilities and techniques, guaranteeing that every task we take on is carried out to the highest standards. Our group of glazing professionals is well-versed in the most recent innovations and developments, guaranteeing that our customers receive the very best guidance and remedies for their details needs. 2. High quality Products: We comprehend the relevance of utilizing high-grade materials to make sure the durability and capability of our glazing remedies. We function carefully with trusted suppliers to resource the finest items and materials, ensuring that our customers receive the best value for their financial investment. 3. Customer Satisfaction: At The Development of Glazing, consumer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. We make every effort to construct lasting relationships with our clients by providing exceptional solution and surpassing their expectations. From the initial appointment to the final setup, our group makes certain that every action of the procedure is seamless and hassle-free for our consumers. Final thought. The evolution of glazing from old methods to cutting-edge developments has actually reinvented the method we communicate with glass. At The Evolution of Glazing, we welcome these developments and leverage them to provide our clients with the best feasible options for their glazing needs. Whether it's recovering medieval discolored glass windows or mounting smart glass with advanced control abilities, we have the competence and enthusiasm to bring your vision to life. Contact The Evolution of Glazing today and experience the future of glazing.
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bestentours11 · 29 days
Explore 10 Romantic Places in Europe Honeymoon Packages
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Embarking on a honeymoon in Europe is a dream come true for many couples, with its charming cities, breathtaking landscapes, and rich history providing the perfect backdrop for romance. If you're planning your post-wedding getaway, our Europe honeymoon packages offer an unforgettable journey through some of the continent's most romantic destinations. Here, we unveil 10 enchanting places you won't want to miss. 1. Paris, France: Begin your European honeymoon in the City of Love, Paris. Take a leisurely stroll along the Seine River, admire the iconic Eiffel Tower illuminated at night, and savor gourmet French cuisine at quaint bistros tucked away in charming neighborhoods in our Europe honeymoon packages. 2. Venice, Italy: Lose yourselves in the timeless beauty of Venice, where winding canals and historic palaces create an atmosphere of romance at every turn. Glide along the Grand Canal in a gondola, explore hidden alleyways hand-in-hand, and share a kiss beneath the Bridge of Sighs. 3. Santorini, Greece: Experience the magic of Santorini, with its whitewashed buildings perched on cliffs overlooking the azure waters of the Aegean Sea. Watch the sunset from Oia's famous viewpoint, indulge in fresh seafood at seaside tavernas, and unwind in a private villa with a panoramic view. 4. Prague, Czech Republic: Discover the fairytale charm of Prague, where cobblestone streets, medieval architecture, and romantic bridges create a picturesque setting for your honeymoon. Explore the Prague Castle, stroll through the Old Town Square, and enjoy a candlelit dinner in a historic cellar restaurant. 5. Amalfi Coast, Italy: Fall in love all over again on the Amalfi Coast, where dramatic cliffs, colorful villages, and crystal-clear waters combine to create a paradise for honeymooners. Drive along the scenic coastal road, swim in secluded coves, and savor limoncello overlooking the Mediterranean. 6. Vienna, Austria: Immerse yourselves in the grandeur of Vienna, known for its elegant palaces, classical music, and vibrant café culture. Attend a performance at the Vienna State Opera, take a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride through the city center, and indulge in decadent pastries at a traditional coffeehouse. 7. Cinque Terre, Italy: Escape to the idyllic villages of Cinque Terre, where colorful houses cling to cliffs overlooking the Ligurian Sea. Hike along scenic coastal trails, sample freshly caught seafood in quaint trattorias, and toast to your love with a glass of local wine at sunset. 8. Dubrovnik, Croatia: Explore the medieval charm of Dubrovnik, with its ancient city walls, marble streets, and stunning Adriatic Sea views. Walk hand-in-hand along the city walls, dine al fresco in a hidden courtyard, and take a boat ride to the nearby island of Lokrum for a secluded beach picnic. 9. Lake Bled, Slovenia: Experience the romance of Lake Bled, a picture-perfect destination nestled in the Julian Alps. Take a traditional wooden boat to the island church of Assumption, ring the wishing bell together, and hike to Bled Castle for panoramic views of the emerald-green lake below in our Europe honeymoon packages. 10. Barcelona, Spain: Conclude your European honeymoon in the vibrant city of Barcelona, where art, architecture, and culture collide. Marvel at the whimsical designs of Antoni Gaudí, stroll along the tree-lined streets of the Gothic Quarter, and unwind on the golden sands of Barceloneta Beach. In conclusion, our Europe honeymoon packages offer an unforgettable journey through some of the continent's most romantic destinations. From the iconic landmarks of Paris to the hidden gems of the Amalfi Coast, each stop promises moments of magic and memories to last a lifetime book your Europe honeymoon packages.
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Provident Solitaire Park Square at Kanakapura Road, Bangalore -  A Lifestyle Above the Rest
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Provident Solitaire Park is a new residential project located in Kanakapura Road, Bangalore. This is a world-class residential project spanning a wide area in the premium area of Kanakapura Road, Bangalore. This project is the last and exclusive apartment at Solitaire. It offers premium 2 and 3-BHK luxury apartments with top-notch amenities. These spacious homes come equipped with luxurious in-home features such as Digital Main Door Lock, Home Automation, Fiber-to-Home Readiness, Wooden Flooring, ACs & much more. For those who desire a high-quality and luxurious lifestyle, this project is the perfect choice to experience exceptional living.
Provident Solitaire Park Bangalore is a testament to luxurious living located in the heart of Kanakapura Road. Developed by the respected Provident Group, this stunning project stands as a beacon of modernity, convenience, and style in one of the city's most sought-after areas.
Spread across acres of lush greenery, they offer a harmonious blend of nature's tranquillity and urban convenience. The meticulously planned layout seamlessly integrates open spaces, landscaped gardens, and recreational amenities, creating a serene retreat from the bustling city life.
One of the defining features of Solitaire is its thoughtfully crafted living spaces. From comfortable 2-bedroom apartments to spacious 3-bedroom units, each house is designed to bleed grace and functionality. Every detail, from the high-quality fixtures to the premium finishes, reflects the Provident Group's unwavering commitment to excellence.
The large windows offer stunning views, filling the interiors with natural light. The well-appointed kitchens, stylish bathrooms, and expansive living areas are tailor-made for modern living, making every moment spent at home a delight.
Beyond the confines of their homes, residents of this development are treated to a plethora of amenities designed to cater to their every need. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or stay active and energized, there's something for everyone here. Take a rejuvenating dip in the sparkling swimming pool, work up a sweat at the state-of-the-art health center, or simply relax in the lush green spaces that dot the property.
For those who value community and relation, Provident Solitaire Park Square Kanakapura Road offers plenty of possibilities to socialize and forge lasting friendships. The clubhouse performs as the ideal meeting spot for residents to come together and bond over shared goods and experiences. From festive celebrations to casual get-togethers, there's always something happening at Solitaire.
Situated in the bustling neighborhood of Kanakapura Road, residents enjoy easy access to a wealth of amenities and conveniences. From top-rated academic institutions and world-class healthcare facilities to suitable shopping centers and entertainment destinations, everything you need is just a stone's throw away.
Moreover, the well-developed infrastructure and superior connectivity ensure that you're never too distant from any part of the city. Whether you're commuting to work or studying the rich cultural scene, getting around is a snap.
This project is a lifestyle destination that embodies the essence of contemporary urban living. With its impeccable design, world-class amenities, and prime location, it offers an unparalleled living experience for those who demand nothing but the best.
For More Info
Visit : Provident Solitaire Park Bangalore
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smythevolvocars5 · 2 months
Smythe Volvo Cars
Smythe Volvo Cars is home to drivers from Summit, Westfield, Union, Newark, and Scotch Plains in the state of New Jersey. Smythe Volvo Cars may be found in the Summit area. Residents of Smythe Volvo Cars are professionals who work with Volvo automobiles.
Volvo dealer new jersey
Serving the many automotive needs of Volvo drivers in the Summit, New Jersey region is our company's objective at Smythe Volvo Cars. Volvo dealership near me: We are committed to providing the best possible service. We always go above and beyond what is required of us in order to guarantee that you will get a decent deal on your future car and that it will be driven safely on our roads for many years to come. We take this action to ensure that you will be provided with an outstanding pricing. We make it a point to demonstrate to drivers entering our dealership that we are dedicated to provide exceptional customer service while maintaining a positive attitude. We take this action to show that we are dedicated to delivering it.
By giving drivers from Westfield, Union, and Newark, Kansas access to our large selection of brand-new Volvo cars, we will be able to help them get the car of their dreams. It is strongly advised that you schedule a test drive of many of the high-end Volvo vehicles that are on display at our Summit showroom. Among the automobiles in this group are the Volvo XC40, XC90, XC60, S60, V60 Cross Country, and S90. In due course, you will learn that our new cars provide exceptional performance, comfort that is centered on the needs of families, and long-term reliability. Naturally, a host of state-of-the-art safety and connectivity technology come standard with every one of our brand-new Volvo SUVs and cars. This is so that we can make sure your daily driving needs are satisfied. This is because our goal is to ensure that you get the best possible experience when operating a vehicle.
It is important for you to understand that a used car has all the advantages of a new car, especially if you have other financial obligations. It's important for you to constantly remember this. You should be aware of the availability of this information before making a used car purchase volvo dealer new jersey There are several benefits associated with buying a used car, such as more affordable costs, reduced depreciation rates, and an extensive assortment of vehicles from bygone periods. In terms of price, used automobiles also have a lot to offer. One of the best modes of transportation accessible today is the used automobile.
Programs offering financial support for vehicles, upkeep, and customization applications Our company is dedicated to provide these services to make sure your car in Summit, New Jersey keeps performing extraordinarily well for a long time to come.
The staff at Smythe Volvo Cars makes the process of buying a car easy to navigate, so you won't have to worry about the paperwork that needs to be completed before you can drive away in the automobile that is perfect for your way of life. This implies that the paperwork won't be a concern for you. Fortunately for us, this is the case. The procedure of obtaining finance for your car through our organization is hassle-free, fast, and efficient. This is because we still provide fantastic deals on both new and used cars, in addition to our continuously low financing rates. Our knowledgeable team of finance experts can help you choose a payment plan that works for you, regardless of whether your needs and present financial status call for a lease or a car loan in Summit. Whether you are asking for a car loan or a lease, this is still the situation.
Our organization is able to give excellent customer service by providing Volvo drivers with the best available repairs and maintenance.
Volvo near me
Now that we know this, we also know how important it is for you to invest in high-quality auto maintenance so that, over a long period of time, you can maintain your vehicle in perfect shape and at the best possible quality. It is something we are conscious of. It is highly suggested that you bring your car to our New Jersey-based Volvo Service Center in Summit. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. This makes sense in light of the previously mentioned considerations. We work with highly experienced specialists that use original parts and accessories to quickly and affordably repair or service your car. Our objective is to complete this as quickly and effectively as possible.
The whole staff at Smythe Volvo Cars is committed to giving you the best possible dealership experience, whether you are taking a test drive, seeking finance, or need your Volvo car serviced. This pledge covers every facet of your interaction with the dealership. If you are ready to utilize our services, all you have to do is follow these simple instructions to get to our showroom, which is located in Summit, New Jersey. Only a short drive away. You can depend on us to give your needs the timely attention they need!
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