#ppg breakdowns
acrobattack · 6 months
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bliss redesign based off one I made in my teens
thought process + various other bits and bobs under the cut
I was 15 and annoyed by everything that moved when this character first came out, so in my own head I was very much making a Point with this redesign. Hence, I made very minimal changes. I wanted to work with what was already there and basically just make the existing design more thought-through. Little breakdown ahead (keeping in mind i myself am very much An Amateur who doesn’t know shit and am just ranting about my opinions and i also haven’t seen a single second of the 2016 reboot so i don’t know much about Bliss to begin with)
1. one of my Biggest pet peeves with Bliss is that the powerpuff girls each have bangs that are simple, memorable, and iconic while also being unique from each other and being reminiscent of irl little girls hairstyles. It’s very neat and clever and I like it a lot
and then Bliss has this confusing jumble of shapes that looks like it changes in style halfway across her forehead
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i have absolutely no idea what the intent is here. My only guess is maybe it’s meant to look weird on purpose like she was trying to cut it herself or something (I suspect it’s something like that since she seems to have normal looking bangs as a little kid from what I can see) but it doesn’t really come off that way if that’s the case. It just looks like baby’s first PPG OC where you Understand that it’s meant to be hair and that it is made out of shapes but have 0 understanding of hairstyle or character design in general. Heck I might have put this exact hairline on a character in the past at the age of like 8
So in my redesign she’s got 5 even notches across her bangs, not thee most exciting change but it does the job I think. It is pretty reminiscent of Blossom but they look different enough from each other that I wasn’t too worried about it
2. low-hanging fruit time, Bliss’s hair color is horrible on the eyes. I’m bewildered at the decision to do this, especially since there is just so much of it, I struggle to think of how she could exist in any scene without hogging all the viewer’s attention constantly. That said, I understand they wanted her to have an unnatural hair color to really signal that she is a Fresh new Teen character from the late 2010’s, which is. Whatever, that’s fine, so she gets purple hair now. I kept the streak for the same reason, especially since she’s got a lot of hair, so no harm in a little extra interest in there.
I also learned recently that her hair glows sometimes? which i did Not know when first drawing her but well i think the darker color helps anyway. It adds some contrast for when she’s normal vs when she’s glowing and makes the latter appear more,, idk threatening or powerful or whatever the mood generally is when she’s doing that.
I did re-add that toothpaste blue to her eyelids though. I like to think it’s also the color of her lasers. It’s a cute color, just not as like 70% of this character’s palette
3. real talk I was drawing this from memory and didn’t mean to change the way her hair flares out from her head. realistically I think the original is fine, maybe just a little boring but fine, so that part of the redesign was an accident. Only thing is, it’s in the exact same position in every screenshot I’ve seen? It doesn’t seem to whip around when she’s flying or anything which looks weird and probably looks weirder in motion, especially since it takes up so much space onscreen. Idk it’s a strange decision, esp since the original show liked to use the ppg’s hair to emphasize their movement, so I’d just bring more movement into her hair. I mean if nothing else it’d make her look cooler.
very very rough little visual of what I mean
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I also ended up making it shorter in my redesign—again, not really intentional, but I think it’s better that it eats up a little less of her silhouette
4. Her headband is largely the same, I didn’t hate the idea of her having an accessory, so I just toned down the colors. I’m not personally a fan of the powder blue and that pink heart is very bright and just doesn’t go with the rest of her (once again the color of her hair is doing it no favors). I also moved the heart over. Not necessarily needed I think, but I feel like it reads quicker as a headband and not a weird crown that way+introduces some asymmetry into her design that I think is nice.
5. my biggest gripe other than her bangs are her hips. I’m not against adding anatomy to this character design to make her read visually as older than the girls, but it’s so awkwardly done and distracting. I feel like it even interferes with her line of action more often than not (which is not helped by her unmoving hair).
Part of the issue is she still has the teeny tiny torso, just… with those square-ish hips slapped on, which makes her legs look all gangly and stretched out. I tried to balance out the proportions more in my redesign, as well as change the hips to a flared skirt. I think it helps differentiate her from the girls and still implies hips underneath, it just also functions as a less clunky transition from her torso to her legs.
Lengthening her torso also allows the stripe to look more like a belt above the skirt, which I think helps to sell her as “similar, but not the same” from the ppg
6. Her leggings(? Idk Im not a fashion person) aren’t a bad idea I think. like a more mature version of the girls’ stockings, but I think the white makes them look really distracting. It would help to make them a darker color I think, but since I wanted to keep them reminiscent of the girls’ socks I kept them white and just shortened them.
7. Not really sure what Bliss is wearing on her feet. I think they’re Mary Janes, but they’re drawn a bit different from the girls’ and I honestly think it’s too babyish a shoe for her to wear. I’m not sure what she’s actually wearing in my redesign either honestly, but the goal was just to make them look like the girls’ Mary Janes while clearly being something different.
8. Uh her signature color is something I’ve contemplated changing a lot but to be real I think it’s fine. I feel it was a very bad idea from a marketing standpoint because people were hype about Bunny and would obviously be mad they didn’t get her once the character actually dropped (and in the long-run she would just end up being overshadowed by the character everyone has already assigned that color to) but I’m personally not bugged by her being purple beyond that. If I were to draw them together though I think Bunny would have a more pinky shade of purple and Bliss leans more blue.
Loosely on the same topic, because of Bliss I’ve had a running headcanon that “only child” types of powerpuffs tend to come out purple. Kind of like how trios tend to have a red, blue, and green. It’s a fun little piece of fake lore to rotate around in my brain
Anyway with all that out of the way, here’s some redesigns I decided to have some fun with. Wasn’t being too precious about recognizability or simplicity or anything like that, but I did run out of steam partway through. There’s also one based off Whoopass Bell bc idk, why not
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Finally, here’s some OCs I only ever drew once before out of a desire to give Bliss her own teen girl archetypes to form a team with. This is Bee and Beetle, who I’ll probably definitely forget about again immediately after posting this
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dms-a-jem · 8 months
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Depeche Mode - Interview with Alan and Martin
International Musician and Recording World - Nov. 1984
Leaving their beginnings as wide-eyed Popsters behind them, Depeche Mode have become masters of the art of noise and the science of the studio. Adrian Deevoy had a rewarding chat with the Basildon-to-Berlin boys, Les Drennan took some great pictures.
Somewhere, off one of the corporate corridors in the labyrinthine complex we affectionately term Broadcasting House, a woman sits alone. Her job is to create emotion, tension and atmosphere. Her key to this process is a PPG system. Although this is heartbreakingly unromantic it is the ultimate argument for machines in the Machine vs Human debate. It’s also quite a nice little story.
Depeche Mode like this story.
“All the sounds for Life Of Earth,” declares Alan Wilder.
“All those little animals,” beams Martin Gore.
After four years Depeche Mode are pretty bogged off with being told that they make inhuman music. They quite rightly believe this accusation to be untrue. They might accept that their first two albums weren’t cataclysmic – catchy, melody blip-bops if you like your lager warm but nothing to telex home about – but they remain adamant that last year’s LP, Construction Time Again, this years singles People Are People and Master And Servant, and their latest album Some Great Reward are anything less than stirring. For in the last 18 months Depeche Mode have discovered, embraced and subsequently immersed themselves in sound. With the aid of producer Daniel Miller’s matchmaking Synclavier a strange love affair has developed between the band and sampled noise.
Alan Wilder and Martin Gore, the songwriters, seemed most smitten to a meeting between themselves, and a micro-Walkman was promptly arranged in a horrendously loud video wine bar where they both bawled unashamedly of their love for sound.
“I’ll take you through all the sounds on People Are People,” says Martin, eyes glazed, sparing the machine no blushes. “The bass drum at the beginning was just an acoustic bass drum sampled into a Synclavier then we added a piece of metal to that – just a sampled anvil type sound – to give it a slight click and make it sound a bit different. That’s the beauty of the Synclavier, you can edit sounds together to make what we call combination sounds. The main synth sound is the actual ‘synth’ sound on the Synclavier, that’s the one that plays the bass riff. But the bass sound is a combination sound too with part of it being an acoustic guitar plucked with a coin, which sounds very interesting when the two sounds are sequenced together.”
“There’s very little playing going on in People,” adds Alan, “virtually everything is sampled into the Synclavier. With the guitar sounds we altered them slightly once they were in the Synclavier because you sample in one note and then you can alter the length and dynamic of every note in the sequence for the guitar part so it will give expression, but it will still be completely in time. You can justify all the rhythms, you see, so that you can have articulation but it’s all in time.”
Getting back to the People Are People breakdown Martin unveils a short sampling anecdote: Love on a plane.
“I took a stereo Walkman when I was going on a plane from England to somewhere,” he begins. “I originally brought it along to take the takeoff but while the air hostess was doing her safety speech at the start of the flight I decided I’d tape that as well. But as she was telling everyone to ‘Check the instruction cards under your seat,’ the door flew open and all this air rushed in which made a real loud noise and everyone laughed. Anyway I looped the end of what she was saying and the laughter so it goes, ‘…tion cards ha ha ha ha …tion cards ha ha ha ha,’ which sounds funny but I used it in conjunction with a choir sound and it added a really nice texture to the bridge on People.”
“There’s a Synclavier harp sound in the verses,” contributes Alan, “and an ARP sequencer playing very fast in the chorus and there’s some Emulator sounds that we used for adding a few frills here and there.”
The three throaty clunks at the end of each chorus is in fact Martin’s throat.
“That was a combination sound,” says Alan. “First of all we sampled Martin going, ‘Unk Unk Unk,’ with his throat then we added a bell sound and a timpani to give it depth.”
“I felt a bit of a berk doing that,” admits Martin. But love’s a bit like that.
The vocal line, “It’s a lot… like life,” at the beginning of Master and Servant was yet more fodder for the Synclavier. As Alan explains.
“Firstly we got a lot of people singing the high, ‘It’s a lot,’ and then a low, ‘Like life.’ You don’t have to play one slower or faster than the other to get the octave either because you make a patch on the Synclavier keyboard for each part and then you play the parts in their natural pitches and both at the same speed which is very handy.”
The lead vocals on People Are People and Master and Servant (or M&S as us Depechies call it) on the 7” mixes at least, were pretty well the only sounds that weren’t sampled.
“The vocals,” explains Alan, “were recorded in a big room. That is the vocals were sent down through a PA into a big, live room so we could not only get a great big sound but so we could put effects on the vocal while it was being recorded and afterwards on the disk.
“Although we sample all the snare sounds,” he adds as an afterthought on live rooms, “we always record the initial sound in an ambient space. We like to vary the snare sounds a lot so we record all different acoustic snares in various rooms and we close mike them or mike them from a distance depending on the width of the sound that we require. Simmons pads? No, I don’t like them. After you’ve done all that fiddling around to get away from that factory preset sound you might as well have got a really good sound on the Synclavier. Simmons pads just remind me too much of that Howard Jones factory preset and Drumulator syndrome. Really boring ‘synth’ sounds. They’re just not interesting, they sort of scream ‘DX7!’ and ‘JP8!’ at you.”
The latest Depeche album boasts a myriad of sounds, less overtly metallic than the socialist sentiments that they reflected on Construction Time Again but just as fascinating. Love is all about contrasts.
“We don’t think that we overdid the metal-beating idea on Construction Time,” says Martin, “but we wanted to make this one less obviously metal sounds. We wanted a little more subtlety…”
So instead of belting skips they belted concrete.
“Yeah, on one of the tracks on the album, Blasphemous Rumours,” elaborates Alan, “we sampled some concrete being hit for what turned out to be the snare sound. All that entailed was us hitting a big lump of concrete with a sampling hammer…”
“…I’m sure they’re not actually called sampling hammers,” interjects Martin giggling.
“Anyway,” continues Alan, “the engineer / producer we use, Gareth Jones, has got this brilliant little recorder called a Stellavox which we use with two stereo mikes and it’s as good as any standard 30ips reel-to-real but this is very small and therefore very portable. So we just took the Stellavox out into the middle of this big, ambient space and miked up the ground and hit it with a big metal hammer. The sound was… like concrete being hit. I can’t really put it any other way.”
“Professional Walkmans are good for sampling too,” claims Martin. “Gareth has always got his out. On trains… at home. They’re good because they get a very impure sound that can often be really interesting. But if we want a very pure sound then we’ll take the thing, say a bit of scaffolding, into the studio and mike it up in the proper conditions and get a clean sound.”
If an equipment list had been included in the mentions on Some Great Reward, apart from pavements, buildings, bottles and old people being stapled together it would have incorporated a long list of toy instruments which Martin divulged as he became more intoxicated; by love of course.
“One morning me and Andy (Fletcher) went down to Hamleys, the toy shop in London, and bought as many toy instruments as we could find. Pianos, saxophones, xylophones and we took them all back to the studio and sampled them. One we used a lot was a Marina (?), a toy one, very strange, but after we’d sampled it, it was great. It sounded pretty terrible as a toy but when we took it down a couple of octaves it sounded really good.”
“People tend to think that if you’re using toy instruments then they have to sound whacky,” complains Alan, “but we put some to very good use because as soon as you sample them they take on a whole new quality and when you transpose them it puts them in a completely new context. Like the noises Martin was making with his throat, we only took those down a tone and it was unrecognisable as someone going, ‘Unk’, with their throat.”
But sampling, like love, isn’t all happiness and although Depeche have learnt to take the rough with the smooth, they found out the hard way. Alan breaks off in the middle of another ‘good combination sound’ story to tell how they were stitched up by a sussed, sampling percussionist.
“We were doing this combination with Martin doing his Indian voice combined with a bassoon type sound.”
“It was pretty ethnic,” says Martin launching into his Indian voice.
Alan ignores him. He has something on his mind that he’s not sure if he should tell us.
“I’m not sure I should tell you this,” he tells us, “but we got this percussionist in for the afternoon to sample his drums and the different techniques of playing them. We didn’t try to hide the fact that we were sampling him. We said, ‘We hope you don’t feel r*ped,’ and he agreed to be sampled literally just hitting one drum, once at a time. Anyway we sampled all his drums once, maybe twice. Now, the Musicians Union haven’t really caught up with sampling and this bloke had obviously contacted them when he got home because he gave us this bill for about 50 different sessions, plus sampling time plus a consultation fee. It was enormous and the stupid thing was that most of the sounds weren’t even as good as that (bangs two pint glasses together) and we only used about two for maybe two seconds each on a couple of songs.”
Another problem came when the band had to divide their recording time between Music Works in England and the 56-track, Solid State luxury of Hansa Mischraum in Berlin.
“There were all these builders in next door at Music Works,” moans Martin, “and we’d have the track running with us hitting skips and concrete and they’d be next door tearing a wall down and we couldn’t tell which was which. It was very confusing at times.”
Like love and marriage, sampling and timing tend to go together like the proverbial horse and jockey.
“Although it makes the whole process even longer, when you get into one you can’t really help but get into the other,” says Alan. “You can’t help, after you’ve been involved with sequencing for a while, noticing three millisecond or five millisecond discrepancies. So you end up time-shifting every sequence until it’s perfect. Then we got into consciously putting things slightly out of time. Like, for example, the choir sound on People again we used a combination sound of different choir sounds on different synths and then put them slightly out of time with each other. Like we took one sound from the Synclavier, one from the PPG and one was on the Emulator. Are you familiar with the Friendchip? It’s a time code reading clock that can monitor every single click output from all your drum machines and all your synths so when everything is going via the Friendchip you can adjust the feel by pulling something, say five or six milliseconds in one direction.
“The thing is so many things can’t play in perfect time anyway,” reveals Alan, “the Linn isn’t in time when it’s meant to be playing ‘drum machine’ perfect time without human error programmed in. It can go out by 20 milliseconds. We set an oscilloscope on several things to see how well they kept time. The one that came out best was the TR808 which only as a two millisecond shift. That’s better than the Synclavier. Rotten sounds though. But we actually ended up triggering stuff from the 808 just because it’s so tight within itself.”
“We always thought the 808 had a good feel,” chips in Martin before adding a bitchy, “even though Alan has a grade eight piano his playing is still incredibly out of time compared to the Synclavier sequencer… and even that’s out!”
All this and the Emulator II?
“Yeah,” admits Martin realising that his love has almost turned him into a technocrat, “the sampling time is about 17 seconds now, I think, and you can get more sampling across the keyboard, it gives better quality than the Fairlight and it only costs about seven grand which is a lot but it will be a big help to us live.”
And there’s a pianillow ballad, Somebody, to be sung love. Martin promises some. Kinda wonderful.
“We’re going to go for a completely human feel on that one. Just a piano played by Alan and Dave singing and Andy playing tapes on the Fostex X15. It’ll be very different.”
So the love for sound can take you backwards but what of the future?
“I don’t know,” confesses Martin, “the Synclavier can already go further than your imagination and they’re thinking of getting new software for that. Then there’s re-synthesis which might happen in a couple of years where you can take a sampled sound and change just tiny parts of it. It’s really impossible to say. Maybe we’ll just get the guitars out and make a Rock ’n’ Roll album. Who knows?”
…and somewhere, within the folds of Auntie Beeb’s ageing skin, a woman sits alone wrestling with a similar emotional predicament. Is she really in love with her PPG system is has it been David Attenborough all along?
Adrian Deevoy, November 1984 (some of the text is hard to read so transcribed to the best of my ability. Apologies for any typos)
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commenter2 · 8 months
"Welcome to Heaven" review
Time for a change of scenery and to learn more about Heaven. Spoilers.
Nice to see Vaggie told the truth instead of attempting to lie. I am curious, would that have even worked on Charlie? Does Charlie have a power to tell if people are lying to her, since her father is the “father of lies”?
That was sweet of Vaggie, but there is a lining of “Vaggie sacrifices more for the relationship” idea in my Charlie/Vaggie trailer breakdown here. LUCKILY there hasn’t been much of that as I expected in this season. At least we’ll find out how Vaggie lost her Exorcist title.
CHAGGIE KISS! Wait why’d she kiss her on the eyepatch? Also I’m NOW just wondering if Vaggie DOES still have her left eye, but is covering it up Japanese anime style cause it contains a great Exorcist power?
Here’s Cherri Bomb making an “explosi.. eh I’m not going to finish that lame joke. I do like the new Australian accent they gave her.
I’m not liking where this is going. I feel like this is going to result in a situation like in the pilot where Angel and co. embarrass Charlie’s goal in front of everyone in Heaven. I mean (spoilers based on the HH S1 trailer) something is going to make the next Extermination happen, but I hope it’s something else.
You really should have told the others to behave themselves before leaving Charlie.
A new portrait of Charlie and her parents in the background. It’s hard to make out, so hopefully someone posts a proper version of it soon.
Charlie casually throwing Vaggie through portal XD.
(Pen sees Cherri) knew this was coming here we go. Bet Pen X Cherri shippers are going to enjoy that moment.
Anyone else think the eye symbol at Heaven’s gate is also a reference to the Sheikah Eye from Legend of Zelda?
Saint Peter? With her last name being Morningstar, you think he would realize she is Lucifer’s daughter.
Charlie Morningbreakfast
Cursing is allowed in Heaven. Interesting to know, you think there will be a gag for when someone curses, everyone else covers their ears “Harry Potter Musicals” style?
So angels can take on different forms. Also was it just me or did the old angel’s bird form look like Stella a bit? I did have this theory that touched on the idea of how after fallen angels went to Hell, they would evolve to become different from what those in Heaven look like and create subspecies, and it looks that is true.
The angel finally has a name, Sera. Oh she may sound nice now but wait till we see her evil side! Right there she says, “you are gifted to be here”, life if she wasn’t Lucifer’s daughter she would have been really rude to Charlie.
Even though she says she is the highest of the Seraphim (the highest rank in Heaven’s hierarchy if pic of said topic are any indication) I feel like there is going to be a moral Heaven thing where every angel is treated equal. I thought I bring this up now cause when Sera reveals herself as a villain, I hope later on she becomes an antagonist (replacing Adam) who fights against Charlie’s redemption plan but will have trouble when other Seraphim’s and Archangels side with Charlie.
Sounds like Emily is the Charlie of Heaven XD.
Got some interesting designs like a Hellhound looking creature with hooves and that…thing she is next to. There is also someone that looks a lot like Vaggie but with no mouth, who “COINCIDENLY” has a close eye where Vaggie has an eyepatch.
I think that was a FNAF/Chuck E Cheese mascot band refence there.
MOLLY HOLY CRAP! Looks like we found the motivation to get Angel to redeem himself! I was going to wonder why she was spider looking creature when you think Heaven only has people in human/cute animal like forms, till I saw that crab looking angelic being in the same scene. Also on the bottom right, I think that’s a Sara Bellum from PPG reference.
Again. Sera being rude, though Emily sounds very ally like.
Vaggie being jealous XD
LUTE? Wait does this mean Adam is wearing a mask/helmet/whatever too? I bet he’s fugly under it XD.
Damn the Amazon Prime pause button. It keeps making the video skip ahead instead of doing its job!
OKAY HUGE REVEAL THERE! HOW COME NO ONE ELSE KNOW ABOUT THE EXTERMINATONS? Do the archangels at least know? Either way this could actually be good but I’ll get into that later.
Okay so Sera seems to be one of those “doing bad to do good” kind of characters as she just wants to protect Heaven, explains why she looked so sad in Charlie’s story, but I feel like she will have prejudices too. It also sounds like Adam was the sole person who came up with the Exterminations.
FINALLY confirmation of Vaggie being a former Exorcist! :D… Wait… Oh crap! :(
ADAM GAVE VAGGIE HER NAME! CALLED IT!! https://www.tumblr.com/commenter2/718141081445957632/odd-theory-but-do-you-think-vaggie-got-her-name?source=share
That was a hellborn child! I had suspicions that Exorcist also killed Hellborn demons during the Exterminations (Viv did once say they kill anything that wasn’t indoors) but still its more shocking than knowing it was a correct fact.
I do like that the Extermination scene is a flashback and not taking place in the finale like I predicted.
Also as messed up as what happened to Vaggie, losing her eye and wings (more on that later) at least it led to her instantly meeting Charlie. Hey they are wearing their pilot outfits :D
At least we can look forward to a Vaggie vs. Lute fight in the future.
Since it was shown that Lute was able to wound Vaggie when she was still an angel, my idea from my “Overture” review of the dead Exorcist being killed by one of its own is a little stronger now. I still think someone else like the threat impersonating Lilith did it, but I'm still keeping that as a possibility until we learn more.
If the first human soul to arrive in Heaven doesn’t know what qualifies to get into Heaven, then Charlie redemption plan deserves a chance. It also makes me curious on what the other angels think qualifies. Also again how would Angel be any different than having Adam there.
WAIT WHAT ABOUT ABEL? He was murdered by his brother long before Adam died, what happened to him after he died?
See I told you we’d get another pilot situation, though at least it’s better than last time as Angel did resist for a time. Heck Husk and Sir Pentious should also be considered proof of being able to redeem since Pen was being nice to a degree and Husk was actually trying to help Angel.
Seriously, Adam has been cursing up a storm, yet you react to when Charlie does it? Maybe like us they were just surprised that she can curse, given how good she is.
Looks like I was wrong about the situation leading to pilot vibes. GOOD! Also great to see Angel stand up to Val.
Now that we know that Val’s shirt are his wings, it makes the scene of Niffty ripping a piece off hilarious XD.
This seems enough proof to me that someone can be redeemed, don’t try and change the subject Adam.
So no angelic being in that room properly knows how judging a soul works? While odd, I wonder if this is a result of after what happened to Lucifer, maybe soon after others got sent to Hell for minor things and eventually no one dared to question or go against God’s (or whoever else’s) judgment and now they are at this point where they don’t recall things or fear becoming a fallen angel like Lucifer. I’m (semi) counting this as another one of my ideas coming true, as I did bring the idea of Heaven not knowing how to loosen the restrictions to getting into Heaven.
Though a bit understandable from Charlie’s POV and thankfully she got lucky there, her ranting to Heaven is another time where Charlie should have taken up at least SOME of Vaggie’s words.
So glad to see Adam’s ego and stupidity finally leading to some good for the heroes, as it will be interesting to see how parts of Heaven will react to learning about the Exterminations.
Trailer screen shot. At least I’m glad that Sera isn’t what I thought she was going to be like.
Oh don’t phrase it like that Charlie! You’re making my “Lilith wants to destroy Heaven” theory sound like it could happen :(
Again when looking at that statue of Sera, she looks like Stella. Also if I’m right the other creature is Emily, who I guess can take on the form of a unicorn.
Aww crap Adam revealed Vaggie’s secret. I know I brought up the idea of Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship being tested, but I just meant personality wise not this, mostly cause I though Charlie already knew. Then again Charlie can be an idiot at times. Hopefully Charlie can be mature about this and thinking back to the trailer, the two do loving sing to each other, heck looks like Vaggie gets her wings back. So yeah, I’m guessing that they will be fine and their relationship will be stronger than ever.
Seriously Sera, after what you see your going to still allow Adam to do the Extermination. Then again she might not have a choice here. This is quickly confirmed with Sera expressing the “Angels scared of suffering the same fate as Lucifer” idea I brought up. Also obviously we need something to continue the series.
So Sera and Emily ARE mother and daughter, I was starting to wonder. Actually speaking of family and thinking back to “Queen Bee”, Bee brought up the question of how fallen angels and such are related, I wonder how related Lucifer and Sera are. Could Charlie and Emily be cousins? If they are, then Vaggie won’t have to worry about Charlie leaving her XD.
At least Charlie has her first angelic ally. I wonder if what Sera said and Emily clenching her fist IS foreshadowing her fate? If my idea of her being able to transform into a horse comes true, what if her demon horse form takes on the form of the horse at the end of the Spindlehorse credits.
Aw man we’re not going to see how Charlie feel about this or more importantly,
Whew that was intense near the end. We got to see Heaven and learned some big things about it like the residents such as Molly being there or how angels have NO IDEA how judging a soul works. Then there was a big reveal that no one before the events here even knew about the Exterminations, that was a great twist if not a bit odd.
It was also great to learn more about Vaggie’s now confirmed past and be introduced to Emily and how she agrees with Charlie’s thoughts instead, making the argument less one sided. It was also funny seeing how she and Charlie got along so well which led to Vaggie being jealous at one point. Hopefully for her, Emily and Charlie turn out to be cousins.
It was nice having Cherri be in the episode, even if she almost led to Angel doing bad things and getting Charlie in trouble again. Speaking of which, it was GREAT to see that Angel HAS changed since joining Charlie. Hopefully if he learns that Molly is there, a great cameo BTW, he will amp that up to 11.
I also personally liked how stupid Adam looked in it, and now that people know the truth about Exterminations, I think it could lead to him being demoted (both related to Heaven's hierarchy and as a main antagonist in the series) and my idea of Charlie being the “chosen one” to save everyone from a great threat or the idea I have for what season 2 could be about.
The only downsides were that this was kind of the expected outcome given the episode’s place. Maybe if this was the 2nd to last episode and the finale was an hour long, it could have helped but I’m not complaining.
It was also a bummer that we didn’t see more of how Charlie feels about discovering Vaggie was an angel. At least the S1 trailer makes it clear that thing between them will be fine in the end.
The things about no one knowing about the Exterminations, or what the qualifications to get into Heaven really are, but I’m not complaining. This is actually a perfect excuse for my season finale epilogue idea where after the Extermination, Heaven agrees with Charlie and they need to rework or explore the qualifications required to get into Heaven, and Charlie plans on having a big say in it so that more people can get into Heaven whether it be after they die or through her hotel. Of course some people of Hell and Heaven will be against Charlie’s ideas, so Charlie will have to go through a multi-season storyline where she needs to keep convincing more and more powerful people that this would be a good thing, eventually having to convince God himself. All the while evil forces will try and progress its/their agenda, leading to big fights.
Now we wait for the season finale.
As always let me know your thoughts about the episode.
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butterflyintochains · 2 months
Of All They Survey
A sequel of sorts to 'The Power Couple Contest'. When last we left our four chaotic hockey men in that story, the team were first in the Metro division by a country mile, and fourth in the league overall. Partly because of four unhinged nutcases with a point to prove. So, naturally, they've made the playoffs! Having beaten Carolina in five in the first round, and gotten through Washington in the second.
We pick up the story in game six of the Eastern Conference Final. And, we go forward from there.
Today has been the longest day in the team's lives so far, and it's only eleven in the morning. They so wish they were at home so they could hang out at PPG Paints all day. But, they're in Toronto, sitting on a 3-2 series lead in the Eastern Conference Final, and desperate to just get on with this last game. Currently, the core are just back from a gym session, and are watching some footage in a media room at the practice rink they're using. Kris is taking notes like a college student, so is Sid. Erik watches his last shift with Marcus again to see how they pulled off an assist on Bunting's goal. ''Can we see that clip of Drew's goal too, Sid?'' Geno asks.
Sid nods, and scans through to that play. They take notes on that, spotting a breakdown in the communication between Beavillier and Acciari that led the Leafs to score the game winner. ''Ah, there it is, wondered how we let that last goal by us.'' Erik says.
Kris asks, turning his wedding ring on his finger. ''When do we start tonight?''
Sid checks the schedule on his phone. ''Half past six, six hours to go until we hit the ice.''
At loose ends as to what to do for the rest of the day, they grab lunch, and keep on strategising together with Sully and Quinn. Then, it's an hour of ice time with the boys. That takes them until three thirty. Sully orders his boys back to the hotel to sleep for the game, and no one refuses their coach. Kris and Erik lay out their suits, and collapse into bed together. ''You think we'll do this, sweetheart?'' Erik asks as they nod off.
Kris kisses his husband, a promise in it. ''I do, I'll get you your cup, darling, I promise.''
Erik chuckles, and lightly corrects his other half, the eternal martyr that he is. ''We will get us our cup, Kris.''
That evening, they're bussed down to Scotiabank, and suit up while chatting as a family. Sid has instated a 'no silence in the room' policy, it's screwed them over far too often. So, if there's no chatter, someone has to play music. If there's no music, everyone is to talk to each other - even if it's about something silly. Sid and Geno talk to Rusty about their pets. Kris and Erik discuss the latest Arsenal news. Completely ignoring the Prince of Wales trophy in the building somewhere.
The first period goes swimmingly by all measures. Ned performing his usual net magic to withstand the storm. Marner nets a late goal, but Rusty and Bunting keep them ahead 2-1 going into first intermission. Kris is acutely aware of their last Conference final, he can't not be, but, one look to Erik is all he needs to calm down. The second period also goes smoothly, the core taking over for this stage, Geno assisting Erik for a goal to put them up 3-1. Then, minutes later, Sid assists Kris for 4-1. Tavares notches a desperate breakaway to try and salvage the game.
In the third, Knies opens proceedings, and there's a ten minute goalless stint. But, a late one from Lars sends them into the cup final. Carolina, Washington, now Toronto - gone with their 5-3 win. The trophy is brought out, and presented to the core. Sid, as usual, lifts it. It's worked in the past, so why not now? Sid kisses Geno as soon as they're back in the room. Erik, into his first ever cup final, wraps his arms around Kris, shaking like a leaf. Kris presses his lips to Erik's neck, reminding himself that Erik isn't going anywhere. ''Well done, boys, but, the work has only started. We head back home tonight, then, get ready for either Colorado or Vancouver.'' Sully says.
The game puck goes into the board, Ned gets the helmet. And, after press, it's off to the airport.
They're getting a Battle of Nova Scotia for the cup final. No doubt the media are salivating over this one, Probably the most demanded cup final since the old Colorado/Detroit days. But, the team aren't concerned with that, they're concerned with not having home ice advantage to open the series today, having had it all through this miracle run. To just about everyone's surprise, Erik is the calmest one of the core, newly granted an A on his jersey for the playoffs. He and Kris come in for training in Denver, hand in hand, deep in conversation about something to do with Le Mans. Something about how Ferrari bungled a strategy call. Sid and Geno share a look, whatever keeps them calm. ''How's it going, captain?'' Kris asks, putting his ring on its chain for training. ''Good, happy to be over the hump a bit.''
Erik asks his brother-in-law. ''Excited to face Nate?''
Sid shrugs, some part of him is, the other is just going to get on with it. ''It's just another game, Karl. That's what I'm telling myself.''
Lars asks. ''What's in the team notes for this game tonight?'' Sully says to his troops. ''I've heard that Bednar's starting their secondary goalie. So, I'm putting in Jars for tonight. The five of you are our powerplay and overtime unit as usual.''
With that, they head out for training. Working hard to get this first game under their belts tonight. They all know that if they don't, Colorado will run away with this series. Quinn puts them through endurance drills, they'll have to outskate the Avs as well as outscore them. ''Well, that sucked.'' Geno says, leaning on the boards.
Sid is catching his breath, resting his head on Geno's shoulder. ''Yeah, that sucked a lot.''
Kris downs some gatorade, and says. ''Now you know how Erik and I feel.''
Erik nods, and tosses his stick aside for a second. ''We've run those types of drills during summers since 2013 or 14.''
The game does indeed go their way that night. Not having Home Ice doesn't seem to affect them too much. Tristan performs daylight robbery on both Rantanen and Makar in the second period while they're leading 2-1. And, Rusty nets a pair of goals in the third to settle the game at 4-1 going into game two. ''Hope Flower saw that tonight.'' Tristan says as they board the bus back to their hotel.
Sid assures him, sitting himself down next to Geno. ''He did, he just texted me, actually: 'tell Jars I'm impressed with him.' He was watching.''
Tristan says, putting his head back. ''Thanks, Flower!'' Erik sits next to Kris, and says. ''Three more of those, please.''
Kris nods, and laughs, knowing full well the climb that awaits them. ''One game at a time, darling.'' The bus shuts up at that, Kris looks around, confused as hell. ''What'd I say this time?'' Erik laughs, and says to his husband. ''Well, sweetheart, I'd say the english nicknames are no longer secret.''
Acciari says. ''Oh, wow, that's cute. You two have petnames in english too?''
Erik says. ''Yeah, and now we've opened ourselves up to even more teasing!''
Ned proposes, in a way only a goalie can. ''Ooh, distraction tactic! Use them on ice!''
Kris, ever one for some scheming, especially with the recent Power Couple Contest, raises an eyebrow. ''Y'know, Ned? Good idea.'' The bus finally arrives back at the hotel. One down, three to go.
The series is sadly tied on return to Pittsburgh. The team have a couple of days off to recover from the jetlag of flying from the mountains to the east. As usual, the core get together at Sid and Geno's place for breakfast the morning of their return. That 3-2 overtime loss sucked, but, it's not over until it's over. No need to press the panic button yet. ''So... the petnames, huh?'' Geno asks, smirking over his coffee mug.
Erik rolls his eyes, they've not heard the end of that since they got on the plane last night. ''Geno... we told you that's between us.'' Sid flashes them a shit eating grin. ''No, tell us, come on.''
Kris says, resigned to having to tell his brothers yet another story they'll get all mushy over. ''The big ones, that's all you're getting, just the big ones we use all the time. Cool?'' Sid and Geno nod. Kris carries on. ''I think I started calling Erik 'mon amour' just after we became official in 2012. We were just on the phone, and it... slipped out.''
Erik smiles softly. ''As for me calling Kris 'hjartat mitt'... he got all insecure over himself when he saw me with Victor at some event, and that was my way of getting through to him.''
Sid and Geno have glossy eyes, Sid says, a big smile on his face. ''That's really sweet. And, like, seeing how happy you are to use them, and hear them, it's just... nice, y'know?'' Erik and Kris share a soft look, for all the roughness on ice, they're always soft for each other. ''Yeah, it is.'' Erik says.
Geno adds. ''How have you two been handling this run? New territory, right?''
Kris says, helping Sid tidy the table up. ''I think we're doing okay, just living one game at a time.''
After their breakfast, they head down to the arena. The glass cabinet where the team's five cups sit pride of place stare the captain and his three alternates in the face. Erik notices the melancholic look in Kris' eyes as he looks up at the 2017 cup, and silently holds his husband's hand. He'd give anything to rewrite that horrible night, kick his own ass and demand the old him apologise right away. But, they're here now, right where they belong. Kris takes a deep breath, and kisses his husband's cheek. ''Got lost for a second, amour.'' He says.
Erik smiles, and squeezes his hand. ''I know, and it's okay, hjartat.''
They go to a media room, and get on with some game study. Reviewing the first two games, taking notes, and discussing strategies for the home games ahead of them. Sid has is calculated in his head that they'll be in Colorado if this goes to seven. So, they must be ready for that. It's worked three times in the past, they've never won a cup at home.
Game three is at home, PPG Paints is full to the brim with home fans all clad in black and gold. The core arrive together, as they always do for home games, and walk in together. For most teams, this united front would be mostly for the optics, not in this city. Geno talks to Erik about a story from his days with Metallurg as they walk in. Sid and Kris talk about a big game they played against each other in their QMJHL days. Val D'Or beat Rimouski 6-5 in a massive overtime period. Once out of their suits, they split up into their stalls in the dressing room. They suit up to some music, and Sully gives the read before they head out.
Sid stares down against Nate on face off, Nate looks somewhat intimidated by the sea of black his team are surrounded by. Kris locks eyes with Makar. The kid's good, really good. Nate and Cale are good together, but they'll never be Sid and Kris. Sid wins the faceoff, and it's off to the races. Midway through the first period, Acciari gets them on the board 1-0, with a massive breakway goal. Just a couple of minutes later, Bunting gets a sneaky Michigan goal. ''Good job, boys! More of those!'' Sully shouts from behind the bench.
The second period is mostly Colorado. With Nate and Devon Toews getting two goals to level the game at 2-2 going into the second intermission. ''Alright, this game is very winnable, we stick together, stay calm, and take it one shift at a time. No panic buttons anymore, boys.'' Sully says.
The third period is crazy, Geno opening scoring right off the jump, Rantanen fighting back to tie it 3-3. ''Crosby unit, you're all up!'' The top unit take to the ice, and leap on the offensive right away. Drew putting them back ahead 4-3. However, late in the third, Nate scores a one-timer on the penalty kill to take them to overtime again. The overtime unit get to work right away. Lars gets the puck, and feeds it to Erik, who scans the play once, and says. ''Sweetheart, give them hell!''
Kris takes the puck, ignoring the urge to kiss Erik, he takes the shot, and ends the game 5-4. Then, he pulls his husband in for a kiss in front of the whole arena, who go absolutely crazy for it. ''Hey, get a room!'' Lehkonen chirps them. Not to be outdone in his own arena, Kris fires back. ''We have one, you're in it!''
After the game, a journalist asks Sid. ''Did Kris and Erik plan that kiss beforehand?''
Sid laughs, his best friend and brother-in-law are schemers, but not like that. ''No, I'd say that was very spur of the moment. Can't say I'm all that surprised, though, with how they are backstage.''
Erik shouts over from his media scrum. ''You love us, Croz!'' Sid shouts back. ''Yes, I do.''
Another journalist laughs, and asks. ''Are they down bad for each other?''
Sid nods, grinning ear to ear. ''Oh, yeah. You'd never know it's been over a decade since they got together, they're like teenagers.''
Once back in street clothes, dinner is served to the team at the arena. A 2-1 series lead, almost there, but it's not over until it's over. Sid, of all people, knows fine well what lies ahead of them with this series. A decade of friendship with Nate have taught him well what to expect. The core debrief while they eat. ''What did Lehky say to you two?'' Rusty asks Kris.
Kris chuckles. ''He told us to: 'get a room'. I told him: 'we have one, and you're in it'.'' The team burst out laughing.
Game four is another win for the Penguins, a simpler 3-1 home win with amazing goals from Rusty, Lars, and Jesse. They fly out this evening to Denver for what could be the cup winning game.The media are still ruminating over the ''Game Three Kiss'' - as it has been labelled. But, the defence power couple have mostly gotten on with it. But, during a final home skate before they fly out, Beauvillier says to them. ''Hey, why not do that for the next game too? Y'know, kiss to put the Avs off their game.''
Geno remarks. ''It worked then, might work now.'' Erik laughs, the contest still fresh in the team psyche, only now it's been inflicted upon their opposition. ''They'll be expecting it, Tito, we might bust out the nicknames, though.''
Bunting says, sounding excited. ''Oh, please do! I feel like we've heard one percent of the repertoire, and I'm fascinated now you say nicknames, plural.''
Kris smiles, and rolls his eyes. ''Thank you for opening Pandora's Box, mon tresor.''
Erik leans over to kiss his cheek. ''No problem, skatten mitt.'' They tidy up, and hit the showers. Then, it's into suits for the flight to the game that might just end all of this. It's almost too good to be true, one more game, and it's over. But, one thing at a time.
Game five is a bit of a clusterfuck, a dramatic 4-3 overtime loss to the Avalanche sends them home to Pittsburgh angry. No one is more pissed about this than Kris is. He's wanted to win a cup with the love of his life since he can remember. He promised Erik that they'd win this thing this year. And, the fucking Avalanche just had to ruin everything, didn't they? It takes Erik putting his hands on his shoulders as they get to their stalls at Cranberry, to bring him out of his head. ''Kris, sweetheart, talk to me. What's going on?''
Kris takes a deep, but ragged breath. ''Game five, Erik. I just want to get you a cup so much, and then, they had to fuck it all up for us. I'm just... pissed off.''
Erik nods, he knows Kris better than Kris knows himself. They even discussed this on their first night back home this season. So, he goes to the tactic he employs to calm Kris down. ''Okay, Kris, what facts do we have right now?''
Kris says, taking another deep breath. ''We're married. We're both Penguins. We're 3-2 up in the final. We're in this together, we love each other. And, we got here together.'' Erik nods, pressing a kiss to Kris' lips. ''Good, feel better now?'' Kris nods, leaning his forehead on Erik's. ''Jag alskar dig, alskad mitt.'' He says.
Erik says. ''Je t'aime aussi, mon coeur.''
The rest flood in, surprised at the sight of Erik calming Kris down from something. They don't pry, instead just get suited up for action. They could very well win the cup tomorrow evening, and nobody is going to be caught slacking off now.
Game six is a close affair, and a physical one at that. Geno getting the team's only goal late in the game, not that it salvages it any, they're forced into a game seven with a 2-1 loss. They've got three days off between game six and seven, Sully has them on rest orders for the first day off. Sid and Geno use the day to bake and relax with Sam and Maverick. Kris and Erik use it to re-watch some stuff from their four happy All Star Games, Tampa doesn't count. ''Forgot how good you looked that weekend.'' Erik says as they watch the 2016 All Star Game.
Kris runs his fingers through Erik's hair, finally at that length he loves it at. ''I prefer us with long hair, like in 2019.'' Erik laughs, and adjusts his head on Kris' shoulder. ''Me too.''
At the Crosby-Malkin house, Sid leaves a sheet of cookies to cool on the counter while Geno packs them up for the final flight to Denver. Sam is curled up on the couch, fast asleep in the sun. Maverick curled up with her. Geno comes down with their stuff. ''Done, could not find your Nova Scotia tie, found it in the sock drawer somehow?'' Sid kisses his husband. ''Great. We'll have loads of cookies for the flight too.''
They could so easily disobey Sully's rest orders, heaven knows the four of them are off their collective rockers, especially with a massive game seven looming large over their heads. But, Nate's boys flew home last night, they'll be tired too. Best to rest up for the long term. Over at the Letang-Karlsson house, they pack up for the flight, Buddha helping them wherever he can. Kris has promised Erik another dog at some point, hopefully a husky. ''Alright, darling, looks like we're set to go.''
Erik asks, an eyebrow raised. ''Did you remember your meds, sweetheart?''
Kris chuckles, and kisses his cheek. ''I remembered my meds, darling, yes.'' Someday, the boys will stop worrying about him, but he guesses that is a further flung time than he estimated.
The big day finally comes, the entire team arrive at the enemy arena wearing matching suits in black, white, and gold. An idea Kris and Erik proposed at the start of the series. If Sid is honest with himself, which is always, the idea was a stroke of genius from his brother and brother-in-law. This is cemented when they see some of the Avalanche guys arrive all in different suit colours. One team are in harmony, one are not. They get in, change and eat, and suit up. Sully gives the speech, the cup in this building somewhere going totally ignored. ''Alright boys, just like always, we go in together, we stay calm, we go in patient. This is just another game, ignore the noise.''
Mario gives the read. ''Up front we've got: O'Connor, Crosby, and Rust - Sid and the kids!'' The room applaud. ''On the blueline: Letang and Grzelyck.'' PO took over from Gravy as the third pair leader, the room cheers for them. ''In net: Jarry!''
The team file out to the corridor. Sid says in a quiet moment with the core. ''Wanna score a goal each tonight, boys?''
Erik nods, looking determined. ''Sounds great to me, captain.'' Geno smirks, and says. ''Da, davai.''
Kris takes a deep breath, focused on winning this for his husband. ''Let's fucking do this.''
They take to the ice for the game, just another game, and here they stand, all united against thousands tonight. The Penguins against the world, just as it used to be. Five minutes in, Nate takes a dumb penalty, and Sully deploys the Veterans Unit. Sid gets the puck, and shouts. ''Geno!'' Geno receives the pass, and fires a wrist shot past Georgiev's ear to put them up 1-0. ''Spasibo, Sid.'' Geno says, a beaming smile on his face.
That proves to be the only goal of the first period, the defence ticking like a clock and Jarry performing saves Flower would be very proud of. They get some music on during intermission.
The second is a bit more eventful. At six minutes in, Kris reads a play quickly, and says. ''Darling! Do it!'' Erik takes his pass, and hammers it home as soon as he gets it, 2-0 with goals from half the core. In the dying minutes of the period, Sid makes off with the puck from a scrum in the corner, and, catching Georgiev unawares, scores what could be the one to end this whole thing 3-0, with Kris' goal still to come.
Sully gives a very short address to the team during second intermission. ''Good job so far, boys, let's keep this going, the finish line is in sight, we keep blocking the noise out, they're not liking this, but that's okay.'' He turns to the captain. ''Sid, anything to add?''
Sid nods, and just says. ''Kris, mon frere, it's your turn to score next.'' Kris just smiles, that knot of doubt still lingering in his chest, slowly untying itself. Erik squeezes his husband's hand.
They get back to work, the crowd growing angrier with them as the period ticks down to its last half. Geno and Erik watch the final minutes from the bench, helpless while their favourite Canadians are on the ice. In a momentary lapse of focus, Lehkonen passes the puck to Kris. ''Davai, Legenda!'' Geno shouts.
Erik calls to his husband, in french, in the language he learned all those years ago for him and him alone. ''Allez, mon coeur! Allez!'' Kris is patient, skating end to end with the puck, waiting out Georgiev, and scoring a gorgeous goal. They're up 4-0 with a minute and a half left. For which Sully deploys the Veterans Unit. Sid between Geno and Lars, Kris and Erik side by side. The quintet patiently wait the last minute and a half out, before the bench goes empty.
The team mob each other, first in the Metro division thanks to four living legends creating a reality show for their teammates. Now, cup champions yet again, with just four remaining from the last time they were in this position. Sid pulls Geno down for a kiss in full view of Nate. Fighting through the crowd, Kris finds Erik, and wraps his arms around him. Erik cries into his husband's shoulder. Sixteen seasons, and his name will finally go on that cup. ''We did it, mon amour.'' Kris says. Erik kisses him. ''I love you, Kris.''
Kris kisses him back, and runs his fingers through Erik's damp hair. ''I love you too, Erik.''
The core celebrate with their team, before the two final trophies are brought out. Sid, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, is awarded the Conn Smythe. Then, the Stanley Cup. Which goes to Erik after the captain's lap, Kris is in tears at the sight of the love of his life with the Stanley Cup. ''Hjartat, you next!'' Erik passes it off to Kris with a kiss for his lap of the rink. After which Kris says. ''Geno, I'm coming in hot!'' He passes the cup up to Geno.
Once all of the quartet take their laps, they sit and watch the rest of their team take their laps. Sid and Geno are pulled up for a photo with the cup. Kris fishes his chain out, and removes it so he can put his wedding ring back on. Erik does the same. ''Kris, Erik - your turn.'' The photographer says.
They pose with the cup in their arms, their golden wedding rings proudly on display against the silver. Flashing triumphant smiles down the camera, over a decade, and they've finally won their cup together.
They spend a couple of days resting off the game and their hangovers from the dressing room party. But, they have to go home at some point. They're up late in the morning, pack up for their evening flight, and get on the plane to Pittsburgh. The cup with them on the plane, safely kept in the seat next to Sully. Sid happily rests his head on Geno's shoulder, both glowing with the fourth cup win. Kris, radiant but tired, engages Lars in conversation about Denmark. Erik is also glowing, and texting Victor about the win. Kris' phone buzzes, he answers it on speaker. ''Bonjour, mon chum!'' The whole plane shuts up, Flower is calling them from wherever he is.
Flower says. ''Felicitations, mes amis!''
Sid says from his seat. ''Thank you, Flower!'' Flower asks Erik, the first time cup winner in the family. ''How does it feel, Karl?''
Erik beams from his seat next to Kris. ''Only finding Kris felt better, Flower, I've not stopped smiling for two days.''
Flower says, laughing. ''I can imagine. I'll let you guys sleep, I'm coming into town soon, so I'll see you all soon.'' Kris smiles, clearly missing his favourite goalie. ''You're staying with us, Erik and I will get the guest room ready for you.''
Flower says. ''Got it, I'll see you soon, boys!'' They hang up, and finally get to sleep. Geno has a feeling they're not going to be sleeping much for the next week or so. It's going to be chaos as soon as they get home, so, he wants to savour the flight home as much as he can.
Flower arrives in town the day before the parade. Retirement looking very good on him. He may not have retired with this team, or with this cup. But, he's etched into the fabric of this team. He immediately embraces his three brothers, and gives Erik a massive hug as well. Then, he says to the two goalies. ''You two are absolutely incredible, you know that, right?''
Tristan says. ''All because of your example, Flower.''
Flower asks the core. ''Thinking of joining me in retirement now?'' Sid shakes his head. ''Not even a little bit, no. We're nowhere near done yet. Our contracts are still active, so we'll play them out.''
Someone shouts over to the quartet. ''Captain and Alternates, the head car awaits!''
The core pile into the back of the lead truck, the cup and Conn Smythe sitting between them. Once everyone is situated, they roll out into the streets, lined in their home fans, decked out in team colours. The team have never won a cup at home, maybe that's for the best, no feeling beats coming home for the parade. Instead of sitting around waiting for it to happen. ''We did it, Sid.'' Geno says. Sid nods, that typical doe-eyed look in his face. ''We did it, G.''
Kris turns to Erik. ''Well, here we are at last, alskad mitt.'' Erik nods, and dries his eyes again. ''Here we are, mon coeur.''
Sid asks Erik. ''Was it everything you wanted it to be?'' Erik nods, fixing his hair again. ''Everything and more. When do we get our rings?''
Geno says. ''Start of next season.''
They proudly and triumphantly present all three trophies to their city. The speeches are made, and their jerseys are handed over to go to Toronto. After eight years of worrying whether they'd get back here, here they are again. The rulers of all they survey once again.
Summer is filled with parties, team events across two whole continents, and each of their cup days. A blur of celebrations gives way to much earned rest. The replica cups sit in the Letang-Karlsson house with the Masterton and Norrises as soon as they're home in Pittsburgh. They get their rings on their first visit to Toronto before camp begins. The person in charge of the rings hands them out by number. Erik opens his box first, and says to his husband. ''God, it's huge.''
Kris laughs, trying his on his right ring finger, his left is taken by a more important ring. ''Yeah, that never changes. Try it on.'' Erik slides it onto his right middle finger. ''Heavy too, wow.''
Kris asks, only to be cheeky. ''Which do you prefer? That ring, or your wedding ring?''
Erik cocks an eyebrow, a glint of something in his dark eyes. ''Sweetheart, my wedding ring, of course. This is the pride of my career, you are the pride of my life.''
Kris melts again, how the hell has one person softened him so much over the last fourteen years? ''You're the pride of my life too, darling.'' Acciari asks, coming back from calling someone. ''Are the defencemen being mushy again?''
Bunting corrects him. ''Still, Cookie, are they being mushy still? And, yes, they are.''
Sid jokingly steps in, he knows how that first cup rush feels all too well, doesn't matter whether you're two forwards in their early twenties, or two defencemen in their late thirties. ''I think they've earned it, Noel.''
Nobody argues with their captain on that, too happy to bask in their victory, too excited for the upcoming season. No one thought they'd win that final, every single journalist had them taken out back and shot, how wrong they were. Who put any hope in all of the core scoring in game seven? Carolina couldn't stop them, Washington and Toronto all fell by the wayside, and they conquered Colorado in enemy territory. They've also got 29 to raise up soon, so that's going to be fun.
Okay! I think 'Rival Captains In Love' might have been usurped at last! This might just be my magnum opus for my beloved defencemen so far. Didn't think I'd ever dethrone 'Rival Captains' but, here I am. Little note: I fiddled around with some trades, and kept PO on the team instead of Graves. That was for continuity purposes with 'The Power Couple Contest' - to which this is a sequel! The most self-indulgent thing I've written yet, but that's okay.
Also, here's my series summary for those into data as I am. Colour coded as it is in my notebook (which literally carried this fic)
Pittsburgh Penguins vs Colorado Avalanche SCF
Game - Home Ice - Score - Winner
One - Colorado - 4-1 - PP Two - Colorado - 3-2(ot) - CA Three - Pittsburgh - 5-4(ot) - PP Four - Pittsburgh - 3-1 - PP Five - Colorado - 4-3(ot) - CA Six - Pittsburgh - 2-1 - CA Seven - Colorado - 4-0 - PP
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snobgoblin · 1 year
Don't be shy, share those cracker island theories
x omg ok ok so, I had a lot like a lot a lot and some of them are hard to find. but the ones I was just looking at included.......a lot of paranoid ramblings AS WELL AS
theories that the woman in cracker island was the Evangelist (<- iirc that wasn't my original idea, someone sent it in an ask and I RAN with it)
theories that Noodle was really flying home to get Cyborg Noodle for her plan to overthrow Murdoc during a concert
theories that Russel was posessed by Pazuzu and he wasn't just making it up (we never uhm...... to my knowledge we never got closure on Russel and the pink eyes. has anyone been following that?)
maybe they would expand on what made 2-D a pure soul, and maybe it had something to do with his blue hair (that's a pretty odd reaction to a concussion) and constantly being compared to an angel, as well as having unexplained odd magical powers. this would also make sense if he was part angel just for.... foil reasons, to Murdoc's demonic ties
Paula would return
Ace would return, he would make a breakthrough in the bunker about the apocalypse and realize he needed to take out Murdoc and the cult to prevent it, since they were waking up something they just didn't understand
the cult was in some way tied to the ppg episode See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey <- that was a whole thing
the cult was Murdoc realizing he would be dragged to Hell, and trying to prevent this by making up his own religion and jumping ship, as sort of a breakdown thing like plastic beach
yeah and that's what I remember right now... like I said I really went wild with theories in the beginning but as the radio silence dragged on from Gorillaz my excitement very much died out and i stopped following it as closely ykwim
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year
The First Stop
I don't want to talk about job hunting right now. I'm feeling a huge case of battle fatigue.
This isn't yet another story about someone who lost out on their dream job because they mixed up the forms. I didn't mix anything up, despite what everyone says. I never found out what the title was, but it had the requisition number DS-2229061.
I came across the job at my college's job fair. The job had the following description:
What you'll do:
Analyze, design, develop, and manipulate business and financial data to influence and drive decision making.
Collaborate with business and add technology partners to elicit information/date requirements.
Communicate requirements in a manner that can be easily understood by team members.
Employ data mining techniques to produce analysis and business insights.
Provide conclusions or recommendations on business performance based on analysis.
I looked at the job description and could easily see myself doing this type of work. After I got home, I went onto the company's website and looked up the requisition number.
My jaw dropped when I saw the results. The job description was even better than what was on the sheet I picked up at the career fair.
Your responsibilities:
Develop offline and real-time algorithms for processing EEG, PPG and other biosignals.
Develop and implement biosignal-based applications.
Run cloud studies on our large-scale EEG database.
Contribute to the development of internal research tools.
This isn't some business analyst job where my skills would be underused. This was something where my background as a physicist would come into play outside the classroom. I'd be putting my physics skills to use. Can you even imagine what a terrific opportunity this would be for me?
Except...it didn't come through. Do you know how I said I was suffering from battle fatigue? Well, I made a massive tactical error.
Ten days after I sent in the application, I got a callback. The check-in process required me to punch in The requisition code. I punched in DS-2229061, and it returned this job description
Reviewing internal order form to confirm availability of product
Complete the product process by reviewing the account number and processing the order
Maybe some data evaluation and assistance with invoicing
This confused the crap out of me. I still went to the interview, if only to ask why the same requisition code pointed to three different jobs. I brought both the printout of the job from the job fair and a printout of the job description from the website.
"Abby?" The hiring manager called my name. I recognized her from the career fair. "Jade, right?" I asked.
"Yes!" Jade nodded, "Good memory"
We chatted for a bit before Jade got her notebook. I hoped that she could at least try to answer my question.
No such luck. She didn't even let me ask. "I remember you from the career fair, and I just have to ask, why are you even a physicist?" She didn't seem particularly pleased to see me. "Based on what we saw, both your autism and your emotions are way too intense. Why are you studying something that's pure logic when you're all emotions and no rational thought?"
None of that was true. Even if it was, it doesn't stop people from going into physics. Believe me, we have no shortage of pathetic mathematicians, loser physicists, and astronomers on the heels of a breakdown.
Anyone who has done a college degree in STEM subjects knows this relatively well. Hell, I have a litany of stories about physicists just completely melting down. We had a physics lab that concerned how surface tension dictates how efficiently fluid can solve a maze. The lab technician asked us to bring our own alcohol. The kids took this as permission to bring as much wine as they could and everybody got too drunk to do the lab. Over the course of the semester, our thermodynamics prof got progressively shabbier. Then he came to the exam wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. My TA for relativistic physics had difficulty accepting that Nature does not permit political statements in acknowledgments. I read his paper, and from the looks of it, he spent more time crafting the blurb on how badly he was bullied for his sexual orientation than on his research.
I decided to tell my personal favorite physicist meltdown story: the time a grad student in the astrophysics department swore at somebody on Twitter. "You see," I began, "it's not unusual for physicists to lose their cool."
The hiring manager rolled her eyes at me. "I see."
I may find this story funny, but the underlying mechanics point to a deeper problem: a department full of people who only have their jobs because they couldn't find work anywhere else. "The astronomy department decided to fire three cosmology researchers for forging data. This left two grad students, Carol Calabasas and Julia Glidden without a supervisor. The former dropped out to work in equity research, while the latter stayed behind. Within a week, Julia got an email commenting on her lack of progress and how she wasn't suited to continue in academia. She replied with a reminder that on top of being unable to find a replacement supervisor, numerous individuals in the department harassed her due to her dyslexia and nonverbal learning disorder for the better part of a year. Worse still, Dr. Linkletter, a prof who had been Julia's advocate, left to work in the private sector."
"How is all this relevant?" she asked.
"It's relevant because things came to a head when Carol joked that working in capital markets was looking better and better." I opened the Gallery app on my phone and showed Jade two screenshots. Julia posted two career-bricking tweets: the first calling Carol a stupid fucker, and the second accusing the department head of being the Zodiac Killer. "As you can see, Julia did not appreciate Carol's suggestion that she drop out and work in capital markets. On top of that, she also publicly accused Dr. Broom of being the Zodiac Killer." As insane as Julia's Twitter meltdown was, she had a point. If you assume the Zodiac Killer started when they were in high school, the dates like up shockingly well.
This story left Jade confused. "You still didn't answer my question."
"Well," I chuckled, "I might be intense, but I have a better handle on things than those guys."
She ended the interview right then and there. I never did figure out what the issue with the requisition code was. I don't think it matters, because if that job interview was any indication of the corporate culture, then I do not want to work there.
I don't have time to worry about that now. I heard from one of my TAs that what I said to Jade in the interview got back to Julia. I do not know how this is going to end.
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themarketupdate · 2 months
Interior Stain Market is set for a Potential Growth Worldwide: Excellent Technology Trends with Business Analysis
Interior stains are used for finishing furniture and various types of interior woodwork doors, door & window trim, floors, beams, and so on. This category includes a pigment or dye-based gel stains, wiping stains, and specialized products such as Danish Oil and stain-polyurethane mixes. Interior stains require a protective topcoat that not only protects against solvents, moisture, and scratches but also adds a sheen to the finished surface. Before an interior stain is applied, the wood is usually sanded to remove any milling marks or scratches which tend to be accentuated when the stain is applied.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/20097-global-interior-stain-market-1?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Interior Stain Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Interior Stain Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Interior Stain The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Minwax (United States) , PPG (United States) , Sherwin-Williams (United States), RPM International Inc. (United States) , Cabot (United States)  , United Gilsonite Laboratories (United States) , Penofin (United States)  , Behr (United States), Delaware Paint Company (United States)  , General Finishes (United States) ,
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Southeast Asia.
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Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)
AMA Research & Media LLP
Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ
New Jersey USA – 08837
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Metallic Coatings Market Outlook: World Approaching Demand & Growth Prospect 2024-2030
Metallic Coatings market has high growth prospects due to the demand for building & construction, automotive & transportation, and others. The metallic coatings are strong, durable, corrosion resistance, and improved texture. The demand for direct-to-metal coatings is on a rise owing to its cost efficiency and environmental benefits. Direct-to-Metal coatings are witnessing demand in light and medium-duty industrial application with need or protection from elements such as UV degradation or corrosion. The major companies are adding more innovative techniques in Asia-Pacific countries as these countries are focused on fastest-growing verticals for the mega construction projects.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/118879-global-metallic-coatings-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Metallic Coatings Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Metallic Coatings Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Metallic Coatings The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (United States), PPG Industries (United States) , Axalta Coating Systems. (United States) , AkzoNobel N.V. (Netherland) , Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. (Japan) , Henkel AG & Co., KGaA (Germany) , The Sherwin-Williams Company (United States), The Valspar Corporation (United States) , BASF SE (Germany) ,
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Southeast Asia.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)
AMA Research & Media LLP
Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ
New Jersey USA – 08837
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gireportstory · 3 months
Traffic Marking Paints Market Size,Volume,Revenue Trends Analysis Report 2024-2030
Global Info Research announces the release of the report “Global Traffic Marking Paints Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030” . This report provides a detailed overview of the market scenario, including a thorough analysis of the market size, sales quantity, average price, revenue, gross margin and market share.The report provides an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape, manufacturer’s profiles,regional and national market dynamics, and the opportunities and challenge that the market may be exposed to in the near future. Global Traffic Marking Paints market research report is a comprehensive analysis of the current market trends, future prospects, and other pivotal factors that drive the market.
Road surface marking is any kind of device or material that is used on a road surface in order to convey official information. They can also be applied in other facilities used by vehicles to mark parking spaces or designate areas for other uses. Traffic Marking Paint is a kind of paint used to paint road mark. Paint, sometimes with additives such as retroreflective glass beads, is generally used to mark travel lanes. It is also used to mark spaces in parking lots or special purpose spaces for disabled parking, loading zones, or time-restricted parking areas. Colors for these applications vary by locality.
According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Traffic Marking Paints market size was valued at US$ 1027 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 1363 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.0% during review period.
Global key Traffic Marking Paints players include PPG (Ennis Flint), Sherwin-Williams, Swarco AG, 3M, Geveko Markings and SealMaster etc. The top 3 companies hold a share (by sales volume) about 68%. United States is the largest market with a share about 87%. In terms of product, Thermoplastic Marking Paint product is the largest segment with a share about 63%. And in terms of applications, the largest application is Roads & Streets with a share about 77%.
Market Segmentation Traffic Marking Paints market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2019-2029, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for consumption value by Type, and by Application in terms of volume and value.
Market segment by Type: Thermoplastic Marking Paint、Waterbased Marking Paint、Solvent Based Marking Paint、Two-Component Road Marking Paint、Others
Market segment by Application:Roads & Streets、Parking Lot、Airport、Other
Major players covered: 3M、Sherwin-Williams、Swarco AG、Nippon Paint、Ennis Flint、Hempel、Geveko Markings、PPG Industries、Asian Paints PPG、SealMaster、Reda National Co.、LANINO、TATU、Zhejiang Brother、Zhejiang Yuanguang、Luteng Tuliao、Rainbow Brand
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Traffic Marking Paints product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Traffic Marking Paints, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Traffic Marking Paints from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Traffic Marking Paints competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Traffic Marking Paints breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Traffic Marking Paints market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Traffic Marking Paints. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Traffic Marking Paints sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Our Market Research Advantages: Global Perspective: Our research team has a strong understanding of the  company in the global Traffic Marking Paints market.Which offers pragmatic data to the company. Aim And Strategy: Accelerate your business integration, provide professional market strategic plans, and promote the rapid development of enterprises. Innovative Analytics: We have the most comprehensive database of resources , provide the largest market segments and business information.
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curemoonliite · 3 months
inspirations for my ocs!
omega: she's a brawler with a pink magical girl personality, yet not as shy as tsubomi nor as genki as a lot of pink cures. therefore, i'm gonna have to give a lot of you psychic damage at once, because unfortunately "magical girl deku" is as close as i can get to describing her in as few words as possible.
valka: pretty much answers the question "what if the two aya hisakawa magical girl goats (cure moonlight and sailor mercury) fused into one person"
io: a mix of your rougher western animation magical girl-inspired characters (buttercup from ppg and rainbow dash), except also a delinquent for extra spice
koto: cure passion, as well as me reading house of the scorpion waaaay too young and wanting to write a fucked-up clone character ever since
stelle: serious answer is paragraphs upon paragraphs of me rambling about suzune's wasted potential in suzune magica, joke answer is me looking at sailor galaxia and saying "i can fix her"
alarice: me looking at sailor galaxia and saying "i can make her so much worse"
xue: i just thought it'd be cool to have a magical girl with the same vibes as tomoyo from ccs, still doing a lot more of a support role behind the scenes, just able to do magic if needed
xing: basically just me really liking the magical girl idol trope, really liking the rebellious rock star trope, and deciding to merge the two (come to think of it, i'd probably really like cure gelato for really similar reasons, time to move kirapre higher up on my "precure seasons i still need to watch" list)
phea: cure twinkle, but with a bit of kanagi izumi's sense of justice and bitterness about watching her kohai be turned against her by a villain who doesn't really give a shit about her
kaine: princess luna and anthy himemiya, the former more so based on misunderstood moon elemental vibes and generally having zero chill, the latter based on how she's literally cloned from an ultimate weapon to be the villain's bride. take both of them and imagine the result as a wine aunt who's trying her best not to have a mental breakdown in her mid-thirties, and you have kaine.
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lalsingh228-blog · 7 months
Aircraft Windows Market May See a Big Move
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Global Aircraft Windows Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, player’s market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include, GKN Aerospace (United Kingdom) , PPG Aerospace (United States), Nordam Group Inc. (United States) , Gentex Corporation (United States), Triumph Group Inc. (United States), Saint-Gobain Sully (France) , Control Logistics Inc. (United States), Plexiweiss GmbH (Germany) , Perkins Aircraft Windows (United States), Llamas Plastics, Inc. (United States), Air-Craftglass Inc. (Netherland), Aerospace Plastic Components (Australia), Lee Aerospace (United States). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/84054-global-aircraft-windows-market Aircraft windows are made of Plexiglas which ensure the protection of aircraft interiors from wind, UV radiations and maintain the air pressure balance of the aircraft. Aircraft windows market has high growth prospects owing to the increasing number of air travelers, technological development such as trajectory predictions, performance computation, transparent color video touchscreen on the aircraft windows, and others. Further, increasing demand for lightweight materials for aircraft windows to cut down fuel consumption expected to boost the demand for advanced aircraft windows over the forecasted period. Market Drivers
Rising Airline Passenger Traffic in Developing Countries
Increasing Replacement Rate of Aircraft Windows in Aging Fleet of Aircrafts
Market Trend
Emphasizing On Use of Lightweight Materials in the Production of Aircraft Windows
Technological Advancements in the Aircraft Windows Such As 4D-Trajectory Time Windows
Increasing Demand for Commercial Aircraft from Developing Economies
Growing Aircraft Interior Industry to Enhance Passenger Experience
Emergence of Windowless Aircraft
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/84054-global-aircraft-windows-market In this research study, the prime factors that are impelling the growth of the Global Aircraft Windows market report have been studied thoroughly in a bid to estimate the overall value and the size of this market by the end of the forecast period. The impact of the driving forces, limitations, challenges, and opportunities has been examined extensively. The key trends that manage the interest of the customers have also been interpreted accurately for the benefit of the readers. The Aircraft Windows market study is being classified by Application (Airliner, General Aviation, Business Aircraft, Others), Aircraft Type (Very Large Aircraft, Wide Body Aircraft, Narrow Body Aircraft, Regional Transportation Aircraft), Sales Channel (Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Aftermarket), Material (Glass, Acrylic, Polycarbonate, Others) The report concludes with in-depth details on the business operations and financial structure of leading vendors in the Global Aircraft Windows market report, Overview of Key trends in the past and present are in reports that are reported to be beneficial for companies looking for venture businesses in this market. Information about the various marketing channels and well-known distributors in this market was also provided here. This study serves as a rich guide for established players and new players in this market. Get Reasonable Discount on This Premium Report @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/84054-global-aircraft-windows-market Extracts from Table of Contents Aircraft Windows Market Research Report Chapter 1 Aircraft Windows Market Overview Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers Chapter 4 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*) by Region Chapter 5 Global Supplies (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions Chapter 6 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*), Price* Trend by Type Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application ………………….continued This report also analyzes the regulatory framework of the Global Markets Aircraft Windows Market Report to inform stakeholders about the various norms, regulations, this can have an impact. It also collects in-depth information from the detailed primary and secondary research techniques analyzed using the most efficient analysis tools. Based on the statistics gained from this systematic study, market research provides estimates for market participants and readers. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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sufferfly1 · 8 months
Conductive Inks Market : A Breakdown of the Industry by Region and Segment
Report Overview
Polaris Market Research announces the release of a new report Conductive Inks Market by Share, Size, Trends, Future Growth, and Demand Analysis 2032.The research report conducts an in-depth market study to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state and future potential of the Conductive Inks Market. It covers several aspects, including industry size, key players, growth drivers, key opportunities, and challenges. Besides, market segmentation, competitive landscape, and regional analysis are detailed in the report.
The research study aims to assist stakeholders, investors, and businesses in making more informed decisions and formulating effective strategies to stay ahead of the curve. In addition, the impact of technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and rising demand for innovative services on the market is covered. The report is a must-read for anyone currently involved or interested in the industry.
Request Our Free Sample Report for Conductive Inks Market Insights and Emerging Trends @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/conductive-inks-market/request-for-sample
According to the research report published by Polaris Market Research, the Conductive Inks Market Size Worth $4.43 Billion By 2026 , at a CAGR of 4.20% during the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape
The research study analyzes the current competitive environment of the market by providing information regarding Conductive Inks Market key players. The competitive landscape section covers several aspects of industry players, including their sales volume, market share, price, and gross margin. Additionally, important information about strategic developments such as mergers, acquisitions, and collaborations is provided in the report.
Major Key Players
Sun Chemical Corp
PPG Industries
Henkel AG
Applied Nanotech Holdings Inc.
Make an Enquiry before Buying: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/conductive-inks-market/inquire-before-buying
Growth Drivers
Key trends: The report identifies and analyzes the key trends and drivers that are shaping the growth trajectory of the Conductive Inks Market.
Technological advancements: Advances in technology and their overall impact on the industry have been covered in the report.
Regulatory landscape: The research study provides an in-depth examination of the regulatory environment to help stakeholders seize opportunities and mitigate potential challenges.
Buy this Premium Research Report: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/buy/352/2
Segmental Analysis
The Conductive Inks Market segmentation is primarily based on type, application, end use, and region. A comprehensive analysis of each of these segments is detailed in the report. Besides, the study sheds light on all the major sub-segments in the market. That way, stakeholders can better understand the needs of their customers and align their business strategies accordingly.
Regional Overview
The study offers additional insight into the regional market distribution, covering industry trends, revenue sources, and potential opportunities. Also, it offers predictions for revenue growth at regional, national, and global levels. Other important factors like pricing, production capacity, supply and demand ratios, and projected Conductive Inks Market sales are detailed in the report.
The Geographical Analysis Covers Following Key Regions:
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and the rest of South America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, South Africa, and the Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Key Highlights of the Report
A descriptive analysis of the demand-supply gap and forecast in the global market.
Bottom-up and top-down approaches for regional analysis.
Covers a SWOT analysis of key players and the overall Conductive Inks Market.
Includes both primary and secondary research methods to provide a thorough market understanding.
Porter’s Five Forces model provides an in-depth examination of industry vendors, substitutes, and competition among industry players.
Provides a detailed picture of the market by including value chain analysis.
The Report Answers Questions Such As
What is the current size and projected value for the market?
What are the key factors driving the Conductive Inks Market demand?
Which is the leading segment in the industry?
What are the potential attractive investment opportunities in the market?
At what CAGR is the market projected to grow over the forecast period?
Where will strategic developments take the Conductive Inks Market in the short to long term?
Browse Additional Details on: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/conductive-inks-market
About Us
Polaris Market Research is a worldwide market research and consulting organization. We give unmatched nature of offering to our customers present all around the globe across industry verticals. Polaris Market Research has expertise in giving deep-dive market insight along with market intelligence to our customers spread crosswise over various undertakings. We at Polaris are obliged to serve our different client base present over the enterprises of medicinal services, healthcare, innovation, next-gen technologies, semiconductors, chemicals, automotive, and aerospace & defense, among different ventures, present globally.
Contact Us:
Polaris Market Research
Ph: +1-929 297-9727
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butterflyintochains · 5 months
Long Distance No Longer
Or, the Tangerkarlsson ficlet I've been ruminating over for three days, but haven't felt well enough to write. Anyway, here's what happens when Erik finally arrives in the Steel City. Enjoy!
Kris can barely believe that this has finally happened when he opens the NHL app for the first time since he arrived back in Pittsburgh. Stuff like this doesn't happen to him, right? He's never been so lucky in his life. Surely this is some fake news headline to grab attention, right? But, this is the NHL site, the site dedicated purely to the sport and nothing else. All these painful years apart could be over literally today, permanently if the story is any hint at the contract. No one's in the group chat, why would they be? No one else knows about them yet. Just Flower, but he's not a Penguin anymore, not in the playing sense anyway. Flower, accordingly, does text him right then.
Flower: Go, go get him, mon ami. He'll be there. Go get him.
PPG Paints, his home from home, his kingdom, not too far away. But, it's all too much. Aware of his heart, he does the breathing exercises his doctor taught him after the first stroke, downs the last of his coffee, and grabs his keys. He drives down to the arena, cursing under his breath at some slow drivers he gets stuck behind. Don't they get it? Erik fucking Karlsson is here! Here for him! Finally, he gets shot of the slow people, and turns down the road to the arena. He parks in his normal spot, seeing another car a few spots down, he gets to the door. Security buzz him in, the air feels different once he's inside: lighter, happier, less... lonely. He prays Kyle and the rest have cleared off, he wants Sid and Geno to know before management do. The gym is empty, so is the dressing room, the rink is being set up. God fucking dammit, he knew he was getting his hopes up. Last place, the dining area. Finally, he finds him.
Erik is finally here, they're finally together. ''Well, hello, hjartat mitt.'' He says, and that's all he needs. They finally embrace each other. It's dizzying, all these years apart, finally over. ''I can't believe you're here, amour, after all this time.''
Erik runs his fingers through Kris' long hair, he's always preferred it like this, for more than one reason. ''I'm here, alskad, and not going anywhere.''
Kris kisses his other half softly. ''I'm glad to hear that, tresor.'' They sit down together, hands still locked together over the table, Erik relays the breakdown in his relationship with San Jose. ''That team is just a lost cause, Kris, too far away as well. I should've never signed there.'' Kris says, rubbing circles onto the back of Erik's hand. ''Don't beat yourself up, Erik, we made it work, didn't we?''
Erik changes the subject a bit. ''Do Sid and Geno know about us yet? Have you told them?''
Kris says. ''No, they don't know anything yet. Now you're here, we can tell them in our own time, I guess.'' He takes a deep breath. ''So, you ready to get home?'' He asks Erik, hopefully.
Erik beams, and nods, brown eyes glassy. ''Yeah, I'd like that.'' They head out together, and get back in their cars. Kris leads them home. Once they arrive, Erik gets his bags unpacked. Kris is thanking God that PO is moving in with Drew once everyone is back, that makes everything a bit easier. ''Well, ready to be a Penguin, amour?'' Kris asks.
Erik slumps down next to him on the sofa. ''I've been ready for that since we got back together, hjartat.''
A couple of mornings later, they wake up slowly, the moving truck with the last of Erik's stuff arrives in three days. Kris rolls over in bed, blinking sleep from his eyes. Erik is still out cold, the travel must have caught up with him. San Jose to Pittsburgh is just over six hours, after all. Kris can barely believe this is real, this is their home now, this is their life now. Things like this don't happen to him, right? Except when they do. Gently, he sweeps a lock of hair back behind Erik's ear, and kisses his cheek. He goes to get ready for the day, and make breakfast. Sid gave him a good banana pancakes recipe ages ago, so he makes that. Movement upstairs piques his ear, Erik comes down wearing his Tre Kronor shorts and shirt. ''Bon matin, amour.'' Kris says.
Erik kisses his cheek. ''God morgon, hjartat.'' He gets some coffee going, Kris finishes making their breakfast, and they eat together. Erik says. ''These pancakes are amazing, Kris, your recipe?'' Kris chuckles, baking isn't his thing. ''No, Sid's.''
Erik looks surprised. ''Sid bakes? Since when?''
Kris laughs, drinking some of his coffee. ''Yeah, he's really good at it, too. His banana bread is really good. Started during lockdown, must've been bored while locked up with Geno in Halifax.'' Erik nods, finishing his breakfast. ''I get that, remember how bored we got in Montreal? You actually got me into F1 somehow.'' Kris laughs, finishing his own meal. ''Well, that was payback for getting me into Arsenal against my will.''
Their day is lazy, relaxing together watching stuff on Netflix and catching up on some F1 and Arsenal highlights over dinner. They may be having a lazy day, but they're still athletes.
They go down to the team's gym the next day for a workout session. The team's top defencemen cannot be caught slipping once preseason rolls around. It's nice, Erik muses to himself, finally having someone to do this with. He'd always stick to himself in San Jose, too many people who obviously wanted to get him away from Kris. Some tried, they all failed. Erik times Kris doing some balance exercises, then they switch places. Halfway into the day, they grab some lunch, and lace up for a simple skate. The first blades on the fresh ice. ''Wow.'' Erik says, looking up at the rafters.
Kris takes his hand. ''It's a lot, huh?'' Erik says, opening a bottle of gatorade. ''Yeah, I mean, I've seen these banners so many times. But, now it's hitting me, I'm a Penguin now.''
Kris beams, he's wanted to hear that for years. ''Yeah, we're teammates now. And, y'know, partners on top of it.'' Erik's eyes crinkle as he smiles. ''Yeah, we are.''
After showering and changing, they get going home. Talking about game plans already as they get inside.
The next couple of days are slow, mostly continuing to get settled into living together at last. One morning, Kris wakes up alone in bed, he grumbles to himself, and gets up to go find Erik. He's in the kitchen, working on breakfast. ''Bon matin, mon coeur.'' Erik says, in the french Kris taught him all those years ago. It could still do with a bit of work, but he'll not complain. Kris plants a kiss on Erik's shoulder. ''God morgon, alskad.'' He says. His swedish is an eternal work in progress, but he's had two fantastic teachers. Horny found it weird at first, until Kris told him it was for a good cause. ''I was planning on bringing this upstairs so we could eat in bed.''
Kris yawns, and takes his blood thinners. ''The bed was cold without you.'' Erik notices the pills, he fucking hates that Kris has had to go through what he has, but also fiercely proud of his partner for coming out of it all like he has. That beautiful Masterton sitting on the bookcase being his reward. ''I was so happy for you that night, you know? When you won that.'' Erik says.
Kris smiles, looking lovingly at the trophy. ''It was a pretty good night, wasn't it? For both of us, you winning the Norris and all. You looked fucking incredible in that lilac suit too.''
Erik forks some of his egg. ''Says Mr James Bond.'' Kris smirks, he must admit, they are the best dressed dmen in the league. ''How do we want to tell Sid and Geno about us?'' Kris asks. Erik smirks, always a signal that he's plotting something. ''Maybe we don't? Maybe we just... let them put it together?''
Kris' jaw drops, he puts his mug of coffee down. ''Oh, you are evil!'' Erik jokingly asks. ''Are you in? Be obvious, but not too obvious?'' Kris nods, running a hand through his hair. ''Oh, hell yeah, I'm in!'' They've always been each other's biggest enablers. They finish breakfast, and get ready for a run together. Pushing each other to go further, racing each other around the park. ''Three laps of the pond before we head home, amour?''
Erik nods, loving the light competition between them. ''You're on, hjartat.'' They go their three laps, and run home together. After a shower, they crash on the couch. They could get used to this, this domestic calmness they've both been craving for years.
Erik's team casual gear arrives with the moving truck. And, they spend the entire day at home getting Erik properly moved in, making this house a home for both of them. Shifting things around, sifting through things they can get rid of, doing a deep clean of the house in the process. Kris' phone rings on the breakfast bar, he goes to pick it up, it's Sid. ''Bonjour, captain, how's life?''
Sid says. ''Good, excited to finally get going, especially with our new teammate. How are you doing?''
Kris says, beaming over at Erik. ''Great, looking forward to seeing you and Geno again anyway. When do you two get back north from Florida?''
Sid answers, after a moment of silence. ''We fly in tomorrow, how about you come over for dinner? With Erik too, if he's in the city already.'' Kris purses his lips, thinking of how to say this, it would be so easy to just admit everything, but that would ruin the game. ''Yeah, sure, I'll fill him in.''
Sid's voice is bright as he says. ''Cool, see you tomorrow, then!'' Kris nods, throat suddenly very dry. ''See you tomorrow, give Geno a hug for me.'' They hang up. Kris returns to the living room, where Erik is trying to figure out where some of his milestone pucks should go. ''Sid wants us to go over for dinner tomorrow night, he and Geno get back tomorrow morning.''
Erik says, arranging the pucks how he wants them. ''Let the game begin.'' Kris laughs, and presses a kiss to Erik's temple. He gets back to setting the house up.
Dinner arrives, and they pull up at Sid and Geno's house. They share a devious look, time to begin their little game. Sid welcomes them inside with hugs. They go through to the dining room, and get seated. Erik places an apple pie on the table, Kris hands Geno a bottle of wine. ''So, you enjoying the city so far, Erik?'' Sid asks, ever a diligent captain. Erik nods, forking some of his steak. ''Yeah, I never quite knew how interesting Pittsburgh was until now.''
Kris jokes, nudging his partner's knee with his own. ''Guess you can't get to know a place when you're constantly in and out, eh?'' Erik nods, ever aware that his partner has never known anything else but this city for eighteen years. ''Yeah, now I'm in, I'm seeing things better.''
Geno asks Erik. ''You still wearing 65?''
Erik nods, he'd never willingly give up his number, it means too much to him. ''Yeah, I was so glad it was free.'' Sid adds, sipping his beer. ''Yeah, it's been a while since Hainsey.''
Kris braves some light flirting. ''It'll look so much better on you, Erik, trust me.'' Erik narrows his eyes, Kris is so much better at playing this game already. ''It'll look good with us too. 65, 58, 87, 71.'' Geno observes. ''Yeah, I hadn't noticed that, our numbers all make a chain.'' Sid says.
As dessert is dished out, Erik says. ''I hope you three don't feel as if I'm replacing Flower, y'know? Like, new core, yeah. But, Flower is irreplaceable.''
Kris shrugs, Flower leaving hit all three of them, not least that being the first summer he and Erik spent apart after their breakup. He had no one to help him through that grief. ''Times change, Erik. Flower is part of our family, and always will be. And now, so are you.'' Geno nods, and adds. ''Yeah, Legenda, Jarry still talks to Flower every week. Our family has grown.''
Erik asks, furrowing his brows. ''Legenda, Geno?'' Geno sits down at the table with his coffee. ''It's what I call Kris - Legend. It's on his gear and everything, my idea.'' Erik smirks to himself, storing that for later, for no reason at all. ''Oh, okay.''
After dinner, they get driving home. They'll need to start getting to sleep earlier, training camp is right around the corner. They get ready for bed, Kris says. ''Well, I think that went well, wouldn't you say?'' Erik joins him in bed. ''Yeah, I'd say so.'' Kris lets Erik curl into his side, and asks him. ''You ready to be a Penguin, amour?'' Erik leans up to kiss him. ''I've been ready to be a Penguin for years, hjartat.'' Kris kisses him back. Eventually, they get to sleep.
Day one of camp dawns at last, Kris is up and ready first, packing his backpack for the long and hard day ahead. Erik comes down with his team jacket on, dress code for today was casual. He drops his backpack on the sofa, and ties his shoes. Kris grabs his keys, and they get out to the car. They arrive at Cranberry, and head inside to gear up together. All of the others head out to take to the rink, Kris nudges his partner. ''Ready?''
Erik nods, and says. ''For everything.'' They fist bump, and head out together. Some of the longer tenured Penguins flock over to talk to Erik, even Sully is drawn into the circle. Kris, for his part, could not be happier. Erik looks over to him from his conversation with Marcus. They share a look and a nod, they'll be okay now, there's no more distance to negotiate. Things like this don't happen to them, right? But, it finally has happened for them. Now, it's time to get serious.
Well, this took a bit to figure out! I think it turned out okay. I've had this idea in my head for days now, so I'm happy to finally have it manifest like this!
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snobgoblin · 2 years
oh shit just remembered some other veterans discount things: the random gorillaz/ppg facts (RIP), the time I had a mental breakdown and convinced a bunch of people Gorillaz was ending, and Noobles
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themarketinsights · 10 months
Arts and Crafts Tools Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
Latest released the research study on Global Arts and Crafts Tools Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Arts and Crafts Tools Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Arts and Crafts Tools The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Pilot Corporation (Japan), Faber-Castell (Germany), Paper Mate (United States), The Parker Pen  (United States), Pentel Co., Ltd.(Japan), PPG Architectural Finishes (United States), Behr Paint Company (United States), Fiskars Group (Finland), STAEDTLER Mars GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), F.J. Westcott Co.(United States), F.I.L.A. - Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini S.p.A (Italy)
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themarketupdate · 2 months
Anti reflection Coatings Market Expecting the Unexpected future in 2030; SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis
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